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tv   Shift  Deutsche Welle  April 21, 2019 8:15pm-8:31pm CEST

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exit polls from ukraine's presidential election show a landslide victory for volodymyr selenski the poll gives a comedian and actor seventy three percent of the vote and incumbent petro poroshenko twenty five percent. you're watching news live from berlin up next shift living in the digital age for a closer look at algorithm be back at the top of the hour with more news for now thanks for joining us. as long as. nothing would change you know the banks. and so watch the language of the bank the money. speaking the truth global news that matters g.w. made for mines what's the connection between bread. and the european union he
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knows guild contests e.-w. correspondent and the baker can stretch this picket line with the rules set by the team. snapping recipes for success strategy that made a difference. baking bread on d w. exactly burke is a lizard man we're being poisoned by can trace that aircraft leave behind and german chancellor angela merkel is hitlist secret daughter social media is full of conspiracy theories like these and many videos supporting them figure prominently on the net why is that and how does social media help to promote conspiracy theory is our topic this time.
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does this happen to you the art of play featured on you tube plays a strange video which seems to fit with what you just see you don't know whether to be irritated or fascinated but you keep on watching so when you find yourself sucked into a parallel universe of alternative beliefs videos on conspiracy theories seem to do quite well on you tube and for some of us at least it's algorithm keeps recommending more and more of them they can be disturbing but it's hard to look away so let's take a closer look at the world of conspiracy theorists. reptilians the illuminati or aliens conspiracy theories often postulate that the world is controlled by a small group of strange elites that harm ordinary folks but luckily there's you tube where evil doers bent on world domination are unmasked. here are our top three
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conspiracy theories. number one the moon landing is a myth. july twentieth will mark the fiftieth anniversary of apollo eleven landing on the moon. but many conspiracy theorists are firmly convinced that no astronaut ever laid a foot on the lunar surface. they claim that the u.s. government staged the first moon walk in a film studio as a show of american power and to prove nasa's capabilities. the alleged proof is there are no. stars in the sky because the pics were shot in front of a black screen. and the flag looks to be. there's no breeze on the. dubious evidence for this supposed hoax everywhere on. earth is a disc. that's. in the us they often hold conferences to
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compare notes. which they claim is antarctica proof access to the antarctic is restricted to certain people. how's that for logic. number three. condensation. but conspiracy theorists believe that these white lines shaped. into the atmosphere. even worse. that remain popular. when it comes to communication the internet of us both opportunities and risks it allows us to exchange information quickly and easily everyone has a voice but in many bad forms no one checks the validity of the content that's
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called fact checking so the web is also full of misinformation online even the craziest concepts find an audience but why videos that spread the crudest conspiracy theories so popular on you tube is it because the platforms users are especially interested in them and why do they keep on turning up in my feet i certainly haven't been searching for them french i t specialist used to help programme you tube algorithm today he is one of the platforms most vocal critics he reveals via provocative content always ranks high on social media jaeger ism is never going to try to find the best. videos that demonstrates that the us is wrong in fake minutes because that would be a total failure from the point of view of the editors and days and no fair algorithm i mean it's it's a myth and there isn't constant that fair and then person is going to have one goal
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only it's going to go for the school and right now the goal is to make a you tube. as. big as possible. whether for you or other sensual media beyond the rhythm is programmed to fascinate not teams will be a means to keep uses on the site for as long as possible. the more polarizing the content the more nine hundred eighty s. that uses will stay glued to their screens for instance tattersall's theory isn't judged extremely good basically risen whereas like some very solid scientific explanation that's less of a click bait that and it will be considered bad because it makes basically less money for. for you cue ball facebook. and other social media earn them money through advertising and the more uses fewer sites content the more companies can challenge for space along with the view count and interaction rate watch time is
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a decisive criterion which algorithms used to select from ten to fifteen cents. with bets only rising content and often strange ideas conspiracy theory videos generate lots of watch time very crazy fake informations i really good because you're like is that true you want to know so you click on your trade to look for to see if it's true or not and even if you click on new look fall like five minutes on this site over and over this resource ultimately. then he agrees m is still going to consider that as a success. that's a fun fact you tube's algorithm isn't programmed to deliver valuable information its goal is to keep me on the side for as long as possible because you tube isn't just a video platform it's also an advertiser's dream the more clips i look at the more as they can show me so the algorithms goal is to maximize watch time is programmed
