tv DW News Deutsche Welle April 19, 2019 9:00pm-9:31pm CEST
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this is d.w. news live from berlin the u.s. house judiciary committee wants to see the mole reports in full. and there's fraud to be doing now truth to congress told the president accountable to exact. a redacted version was made public yesterday it clears the presidents of collusion with russia but this is a series of attempts to obstruct justice also one program a vigil for journalists shot dead during the riots in northern ireland twenty one years after the signing of the good friday peace deal police describe the killing
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as terrorism and launch a murder investigation. and that this is the man who could turn ukraine's politics on its head incumbent president petro poroshenko fights for his political wife ahead of sunday's election as the tube debate live on t.v. inside a football stadium. i'm called aspen welcome to the program the u.s. house of representatives judiciary committee has issued a subpoena demanding to see a complete copy of the report along with this underlying documents committee chairman jared adler said he could not accept the current redacted documents which he said leaves most of congress in the dark president trump has claimed he's been degraded by the report but the subpoena means still more questions will be asked.
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game over that donald trump's take away of the mother investigation the unmistakably game of thrones tweet is one of many defending himself and putting down critics. but the critics don't see it as that cut and dried jerry nadler the house democrat in charge of the judiciary committee wants to see the full report without redactions and he's issued a subpoena to get it most report outlines disturbing evidence that president trump engaged in obstruction of justice and other misconduct and the response ability now for the congress told the president accountable for his actions the redactions which cover about ten percent of the nearly four hundred fifty page report are said to protect ongoing investigations and grand jury testimony if navl gets his way his committee will receive the un redacted version one day before it's set to question trump's attorney general william barr robert muller who has also been asked to testify concluded that trump made numerous attempts to obstruct his investigation
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into alleged russian meddling in the two thousand and sixteen u.s. election but those efforts fell short of committing a crime. let's bring in correspondent tell humphrey she's in washington for us tonight eleanor earlier today we heard the statement from the chairman of the house judiciary committee jerry nadler where is the mole report of likely to lead us now . right cause i think that opening statement there was the opening shot essentially in what could be a lengthy legal battle through the courts to gain more access to the mother report jerry nablus saying that he had subpoenaed to obtain access to the unredacted report as well as to the underlying documents the evidence supporting that presumably with a view to finding out more information about the president and then you know from a democratic standpoint using it against him now the department of justice has until the first of may to respond to that they could well say no i think the
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question is what more the democrats looking to understand what has peaks that interest one aspect i think that which could prove interesting is those twelve on going criminal investigations which we now know about that something that the democrats may want to know more about but at the same time department of justice may decide not to give more information about this jus to the fact that these are active criminal probes which point the democrats may have to reassess where they go from here we've even heard today from more progressive members of the democratic party like alexandria cassio cortez who have said for now we will shelve the idea of impeachment proceedings now what about president trump and cell phone how is he likely to respond to the news of a subpoena. right well we have heard from the white house today and they have said that they're not concerned because at the end of the day they know how this book ends repeating that refrain of no collusion that said certainly the president has
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been very vocal today on twitter calling the witness testimony given under oath a little more than be asked although using that profanity in full i mean that said i think it's fair to say that on the issue of obstruction of justice and number of his aides essentially walk him back from the line on that walk him back from the brink when you look for example at white house counsel mcgann who repeatedly they did not take action to fire the special counsel robert muller on a number of occasions despite being asked so by the president i mean many people now are talking about obstruction of justice and what the intent is enough so certainly mount is flying right now call as this document goes from being a legal one to a political one and potentially lots more documents that will be available to be looked at there if that subpoena goes through our very own helen humphrey for us in washington tonight thank you very much well ukraine's presidential candidates
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have just wrapped up a head to head t.v. debate broadcast inside the country's largest football stadium it was one of the last big campaign events ahead of sunday's runoff election between t.v. comedian followed amir's events and incumbent president petro poroshenko opinion polls show portugal is trailing badly and he was seeking to use tonight's debates to boost his favor with voters. are let's go to our correspondent nick connelly he is outside the olympic stadium there in kiev where that debates took place earlier today nic look this is got to be the strangest format for a presidential debate that i've ever heard of can you describe for me what was the debate like inside that stadium. good evening call well it looked even more unusual as it started there were two stages at the two ends of
