tv The Day Deutsche Welle April 25, 2019 12:02am-12:30am CEST
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the dead the lives of hundreds who were murdered inside churches and hotels last sunday the death toll has now risen to a staggering three hundred fifty nine and we know now that the suicide bombers were well educated and they were wealthy one had studied in the u.k. to belong to one of his richest families and one of the suicide bombers was a woman police say she may have had a child in her hands when she detonated the explosives on her back i'm burned off in berlin this is the day. so obviously that i mean that that's going to these people. i think it's going to go to that thought that you should stop them going to some of these muslim you do this because. of that country have to pay the price innocent civilians that the
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that very. is it confirmed that the nine was a woman who was in the democratic and had got out just. trained you called her a suicide car for she trained to this is a former. she definitely did commit suicide but. also coming up tonight a break sit all to made him from scotland in the making the u.k. could still be months away from leaving the european union but if and when it does that could be the trigger for scotland to leave the united kingdom. westminster high's feel it has failed to protect scotland's enchants it has failed to reach consensus and has to change anything into chaos. to our viewers on p.b.s. in the united states and all around the world welcome we begin the day with the
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rising death count from sri lanka's easter sunday suicide bombings on wednesday the number of lives lost in attacks on churches and who tells rose to three hundred fifty nine the number of injured is now five hundred as sri lankans continue to bury their dead we are seeing the first political fallout from the tragedy the government has admitted that it ignored multiple intelligence warnings about an imminent attack on churches today the president called for both heads of the police and the defense ministry to resign the president maintaining that he was kept in the dark about these security threats but the opposition says that this is not just a case of political dysfunction but rather political fear the opposition leader today told reporters the government did not act on the terror warnings because it did not want to anger muslim leaders and alienate that segment of its voter base or today's most disturbing development has to be what we have learned about the
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suicide bombers today the government released more c.c.t.v. images showing a man with a backpack inside one of the hotels hit on sunday the government says there were nine a suicide bombers eight men and one woman they had apparently joined a fringe group of islam ista extremists in sri lanka but their backgrounds their incomes and their education were anything but fridge here's what the deputy defense minister said about them today. some of the. most. educated. and come from maybe middle upper middle class so they play man city quite independent and you know their families quite stable financially so that is a very fact it is because some of them have i think studied.
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in various other countries. that was the deputy defense minister they're here at the big table with me now is young thing pierre he is a counter terrorism expert and c.e.o. of the modern security consulting group which is known as move the khan based right here in berlin good to see you again so we learned today that the suicide bombers were well educated they came from wealthy families one had even studied abroad in yet they became suicide bombers and mass murderers on sunday people seeing that are going to ask how in the world did that happen well it's not atypical actually if you look at the long history of terrorism people coming from middle class upper class families in law right right illian there comes from the royal family. have been one did not blow himself up he did not play itself up but he died a pagan incited others to do that there's an appeal to the ideology just the sense of meaning that goes way beyond what people can achieve with education or wealth or social standing and this meaning is often the driver behind regardless of the
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situation train the tourist suicide bomber the sri lankan government says that the terrorist had to have help from abroad was sunday's attack the product of tutoring by islamic state that's hard to tell because of the investigation you know we have very little details everything that's coming out it's doubtful in many ways because it seems like men they find something it's made public so really change their story yes exactly it's sunday right exactly so that creates a lot of confusion. what we know however is that the islamic state propaganda since sunday has been very consistent both within the fan clubs and the official propaganda no mentions of christ church but nonetheless a lot of you know saying we were part of it the video is the images and so on so that tells me they were involved in some degree now whether they were actually tutoring the source side bombers or not that's another issue but there was a degree of involvement and that's really the part that means you can i mean based
