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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 7, 2019 12:00pm-12:16pm CEST

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you didn't write any are going to be snide if you want them probably most of them do come from. the effects of this start your book on d. w. . this is state of the news live from the lead one of them says it's president paul kagame they are bribes for a ceremony to mark the twenty fifth anniversary of the genocide that killed it and they get people killed yes a monarchist wanted at that morial coming up to. the microscope national decent to be supportive of macedonia to false rumors circulating that the so-called fall
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conventional to europe or be open. and intended thousands take to the streets you don't want more affordable housing a growing population and shortage of yukon struction try to have friends and house . i'm christine will welcome to the program commemorations are underway in one of the twenty five years since the start of the genocide it's estimated more than eight hundred thousand people were killed in one of the doc hist and most brutal chapters in recent history ethnic extremists vaulted members of the minority tutsi community neighbors killed neighbors has been even killed wives the killings the last of one hundred days where now president obama took control of the country the victims are being rather than that with a week of come in the race. activities which began earlier today at the gunny
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invention center. speaks to deeds of use villainy is in god for as many it is remarkable that peace has held in a country where the spas of the genocide are still so fresh now you've been traveling the country and talking to people what's made that possible. necessity strong will and a lot of really hard work we really are in a country where people have decided to live together peacefully side by side where communities shared by perpetrators as well as survivors and paul kagame has really made sure to get rid of the ethnic divisions in the country here for example you're not allowed to ask anyone for the hutu or tutsi he's also created a culture of remembering and there are memorials all across the country way you can see bones skulls the clothes of victims they're really a disturbing reminder but
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a necessary one for the crime of crimes that was committed here in the country. disability from what you say a system has been established to sort of keep the peace but can one say that this country is healed. by you. the people of rwanda haven't really healed the wounds are still there and you can tell that the country is still traumatized i've been speaking to survivors who told me that they are still haunted by remembering how their families were tortured killed raped in front of their very eyes i've also been talking to a lot of perpetrators who told me that they are haunted by nightmares themselves that they are still struggling to fathom what it was that brought them to kill their friends their relatives their neighbors they don't understand what they have told me and then of course there is the young generation that has to grow up under
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the shadow of this genocide i've been speaking to young survivor who told me that he lost all of his family and it was incredibly hard for him to grow up without parents and so it is for the sons and daughters of perpetrators who are in prison very young generation here really had to grow up without parents but they are also the ones who have to side that they will come together and they will live a life that makes sure that history is. never repeat it right now as you've been speaking we've been looking at pictures of some of the delegates making their way to the convention center behind you for the commemoration events taking place today what can be expected from those actions he is that will see today it will be a full day of a lot of events at this combination when you here in kigali where expecting a lot of haunting testimonies to be broadcast by survivors who will be speaking
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about their experiences during the genocide are also going to be listening to songs performed by local and international artists in honor of the victims and of course there will also be some key remarks we will be listening to representatives of the african union. will be speaking on behalf of the e.u. and president co gummi himself will of course address branden's as well as the rest of the world we are expecting an emotional day and day where rondo will still show unity were they will come together is this something that we will also be experiencing on the walk to remember with thousands of london's come together they will make their way to a horror national stadium for a night vigil which will brighten up the entire stadium in honor of those who lost their lives in rwanda stockist ok that's. reporting from i think. now to some of the other stories making news around the world israeli prime
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minister binyamin this hour has begun or the promise to begin and it seems jewish settlements in the on my way spanking if you read next that the policy turnaround is being seen as a last minute bits to rally drive leads forces ahead of next week's elections now and the international all the settlements viewed as illegal. in venezuela rival political factions are taking to the streets as the power struggle intensifies between anti-government and loyalist factions needle funded by his supporters to maintain pressure on physical us in the room and anger is mounting over the collapse of heavy services and repeated power outages across the country. and the foster moving fire has ravaged a residential building on the northern edge of paris witnesses say they heard a massive explosion before planes up to the second floor off the building or she say there are no known casualty is the origin of the fire is yes. and it's to greece now we have process between migrants and police on the border
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with well macedonia turned violent on saturday around two thousand migrants started demonstrating on the border three days ago demanding to be cross false reports on line restrictions on travel channel and europe has been this tit. thank you for a third day at the greek border with north macedonia rumors of an open border spread on social media and thousands of asylum seekers came from god look your america run run run the murder charge was right the families are often from syria arriving in greece in two thousand and fifteen fleeing a bloody civil war they want to reach say for countries like germany. with no country bit like that's where. greece is asylum system is overwhelmed the next available appointment self and years away those housed in camps want to
