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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 10, 2019 8:00pm-8:16pm CEST

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managed by from. this is you know we news line from beryl when a moment of truth britain's that theresa may stares down another deadline with a request to the european union for another briggs extension she's in brussels hoping for a delay until summer but he'll here is other ideas the deadline is friday night also coming up out of this world astronomers reveal the first ever image of a black hole one of the most mysterious objects in the cosmos and milestone in
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astrophysics and israel's benjamin netanyahu is on course for a record fifth term as prime minister following a very tight race his main challenger has just conceded and netanyahu looks ready to set up a right wing coalition government. while hauraki it's great to have you along everyone well we begin in brussels where british prime minister theresa may is pleading with other european leaders for an extension to her country's deadline for leaving the european union maybe is putting her case right now to an emergency summit in brussels she's already stated that she wants a short extension until june thirtieth so britain will be forced to participate in upcoming european elections but. patients were britain has worn thin among the
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other twenty seven in u. nations and leaders want to impose a longer extension on britain to ensure the country passes were drawled bill for an orderly exit from the block. here's now what we heard today from the main players in the debate over granting a break that extension i think is that the u.k.'s repressed is for the extension to the six years of jews i could be working to make sure that we leave the european union indeed we could have left the european union by now the parliament didn't pass the withdrawal agreement so we need that extra time to work to ensure that we can get a deal through parliament this enables us to be even a signal to the way that's in everybody's interest i think what matters is that we are able to these the european union not the point at which we are actually far got withdrawn agreement that would enable us to leave on the twenty second of may that to me said the future is the announcement that the united kingdom is also preparing
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for the european elections is very important to me that will guarantee the continued functioning of the european institutions. is that it's of the off most importance to us that the u.k. leaves the e.u. and informed in a manner that we also want to keep the east twenty seven unified and will sapped in this spirit i have no doubt that we will reach a unanimous agreement again this response will be down i don't need to see you now it's time for decisions we've negotiated a withdrawal agreement with two years a lot of time was dedicated to that so i'm impatient to hey what's recently has to say but as far as i'm concerned nothing is a given and it's nothing and particularly listening to room isaak a long extension of critics not strong to. their spectrum of years of some of the main players is apt they summit in brussels for you but we just heard a french president saying that he's skeptical about a long extension is he the deciding figure on how and if there will be
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a delay to correct. he is of course one of the main players and he is playing the bad cop that much is quite clear there is diplomats have been meeting that there was trouble was france at this particular summit because the french really are very skeptical about keeping britain for too long in the european union but also he gets support for instance from the dutch prime minister mark group who is also afraid that britain could go rogue if the country would be forced to stay on in maybe into the next year because they somehow couldn't find the exit and somebody the slovenian prime minister even compared it to a bad divorce and if people afterwards are forced to still live in the same house trouble is brewing so yes there's a lot of skepticism in the end there will be an extension about the time there will be haggling in the hours to follow or theresa may as you know is pitching her plan
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for a june thirtieth delay to leaders as we speak but she doesn't have a great track record when it comes to presenting her plans. she's done horribly in the past and she's really infamous for that now and also another indication that things aren't going well is that the question answer session was her is already over so just imagine they are the leaders are asking her to resolve what are you planning i'm talking to the opposition how's it going i'm hopeful but they also read the british press and they know that the. opposition leader jeremy corgan has said nothing has changed so far she has moved so there is a lot of skepticism and people don't really buy trees amaze hoops and sure and says that she would be able to sort of get the brakes a deal of the line very quickly so in conclusion what's germany's role in all of this in this extension issue where does chance on the americal stand. a chance angela merkel wants peace and quiet she wants a calm exit of the united kingdom she also things of the future relationship she
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says that britain. we have to have a good relationship was them later on after breakfast in the years to come so we should be very careful what we do how we do this now and we shouldn't push them and we should be patient so she is urging the other leaders to sort of come to a good compromise and her voice normally is heard just so there will be compromise in the end we just don't know exactly what it's going to look like barbara raised the reporting from brussels thank you so very much. and we asked people on the streets of london what they thought about britain's plea for an extension on its withdrawal date from the european union i'd like that to be a long extension i think the whole situation to be reviewed and for that we have people's vote so. if may has a deal which we know she has then you could have the deal against remain bullish not roy it's good that starts structural you guys it's like
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a no vote. we are we haven't give you permission so the so called parole is small me money. we've wasted three years going nowhere. but we've lost the opportunity to do most of the problems and not just wasting our time wasting european time as well i think leave fust and then deal with it professions afterwards i think that's my thought yes some view there some views there in london about a possible extension of break that we're going to shift our front focus now to an extraordinary discovery astronomers have revealed what they're calling a groundbreaking development using a global network of telescopes they photographed the edge of a black hole for the very first time while black holes are celestial objects with such strong gravitational fields that even
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a light gets sucked into them. each radio telescopes in different locations across the globe have made the invisible visible at the heart of our swirling milky way as a massive unseen object a black hole it's so dense it sucks up anything that comes close even light itself the point of no return the boundary beyond which there is no escape from the black holes gravitational pull is called the event horizon. world famous scientist albert einstein predicted the size and shape of this boundary one hundred years ago. in one thousand nine hundred fifteen albert einstein imagine that this idea there are very big weight too and storms geometry that when the mass is to has he you make a hole a mysterious hole where nothing can get out of it where all its absorbed.
