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tv   Close up  Deutsche Welle  April 10, 2019 9:30am-10:00am CEST

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flows faster everyone but. the lack of water is equally dangerous. days and give people move south so they can plant crops and find food. floods and droughts will climate change become the main driver of mass migration you can write any apocalyptic scenarios you want and probably most of them to come to. the climate exodus starts in full thirty years on t w. the world seems a pretty topsy turvy place right now u.s. president donald trump has been doing what he can to turn the long existing system of international trade on its head he is a keen advocate of trade wars and a slap to punitive tariffs on china and germany trump says that german cars are
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exported unfairly to the u.s. and claims that they pose a threat to america's security. forces. there we go to the gas twenty first when they will be doing. the great work that does. this is nonsense ling trending global trade and it comes at a time when more and more people are worried about their jobs or feel completely marginalized it's all rich man's game. they're destroying america that's what they're doing. to us on the job down here no. everything is a minimum wage or a little above. our lives this is when you get scared when you hear jobs are at risk somewhere. it's a vicious circle he just can't get away from globalization for. growth as
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asian soon to have. for many people. how our president trumps aggressive high state policies impacting on international trade and our trade practices any better . they're. all. in sync of india hunger managing director of a german steel company says trump's america france trade policy doesn't make sense when target speciate factories produce about two hundred thousand tonnes of stainless steel a year ten percent of that is exported to the u.s. . but in spring twenty eighteen those exports were hit with a twenty five percent import tariff that of course raises the price of german steel in the u.s. but a number of american manufacturing companies need that steel so they pay the extra
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tax. this is also the. most of those companies have to import steel from other countries . and. it's the only way they can get it because the u.s. just doesn't produce enough high quality steel i mean. that's why steel imports are so high that dick loans it doesn't for the so be americans are paying more to cover the cost of those terrorists themselves so as long. as they're going over to father wrecked and the steel processing industry in the u.s. is extremely worried about those higher prices because it in turn makes their products more expensive. isn't given to hoggard predicts that trumps tariff policy will backfire because the u.s. products that are made with german steel including cars machines and industrial
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pipes now cost more turnover remain stable for now because the companies can supply the high quality product needed but the tariffs are also making german still manufacturers very nervous. i'm just saying it will say that we're stuck in a trade war that slowly escalating and we can't get out of it how do you see it. your fall is that is the story the danger is that things will eventually spin out of control and at some point trade will just collapse. i definitely describe this as a war not least because of the huge scale of it. and. i think that ideology is kind of care of our imposed on the automobile industry we're talking about a situation that could affect many jobs or is not the all life that you're fair so we're really concerned about it it's not all shaun's i was all. for years economists and politicians have been telling us global free trade is good for
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everyone president trump apparently disagrees now we've got a trade war on our hands. what's up in the u.s. . we've come to the rust belt a part of the u.s. which has been an industrial decline for decades you terrorists were supposed to help the steel industry there but that hasn't happened on business after another has gone bankrupt the downturn in the steel industry in this part of the country began in the nine hundred seventy s. and it has had a massive impact on local communities. president trump tweeted about this decline repeatedly during the election campaign as he tried to win over blue collar workers.
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general motors was once the welds non-theist manufacturer of automatic but now three of its factories are on the verge of collapse like this one in town ohio where the chevrolet cruze is spelt. she took used to welcome the concerts tempi like he drives a chevrolet but not a cruise he prefers a powerful gas guzzling come on. this is a twenty seventeen fiftieth anniversary camaro s.s. two s.s. convertible quad black edition so it's black black roof black interior and black wheels these cars don't exist you'll find for twenty seven t. is for sale on the internet. but if they see a president trump visited have high and demanded to general motors keep the town
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pound open g.m. plans to close the plant anyway. the whole place is going to close and it's this go to break everyone's heart because all these people like to do truthfully is to make decent money work hard and then go out and spend their money in the community and thrive in the community and general motors is the largest thing we have employer wise and trumbull county ohio. was living the american dream and he believed that donald trump could do something to change the norms of free trade that so often destroying jobs. maybe that we call in at the drive in restaurant wescott system lacks. b. c. c. doesn't much money hand that's typical for many people in this part of a higher a lot of the jobs that pay well have disappeared. still she makes great food and. all but one long.
