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tv   Shift  Deutsche Welle  April 28, 2019 4:15pm-4:30pm CEST

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him but they know when the heat telegram is in the nature and he come in. because it's his hand turn to his own front. it's. male female that was not even clear to see mega drawing of the austrian national team off the puberty his breasts did not grow and his menstruation did not begin. simply given to them and the worst looks were those of the men oppositely so i never wanted to become a man because they insulted me how can you now take on the other side of the sex. constantly it's tough down a said he says because nathan. in all to ninety sixty seven all runners of the v. the austrian ski association would check my means of a chromosome test the result erica was genetically clearly
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a man according to chanel the v. wanted to persuade him to change his gender to a woman but above all the o.s.b. did not want to be deprived of the gold medal. missy that gordon and that if these make it the ground had been pulled out from under my feet but i knew that only in sport i was some hack i was acknowledged otherwise i was a juxtaposition the one they smiled at point any fingers asking are you a man or a woman saying five beastly it's amandla that they'll have it. against the resistance of the family on the national ski association every country so many to have a male genitals surgically corrected. at the age of twenty
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you look up began a new law the first. i used to think of me as an ugly duckling and suddenly i was a handsome young man with a short haircut and bordeaux but it could at first my hair stood like that and like that on my sleeve cut. and of course at the i had a porsche because if i. had a new nine eleven and a great col shunsuke only had a nine twelve well i mean i do know that there was a big difference in the stock wasn't that he said that i'm. void demanding bad so on i want to strengthen my personality i want to show that i'm a real man and many only wanted that and in public it was presented differently i
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was the big macho at least two or three girls at night but it was a nice time anyway great to have i seen it said lots of. steadily the a for erica has been removed to turn it to eric. you know again i thought. just to keep him up to his question in the east gale first of all listen when i'm walking on the street and if someone shouts behind me erica granted i can't control myself that quickly and turn around erica because a part of. why did the city every case by media even though i mean even if she is a three time grandfather and married for the second time he only had surgery at the age of nineteen and usually lent. money into sexual children are still operated on immediately after birth without any medical necessity many suffer for the rest of the laws. that use as
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a need in five it is better to wait until puberty and let the person decide for oneself with the support that the it s. than when that ended b s own in change. because only they know what's inside them i can tell you whatever i like yeah whether you will understand it is a different matter she can and her hand was in so. you have to feel something like that and that something else is on the us. s. the only. s. really messed africa that's about this is first life as erica that was embarrassing honey i didn't want to know anything about this life today at seventeen each time i proud of this life that was childhood sport i was supported on all sides but you
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know. i didn't see him badly in my second life i mean my name was a big obstacle and i was kicked with feet and hands these didn't want any good play . i had to go i wasn't allowed to be anything anymore and i think i was even more harm than at first mere. in the pan be it serious. but. i've made.
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you can currently choose from sixty sexes on facebook more and more young people describe themselves as gender fluid so they see the gender boundaries fluently. but what does this mean for the language. business whether old to be a strength a brutal full contact sport. it's
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a. i tried yoga it wasn't possible because i was fat. it helped a computer new i tried swimming for the elderly but that didn't work because it confused them so much that i was so young. not all that stuff that just didn't fit and this fits. as well it is the case in roller derby that there. is a task for everybody that also enriches a team it's not like some sports for example ice dancing you need a certain body shape to do it and that's not the case with roller derby i think that's how it starts as a sport that celebrates different body shapes that different body shapes are ok all at once in the changing room. before men or kids and of a mind. somebody
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even at the time of recruiting when we were asked to join in it was clearly stated it's for people who locate beyond the binary gender scheme being actually she must show up and it's extremely beneficial to hear this and acceptance of the fact that this exists. extreme for tones. cut to identify as neither as a man or a woman and describes herself as not binary concha originally from germany lives with their child and partner in vienna when asked about the gender role three point three percent of the german population recently stated that they were neither male nor female man or woman this is usually not a question for the majority of society. you are used to this info in forms even if the possibility of a third option is dismissed as unimportant for many the cutter it is a central theme of identity. when seems to reach
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the distance if it's not so important i wonder why when i buy a shampoo somewhere it says it's for women or for men so it's not the same for everyone. does this move by he'd employ that with every stupid form even if you fill in the address when ordering catfish you have to write mr or mrs and it's a mandatory feel that you fill out this form of address and you only have these two options and you go to the toilet and have to identify yourself as either male or female i mean i wouldn't have any problem with having a feeling that i'm not accepted the way i am if it weren't for the strict classification categories inched in this gambit. the. show that chess all back i used to fend off opponents slips broken elbows and sprained ankles
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a part of the game. i. was a typical female sport. i think this question is a bit difficult what is typically female we are just people who play a full contact sport and of course it's rough because it's a full contact sport. i mean not really yes of course for historical reasons i don't know why one sees women as the weaker sex and i don't see the reason is it in company we play it so it's typically female i say so too. sports is also understood by its operate says as a statement against prevailing gender cliches the club is the only team worldwide
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to have its own male cheerleader troupe to cheat. and when i go to a sports store and want to buy clothes for sports and men's department is loose a wide comfortable to wear in women's sports trousers are all like these yoga pants and that's very tight so you can see every bit of fat and everything if i move around in it i know it is all i'm much more exposed to as wearing my regular sportswear than on the. the. thought of it to be and that's the question we throw back to the audience why do you think it's funny when men do it but completely normal when women stand up on stage for an audience more or less in the tightest outfits and the crowd yells and all it's a finished every wednesday evening i. did
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a good scene for if we were doing halftime football somewhere in the state league match right now i don't know if the reaction would be so positive i think we're in a little bubble at the role the derby right now moving was the. with the third option besides men and women it is also possible for qatar to choose the third gender and tree in the civil status register. i want to make an application as soon as i can and i don't know whether it'll be possible because i live abroad but i'm planning to but it's not about wanting to be someone special or being a special snowflake or extremely different from everyone else but it's just the way i am that's on the on the little saw i was you said soviet spinning and i think it's much more pleasant to have people accepted and having to explain it all the
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time and have to take myself out of a kind of normality that is constructed there but just works within a binary gender scheme to which i don't belong. to the city miss evans thank you. how discuss i want to be addressed. just to be honest i haven't found a solution in german and it's relatively simple in english most people use they or i ask them to his it and that feels good and it's difficult in german at the moment i think it's best if you just take the name so it's just kata. and cut up a sex act. but even in a world that only emanates from men and women it is not always clear how would gender just spelling can be implemented slash in learned all star how can the
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gender diversity be understood linguistically instead of england and discoursed asterisks are now considered to be contemporary in order to represent everyone. who has only meeting little who get to live there is this to see furthest from a get a should get. by them who has an about first and last of act like i was invited into the streets of course in straight miss hartill in a box in a life who are like this to me that i say it as a partial not i'm going to write this the. water under the bridge we visit a gender sensitive kindergarten in which there is deliberately knowing that a separate building nor adult school everything totally progresses not at all clothing or even toys have never been so clearly divided into blue for boys and pink for girls logical isn't it and it's not like we're born with
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a pink gene of course that has now only been invented pink is a color that's great it has signal strength all babies are crawling towards it but boys learn very quickly that this color is not for them it's nonsense to think it's genetic but we are of course promoting it because we've established structures in our society that have worked well for me it's how i. hear. the problem is of course not that the choice for girls are pink but that they are never paying for boys that means boys can't play with anything pink what's cute what has to do with now polish or makeup were too much and social behavior and these are all things that are only there for girls and when a little boy comes to school or kindergarten with his sisters pink skirt then it's your gay so this little boy learns i can't be girlish i can't be soft i can't be gay and i have to be everything else that means i have to be tough i have to be cool i have to show that everything that has to do with girls is not my world he
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might have it. stevie schmidle is mother of two daughters and founder of pink stings germany the numerous projects at one go to reduce gender stereotypes so that men and women have equal opportunities to criticize sexist at the taunting and to give children a different image of masculinity and femininity. this is our book david and his pink pony a play that we show at elementary schools to show boys that they can like pink and be soft or are cool sticker sexy yes sexist no it explains what sexism is and what isn't and very important love pink hate pink vacation. one country think that's. the thing especially in times of the me to debate why men discuss that hold the door open for women or not it's understandable that society
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is completely confused we've had feminism for forty years now that's not much if you look at our cultural history and for the first time men are apparently completely excited and confused because now they say that you can't compliment a woman anymore and you don't really know what the right man is or what the bright woman is and in this time it's of course a gender marketing which says that pink bobby cars for girls the blue one for the boy which creates an order this reminds us of our own childhood when gender roles were even more divided and it gives parents the feeling hey i'm doing this right i don't confuse my kid when everyone's discussing whether it's good for the kids to be taught something biologically unthought of many classic toys that used to be gender neutral on no also available in pink and blonde blue the term for this gender marketing the more stereotypical a target group can be supplying the more profitable the sales figures think it's
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a case in is extremely lucrative in an industry whose global turnovers estimated at seventy six billion dollars. it starts with grimm's fairy tales it starts with princess lily fe on every lunch box or suck and it's always the little girls on all products for girls who always look into the camera or look at the viewer the pirates are always in action on the shampoos the puzzles the toys they're always in action and look forward and think about what their next step is and the little girls always look into the camera with a look at tries to say am i beautiful enough that's something we girls have been taught from an early age or ever since. corporations earn twice as much with special boy and girl sets. the manufacture of the colorful stones and at the time gender neutral subjects because it was all about one thing building such
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campaigns are a thing of the past just like the idea that only girls play with dolls or boys stand at the workbench. never the less a blue baby doll sepsis hardly to be found on the market. value. thank you for what they. claim i am of the second witness so i wouldn't say that we've experienced an insane revolution in kindergartens in recent years. of course in big cities like hamburger vienna there are gender neutral kindergartens but that's not the average many kindergarten still have the doll corner for the girls and the act of one for the boys there's still a lot to be done. as
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a few there are definitely more than two genders there are definitely more than the perfect feminine or the perfect masculine and especially people who are either born intersexual transsexual or transgender of course find it incredibly difficult in this world where outside in advertising either the perfect woman in size is thirty four and one hundred seventy six centimeters tall and lovely smiling or the active man with muscles and strength can be seen we have such clear ideas of these only two ideas of being human that it's very difficult for others not only for trans and injure humans but also for the very normal woman who cannot identify with them or the men to cope with them. giuliana is a trans female the body warms up the characteristics of a mom it is not so until two thousand and eighteen that the w.h.o. states being so i gent it's not a mental illness and playboy germany is proud to have trans women post recently
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cosmopolitanism intolerance as a marketing strategy. transgenders don't want to highlight either and physicality plays a big role and how can you make this clear then by exposing yourself that is also connected with insane courage to really free oneself and to expose oneself and to say that i am now a woman i may have been born of man in other words there was a lot of approval for me very much a positive feedback but there were also fundamentalist on the other side who felt personally attacked that in their awareness of the values. the media response to the playboy type was great but one thing is important for football and she wants to be successful as a woman not just the first transgender model of the playbook mr because i want to be a normal woman and not in between somehow i don't have that dichotomy madame man well i accept that that's not an accusation not at all but it was very important to me
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that i was one hundred percent woman. since she can remember she's not been able to identify with her biological sex. at six but someone i was six i talked to my mother i told her that i wanted to be a girl but she already knew it to. be at all but it took a load off my mind i cried with relief she was crying i was crying and i thought i still have this combined. it's fun to say and i never really looked masculine and i always had long hair. but standish would say school days were not so great. the children get older. they get more hurtful they don't think about it i suffered very much that's become.
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i have slowly adept at her body to have perceived identity first with homeowners than with plastic surgery. at sixteen she underwent sex adopting surgery. as a d.j. it's a long long and given the sex change in the genital area well i get goosebumps just thinking about it it was horror for me i was bleeding for at least six days and i almost fell into a coma so i don't like to remember that. it went off. as it has done and i'm going to. work and so really every day when the nurse came and changed the sheet i'd see all the blood and i was afraid i was crying every day i was really afraid for my life by and. to me even you have to. follow is a model and was a candidate for the t.v. shows i'm
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a celebrity get me out of here and germany's next top model. is most of us because i lost and that hit bottom i want everything changed my name my gender and not only on the idea but everything it. was. being a woman can still have economic disadvantages for a long time certain professions were reserved for men and even today management positions are often still purely male to change this the idea of quotas has been around since the nineteen eighties until today this instrument pope of course. this is even smith he studied neuroscience and found at a tech company where this one nobody knows better how discipline tape just being
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a woman is economically he experienced it for himself as a woman. so . i certainly remember this one. and this is my mother's house she still lives there me as a very little kid shortly after kindergarten i was already becoming very disconnected from everything around me. but it's hard to to not thank sympathetic things about this little kid. today she is a neuroscientist university professor and berkeley data specialist tech entrepreneur and assault off to speak at conferences worldwide. it wasn't until mid thirty's that she decided to have a sex change to depression even homelessness the road to her outing in two thousand
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and four it was rocky. the train best photo and message. was. twenty years of insomnia and. eating disorders in south loving. and then one night i told my then fiance. completely out of the not intending anything to come from you want to know my dita secret is that i wish i was a woman. they are still married today mane first group lost thirty kilos and at first women's clothes only at home only when the wife was pregnant with their second child did she start hormone treatment. after
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truly made a big impact on me you know some things were more modest or subtle like in the sense that is really a good thing like the fact that i'd be doing the dishes and then suddenly i'd find i just crying you know like i was going through a second puberty and and my wife was pregnant and i'm going to puberty and it was amazing i'd break out laughing all the time and i could just express emotions that i just never could express when i was a man and i loved that i loved being much more open and we meet them at a conference in stockholm she talks about her latest technological developments such as smartphone apps with artificial intelligence or big data analysis and about the difference of entering the world as man or woman because she knows both in this world as
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a woman she receives less money from investors for startups and is taken less seriously especially in the technology industry. the amazing thing is even though everyone knew me before so this was an entirely new group of people the day i showed up as me as vivian for the first time is the last time anyone ever asked me a math question it was very stark to see how differently i was treated one day to the next and it was. really shocking. not that i didn't into it that this is the case but to experience it to feel it. you know to have people suddenly open doors for you thinking it's nice literally in the same moment that they say i like to think i treat men and women the same and like well then why is this the first time you've ever opened a door for me and my life. it was
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a fascinating experience the difference in pay between men and women is known as the gender pay gap prefers to speak of the tax for being different to the send she collected data and evaluate at the extra work women take on to get the same job as a man. that's up to two hundred fifty thousand dollars in the tech industry in the usa. if you're a young woman trying to get into the technology industry then you have to go to morally schools earn higher degrees work for longer periods of time even if you're equally qualified if you want that same job so you know you look at this the tax something different and you look at similar like the wage gap and you see how prevalent they are and it's it's enormously frustrating. because what you're seeing isn't simply that one person is being harmed and they are but what you're actually
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seeing is that the entire. world is paying this tax and getting no benefit from it there's no bridges being belt there are no roads being paved this is just heat loss in our economy it is us hurting ourselves. even though vivian million also teaches at universities like berkeley how is she doing in a world where more and more young people do not commit themselves to men or women and understand gender boundaries as fluid. after everything i went through so many hours on surgery tables and so many years working through all this and now a college student walks up to me. with a funny haircut and says call me they and i think how dare you i work so hard to be who i am and you just get to ask me to call you something different and and then i
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thought what does it matter to me this makes this person happy this is their chance to explore who they are. to me. in school. and in school. i go to. keep learning reality wait a second. we want to hold it check out facts instead of make ideas shift to deliver
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us. from another reality to cryptocurrency your top picks for live in an ever changing digital world let's talk to devise a service clear shift. d.w. . street today special edition from uganda we are going to be discussing a very five. gender parity or lack there all of the time seeing these men did an expose on children and women being tricked into my complaint to use ok but if it comes too quickly i think so. people have to adapt into these new changes do you think uganda who ever be egalitarian. the seventy seven percent to thirty minutes on d.w. .
