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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 23, 2019 9:00pm-9:31pm CEST

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this is d w news live from berlin tonight sri lanka begins to bury its dead funerals are taking place for the first of three hundred twenty victims of the easter sunday suicide bombings so-called islamic state has claimed responsibility but provided no proof also coming up germany tries to pass a resolution at the united nations tackling rape as
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a weapon of war but russia and china have watered down the measure and we're hearing that the united states is threatening to veto the resolution and to be in the supreme court rejects the final appeal up to imprison a journalist who dared to report on atrocities in the country activists are denouncing the decision calling it a setback for press freedom. it's good to have you with us sri lanka is mourning the deaths of more than three hundred twenty people in the easter sunday bombings the country ground to a halt on tuesday morning to observe three minutes of silence while in colombo the capital people started burying the dead our correspondent in. a small community of christians in the capital grieving for the people they lost. a
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family. forty nine year old shante went to attend the easter service at st anthony's church they have not heard from her since after multiple trips to the hospital and even the mortuary they have not found her. i only did it in the morning anywhere any warmer than where she went to the church i'm sure of it never did it was she always comes home after going to the church did you but she never came back you know mother she's still not back to the autumn evening we went and searched for her because we couldn't find her. we're still searching the way there's no information we've only lived there i mean st anthony's was one of the eat locations hit in the cedar blast on sunday all around it is a neighborhood in mourning precedence here saw another explosion on monday in an abandoned run as people read to receive the bodies of friends and loved ones they
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silently contemplate their own survival a few feet from the site of two blasts. as locals here prepare for funerals they tell us that the death toll in the neighborhood could have been much higher but for the factors that people closer to the charge of ten was a little bit on saturday evening and on sunday morning people who live father of a attend services the blasts hit on easter which was a sunday morning. this is a mixed neighborhood people from all religions just like here many residents muslims and hindus pitch in to help local christians are unable to understand the carnage. there and they're going to go to who think this is new for us maybe to make you know even during the time of the tamil tigers we were talking tangy what even the tsunami didn't damage this area that these attacks of shop chess. go that the god of tuesday this is so sad today's choose day we usually go to mass but the
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church is closed mr lankans and especially residents of this neighborhood we're very sad that it would add. but sadness and anger have to be put on hold to bid farewell to dogs who were lost. today colombo has come together to mourn was a so-called islamic state claimed it was behind the bombings intelligence officials we understand were reportedly warned that attacks were emitted but relations president says these warnings were not shared with him he has valid a shake up for sri lankan defense forces also today the country's prime minister told reporters that investigators are making good progress but seaboard it's likely that there are more explosives and militants still at large. well joining me now from colombo is journalist jamila. it's good to have you with
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us again and we heard surely as president today saying intelligence reports were not shared with him is that is the message here that political infighting in sri lanka is the reason that these warnings were not he did and that nothing was done that could have prevented this tragedy. this isn't my photography this morning and that this is a mission today evening said that since two thousand and seventeen intelligence has just forced about a radical group forming but according to the sri lankan results it is not text you know if you can take them into custody and then they said on lance's effect it's hepa of she doesn't value month that the to help it has not no prior warning date with the police would have to her best seems to be you have to be engaged to stop the scene funded doesn't the government leading to the sins of the heaviest and the
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pressures and so somebody have to take responsibility and i found no one will come forward and when you shouldn't apartness that in the sense what is going to happen now i mean is there pressure on the government to show that it is taking action and you know to replace someone i mean they have to find someone to do to blame for this grotesque failure. since then to c.n.n. has openly said that she had not been kept informed of all these prior sex and so has simon has said i had become a singer but having at them says this isn't the end maintaining that daisuke sauce no surprises and so you saying yesterday evening said this in the next twenty four of us he's going to change the text message he sent forces and within the coming ones he on the street me so that the scenes and the police and the security forces so the coming few days it's going to be asked to just be crucial to see what seems is the effort to see but what the public needs right now is
