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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 19, 2019 11:00pm-11:15pm CEST

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it appears to be the fact that. this is g.w. news live from berlin the us house judiciary committee wants to see the reports in full. and there's a possibility now both the congress told the president accountable for is that they were doctored version was made public yesterday it clears the president of collusion with russia but lists a series of attempts to obstruct justice also on the program this is the man who could turn ukraine's politics on its head incumbent president petro poroshenko fights for his political life ahead of sunday's election as the two debate live on
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t.v. inside a football stadium. and a vigil for a journalist shot dead during riots in northern ireland twenty one years after the signing of the good friday peace deal police describe the killing as terrorism and launch a murder investigation. i'm calling osman welcome to the program the us house of representatives judiciary committee has issued a subpoena demanding to see a complete copy of the reports along with its underlying documents committee chairman jerry nadler said he could not accept the current redacted document which he said leaves much of congress in the dark present trump has claimed he's vindicated by the report but the subpoena means still more questions will be asked . game over that's donald trump's take away of the muller investigation the
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unmistakably game of thrones tweet is one of many defending himself and putting down critics. but the critics don't see it as that cut and dried jerry nadler the house democrat in charge of the judiciary committee wants to see the full report without redactions and he's issued a subpoena to get it most report outlines disturbing evidence that president trump engaged in obstruction of justice and other misconduct and the responsibility now for the congress told the president accountable for his actions the redactions which cover about ten percent of the nearly four hundred fifty page report are said to protect ongoing investigations and grand jury testimony if matt lauer gets his way his committee will receive the un redacted version one day before it's set to question trump's attorney general william barr robert muller who has also been asked to testify concluded that trump made numerous attempts to obstruct his
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investigation into alleged russian meddling in the two thousand and sixteen u.s. election but those efforts fell short of committing a crime let's bring in correspondent helen humphrey she's in washington for us tonight eleanor earlier today we heard the statement from the chairman of the house judiciary committee jerry navl or where is the mole report a likely to lead us now. right carl i think that opening statement today was the opening shot essentially in what could be a lengthy legal battle through the courts to gain more access to the mother report jerry nablus saying that he had subpoenaed to obtain access to the unredacted report as well as the underlying documents the evidence supporting that presumably with a view to finding out more information about the president and then you know from a democratic standpoint using it against him now the department of justice has until the first of may to respond to that they could well say no i think the question is what more the democrats looking to understand what has peaks that
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interest one aspect i think that which could prove interesting is those twelve on going criminal investigations which we now know about that something that the democrats may want to know more about but at the same time department of justice may decide not to give more information about this jus to the fact that these are active criminal probes which point the democrats may have to reassess where they go from here we've even heard today from more progressive members of the democratic party like alexandria cassio cortez who have said for now we will shelve the idea of impeachment proceedings now what about president trump and cell phone how is he likely to respond to the news of a subpoena. right well we have heard from the white house today and they've said that they're not concerned because at the end of the day they know how this book ends repeating that refrain of no collusion that said certainly the president has
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been very vocal today on twitter calling the witness testimony given under oath to a little more than be asked although using that profanity in full i mean that said i think it's fair to say that on the issue of obstruction of justice a number of his aides essentially walked him back from the line on that walk him back from the brink when you look for example at white house counsel mcgann who repeatedly they did not take action to fire the special counsel robert muller on a number of occasions despite being asked so by the president i mean many people now are talking about obstruction of justice and where the intent is enough so certainly mount is flying right now call as this document goes from being a legal one to a political one and potentially lots more documents that will be available to be looked at there if that subpoena goes through our very own helen humphrey for us in washington tonight thank you very much ukraine's presidential candidates have just
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wrapped up a head to head t.v. debate broadcast from the country's biggest football stadium it was one of the last big campaign events ahead of sunday's run off election between t.v. comedians a lot of mayors alinsky and incumbent president petro poroshenko opinion polls show for sanko is trailing badly and he was looking to use tonight's debates to boost his favor with voters are let's go to our correspondent nick connelly he is outside the olympic stadium there in kiev where that debates took place earlier today nic look this is got to be the strangest format for a presidential debate that i've ever heard of can you describe for me what was that debate like inside that stadium. good evening karl well it looks even more unusual as it started there were two stages at the two ends of the football pitch at the bottom of the olympic stadium so had things run as expected we would have had both candidates standing off against each other with
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several hundred meters between them in the end poroshenko sprinted across the pitch to join selenski on his day so we did have some kind of face to face interaction they shook hands selenski seemingly not very happy about that but he had no choice but to accept and then basically not much journalism going on first we had them providing monologues and then they started asking each other questions it got very heated it got very personal and the crowd of about a third i'd say of the sixty thousand capacity in the stadium tonight started getting very vocal and booing and shouting trying to drown out the particular there was a majority of those supporters in the stadium but it in the end you did get brief glimpses of their personalities you saw them being slightly knocked off course and slightly taken aback by this kind of live on planet will event whether or not that really will change ukrainians intentions this election is unclear the gap between