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on what you have seen with other attacks do you agree with the government's assessment that this was simply too big of an operation and too complex for it to have been a strictly a shrill lincoln operation through yes and no in the sense where the access to the material to do the bombs dot com because it's not just people going in there's a certain degree of being of nervousness of this of stress so you'll have what they called don't godfathers people accompanying them to make sure that the bomb goes off so you're talking about a lot more than the night people involved the attacks directly a lot more people other bombs were discovered as well so that tells me there's a huge level than just six however other attacks in southeast asia shown as well that locals groups have the capacity to conduct such attacks we have this family last year in indonesia in last spring who acted on its own and so inspiring that evelyn's in that sense you know i can still remember u.s. vice president mike pence announcing not so long ago that isis is no more isis has
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been defeated. it proves isis may not have a counterfeit but it is still alive and is deadly as ever is it if it doesn't have a caliphate anymore but it has a lot of groups active in africa in central asia in southeast asia that are very much alive to them and spread the brand and the ideology so to say such a comment like that mike pence or any other politician to say that isis is the feeded is a ludicrous comment and is not accurate to what we're seeing i mean i'm just i'm just wondering me to speculate here but i when when you have the vice president or the president or any political leader in the west saying something like that does that then lead other governments for example it's really good to let down their guard a little when they hear the pronouncement ok we've we've defeated the terrorists now really because usually and this is where
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a strike of becomes another issue the intel reports for security security services gives you a different picture now if the reports and share of the intel is not shared there's a certain degree of complacency and arrogance that can come in and we have everything and that's to forget sri lanka has decades of experience dealing with terrorism it was a civil war homeless and ten years ago nonetheless there's a sense of we've been there we know how to handle this but the threats changed over the last ten years and so all of this creates as per a perfect storm with would you say that there was arrogance involved here or was or is this just gross incompetence and dysfunction that we're seeing in the in the government in sri lanka everything complacency arrogance test function political i mean using the information for power so i've seen in other countries as well so when i saw that. i wasn't surprised again we're talking about perfect storm the political tensions play a role as well we know the president and the prime minister do not get along and
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led to a fight in parliament yeah it's just it's. just think that three hundred. people had to die because of. always we appreciate your insights thank you thank you for many muslims and because a the backlash after the easter sunday attacks the suicide bombings have been condemned by muslim groups but many in the community say they feel vulnerable he. has this report. she calls him back home often. thought he's too scared to spend the night in his house in. another church on easter sunday a few hundred metres from where he lives. that the next day with this young children i'm white. and i feel. that we had crazy it so since we had being in the in the main draw so
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we thought off. and also being with that we the children we. worked with what made us to be believed how says he or. she can. be attacked and feels guilty that the perpetrators seem to him. he's a christian not to think of him and his family. all along his street the homes and shops office the muslim neighborhoods. several muslim one businesses were attacked after the bombing. the scale in the city. what christian am muslim communities in sri lanka have been targeted by blood test extremists in the past muslims and christians in the country how quick this to police so far the easter sunday bombing set off tensions between the two minority
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communities for the first time. local muslims have tried to show their support holding prayers sending condolences and emphatically condemning the terror attacks but with the traditional friday prayers just around the corner muslims wadi it may not be safe to congregate in. a small but vocal group of sri lankans are trying to help them. there from different religions and ethnicities and i'm trying to find ways of reducing the backlash muslims are now facing in religious leaders from both communities are meeting to express their concerns as well as their solidarity with crackdowns against minorities are not unknown in sri lanka and a national emergency has been declared here again just as it was during the two decades of civil war that civil liberties worker appealed after the nine eleven incident in the us in the name of national security and countering terrorism and in
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sri lanka we have an experience of civil liberties being curtailed dramatically during the course of the war and he went after the war in the name of fighting cyclone terrorism so there is a worry that the similar situation may arise probably again as muslims this time. muslims and christians have always kept a respectful distance. now there is hope that the easter sunday bombings could serve as a reason to build stronger bridges between the two communities here. i consider that a choice between breaks it and the future for scotland as an independent european nation should be offered in the light of this parliament scotland is taken out of the e.u. the option of a referendum on independence within the timescale must be open to us that would be over route to avoiding the worst of the damage breaks it will do. even for the most ardent opponent of scottish independence the westminster system of government
