tv DW News Deutsche Welle April 10, 2019 4:00pm-4:30pm CEST
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shorts of the future too soon to be w. . this is d. w. news live from berlin astronomers reveal one of the mysteries of the universe the first ever in the age of a black hole advancing the understanding of one of the most mysterious objects in the cosmos it's considered a milestone in astrophysics also coming up britain's treason may step down another deadline with a request of the european union for yet another brick set extension she's in
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brussels hoping for a delay until some of the e.u. leaders have other ideas the deadline is friday night. and the farewell to a basket full legends germany's novitsky pulls time on a glittering two decade career in north america's n.b.a. . mackinnon thanks so much for joining us astronomers have just revealed what they are calling a ground breaking development at a series of coordinated press conferences around the world researches using a global network of telescopes announced they had photographed the edge of a black hole for the very first time black holes all celestial objects with such strong gravitational fields that even lie. it gets pulled into them scientists hope
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the new images will explain how must act in such extreme conditions which could verify all contradict for example albert einstein's theory of relativity. so to explain that for us i'm joined now by. science desk thanks so much for joining us tell me why these images of a black hole are such a big deal haven't scientists known what black holes looked like for a long time well no they haven't which is great enough because it was widely except that that holds do it exists but there was no proof so far so everything we saw so far west simulations it was no real image and now this is the first real image it's the proof also of their existence i was so excited that i even dreamt about lycos tonight it's really a big step in. and then signs in general and in our knowledge about the universe
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ok stay where you are we'll talk more in a moment first we're going to take more of a look at what black holes actually ah and why people say fascinated by them. black holes they're like cosmic vacuum cleaner sucking up anything that comes too close and the matter that crosses the so-called event horizon is then gone forever. black holes are created when dying stars collapse in on themselves or when two stars collide and their masses merge. the gravitational forces become so massive that the matter is squeezed into a single point called the singularity. black hole start small but as they suck up more and more material in their path they can begin to grow and eventually become super massive black holes like the one of the center of our galaxy the milky way. with the gravitational pull stronger than four million stars similar to our sun. until now astronomers had been unable to see the milky way central
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supermassive black hole directly they inferred its existence from the stars orbiting around the black hole and from hot matter surrounding it this first ever has only been possible through the event horizon telescope a global network of radio telescopes gathering data from all around the world. are coordinated with atomic clocks to synchronize and all that data is combined after the fact into what's called a correlator and that correlate or ultimately produces data that can be constructed into an image. astronomers want to explore how matter can disappear from our world for ever and to take a deeper look into einstein's theory of relativity and its initial theory on black holes. and we heard there in that report about a network of radio telescopes across the world tell me more about the teamwork the
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international cooperation the behind the ability to capture these images this whole project wouldn't be possible without international cooperation there were eight telescopes so far in this network which where working together very very expensively there where using atomic clocks for example that use only one second every million every hundred million years so it's very accurate and it's needed they they need those difference pots on on earth to really observe of and to gather all those states have because imagine it's very foul way this black hole they observe now is at the center of a galaxy which is called a chief at eighty seven and it's fifty five million light years away from us. to capture those signals you need a really big dish a really big telescope that's why they needed those different problems on planet earth. yet to actually gather those those data this huge amount of data ok so
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amazing technology how complicated a process has it been to pull this data together of course we're not talking about a photo being taken this is a very complicated process right and what you just mentioned is really important it's not a photo it's an image so it's made up it's calculated by the data they gathered and it's not showing the actual black hole as a black hole is by definition invisible you can't see it it's just starred and there's nothing to see so what we actually see on the photo is the dust and the gases which us were doing swirling around the black hole which is called the event horizon. when which is the point of no return and yet together all those data is quite is really a big project just imagine they gathered so many data that they can transfer them via the internet they needed to store them on hard disks and slip them to the super
