tv Global 3000 Deutsche Welle April 17, 2019 12:30am-1:01am CEST
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when your close friend asked everyone to. the lack of water in. their junk it will move south so they can plant crops and find food. floods and droughts climate change become the main driver of mass migration you could write any apocalyptic scenarios you want and probably more. carnage exodus starts. on t w. a warm welcome to global three thousand today we visit a vast electronic waste sites in many earn a livelihood here that huge cost to their health. in belarus we meet activists
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campaigning against a new factory which they fear is a name baron mental disaster in the making. but we start in rwanda many fled the country during the genocide some and now returning we find out how that feels. the rwandan genocide was without doubt one of the darkest periods in human history. in january nine hundred ninety four the u.n. commander in rwanda omeo dallaire alerted the headquarters in new york he'd received word that a pro regime hutu group was preparing an attack against the tutsi minority but he was told to take no action. in april one thousand nine hundred four rwanda's president juvenile had b.r.m. on a hutu was killed when his plane was shot down within hours the genocide began in one hundred days radical hutu militias had killed up to a million tutsis. and politically moderate hutus those who could fled at first
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then later hutus fearing revenge by the victims thousands headed to neighboring democratic republic of congo and only now twenty five years later are some of them finally returning to their homeland. daybreak in eastern congo a region that's been wracked for over twenty years by fighting between rival rebel groups the un peacekeeping mission in the democratic republic of congo has so far failed to bring an end to the violence the most it's managed to do is encourage a few individual fighters to lay down their arms. until now. was a member of or a london group of armed rebels operating in eastern congo he felt trapped until he found out that the un could help him leave and return to the country of his parents
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firstly undergoes a thorough medical examination. the young man knows a little about rwanda he was born in diyala see his parents fled there after the rwandan genocide along with hundreds of thousands of hutus who feared reprisals. came here from a long way away now i'm safe with the u.s. and i think they'll help me i have a better future now. and another former rebel will be taken over the border to rwanda or later today the government there has pledged to reintegrate them into society. i'm so happy i had wings i fly up to heaven. i'm going back to my country. i'm getting out of the bush. happy man emilie's was born in one thousand nine hundred ninety four the year of
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the genocide his parents fled with him to see and he grew up here. he began to bear no responsibility for the must slaughter that happened twenty five years ago the young man a simply victims of circumstance. extremists who choose in rwanda's government were behind the murder of between eight hundred thousand and one million people most of whom belonged to the to the minority. fearing retaliation many hutus fled the country including the parents of the two young men. in today's rwanda few visible traces of the genocide remain. at least the two men are brought to a reintegration camp where former rebels are prepared for civilian life it's run by the rwandan government. was.
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you know no i haven't even been here for an hour but i already like it. it's a good place. some of the men already here recognize happy man and they fought together indian sea in recent years tens of thousands of former hutu rebels have voluntarily returned to rwanda. at meal times the young men are served with generous portions here they no longer need to steal them plunder to come buy food. the next day the men gather for an assembly they sing songs celebrating their country rwanda. was. it was. take led efforts to promote reconciliation and
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unity has been underway for some twenty years now these days hutus and tutsis once again live side by side notions of ethnicity and sectarianism have been effectively a raised. psychologist talks to the men about trauma. you need to talk about it he says but something these men have never learned to do. some of them were already adults in one thousand nine hundred four even now anyone suspected of having played a role in the killings can expect to stand trial. for whatever reason the savvy manisha parents have chosen to stay in d.l.c. he doesn't know where he will go when he leaves the camp thirty's will try to help him track down some relatives. have a man of my ease on the other hand will soon be reunited with his family the manager of the reintegration camp was
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a soldier with the army that defeated the rwandan government forces and ended the genocide he lost many members of his family but he's committed to helping the perpetrators reintegrate into society. so talking about who he is doesn't involve you. but. we do talk about it. the way of. teaching these people. the. lord we have traveled to. missions. the next day. is issued with some money and a permit to visit his parents for three days. it's an important step in his rehabilitation. he hasn't seen his mother for ten years she returned to rwanda when he was just
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a teenager he stayed in the d r c with the rebels. group. over. i'm so happy to see my son again. one of the neighbors are also happy some of them are hutus some scenes not that it's supposed to matter in today's rwanda happy man i'm always has other things on his mind such as how he will make a living. under your values are rich and the d. or c. we always hoped we'd find gold. but we never did when the i'm wondering what i'm going to live from and what sort of a future i'm facing. a few months in a reintegration camp can hardly make up for twenty five lost years in a war zone those who witnessed the genocide are not the only ones traumatized by it