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simply does not say i've changed. all that was nicholas sturgeon promising lawmakers in the scottish parliament today that she will organize a referendum on scottish independence by two thousand and twenty one if the u.k. moves forward with breaks in leaves the european union are back in twenty four deemed the scottish voted against independence but that was before breaks it a majority of scots voted to remain in the european union today sturgeon said that london's chaotic drive to leave the e.u. means that scotland was once again consider independence breaks at talks between the conservatives and labor resumed this week in london but today the leaders of both parties were in northern ireland to attend the funeral for northern irish journalist lira mckee that he was killed during a riot in london derry last week irish prime minister lee overread current bridge
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prime minister to resign may and the i was president michael higgins old attended the funeral but he was hit by a stray bullet while standing near the police a small militant group the new ira has claimed responsibility for her death and in an unusual move has apologised to defame. for more on this i'm joined now by ayman melly he is a veteran broadcaster author and editor of the irish news website blog ayman milli dot com mr malley it's good to have you on the day this funeral this funeral it was it was more than just a funeral for a young woman i talked to me about the significance of what we sold today inside that church. well it was quite remarkable in fact unique in the history of no not and because in there you had the irish president and michael de higgins you had
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the irish prime minister leader of a rather it's one of the foremost forces within the who eat you concept and who breaks it to be it because of the irish border you had the foreign minister signing the again very prominent on the european stage right now you had the british prime minister to resign may and all the finishing the leaders of the political parties in northern ireland all in death cathedral but what was really significant was that the priest who preached this sermon in a church of god and protestant cathedral which was quite strange as well he wrote done and he said i commend the politicians who met together in the crank unless the area very londonderry what this young woman was killed on holy thursday by a stray bullet when a gunman associated with what's called the new irish small tiny republican group opened fire hitting the young woman of the head she had gone to see
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a riot it was the first time she had seen a riot she was born after the ceasefire and after the erupt of violence looking down the aisle from the put the priest said isn't it terrible that it twenty nine year old woman how did guy to bring you politicians together. there was instant applause in the church with the politicians looking for a champagne feast including the prime minister and the evolution of no not looking very she i'm finished and this simply didn't know want to do the politicians don't look like rabbits and lights and eventually did tooth start to cut and judge in the applause we should we take you just because they were the subject of criticism about the priest of the abuse of the priest yeah but they
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don't see it we're just trapped at that moment in time as one of opera mr miller we have we actually have that part of the eulogy with the priest and the reaction and let me know when i asked my producer if we can show that is it possible to show that male ok we're going to come back to it i was told about what we want to come back to what you mention there we've got a quote from the priest today and i want to get your reaction to to that as well he says there is a rule in many of our communities that we do know what we should not give information to police this week i have seen rules turned on their head i have seen many people stand up and condemn this culture of violence and coercive control now this is basically this pretty this is the priest talking about ratting on people for our viewers around the world tell me why is this such a big deal to the peace and to northern ireland. well i'll tell you why it's so significant that in historically the police service of northern ireland which was
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known as the royal us the constabulary predominately preeminently had been drawn from the protestant community and other was there were very very very few catholics in the rial are still constabulary it was seen to be at protestants constabulary for probably people historically now there was a dramatic reform some years back and even the name of the then police force as it was called the rather sickness study disappeared so there's always been a reson since within the catholic nationalist community to give information to the police fearful that that information might indeed it may leak out and could result in the informant or the installer be targeted by that part of the roof leaks so there was fear but i was just quotient billet bishop daily of derry
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the catholic bishop i was with the one did the city jury the troubles of the height of the troubles and we were looking down the long street and which you rich ran from his parochial house and i said to the bishop tell me this bishop if you looked out there and you saw gunmen on a rooftop training a gun on soldiers what would you do and he said i would lift the phone and i would ring the police and i would tell them what i just witnessed my question is tonight . many people in cricket in the very area of gary that very catholic nationalist area we pick up the phone i ring the police in saying we know that we saw that gunman yes i am not so sure that that historical antipathy are animists top. police she said it was a police in all the dog eyes suspiciously disappeared disappeared while garrett t.