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the football pitch at the bottom of the olympic stadium so had things run as expected we would have had both candidates standing off against each other with several hundred meters between them in the end poroshenko sprinted across the pitch to join selenski on his date so we did have some kind of face to face interaction they shook hands selenski seemingly not very happy about that but he had no choice but to accept and then basically not much journalism going on first we had them providing monologues and then they started asking each other questions it got very heated we got very personal and the crowd about a third of the sixty thousand capacity in the stadium tonight started getting very vocal and booing and shouting trying to drown out the particular there was a majority of those supporters in the stadium but at the in the end you did get a brief glimpses of their personalities you saw them being slightly knocked off
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course and slightly taken aback by this kind of live on planet bill event whether or not that really will change ukrainians intensions this election is unclear the gap between the two seems so big that it's unlikely the person who can do much to draw closer but it certainly was something that ukrainians have been waiting for for a whole long time nic a bit of a sporting spectacle there you might say i mean how did the two presidential candidates actually address each other in terms of questions what kind of policies were touched on tonight. and again the disappointment among many ukrainians that there wasn't a lot about policy here it was all about personalities about track records you had poroshenko the current president accusing zelinsky of basically not being up to the job of being light on the policy not capable of standing up for ukraine against russia and becoming ukraine's commander in chief then you had selenski replying saying that basically it was partially because fault that the war in the east
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hasn't been solved accusing you of not doing enough to improve ukrainians lives their quality of life and then each of them accusing the other of having untoward connections to big business and people who control ukraine's economy but also attacking his personal record saying that he had basically ovoid did military service at the time when ukraine needed its soldiers most so getting very personal very heated and you could really see that on people's faces that they were both candidates professionals obviously but somewhat taken aback by the kind of roar emotion and the intensity of the moment lots of motion and that emotion will take voters to the polls on sunday in the final vote there in ukraine nick connelly thank you very much. now let's get you caught up on some of the other stories making news around the world thousands have lined streets in prue's capital lima to pay their respects to former president alan garcia his coffin was being transported to the site of his funeral which is taking place today garcia died
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wednesday of a self-inflicted gunshot wound as police prepared to arrest him on corruption charges. environmental activists around the world have been rallying today demanding action on climate change sixteen year old swedish activist reza tune burge spoke to protesters at a friday's or future rally in rome while the group extinction of rebellion tried to disrupt london's heathrow airport and greenpeace blockaded the paris headquarters of the bank so say take a general. hundreds of thousands of anti-government protesters have rallied in algeria capital algiers the protest movement succeeded in ousting president of the fleet earlier this month now demonstrators are demanding further democratic reforms and a complete change in the country's leadership. now to northern ireland where a twenty nine year old woman was killed by gunfire during a riot overnight in the city of london there police have identified her as
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a journalist will be run the key her death is being treated as terrorism and a militant republican group calling itself the new ira are the main suspects the violence erupted last night after police searched a house in the area. she was described as a rising star leroy mckee was an acclaimed journalist known for her coverage of the troubles in northern ireland the twenty nine year old was gunned down on thursday night while reporting on the unrest in the city of london derry also known as derry a former flashpoint between irish nationalists and unionists. hours before her death mckee sent this tweet from the scene of the riots which erupted after police searched the house it read derry tonight absolute madness. nikki was standing near a police car when a gunman opened fire she was rushed to the hospital but couldn't be saved authorities are now searching for suspects they were not on the road so i am
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prepared to say that we certainly believe there was more than one person. was involved and that's last night obviously only one person pulled the trigger but there was more than one person mickey's death came on the eve of the twenty first anniversary of the signing of the good friday or belfast agreement it largely ended decades of conflict between catholic irish nationalists and protestants. it is really heart breaking on good friday to sound here twenty one years after the belfast agreement was signed on to think that there are still those that believe the file and says the way to deal with these issues we need everyone in society to say that that is not the way forward i mean this was a this was an attack on everybody in northern ireland doesn't matter if you're a catholic or protestant british or irish this is an attack on democracy so therefore we need to stand together and say no we're not accepting this maccie once
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wrote we were the good friday agreement generation destined to never witnessed the horrors of war but to reap the spoils of peace the spoils just never seemed to reach us. journalist matt. hughes was a friend of lieberman keen after death he tweeted this i just received the heartbreaking news that my friend mickey was murdered tonight in a terrorist incidents in derry she was on my closest friends she was my mentor i can't imagine life without her and yet now i must matthew hughes joins us now from liverpool matthew first of all just tell us a little bit about. she was a giant she was one of a kind she was exceptional and what you have to realize about. she was about to accomplish so many great things in her career she just inside the same publisher that. sylvia plath in. wrote for.