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super computer so it's a really big scientific project and they made a big step today ok so looking at bigger picture how much closer to this does this get us to sort of us understanding of life and the universe it definitely is a big step i mean einstein's theory of relativity is at the basis of many scientific theories about the universe and about our world and now this is one proof that can show how those theories work or if they are actually true. and yeah it really gets as close and i think now scientists and i will dream about . this beautiful image and drink some champagne as well. as science reporter liao by thanks so much for joining us. the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu appears to have secured victory in his country's parliament tree election
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with most of the votes now counted he's running neck and neck with his main challenger benny gantz of the centrist blue and white posse but netanyahu is in a stronger position to form a majority coalition with a number of right when parties. it won't be a sweeping victory but it will nonetheless be historic israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu appears to have edged out a win for a record fifth term the right wing bloc is expected to hand his likud party a solid majority the divisive election drew mixed reactions from israelis. i got what i wanted. just because in my opinion there's no better alternative. you can't just come out of nowhere and become a prime minister and be believed has all the experience and big achievement leaving the shows how strong bibi is now he can do whatever he wants. exit polls have
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shown a deadlock with the center left blue and white alliance led by benny gantz he also declared victory but the optimism proved premature. one exchange in the country has been you know it's been going for a while i thought it was maybe time for change i'm devastated absolutely devastated . we're surrounded by right wing radical people who want to any more territory. in this part we're never going to have peace in the countdown to the election netanyahu valid for the first time to annex parts of the occupied west bank for some this would all but and any hope for a two state solution with the palestinians. i think we have just witnessed a clear cut short by the israelis to maintain the status quo as far as weak but.
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this was a vote to maintain the status quo to maintain apartheid. the election was also overshadowed by netanyahu is legal troubles during the campaign the attorney general recommended indicting him on bribery and breach of trust charges he denies any wrongdoing and would not be legally required to resign if formally charged netanyahu appears to have beaten his most serious challenger thus far. the official results of the vote are expected later in the week. let's take a look at some of the other stories making news around the world new zealand's parliament has voted to ban military style weapons in the wake of last month's deadly mass shootings prime minister just made an emotional speech backing the measure and fifty people were killed in the attack on two mosques in christ church a white supremacist is facing murder charges. the dalai lama has been taken to
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hospital in delhi as a precautionary measure after feeling chest pain a spokesman said the eighty three year old is in a stable condition and has been ordered to rest the exiled tibetan spiritual leader said recently he hopes to live long enough to see political change in china. german police have raided ninety offices across the country belonging to islamic organizations they're suspected of financing the palestinian militant group hamas which is on the european union's terrorism blacklist officials said the main targets of the raids are believed to have collected funds under the guise of humanitarian aid for hamas which rules the gaza strip. brazil's president joe you're both an hour is marking one hundred days in office the far right leader's first three months in power have been marked by chaos and blunders in his own administration a recent poll showed the poll sonars approval rating it slipped to just thirty two percent that's the lowest for any elected first brazilian president.
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european leaders are gathering for an emergency summit in brussels later today and they're expected to grant a second delay to the u.k.'s departure from the block prime minister british prime minister to resign may has been facing members of parliament in question and answer session may is requesting a short extension to bret's it until the thirtieth of june. e.u. leaders are expected to grant a longer delay with conditions may says it's a no one's interests for britain to leave the e.u. without a deal. and i still believe that actually the best suit for the u.k. is to be able to leave in an orderly way to be able to leave with a deal. i do want to ensure that that breaks it does indeed all of the result of the referendum there are members of this house who don't will one of the results of the referendum i do. of the german chancellor angela merkel is one of the e.u.
