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tv   Arts and Culture  Deutsche Welle  April 24, 2019 11:45pm-12:01am CEST

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now when he was just a little boy. a box sweet for chalo has moved to tos so his mom very wisely sent him to a cello teacher now he's one of the world's top soloists and has perform with old the major orchestras to great acclaim and he's even co-founded an entire symphony orchestra in bolivia. beethoven cochabamba bolivia. within just a few years of its birth you were cast off yet i'm only going to believe you has become one of the country's top orchestras co-founded by german cellist leo not. live in violinist me. it was on a south american tour in two thousand and twelve that engine block met salazar and other young bolivian musicians and was struck by their passionate playing but also by their limited funds. just months later edge and was back in bolivia with
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european funding to help found the orchestra since then he's returned regularly as a soloist and mentor. his enthusiasm there has been infectious whether it's for contemporary composers or for beethoven sonata as he recorded for his new album coming out next month. and hot off the press i have a copy of the album which isn't out quite yet but will be in a couple of days that's because i've got a copy because i've got the man himself with me his neck broke welcome to the program you recorded these offices in baldwin beethoven's birthplace was there a special reason for that. well it was it was a coincidence that from from asked us to do it but it was nice to be so close to
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where i was born and we visited his house and we shot three trailers there for the city as well for the album and it was great to be sold so close to where where he was born in to visit his birthplace and it's the i think it's four hundred i don't know how many hundred one hundred fifty years under fifty how many actually yeah sure that's right yes now i want to talk about this extraordinary orchestra bolivia what is so special about it in that you've defined huge. a loss of your time to get wise to it. because i met musicians who are really burning for for their own development burning to have music in their country in a place where there was nothing to support that and not even any suggestion that they could make a living that way it wasn't like somebody said young people should make music let's let's invest but they were just we want this. we don't all all we have is the passion in our hearts and whatever we can find online to listen to music we can
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print but there was no structure there was no system in place and i just thought if i don't do something who will and it's amazing how quickly it develops and i mean young people today it must be hard to get not perhaps in bolivia but the music is everything is sort of it's going to be two seconds loam has not made for classical music you need a bit of patience so that's the thing is there's so much. initiative to get young people to like classical music and there that was the it was the opposite they already found in their heart the love for the music that is was in anybody to help them improve or you know work with them and bring them to the next level and so it was a very different kind of work i had to do i didn't have to explain to them the meaning then their every answer the meaning of this now i have is a professional volley in the said to me wants cellos play too loud is there any truth well if you if you ask my dentist i would say greenoak record of this is he'll agree with you. not that they play to love it we have
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a kind of an inferiority complex about being not as loud as the violin especially when we're compared with the violin we feel we have to kind. now you have also recently become a conductor and you've worked under the world's great conductors under the bottom of the greats inducted so what's it been like having to have an eye maybe on fifty musicians as opposed to one you will solve i mean it must be a very different disappear. it's a great feeling it's great facing the musicians not having the behind you when you play because as a soloist of the chosen special you don't see almost anybody you mean local return but you're your projection is always towards the audience and as a conductor your. face is playing at people playing towards you through you and the audience is behind you so it's a completely different kind of communication with musicians and it's a very very nice feeling and will be the future yeah. good luck with that i should better say the cd but this is it is available on cd
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but this is a wonderful vinyl copy and good luck with everything you do. going to look after those positions in bolivia thanks. time now for some food for thought yes it's that man again our europe correspondent who's got his mixing bowl out this week to give us the lowdown on french politics and french culture and at the same time baking the humble. what would the e.u. be without its. biggest members doing without champagne the eiffel tower the thirty five hour work week and labor strikes the french still see themselves as. and they may have a point when it comes to white bread. the baguette is undeniably longest and president might call hopes to be the new master
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chef. in europe's kitchen he's no man of half baked ideas he has a recipe for the entire you he wants a common euro zone a new finance minister a european army a share defense budget european secret service academy an e.u. white asylum agency you can envision agency. defined by friendship. is made from just four ingredients. water. and plain flour. the water should be lukewarm just like the tap at reception his ideas have gotten from other european countries not to mention some of his own citizens. with so much resistance at home my course looking to his neighbors
