tv The Day Deutsche Welle April 20, 2019 2:02am-2:31am CEST
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it's a heavyweight battle unlike any you've ever seen ukraine's presidential election pits the incumbent petro poroshenko against a comedian whose only political experience comes from playing the president on t.v. even tonight's debate is stranger than fiction the setting of football stadium where the candidates trading jabs across the arena but the stakes are serious the future of a country fed up with politics as usual i'm called aspen in berlin and this is the day. i met her i am not a politician at all generally to folks i'm just a human being an ordinary human being a country slug who has come to break this system down in the snow today we just see
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a beautiful candy wrapper which is expensive and in which everyone sees whatever they want to see disappear the others are done i am the result of your mistakes and promises. to publish the truth but this devoted mere you said yourself that you are a cat in a bag you are not a cat in the back you are a bag on your back today is full of demons and cats and hours of these could we have imagined back then that he is enrichment of the people would become enrichment of his people only see you pointed me here because i'm going to coco the functions of commander in chief. the lot of me i was hiding from his conscription notice. also coming up tonight the day that changed a generation twenty years ago two students dressed in black entered columbine high school in colorado show. and killing twelve students and one teacher will look back
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at what was then the worst high school shooting in u.s. history. and. the girl was. mad in front i mean. we begin the day in ukraine where presidential candidates have gone head to head in a t.v. debates broadcast from the country's biggest football stadium it was one of the last big campaign events ahead of sunday's runoff election between a t.v. comedian volodymyr selenski and incumbent president petro poroshenko opinion polls show porcher co is trailing badly and he was seeking to use tonight's debate to boost his favor with voters the fiery debate certainly lived up to its stadium setting. and therefore lead to i am not a politician jani but i am not a politician at all i am just
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a human being an ordinary human being who has come to break this is just what true markets system. yadu singh i am the results petro alexeyevitch i am the result of your mistakes and promises. that's the truth and you know it. here i'm here the matter how is he going to fulfill the functions of commander in chief over your team already said that you're going to start a course for young fighters that's a good thing to do but you should have done it five years ago in two thousand and fourteen when ukraine needed the efforts of every volunteer it could get seven but not a mill was hiding from his conscription notice he did not i was. connally is outside the olympic stadium in kiev nic first of all just give us some background on this debate itself i mean this has got to be the strangest format for
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a presidential debate that i've ever heard of how did this whole thing come about well definitely call as we entered that stadium tonight having had a weeks of uncertainty whether or not this was actually even take place whether they would be able to agree. on a time there were two stages on the football field it opposite ends one for each of the candidates and it seemed like they were really willing to debate. several hundred meters distance from before present tense printed out from his stage and joined selenski on his knees and he didn't seem to be very prepared but have to accept and this really comes it gets back to his coming for a lot of criticism for having not actually talked to the press a whole deal and not allowing himself to be challenge about his policy plans is very active on social media but he's very careful about controlling who he talks to how he talks to his supporters and ukrainian voters so here he really had to put
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himself up some really pleasant questions. and the the super bowl of debates there now what about the actual topics that were raised you mentioned there wasn't a whole lot of policy discussion during the campaign what did they talk about on stage tonight. this got very personal very quickly initially they were basically reading out rehearsed monologues but then they got the chance to say to put questions to one another the journalists supposed in charge of the whole debates basically disappeared and they were also each other questions and it was all about track records and personal stories selenski start by saying that he had voted for cinco back in twenty fourteen and was now very regretful for having done so reminded people watching these debates that is himself and only got one of the richest people in this country to which then replied that he is in no state to take over the presidency to being can charge of a country at war given that he himself didn't serve in the army so it was all about
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personal records personal connections to big business and allegations of corruption and you really saw the faces of the view as in the stadium people really getting drawn in as it got nasty. nick one might see this election as a referendum on president and his five years in office what what accomplishments can he point too. doesn't miss an opportunity to remind people what state he found this country in he came to power in spring of twenty fourteen when crimea just being an extent the separatists in eastern ukraine had just got going with their campaign supported by russia and the country was basically bankrupt he's basic claim for this period in office is that he stopped that collapse continuing he kept the country together he localized that conflict and made sure it didn't come here to care and was able to really make you crazy recovery to really begin economically now. but for many ukrainians that's
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not enough they've seen their living standards take a hammering yes the war is going on but that's far away for many people who aren't directly involved here in kiev where five hundred kilometers away and they are really suffering seeing their purchasing power still lower than it was five years ago and wanting quick changes and tangible changes in a hurry and ukrainians they seem to be poised to elect a comedian he has no political experience he's played a president on t.v. if that counts what do we know about mr selenski and why is he so popular. that's his big advantage he doesn't need to explain to anyone who he is he's basically got one hundred percent facial recognition given he's been so prominent in ukraine show business as an actor as a comedian for the past decade so in that sense he had it easy connecting with people hand he wasn't involved with politics no one really had any kind of negative associations with him it was all about comedy and showmanship. because he's been in
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the forefront of ukrainian politics for decades with all the disappointments and the missed opportunities that goes with so it seems and that's what his critics accuse him of him promising all things to all people trying to specifically to be very good about the details to try and offer a kind of projection space for all those people who are disappointed with the state of ukraine at the moment having said that has been covering coming in for a lot of criticism recently of his links to all of us and that's something he's really having to stand up for now just just want to hop in there quickly. off the upset when you think when. all the polls don't give him much of a chance he's really showing no sign of giving in and really up the rhetoric today what the seemingly going fighting into these last few days hoping that people who weren't able to bring themselves to vote for him last time around will actually pull back from the brink and decide that selenski is too much for risk an economy in kiev thank you very much.