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leaders who will decide britain's fate at that emergency summit in brussels this evening she's come out in support of giving the u.k. a longer extension. that's why i argue that we can absolutely prolong the extension for several months if there is a large majority in support of it today but we shouldn't delay when britain makes its decision it should be able to exit the meteorite for the very latest let's bring in burke at mass who's standing by in london for us but it's looking like the e.u. would prefer to offer a longer break that extension how's that going down in london. well it's no coincidence that reason may has again asked for an extension until the end of june because she knows that rex it is here in london and many of her own cabinet colleagues are really on happy about a longer extension of the u.k. having to participate in the european elections for example so here's and even now and he's here in the house of commons have said if this is happening they are
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asking for the rules to be changed they want another leadership challenge for them this is really another man and also here in the house of commons there are many protesters also behind me they are saying well we just need to get out we don't warn to wait for months and months so there is a lot of criticism if that really was to be the case so what's to reason may hoping is going to happen if she gets the shorter extension what she want to achieve by getting national for extension. she wants to just prohibit that the u.k. needs to participate in the european elections as you want to keep up the pressure on m.p.'s she wants them to sign up to had deal that she has repeatedly tried and failed but she's hoping that this can happen however there are also people here in london that think that a long extension is actually good news those that are fighting for example for a second referendum soon we spoken to timothy garton ash one of the leading pro
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european voices historian in oxford and let's listen what he had to say. garden as you've recently had breaks into a soap opera but is it really is rose a serious threat to the continent of europe well british the negative consequences for europe could be even more serious than those for britain and what way. because we already see a lot of forces of populism nationalism and disintegration in different ways in the european union and brics it could give a big push to those forces and is there anything that the european union can do to counter that i hope that they will be doing it this even when they give a long flexible extension for brics it could that give the democratic process which will end up with
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a second referendum on britain maybe some staying in the you which would be if. it's for europe or with a softer brit both. for europe and you think that there is also in europe inception that britain needs to go through this i hear more and more the argument in continental europe that. britain is going to be such a problematic member of the u. the metaphor of poison is used but if we're thinking about long term for decades the prospects of the european union long in relation to china trumps america to climate change then it's clearly better to have britain inside so it wouldn't be easy initially but we'd get through it and we'd be a better place at the end what do you think if there was no deal what would be the actual outcome what would it mean for for their relations with the e.u.
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i think it would be poison for a generation. i think there'd be a huge blame game. and we would blame it on contra. mental europe the brits would blame it on the of your not me but the brits the continental europe for braman on the brits and then the economic fallout would be really very very serious indeed. so break that he is arguing actually it's would be better for europe better for the e.u. to not have britain because down europe could move on and could be more integration ist this may be a surprising form for many of your view. in the end i think britain or maybe just england will be ok we'll sort of muddle through somehow we'll be poor a week or less influential but we'll be ok but i'm not so sure all the european union. will be ok and i think that in this thank you very much my country. it's a burden to timothy garton ash the casting doubt on whether the e.u.
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is going to survive can people like him offer a solution for the current political deadlock the u.k. is in. he doesn't pretend that he has a magic wand but he hopes for the democratic process to take over here put his open palm and he says democracy is messy and sometimes it takes time but we need to go through this we need to go through this process and it might take some weeks it might take months but he's hoping that parliament in the end will find a solution and he said he's actually very proud of parliament at the moment he's proud of the the stance that many m.p.'s have been taking and a passionate speeches they've been giving and he wants to to see this transformed into action he also says well if they haven't got there by the end of the year though even he is giving up and so right but good enough reporting for us from london thanks so much. to west africa now where youth unemployment in the gambia is pushing many young people to leave the country the twenty five year old. is one man
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who has chosen to stay and he's encouraging other gambians to do the same t.w. funny five char reports now from the capitol hill. it's known for its beautiful coastline and the sex tourism that it attracts but for some young man prostitution is the only opportunity they have to make any kind of living one in two people live in poverty here young people dream of a better future. i thought about leaving gambia but i don't have any money if i had the money i would go to. youth unemployment is high roughly forty percent in the past people mainly wanted to leave the gambia because of its former president rule the fear and suppression until twenty seventy now there's a new government in place in gambia new freedoms. and that is what keeps pushing
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young people away. is different he has no intention of leaving two years ago at the age of twenty three he launched an online newspaper called the storm circle its aim to give the youth of voice the morning. it's coming to be. a very tedious read. a lot of stories that we're doing morning conference the team of five for free they all juggle second jobs they want to make sure the paper can keep going they focus mainly on unemployment and irregular migration an estimated three and a half thousand migrants have returned to the gambia in recent years and say interviewing one of them today. so there is a home for my. return to last year
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the twenty six year old says he endured beatings for months in a prison in libya. you know until. after his return most of us set up an association to advise other migrants about the benefits of staying at home sekou is all too familiar with the stories he strolled in and writes about all his brothers left the country but only to return to one never made it back to life from libya who tells me why did you stay. i'm a believer that. mark country. where a lot of people in america are from north america and so green to make my way over my country he's proud that mood is seventy five thousand people read his website
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per month but when does he think it would be true success when we're with a reach out to every young person in the country when we. are going to give employment reduced to a walk of course and we are able to influence the government and what is more sekou says he intends to keep pushing young people in his country to stay while also holding the government accountable for helping the next generation. the german basketball great duck novitsky has announced his retirement a forty year old has been one of the n.b.a.'s most successful european imports he was adored by fans in dallas now that he led the mavericks to their only n.b.a. title in two thousand and eleven and was crowned the league's most valuable player in two thousand and seven been emotional felt farewell off to twenty one years in dallas as you guys might expect this is my last home game.
