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tv   Doc Film  Deutsche Welle  April 28, 2019 4:15am-5:01am CEST

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her. sometime in the twenty sixth. my great granddaughter. what with the world being like in your life time in around half a century. your world will be around to degrees warmer. inevitably sea levels rise by at least one meter in this century. we're going to have some climate impacts we turn greater than what we see on t.v. . it's really frightening. why aren't people more concerned. a little yellow. shorts may thirty first t.w. . have you stream the video
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today i suddenly have and that's not good for the environment but i saw a lot of data in the cloud instead of putting it out so that should reduce my environmental footprint or does it just how green is our digital lifestyle today on step. did you know that every google search consumes electricity zero point three watt hours to be precise. that's what a sixty watt lightbulb consumes in eighteen seconds it may not sound like much but when you consider that google process is three point five billion search requests every day it adds up so should be do without google i can't imagine it to be honest even though it would save energy the internet is too much a part of my life offline alternatives do exist of course like going to an actual store instead of ordering online or using
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a good old fashioned map instead of that. can we make the digital revolution more sustainable we spoke with environmental economist stephan longo in his book smart green world he tries to answer the question so what really is better for the environment. renting a d.v.d. or streaming a movie generally speaking watching a d.v.d. consumes less electricity because transmitting data from the cloud. but if you drive to the video that increases the environmental burden. of science and make you drive more than twenty kilometers streaming is better less than that a d.v.d. is better if you walk to pick it up a d.v.d. is always better file cabinets or the clams. the rule of thumb here is that it's best to print a paper. only talking about files and documents the cloud is green or a paperless office is the way to go one of. the free market. purchasing things at
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a flea market is more environmentally friendly on line shopping tricity and them as transportation packaging to both of which result in significant c o two emissions. of all the things you can do online. since it's a second hand online market. buying used is better than buying a new one amazon want to call the paper book or the reason here it depends on your i'm happy the more books you read. in a printed version. the greater the environmental benefit. the tipping point comes between thirty and fifty books that's when it becomes greener than paper. shopping mall or online shopping brick and mortar store is still more environmentally friendly delivering individual. working at full capacity online shopping could be more environmentally friendly
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ironically though when you shop online you're barraged with advertising which makes you consume even more. weeks is very easy to do streaming storing files in a shopping online it will takes just a few clicks but the fact is even an energy efficient process if you repeat it often enough and something creasing energy consumption so good you still isn't automatically green. digitalisation isn't going to increase the strain ability automatically. we need to transform society and the economy to make it sustainable and then see what positive role digitalisation. digitalisation doesn't always make things more environmentally friendly so it's worth thinking about which solutions are more beneficial take sharing platforms for example the sharing economy is booming nowadays with bicycle apartments in them that and that called all of your for instance lets you share food that would otherwise be thrown
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away anyone can use it private individuals supermarkets and restaurants it's a clever use of technology. what are you with thoughts on this stephanie long it. is sharing economy and sharing economy is a great idea. digitalisation has been good for something that's food sharing surfing the thing but it's important to realize that there are also some negative examples you just get so foggy to scott showing there have been several studies on car sharing and they've concluded that people tend to use car sharing instead of walking or taking the subway. so when reality it's like a substitute for buying a car to get out of the gulf so caution erring may actually put more cars on the street and it doesn't seem to affect the number of new cars purchased and what about our buying habits when it comes to smartphones i'm already on my ten which does make me feel a little ashamed. and i'm just one of many people who always want the latest and
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best in these seven billion smartphones were manufactured between two thousand and seven and two thousand and seventeen at a high cost for the environment first the other raw materials smartphones use rare and precious metals from cobalt in the battery to india in the touchscreen they have to be mined and chemically processed all of which is environmentally damaging . companies invest heavily in advertising to get us to buy the latest devices as a result many smart phones are replaced even though they still work that's also true for computers t.v.'s kitchen appliances that can hardly be considered green then there's energy consumption the more complex the device the more energy goes into making it and even surfing uses much more energy than you might think. that the factories of the digital. store vast amounts of data so that users can