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now the g.m. plant is closing what do you think you know what does it mean for your brother. or you wouldn't just monitor jobs around here now. everything is minimum wage or little bug. and there is a standard person just can't live on that it's. impossible for thirty bucks so are to ten bucks an hour warm ever work very well using our dogs that even do. the eversley make us a mother. scald sister is thinking about buying a new car a german car for the first time in my life to ever thought to buy another product besides general motors and she likes what i'm lazy thought was my good outlet i may take us any more we are going to have to leave i have one are ronald aren't as a first time i don't know of the smaller doesn't appear in germany it's a big issue. so there's a rust belt resident who wants to buy a german s.u.v.
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that's built in tennessee for the u.s. market only well trained in the age of globalization pays no attention to international borders but that's not what president trump simplistic catchphrases and punitive tyrants would have you believe. many of high residents like scott and his sister have bought into trump's promises but a local official of the auto workers union says that tariffs don't protect jobs quite the opposite in fact. tariffs and they want to impose these tariffs and actually kind of hurt the auto industry because still the price of still what so it cost g.m. to build it cost them more money to build the cars here now if the prices still is higher so they're continuing to move. this work to mexico bailey david greene points out that the president has rewarded big corporations that transfer jobs to mexico to labor costs. president trump gave them huge tax breaks in this g.o.p.
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tax plan and in that tax plan it's actually cheaper for companies like general motors to import cars instead of paying twenty one percent tax now they only pay ten and a half percent tax rate on their profits so it's cheaper for them to actually bring these cars in from outside the country now and we think that that's wrong and we think that that's not helping our cause here at all. so instead of america it's jobs lost still trumps tyrus and trade wars remain popular with many voters the president recently claimed that imported german cancer represent a threat to america's national security and he threatened to slap a tariff of up to twenty five percent on them. i've come to the city of youngstown to meet the associate editor of the business journal brian he's the newspaper's expert on the decline of the automobile industry
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. a number of us presidents of trying to change american trade policies particularly skeptical of donald trump's approach. the trade deficit hasn't changed people are still buying imports despite higher prices in whether or not those prices will really be that detrimental to the consumer is yet to be seen. the the answer isn't as you said tariffs per se. the answer is in the trade war the answer is actually finding different ways more innovative ways to manufacture products in this country. trade wars no one ever wins a. we have to remember that. mr trump says yes. differ with the president on that killer issue because no one really wins
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a trade war it's who loses the least i think when it comes down to it. and studies indicate that while global free trade has helped the rich to increase their wealth it is also destroyed the jobs of many blue collar workers a trade war would likely make this situation worse. than o'brien talked about innovative jobs but what happens when new technologies end up competing with each other. we've seen that in germany in the effort to rebuild the economy and the infrastructure in the former communist east the chemical production sector in the beautiful dolphin region was wiped out by government subsidies helped to create a new solar technology industry there and various konetzni worked as a supervisor at a company that made solar cells. what was the mood like back then cell of valley sounds like silicon valley exciting. look. there was
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a new sense of optimism people were saying that the technology sector was growing and creating more jobs in the region unemployment started falling. more they know. government subsidies helped the new solar cell sector to get started and compete effectively in world markets but at about the same time china massively increased subsidies in its solar cell industries and the german sector crashed once again and drabs come yet sneek found himself facing an uncertain future. is this if you get scared when you hear jobs are at risk somewhere. and it's even worse for older workers. who are afraid that you won't be able to find a new job in the same region. like you're german minister of economics and technology at the time. was opposed to mall subsidies he preferred a free market approach yes it is. because his video here of