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escape them we decide those are words that you hope will or you know proceed to the board that one must prove was that it was no problem the bit that is the board that is that there is a bit that in fact up. there are more than seventy thousand refugees and migrants living across greece as a result of the mass influx of people since two thousand and fifteen many are living a life in status waiting to be officially given asylum or waiting to escape. to have more on this desk also fatah correspondent. who's monitoring the situation from athens why is it that these people are still stuck in greece. well don't forget greece has seventy thousand at least seventy thousand migrants and refugees stranded here trapped here from two thousand and fifteen at the height of this refugee crisis with when more than a million mainly syrians fled through hoping to go into the heart
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of europe and as a result the authorities here have been completely inundated and processing these asylum requests it's actually have been a nightmare for them so as a result many of these refugees have been stuck here for years trying to get their asylum request simply hurt and fed frustrated and unhappy by the circumstances here in many of these state camps they're trying to find other ways. to seep through into europe to find their loved ones and to meet up with their families and that's why this rumor just had such a knock on effect and illustrates how vulnerable the situation is here with the refugees and how limited in poor this reception system here is and how inundated and overwhelmed the authorities simply are here and able to process is
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this a sign of. a right and you talk about the the greek authorities being overwhelmed how are they handling the situation. well for the time being at this particular site at this open field in northern greece india. where these riots to place authorities riot police are still gurgling that area they are staying put their own the majority of these refugees have been bussed out taken to two camps across the country but there's still a group of some fifty to sixty people refugees there they consider them to troublemakers and that. why they are staying put in fear of potential flare ups don't forget the flare that we saw yesterday and these latest crashes was exactly added time when these refugees were being put on buses to be taken to these camps to be moved out and that's when this flare out occurred car into the into very
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quickly what needs to be done to help people who are in limbo. well to start visit again improving the conditions of this day will do quite a bit because many of them are just simply complaining over and over again about the appalling reception conditions very overcrowded conditions and very bad health conditions preventing in those facilities another thing are also that the authorities can do is to increase the manpower on the ground to review these asylum cases and to potentially speed up these asylum hearings in a third thing that can be done under european level of course is a huge increase. countries interest in resettlement some of them within europe are and that's. a reporting from athens thank you burl and once had a reputation as one of the cheapest capitals in western europe but investors buying
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up large numbers of apartments have and to pushing up the rents to secure returns now housing activists are pushing for the government to step in thousands of people demonstrated this weekend in support of a referendum that would explode creates the property of large scale mantles and turn it into social housing stock. this petition is calling for a referendum in berlin about the compulsory purchase by the city of the holdings of large commercial landlords with more than three thousand apartments each. ten such companies together own a quarter of a million apartments in the capital the biggest is deutsche of ornon expropriation with compensation would be a radical way to try to solve the problem of housing shortages and soaring rents. expropriating deutch of onan would be a great start we have to take back control. why
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expropriation what else is other means to deal with these criminals fail. to have one and just buys up everything it wants property and profits it's not about providing homes. says. twenty thousand signatures are needed to trigger a referendum in berlin saturday saw a demonstration against high rents the drew tens of thousands the activists behind the petition say their initiative has some high level support. for a political parties but back us the left party many greens and some social democrats as well as the berlin tenants association and labor unions but our strength lies in the people in there are key partners even if the petition succeeds the referendum wouldn't be binding the city government wouldn't be compelled to act on it and it's not clear it could afford to act the doj of one company says it's not worried. the our. we have well founded expert opinions that
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such expropriations are not permissible under the law. whatever the outcome the petition and demonstrations in berlin and other cities are focused public discourse on the problem which affects a large section of the pie. eighty six percent of the residents rent their homes. we want to draw attention to what's going on in the city the crazy rents they've sold seventy percent over the past ten years people have that back to the wall wages on keeping up something has to give. but what exactly has more people moved to berlin the demand for housing rises to while the supply hasn't kept up and soaring rents finding a solution one be easy but if you're going. to see the show follows off to the break with the best of the action from the top of the table cash buy it. now what
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do i have to roll the stadium estate gives defending champions buy and find out soon that will bring you the bulls on the brain stops saturdays. and your apps a day i'll be back at the top of the hour with. an
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extravagant. and. really know their stuff.


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