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access it whenever they want with streaming a film using a search engine. in. transferring the. amounts of energy. if the internet were a country it would be the world's fifth or sixth biggest energy consumer. cryptocurrency mining is especially energy intensive minus one. computing power network. that helps to complicate complex mathematical equations to verify financial transactions. being billed to mind. the estimated that each transaction consumes as much energy as a refrigerator freezer uses in an entire. streaming is also an energy hog isn't ready accounts for sixty percent of data traffic and energy consumption that. in germany. as are currently increasing their power consumption by six percent
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a year for the worldwide that figure is ten percent of the unless we generate this energy from renewable resources for all contributing to climate change. around the world to the number of internet users continues to increase last year it rose by nine percent. what can i do to save energy the internet of things or io t. for short could help the i.o.c. is a system that network smart devices a washing machine say well then only run when it gets enough power from your rooftop solar installation will be io t. help or hurt the environment let's take a look. heating and cooling a building takes a lot of energy do lights. it's estimated the ton of that energy is wasted intelligent i.o.t. systems measure energy use with smart sensors and send the data to the cloud. very analyzed to see how energy might be saved. that is the internet of things
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continues to grow it will transmit ever more data and that too consumes energy not all of this data delusion is useful to the cloud or data center intelligent gateways can help edit that data flow to pass on only what's relevant which helps save energy. these smart windows generate electricity built in solar cells transform light into power which you can even use to charge your smartphone and smart sensors in the windows respond to environmental influences in order to help keep indoor temperatures pleasant while saving energy. so not even experts are sure whether the internet of things will be an environmental boon it will depend on two things how much energy of the devices consume and how much data they transmit another new technology that they could benefit. the environment is artificial intelligence could i help save endangered
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species years and maybe help save our forests of the earth live forum hosted by microsoft bill in some way i expose and vital mental pioneers whether it can boost sustainability and arrived at some fascinating results. can process huge amounts of data in a short time that allows us to tackle projects that would otherwise be impossible. ai self cannot save our planet however i can tell you that without ai we will not get there we cannot manage what we don't measure so we need to start by measuring earth resources so that we can little by little improve how we monitor model and ultimately manage earth resources for example the wild me project identifies and tracks wildlife populations photographs of animals are uploaded onto an open source platform for researchers and private citizens and ai system identifies each animal
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by its markings and other features and records of the location in time the image was captured that allows scientists to monitor migration patterns for example. and lets users trace the movements of an animal they photographed on their last holiday. the sylvia terra startup wants to use it to improve forest management in the united states the software assesses forests using satellite imagery recording species of the trees their height and the density of the forest this information allows for more efficient forest management biodiversity and helps ensure the water supply. right now scientists that are focused on conservation and are spending thousands of hours just sit through images by using artificial intelligence you save the time why did you used to take one hundred days you can take only a couple of hours. and the time is now spent back in research instead of sifting
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through images. most ai systems that seek to protect the environment are still in development. how effective they'll be remains to be seen. processing all that data takes a lot of energy. for a project to be worthwhile it will have to be effective enough to offset that energy consumption. here's one thing you can do use a search engine that pounds trees in directly of course it cozier says they invest eighty percent of their ad revenue and reforestation and conservation project for every forty five searches a tree is planted it calls it as a search engine mask and the results of powered by big how about you could you imagine only going online when you really need to watching a film on d.v.d. rather than streaming it and using your smartphone until it actually gives up the ghost could changing our digital lifestyle help save the planet changes like this
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just a drop in the bucket compared to what's truly needed tell us what you think on facebook or on d w dot com goodbye and see you soon.
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a ghost town like no other turn opal thirty years after the nuclear disaster usually deserted but not always. sure it's sometimes business looking for that ultimate kick adventure come what may. be good to just such a special interest in chief holiday in chernobyl next on d w. kick off like. latin america soccer event of the year kicks off in less than two months time coppola medical twenty nineteen. finally porter took a look around the tournaments host country brazil and found that people commented gearing up for a party don't want to miss. thirty minutes
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after the game. when the water starts rising people fight for survival the money case i'll buy gets me but if i give it when there's a flood the water comes up to a waist when you're close fast to everyone. but a lack of water is equally dangerous. based on cue can see people move south so they can plant crops and find food for us in samara floods and droughts will climate change become the main driver of mass migration you could not write any appeal going to use not if you want and probably most of them to come from. the climate exodus starts it will thirtieth on t w.
