tv Eco India Deutsche Welle April 15, 2019 2:30pm-3:01pm CEST
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there's probably no place anywhere in the world when things are going to be such a quick succession on. the renaissance. starts april twenty second w. hello welcome to eco india a sustainability magazine that gives you the solutions to future proof your life every week we train the spotlight on technologies that are taking us one step closer to a cleaver and agree no tomorrow. coming to you from mumbai in india over the next thirty minutes probably all the lies issued in the western state of budget office
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is making buildings a disaster as seen by using traditional technology howard dean of german scientists is using concrete to produce clean energy and how uptight will help solve the energy problems of the future. not every time i speak to my grandmother she tells me about so many things she would be different when she was younger like starting drinking water in an urban forth for instance because they're born with temperature control devices when she was growing up and sometimes i'm amazed at how efficient and sustainable these solutions work story is in the same group and organization in bristol in india is stepping into a joystick knology to make buildings disasters see they're also empowering local offices to document their practices so that they don't get lost among your dictatorships.
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about it. but then to my house where he left school after the ninth grade it didn't bode well for his future prospects you know but today he teaches students sustainable cup and. with my previous jobs i would work all day but never have a sense of receipt and a feeling of pride in having i mean something but there was no sense of purpose i was a deliberate and i had constant sense of disappointment today i'm a carpenter in the past i was unskilled after years training at. i can now make anything i'm asked for a roof anything. but here.
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the other two are and if you want but you know. my history now works as a trainer at. a skills odeon did residential school in in the best offer good out. carpenters from around the country are dreamed here and sustainable craftsmanship often bought from traditional indian wood work and construction. at the artisans live eat and study together for one year the school attracts dropouts from the formal education system. over the years and carpentry and me century alongside. skills needed to negotiate
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decent prices for their products. this school also teaches them principles off entrepreneurship. law was born out of the nonprofit who now shala foundation in the vehicle of the devastating earthquake in the region in two thousand and one which claimed twenty thousand lives and left millions homeless. once the rubble was cleared and the reconstruction effort began dozens opted to use
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sustainable materials such as storm. pallets and bamboo instead of. industrialized materials like cement and steve. i'm not going to go both muslims and considerable to address or. when i shot was falling too fast and it did does a new collaboration and empower sustainable building practices traditionally used by the local. local technologies and what you know is that we use are inherently more eco friendly than processed material because there's no processing in water there's no. carbon dioxide being the news by users. so they're not going soft ecofriendly. indicators first is why i'm producing that material how much resources are abusing and how much i missions of carbon dioxide that does happen. the second. and as
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a violin you're really start to acknowledge your material as the energy consumption of the building itself. so the first part discord and warded energy of the material the second part is how the building is consuming energy because of the technology. is it more climate friendly that means is that and what i meant inside more user friendly without using is going to all in france maybe. the whole notion of foundation has helped build close two hundred fifty thousand homes and worked with many disaster affected communities in india including in jumbo and bihar and british helping rebuild homes that are environmentally friendly
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sustainable and disaster prone. in good outscored she region for example of these sand backed stone foundation earthquake resistant. sustainable bamboo and brick mason ji but that rattrap born proved popular in bihar. buildings are also cost effective especially given that many of them are funded but government grants. to see very little or very less user draw from.
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and we try to rely on the things that are available of a stall in our soil. and if that are available there then automatically the transportation cost goes down the processing of the material is not there because you don't need a second processing of the materials for the cost was down and that's sort of the artisans out also locally available even or getting artisans from outside and just makes it really cost effective. no organization has expanded into affordable housing projects do including slum jihad to live. in a country with one point seven million homeless people sustainable cost is an urgent problem. foundation is part of the solution. although technologies are often the building blocks to developing new breakthroughs take for example onyx story a team of scientists in germany has developed
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a type of concrete that mimics the natural process of photosynthesis which is as old as the earth itself can generate energy imagine if every flat surface and every building in the world could help do this let's find out how you. know more than three billion years plants have been absorbing some life with the help of the green pigment called chlorophyll during photosynthesis the leaves transform the light into energy allowing plants to grow. this energy is truly green . in the sense. that at the university of castle scientists are trying to use the same principle to generate energy a team of architects artists scientists and designers are working on a building material that will transform sunlight into electricity like a solar cell. what i'm on. there using ordinary concrete as their