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i so want to bring my family lot of people flew around from all over the world lots of from germany my doubts or my sister it's been amazing. i thank you guys so much for coming out. the german has come a long way since he first arrived in the united states more than two decades ago let's take a look back at novitsky stella korea. for anyone with. a down to earth superstar to wicki straight to success may have been an n.b.a. title eight years back but he kept another milestone just weeks ago shooting his way up the records of it's now six than n.b.a. all time points better than any european player it all began in his hometown of. was a slam dunk talent in germany's and significantly less popular basketball landscape
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lanky it great with the ball his standout play led him to the n.b.a.'s dallas mavericks at twenty years old. stills and lots of hard work led to novitsky becoming the first european to win the league's most valuable player title he got similar recognition for his starring role in the twenty eleven finals against the miami heat admits he pushed the mavericks to their first ever championship he was achieving his dreams after thirteen years in the u.s. . his accomplishments made him a superstar in the united states and his recognition wasn't limited to the sports world. it's fair to say that we have very rarely seen a better. playoff run then dirk wins he had last year it was. his stardom and the more than two hundred fifty million dollars he's amassed over his career haven't kept novitsky from staying grounded a humble team player he's also helped to lift up germany's growing basketball scene
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he received a hero's welcome in his homeland after winning the n.b.a. title. whoa i'm totally speechless. despite plenty of success for club and country one of his biggest honors remains carrying the german flag at the opening ceremony of the two thousand and eight olympics he's been bestowed numerous awards on both sides of the atlantic dirk novitsky the greatest european basketball player in history and a towering personality. some fascinating news now for any history buffs amongst you archaeologists in turkey thinks they may have found the world's oldest shipwreck in waters off the mediterranean coast researches believe the wreck is around three thousand six
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hundred years old it appears the ship was transporting mined in fight press and smelted into boss planet saturn. and a quick reminder of the top stories that we are following for you today an international scientific team has unveiled the first ever image of a black hole of vaults in the understanding of one of the most mysterious objects in the universe one astrophysicist said we have seen the unsealed. and israeli prime minister binyamin netanyahu looks to have secured victory in the country's general election as most of the votes counted he is running neck and neck with his main challenger benny gantz and netanyahu is in a stronger position to form a coalition with a number of rightwing posse. that's the news you know coming up
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. it's all happening go to visit a funny. story linked to news from africa and the world of. your link to inception stories and discussions can you and will come to that news conference any program tonight from born in germany from the news of easy to now i would say d. debited close the traffic on join us on facebook at d w africa. a city in ruins maro a. symbol of a long conflict in the philippines. between the muslims and the christian population last night as fighters occupied the city center in two thousand and seventeen president to church's response was. to her it will never again football game of. the reconquest turned into tragedy
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this is not the kind of freedom that we want. how did malawi become a gateway to islamist terror. an exclusive report from a destroyed city. finish in the science of virus starts april eleventh on deep. w. . this is due to other news asia coming up on the program japan rolls out the welcome mat for. a new visa scheme is meant to ease the country's chronic the labor shortage but the complaints of abuse and walk out about the hardships expect. plus. fake news be a factor in deciding india's election a day before polling stations dig deeper into the menace of misinformation flooding india's social media.
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