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sometimes books are more exciting than real life. preparing to. you know. what if there's no escape. list. german must create. this is d w news live from the birth when a divisive and uncertain general election in spain many voters are still undecided even as polls open no party is expected to win a majority and the far right looks set to enter parliament for the first time in
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decades also coming up gunmen attacks a passover service at the u.n. synagogue killing one person and injuring three the country's jewish community targeted for the second time in just six months. plus a showdown in the buddhist legal delivers a shock result dortmund's title hopes suffered a crushing setback. i'm . announcement welcome to the program polls have opened across spain in what is the country's most divisive general election in decades the primary party of socialist prime minister pedro sanchez is expected to get the most votes but may not gone or enough support to form a government election is marked by the rise of the far right movement box it opposes multiculturalism and has threatened to end self rule for regions like alone
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. lisa lewis joins us now from madrid where voting is starting to take place now lisa this is a snap election the third election in spain in four years what's at stake well there is a loss to say here when you look back the snap election was called a few months ago after the socialist government couldn't get its budget through parliament this comes after three years of spain without a stable government and when you look at the latest polls from this monday they are actually showing that none of the two sides the left or the right will be able to get an outright majority says it is watching this very closely indeed. just like in many european countries spain is seeing a resurgence of the far right what issues are driving that they are in spain. well the one main issue that has been driving the rise of the far white is catalonia and
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the catalonian attempt to declare independence they actually declared of the year and a half ago and the far right vox party has been criticizing the socialist government on a page or a centrist has been in place since last summer to be supported to be cooperating with the catalan sat protests and then they were riding that wave of outrage of spanish nationalism is going back to the roots and critics have been criticizing the socialists and anything anybody who is not who doesn't agree that spain should be a united country and these messages are pealing to many vegas and also to the young i've been talking to one of them a twenty year old law student who lives in madrid let's listen to what he had to say. i like how they defend and our civil liberties they want to cut taxes are still important to the gender ideology to promote abortion and criminalizes about a lot of. young people are sick of our traditional politicians doing the opposite
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of what they promised and. tell us more about this box party i mean they're kind of the new kid on the blog. yeah they were founded about five years ago by former members of the people's party of the center right party they won the first few seats in parliament and under lucia and alysia in december last year and today actually there are other elections taking place in violence in eastern spain where they're also set to win seats in parliament now their supporters are saying what we really like about them is that they speak their mind you know they openly say we against abortion be against feminist ideas against gender ideology and we should go back to traditional values is obviously everybody's really watching how much support they're going to get because it's kind of difficult to predict how many people will vote for the votes party given that they haven't really creamed off
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a lot of votes in any earlier national elections so it's going to be a very game probably going down to the wire and it's going to be a very tense election campaign people will be watching the results all right a big day there in spain lisa louis thank you very much. thank you police are investigating a deadly shooting at a california synagogue that killed one person and wounded three others officials are calling it a hate crime and are probing a link with an earlier fire at a nearby mosque the shooting on t.v. last day of passover comes just six months after a gunman killed eleven people at another u.s. and a dog. places of worship used to be centuries now nowhere seems sacred a gunman entered the chabad synagogue in power in california as worshippers marked the final day of passover he opened fire with a high powered rifle killing one woman and wounding three more people including the rabbi. my my thank. you she said.
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she's got. to try to. stop eating meat if you don't have to take care of. us but i thought i suspected nineteen year old gunman fled the scene by car but was stopped on a highway and arrested shortly after police say his motivation may be detailed in a letter posted online we are collecting digital evidence and we're aware of his manifesto which we are in the process of reviewing determine its validity and authenticity. politicians were quick to call the attack the outcome of hate. at this moment it looks like a hate crime but my deepest sympathies to all of those affected. will get to the bottom of it on sure now. this is not how away we always walk with our arms around each other and we will walk through this tragedy with our arms around each other
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the attack comes just six months after a white supremacist killed eleven people at a synagogue in pittsburgh. now look at some of the other stories making headlines at this hour in sri lanka the archbishop of colombo has held a private televised mass one week after the easter suicide bombings killed more than two hundred fifty people churches across the nation were shot over fears of further attacks the archbishop condemned the bombings claimed by so-called islamic state as an insult to humanity. rival rallies have been held in the venezuelan capital caracas supporters of president nicolas maduro announced states in the region which have recognized his rival why don't as interim president i don't mean while i was own rally calling for another mass demonstration on may first. mozambique's government is urging people in coastal regions to seek higher ground in the wake of cycling kenneth officials have warned of flooding and mudslides in
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the days ahead as heavy rains lashed the region cyclon kenniff made landfall late thursday the storm is expected to bring twice as much rain as the deadly side he died did last month. pope francis has donated five hundred thousand dollars to help migrants stranded in mexico as they try to reach the u.s. border the money has come from peter's pence fund from church collections around the world will be distributed among religious congregations that are asked for help in order to continue to provide food and shelter. sudan's military rulers and a civilian coalition have agreed in principle to establish a joint's transitional council but the makeup of the council is still undecided thousands of protesters calling for civilian rule are continuing their week's long demonstration in the capital khartoum t w correspondent melanie ball is there hobby you are there. was ever there. they called it but in the streets of cotton nothing is still working and the credit
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is due in the capital yesterday rounded by to thank you for the time. p. to send her a treat on the business stages i grew up reading history songs and be at cities like not trying everywhere. to release an across the generations is the overwhelming sound you hear all over town never the less people here it's a done people insisting that fight isn't over just yet. a lot of the people's demands have not been met yet that's why business come here i've come all the way from good on earth and i'm going to remain here until the regime actually falls down as everybody here is united as the people give you a sense of comfort when you sitting here there is no fear. these people will only be satisfied when the regime steps down completely and power is handed to a civilian transitional government. is incredibly well organized and cheerful
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protest we are witnessing here with clementina's doing security checks revolutionary odds being created on the streets and cleaning patrols taking care of the rubbish. you can tell these protestors are here to stay and make sure that their revolution isn't stolen from them. was. well it's being called the toxic haze for weeks northern thailand has been rated one of the most polluted regions in the world the worst wildfires in years combined with traditional crop burning practices are blanketing the area in a deadly smog he w. correspondent charlotte will travel to chiang rai province for thousands of people have been left gasping for air and tourist numbers have plunged because of the pollution. it doesn't take long for a small blaze like this to turn into
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a rampant wildfire. that's something regional pretty tremseh know only too well this month jan right in northern thailand saw some of the most devastating forest fires in years and the danger is not over yet. this is a new fire the trees are very dry here. massive areas of land bent to ash and the damage doesn't and that. this is what happens when you mix forest fires with heavy pollution it's being called a toxic hate lingering smoke a nazi schemes creating a dangerous cocktail. two weeks chiang rai has recorded some of the west air quality in the. hitting the most vulnerable the hottest. eighty five year old been let's junk some pan has lived here all his life he and his wife say the pollution has never been this bad. i couldn't see clearly it made my eyes
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water they were really painful i'm afraid the small could get even worse and last even longer. pollution related health problems have surged health workers say they're struggling to cope yeah. it's really bad extremely bad i was not prepared for this sometimes even i can't breathe well and have to get medical help no matter what we do it's just not enough. emergency services blamed the wildfires on an unusually dry some of. the day that the fires could become the norm and authorities want to be ready. this fire team doesn't want to be caught off guard again that building dozens of downs like this one across these mountains that stopping the fires from spreading and
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holding water to put them out people here are now just praying for the rainy season to hit and put an end to this toxic might minute for this year at least. sports now and saturday's bundesliga action included one of the biggest games of the season as dortmund host a bitter rivals shall go with dortmund battling with biron for the title and shocker not yet safe from miller geisha there were ramifications for both sides here and the results shocked the bundesliga. few gains in football evoke such passion is dortmund again shaka to both teams plenty at stake in this one will be at its opposite ends of the table shall cut down on their luck intrusive form the title contender struck first. harry got sick getting his head on the end of jayden sanchez dinkins the boks sanchez who has more assists than anyone this season but watched closely the englishman struck by lights are thrown by shout to fans don't
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mislead lasted just four minutes this controversially a judge to be handful daniel caligiuri levelling from the parents the sports eighteen minutes gone more shout to joy followed caligiuri scorn amazed by sally sammy he somehow managed to be for jordan defenders to the pool despite dominating possession to him and went in at half time frustrated by shocker and those frustrations soon boiled over. mark or roy showing a straight red for this foul on so it said an hour ago on the captain disappearing down the tunnel with him perhaps his side streams of the title. caligiuri crashed in the resulting free kick he clearly relishes these gains this was his third goal in his last four darby matches will cycle three assists in that time and if this was bad for dortmund it got worse another reckless challenge.
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another red card five minutes after the last marius both the man dismissed starts up in a carbon copy of his captain the nine men refused to give in x. over it so that the far post. one pack. belongs to shout. putting the gloss on the victory. with four minutes to go. to jail from question with enough. coming up next can artificial intelligence help save endangered species didn't use technology show shifts as the answer for you in a moment table be back with more news in the. hear what's coming up on the display you have plenty to talk about here.
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is legal every weekend here. in the water starts using tricks to survive. but all. the dangerous. floods and droughts climate change become the main driver of mass migration you can write any apocalyptic scenarios you want and probably most of them to come from. the climate start to get thirty years on t w. have you stream the video today i certainly have and that's not good for the environment but i saw a lot of data in the cloud instead of printing it out so that should reduce my environmental footprint or does it just how green is our digital lifestyle today on ship.
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did you know that every google search consumes electricity zero point three watt hours to be precise. that's what a sixty watt lightbulb consumes in eighteen seconds it may not sound like much but when you consider that google process is three point five billion search requests every day it adds up so should we do without google i can't imagine it to be honest even though it would save energy the internet is too much a part of my life offline alternatives do exist of course like going to an actual store instead of ordering online or using a good old fashioned map instead it was. can we make the digital revolution more sustainable we spoke with environmental economist stephanie. green world he tries to answer the question so what really is better for the environment. renting
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a d.v.d. or streaming a movie generally speaking watching a d.v.d. consumes less electricity because transmitting data from the cloud. but if you drive to the video store that increases the environmental burden. of them one can make you drive more than twenty kilometers streaming is better than that a d.v.d. is better if you walk to pick it up a d.v.d. is always a better. cabinet to clean out. the rule of thumb here is that it's best to print a paper. only talking about files and documents the cloud is green or a paperless office is the way to go. to free markets or. purchasing things at a flea market is more environmentally friendly online shopping. and then there's transportation packaging to both of which result in significant c o two emissions. of all the things you can do on law is sensible since it's
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a secondhand online market. better than buying new one amazon. capable. here it depends on your own habit the more books you read. in a printed version. the greater the environmental benefits. the tipping point comes between thirty and fifty books that's when it becomes greener than paper. shopping mall or online shopping the brick and mortar store is still more environmentally friendly delivering individual. energy efficient. working at full capacity shopping could be more environmentally friendly ironically though when you shop online you're barraged with advertising which makes you consume even more. like she's very easy to do streaming storing files in a shopping online it will take just a few clicks but the fact is even an energy efficient process if you repeat it
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often enough and stopping creasing energy consumption so good you still isn't automatically green. digitalisation isn't going to increase the stain ability automatically we need to transform society and the economy to make it sustainable and then see what positive role digitalisation. digitalisation doesn't always make things more environmentally friendly so it's worth thinking about which solutions are more beneficial take sharing that form for example the sharing economy is booming nowadays we can share bicycle apartments you name it and that called all of your for instance lets you share foods that would otherwise be thrown away anyone can use it private individuals and restaurants it's a clever use of technology. what are you with thoughts on this stephanie. it is sharing economy the sharing economy is
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a great idea. digitalisation has been good for some things food sharing and couch surfing. but it's important to realize that there are also some negative examples. so. there have been several studies on car sharing and they've concluded that people tend to use car sharing instead of walking or taking the subway. or when reality it's like a substitute for buying a car out of the gulf so caution erring may actually put more cars on the street and it doesn't seem to affect the number of new cars purchased and what about our buying habits when it comes to smartphones i'm already on my tenth which does make me feel a little ashamed. and i'm just one of many people who always want the latest and best in the seven billion smartphones were manufactured between two thousand and seven and two thousand and seventeen at a high cost for the environment first the other raw materials smartphones use rare earth and precious metals from cobalt in the battery to india in the touchscreen
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they have to be mined and chemically processed all of which is environmentally damaging. companies invest heavily in advertising to get us to buy the latest devices as a result many smartphones are replaced even though they still work that's also true for computers t.v.'s kitchen appliances that can hardly be considered green then there's energy consumption the more complex the device the more energy goes into making it and even surfing uses much more energy than you might think. the fact of the digital. vast amounts of data so that users can access it whenever they want within it streaming a film using a search engine. in. transfer. of energy. if the internet were a country it would be the world's fifth or sixth biggest energy consumer.