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base the researchers mix it with graphite so it can conduct electricity. after it's hardened the special concrete can function as a positive or negative pole. i could close money is an artist tossed in close to an architect they came up with the idea of using conductive concrete to generate solar power. must mean he has needs it also comes now what you see here looks like ordinary concrete but what's special about it is that it sensitive to the touch as you can see and that's because we've made this concrete capable of conducting electricity and this conductive concrete is the basis for our solar concrete. to give the concrete the desired characteristics the scientists spray on various layers of colored liquid the result is a dye sensitize solar cell that produces electricity through artificial photosynthesis the order in which the wafer thin layers of color are applied is all
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important. with them on if you combine the layers correctly you end up with something that functions like a photovoltaic cells one layer contains dye pigments when the sunlight strikes them electrons are released and current starts to flow. to improve their di sensitize solar cells the researchers conducted long term measurements in the lab a single solar cell initially delivered only millivolts what cannot supply over one volt of electricity if you covered with your hand the charge fall sharply and rises again when light hits the solar cell. the cells of fission c is currently just more than two percent that's not much but it's a start. solar concrete are discrete is so interesting because it's really easy to produce it's environmentally friendly. and can be used on large surfaces and maybe one day in the future all the smooth flat surfaces in
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the city could be used to produce electricity. the more cells that are sprayed onto a building's wall the more electricity you can produce to do this the individual cells need to be interconnected under ideal conditions a surface area of one square meter to generate twenty watts of power. the researchers didn't only come up with the design for themselves they've also developed a facade robot that can scale buildings and spray them with solar cells taking the concept to the next level. from one fascinating technology to one of the now when you're flying kites could help solve energy problems of the future a startup in germany specializes in flying wind turbines and a kites which harness wind power while in flight and there are many benefits to
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this technology let's take a look. this kite could help solve the energy problems of the future. it aims to generate electricity by harnessing high altitude winds. and busy i mean. it's vacation is that he developed the technology and scale it up to rival today's wind turbines. we're starting small and have a long way to go i'm always starting over. for now the kite is attached by cable to a telescope a car mounted on a truck when fully deployed it should soar high in the sky trials are conducted at an airfield in the countryside city but the team is based in berlin. the big challenge right now is programming the computer to steer the kite with cables like these. the generator that produces the electricity
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is in this truck. in off grid locations the dirty diesel generators are often used in are quite technology could replace them. today's wind turbines are mounted on towers the kites tethered to lines would rise to a height of two or three hundred meters where the wind is stronger and more persistent than closer to the ground. the intercut laboratory is on the campus of the technical university of berlin. the engineers started experimenting seven years ago with fabric kites. when the kite goes up the lines on furrow and turn a turbine which generates electricity. then the kite is pulled in again which consumes a very little power. it's like a yo yo going up and down. the
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team has moved on from fabric kites to ones made of carbon fiber. they build them and all the technology themselves and they're always having to redesign and optimize. as our motto is also has to make as many mistakes as possible in as short a time as possible but only once it is why we have to learn and the mistakes make us smarter and then make the product safer they helped us put. this is called being is a lost details for the wingtips right to do. the wingtips are also made of carbon fiber. the material is very light and stable but it can't withstand everything. like. structures can survive a hard landing. they've been working on carbon fiber kites for two years now
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already over a million euros on prototypes. the developers drive out to the airfield they haven't made much progress with flying yet. they often start at midnight when there's more of a steady wind. flying time and it gets less stressful so we can enjoy the fruits. they need to fully automate the steering of the kite but getting there is a slow and complex process. trim a bit. after a year of testing. steered by the cables and stabilised by the computer. now they
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have to program the computer to carry out all flight maneuvers autonomous. phases when the kite is still really close to its base the software has to be very precise little mistakes get punished in a big way but we've been practicing for so long that it's become routine. is still flying just a few metres away from the telescope. but once the computer. properly it should start to fly higher and generate electricity. earthbound wind farms. shifting focus. single crops leading to a loss of biodiversity a group of hobby gardeners in austria is trying to save and grew for crops from very rare seeds and helping bring back a variety of fruits and vegetables thought to be unavailable.
