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tv   Arts and Culture  Deutsche Welle  April 17, 2019 8:45pm-9:00pm CEST

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pad why does sweden's connect brute contain ink from a squid and has it gets a crunchy our resident baking expert a new correspondent has the answers. and joining me now in the studios professor young of our from the university of plied sciences in potsdam where he's the professor of restoration and conservation thank you for coming in obviously shocking pictures for zola monday night but the good news if you like is the towns have survived indeed a lot of the main structure of not to dumb has it seems. what do you think is going to be the most difficult part of restoring this gothic monster piece. i think after having overcome the talk the main thing. task will be to get an general overview of the losses and the damages. that.
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night and to look inside the masonry the structure. to get a knowledge about both what the fire and water. did to the boche was to the columns to the vaults because it's not easy to judge only from outside what the structure of was affected the walls look as though they're ok with it fire and water the worst things for them of it's i think it's too early to be sure that nothing is going to collapse anymore so one has to be very cautious. that if. no more harm is done maybe two people maybe two helpers or two yeahs going to take tar anyway for the moment thank you let's leave it for the moment the french government is moving fast with
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restoration plans and the prime minister said while philippe has already announced an international architects competition to restore the spot. were not put downs central spire collapsed in monday's blaze it left a hole in the paris skyline and in the hearts of the french. now the question is whether notre dame is still notre dame without it. this is because the drill as per reasons and visitors to the french capital have known and loved it drone footage from last year shows not to down splendor before the fire experts are debating whether it really can be restored in five years as promised by french president in mind. and that central spire in one nine hundred centuries addition to the medieval cathedral should it even be reconstructed. now francis put that question to architects around the globe. the international competition will allow us to address
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the question of whether the spire needs to be rebuilt if whether to rebuild the spire that was designed and built by architect of yearly to do exactly as it was or whether it's necessary as is often the case in the evolution of our cultural heritage and of cathedrals to provide not to go down with a new spire flourish. construction on know to down began in the year eleven sixty three but it contains elements that span the centuries how much of the old must be rebuilt and from which era and how much reconstruction of this iconic building should be given over to new inspiration my guest is professor. president of germany as association of conservatives so professor how much of the old must be rebuilt and how should it be done. i think one
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should take his time to make decision to come to decisions it's quite early now. to come up with first. strong ideas the spire has to be rebuilt or not to because we will say it's the spire became iconic during the last one half centuries too and it has been designed by the ole the duke that's like the godfather of french conservation of monuments so it's everything is important to such a building not only the medieval parts it's like. a the train through the centuries to every. century put its special edition to it now what about the roof now this is going to be a monumental task the roof trusses there is talk of an iron or steel roof or
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wood which would you say is better i mean should we stick to what it was only yesterday i heard that someone came up with suggestions to rebuild the roof and in steel and steel construction as it had been as be done to many off a german and austrian churches after divorce because there was not enough enough money and not enough time and maybe not enough to during that period now we have actually we can take the french can take time to come to decisions and especially does forest the parish and status of the forest of not for dom of timber virk. of one thousand and three hundred medieval oaks from the normandy and it's. you meant in itself and as the so sad so horrible sad that this has
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been destroyed so vibing all divorce all the fires all revolutions. very briefly can it be done in five years. keep talking about time in germany no in france in france maybe but we'll have to leave it the professor young thank you very much for joining is. a complete change now we're off to brussels where are your correspondent your old matters who is a passionate bake it is based and in his kitchen he's baking bread from all twenty eight you can trees and at the same time giving his own inimitable insight into the local politics of each country this week it's sweden and its crispbread. this see you come three has bite. swedish bread is as hard as winter. and hard as swedish steel.
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and it's thin. yes thin as the majority that brought the sweets into the e.u. in autumn ninety ninety four the margin five percent plus a few prompts. if you want to be a swedish star baker just mix together sourdough water wholemeal flour rifle our salt and honey. the dose will be tough and resistant take a leaf out of critter to book spoke the swedish schoolgirls been out on the streets for weeks on end fighting climate change we have started to clean up your mess and
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we will not stop until we are done for like to see amounts to a trade commissioner she wasn't afraid of us threats there is no other partner in the won't like the european union again safety as many trade agreements countries are lining up to negotiate with us but it's a slow process you need to leave the dough to rise overnight not a swedish night in winter they never and ten hours should do it. then add a few drops of squid ink pitch black like a polar night. now roll both goes out and. nice and thin. spray with nato then sprinkle spices on top conditionally you two sesame oil cumin but i particularly like salt
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a mixture of roasted sesame syrian his up and margarine these hopes all hail from the middle east and that's where many of the microbes come from who apply for asylum in sweden in two thousand and fifteen. a record breaking one hundred sixty three thousand people no other e.u. countries taken in so many refugees proportionate to its population. next roll this over though just like liberal sweden is being rolled over by right wing populist for a long time other countries looked up to sweden's migration policy but here too things haven't always gone smoothly with migrant rise in swedish suburbs this has been grist to right wing mills they love to divide and rule. after ten minutes at two hundred degree celsius the bread is done thanks to the
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chaos of bragg's it euro skepticism is now decidedly off the swedish menu. for a country that's always kept russel's at arm's length that's quite a breakthrough. crunch time. the recipes and instructions for all these european types of bread are on our website of course d.w. dot com slash culture and our facebook page d w culture now beyond say has landed a one two punch today saw the hotly anticipated release of a documentary homecoming which. directed and stars in it documents a performance at the twenty eighteen cut shot of fast falling california when she became the first black woman headline about but she had another trick up a sleeve releasing
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a previously unannounced live album of that concert. the coachella concert featured in beyond says' netflix documentary homecoming pays tribute to america's historically black colleges the star performs alongside dozens of dancers and even a marching band. the event was widely praised both for the showmanship involved and for its political and social significance but the documentary is more than just a concert film candid footage and interviews show the creative process behind the performance from concept to execution b. and c. is marking this milestone in her career not just the film but what a surprise a live album release as well. can announced releases have come to be her specialty in the last years starting with twenty's or teens eponymous album beyond saying good and again in two thousand and sixteen with the album lennon aired. even though we've come to expect the unexpected from her fiance's fans are delighted once again
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she's proved that she continues to be one of the most culturally significant artists working today. the queen of pop showing everyone how to put on a show that's all for this edition of arts and culture thanks for watching on from all the crew here in berlin i'm myself bob i found out. after. entering the conflict zone confronting the
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powerful. the most of those are treaty organization nato has just started seventieth birthday but it wasn't a happy was my guest this week here is nato headquarters is rose got so my luck's be organizations deputy secretary general who she's now acknowledged the late show from syria splits in its unity conflicts off. limits to double. and your expressible chain reaction of progress. began around six hundred years ago. in the renaissance the revolution in fall
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should be enabled this mentions that people became aware of their abilities and strengths in a new way there was an outpouring of self-confidence and. architects . scientists. and artists. continued invented completely new things and toppled the ancient giants who had originally been its teachers even to. catapult europe out of the darkest millimeters into a new. renaissance. starts people twenty second on t.w. .
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this is why but from across france the church bells ringing in tribute. as the nation pauses to remember what was lost in the princes the leaders say they have.


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