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a firm yes sir the. test does not happen a scene doesn't go to your current and i'm not choice with the none of us is a service the prime minister today it's exam very hard questions from reporters a valid the political infighting in the government he also managed to talk a little bit about the investigation into why does happen to what do you tell us then the government of a prime minister has been maintained that maintaining that some had no prying commissions back not to you saying that most of the suspects have being the bus that mobile must all set and there's a message mannheim these have been gone spoke at them give them that he said that that was obviously according hand but he says that severs of the day if you go to the pool said dave i think that the i.c.c. . so all right now what's beyond you noting is that investigations are going on and
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just of having to do is have a break soon because the mind of the journalist jimmy lee knows would be in in the sri lankan capital colombo but the latest on the investigation there tonight thank you. well here's some of the other stories now that are making headlines around the world russia and north korea are government sources have confirmed that north korean leader kim jong un will hold his first ever summit with russian president vladimir putin on thursday preparations are underway in the eastern russian city of vladivostok where the meeting will take place it's mexican immigration officials have detained hundreds of central american migrants in the southern a state of she up a it's the biggest single raid since large groups started traversing the country last year in route to the u.s. mexico initially welcomed them but as hardened its stance since the increasing numbers started overwhelming u.s. border crossings. african union leaders meeting in cairo have extended their
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fifteen day old to maidan for sudan's interim rulers to hand over power to a civilian government following the ousting of president omar al bashir in sudan protests continue with tens of thousands of people joining rallies across the country. me and more as a supreme court today rejected the final appeal of two reuters journalists serving a prison sentence because of the our reporting on human rights violations against roy hinge of muslims in the country. and what the one had spent more than sixteen months in detention they were arrested during an investigation into the killings of ten were injured muslim in stepped up military operations in the western part of me in mar a district court sentenced a journalist to seven years in prison last september for illegally possessing official documents of the two men have since been awarded the pulitzer prize for
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their work. and gyptian have approved a series of controversial constitutional reforms which will allow president of the sea to stay in power until the year twenty thirty. in a referendum that took place over the weekend eighty eight percent of voters approved the changes which would extend the presidential term from four to six years and allow l.c.c. to run for a third term he claims he needs more time to complete major development projects and economic reforms the changes also boost the powers of the military. are joining us from cairo now is journalist ruth michelson a roof it's good to have you on the program a very strong mandate eighty more than eighty percent of the vote for these changes . that you know makes me wonder how figure in free there was this referendum do we know well there are certainly plenty of bresson's about how strange that this
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election was despite the say. extremely strong outcome in favor of changes. in the classroom and even in a c.c. recently won reelection last it was ninety seven point eight percent the front seven note neither of these results were expected to speak. at. but you know i spoke to several people who had talks not being paid in boxes assumes you want to go to the phones and then they sent me felt that once that they were in the polling station i have a shot in their right to each stop that lucky that if they come to get the change it's that they would be some kind of punishment that he would find out and say this is an election and it's the same thing if you can very strong results the second line but there are precedents now to tell you i heard today that there were comparisons to mubarak's reign with l.c.c.
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trying to use this referendum to consolidate his powers and of all the mubarak are are people in egypt are they worried about just how much power they have now given their present. well i mean it's certainly concerning there are people that say that they feel that this will more let's allow c.c. to become president for life much of the style of the bar and say. you know. these amendments it's a concern we have now and will until twenty thirty that there is already the prospect that the constitution would be changed again before that happens going out into the same. changes do you increase his control over the judiciary i mean also increase the military instrument for the sake in trying to military godling to democracy we need obviously some way he may even end up having more power bar. or drill with ruth michaels and with the latest from cairo tonight
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thank you very much the u.n. security council has approved a resolution condemning rape as a weapon of war but the text was watered down in order to get u.s. support among the aims of the resolution for ending impunity for those who use sexual violence in warfare and supporting survivors but the united states insisted that language referring to reproductive health be removed before it would approve the text germany the current share of the security council introduced the measure thank you very much for you for joining me now from washington is our correspondent on the home for you know we had her stand this text has been adopted and it was watered down so is this almost is this a hollow victory for what was originally intended here.