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their children to face an uphill struggle in their search for peace unity and reconciliation. when industrial waste is not safely disposed of the results can be disastrous in hungary in two thousand and ten a huge basin of chemical waste burst causing a red sludge full of lead in metal oxides to flood several local towns. three quarters of the world's lead is used in the production of car batteries now a new factory and then a room is bringing residents on to the streets. welcome to the future a huge industrial park is under construction near the belorussian capital minsk a collaborative project between china and. the new high tech eco city will cover more than one hundred square kilometers but back in the present people in the city
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of brest in the west of the country are protesting against a factory also developed with chinese funding that's already complete. this factories come in for criticism because it will produce car batteries containing lead a toxic heavy metal. plant run by a company called i power which plans to make up to two million batteries a year here. your subic wants to stop that she's one of thousands of activists who've spent months protesting against. they say the plant damages the environment . in fact each came with healing thoughts that we're doing what our city authority should be doing is protecting the health of our residents the janja not. helias house is just a kilometer away from the battery plant she's just finished building it with her husband now she's worried that lead from the plant's production waste will pollute the air and soil. from my
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listening yeah it's a real tragedy this factory is dangerous because it puts my health and my children's health at risk. and her fellow protesters want to prove that i power management installed old machinery to save money. photos taken in secret canal legibly prove this. some suspect the equipment came from similar factories abroad that were shut down. by power denies the accusations it says plant construction was supervised by the bella ruse environmental or thorazine. of course these sorts of plants rank among the more harmful ones but a lot we know that. we've invested a lot of money and energy keep the ecological dangers to a minimum boston. union doesn't believe. she shares photos of the company premises
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and documents from abroad supposedly proving that far higher levels of lead end up in the atmosphere from lead battery production than i power is admitting to. on a separate issue i power told us that seventy percent of their batteries are exporters also to asia. china has been raising its environmental standards recently could it be that china doesn't want plants like this on its own soil because they're too dangerous and would rather import more batteries instead. in this protest song the people of breast say their health means nothing when it comes to industry. that envelops of all places where much of the radioactive fallout ended up after the cerna bill disaster thirty three years ago. we want our protests to change i powers profile to the point that kids' toys are
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made there instead of. you know your isn't that nice and yes of course we're talking about a miracle. a miracle that probably won't ever come true breast city authorities have confirmed that the battery plant will go into operation as planned. just how destructive toxins can be for both the environment and people's health is devastatingly clear at a vast electronic waste site in ghana you know global ideas series we headed to the capitol are crap there are reports have. visited the dump sometimes called the gates of hell and witnessed another side to it namely some highly proficient and extremely tough recycling since. their fourth yeah. i'll let you know that.
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for you come. whether it's a damaged charging socket a cracked screen or even a processor current job he can repair everything. so. he simply replaces the broken component with a used part. i haven't bought my. computer. across there are a passion apps like his on every street corner they tend to specialize in one type of electrical product. most canadians can't afford to buy brand new electrical goods instead they buy used electronic equipment passed on from developed nations which they then have to keep getting repaired you know one of you if someone brings me a television set that's beyond repair i dismantle it and take out the parts i remove the aluminum casing and the plastic parts and then i sell it all to scrap
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collectors. as one of approximately five thousand workers who collect and resell scrap from across vast electronic waste dump known as. they also buy ops crap from waste collectors on the side of the road to sell on televisions for ages and vacuum cleaners all these discarded electronics contain valuable components. cut him has learned to drive a hard bargain it's the only way he can earn a living. in the late afternoon the scrap workers head back to our blog inspecting the truckloads of goods as they arrive. the demand for electronic waste is insatiable. sometimes. for fabiano we. sometimes reach. more
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get. i'm lucky i always see. if i dismantle i don't think. they dismantle all the items man. really and find a new use for everything. composite parts for example can be taken to a workshop melted down and transformed into a bracelet. palette many i'm recovered from old credulous also gets melted down. the heat is unbearable and the smoke stings the workers eyes and fills their lungs. the resulting of the many i'm bars are used to make cooking pots in all shapes and sizes. and the
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toxic side effects of all this recycling are impossible to overlook the ground is visibly polluted livestock rummage around in the waste so that meat and milk ends up contaminated too. but it's the burning plastic and the effect dust and such in the air that pose the most serious health risk to. julius forbidden from the university of ghana has spent years studying the adverse health effects suffered by the people who work at the landfill site here. skin law through sheer number if you will also skin disease you. see government would be just pretty held on for the moment of pollution here it's talk in terms of how to clean up the quality of all it's terrible which we know about but there's really not tell us what that's going to do you have to make a living. if you're cured of big money i mean.