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especially germany swapping recipes a treaty for an even closer friendship with anglo american all sixteen pages all on paper a piece of cake is need. to reform a whole continent you need an iron grip. but this recipe requires a soft touch don't need the bread just mix the ingredients and transfer the dole to a lightly or oil bowl. ready to bake. the dough best to rise first fall. one hour stretch and fold it in the process like this. and then leave it in the fridge for forty eight. for the french back at the famous thirty five week is. only. symbolic. now for the part that really requires a steady hand the shaping of the begets. don't apply too much pressure just like
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with your e.u. partners. hello and if. i remember you yeah i did finally score the butt gets short and sweet man oh it's like bringing the french budget back in line with the rules set by the e.u. . and long cuts. right. in the neck when you can just score one or two but guess when it comes to slashing the budget france has its work cut out. for it all can the president take the heat stick the dough in the oven for twenty minutes at two hundred fifty degrees celsius. and. get by the way my call once you go to recognize the get as
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a world cultural treasure. fitting tribute to luck conde nast young. and old instructions for how to make the humbled by getting all the other. website at the w dot com slash culture now here's a bit of up cycling for you if you don't know what to do with their old denim jeans you could get them into ops you just have to give them to british artist in barry who makes collages. out of the ne my hear you cry i think these will surprise you. this gigantic pile of jeans is artist in barry's color palette barry has at least two thousand pairs of jeans here in his london studio and he needs them all he's constantly searching for just the right shade of
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blue so now i can artists. next. basically going to go find the right shade to walk around. an hour free hours just trying to find that right pace . varies large format photo realistic words look like drawings from a distance but up close you see that they're intricate denim collages. once barry locates the right shade he cuts the fabric to just the right shape and size and fixes it in place with a special adhesive. piece by piece the picture grows to many layers to make it almost three dimensional. theories earliest collages were portraits of one nine hundred fifty s. actors who transforms denims image i want to make these portraits of his people made and what it is today. and it wasn't seen as high fashion.
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these days barry's inspiration comes from the city he lives in london. he's even devoted an entire series to the laundromats he says are the hearts of many communities here it's sad to see so many closing down so i want to document quite a few in london. you can take several weeks to create a collage like this one. also creates huge denim installations in galleries around the world itself for tens of thousands of euros but he also exhibits in other spaces like at selfridges department store. he wants his art like jeans to be for every.
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extraordinary pictures obvious love to see them up close that's it for this edition of awesome culture up more of course on the website and on facebook at the w culture thanks for watching and we'll be back at the same time tomorrow i hope you join us until the top of. the fun. in.
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china the positive in many parts of russia it's a terrible stigma but an orphanage and show job it takes a different approach. here h.i.v. positive youngsters grow up with kids who don't have the fire risk. what's the daily routine like for the staff and how do the children themselves fare. thirty minutes on d w. people here love life. they love their country but not the current conditions. iran a journey through a land full of contradictions. joy and sadness. confidence and doubt. our documentary depicts the contrast spoke
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everyday life. and help people cope with the. iran bittersweet. starts may second on g.w. . if you plan to be our fighters want to start families to become farmers or engineers every one of them has a plan to be an issue for you. so nothing is just that the children who have always been the boy and those that will follow are part of a new process. they could be the future of. granting opportunities global news that matters d. w. made for mines. her first day of school in the jungle. the earth first in the living listen. then doris granger moment
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arrives. join during a taping on her journey back to freedom. in our interactive documentary. tour of rangoon tame returns home on t w dot com arena tang's. frank as president has demanded the resignation of the country's police and defense chiefs that cyber intelligence failures rates into the suicide bombings on easter sunday the government has confirmed information about possible attacks and not in pa strongs or relevant authorities the death toll has risen to three hundred fifty nine. so though it russian president vladimir putin has signed an order making it easier for people living in separatist can.


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