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i think that's a fair assessment brant i've got this text now in my hand and it was adopted albeit with two abstentions from russia and from china there are thirty six holes in this text i've just been combing my way through i think it's fair to say that it may well be considered a toothless tiger there was concern that it has been watered down and that is my assessment taking a look at it as well so it recalls the responsibility of states to end impunity and prosecute war crimes while recognizing that in conflicts and post conflict situations justice systems may be weakened so not enforcing that the question is what happens if states do not add here that doesn't appear to be an in forcing mechanism it also notes un commissions of inquiry and u.n. fact finding missions as appropriate and very relevant in terms of investigations that is a good piece of news because it then puts rate as a rule crime at the same level of all the war crimes which do have fact finding
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missions on the ground we've also heard from the foreign minister a german foreign minister. who said that there will be sanctions for the perpetrators without outlining what form they will take but that certainly does china with the rallying call that we heard from the human rights lawyer amal clooney speaking in new york that prosecution is needed this is the only way to stamp this out and understand that the united states the trumpet biggest region had problems with the text because of the wording reproductive health but it was a bone but the use of abortion. is abortion the reason we've got this toothless tiger of a resolution no. that's right brant the u.n. mission essentially felt that sexual and reproductive health was a tacit endorsement of abortion incest and the this increasingly hardline stance from the trump administration is something we've seen across the board also hit in
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the united states so that was one of the issues from the united states there are a number of others as well namely with prosecution through the international criminal court something u.s. is not necessarily in favor of and i've just done a quick control access through this document which mentions the i.c.c. and the only mention really in fact is uprooting the what all of the tribe you know in the hague in the past without necessarily recommending that being the way forward in the future or the correspondent helen the home free for the story for us tonight we'll be talking with you agree or wink about this tonight in the day they deal with in northern ireland they decided to group the new i read republican army says that it killed journalists they were maccie during last week's violence in derry which is also known as londonderry mckee's death led to an el pouring of support and raised fears over the stability of the northern irish peace process now in its statement the new ari said mckee's death was accidental and that its members
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had been targeting security forces. the statement was received late on monday by the northern irish newspaper the irish news in it the dissident republican group calling itself the new ira at mit's responsibility for the death of relieve him a key in the northern irish city of derry londonderry the group apologized saying the killing of the young journalist was not intentional. in the course of attacking the enemy lire mickey was tragically killed while standing beside enemy forces the ira offer a full and sincere apologies to the patna family and friends of larry mckee for that day. that apology will do little to quell the anger and sadness that mickey's killing friends and supporters don't symbolic bloody handprints on the sign outside the offices of the republican party syria which is accused of having links to the new ira experts believe the dissident group has about two hundred supporters they
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reject the good friday peace treaty which largely ended the violence in northern ireland in one thousand nine hundred eight and now that peace seems more fragile than it has for decades. or here in germany the right wing populist party alternative for germany or the dean once germans to be proud of being german the party believes that people spend too much time apologizing for the crimes of the nazi era there has to be said that germany is considered a role model around the world because it's developed what is called a culture of remembrance to ensure that a dark chapter in its history is not repeated. not far from berlin sachsenhausen concentration camp was one of many sites where people were brutally annihilated on a huge scale german world war two school groups come here from across europe to learn about nazi atrocities. this is shown this is really depressing.