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astronomers can't see the milky way's black hole they inferred its existence from the strange orbit of the stars around it. and they say you'd need a radio telescope as large as the earth to image the hot matter swirling at the event horizon of the black hole but by using the eight telescopes in various locations synchronized with atomic clocks they could gather enough data to create this remarkable image. you may wonder how this image was made in the first place event horizon telescope data it's like incomplete puzzle set we actually only see the pieces of the real true image and then we have to feel in these gaps of this missing pieces to construct their physically possible image that is actually much our data people from forty countries work together to create this virtual observatory called the event horizon telescope and analyze the day. astronomers
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want to explore how matter can disappear from our world forever and take a deeper look into einstein's theory of relativity and his initial theory on black holes. from a distance black hole seem wondrous but up close there are the most terrifying things in the universe. now to some of the other stories making news around the world. german police have raided more than thirty premises in berlin and in the east of the country they are linked to suspected far right extremists around four hundred officers took part in the dawn operation targeting roughly twenty suspects they are alleged to have a stylishly network linking the hooligan martial arts and neo nazi scenes. to new zealand's parliament has voted to ban military style weapons in the wake of
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last month's deadly mass shootings prime minister just sent arden made an emotional speech backing the measure fifty people were killed in the attack on two mosques in christchurch a white supremacist is facing murder charges. the dalai lama has been taken to the hospital in new delhi as a precautionary measure after feeling chest pain a spokesman said the eighty three year old is in stable condition and has been ordered to rest exults a baton spiritual leader said recently that he hoped to live long enough to see political change in china so. the. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu has secured victory in his country's parliamentary elections is main challenger centrist pentagons to conceded defeat on the spied a neck and neck finish at the polls netanyahu is in position to form a majority coalition with support from a number of right wing parties leaders for guns as blue and white party say as the opposition they will make life difficult for neo. it
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won't be a sweeping victory but it will nonetheless be historic israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu appears to have edged out a win for a record fifth term the right wing bloc is expected to hand his likud party a solid majority the divisive election drew mixed reactions from israelis. i got what i wanted. just because in my opinion there's no better alternative. you can't just come out of nowhere and become a prime minister and the b.b.c. has all the experience and big achievement that shows how strong b.b. is now he can do whatever he wants to or to we exit polls have shown a deadlock with the center left blue and white alliance led by benny gantz he also declared victory but the optimism proved premature when it's changing the country
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he's been you know it's been going for a while it's almost maybe time for change i'm devastated absolutely devastated. we're surrounded by right wing radical people who want to any mall here or turris in this part we're never going to have peace in the countdown to the election netanyahu valid for the first time to annex parts of the occupied west bank for some this would all but and any hope for a two state solution with the palestinians. i think we have just witnessed the clear cut vote by the israelis to maintain the status quo as far as we as are concerned. this was a vote to maintain the status quo to maintain apartheid. the election was also overshadowed by netanyahu has legal troubles during the campaign the attorney general recommended indicting him on bribery and breach of trust charges he denies
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any wrongdoing and would not be legally required to resign if formally charged netanyahu appears to have beaten his most serious challenger thus far. the official results of the vote are expected later in the week. german basketball great. wicki excuse me has announced his retirement the forty year old has been the national basketball association is most successful important was adored by fans in dallas texas one of its ski lift the mavericks to their only n.b.a. title back in two thousand and eleven and was crowned the league's most valuable player in two thousand and seven but an emotional farewell after twenty one years in dallas you guys might expect this is my last home game. so i want to thank my family lot of people flew in from all over the world there
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are lots of from from germany but that's where my sister it's been amazing. thank you guys so much about. the one and only and be a great fit ski are right what a storied career up next tuesday the view of business africa thank you so much for spending this part of your day with me i'll see again tomorrow same time same place . and. language courses. to deal. with.
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