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michelle grows twenty different varieties of beans in his garden every year he tries out new types. these varieties he says were eaten way back in the middle ages these days many of them are no longer readily available. produce the seed varieties and the quantities that i want for a newborn are on average a beanstalk has three plants all from one plant on so i can get enough seeds for myself and a further seven or eight people to. the australian initiative i should know our supply seeds to hold the garden the group wants to preserve as much biodiversity as possible. many of the older varieties are more resilient than commercially grown fruits and
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vegetables the harvest tend to be longer to more than sixty kinds of tomato grow hair says. right now she's testing the so-called russian cucumber through this variety can be harvested until late autumn and what's more it's also resistant to a common fungal disease i'd have thought that the old varieties haven't been intensely farmed so there's more genetic variability a greater range and that's why they're more adaptable. if your chin that it potential is too narrow you can only survive in certain environments but not in others. older varieties have this potential. because gen chafer has long devoted himself to taking care of these treasures there are more than five thousand seed varieties hands collected over a period of three decades. and since they're so robust they could play an
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increasingly important role in the process of adapting to climate change organic produce isn't garden is also interested in these older varieties they perform better in soil that hasn't been sprayed with chemical fertilizer. trying to grow vs five thousand varieties in a five year rotation so it doesn't always work that we're trying to do a thousand a year we always take stock and say what variety is this how adaptable is it what's the produce like and we've documented all. bill get that man is in charge of the garden weekends visitors come here to discover varieties they've never seen before in the supermarket. and they find out how to plant and cultivate them. touching smelling and tasting is encouraged here the aim is to awaken an interest in preserving biodiversity. about this that are going to see every plant has its
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own story its own way of being cultivated by when you're really know a plant you know these things that's the only f one doesn't this think you are one of any loss of knowledge isn't impoverishment when it goes beyond a critical point society loses out to. itself. to prevent that from happening benyamin is doing his best to spread the word he's the chef at the noise show god restaurant and cooks with produce from the garden over the last century there's been a seventy five percent reduction in older forms of crops. it's hoping to make more popular again. from i always say i've managed to get around quite a bit unusual i thought i knew most fruit and vegetables but then i encountered a huge noah and i noticed i knew only a tiny portion. he uses his newfound expertise to whip up tasty dishes
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they've become known all over the region good food and good times this chef's recipe for preserving biodiversity. now to a story that will bring. a retired aircraft engineer it is giving underprivileged children in his community a chance to fly high and providing an experience that would seem like an impossible dream to many like them. though you know that you know. it's a day these children will remember all their lives for many it's their first time aboard an aircraft. but this plane won't be taking off. on a flight to nowhere is an airline with a difference going up with all the other words it offers passengers an environmentally friendly taste of flying because this plane is never leaving the
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ground. well i don't know if the other passengers are treated to a full in-flight experience. they receive boarding cards. safety briefings even refreshments are served on board it's an eye opening experience. i've seen planes in the sky i used to think they were really small but now i know they're actually huge. i now want to fly to london i've heard that a beautiful city. some lucky passengers even get to visit the cockpit. the man behind the project is behind her chant. a retired aircraft engineer by les sold his land and bought the decommissioned airbus a three hundred back in two thousand and three for six hundred thousand rupees that's about seven thousand euros a real bargain he charges people according to what they can afford as little as a few euro cents or even nothing at all for the very poor. i belong to
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a very small village. and i never expected i'll be coming in you know and then they'll be in their lane and then people from my village they go to that they would not be able to see that for that would be. this if you look at motivation that i would for the sake of the poor people. not far away a busy main road that runs parallel to the runway of delhi's international airport it's the perfect spot in the evening to watch planes land. even though air travel puts a lot of climate warming carbon dioxide into the atmosphere the age old dream of flying remains a desire for the poor migrant workers here. but i let my it's my dream to someday take a plane and fly to my village in bihar but that's only if i manage to scrape together enough money for a take out. further on at
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a railway crossing regulars here swear that this is the closest you can get as the turbojets take off. the god that in my village the planes are really high up in the sky but from here you can see them up close it's an amazing feeling. and then why did. we may not have the money for a plane ticket but that doesn't stop us from dreaming about what it must feel like to be up in the sky. back on the flight to nowhere person just simulate an evacuation to finish the experience. rarely has an emergency situation seemed like so much fun. i hope you enjoyed to be stories we've been to many more such stories each one giving us new hope for a sustainable future good bye and have a wonderful week. if
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if. anything. i'm a softie it's in my clubs. where i come from dr jordan mintz uninformed counted new soft promise meeting new homes and for a mission and when i was young my country was drawing each home from. the war trauma. most people want god love entourage received. it was my soul touring one off the lot of just roger. sites so as not
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everyone in the town. listen to those opinions. nothing husband prince admired known comedy have endured months of more design so long to even talk to us i was it's with all. my choices in this car because even the way to transmit the troops. men in the grass mom much and i want. to tell you. what's the connection between bread but home and the european union he knows guild not a job you correspondent at kalak baker can stretch this second line with the words sex by the team. cuts.
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staffing recipes for success strategy that make a difference. baking bread on d w. d to know that seventy seven percent of poppy are younger than sixty pot. cuts me and me and. if you know what it's time no voice is part. of the seventy seven percent we talk about the issues. this is where you cut. the seventy seven percent this weekend on d w of. the food.
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oh. this is g.w. news live from virg lead lives german justice catching up with volkswagen's former c.e.o. prosecutors charged martin winterkorn for his role in the emissions scandal judges say that he and four other managers will face fraud charges for falsifying test results for the company's diesel cars. also coming up sudan's protesters to stay strong under pressure they are resisting attempts by authorities to break up demonstrations at the military headquarters while demanding an immediate transition to.
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