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and makes me feel very sad a little as it's a horrible feeling to be here. until now there has been a consensus in german politics to ensure that the crimes of the nazi era not forgotten especially among younger generations. but the far right if t. reject this they claim nazi history takes up too much school time and say the culture of remembrance is bad for germany. the effect ladies and gentlemen is quite clear young people are systematically brought up to feel guilt and shame about being german and they learn to associate germany with evil is this to us it's you know these sentiments are not just expressed in parliamentary debates the director of the sachsenhausen memorial says sites like this are directly targeted by the far right. but minutes minister from
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there was a group here that was either in the a.f.d. or aligned with it but we don't know if there were party members who were denying nazi crimes. an investigation by the public prosecutor's office is continuing much of these people even denied the existence of the gas chambers talking with what i thought their truth and fed off come on. provocations like these are only part of the a if these tactics for example in the state of bottom the party has tried to reduce public funding for memorials there is no majority support for such measures but some fear the public opinion may change. without financial support these institutions can no longer fulfill their educational mandate. and that is open to political manipulation produced off only with a if he says germany's nazi past should be seen in a wider context. we also want to focus on the positive aspects of
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german history because we think every nation needs positive points to identify with its feelings been in power what do you suppose you can do to pull stressing the favorable aspects of german history is pulling the wool over people's eyes and i think it's wrong and downright dangerous and we have done important work over decades taking a critical look at our own history and i'm not that. political conflicts that could affect the future of germany's public memorials. and for more on this i'm joined by professor barwon come for he's a historian at berlin's free university professor it's good to see you again we heard the a.f.p. wants to change the culture of remembrance but germany's culture of remember its is unique and it is considered a role model around the world for other countries are you worried how worried are you that it will succeed in changing this war. reach. the same time however i'm
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convinced that they will not succeed because first i mean we have to distinguish i mean we have the brother radical conservatives in the off duty and we have some members and supporters who are fairly close to the neo nazis. but both groups i think in the two groups share efforts to relativize germany's posture in particular the nazi crimes and especially the holocaust so we have to defend i think is critical memory because german patriots true german patriots defend of course the history of the country but they are self-critical. so we have to keep an eye on this and these sort of critical interpretation of the nazi pasta has been in essence chiefland within the group being self-critical means that you are well educated and that you have an understanding of history we know that german schools teach children about the holocaust and the atrocities of the nazis but at the same
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time we're seeing a rise in hate crimes is the is the education system in germany is it failing the children are they not learning what they should be about the past i think we are not failing we might have overdone you know the emphasis with the overdone you know teaching non-si crimes but only occasionally a non-system medically what we should reconsider of course are our approaches to the new generation will have to rethink what should be change what would you what would necessarily have to we have to we have to employ a new media first and we have to take their word views and their lifestyles into account and this is changed a lot so we have to abandon entrenched rituals of remembering the most and and try to to to to. really get them. from the words used and take their lifestyles into account and this is why we
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should employ more media more systematically and you get their attention because we're here to get it have you to engines of answers order make it attractive make it attractive this culture of remember it's what should it look like moving into your head into the twenty first century here in germany i mean this is a new now a new generation all the people who are reading it will witness to the nazi period dying or i have or have already died so. as i said we have to take it and we have to employ new media and we have to really keep an eye on the life size of the young people and take these lifestyles into account and abandon very entrenched rituals you know of memory isn't possible at cemeteries and so on professor there were other times will have you back another time it's a conversation of course that will definitely have to continue because there aren't
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but one came for with their lives for university thank you for you know which. sports news now soccer the women's world cup kicks off in france in june one team who will be there for only the second time as argentina it's a far cry from the success of the men's team critics claim a lack of investment in interest in women's football at both club national level are to blame. another day on the boca juniors training pitch and one of cyprus despite their rigorous schedule and the fact they play for one of south america's top clubs these footballers don't receive a proper wage. the argentinian football association announced just last month that the sixteen women's teams in the top league will turn professional in june but even then not every player in those teams will be paid. can't wait to go out and i'm very difficult for a woman to play football on a pro level i mean you just can't say when you work or study at the same time you
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can't give one hundred percent on the pitch. and then it so happens that the women's national team doesn't do so well but nobody seems to realise that it's because of the circumstances. says america's football governing body comment poll has launched a push to encourage teams to show more interest in the women's game but progress has been slow in argentina according to sunlight and so striker and self described football feminist marketing messages. is about well we've been playing since one thousand nine hundred thirty one which is when men had just turned professional to put it simply we've been laid invisible all this time and people are only now realizing that but the truth is that women's football is one hundred years behind. given their struggles just qualifying for the world cup was an achievement for argentina and they're hopeful they can be a success on the international stage. here's
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a reminder of the top story that we're following for you. usual lanka has begun bearing the victims of the easter sunday bomb attacks which killed more than three hundred twenty people so-called islamic state has claimed responsibility for the eight suicide bombings which targeted churches and hotels in. news coming up next the race for the bundesliga title is in the homestretch i'll be back with more news followed by the day i hope to see you this.
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