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work published by she. though an incredible reputation for writing about the troubles and the aftermath of the troubles in a way of focused on human stories. and was positive and it wasn't. a catholic junia's noel it was about people who had gone through these experiences and i think she was genuinely unique in the way that she approached subject matter and besides that she was you know one of the best friends she was she was the groom's woman my about why didn't you know she she tied my time when i was getting ready she was there with me she she is completely her place of. it is there isn't anyone here who has
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a bad thing to say you know she was just such a wonderfully kind clever decent parson and should do anything for anyone. it still to feel very real to be honest she certainly sounds like an incredible human being now obviously the investigation into her death it's only in the early stages right now but do police believe that leroy was was targeted or was this simply a matter of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. and still most likely video footage from our that shows someone shooting hung gun so was a row of police vehicles in there was unfortunately started by one of them and it was just a horrible horrible chance. in the head unfortunately in this one those things where are. they she was started by folks that after
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a foot to the right we would be having this conversation. and he really really see that. person's absolutely difficult times right now i'm sure now new i just wanted to jump in a bit more about her work as a journalist she wrote as you mentioned a lot about the ongoing tensions in northern island can can you expand a bit more about about what her focus was and her work. yes certainly so a great deal of her focus was on mention the human stories one of the articles which propelled her to say to wider acclaim why their recognition was a piece that was initially published in the welcome trust publication mosaic and was subsequently seen the case and translated it was polled other side of the ceasefire babies. on it look the condition of the
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generation in fact we're following the good friday agreement following the peace was established in and nine hundred seventy nine shaky. crafter structures she said as a maybe. she once it's how human stories and she wanted to. tell stories that were often not told. certainly. when it came to be the o.g.t.t. experience in northern ireland. as a whole from the northern ireland to the generation before the troubles. and she was a beautiful rights and she was so good it's how these these human stories you know well thank you very much for joining us matthew hughes in liverpool helping us to remember the life of the journalist we were mccain thank you so much.
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thursday night's violence came twenty one years after the signing of the good friday agreement that largely ended the decades long conflict between catholic irish nationalists and protestant unionists in northern ireland but memories of the troubles are slow to fade in londonderry which is also known as derry. john donnelly is a former ira fighter from derry in his home is a small collection of treasures from the decades of warfare known as the troubles show me your glad for us the british soldiers belt back contains photos from a secret list of wanted ira members that it doesn't matter of myself and those are technically army. scale usually do and usually they are informal. using informers. that you know maybe it was martin mcguinness was the former provisional ira leader but later shin feigns chief negotiator for the good friday
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agreement twenty one years ago. for over three decades he and the ira for british rule in northern ireland. john donnelly was a leading political force in derry northern ireland second largest city. he was instrumental in persuading ira operatives to lay down their arms. twenty one years on the conflict seems to have been settled but for many this is merely a superficial arrangement donnelly says poor areas of derry are still waiting for the peace dividend to kick in since the peace agreement up till now. there's been no tangible progress. there's often the people can put their finger on and say look. that's that that was. that's what's happened and it would fade if you agree to that a b. and c. . in the rosemount community center the former ira fighter is
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a social worker helping those worse off. he and colleague tom court also a former fighter share one of the hardest jobs are with us we use a room there that binds us full of brutal stories. donnelly shows a particularly telling file. the sheet will be of it you have the date the client's name where he lives. what age group nature of threat expulsion beaten should in the combination in this case was a neutral expulsion from a civic. to punish so called anti social behavior radical elements impose a vigilante justice in the poor areas of derry. this is a holdover from earlier times when the ira policed neighborhoods. of tradition that radical irish nationalists are carrying on today. here. are mother
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and her son visit a community center they want to remain anonymous. the boy is accused of stealing a car is threatened punishment is to be shot in the leg. donnelly is trying to mediate. here in a bid to beat. i talk to people here should the threat. because. because we needed. we are girly write a letter. a letter of apology will hopefully avert the looming threat. it's a typical day at the rosemont community center an indication that for some people in northern ireland peace has not yet returned twenty one years after the good friday agreement. now to warsaw where seventy six years ago today jews who had been herded into