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in northern ireland a twenty nine year old woman has been killed by gunfire during the riots in the city of london derry police identified her as a journalist mckee the killing is being treated as terrorism and police suspect a militant republican group calling itself the new ira the violence erupted after police searched a house in the area. she was described as a rising star leary maccie was an acclaimed journalist known for her coverage of the troubles in northern ireland the twenty nine year old was gunned down on thursday night while reporting on the unrest in the city of london derry also known as derry a former flashpoint between irish nationalists and unionists. hours before her death mckee sent this tweet from the scene of the riots which erupted after police searched the house it read derry tonight absolute madness.
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nicky was standing near a police car when a gunman opened fire she was rushed to the hospital but couldn't be saved authorities are now searching for suspects they were not on the roll so i am prepared to say that we certainly believe there was more than one person. was involved in this last night obviously only one person pulled the trigger but there was more than one person mickey's death came on the eve of the twenty first anniversary of the signing of the good friday or belfast agreement it largely ended decades of conflict between catholic irish nationalists and protestants. it is really heart breaking on good friday to sound here twenty one years after the belfast agreement was signed come to think that there are still those that believe the file and says the way to deal with these issues we need everyone and society to say that that is not the way forward i mean this was this was an attack on everybody in northern ireland doesn't matter if you're
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a catholic or protestant brit. sure arash this is an attack on democracy so therefore we need to stand together and say no we're not accepting us mickey once wrote we were the good friday agreement generation destined to never witnessed the horrors of war but to repeat this spoils of peace the spoils just never seemed to reach us. journalist matthew hughes was a friend of leroy mckee after her death he tweeted this i just received the heartbreaking news that my friend leiber mckee was murdered tonights in a terrorist incident in derry she was one of my closest friends she was my mentor i can't imagine life without her and yet dow i must matthew hughes joins us now from liverpool matthew first of all just tell us a little bit about. she was a giant she was one of a kind she was exceptional and what you have to realize about lera she
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was about to accomplish so many great things in her career she just inside the same publisher that c.s. and sylvia plath and. wrote for. work published by she had del an incredible reputation for writing about the troubles and the aftermath of the troubles in a way of focused on human stories. and was positive and it wasn't about the first catholic unionist noel it was about the people who had gone through these experiences and i think she was genuinely unique in the way that she approached subject matter and besides that she was you know one of the best friends she was she was the groom's woman my about i didn't you know she she tied my time
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when i was getting ready she was there with me she she is completely her place of. it there isn't anyone here about things you know she was just such a wonderfully kind clever decent parsons who did anything for anyone. it starts to feel very real to be honest she certainly sounds like an incredible human being now obviously the investigation into her death it's only in the early stages right now but do police believe that leroy was was targeted or was this simply a matter of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. it's the last most likely video footage from. our that shows someone shooting a hung gun so was a row of police vehicles in there was unfortunately started by one of them and it
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was just horrible horrible chance. in that unfortunately in one of those things where are. they she was started the photo after a foot to the right we wouldn't be having this conversation. we really really this is. really hard to process the absolute difficult times right now i'm sure now maybe i just wanted to jump in a bit more about her work as a journalist she wrote as you mentioned a lot about the ongoing tensions in northern ireland kent can you expand a bit more about about what her focus was and her work. yes certainly so a great deal of her focus was on as i mentioned the human stories one of the obstacles which propelled her to see to wider acclaim why their recognition was a piece that was initially published in the welcome trust publication mosaic and
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was subsequently seen the case and translated i was told that the suicide of the ceasefire babies. and it look the condition of the generations are following the good friday agreement following the peace that was established in and nine hundred ninety nine shaky. crafter structures it is a maybe. she wants it's how human stories and she once said that the. tell stories that were often not told. certainly. when it came to the experience in northern ireland. northern ireland we generation all the troubles. and she was a beautiful writes and she was so good it's nice he's human stories you know. thank
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you very much for joining us matthew hughes in liverpool helping us to remember the life of the journalist we were mccain. it's now been twenty years since the shocking mass shooting at columbine high school where two students armed with high powered guns killed thirteen people the name of the school in littleton colorado became known worldwide it's since been joined by other locations with tragic history such as sandy hook and parkland but columbine is still remembered as the start of america's modern era of school gun violence. scenes that have become all too familiar played out for the first time on april twenty nine hundred ninety nine the students who ran from the horrors of the mass shooting at columbine high school in littleton colorado could hardly have known that so many others would follow in their footsteps twelve students and one
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teacher died that day at columbine as well as the two disaffected teens who executed the massacre. survivors brought shocking stories of random cruelty inside. of that is remaining groene until i know not do you know we don't know we just they're growing. louder and mad in front of me and you just that we get. them in the way. they prayed it would never happen again the response from then president bill clinton became a script too often repeated by other leaders. i can only say tonight that the prayers of the american people are with you. since columbine there have been more than one hundred deadly school shootings in the us an estimated two hundred thirty thousand children have experienced a school shooting incident students have had enough of politicians thoughts for