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the german development agency g.i. said set up a recycling center on the site in a bid to tackle the problem in a pilot project the g.s.a. has begun buying copper from the workers so that they no longer need to burn it is asked to be some guys. most of the first year gaining their trust an important part of the approach to this is and i think one reason why it's working so well is that we made sure we listened closely to what the scrap collectors said they wanted and needed. thought about them for you know one of our main considerations is to preserve the spirit of this place. to. eat workers were keen to make the process of recovering the scrap metal safer with protective masks and proper tools for example they also wanted advice on how to earn more from recycling now they can attend workshops here in the middle of the scrap yard the idea is that they can pass on their expertise to the forty thousand other workers here. they should be
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morticians uist because it's also linked to the climate change they've been making movies about once. dismantling is the cornerstone of the classes. the participants are shown how to take the electrical goods apart in a way that minimizes the risk of damage to their health and the environment. plastics and metals are then sent on to professional recycling companies. and the bad threes the dry spells as well they are very explosive sometimes if you can you see that it was and if these. among the people who knew with years box of fire and the explosion is all over thanks to the lessons that the workers have also been able to increase their income. we've paid to the. market price is off we go on line and we see this is why you say this is how much
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you sell and it was. closed and because of the profits got a new job this exercise was easy to go on. the whole of turned out to celebrate the inauguration of the new. cycling center. the site also includes a health center which garners environment minister came to inaugurate. and perhaps even more importantly the german development agency also met the workers number one request that very own football pitch right at the landfill site now both onlookers and players can enjoy some well earned downtime and fresh air. if you're born into poverty you've a high chance of staying cool forever it's a vicious circle commonly children in poorer families have only meagre access to
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education and limited schooling leads to limited work opportunities much of which have badly paid prosperity remains a pipe dream. but education can offer a way out around seven hundred eighteen million people worldwide live in extreme poverty. but with the secondary level education more than half of them could lift themselves out of poverty. that's the premise behind a hospitality school on the intonation island of somebody it offers a very special education program. soon these hotel trainees will be working at the reception desk in the bar or doing housekeeping but before they get to that stage the young people have to get their hands dirty. seventeen year old girl it has been at the symbol hotel school for two months.
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the fact the entire. i'm learning about restaurant and bar management and growing vegetables is part of that it's fun but so far the best part was learning how to make a cappuccino if you know. the so. the hospitality foundation is largely financed by donations. each year the foundation offers some sixty young men and women from poor communities the chance of a lifetime an apprenticeship in a five star hotel. they don't have enough like you who are more doe's the bee exit says foursomes beside the sea their family and their neighbor arya but they believe they have and it's easy they have a big motivation and if you see them since beginning and you've compared to the situation now it's really wonderful dad courts. lessons in the kitchen include making manny's serving breakfast and mixing cocktails. yari and his fellow students
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have never done those things before but now they're learning. yari wants to be a cook. from the government so tony eat corn and sometimes fish. we don't have anything like manet's at home i. have. to say. the sun bathes the bamboo roofs of somebody in a magical light. less than an hour's flight from bali somebody is still wild and undiscovered spared from the blight of mass tourism. but at the time comes the head of the hotel school says the people of sumburgh should be ready to profit from it. is visiting his family for the first time in two months they rub noses in a traditional greeting.
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some but as one of indonesia's poorest islands many residents have no running water or access to electricity and many children don't go to school. john darche i'm so happy i can get this education so the people back when i went to school here i had to walk three kilometers after school i helped my parents getting water from the stream wood for burning and grass for the buffalo it was a hard life. carolyn grew up with her aunt and this is the first time she's visited her for a long time they have a lot to catch up on in. carolyn describes her first day at school. she says her heart was beating so fast. getting that it that i always took care of that ever since she was
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a little girl. but now other people will take over. they will teach many new things in her life. since. the teenager will be away from home for nearly a year then she'll do a seven month internship in the hotel itself and that time airline will learn much more than business the hotel school also aims to give these young people confidence and independence. so i thought i found mama i promised my aunt i'd be able to support our family better if i went to the school so she let me go. this ability seen as the setting for a world class hotel. yari in erlend are hoping they'll be able to test out their skills by getting an internship here.
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imagine some day the hotel heiress will be full of guests drinking the cup and she knows i've made. baking capital could turn out to be the first step of a stellar career. that's all from global three thousand this time we're back next week and don't forget we love hearing from you send us an e-mail to global three thousand at d.w. dot com and check us out on facebook d w women take care.
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made in germany ninety minutes on w. . something darshan from fires camera jurors are dealing with i mean i thought i killed many civilians i mean the irish coming including my father one thing sometimes i was a student because i wanted to build a life for myself. but suddenly life became alledge kind of song. providing insights global news that matters d. w. made for mines.
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the detail of that seventy seven percent. are younger than sixty. cuts me and me. and you know what it's turned all voices but i. think the seventy seven percent speech obama beat. the seventy seven percent this weekend on d w. french president emanuel michael has vowed. to rebuild the not sure done cathedral in paris within five years after the devastating fire which gutted the gothic masterpiece firefighters extinguish the flames after fifteen hours and save the main structure investigators say the fire is being treated as accidental. egypt's
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