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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 22, 2019 8:30pm-8:46pm CEST

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it's a current affairs documentary. in sixty minutes . people for information. they want to express. on facebook and twitter today in touch. from the us. this is news africa coming up in the next fifteen minutes a standoff in sudan tensions are escalating as protesters in khartoum fall to stay on the streets until sudan gets a civilian government this talks with the military collapse and made in africa by africans the creative entrepreneur. you're starting to hear more effect on the
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global fashion stage he'll be joining me in studio. and one years since cape town faced the french are running out of water officials say the city has been reliant on one main water supply for too long we learned how that's going to change. i'm christine one while come to the news africa i'm glad you're chandon tensions are escalating again in sudan off the talks between protesters and the country's military rulers broke down the military council which took off the ousting president obama is demanding that demonstrators and they have brought cave of key sites where they have watched the protest as well still demanding any immediate handover of power to civilians they say bell announce their own rival transitional administration later this week. they will not be silenced
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the protesters on the streets of coc to have to stay until sudan get to civilian government. and after dusk found on sunday night protest organizers called for an escalation. we will continue our sit in and start negotiations with the military council and we will continue our revolution on the streets with more protests until we get all of our demands have. with the demonstrators halting talks pressure on the military council is growing on sunday its leader met with the head of the african union local media reported that the union threatened to suspend sudan if it did not transfer power to a civilian government within fifteen days. it's been almost that long since the army as did president omar al bashir after months of protests the military council
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says the delay in handing over power is because it wants to hear proposals from all political parties. for protestors that's raised fears that factions close to bashir could play a role leaving much of his regime intact or paving the way for another strongman but you know. what we were disappointed by the depressing news from the military council who we thought would respond to these crowds and all this pure blood all over khartoum this is what these guys are just an extension of the regime which has stolen thirty years from us one of. the demonstrators aren't turning down the volume protest organizers have called for mass rallies on thursday when they plan to announce their own civilian transitional council in a challenge to the military. ok and a change of pace knowledge to the world of fashion where african inspired design is getting more traction on the global stage to talk more on this i'll be joined by
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the nigerian born designer who's collaborated with artists including beyond say and justin bieber and brands like want blog. focused his a short introduction to go. putting the african you guys in the spotlight showing the culture showing the history showing that's how i was really important to me i was born there i'm from and i know what they have to offer i want to create the brand that's made in africa but i'm. still both the same amount of quality. exhibits he has and the other brands and the is in berlin on business and he's made sure to stop by africa while come thank you so much for having actually just come in from nigeria and they have the a rise fashion week has wrapped up which is also pretty interesting but i actually want to get straight to the topic and we're discussing the fact that african
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fashion is finding itself on the global stage what's created that space and is it because in general the industry's having a conversation about diversity is that's what's created the space yes i feel like well i know for sure in the past couple of years there's been a huge rise in crave for diversity and culture within all industries not only fashion we can say it was due to the black panther movement or something like that but there's been a trigger there alerted everyone on the fact that africa is rising and africa is very important to be included in the conversation and i was sitting and i'm thinking gosh i mean we were fashionable people around the country would fashion conscious when it's all the trends why have we just been so under represented when it comes to the fashion industry well i feel like what the main issue has been has been the lack of knowledge and education with the designers
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stylist fashion industry on the ground in the continent right for sure the talent is there for sure the uniqueness is there the pieces are there what in terms of connecting to the i. outside market and creating things that represent an international level there hasn't been enough people educating designers on how to do that ok so that's pizza for example some of the work that you've done i think you did a project where you were training seamstresses in the area just briefly elaborate on that yes so i actually have a factory made patching back to nigeria ran by me and my cousin and we we train about ten to fifteen different sailors every every six months and our our main focus is training them on how to create pieces that can translate in the quality on the international level ok you know ok so so in a sense before you can compete at international level you need to make it at home
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and i just wonder what are some of the impediments to making it back on the continent where is the difficulty of to address the skills as anything else that makes a pretty difficult for people to recognized on the question for they can get off the global stage definitely besides skills there's also a lack of resources there's a lack of technology and a lack of innovation that a lot of other markets have access to instantly that the african market doesn't you know for example if there's a young super talented seamstress designer in lagos that wants to branch or brand out there's limited spaces for her to go to and really layer and understand how to navigate ok market and build her business ok ok so you if somebody just doesn't quick google search about you'll you'll have some of the people that you've worked with for example by the time he is styling justin bieber do you feel that there is for people people interested in wearing african design is