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a person that is doing the same thing again and again this is. to say stop it stop today was last year's shooting at marjorie started when douglass high school in parkland florida set off a wave of protest against decades of political inaction over gun violence. students organized nationwide marches since then some states have passed tougher gun access laws in response but little has changed in washington president donald trump has banned so-called bumps talks that make semi automatic weapons fire foster but he has promised to veto a bill that would tighten background checks on gun buyers. two decades on the name calling by and still represents an unresolved american tragedy joining me now from the san diego california is dr malloy he's
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a forensic psychologist specializing in psychopath the mental disorders and targeted violence and he's worked as a consultant for the f.b.i. for the past eighteen years as well and dr milloy thank you very much for joining us the columbine school shooting this was two decades ago and yet its influence has lasted all the way until today why is that. i think the columbine event the mass murder that occurred in colorado now twenty years ago are really became a. very momentous event in the history of criminal united states and has been has fostered a number of copycat cases since then there have been upwards of eighty different individuals over the past twenty years that have either tempted to mount an attack or have succeeded in doing that where they have said that they were directly inspired by the events of columbine it really became
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a watershed event in american criminality. you know i was actually in high school in the u.s. when the columbine shooting took place and i remember how how shocking that event was what effect do you think it's had perhaps on that generation of students and also on the country as a whole. i think it is i think it's had a huge effect on the younger generation and i think one of the markers for that is what happened following the parklane attacks last year where there was really an upsurge of of young americans very interested in changing the access the very easy access to hard questions the united states which still is a huge problem but this younger generation really grew up with columbine as an event in their recent history if not prior to when they were born and in a sense it normalized that school attacks could happen any time anywhere although the reality is that school attacks are still very very infrequent in the united
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states despite the press coverage of such attacks nevertheless of course these are all horrible events and i think the younger generation as demographics in the united states shift toward a younger population we're going to see quite a substantial changes in various ways to keep people safer in the united states. now you mentioned of course unfortunately since columbine there have been dozens more mass school shootings since that time in one thousand nine hundred nine and as you said many of these perpetrators actually did i do lies the shooters that were involved in that shooting in columbine now how did these two students essentially become cult figures for other gunman now. that's an excellent question that i don't have an easy answer for i think part of was that what they did was very unique at the time that they would mount an attack such as this using both firearms as well as attempting to use the school to actually create an event
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that was just as catastrophic as an event that happened four years earlier almost on the same day which was the oklahoma city bombing by timothy mcveigh on april nineteenth one thousand nine hundred five and part of their plan was in a sense to. do a city bombing one better and typically that's what we see in these young perpetrators is they will follow very closely individuals that have preceded them and have carried out these acts of violence and they both admired them both and also they want to do them one better and one of the dynamics that we're seeing in these cases is that the way that they do this one better is to try to have more casualties as well as to do something innovative and at the time of columbine of both the innovation and the casualties and the location of the shootings nature made a huge impression it horrified of course most people but for some particularly adolescents
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and young adults who felt very disenfranchised. who felt not a part of the fabric of their of their school or of their community this became in a sense and an anti-hero identification and they were drawn to these figures why to be like them wanting to make a mark that otherwise they were not making in their own lives. that footage of columbine of the students streaming out of the school that was played on repeat on news stations in the us for hours for days now for decades now what about now in terms of the advent of social media the invention of live streaming video has that's now changed things and in terms of these sorts of mass shootings. yeah i think one of the things that's done it's accelerated these cases deeply over the past ten years and there's good data on that from both f.b.i. studies as well as from
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a study the harvard public help to concerning the this uptick in numbers of cases so social media really in a sense becomes an accelerant it becomes a of factor there can cheery this infection this contagion into other into other young minds and i think that there also is now a much greater awareness of the impact of social media and the commercial media coverage of these events and there's been we think substantial changes in that by the media for instance the photo of the perpetrator is not. published as widely as they used to be they're not they're not showing in some element where they're posing with their weapons or with some kind of camouflage outfit sort of or phys their pseudo commando presentation and they're all not being the loops other video loops played over and over again one of the striking examples of this is what
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happened in christchurch new new zealand just with past month where he did not see in the world why commercial media the videotaping the live streaming of the massacre that occurred then and you see actually saw a very muted response to the perpetrator himself and so i think we're saints of seen some important changes dr reed malloy forensic psychologist specializing in mental disorders and targeted violence thank you so much for joining us. thank you very much well the day is almost done but the conversation continues online you can find us on twitter either at news or at home has been and be sure to use our hash tag the death to our viewers on p.b.s. and around the world thank you so much for watching and for making us part of your day.
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