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to guarantee that people will raid the police and give them specific information added far at that time all that is former is in very very starkly dangerous tag mr it was what israel before mr malley before we run out of time to give me what you're saying that proved failed and there's a state profound statements of specially for people outside of ireland learning about what's going on there i want to show our viewers though that segment from the eulogy today the priest offering up comments that were obviously uncomfortable for those political leaders take a listen to what he said why in god's name does it take that down of a twenty nine year old woman with her whole long life and front of her the
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it was so you see there i am i was going to tell you as we were watching it it was as you said there was a a standing ovation if you will and it was the political leaders who were the last day to stay and the priest said there that this has to be a turning point is making is death in your opinion and we're running out of time here so i ask you to be brief it is her turn is her death is it a turning point my experience too that i don't to be food i got. well we will talk to you again. mr kelly about this and i hope i hope you are wrong about that joining us tonight talking about the reaction and how the world is watching that funeral today of the slain northern irish journalist mr bell we appreciate your
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insights tonight thank you thank you. and. it has been a busy twenty four hours for twitter first president trump one of twitter's most powerful users and biggest critics aired his latest complaints about the company in a tweet on tuesday trump claimed yet again that twitter is biased against conservatives and he repeated one reporter's belief that he was quote the best thing ever to happen to twitter. well later that day the president and twitter c.e.o. jack dorsey took that conversation off one of the president personally inviting dorsey for a closed door meeting at the oval office during their conversation the president reportedly complained that he and other conservatives were losing followers twitter says that's due to efforts to purge spam calles they also discussed how to promote
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a healthy public conversation ahead of the twenty twenty us elections so afterwards trump said that they had quote a great meeting and that he looks forward to keeping an open dialogue to see how long that lasts for dorsey it was his latest face to face with a head of state after meetings with leaders from india japan new zealand and south korea and to cap it off that day twitter's stock rose more than fifteen percent that is its biggest one day gain since two thousand and seventy. four the swiss region of him i'm told is famous for what you see right there cheese cheese makers there they often use centuries old recipes but one of them is adding a brand new being greedy at music he says the type of music played as cheese ripens affects the way it tastes now after an eight month scientific study where here are
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the tasteful results. emon valley or m n is where switzerland's best known cheese comes from and one of the producers here wants to make his product even better. on flair is a veterinarian and a cheese maker who's looking to revolutionize the world of cheese. and how did it get and this i am intolerant is two and a half years old microorganisms are working on it it mostly bacteria if that's the thing and it's amazing actually that they're able to affect its aroma all the way down to the very heart. of the cheese this case has been than can be nine. tom told family once to get those bacteria to begin vibrating to music he believes that might change the taste of his genes. then on the honda when you put your hand on the wheel of cheese and feel the sound waves move through it it's hard to believe it wouldn't have some kind of effect on the bus the. samplers
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experiment is getting a little help from students at the university of the arts in barron. for more than six months they'll serenade his cheeses with a range of beats and sounds including rock songs by led zeppelin mozart's opera the magic flute techno or hip hop equal or. wanted it's a good distance from it just like it's it's right music for your chain days always done the conversation continues online you find us on twitter either at the w. news or you can follow me aboard golf t.v. use the hash tag the day every member whatever happens between now and then tomorrow is another day see you then everybody.
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story that people the world over w. on facebook and twitter. to date and in touch. the only order is history the world is reworking izing itself and the media's role is keep shifting powers the topic in focus at the global media forum twenty nineteen the laboratory for the digital age. who are refueling whom do we trust to debate and shape the future at the georgia bell a global media forum twenty one t.v. the place made for minds. for the first campaign for the european parliament are in full swing and we're standing here today at the last plenary session of this particular european parliament because we'll have
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a new one coming and the result of that election is going to be closely monitored in africa the continent after all the chance years of a complex relationship with europe. moscow special programs the elections why they matter to africa on. the. low in a very warm welcome indeed to focus on europe with me craven and campaigning is now well underway for elections to the european parliament due to take place at the end of may and one thing is clear many come.
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