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cryptocurrency mining is especially energy intensive minus one when bitcoins computing power to keep the network up and running that power helps to calculate complex mathematical equations to verify financial transactions. being billed to mind it to estimated that each transaction consumes as much energy as a refrigerator freezer uses in an anti-aging. streaming is also an energy hog if you read the accounts for sixty percent of data traffic and energy consumption that . in germany. are currently increasing their power consumption by six percent a year and worldwide that figure is ten percent unless we generate this energy from renewable resources are all contributing to climate change. and around the world the number of internet use this continues to increase last year it rose by nine percent. what can i do to save energy the internet of things or io t.
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for short could help the i.o.c. is a system that network smart devices a washing machine say well then only run when it gets enough power from your rooftop solar installation will be io t. help or hurt the environment let's take a look. heating and cooling a building takes a lot of energy. it's estimated that ton of that energy is wasted and intelligent io t. systems measure energy use with smart senses and send the data to the cloud. barretts analyzed to see how energy might be saved. that is the internet of things continues to grow it will transmit ever more data and that to consumers energy not all of this data delusion is useful to the cloud or data center intelligent gateways can help edit that data flow to pass on only what's relevant
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which helps save energy. these smart windows generate electricity built in solar cells transform light into power which you can even use to charge your smartphone. and smart sensors in the windows respond to environmental influences in order to help keep indoor temperatures pleasant while saving energy. so not even experts assured whether the internet of things will be an environmental boon it will depend on two things how much energy the devices consume and how much data they transmit another new technology that could benefit the environment as artificial intelligence could i help save endangered species and maybe help save our forests at the earth live forum hosted by microsoft berlin some ai experts and environmental pioneers whether it can boost sustainability and arrived at some fascinating results. ai can process huge amounts of data in
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a short time that allows us to tackle projects that would otherwise be impossible. ai itself cannot save our planet however i can tell you that without ai will not get there we cannot manage what we don't measure so we need to start by measuring earth's resources so that we can little by little improve how we monitor model and ultimately manage earth resources for example the wild me project identifies and tracks wildlife populations photographs of animals are uploaded onto an open source platform for researchers and private citizens and ai system identifies each animal by its markings and other features and records of the location and times the image was captured that allows scientists to monitor migration patterns for example. and lets users trace the movements of an animal they photographed on their last
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holiday. to sylvia tierra start up wants to use it to improve forest management in the united states the software assesses forests using satellite imagery recording species of the trees their height and the density of the forest this information allows for more efficient forest management biodiversity and helps ensure the water supply. right now scientists that are focused on conservation and are spending thousands of hours just sit through images by using artificial intelligence you save the time why did used to take one hundred days you can take only a couple of hours and the time is now spent back in research instead of sifting through images. most ai systems that seek to protect the environment are still in development. how effective they'll be remains to be seen. processing all that data takes a lot of energy. for
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a project to be worthwhile it will have to be effective enough to offset that energy consumption. here's one thing you can do use a search engine that counts trees in directory of course it cozier says they invest eighty percent of their ad revenue and reforestation and conservation project for every forty five searches a tree is planted it calls it is a search engine mask and the results of powered by big how about you could you imagine only going online when you really need to watching a film on d.v.d. rather than streaming it and using your smartphone until it actually gives up the ghost could changing our digital lifestyle help save the planet changes like this just a drop in the bucket compared to what's truly needed tell us what you think on facebook or on d w dot com goodbye and see a. special
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edition of media. we are going to be discussing a very five topics gender parity or lack thereof that i'm seeing. children and women being picked to choose ok for if it comes to creep i think some people have to adapt to these changes do you think uganda who ever be egalitarian the seventy seven percent next to the d.w.t. . kickoff life. in latin american soccer event of the year kicks off in less than two months time to compliment the twenty nineteen. we order took
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a look around the tournaments host country brazil. people here not for a party don't want to mess. with any different languages we fight for different things that's fine but we all speak up for freedom freedom of speech and freedom of press. we are in kampala uganda this is the capital and the rain gods have opened on us but guess what the show must go on because today we're going to be discussing a very fiery topic here gender parity or lack thereof it is in this country that
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the minister of tourism suggested that women should be added on to the list of attractions for tourists that god had a lot of reactions and we're going to get some of them right here so let's open this discussion with i suppose we'll come to you patricia what gives what is the current situation in uganda in a surprise egalitarian islam is concerned i mean i think that uganda is a lot like. you know it's very much so this is a country where i mean it can get on t.v. and see that women are tourist attractions just for the same country where. telling women that because they're educated. it's a sim country where an m.p. can get up and say women need to be disputed by their husbands uganda is deeply entrenched in the paycheck i think that the few feminists who exist in this country and exist loudly are met with constant attacks so i guess in
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a lot of ways we sort of i'm only. ok you say that you have a long way to go but not everybody thinks that there is actually any reason to go anywhere monday you say that there's no need for changing anything society was created like this by our forefathers for reasons. i don't see there's no need of changing anything but i'm saying that the speed at which the women want things changed is what actually is very very alarming of course we all know that women they played the role of making a home for example i thought of them in. playing with the who has been the position of that men would come to these. you must be sure and that's why we're having homes breaking because they're running go from there ok let me get to the broadcast we're hearing monday here say all this is just off color blue we don't need to be getting into these conversations and i want to understand how much does a ugandan culture play into this kind of thinking to
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a large extent it does. for me my my opinion is basically the balance the balance between those who want to my suspicion we want emancipation and whether we really understand it because when we're talking about in my space showing the women in parliament yes we support the decision of the godchild for instance but then you do get the girl child to go where to go somewhere maybe to into some career development or something or to become a journalist like myself and when you become a journalist you forget about the other roles of a woman. having a family or something how do you balance the two for instance you're married how do you balance the respect for your husband a new career. and here in uganda it's not unusual to find women being extremely weak it's part of culture so where do you find this balance between who we were who we still are and who we want to be i don't see any. there's no balance what's.
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what i'm seeing to be quite frank is men behaving like scared of the children and women being treated like children by the men how do you mean men are behaving like scared little children. this is how i want things this is how things used to be this is your role i feel threatened by you for example when you have male ministers having the power to stand up and say ok so no i'm going to put here in this and people know graphene know what women who wear miniskirts it is now illegal because that's got such a way i was meant to behave like this are you to us i mean monday i'm going to come to you just now i want to come to a fat boy who by the way is really not at all fat. to ask about this things he is saying men are just throwing tantrums you are just and secure how do you feel about that essentially i think change is ok but if it comes to quickly i think some people may have trouble adapting to these new changes and who is having problem with the pace of the change i think society in general because the way families are
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organized will have to change the way the workplace is organized has changed and things are changing gradually so for them to be complaining that women are having it rough they're not given these opportunities something which will do you live in it's like they're rolling out the red carpet for women doing everything possible to make life tough to go for women all of the women who are here complaining about patriarchy or were sent to school by fathers who are happy and proud to send their daughters to school i feel like the only telling half the story and i don't like the tendency to always blame men for all of the problems they're seeing in this world and so to them i'm saying chill out things are good for women and they can get better every time ok hold on i have to i have to introduce pass on here because he is actually a feminist i think i would say how do you feel about the claims that fat boy is making that the women are constantly blaming the men we need to run. one actually
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could benefits me unless we start to tell me that the particular benefits are so hot you never know and start to think about transforming themselves at the moment of just been creating an overview but i want to get into the very specific of this everyday sexism and i think i want to begin with you monday i'll come to you i know you have a point but can you tell me in practical sense what it means for you to be a woman in uganda it means that my my body is not mine i feel like my body is. especially in regards to street harassment terrifies me any man can come up to me is entitled to come up to me and ask me what i'm doing why i'm doing it why i'm there. i'm being in fun tell lies every single. even i know he's there in front of me if i put it in terms of the leadership that we have so last year i think you probably public service issued a new dress code for women that's extremely oppressive something like the one nine
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hundred twenty s. women cannot show cleavage women cannot have sleeveless tops women should not wear anything. which a gracious by the way we should specify the basis for women in public service men women on the list public service if you walk in the national hospitals any any public service then this is for you so it was one of the real question is why you know because for me just like what women should dress like this the men don't like this women don't rape you men don't harass they don't talk to men like this of this is the logical the logical the kind of then. i mean i think it's ok i think i want to go back to the point that lindsey was making that this sort of sexism is not only social cultural but it's also systemic it exists in law it exists in organizations how do you react to that i mean you can argue with that my point is simple is that i think if you have a chip on your shoulder and you think that the world is out to get you you're going
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to view every over. that you face as a result of some nefarious actors or in the class of people that are trying to put you down in this case men which is what activists will sink the feminists and i feel like this is unfair there's so many women that have succeeded who have gone on to do great things there are many terrific brilliant business women in this country brilliant women in parliament brilliant women in all walks of life in every profession look it's a double edged sword there are women who do take advantage of their femininity to know what ways to get lax treatment you know they're going to smile at this supervisor and hope that he treats them a little bit more leniently there are some women that will try to date men at a high level some men abuse of power to gain sexual axes to women other women utilize the power to advance their careers ok it's just the world we live in joyce are you using your sex your female wiles to to to advance in your career is this what is happening is there any truth to what five boys say yes that is true as to
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what you think some women have ignorantly done that some we mitigate but let me ask you why do you think they feel the need to that's what i'm going that's what i was going to talk about because the fed does taking advantage but some in some cases someone has no option it is not the only option he lives oh ok there's a lot of nothing here there's a lot of nothing here so like i don't know like how you think that the plane is leveled just because there are women that are like taking advantage of the fact that they are women do you understand that they have been told that this is what they need to do like it is not fair like it is not enough for me to just be intelligent to be really hard working i have to open my legs for someone to sleep with me for me to be on the same level as you ok so i'm going to come back to monday because this question is actually in direct contradiction to what you said that some of the cultural norms which we have normalize ones like of things that.