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a ghetto in the polish capital by the nazi regime rose up it was a preemptive strike because they feared they were about to be deported to exterminate in camps the uprising fails at the cost of thirteen thousand jewish lives now survivors make sure that the world never forgets one of the nazis worst crimes. the auditorium of the poli museum of the history of polish jews more than four hundred students have come to listen to christina bowden it's one of the last living survivors of the warsaw ghetto say that she delivers a warning about anti-semitism old and new on the anniversary of the start of the warsaw ghetto uprising the issue with. it's heavily on her. to that group that it's a large group of people like you leave here and talk about what you have heard then i don't think anti semitism stands a chance it's in your hands all the best and thank you for years up to live. with. christina bowden needs go was eleven at the start of the uprising
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a year earlier two of her brothers had been deported to treblinka concentration camp by the nazis but her family built a secret hideout for her the uprising lasted for weeks using flame throwers and smoke bombs the german slowly regained control of the ghetto. put in it's going to survive to her makeshift tied out with three other people until they were saved by members of the polish resistance. when you're shown them when we were let out through the sewers because of and then they put us in sacks. why sacks at the bridge when you pulled up and we didn't look like people anymore we were skeletons and we could barely move after spending nine months underground with you no light and no contact with the outside world where.
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is the spawn tax bill for the family. it's a miracle she survived at all over four hundred thousand people were cooped up by the nazis subsisting on meager rations. this memorial in warsaw commemorates the pedestrian bridge that connected the two parts of the ghetto i have to the uprising seventy six years ago almost the entire population was deported most of them to the troubling extermination camps. but several hundred children survived the warsaw ghetto smuggled out by members of the polish resistance movement. their stories are finally being retold and commemorated in warsaw those children who against all odds survived the warsaw ghetto seventy six years ago and are still alive today tell their stories again and again christina buda needs will continue
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warning to the end of her days that. shifting gears now to tennis rafael nadal has made it to the semifinals of the monte carlo masters by beating argentina's. in straight sets however world number one novak djokovic won't be challenging for the title this time the two time champion crashed out of the tournament in the quarter finals i don't know medvedev it was a day to remember the russian had lost all three of his previous matches against know that joke of it but in the monte carlo sun medvedev gave his more illustrious opponent the run around this point to help him break djokovic she serve for a second time. and play the first set was he must have known it wouldn't be smooth sailing throughout though in the second set djokovic she's quality showed and the serve levelled the scores at one set each.
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was as good as it got for the reigning champion of three of the four grand slams medvedev dominated the final set on match point he maneuvered joke of it around the court and then it's a thumping backhand to seal the victory six three four six six two. was on the fourteenth sees it as a sign he's headed in the right direction i'm joke of it would surely agree have been more experienced i'm starting to. make this job guys know that it's tough to play against me i medvedev will now face dues and live it for a place in sunday's final was a quick reminder now the top stories that we're following for you at this hour in the us the house judiciary committee has issued a subpoena to obtain the full russia investigation by special counsel robert muller the trumpet ministration so far only released a redacted version the report concluded that there was insufficient evidence that
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the trunk campaign colluded with moscow. and a journalist. mckie has been killed during a night of violence in the northern irish city of london mary police said rioting there was linked to terrorism and have launched a murder investigation. you're watching the news more coming at the top of the hour but up next is g.w.s. environment magazine eco africa and tony back.
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it's a chain reaction. to get around six hundred years ago. in the renaissance the revolution in salt enabled this mention that people became aware of their abilities and strengths in a new way. there was an outpouring of self-confidence and it's the. architects. sleep. and a marxist. can invent a completely new things and talk of the ancient giants who had originally set its teachers in the. culture out of the darkest bleachers into
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a new. place probably no place anywhere in the when things were invented such a quick succession of. the renaissance. starts april twenty second d. w. . hello and welcome to this edition of africa then vironment magazine co-produced by d.w. in germany channel t.v. in nigeria and quite that here in south africa on the phone is over and i'm joined by my co-presenting and nigeria hello everybody i'm m l today we're here in lagos we are really in i element today we had security.
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