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contaminated band and apocalyptic the chernobyl exclusion zone three decades after the nuclear disaster one man wants to revive the region my main job easier create two new. helping to develop a principle a new phenomenon zillions of history of our civilization. which is a chernobyl duras more speaking more broad dorms. than too risky. business is booming visitor numbers have skyrocketed and are soon expected to top one hundred thousand a year. this time which is a vacation like no other and i don't buy that experience you won't find anywhere else that it's really nice. but for the zone sparse population daily life is hard so. after the accident the people here were evacuated while
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they were told they'd be gone for three days but they were never allowed back into . they said we don't want you here contaminated. syrian muni taking a stroll in the radioactive chernobyl exclusion zone. now we are here in the. course but reach or a sea of busy of course here of course and the big fear most of the radiation. and what is interesting that even now inside the building because it was at the zenith or become drains their way in which they were brought in all due to the rules of
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where as if they received you know more thyroid treatment. the workers called in to clean up after the one nine hundred eighty six chernobyl reactor explosions were officially called liquidators. but they could only contain not eliminate a disaster of this magnitude. within days one hundred thirty four liquidator suffered acute radiation poisoning twenty eight died that year. it's not known how many people died later from radiation exposure estimates range between twenty thousand and fifty thousand. today the area around sure noble remains an exclusion zone but some pockets inside have been cleaned up and are safe to enter you know my personal opinion that uses. should be.
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the result and. the zone is fenced off and can only be entered through one of several checkpoints this is where sarah he story began. as a chemist he was drafted into the team of first responders. this old soviet tank brings back memories of this dangerous mission thirty two years ago his reconnaissance team was sent deep into the affected area to measure radiation levels at the time no one knew how high they really were. results prompted the evacuation of communities located around the reactor and the establishment of a three and a half thousand square kilometer exclusion zone. a lot has changed since then. huge growth of dollars through who views it as a place is. one sells and war.
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sara he is keen to share his experiences as a scientist and veteran liquidator with outsiders. he offers all inclusive tours into the contaminated zone. his company already has twenty five employees competitors are jockeying for a share of this market but sirrah he is ahead of the pack. so good marketing is part of his business strategy. t. shirts that glow in the dark. and cherry noble ice cream. is that your mobile during the bill being. the drive over and you'll sleep over a little while essential a situation after the accident you know. then it's time for an unusual sightseeing tour.
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what motivates tourists to come here. why have they voluntarily entered a contaminated zone. and then more samples on it was a hugely significant event that happened here three decades ago for me it's an opportunity to see what's happened here since what i will until now although that's also because of current debate on phasing out nuclear power in europe. to better understand why nuclear power plants need to be closed i want to see what happened here rip on top of my parents are thrilled about me coming here neither is my girlfriend was mona's or the fortunately we already have kids so she needn't worry on that account that more before the future. about. how hazardous is the zone today . he did breach the tourists. when block for exploded on april twenty sixth. one
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thousand and eighty six the burning reactor spewed radioactive debris and isotopes into the air. the toxic material and dust contaminated huge swathes of land. the cleanup began immediately some eight hundred thousand liquidators were drafted in serving at great personal risk. many locations were cleared today their radiation levels are low enough to allow short visits. but there are still highly contaminated areas that could pose a safety hazard if approached. that's why visitors can only enter the zone in the company of local guides likes or he. radioactivity is an invisible danger. radiation measurement instruments are indispensable equipment on the tour. the first shows the tourists how to use a geiger counter. mourn for
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a grim clique and. you know. you'll see the. greens this. and then leaves this area just again with. some more. soil around this tree is still emitting radioactivity two point seven millisieverts per second that's about fifteen times higher than natural background radiation short exposure though is harmless just a fraction of an x. ray. there used to be a village here. after the accident it was dismantled and buried.
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it's kindergarten is all that remains. where this is so this is just. likely higher than kiev's radiation level i think you have has zero point eight teen hotspot here at the tree was six point seven in some places oh. no reason for alarm right off of a smile let's hope so at the end of the day we all want to go home and harm to others. furniture and toys left behind in the rush of the evacuation. scenes that bring to mind a horror movie and soviet. it's hard to tell what's clicking more the tourists geiger counters or their cell phone cameras. stick on the floor it's beeping the whole time it makes for a bit of a weird atmosphere. you can't help remembering this was a place where people lived you know and you and all the kids in this kindergarten you see the little beds the atmosphere is strange bit like a cemetery really going. to
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is a ghost town built by the soviets for plant workers and their families it was home to fifty thousand people until the accident then they were all evacuated. exemplifies the legacy of the disaster like no other place in the zone. well we. need. it. if the started to be your old just as a symbol of the. old for prepared. people
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and. so interfet directions well you know it's a very simple example you never went into it and you know when regulatory action was supposed to. be in. may nine hundred eighty six it was almost a radius and then five days before the accident happened you know and now this view which was never enough to ration. the most famous first new things that will.


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