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some of the cultural norms we have normalised may be normal but they're not right in africa we look at the woman's body as being sokrates that is a win win a minister public service or what you're going to comes up with the police and say look here we must be seen to race because they look at the one's body as. an african thing but no if you you're very comfortable with exposing what we we look at bia then we may not see minimal because rukia my sister was saying but doesn't that mean that the body belongs to the man and he has a foreign he learns you. oh yes yes yes. no no no no i have i have to remove the microphone right there where men do not belong to society and you are allowed to themselves to themselves and let them tell them some give an example let me give an example in the african city we don't live in isolation we believe in the clans we live in we believe you know our table sitting
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the last of it i she didn't really talk about the issue of the dress code i strongly supported that she put up and she did talk about like i mean i behaving like. yelled rashid when i think that is the musical position fact in the african city and is the protector of these communities therefore when you see things that when you see things that you hold dear somebody missing up with them remember that their own place in its own well well well well well well well ok hold on hold on let's get this conversation i know it's getting heated but i want you to respond directly to what he's saying you know the hi-fi thing right now because they're like this is what we believe it because it's talking about the african said to me and said to me i would like to put you to him that the african sitting on african heritage and culture and history its beauty around the principle of oneness that essentially means that men and women that you quote. is the issue of discord and
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what and what we need to accept that when a system that subdues reman and when someone comes up with guidelines of discord it's. a demonstration of control over women's bodies that is that is not that good is a protected the what if the system just trying to show that you are listening we have to control you indisposed indeed what that's why even for salaries even for salaries because assistants abuse women so those that did keep us do not think that women deserve equal pay like men it's just the system we're living in so people become victims of the system and get to suffer because of the system and unless we dismount of that system our long walk to gender equality studio it's ok i want to hear from patricia african a country so this is not a free country like values and dogma that because there's not a homogeneous group every single group comes up with every somewhat of a culture shock for the second the culture evolved because culture is made by people not the other way i won't understand so if your forefathers believe that
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women are less than you often enough to believe the same things and we're telling you this system doesn't work for us and we will change it at all costs because for twenty i don't know how many thousands of years we have been telling you this system is not walking and you have been rejecting that and i think for me the insistence on african traditional societies whatever that even looks like when men are also evolving you're not hunting the same way your forefathers were hunting but somehow you expect us to maintain the same rules and likewise and because it has changed for other gender roles you in the fun so the it that's absolutely like you can expect us to be in the same system twenty one thousand years later i think a particular i think that was a great argument by patricia how do you respond to that fatboy well yeah i am of view that culture does change society just does change and it's it's kind of inevitable and you know to my friend you know who wants to sort of maintain things
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the way that i feel. like is fighting a losing battle because changing global trends economic trends will necessitate that society will have to change in the way that it is structured in in the way that rules are assigned to the various genders always even rule should be assigned at all and just to speak on the issue of. of you know dress codes and modesty codes i wish to inform my friends that the ladies that have to the biggest promoters and enforcers of modesty codes actually the women tran recalled in your youth leaving the house at fifteen sixteen and maybe a skimpy skirt your dress like oh you're going out ok be back by nine but it's your mom saying excuse me where you going just like that i don't want all my lying at work or in the workplace typically it will be female colleagues older ones typically who will be very critical of how the younger women are dressed white because they view them as competition ok well there's no i don't think you know that a lot of no's had a lot of no's yeah joyce let me come to you james is actually talking about is true
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it is true that in most cases it is the older women or women insecure vision like myself if a female if a female reporter came to office in red jeans a different and me ask them why they're putting one like that especially family into parliament where these it just going to ask the same question yes i would if his trousers was too tight yes i was buttons were up to here i would buy the thing is it's about the system before it is the mother who would ask why are you going like that you're going to embarrass me that kind of thing that needs to change also it's not easy if i didn't give you the truth because yes he says yes and so dangerous that it creates sub priss so we cannot be unsealed happy that it is the women who control themselves this is how bad the pattern of his system is that it has created some prisons where you find women are pressing for the women so we can celebrate and about that you know we can. we need to see how do reaching that
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system and i mean this is the thing i think that if you look at oppression as a systemic institutionalized i mean i just asked him i said you're a black man on for thousands of years they told you because based on the call of you. inferior but right now if a white man came and told you you are inferior to me because of the. right but for thousands of years you us of those believe the same thing so for me it's a very clear indication that they understand the systemic nature of how violent the systems are but because patriarchy for the most part appears to benefits men. then they're just like ok well you know sexism racism yeah that's bad but you know sexism well but women need to just be a little bit more patient would you have been patients if like you said you know what you're less would you think ok i'm negotiating with you please let me be kind to you know you would very quickly counter that narrative and it's the same thing because sexism is a systemic as violent as racism is a stop to this image as generally all this oppressive systems work and the idea
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that women are like the one thing one women internalize because if for all your life your mother told you to keep you safe you must wear a long skirt you must wear a long thank you then you puff those same things women are not telling these young girls to cover up because of competition because they're afraid of them because they know they have seen what happens how men react this is not the system wants and this is the ubiquitous all right so i want to come to you monday because you've been told that you are being selective in what you want to change and what you don't want to change and because you're a beneficiary of patriarchy you have absolutely no motivation or desire to change something that you're benefiting from the change that is going to stand it just. brings everybody on board she was saying that women must know. one of negotiations i'm sorry sounds to me like you're giving me mixed stories here on the one side here saying we want the culture to remain as it is this is who we are
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this is who we were to. now you're saying what i'm saying don't change what i see what and what i'm saying is that the cons must not be deputed over. if there is a change even if something want to achieve even if they call strays home full when you look at. most of the. values most of them make. is that. women thinking that. africa is oppressing them actually i don't see them. that it is protecting. them. i mean from my. external view from inside the cage was well done let's see how i get somewhere let's let's let's let's go through let's go through those questions one at a time you say the system is not oppressive it is protecting women protecting them against what against anything harmful acts dummy only for one second of
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patriarchy you just stood here and you told me that women belong to society we do not have a sense of independence is in the world also men don't i do so in that women we all i think we all belong to that we. just said to those that give us rules to give roles woman on the road today is so monday is arguing that you know the laws that are put in place are meant to protect us they are meant to avoid us from diluting our culture i just want to come to these ladies here because we were speaking earlier and you said something interesting so in this case for example the anti point a graphic law which says a woman scouts can only be up to a certain point is not meant to protect you know that so many people that have been wearing long things and still got ripped and feel good sexually like harassed that is not the just. for their women the dress codes of that women are not for them in what is this all going like it doesn't make sense ok so. yes something said yes i
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think it all goes back to women are meant to be seen and tired why is what we wear so important why don't you want to listen to what we've got to say why don't you want to listen to our input to our society why is it so important how we dress what are you protecting us from from yourselves so control yourselves and maybe you want to have to look at what i wear maybe you have to look at what i have to say and what i think ok now that we're talking about women being controlled in terms of their bodies and what they dress we're now in the wave of the me too movement and there's been a complaint that this movement while it is appreciated and very much needed has made men the other the violent one how do you feel about that is it possible to have a balance discussion about equity without victimizing the man do you feel victimized when i listen to some of the rhetoric being you know put out there by feminists it almost does sound like they're demonizing all men the overwhelming majority of men try to be good and try to be reasonable are there the psychopaths out there that
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will disrespect women in valley women of course they are there but i think when i listen to what the me too movement is saying it's like hey all men all this something when we do you need to fix this laying the blame all the feet of all men can you imagine how you as a woman might feel if i was in some way. violated by one woman and i made it the fault of all women i don't think you would like it you would write rightly tell me hey it's not all women ok i can hear patricia here first of all i think that's just like james being dishonest because this is a face right when you look at the percentage of the women who actually lie about sexual assault about things like one percent let me tell you there's a lot petitions haven't you haven't right a judge right now in the us who is actually who still managed to pass like all the barriers despite the fact that those three women who came out and said this month. i'm going to let me tell you what the five things i did see me in actually because
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what do you mean do i record you when you when you took my ask why we called you let me come back let me come to you hasn't because i think this is pertinent for you as a male feminist you know how do you feel about what factoid touched on that these movements can sometimes demonize men. these movements are good for us to understand how we can market men to express their sexuality in respectable ways. that is the most significant thing out of this movement without looking at the advantages of men and you know men want to stay in the privileged privileged position nothing should change about how i live my life to lead to protect but they need to movement is giving us evidence that their women express their sexuality has to be questioned because you cannot express your sexuality by six right harassing people they knew that you money between us disappears linsey have been quiet for a while i want to come to you for these global movements about women and feminism but they translate they always translate in local settings. absolutely i
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feel like men like football my friend here i don't know if you have eyes and ears i don't know if they're walking because everywhere i look there is evidence of min of use in women the second last police report that came out defendant was a second highest crime in uganda one in three women have experienced sexual harassment at least once in the lifetime so men are saying not all of us and we think we don't know who the good one is do you have to cause how do we know that you are good if you feel like you're being unfairly harassed but not all of you are doing wrong things missing talk to your mates meant that involves look at men tapping other women's asses look at them and saying very explicit discussing things about women and keep quiet right but somehow feminists are coming for us if you feel like not all of you are bad then begin to do the walk to change the next you know ok ok i think i think please please please please i believe that we could be here for days talking about the issues that obviously multi-layered there evidently
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very complex but my question to the people standing here is do you think uganda will ever be egalitarian is that even a wish for the for the country how do you propose going about that let me start with you i think. as. well as the government of the country all of us focus on building wealth and lifting the country out of poverty i feel like you gather terry and his him will simply arise as as an effect of that and this is what we've seen in many western countries with the industrial revolution with greater wealth created in the world thus greater opportunities created greater options available for impoverished families where previously they might have had to keep their daughters at home run by the most early but now they say hey we can afford to send more girls to school and that is precisely what we've seen enrollment of those in primary school is almost par if not slightly over that of boys they are performing boys in terms of results i feel like we're already moving in that for just three and i would only urge my sisters here to be happy about that so attack each other
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or be antagonistic all right egalitarian tarion using in uganda is this a possibility is this of a going to be a reality i think it's a possibility but it has to happen when both parties involved like in families you grow up knowing that you and your brother equal so what changes when you watch in the wild why do you say oh no i can't i can't do this my wife asked to do that when you know when you were growing up you were doing the same things and what is the role of men in creating this equality that we have such as an ideal for men to be part of the solution to achieve jim a quality men need to accept to share power and to share decision making and men need to do to have respect for relationships that is the ever ok. i'm not even sure if i should come to you because i know you might you might open another can of worms but monday i have to ask you is there ever going to be equality in
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uganda gender equality for women only what i just want to say is that if they were equally can only be forty they be sure married enough said well we've had a very big number of comments here today i think. this is definitely one of the most heated debates we've had so far and we absolutely enjoyed it fees to let us know what you think and thank you for watching. on the.
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kickoff live. in latin america songkran event of the year kicks off in less than two months time from cocoa a minute how much money nineteen. family quarter took
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a look around the tournaments host country for still. found that people are only hearing up for a party you don't want to miss. thirty minutes dulux what's the connection between bread. and the european union dinos. w correspondent alan baker straps this line with the rules set by the team. cuts no. small thing recipes for success strategy that make a difference. baking bread on d.w. . people here love life they love their country but not the current conditions iran a journey through land full of contradictions joy and sadness. confidence and
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doubt. our documentary depicts the contrasts of everyday life and help people cope with that you're wrong your sweet starts may second on g.w. ok.
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thank you. this is the w. news live from bergland a divisive and uncertain general election in spain many voters still undecided even as they go to the polls and no party is expected to win a majority the far right looks set to enter parliament for the first time in
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decades also coming up a gunmen attacked the passover service to the u.s. senate dog killing one person and injuring three the country's jewish community targeted for the second time in just six months. plus thailand's toxic aids a special report on how some of the world's worst air pollution has left locals gasping for air. i'm called aspen welcome to the program the polls have opened across spain in what is the country's most divisive general election in decades the party of socialist prime minister pedro sanchez is expected to get the most votes but likely not gone are enough support to form a government election is marked by the rise of the far right movement box it opposes multiculturalism and has threatened to end self rule for regions like
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catalonia for workers. lisa lewis joins us now from madrid where voting is starting to take place now lisa this is a snap election the third election in spain in four years what's at stake well there is a lot a saying here when you look back the snap election was called a few months ago after the socialist government couldn't get its budget through parliament this comes after three years of spain without a stable government and when you look at the latest polls from this monday they are actually showing that none of the two sides the left or the right will be able to get an outright majority says it is watching this very closely indeed. just like in many european countries spain is seeing a resurgence of the far right what issues are driving that bear in spain. well the one main issue that has been driving the rise of the far right is catalonia and
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the catalonian attempt to declare independence they actually declared of the year and a half ago and the far right vox party has been criticizing the socialist government on a paper a centrist has been in place since last summer to be supported to be cooperating with the catalan sat protests and then they were riding that wave of outrage of spanish nationalism is going back to the roots and critics have been criticizing the socialists in anything anybody who is not who doesn't agree that spain should be a united country and these messages are appealing to many vegas and also to the young i've been talking to one of them a twenty year old law student who lives in madrid let's listen to what he had to say. i like how they defend spam and our civil liberties and they want to cut taxes are still important to the gender ideology promotion abortion and criminalizes matter a lot of. young people are sick of our traditional politicians doing the opposite
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of what they promise and. tell us more about this box party i mean they're kind of a new kid on the block. yeah they were founded about five years ago by former members of the people's party of the center right party they won the first few seats in parliament in andalusia analysts here in december last year and today actually there are other elections taking place in violence in eastern spain where they're also set to win seats in parliament now their supporters are saying what we really like about them is that they speak their mind you know they openly say we against abortion big ends temin his ideas against gender ideology and we should go back to traditional values is obviously everybody's really watching how much support they're going to get because it's kind of difficult to predict how many people will vote for the votes party given that they haven't really creamed off a lot of votes in any earlier national elections so it's going to be
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a very game probably going down to the wire and it's going to be a very tense election campaign people will be watching the results all right a big day there in spain lisa louis thank you very much. police are investigating a deadly shooting at a california synagogue that killed one person and wounded three others officials are calling it a hate crime or probing a link with an earlier fire at a nearby mosque the shooting on the last day of passover comes just six months after a gunman killed eleven people at another u.s. and agog. places of worship used to be centuries now nowhere seems sacred a gunman entered the chabad synagogue in power in california as worshippers marked the final day of passover he opened fire with a high powered rifle killing one woman and wounding three more people including the rabbi. my friend was younger he she said.