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that what it's about or is it about creating an appetite back on the continent where is this conversation i feel like people are craving new people or craving for . people are craving different we live in an age now where with social media and internet there's instant access to designers and trends and styles and what's become the most the most prominent has been people who are able to find their styles with peace of the art the art everywhere accessible you know and that's what african designers can offer is that uniqueness that innovation when it comes to textiles when it comes to silhouettes when it comes to prints that's what people are craving now you know for years designers on a high fashion scale have have been inspired have taken so much from africa from the bee being so the fabrics to the textiles have inspired and now it's it's
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not as easy to just go and take from africa without giving credit you know people want their credit they want to be acknowledged and those who are are the pioneers of the new african wave are not taking no for an answer but not letting people come and rip their stuff anymore and i give them credit and that's been a part of the rise of just people coming in more control of their designs in control of their own stories owning their stories and that is the new story of africa isn't it ogle mozy desire the african graces thank you thank you so much for the pleasure ok and i'm exploring is in south africa where it's been a year since i came close to a water human agency for wheat day zero this is the day the temps would run dr c. and a real possibility the mergence he was stalked by years of drought but also wasteful water use by many in the city now a year on the first of days has receded but has the city and its people learned the lessons the emotions he talked. to voters grooved cape town
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a year ago the water reservoir they don't most completely dried up. satellite images show how cape town's most important water source shrank after three years of drought. the same dam in april twenty nine team the worst of the drought is over water level is at fifty one percent an improvement but still not ideal now the question is whether cape town can prevent another so-called day zero situation from happening in the future researchers say the city has been reliant on just one water source for too long the city council says that is going to change the city has learned some really. from the draft a new water strategy. looks at diversifying our water supply so that we're not entirely reliant on rainfall water and the collection of them which is managed by
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the national department of water and sanitation so in our new would have future we look at introducing our alternative supply from desalination draining into aquifers as well as the real use of waste water. the city recently received an eighty million euro loan from a german development bank to overhaul the city center taishan system sea water desalination plants like this one and strung from time outside cape town have been pumping extra drinking water into the system since the end of twenty eighteen the plant produces around three million liters of water each day. but many experts believe that technology alone can't prevent another day zero situation from occurring they say there are a number of issues to consider you can't just look at the engineering components and the dams and the parts that you actually have to understand. the
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multiple parts of the system you have to understand people how people see water how they use water the behavior you have to understand communication and how that is part of the water system because getting people to reduce water use depends on communicating with them cape town's population is growing and with it the need for water that's why the responsible use of the natural resource is so important. and there's something else to be taken into account climate change is the new normal climate change is here and we need to plan both for the climate variability but then also a plan for system that needs to be more adaptive and flexible that means the people of cape town will also have to reduce water consumption for example by using flood restricting water faucets like this one after all there will be more droughts in the future. and that is a funky sapphic and you can as always catch all stories on the website and facebook
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page we need you now with images from africa to mock earth day i've come out. to greet you a sex phone operator who works her master's thesis on the potato. not a turn on wrote it it's more words if there was from where. the true list truly strange and. her first school
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in the jungle. first listen. doris crane moment arrives. join during a take on her journey back to freedom. in our interactive documentary. bring in ten returns home on d w dot com bring in tang's. hi there and a warm welcome to arts and culture on karen house set and here's a look at what's in store on today's show. berlin as a veritable treasure chest museum island alone is home to five incredible institutions we'll talk about the german capital's impressive museum landscape in
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just a moment as our main topic. but first this year marks five decades since astronaut neil armstrong took his giant leap for mankind that is if he ever really set foot on the moon believe it or not there are still many conspiracy theorists who say the whole thing was a huge hoax and that the moon landing was actually acted out on a secret film set while far fetched as those theories might seem the film industry has taken them seriously enough. where on the we are currently don't provide. well that's embarrassing to what this means next to the can't land man and come back. to cia agents were actually meant to uncover a russian spy of nasa but thanks to a wiretap they discover something much bigger you can make people do it but as they say if you can't make it fake it so the agent suggest faking the moon landing on
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a film set. and none other than stanley kubrick had demonstrated just the year before how it's done with his film.


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