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a socialist speaking in the bundestag and he's talking about whether the subsidies for the solar energy sector should continue. or not. i don't think there's been a record increase in the solar cell sector and eighty million customers and four million small to medium sized businesses are paying the price this sort of command economy policy is not acceptable here in europe and i'm sure this case even if it does is it what do you think he meant by that. but it is well that's politics for you it hasn't changed. it's a complicated situation. and it is pretty hard to make any sense of it first the german government provided subsidies and then cut them then the e.u. stepped in with protective tariffs but china with its command economy became the world leader in the production of solar cells andre has come yet snit was demoted
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to a janitor's job at the factory. terrace and subsidies seem to be part of the cultural world of international trade and prayers konetzni and scott probably feel like pieces on the chessboard of globalization. economist yes says the populist donald trump is playing to the existential fears of these workers . there's one reason why donald trump became president. he won states that had been hit hard by globalization in the midwest plus pennsylvania and ohio. these states traditionally vote democrat but he managed to carry them by attacking globalization and china and his campaign speeches without the states that have lost out because of globalization it's impossible to understand donald trump success. for. president trump is clearly
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abandon the principles of free trade in favor of tariffs and trade wars but free trade has never really been free. for. everyone is talking about free trade right now. but free trade does not exist. to compete with each other. well trade may not be fair but now more than ever one rule seems to govern survival of the fittest for example in africa where the u.s. and china are expanding their trade presence. both countries see excellent opportunities in the west african country of ghana or the gold coast as it was once known. this part of the continent is rich in natural resources. the european union is also involved in trade here and is acting in its own interests by demanding duty free market access for subsidized
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european agricultural products ghana of course would prefer to continue to produce its own farm products to keep young people in rural areas gainfully employed. but the e.u. is having none of that. i come to ghana's capital akram to meet economist and labor expert otoh we stopped by tomato market to says the prices are set here on a daily basis. that someone you know someone in the market who is fixing the prize in the morning. was like the sellers tell me that they need a fair price it's the dry season now so tomatoes are brought down from ghana's far north east they can't compete with inexpensive tomato paste that's imported from europe and china. you can find it on sale just about everywhere.
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fresh local tomatoes are left to rot. it's hot and humid right now so those tomato should be processed quickly but that's. not an option there's nothing disagree here john. locke that our body i know what you look like that. was definitely important competition for you guys but there's no message could be said his. voice must apply to bring your from europe the allies that are metal from italy is of little surprise by do it then commission of a fraud that's to apply to a lot of manufacturing in china is a little less. visible and they're not going to sell as i think of everything that has. gone as main agricultural exports has cocoa it is the wealth second largest producer and exporter of rattlers.
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but almost none of it is processed into chocolate here that's down in other countries. germany for example is europe's leading producer of chocolate has. an ice such the local markets for chocolate passing a can find any we finally managed to track some down at base carriage the shortage of processed chocolate here comes as no surprise to us whose father was a coke i found. that comes about produce closer to the robot which of course by you have to make a special effort they're not that lucky it's chocolate hot like in germany where you produce zero amount of coke. it is everywhere so how many knock off i'm as a problem in the hop is that chocolate before and i'm not to throw it out my part i did before you buy into or you produced a large amount of column letters in
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a possible the producer image board destructors. to say germany or you are. closer using the old but it's probably because of the triple this is not mentioned so it doesn't possess kooky. it would. have. terrified escalation is a new concept. for years the country was allowed to protect itself against cheap agricultural imports and exports its own farm products duty free. but in recent free trade agreements the e.u. gonna to drop its tyrus if it wanted to continue exports in.
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some pressure from. being. a significant amount of pressure. that if you don't. remember. poor countries are going to lose the. you. know this is a. we're clear interests. in the past. like mr trump would i say important as our time says. so when it comes to international trade it's europe first and germany first although we don't chant about it back to your ass stance we just poke pressure on our less powerful trading partners. i head back to europe via italy.