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she's. try to. stop believing but you don't have to take. a suspected nineteen year old gunman fled the scene by car but was stopped on a highway and arrested shortly after police say his motivation may be detailed in a lesson posted online we are collecting digital evidence and we're aware of his manifesto which we are in the process of reviewing to determine its validity and authenticity. politicians were quick to call the attack the outcome of hate. at this moment as looks like a hate crime but my deepest sympathies to all of those affected. will get to the bottom of it on tour now. this is not how away we always walk with our arms around each other and we will walk through this tragedy with our arms around each other
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the attack comes just six months after a white supremacist killed eleven people at a synagogue in pittsburgh. let's take a look now at some of the other stories making news around the world in sri lanka the archbishop of colombo has held a private televised mass a week after the easter suicide bombings that killed more than two hundred fifty people churches around the nation were shot over fears of further attacks the archbishop condemned the bombings claimed by the so-called islamic state as an insult to humanity. rival rallies have been held in the venezuelan capital caracas supporters of president nicolas maduro denounced states in the region which have recognized his rival. as interim president why don't meanwhile else his own rally calling for another mass demonstration on may first. pope francis has donated five hundred thousand dollars to help migrants stranded in mexico as they tried to reach the u.s. border the money has come from church collections around the world the vatican says the donation was made because decreasing media coverage of the crisis had reduced
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international aid for the migrants. in sudan the military rulers and the civilian coalition have agreed in principle to establish a joint transitional council but the makeup of that council is still undecided thousands of protesters calling for civilian rule are continuing their week's long demonstration in the capital khartoum correspondent melanie corrida ball is their goal. was to. take when it is set in but in the streets of khartoum nothing is still working and the greatest risk in the capital gets around it by transferring the. speed to send her a tree up the provisional stages yeah cool families need some time to sit in the next not trying everywhere. to be nice and across the generations is the overwhelming sound you hear all over town nevertheless people here in sudan
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people insisting that the fight isn't over. just yet melissa a lot of the people's demands have not been met yet that's right mr come here i've come all the way from al good on earth and i'm going to remain here until the regime actually falls. you know everybody here is united that people give you a sense of comfort when you sitting here there is no fear. these people will only be satisfied when the regime steps down completely and power is handed to a civilian transitional government. incredibly well organized protest we are witnessing here but clementine is doing security checks revolutionary are being created on the streets and cleaning patrols taking care of the rubbish. you can tell these protestors are here to stay and make sure that their revolution isn't stolen from them. it's being called the
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toxic haze for weeks northern thailand has been rated one of the most polluted regions in the world the worst wildfires in years combined with traditional crop burning practices are blanketing the area in smog correspondent charlotte shell some pill traveled to change province where thousands of people been left gasping for air and tourist numbers have plunged because of the pollution. it doesn't take long for a small blaze like this to turn into a rampant wildfire. that's something regional pretty trim some know only too well this month jan right in northern thailand saw some of the most devastating forest fires in years and the danger is noisy yet. this is a new fire the trees are very dry here. massive areas of land burnt to ash and the damage doesn't and that. this is what happens when you mix
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forest fires with heavy pollution it's being called a toxic hate lingering smoke and noxious fumes creating a dangerous cocktail. two weeks chiang rai has recorded some of the worst air quality in the world. hitting the most vulnerable the hardest. eighty five year old been led jensen penn has lived here all his life he and his wife say the pollution has never been this bad. i couldn't see clearly it made my eyes water they were really painful i'm afraid the small could get even worse and last even longer. pollution related health problems have surged health workers say they're struggling to cope yeah. it's really bad extremely bad i was not prepared for this sometimes even i can't breathe well and have to get
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medical help no matter what we do is just not enough. emergency services blame the wildfires on an unusually dry some of. this affair that the fires could become the norm i don't want to be ready this fire team doesn't want to be caught off guard again that building dozens of dams like this one across these mountains that stopping the fires from spreading and holding water to put them out people here are now just praying for the rainy season to hit and put an end to this toxic might minute but this year at least. south korea has marked one year since of peace summit between president moon and north korea's kim jong un. the fall they set off the two of god
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promises the group that today will be a special day she's right the hikers will soon head to the most heavily guarded border in the world complete with no man's land watchtowers and a demarcation line. i hope that the two koreas will soon be reunited. then i can travel to the north by foot bike or even by plane it is. the south korean government has opened footpaths near the border to the public until recently the area was the preserve of soldiers some twenty civilians chosen by lottery other first to explore the newly launched trial near the de-militarized zone. at a nearby viewing platform visitors taking photos can just make out the lucky hike is on the peace trail. but then again it's
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a real shame that we can't cross over into north korea we'll be there in ten minutes from here. but it's good to leave it isn't this. the eight kilometer hike once through forests and scales hills the permit of view of the korean divide across the border in the congo national park the diamond mountains are still out of reach for a south korean hawk is. a day earlier a prominent guest visited the area despite the rain south korean president moon jay in took a stroll in the peace tro highlighting the political significance of the project. after two and a half hours of walking the group returns to the bus for the drive off the hike is reflect on the experience. of. people in the fight it meant that i was a little scared as we walked along the fence i didn't feel safe to do i hope that the border and the barbed wire will disappear just like the berlin wall. the hikers
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have been reminded of korea's natural beauty as well as the scar that runs through it. you're watching news i'll be back with more news at the top of the hour stick around after the break coming up we've got the action from saturday's bundesliga games and of course we'll have highlights from the darby between dortmund and shall go one of the most anticipated matches of the weekend local pride at stake for both teams dortmund needing a win over their rivals to keep their title challenge going shaka trying to stay out of the relegation spot the result shook the bone as they say to that. some time in the twenty sixth. my great granddaughter. of the world be like in your life time in around half
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a century. your world will be around to degrees warmer. inevitably sea levels will rise by at least one meter in this century. we're going to have some climate impacts return greater than we see or maybe. it's really frightening. why are people more concerned. little yellow. thirty first d.w. . there was six games on saturday but only one really mattered on match day thirty one right here behind me a match considered the mother of all this thing it obviously goldman's against and
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it's always about more than just points. as you can see there is just so much at stake yes it's a fight of bragging rights the goldmans this is a heated discussion about the type of shelter meanwhile could use a hand in the battle against relegation. match day thirty one features the key players in the race for the european places but lives they can better brave enough all in with the shots it's tight it's tense and it's coming down to the wire. welcome to the bundestag here on d.w.i. mc mechanic line now it doesn't matter where double is shot there are the table the road dobby is always the biggest game on the calendar but this season there's a little extra spice shall i have in the second worst campaign in the club's history and are dangerously close to relegation dortmund on the other hand are in the final round of a heavyweight fight for the title the last time dortmund did the double again shaka they won the league in twenty twelve that's
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a pretty good omen and as another another win against south that will put marcos aside and pope position to win the championship. a few games in football evoke such passion is too vague and shout to both teams plenty at stake in this one will be at its offices ends of the table shall cut down on their luck and true to form the title contenders struck first i am very good at setting his head on the end of jayden sanchez dinkins in the box sanchez who has more assists than anyone this season but watch closely the englishman struck by lights are thrown by shout to fans don't mislead lasted just four minutes this controversially a judge to be handful daniel caligiuri levelling from the parents the sport eighteen minutes gone more shout enjoy followed caligiuri scorn amazed by sally sammy he somehow managed to be for jordan defenders to the pool despite dominating possession to him and went in at half time frustrated by shout and there is
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frustration soon boiled over. mark or rory showing a straight red for this foul on so it said and i would go on to captain disappearing down the tunnel with him perhaps he sighed streams at the title. of a jury crashed in the resulting free kick clearly relishes these gains this was his third goal in his last four to be matches which will cycle three assists in that time and if this was bad for dortmund because why. yes another reckless challenge. another red car five minutes after the last of marius both the man dismissed starts up in a carbon copy of his captain the nine men refused to cave in x. over it so let the far post prove one fact. but the rb tape belongs to shout by putting the gloss on the victory i saw two with four minutes to go
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i can get some cash and with enough i was not too dissimilar design always a different game to a normal bonus the game it's like a cup match there's only a winner and a loser and it doesn't matter where you are in the table. so one of the unity if we don't win our game says it's impossible to catch up with. an answer. before they shall because last win into a woman was in two thousand and twelve the coach that say this man who stevens five years before that shall co were beaten by two women to end their title hopes history has a funny habit of coming back to home she i. i . what's a win that a shall almost say from the drop for the needle help from club why well if glad when their match against it got it opens a nine point cushion between shocker and their relegation rivals and with just
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three games left of the season and nine points up for grabs it's looking pretty good so did the foles dish out a big big favor. nico village took charge of his first game which took guts his job is simple make sure the team doesn't suffer also much like relegation they started the game on the back foot got that had a glorious chance to take the lead in the fifth minute was allison player was thwarted by ron and this to go up i believe had made. five changes from the side that humiliated itself in a six nil defeat to outwork and there was clearly more fights in this team and i expect and borne a series of both picked up yellow cards. gradually the hosts started to create chances to all the gonzalo castro's attempted finish left a lot to be desired. but almost punished them but you're not a spokesman failed to break the deadlock from another one on one situation frustration for coach d.
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to hacking after half time stuttgart grew in confidence and a star just donates went agonizingly close up on his persevered and in the fifty six minutes his hard work paid off the air if the strike against it got a lead the fitting never passionate display against a lethargic bloodbaths side it was a crisp finish to beat ingo. they defended that slim lead with their lives for the rest of the game helped by a lack of imagination from cutbacks attack. and it was enough to give them a hard earned one nil win interim coach village has clearly struck the right tone their reward is a crucial victory in the battle to stay in the top division. and now it's time to have a look at the matches that could change the landscape of the chase for europe let's start with frank they're having a great run there the last german team still involved in european competition looks
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set to qualify for the champions league next season but it was a failed to win their last two games and now they face their bogey team has a berlin can they turn things around. or frankfurt running out of gas their rapid improvement in the last few years highlighted by this season's europa league run is taking its toll their attack it's been less clinical recently matches i can tell you are a bitch in the thirty second minute. early in winless in their previous six minutes to push frame for me up. there and this well. look us punters eighty first minute red card put an unexpected away when further out of hector's grasp. no one man up record keeper kevin trap was kept busy securing the shutout for his side in stoppage time. this position is resent personally i'd be really disappointed if we lost everything we've worked for in the last few weeks because we deserve our place in the standards and says for the him that's if they wished him. as frankfurt
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fumbled leipsic prepared to pounce they've been on top form and kept it up against rival team avengers fifteenth of the season put them ahead was. but try barrett have a side job he can take a mean free kick. when chancellor crito opportunistically levelled things in the sixty seventh minute shooting before the keeper was ready i was eleven minutes later and kevin started back but the ball with his arm penalty substitute emma forsberg stepped up and slotted it home forsberg still delivered the win and more importantly champions league qualification it's a sensational day that would lock down a champions league spot for match days from season's end play safe and that were also in the cup final is simply fantastic i feel as it is and from. their cup loss to byron made the match in dusseldorf decisive for braman and coach florian cole felt for
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a european place but benito the man made it clear it wouldn't be decided in brain and savior in the first minute i and shortly after k'naan caught him on waltz through the entire brain and have their ears cut hangover was readily apparent and their defender. i max truces golf from the spot wasn't enough to turn things around for braman i they were back asleep early in the second half dusseldorf against a little resistance as they played through brains defends bhuvan hemmings made it three one in the fifty six minute i mark a suture added insult to injury for various finishing up the scoring it or want my . out of a deep relegation trouble and they need surprise surprise points it's a call meit's you confirm there been isn't it a survival last weekend and there was only one goal in this one and it was as it
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was absolute bedlam in the box so might says keep or try to avoid a corner but essentially sets up the host when a look at that the goalkeeper going out and then hendrick vedanta school right you can barely believe what has happened three vital points in the fight for survival in hanover the fight for survival is definitely on. of the above hand let's get a roundup of all the results so far from matched a thirty one quite surprise there is shaka they beat top an over end their title hopes it got they stunned frank drop points against berlin leipzig qualify for the champions league with a win in freiburg just off in fleet brit inflict third defeat in a week and ever get their first win since matched a twenty one on friday alford took the lead in the match with leverkusen but the venice is then took control with kevin following getting the equaliser three more
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after the break. with the pick of the bunch with this absolutely fabulous shot. in the end who has made it look easy as the match finished one. on sunday vote. in hoffenheim bind will be taking on number in the bavarian dogg. let's look at the table with two games left to go and surprise surprise by an hour at the top with a game in hand that could read four points come sunday with goldman's title hopes well and truly dashed and expect more movement with hoffenheim and balls but clashing on sunday there is no positional changes in the bottom half of the table but this where the action is from freiburg and outs where they could save themselves next week salkin stick got they have to wait it out while they're back in hannover they are as good as gone. now it's time for the bonus to get play of the day as voted by you our view follows on twitter your show when it was seventy one percent of the vote. show he assisted from
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a quarter he scored from the spot but this is what he did to get your folks a crisp free kick into the top corner makes him a shocking hero and has made him the winner of our play the day. that's all from us here on the wednesday we'll be back on sunday with the best action from the games at home i'm nuremburg and we'll also be discussing the top talking points from day one intriguing the fallout from the rule if it is to defend michelle until then we'll leave you with some of the best moments from the weekend so far for me the rest of the team here thank you and goodbye.
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kick off like. latin american soccer event of the year kicks off in the most and she much time. a medal count twenty nineteen. only quarter to come look around the tournaments host country for. the next people only hearing up for a comedy show you don't want to miss. speak to that special edition for music. we are going to be discussing a very far the topics here gender parity on lack there all the time seeing
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expansion children and women being tricked him into news ok but if it comes to quickly i think some people may have trouble down into these new changes do you think uganda who ever be egalitarian the seventy seven percent to sixty minutes on d w. earth a home for saving googling to yes tell stories of creative people and innovative projects around the world idea that protect the climate and boost green energy solutions by global ideas be embodied in the series of global three thousand on d w and online. you want to buy tickets for a cup medica for brazil peru sorry they have been sold out eighteen minutes after they went on sale thanks and i stick.
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to the. ones that was a time when many countries had no clue about what football even was even back then south america was already a football crazy continent since then nothing's changed south america is the world's epicenter when it comes to passion for football. football in south america is like the lives kick up for a pulitzer sébastien sam explains why you shouldn't miss the chunks to watch the cup or america this summer. it's going to be a big part. of the best players of the world of the blame for that of south america produces top players not only stuff but other continents produce top talent getting some. for example he started out in the streets of south london and perfected his game as a youth player at manchester city. now he plays for dortmund taking the bundesliga
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by storm we visited the nineteen year old super talents time sound met with his first coaches and visited his at least stomping ground. this is where as we start this is it is it's gross roots he said like to say things that. i did. start with sebastian and the cup for america cup america studio. turning me time in twenty nine thing coming. up i'm erica sudhir the africa cup of nations the women's world cup the gold cup. so you want to know which of the big tournaments is the best i will tell you which is the best. i mean. i know i'll give you three good reasons why this is the kicks well i could actually give you twenty but you know. you don't that i think of hard
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hello we're talking about the south american championship. america. not convinced yet what's. the goal i. think. you should have your eyes on copacabana in june and july. and no i don't have a concept of the brazilian tourism board i'm not married to a brazilian and i don't or do cup weta yet. ok over to here in our. cup america city oh yes cup america. no this is not the gold cup no no no sorry i don't know the number also google that somewhere in america i mean north
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america. big reason number one. cup america's history it started as early as one thousand nine hundred sixteen so when other countries were at war with each other or didn't care much about football south america was already infected with a football virus small wonder that even the first two world cup in history was played in europe by fourteen years later the stadiums were packed during this first world cup neighbors europe why in argentina clashed in the final launching a fierce rivalry that has marked major tournament ever since more on that later though. but back to cup i made it since nine hundred sixteen when this team from europe away won it for the first time the tournament has existed in different forms and if you can call me to kind nine hundred seventy five and it include all countries making the comment who called me one who came up with that that's the south american football concentration in spanish that was wrong when they come out
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of. just don't mess around the oldest football constellation in the world may take some time to figure that one out but whatever. the ten called the ball teams are. brazil argentina europe. chile peru bolivia door colombia israel and tara. now i think this. cup america studio what the african cup of nations all i know is it takes place in egypt and that's it we have to work sorry. now as if this lineup was not already quite impressive since one thousand nine hundred three there have also been two guest nations a couple make the country to turn into the most special guest of all is. to go. they participated ten times since one thousand nine hundred three.
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cup america has become so popular that its centennial edition in two thousand and sixteen was held in the united states one point five million people flocked to the stadiums for this birthday edition as many as never before this year tickets are also very sought after so football temples. it's going to be the women's world cup not. copa america studio. you want to buy tickets for a cup medica for brazil peru sorry they have been sold out eighteen minutes after it went on sale thanks and i state. so football temples like the epic might i cannot stadium it is and i don't it will be full during cup america which takes us to big reason number two. the passion for football and american.