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the two seems so big that it's unlikely the person who can do much to draw closer but it certainly was something that ukrainians have been waiting for for a whole long time nick a bit of a sporting spectacle there you might say i mean how did the two presidential candidates actually address each other in terms of questions what kind of policies were touched on tonight. and again the disappointment among many ukrainians that there wasn't a lot about policy here it was all about personalities about track records you had poroshenko the current president accusing zelinsky of basically not being up to the job of being light on the policy not capable of standing up for ukraine against russia and becoming ukraine's commander in chief then you had selenski replying saying that basically was that the war in the east hasn't been solved accusing you of not doing enough to improve ukrainians lives their quality of life and then each of them accusing the other of having untoward connections to big business and
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people who control ukraine's economy also attacking his personal record saying that he had basically ovoid did military service at the time when ukraine needed its soldiers most so getting very personal very heated and you could really see that on people's faces that they were both the candidates professionals obviously but somewhat taken aback by the kind of roar emotion and the intensity of the moment. motion and that emotion will take voters to the polls on sunday in the final vote there in ukraine nick connelly thank you very much. let's take a look now at some of the other stories making news around the world a california couple have been sentenced to life in prison for severe child abuse emotional court hearing included testimony from some of their thirteen sons and daughters the parents are accused of isolating chaining up and torturing their children and so one daughter fled and called the police. hundreds of thousands of
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anti-government protesters have rallied in algeria's capital algiers the protest movement succeeded in ousting president abdelaziz bouteflika earlier this month now demonstrators are demanding further democratic reforms and a complete change in the country's leadership. hundreds of protesters in sudan's capital hard to have taken part in friday prayers as they continue their sit in outside the defense ministry demonstrators are pressuring the governing military council to hand over power to civilians months of sustained protest helped to depose longtime president omar al bashir last week. and people have flocked to the coliseum in rome for a procession to mark the christian holiday of good friday of francis was in attendance for the ritual the procession aims to reenact the suffering that christians believe jesus endured on the day of his crucifixion that. now it's to northern ireland where the people of london derry have been remembering
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a twenty nine year old woman who was shot dead during overnight riot police have identified her as journalist mickey residents of the city also known as derry have held a vigil in mickey's honor her death is being treated as terrorism militants republican group calling itself the new ira are the main suspects the violence erupted last night after police searched a local house maccie was standing near a police car when the gunman opened fire on. thursday night's violence came twenty one years after the signing of the good friday agreement that largely ended the decades long conflict between catholic irish nationalists and protestant unionists in northern ireland but memories of the troubles are slow to fade in londonderry. john donnelly is a former ira fighter from derry in his home is a small collection of treasures from the decades of warfare known as the troubles so many young lad. the british soldiers belt back contains photos from
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a secret list of wanted ira members and it doesn't matter of myself or technically army. his creation we do know here's a very informed. user informer. can help millions martin mcguinness was the former provisional ira leader but later shin feigns chief negotiator for the good friday agreement twenty one years ago. for over three decades he and the ira for british rule in northern ireland. john donnelly was a leading political force in derry northern ireland's second largest city. he was instrumental in persuading ira operatives to lay down their arms. twenty one years on the conflict seems to have been settled but for many this is merely a superficial arrangement donnelly says poor areas of derry are still waiting for
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the peace dividend to kick in since the peace agreement opened up till now it has been all tangible. there's a lot there's often the people can put their finger on and say look. that that that was. that's what's happened it would fade if you grew up without a b. and c. . in the rosemount community center before my ira fight is a social worker helping those worse off. yes he and a colleague tom court also a former fighter share one of the hardest jobs. so we use your room and they're there binders full of brutal stories. donnelly shows a particularly telling file. this shit will be of it if it it the client's name where he lives. what age group nature of threat expulsion
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baten should in the competition in this case was a literally expulsion from a civic. to punish so-called anti social behavior radical elements impose vigilante justice in the poor areas of derry. this is a holdover from earlier times when the ira policed neighborhoods. a tradition that radical irish nationalists are carrying on today. here. on mother and her son visit the community center they want to remain anonymous. the boy is accused of stealing a car he's threatened punishment is to be shot in the leg. donnelly is trying to mediate. here and invaded we. talk to people of the threat. because. because we needed it. we know you write a letter. a letter of apology will hopefully avert the looming threat.
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it's a typical day at the rosemont community center an indication that for some people in northern ireland peace has not yet returned twenty one years after the good friday agreement. you're watching news stay tuned to business is up next thanks for watching. my first vice like i was a sewing machine. where i come from women are bound by this ocean to miss something as simple as learning how to ride a bicycle it isn't. since i was a little girl i wanted to have a bicycle off my home and it took me years to when i. finally gave up invention by me and i saved that and returned with the sewing machine sewing i suppose was more apropos really.


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