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i've come to the southern province of where tomatoes are grown german this summer for export. i'm on my way to visit one of the farms. the crop is being harvested mostly by african immigrants. one of them is in three c. in new south from ghana he wanted a better life so he made his way to north africa and then to italy and now he stuck here. and i ask him what he earns picking tomatoes for tomatoes the business of those of us closest dream euro fifty cents per hour and not pay i want a son i say. how much do you hear oh i almost gave in you take one hour and i wanted to miss one hour you make one. you know so you you get three yours or
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three year fifty lest the hour your family. teach you all. i see the logic to work there the problem they just you tell it is almost like a slave enough i can sense or to say. adrian c. is earning next to nothing harvesting e.u. subsidized tomatoes and in the process he is indirectly hurting the tomato industry in his home country. like scott j. took in the us sometimes rask on its knee in bits of felt it three c. in new south is subject to the forces of international trite the local farm workers union is demanding higher wages for these people union official daniel like a valley is looking into it three c's case. but it notes that edriss last employer paid him less than half the national minimum wage. there was fear.
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because there's a lot of bustle. with such low wages they can't afford to pay rent and it's impossible for them to become integrated into mitali in society. because it is going to leave it in a bundle many of them live illegally in abandoned houses in the countryside yet there is a will or they live in ghettos near towns. they go into. i want to see where it recently lives so i drive him home to an abandoned military airfield. migrant workers leave in barracks and containers set up on what used to be the runway. these are all the houses for people to for many of. the twenty dollars trying to
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drive the people. it's a ghetto for migrant workers right in the middle of a. a european union. place . for me to get you. interested in news is corporate when a rock and a hard place he can't become part of european society and he can't go back to ghana where he would be shunned as a loser he's one of the victims of globalization. i'd like to talk to the e.u. trade commissioner about subsidies tariffs and worker exploitation but she has no time for an interview so instead of visit chancellor merkel's personal representative for africa policy and ask him the same questions.
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do germany and the e.u. treat the victims of globalization any different than the u.s. stands right now. in italy we saw african farmers being treated essentially like slaves or had a lot less than italy's minimum wage harvesting tomatoes that are then exported to ghana has ruined the domestic tomato market then that makes sense as you know it was not this was in kinds and no unfortunately i think maybe ghana overestimated its own ability. it improved an interim trade agreement that was in its own favor. as. a trade. and it looks as we did not seek a serious discussion on trade issues. we had decided that free trade is good. and we wanted to get our products into that market and so we try to persuade the africans to agree to our proposals and so. we didn't even think about the fact that
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it's ridiculous to bring people from ghana to italy to harvest tomatoes and then send those tomatoes back it will make a lot more sense to produce tomatoes in africa it has the right weather for it comes to policy and procedures chancer agrees the chancellor sees it like i do. no cause says those policies have to be reconsidered to improve trade relations and end the migration of refugees from africa to europe. the us would lovely girls prosperous africa is in the best interests of germany and europe you've no i'm not lee incision and i know she says less that wants to come to europe as a woman you've always got some alpha is not. europe first china first america fast you three see in contrast come yet. and in the us sculpture took all wanted a better life they didn't get it major donald trump international trade has become
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a game that only powerful states can where it's now the survival of the fittest but what happened to the promise of prosperity for everyone. an idea that was coined in germany. fascinating landscapes. mystical forests. a village tucked away in the monks of la. love on family cannot imagine any other work. gold area just sun has set off for the distance city where he hopes to build
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himself a future. far from the village above the clouds. seventy five w. . stay up to date don't miss our highlights. program online w dot com highlights.
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this is news coming to you live from berlin down to the wire in israel it's the tightest of races with both baby carrots claiming victory in the election but incumbent benyamin netanyahu looks to have the edge we'll have all the latest on the first results and what they mean for the country also coming up it's almost pretty day ok britain's theresa may prepares to ask european leaders for a delay to break that if they refuse u.k. could crash out of the e.u. in two days time.


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