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football in south america is likely to be. every goal to celebrate it like winning the lottery. the passion french show there is unmatched around the world and distances don't matter just take the world cup in russia south americans flood it must go and other cities so just think of what could happen at cup i mean but speaking of the world cup after germany had tragically failed to defend their title i went around berlin to find a new team to support that's when i came across this true love couple she's from europe why he's from brazil both supporting your lie that day now lovebirds what would happen if you meet a couple america time to get your so you. get a man. would it be possible for you maybe your girlfriend and other south americans to come to our studio. that's absolutely great thanks so much. to south
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americans are coming and all of a sudden here in the copa america studio there are real south american and. i am from uruguay i'm glad i'm from brazil and one from europe what which is the team you really don't want to see win a single game. better and. argentina. i think you know what i define i guess versus you know i get a new one you know this one function to number two to lose also as you heard it said. that i want to like chile their actions you never see you want to like it anyone with a little represented a little bit when. you know your friend off everybody you know that yet yes the five of us in the but not the football team and here is big reason number three. the teams and our players counted together different disciplines of cup medica have actually won nine world cup titles now these guys haven't won any of them but they
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are still among the world's top players come is so what is the name of messi and it's not just the superstars south america produces top players nonstop but the only moment that moment gold and gold and. now big stars also means big shows and no matter what you make of it that is entertainment. i would not necessarily want to be a referee there but chances are it will be a great show including great guests. now mexico can't come this year because they have their own tournament to play but. the most south american of all the
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come. qatar jokes aside they were really surprised at the asian cup but actually winning plus they are the host of the next world cup and also the second best team of asia will play at the copa america japan so just imagine a replay of the asian cup final is possible in the rio at the medical if that happens though neymar and his team mates have to go into hiding the pressure on the hosts is extreme brazil has not won cup america since two thousand and seven and messed up its home world cup in between in two thousand and fourteen just explain this. brazil used to be the powerhouse in international football but if you're born let's say in two thousand or so. but so what pressure only adds up to this couple's dramaturgy and cup america is always good for drama quite some religions have surprisingly never won it carlos valderrama colombian herr munster
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for example. messi actually lost two cup america finals in a row in two thousand and fifteen and two thousand and sixteen against the current defending champions chile but i don't know also i had no luck between one hundred seventy nine in one thousand nine hundred. and in one thousand nine hundred one when argentina actually did snatch the title he's failed a drug test and i'm sure this year's cup america will even produce more drama and copa america will be that tournament to follow so. she's. cup america ticket hotline. what you want to talk about the women's world cup germany will win it if they don't play south korea that is thanks. so get into cup about. it's going to be a big party. the best players of the world playing together.
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every game would be like a fight. the oldest of all international football competitions will bring you weeks of true football the life . of the cup for america is not the only event getting brazilian football fans excited for the show and the district rivalry is felt all over the world even in brazil. sao paolo home to over twenty one million people it's the most populous city not only in brazil but all of south america the nation special relationship with football is no secret and so george a and pedro that passion comes with a twist problem the fall i want to sell palace top sides that colors of choice of black and yellow and royal blue. petro's friends yet they are just south of san
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paolo city the seventeen year old students long distance love affair began early you. went into the bakery to get some bread. and they were showing the german super cup you know the super cup of the. it was twenty eleven i was ten years old and dortmund for playing shelter i stayed to watch the game. and i've supported them ever since. thirty three year old georgia comes from east in sao paolo state he's another rest fessor man in these parts not so much for his job running a football academy but for his favorite team that's right. i don't push open the doors my passion for don't win goes back to twenty eleven when they won the gold in this league if you want to know that was last year in the club big bang then he was the best one to brazilian one germany that's how it all began it you had a couple people there so so even in brazil the bundesliga is big and fans like pedro
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he sticks with his team through thick and thin jim on some respects given shelter his current struggles. because the passion for me it's the same as any family. sport shell can have really shown on the international stage in recent years but they're a big club in germany and in my hostile mean look at us all. true fans through and through before the like just revealed to me it was time for pedro ensures a to put that dedication to the test out on the pitch and against chalco top one pedro in a couple of friends against georgia and some of his students. some of their predictions ahead of the game. them i'm going for five nil to don't mind you want to shell being optimistic one zero would actually be a good result for us. once the mulgrew dubey in sao paolo is i.
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can focus on the job the ten thousand kilometers away in germany true love knows no boundaries. did you know kick off is now on you tube with the world of football. it was north of mexico as well so really we travel the well can really feel how high the places are running i'm going to say you know this does make sense and there were people in the coach and discuss football i'm pretty serious if. we're. going to go on. as a football pick up on youtube. it's a young. man's now as promised let's take a closer look at jaden such as riggs where did georgians talk challenges come from . jaden
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censuring forward for us here dortmund started playing in the street. probably the one that now if. we headed to england and had a look around jaden son shows place of origin so you don't have your well. jaden malique sun shone nicknamed the rocket his football stages to date what food and city dortmund's most just in style if he's only getting started but he's already experienced plenty jaden hails from kennington in south london his parents came from trinidad and tobago and made this the new hog what does this place mean to jaden. my home that's where. i'm no friends or family born on march twenty fifth two thousand jaden grew up in this very building the. best of every great to look down and apply to your.
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friends in the streets for the matches. but his mum didn't like him playing in the streets at age five she brought him to a community playground project run by norman. guidance or we had a chat dresses. for skills as jade and have norman to thank. the lot playing end to end football. i used to work in both left and right. touch. and there i stood my culture with. the playground has since been closed due to a lack of funding and a huge security measures in kennington this was the last of its kind but the community project did produce some good footballers including man united legend rio
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ferdinand and a few young players who gained early fame in the bundesliga such as adam oh look man reece nelson and of course jane inside joke. around here where they can actually play for. you know pay for it it's all free for him. you know that they'll get the coaching they need from from norman. so yeah this is true this is where this is a this is grass roots like to say in england. tackling was forbidden and tactics were not so important instead the focus was on the joy of the game and its social aspects sports as an educational tool for the kids. to the culture.
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with everyone. trouble and think about the. kind of this will come together because on what will and education. a woman like. you can see that you enjoyed it more now with children and with a bit more dedication children just kicking a ball every single time i would just kick in a tin can just kick in a tennis ball and that's what it is they just want to kick the ball. and you can see that you know he with a bit more passion about football and. except for his buddy reste nelson is jaded and reese became friendly rivals on the pitch. it was like the i just did not want to venture favorite at least i've never been to playgrounds so it's like they were quite abusive in terms of them playing together if i would pay for who it was and have lived in both and that you know yeah and especially
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when it becomes even close right wrist rates start to come in so it's hundreds of expect where jenkins sound you could say do not apply was born and yes they had to be a bad back out on stage brings with the heads of giants it better now as you know where i'm just now on top. since the summer of twenty seven saying jaded has flourished that. it all started back in two thousand and seven. seven. from the street football project to the what but football academy. the first big step in his career. change goal is going to be young guys. we develop the senses in and around london and we used to get. really sort of street
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law street football soon from the not kind of i guess some didn't play some of the clubs and jason is one of those so he wasn't playing organized football and when he came people very quickly said always go out really special play here when the boy it wasn't long before he got in my team so you train with the actual kind of meeting that was two years old and you could see that he was he was just unbelievably come from. you just like different it will give the kids. what was behind early. i think it was to people. it's people that are around at the time if you. build it also questions that i took off from friends. and even the family bonds just to do. especially in a city like london. during the week this was with. his
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parents so they did really well. you know i mean as much as they did because. they're the best trained people speak out later on when he was offered school program they could offer him to stay with. me which was a. problem for him which meant more time to concentrate on his passion. you know born with unbelievable skills you just play and practice move anywhere else and that's what he's done. at age fourteen his next big career was this transfer to manchester city for small feet and sixty six thousand pounds. but i wasn't shocked because lots of footage of him over the top academies and he just looks so so it wasn't a surprise for us when he went to work for it because he had that tel in there anyway and it was blue when he wanted to. be when he went to
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dortmund. to go to the. probably one of the best managers in the world and you're going to do. i think making that decision. was the best decision had been made in four but i thought so i was surprised he went. over those if you look young players facing a lot in the who could develop as a short so that's one of the reasons why i can do a much closer call. on the she just. so. he's currently fighting for the bundesliga time so with. the league's leading assist provided this season. the twenty eighth century made his international debut for england. is probably the one now everybody is talking about you know the cover of magazines in germany. come from.
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germany and i feel that you can go on to bigger things you know you made a. surprise next day. plans in the world cup. many of the big european clubs. i think is more the content play in spain i'd love to see him playing some other. big nights with someone from. the mix and i think it would be i'm sure he would be no one to take place in germany. we're not going to be sure. we want to his long term followers have to sign. that you do and i'm proud of what you've achieved on proud of. from your group you start from the roots and give your brain to a young person. i know that when i mention you have
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a small in their face. and i just want you to reach your ultimate goal and i know you can do that. you know i have every friday for the. well you can join it the best you can look for the sail your progress. and keep ahead sensible. choose your german football ambassador two thousand and nineteen what about my protest against the start go people has been shining a fossil i'm not alongside messi. or maybe roy someday pep guardiola secret weapon that i'm just a sissy. you could pick on your
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mentality plays for f.c. rosengarten sweden. a good choice could be antonia really go to chelsea define the net down. tony crows as always one of the favorites real madrid's midfield maestro. maybe. from manchester city. from atlanta united. go to the website to cast your vote.
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blue. street today special edition from you dan we are going to be discussing a very far the topics here gender parity or lack there all the time seeing these
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men behaving expansion room i mean being true to my company is ok but if it comes to quickly i think some people may have trouble adapting to these new changes do you think uganda will ever be egalitarian the seventy seven percent in thirty minutes on the w. beautiful but appearances can be deceiving the fashion industry has a dark side and more and more people are becoming aware of it it's a sector in crisis if the fashion industry decides to start making i think. nothing which. tunnel vision is the focus and those who say fashion change. seventy five spots d.w. . water storage was a fight for survival. but
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a lot. could be dangerous. floods and droughts will climate change become the main driver of mass migration. you could write any kind of piece not as you want and probably most of them to come to. the. start of your book thirty s. on t w. you're a civil action. began around six hundred years ago in the renaissance the revolution in saudi arabia this many people became aware of their abilities and strengths in a new way and there was an outpouring of self-confidence i mean it's the first.
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darkest to play. d. w. . blame . blame. blame. this is the news live from berlin a divisive and uncertain general election in spain many voters still undecided even as they go to the polls no party is expected to win a majority there and the far right looks set to enter parliament for the first time
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in decades also coming up a community in mourning one person is dead or injured after a gunman opens fire on a passover service at a u.s. synagogue the country's jewish worshipers targeted for the second time. just six months. thailand's toxic haney's a special report on how some of the world's worst air pollution has left locals gasping for breath. i'm calm ousmane welcome to the program polls are open now across spain in what is the country's most divisive general election in decades a party of socialist prime minister pedro sanchez is expected to get the most votes but will likely not gone are enough support to form a government election is marked by the rise of the far right movement box it
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opposes multiculturalism and has threatened to end self rule for regions like catalonia. lisa lewis joins us now from madrid were voting is starting to take place now lisa this is a snap election the third election in spain in four years what's at stake well there is a law to say here when you look back the snap election was called a few months ago after the socialist government couldn't get its budget through parliament this comes after three years of spain without a stable government and when you look at the latest polls from this monday they are actually saying that none of the two sides the left or the right it will be able to get an outright majority says it is watching this very closely indeed now just like in many european countries spain is seeing a resurgence of the far right what issues are driving that there in spain. well
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the one main issue that has been driving the rise of the far white is catalonia and the catalonian attempt to declare independence they actually declared it of the year and a half ago and the far right vox party has been criticizing the socialist government under pressure sanchez has been in place since last summer to be supported to be cooperating with the catalan sat protests and then they were riding that wave of outrage of spanish nationalism is going back to the roots and critics have been criticizing the socialists in anything anybody who is not who doesn't agree that spain should be a united country and these messages are peeling to many of ages and also to the young i've been talking to one of them a twenty year old law student who lives in madrid let's listen to what he had to say. i like how they defend our civil liberties and they want to cut taxes. to fix gender ideology to promote abortion and
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criminalizes about a lot of. young people are sick of our traditional politicians doing the opposite of what they promised. about the xbox party i mean they're kind of a new kids on the block. yeah they were founded about five years ago by former members of the people's party of the center right party they won the first few seats in parliament and under loose analysis here in december last year and today actually there are the elections taking place in violence in eastern spain where they're also set to win seats in parliament now their supporters are saying what we really like about them is that they speak their mind you know they openly say we against abortion be against feminist ideas against gender ideology and we should go back to traditional values is obviously everybody's really watching how much support they're going to get because it's kind of difficult to predict how many people will vote for the vox party given that they haven't really creamed off
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a lot of votes in any earlier national elections so it's going to be a very game probably going down to the wire and it's going to be a very tense election campaign people will be watching the results all right a big day there in spain lisa louis thank you very much. sri lankan forces have raided the headquarters of an islamist of an islamist group suspected of being behind last week's easter suicide bombings on churches and hotels and more new developments c.c.t.v. footage has emerged of the moment one of the deadly blasts went off these images right here captured the chaos that ensued at the kingsbury hotel in sri lanka's capital colombo more than two hundred fifty people died in the bombings the country remains on edge fearing for their attacks. police are investigating a deadly shooting at a california synagogue that killed one person and wounded three others officials
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are calling it a hate crime and are probing a link with an earlier fire at a nearby mosque the shooting on the last day of passover comes just six months after a gunman killed eleven people at another u.s. and agog. places of worship used to be centuries now nowhere seems sacred a gunman entered the chabad synagogue in power in california as worshippers mock the final day of possible he opened fire with a high powered rifle killing one woman and wounding three more people including the rabbi. my friend was going to hit you she said. she's got. to try to. stop meeting but he needed to get her to take him to hospital but i thought i suspected nineteen year old gunman fled the scene by car but was stopped on a highway and arrested shortly after police say his motivation may be detailed in a letter posted online we are collecting digital evidence and we're aware of his
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manifesto which we are in the process of reviewing to determine its validity and authenticity. politicians were quick to call the attack the outcome of hate. at this moment it looks like a hate crime but it might be if this surfaces through all of those affected. we'll get to the bottom of it or ensure no. this is not how away we always walk with our arms around each other and we will walk through this tragedy with a rams around each other the attack comes just six months after a white supremacist killed eleven people at a synagogue in pittsburgh. now let's take a look at some of the other stories making news around the world rival rallies have been held in the venezuelan capital caracas supporters of president. announced states in the region which have recognized his rival as interim president i don't meanwhile held his own rally calling for another mass demonstration on may first.