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so that the next video will be even cooler and more exciting than the last so of course i want to stay tuned it's addictive a bit like eating potato chips well at some point the bag of chips is empty whereas with you there's always another video up next. people watch more than four million videos every minute and every minute more than four hundred hours of content is obligated onto the platform no wonder fans of conspiracy theories can find plenty of proof to support their ideas but you don't have to go hunting for these videos they're also shown to users who seem like they might be open to them. social media can really read the minds of their users thanks to the masses of personal data available to them. so they also know which people are most susceptible to watching content involving conspiracy theories. and he's going to
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find the most vulnerable people on try to brainwash them with a conspiracy between the like they we see like on the roads of times a conspiracy so after some time to start to believe it's a test to be true because i got like two hundred recommendations on the flattest maybe it's true. psychologists say people who believe conspiracy theories are looking for simple answers about how the world works they often believe it's controlled by an all powerful force and on the net no one's making sure they're not being fed deliberate dissent from ation we've seen that conspiracy theories on the rise in and in many countries on tape vixen conspiracies like people taking less vaccines now people are dying from lack of vaccination in europe. so we see that this says very serious issues. and it's a serious issue with real life consequences for example measles is on the rise in
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many places because many people are refusing to vaccinate and measles is a very contagious disease and can cause disability or even death and have access believe that the scenes holds a health risk they find lots of reinforcement for their beliefs on you tube thanks to its algorithm. a recent study found that anti vax theories disseminated by fewer than twenty you tube channels reached more that one hundred seventy million people in the past decade you tube's algorithm promotes the dissemination of controversial videos extreme content delivers watch time and that brings revenue google's parent company alphabet doesn't publicize how much money you've makes but analysts estimate it raked in some thirteen billion euros in twenty eighteen that's a lot of cash but wasn't google's old model don't be evil so if the company wanted to stop the spread of conspiracy theories could it can you program algorithms to push informative content instead you know believe it can be done you could totally
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value as of the child you made towards facts so as as soon as there would be a privilege awareness thinking that we can't continue we said here is a recommending a. false statement like that because it's just going to be a disaster for society in the wrong room. as soon as they separate as soon as people are willing to use a term that use of i was reading to pay for tentative then you can easily technically you can easily build the systems. the platform operators are more interested in providing click paint and providing factual information scientific facts often aren't as entertaining but conspiracy theories attract attention and get plenty of use in spite of the often terrible events they show you mine for nine eleven terrorist attacks. to this day some people still believe that the us government was behind the attacks on the world trade center they claim the twin
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towers went brought down by hijacked planes but were blown up instant. refuses to delete such controversial video even though they contain paid to mean false information instead. the platform operators plan to display takes from wikipedia article is a long sign and. doesn't believe this approach will do much to help on one side you have very engaging very exciting video content that's going to convince your something on the other side you have like this boring we keep idiotic calling you don't know wrote it. so he's starting to seem to be less efficient never mind the fact that we could pedia isn't always the most reliable source of information the social media algorithms field what we see and what we don't so we have to be aware that algorithms neutral there are a means to an end and for you tube that and is to make money that's what most
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companies want but they also have a duty to their uses and should play by the rules we also need to think about how to combat misinformation and hate content effectively and personally i'd like companies to be more transparent about how their algorithms work as users we must understand that not everything on the net can be taken as the gospel truth. should we put pressure on owners to take responsibility for the content on their platforms we need to regulate the programming of algorithms join the discussion on d.w. dot com on facebook and on our you tube channel there you'll also find a detail explain about how you tube's algorithm works i and still next on.
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reliable data is a. distant fourth system. automotive. europe after the end of the first world war. there are more than two million scrupulous refugee. claims one document i'm just starting to like. it's their last hope.
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for. me. i'm not laughing at the generations because sometimes i am less than nothing with the event and then think deep into the general culture i. think take this ground. because it's all that. time right so join me in the thick of it. oh and we're going to drive a good b. w. motor magazine. today's highlights about what a concept car we drive. around los angeles small but spacious the honda jazz dynamic. and the new c.e.o. at leon cooper our esteemed.


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