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pope francis has donated half a million dollars to help migrants stranded in mexico as they try to reach the u.s. border the money has come from church collections around the world the vatican says the donation was made because decreasing media coverage of the crisis at reduced international aid or the migrants. and in the russian city of stock several thousand orthodox christians have celebrated easter with a traditional religious procession priests and military service men were among those taking part easter is one of the most popular and widely celebrated holidays in russia. in sudan the military rulers and a civilian coalition have agreed in principle to establish a joint transitional council but the makeup of that council is still undecided thousands of protesters calling for civilian rule are continuing their week's long demonstration and the couple harto interview correspondent melanie corrode the ball
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is there was. a court it is set in but in the streets of khartoum nothing is still working and the greatest risk in the capital to surrounded by ten feet of the. fetus and courage really for his new stage is actually african history songs in the end cities like suffering everywhere. to release an across the generations is the overwhelming sounds you hear all over town nevertheless people here in sudan people insisting that fight isn't over just yet. a lot of the people's demands have not been met yet that's why we're still come here i've come all the way from al good on earth and i'm going to remain here until the regime actually falls under mescaline and everybody here is united as the people give you a sense of comfort when you sitting here there is no fear. these
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people will only be said to spike when the regime steps down completely and power is handed to a civilian transitional government. incredibly well organized into a protest we are witnessing here with one in two years doing security checks revolutionary ods being created on the streets and cleaning patrols taking care of the rubbish. you can tell these protesters are here to stay and make sure that their revolution isn't stolen from them. was well it's being called the toxic for weeks northern thailand has been raided one of the. polluted regions in the world the worst wildfires in years combined with traditional crop working practices are blanketing the area in smog correspondent charlotte shelton will travel to chiang rai province where thousands of people have been left gasping for air and tourist numbers have also plunged because of the pollution. it doesn't take
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long for a small blaze like this to turn into a wildfire. that's something regional climate change pretty interim some know only too well this month jan right in northern thailand saw some of the most devastating forest fires in years and the danger is not over yet and this is a new fire the trees are very dry here. massive areas of land bent to ash and the damage doesn't and that. this is what happens when you mix forest fires with heavy pollution it's being called a toxic hate lingering smoke a nazi steams creating a dangerous cocktail. two weeks chiang rai has recorded some of the west quality in the. hitting the most vulnerable the hottest. eighty five year old but
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let's jenks from penn has lived here all his life he and his wife say the pollution has never been this bad. i couldn't see clearly it made my eyes water they were really painful i'm afraid the small could get even worse and last even longer. pollution related health problems have. health workers say they're struggling to cope yeah. it's really bad extremely bad i was not prepared for this but maybe sometimes even i can't breathe well and have to get medical help no matter what we do it's just not enough. emergency services blamed the wildfires on an unusually dry summer. is a theory here that the fires could become the norm. want to be ready this fire team
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doesn't want to be caught off guard again they're building dozens of dams like this one across these mountains that stopping the fires from spreading and holding water to put them out people here are now just praying for the rainy season to hit and put an end to this toxic might mean for this year at least. the sports now and saturday's bundesliga action included one of the biggest games of the season dortmund hosting better rivals shelter door but of course battling with byron for the title and shall not yet say from there were ramifications for both sides here and the results shook the bonus league. a few games in football evoke such passion is dortmund and shout to both teams plenty at stake in this one will be at its opposite ends of the table shall cut down on their luck and true to form the title contender struck first. erica cigarette in his head on the end of
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jayden sanchez dinkins in the box sanchez who has more assists than anyone this season but watch closely the englishman struck by lights are thrown by shout to fans don't mislead lasted just four minutes this controversially a judge to be handful daniel caligiuri leveling from the parents the sport eighteen minutes gone more shouted joy followed caligiuri scorn amazed by sally sammy he somehow managed to beat for jordan defenders to the ball despite dominating possession dome and went in at half time frustrated by shocker and those frustrations soon boiled over. mark or roy's sharing a straight red for this foul on sue it said and i would go on to captain disappearing down the tunnel and with him perhaps his side streams of the title. caligiuri crashed in the resulting free kick he clearly relishes these gains this was he stared goal in his last four darby matches he's also got three assists in
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that time and if this was bad for dortmund it got worse another reckless challenge . another red card five minutes after the last marius both the man dismissed starts up in a carbon copy of his captain the nine men refused to give in x. or so at the far post. one pack. but darby de belongs to shout. putting the gloss on the victory for two with four minutes to go. some gal from question with her house. and watching. what secrets lie behind these moments. find out in an immersive experience and explore fascinating world cultural heritage sites. d w world
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heritage three sixty fifty. come to the new jerome x. you tube channel. a good line of stood. with exclusives. and a must see concerning arts and culture to ensure a. place to be a full jurist muslims. do it yourself networkers. so subscribe don't miss out. this week on world story. a former nigerian boko haram victim at thames university. of hungary and journalist in german exile.
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but first we take a look at northern ireland where an ex ira fighter is on duty as a social worker promoting peaceful coexistence in his neighborhood. john donnelly is a former a fighter from terry and his home is a small collection. treasures from the decades of warfare known as the trouble to. show me a young lad the british soldier spelt back contains photos from a secret list of wanted a members. present of michelle they were technically. this guy usually dan. barry and for me. it was a farmer. and i think it was martin mcguinness was the former provisional ira leader but later sinn fein's chief negotiator for the good friday agreement twenty one years of dark. over three decades he and the ira for british
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rule in northern ireland john donnelly was the leading political force in terry northern ireland second largest city he was instrumental in curse aiding ira operatives to lay down their. twenty one years on the conflict seems to have been settled but for many this is merely a superficial arrangement. john donnelly says poorer areas of dairy are still waiting for the peace dividend to kick in. says the peace agreement up till now it has been all casual. shuffler people can put their finger on and say look. that's that was. that's what happened a little fade if you do that a b. and c. . in the rossa mons community center the former i.e. fighter is
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a social worker helping those who are off. to punish so-called anti-social behavior radical elements impose ritual and justice in the poorer areas of derry this is a holdover from earlier times when the ira policed neighborhoods a tradition that radical irish republicans are carrying on today. a mother and her son visit the community center they want to remain anonymous the boys accused of stealing a car his threatens punishment is to be shot in the leg you know we're trying donnelly is trying to mediate. i talk to people here should the threat. underclothes. because we made it. we're a girlie you know you write a letter a letter of apology will hopefully avert the looming threat. it's a typical day at the rosemont community center an indication that for some people
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in northern ireland peace hasn't returned. even twenty one years after the good friday agreement. reporters without borders warns press freedom is under threat in hungary. that means many hungary and journalists are forced to go into exile. barely nine hundred kilometers separated berlin in budapest but for a journalist or a dish areas work the two cities are worlds apart since viktor orban became prime minister nine years ago hungary's media landscape has changed radically. had heard this when i was a child i always heard that hungry was one of the most liberal countries in what was the eastern bloc and i grew up with this idea that is depressing but specifically this democracy in hungary is slowly being deconstructed and that press
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freedom is being restricted. during the experience first hand how new regulations turn the broadcaster where she worked into state controlled media critical colleagues were fired she herself quit and went to germany in twenty twelve. bagnall is from back home two hundred journalists including doris former colleague were recently laid off and here t.v. station once critical of the hungary and government he reports that the broadcaster was taken over by a media foundation headed by a manager loyal to the government. as the kind of perspective as there are no long term opportunities for quality journalism in hungary. dora works at a nonprofit organization in berlin with its own news portal and last is an agency that produces content focused on eastern europe she says you can find critical
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reports written in hungary and about corruption for example but they are mainly online yes propaganda you know there's a lot of propaganda in hungary the same militaristic choice of words the same formulations the same phrases that government speakers use. journalists who do not cooperate are denounced as traitors according to reporters without borders animosity towards the media leads to violence dora fears that this could also happen in hungary. five years ago the boko haram terror group abducted more than two hundred girls in northeastern nigeria today half of them are free and in rolled at university but not all parents approve. a muslim is in high spirits and he can laugh again something he wasn't able to do
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for a long time we first met a most five years ago just a few months after the terror group boko haram abducted his daughter from her school in chibok. today but i was totally devastated then i couldn't eat for three days and i cried and cried and one local file called i'm a bishop like i thought i'd failed as a father. but my most important duty as a father is to protect my daughter and i failed to do that. in my. two and a half years ago his daughter comfort was suddenly freed after the government's negotiations with boko haram. her family is finally recovering but a farmer is still not entirely at ease he lives in to book and his daughter received a government scholarship to study at a university that a whole day's journey away. i'm proud of her and happy that she
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can study again but that's one problem no one is telling us exactly what the girls are doing. more than one hundred freed girls from chip book housed at the american university in your to attend a kind of prep course reginald bragg's the school director shows us around for the girls' protection filming is allowed only during the school break he says the trauma has left its mark the clock stopped you know. so we're very. just feeling depressed. you know. liver. leg. back you know just. brags the girls need
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peace and quiet and time to concentrate on their studies. says he says only a few parents have been as critical as well as most of the people you know are supportive but you always have people who are not you know where you. need to be out here are really to get in very easily to do this so don't listen to those naysayers because in the. process stage. degree. you say ok if he did. his daughter comforts at least twice a week that's his only contact with her he says she'd like to come back to chibok after her studies and work as a doctor or entrepreneur and serve her community her father can hardly wait. thomas jefferson first came to shanghai as a student then he married today his funny online videos of being
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a foreigner in china and having chinese in-laws had made him an internet sensation . when thomas docks also known as straws through the streets of shanghai he rarely goes unnoticed. there are now. thomas is a celebrity on the chinese internet seven million people follow him on social media where he posts clips about his life as a foreigner in china. says it's time for your shanghai accent is great you're a real shanghainese. do it right. thomas came to shanghai as a student in two thousand and twelve he fell in love and stayed in his videos he talks in fluent chinese about a broad range of topics food. truck traffic.
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health. more. but it all started with a sketch about his sorry no german marriage. to me tonight in a. moment i need i didn't hide put on the. body. why did you pay for the call you. thomas and his wife julie write and produce the clips together and they can make a living from them it all started when they came across a video by a chinese internet celebrity yes and sketched out she recorded a sketch about coming hung for chinese new year money that's when people are us the same questions over and over again when you're getting married how much do you know when you're going to buy a car when you're going to buy a flat well julie then said to me you should film a clip about marrying into a chinese family as a foreigner. you want to go. over
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to. the how do you go. walk out of life was when i told my parents i'm dating a foreigner my father chris glass down we were having lunch and he said what did you say you were i said a foreigner he shouted are you crazy what's wrong with you all these foreigners are playboys. that. it's true i didn't like him at the start he's fat he said he was poor and a student they don't talk about that it's embarrassing. they continue to joke about what has now turned into a wonderful friendship for his part thomas says he's lucky to have found a chinese family who share his sense of humor one sketch at
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a time. today special edition from uganda we are going to be discussing a very far the topic gender parity or lack there all the time seeing these men behaving mid-scale to children and women being treated back to being chin is ok but if it comes to quickly i think some people may have trouble backed into these changes do you think uganda will ever be egalitarian the seventy seven percent next to the d.w.p. . beautiful but appearances can be deceiving the fashion industry has a dark side and more and more people are becoming aware of it it's a sector in crisis if the fashion industry decides to stop working i think.
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they would share an opportunity for those who say fashion change. how about taking a few risks you could even take a chance on was. raring to go. don't expect happy ending. literature looks. we are in kampala uganda vis is the capital and the rain gods have opened on us but guess what the show must go on because today we're going to be discussing a very fiery topic here gender parity or lack thereof it is in this country that
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the minister of tourism suggested that women should be added on to the list of attractions for tourists that god had a lot of reactions and we're going to get some of them right here so let's open this discussion with i suppose we'll come to you patricia what gives what is the current situation in uganda in a surprise egalitarian islam is concerned i mean i think that uganda is a lot like. you know it's very nature so this is a country where i mean you can get on t.v. and see that women are tourist attractions just for the same country where. telling women that because they're educated. it's a sim country where an m.p. can get up and say women need to be displayed into by their husbands you can know is deeply entrenched in the paycheck i think that the few feminists who exist in this country and exist largely are met with constant attacks yeah so i guess in a lot of ways we set up along way to go ok you say that you have
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a long way to go but not everybody thinks that these actually any reason to go anywhere monday you say that there's no need for changing anything society was created like this by all forefathers for a reason women i don't have as many of changing anything but i'm saying that the speed at which the women want things change is what actually is very very. of course we all know that women they played the role of making your home for example . with them in. your home so implying that the who may. be in the position one of the men would come. you must be sure and that's why we're having homes breaking because they're running go from there ok let me get the broadcast we're going monday here say all this is just a hall of blue we don't need to be getting into these conversations and i want to understand how much does a ugandan culture play into this kind of thinking to
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a large extent it does. for me my my opinion is basically the balance the balance between those who want to my suspicion we want to aspiration and whether we really understand it because we were talking about. women empowerment yes we support the diffusion of a girl child for instance but then you do get the girl child to go where to go somewhere maybe to into some career development or something or to become a journalist like myself and when you become a journalist you forget about the other roles of a woman may be having a family or something how do you balance the two for instance you're married how do you balance the respect for your husband and your career. and here in uganda it's not unusual to find women being extremely weak it's part of culture so where do you find this balance between who we were who we still are and who we want to be i don't see any. there's no balance whatsoever what i'm seeing to be
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quite frank is men behaving like scared of the children and women being treated like children by the men how do you mean men are behaving like scared little children. this is how i want things this is how things used to be this is your role i feel threatened by you for example when you have male ministers having the power to stand up and say ok so no i'm going to put here is and you know that women who wear miniskirts it is not illegal because it's got such a way or was meant to be like this for you two years. monday i'm going to come to you just now i want to come to a fat boy who by the way is really not at all fat. to ask about this things he is saying men are just throwing tantrums you are just in secure how do you feel about that essentially i think change is ok but if it comes to quickly i think some people may have trouble adapting to these new changes and who is having problem with the pace of the change i think society in general because of the way families
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are organized will have to change the way the workplace is organized has changed i things are changing gradually so for them to be complaining that women are having it rough they're not given these opportunities something which will do living it's like they're rolling out the red carpet for women doing everything possible to make life comfortable for women all of the women who are here complaining about patriarchy or were sent to school by fathers who are happy and proud to send their daughters to school i feel like the only telling half the story and i don't like the tendency to always blame men for all of the problems they see in this world and so to them i'm saying chill out things are good for women and they can get better even time ok hold on i have to i have to introduce pass on here because he is actually a feminist i think i would say how do you feel about the claims that fat boy is making that the women are constantly blaming the men we need to understand that one
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such a key benefits man unless we start to ten men that actually agree that benefits you or somehow you never know and start to think about transforming themselves at the moment of just been creating an overview but i want to get into the very specifics of this every day sexism and i think i want to begin with you monday i'll come to you i know you have a point but can you tell me in practical sense what it means for you to be a woman in uganda it means that my my body is not mine i feel like my body is not my especially in regards to street harassment terrifies me any man can. come up to me is entitle to come up to me and ask me what i'm doing why i'm doing it why i'm there i'm busy lawns i'm big in fun tell lies every single get it right down even right now he's there in front of me if i put it in terms of the leadership that we have so last year i think you proved to me so public service issued a new dress code for women that's extremely oppressive something like the one nine
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hundred twenty s. women cannot show cleavage women cannot have sleeveless tops women should not wear anything above the knee which aggression by the way we should specify that this is for women in public service men and women on the list public service if you walk in the national hospital as any any public service then this is for you so this is one thing that really gets to me is why you know because for let me just like what women should just like this some men don't like this woman don't rape you mention harassment don't talk to men like this of this is the logical sex the logical sex the kind of the control. i mean i think it was ok i think i want to go back to the point that lindsay was making that this sort of sexism is not only social cultural but it's also systemic it exists in law it exists in organizations how do you react to that i mean you can argue with that my point is simple is that i think if you have a chip on your shoulder and you think that the world is out to get you you're going
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to view every obstacle that you face as a result of some nefarious actors or in the ferias class of people that are trying to put you down in this case men which is what activists will sink the feminists and i feel like this is unfair there's so many women that have succeeded who have gone on to do great things there are many terrific brilliant business women in this country brilliant women in parliament brilliant women in all walks of life in every profession look it's a double edged sword there are women who do take advantage of their femininity to know what ways to get lots treatment you know they're going to smile at their supervisor and hope that he treats them a little bit more than. there are some women that will try to date men at a high level some men abuse of power to gain sexual access to women other women utilize their power to advance their careers ok it's just the world we live in joyce are you using your sex your female wiles to to to advance in your career is this what is happening is there any truth to what fatboy say yes there is truth to
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what you think some women have ignorantly done that some we milk a but let me ask you why do you think they feel the need to that's what i'm going that's what i was going to talk about because the fat boy in me. taking advantage but some in some cases someone has no option it is not the only option he lives oh ok there's a lot of nothing here there's a lot of laughing here so like i don't know like how you think that the plane is leveled just because they're women that have to like taking advantage of the fact that they're women do you understand that they have been told that this is what they need to do like it is not fair like it is not enough for me to just be intelligent to be really hardworking i have to open my legs for someone to sleep with me for me to be on the same level as you ok so i'm going to come back to monday because this question is actually in direct contradiction to what you said that some of the cultural norms which we have normalize ones like and things that
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some of the cultural norms we have normal eyes may be normal but they're not right in africa we look at the woman's body as doing some cred that is like when when a minister or public service or would you going to comes up with the police and say look here we must be seen to be racist because they look at the woman's body as. an african to you know if you you're very comfortable with exposing what we we look at dia then we may not see minimal because rukia my sister was saying but doesn't that mean that the body belongs to the man and he has authority over you and you be loopy. oh yes in your bra no no no no i have to remove the microphone right there where men do not belong to society and. to themselves to them to themselves and never let them show them to them give an example let me give an example in the african city we don't live in isolation we believe in the clans we need be we believe you know our table sleeping in lustily i she did really
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talk about the issue of the dress quickly i strongly supported that she took up and she broke about like i mean i behaving like a ninety year old receiving i think that is the musical position fact it is the african sitting a man is a perfect all these are community therefore when you see things that when you see things that you hold dear somebody missing up was them remember spent their own way in its own well well well well well well well ok hold on hold on let's keep going to this conversation i know it's getting heated but i want you to respond directly to what he's saying you know they're high five ing right now because they're like this is what we believe in it's to provide the african said to me are considering i would like to put you to him that the african sitting on african heritage and culture and history its beauty around the principle of oneness that essentially means that men and women are equal was the issue of discord and what and what we
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need to accept that when a system that subdues women and when someone comes up with guidelines of discord it's. a demonstration of control over women's bodies that is that is not that good is a protected the what if the system just trying to show that you are listening we have to control you indisposed in the wide that's why even for salaries even for salaries because assistants abuse women so those are the good keypads do not think that women didn't deserve equal pay like men it's just the system we're living in so people become victims of the system. and get to suffer because of the system and unless we dismount of that system our walk to gender equality studio it says ok i want to hear from patricia africans in a country so there is not a free country shouldn't like values and dogma because this is not like homogeneous group every single group comes up with every one of our cultures look for that second the culture evolves because culture is made by people not the other way i
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won't understand so if your forefathers believed that women are less than you often enough to believe the same things and we're telling you this system doesn't work for us and we will change it at all costs because for twenty i don't know how many thousands of years we have been telling you this system is not walking and you have been rejecting that and think for me the insistence on african traditional societies whatever that even looks like when men are also evolving you're not hunting the same way your forefathers while hunting but somehow you expect us to maintain the same rules and likewise and because it has changed for other gender roles you in the fun so the it that's absolutely like you can expect us to be in the same system twenty one thousand years later i think a particular i think that was a great argument by for to show how do you respond to that fat boy well yeah i am of view that culture does change society just does change and it's it's kind of inevitable and you know to my friend you know who wants to sort of maintain things
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the way they are i feel like he's fighting a losing battle because changing global trends economic trends will necessitate that society will have to change in the way that it is structured and in the way that rules are assigned to the various gender even rules should be assigned at all and just to speak on the issue. of you know dress codes and modesty codes i wish to inform my friends that the ladies that have to the biggest promoters and enforce says of modesty codes actually women trend we call the new youth leaving the house at fifteen sixteen and maybe a skimpy skirt are you going out ok be back by nine but it's your mom. excuse me where you going just like that i don't know what am i lying or are in the workplace typically it will be female colleagues older ones typically who will be very critical of how the younger women are dressed why because they view them as competition ok there's no i don't think you know that that a lot of no's had a lot of no's yeah joyce let me come to you james is actually talking about is true
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it is true that in most cases it is the older women or women into called vision like myself if a female if a female reporter came to office in red jeans a different in the us pam why the putting one like that especially segue into parliament where these addressed. the same question yes i would if his trousers was too tight yes i was buttons were up to here i would buy the thing is it's about the system before it is the mother who would ask why are you going like that you're going to embarrass me that kind of thing that needs to change also it's not easy if i didn't give you the truth because yes this is yes and so dangerous that it creates a process so we cannot be unsealed happy that it is the women who control themselves this is how bad the pattern of the system is that it has created some prisons where you find women or prison for women so we can celebrate and come up about that you
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know we can and we need to see how do we change that system or i mean this is the thing i think that if you look at oppression as a systemic institutionalized i mean i just asked him i said you're a black mime and for those of years they told you because based on the color of your skin that's why inferior but right now if a white man came and told you you're inferior to me because of the pull of your skin you would rebel right but for thousands of you know do you also still believe the same thing so for me it's a very clear indication that they understand the systemic nature of and how violent the systems are but because patriarchy for the most part appears to benefits men yeah for them then they're just like ok well you know sexism racism yes. that's bad but you know sexism well but women need to just be a little bit more patient would you have been patients if like you said you know what you are let's just say ok i'm negotiating with you please let me be kind to you know you would very quickly counter that narrative and it's the same thing because sexism is a systemic as violent as racism is up to his image and generally all this
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oppressive system work and the idea that women like the one thing one women internalize because if for all your life your mother told you to keep you safe you must wear a long skirt you must wear a long thing you then you pass those same things women are not telling these young girls to cover up because of competition because they're afraid of them because they know they have seen what happens how men react this is not the system works and this is how ubiquitous alright so i want to come to you monday because you've been told that you are being selective in what you want to change and what you don't want to change and because you're a beneficiary of patriarchy you have absolutely no motivation or desire to change something that you're benefiting from the change that you're going to stand up is to. bring everybody on board she was saying that women must not. even one of negotiations i'm sorry in the world it sounds to me like you're giving me mixed stories here on the one side here saying we want the culture to remain as it is this is who we are this is who we were. now you're saying what i'm saying the
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change what i see what i am what i'm saying is that the college must not be over. if there is a change if something want to achieve even if it calls for is harmful when you look at the. most of the. news most of them. is that. women thinking that this system in uganda. is oppressing them actually i don't see. how we're going to them it is protecting. yes let's put it on women. i mean for all my. friends is ok. let's not get in somewhere let's let's let's let's go through let's go through those questions one at a time you say the system is not oppressive it is protecting women protecting them against what are against anything harmful. only for one second of
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patriarchy you just stood here and told me that women belong to society we do not have a sense of independence is in the world. i do so that women we all i think we all belong to that we all belong to those that give us rules to give. you room so monday is arguing that you know the laws that are put in place are meant to protect us they're meant to avoid us from diluting our culture i just want to come to these ladies here because we were speaking earlier and you said something interesting so in this case for example the anti point of graphic law which says a woman skirts can only be up to a certain point is not meant to protect you know there's so many people that have been wearing long things and still got ripped and feel good centrally you know caressed that is not the just being a how come it's for that but women that just go do something that women are not for them in what is this all going like they make sense ok so if you have something to
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say yes i think it all goes back to women are meant to be seen and tired why is what we wear so important why don't you want to listen to what we've got to say why don't you want to listen to our society why is it so important how we dress what are you protecting us from from yourselves so control yourselves and maybe want to have to look at what i wear maybe you'll have to look at what i have to say and what i think ok now that we're talking about women being controlled in terms of their bodies and what they dress we're now in the wave of the me too movement and there's been a complaint that this movement while it is appreciated and very much needed has made. men the other the violent one how do you feel about that is it possible to have a balanced discussion about equity without victimizing the man do you feel victimized when i listen to some of the rhetoric being you know put out there by feminists it almost does sound like they're demonizing all men the overwhelming majority of men try to be good and try to be reasonable are there the psychopaths out there that
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will disrespect women invalidate women of course they are there but i think when i listen to what the me too movement is saying it's like hey all men you all this something wrong with you you need to fix this laying the blame all the feet of all men can you imagine how you as a woman might feel if i was in some way. assaulted or violated by one woman and i made it the fault of all women i don't think you would like it you would write rightly tell me hey it's not all women ok i can hear patricia here first of all i think that's just like james being dishonest because this is a face right when you look at the percentages of women who actually lie about sexual assault about things like rape one percent's not going to let me tell you there's a lot of petitions haven't you haven't judge right a judge right now in the us boys actually still manage to pass like all the barriers despite the fact that there were three women who came out and said this month assaulted i'm going to let me tell you what the something should see me and actually because what do you mean do i record you when you when you took my ass to
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why we called you let me come back let me come to you hasn't because i think this is pertinent for you as a male feminist you know how do you feel about what factoid touched on that these movements can sometimes demoralize men these movements are good for us to understand how we can walk with men to express their sexuality in respectable ways . that is the most significant thing out of these movements without looking at the advantages of men and you know men want to stay in the privileged privileged position nothing should gender but how i use my name to lead to protect my demi to movement. he's giving us evidence that the women express their sexuality has to be questioned because you cannot express your sex ready to basics right harassing people they knew that you money between us disappears lindsey you've been quiet for a while i want to come to you for these global movements about women and feminism that they translate they always translate in local settings. absolutely i
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feel like men like football my friend here i don't know if you have eyes and ears i don't know if they're walking because everywhere i look there is evidence of min of use in women the second last police report that came out different was the second highest crime in uganda one in three women have experienced sexual harassment at least once in their lifetime so many are saying not all of us and we're saying we don't know who the good one is do you have stickers how do we know that you're good if you feel like you're being unfairly harassed but not all of you into the room things we think talk to your mates men's it involves look at men tapping other women's asses look at the mic saying very explicit discussing things about women and keep quiet right but somehow feminists are coming for us if you feel like not all of you are bad then begin to do the walk to change the nice and ok ok i think i think please please please please i believe that we could be here for days talking about the issues that obviously multi-layered there evidently very complex but my
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question to the people standing here is do you think uganda will ever be egalitarian is that even a wish for the for the country how do you propose going about that football let me start with you i think. as long as the government and the country all of us focus on building wealth and lifting the country out of poverty i feel like you've got to terry and his him will simply arise as a side effect of that and this is what we've seen in many western countries with the industrial revolution the greater wealth created in the world that's greater opportunities created greater options available for impoverished families where previously they might have had to keep their. at home oh my the most earlier but now they say hey we can afford to send more girls to school and that is precisely what we've seen enrollment of those in primary school is almost par if not slightly over the. performing boys in terms of results i feel like we're already moving in that trajectory and i would only urge my sister's here to be happy about that so
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each other or be all right egalitarian tarion using in uganda is this a possibility is this of a going to be a reality i think it's a possibility but it has to happen when both parties involved like in families you grow up knowing that you and your brother equal so what changes when you watch in the world why do you say oh no i can't i can't do this my wife asked to do that when you know when you were growing up you were doing the same things and what is the role of men in creating this equality that's we have such as an ideal meant to be part of the solution to achieve gender equality men need to accept to share power and to share decision making and men need to do to have respect for relationships. ok. i'm not even sure if i should come to you because you might you might open another can of worms but monday i have to ask you is there ever going to be equality in uganda. when the what do you want to see is that they
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would only be found in the dictionary enough said well we've had a very good number call me here today i think this is definitely one of the most heated debates we've had so far and we absolutely enjoyed it please do let us know what you think and thank you for watching.
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beautiful but appearances can be deceiving the fashion industry has a dark side and more and more people are becoming aware of it it's a sector in crisis. the fashion industry decided to start making. i think.
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nothing would change an opportunity for those who say fashion can change. sometime in the twenty six to you my great granddaughter of. the. belike in your life time in around half a century. your world will be around to degrees one moment. comes in evidently sea levels rise by at least one meter in this century. referred to have some climate impacts maternal greater than we see over me. it's
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really frightening clubs to have played. why are people more concerned. little yellow. stars may thirty first on t.w. . it's time to take one step. and face. time just such the announcement and the fight for the tribes place a time to overcome boundaries and conditions of the lump it's time for. a new debit is coming up ahead. lines. people here love life they love their country but not the current conditions iran a journey through a land full of contradictions of joy and sadness comforts and doubt.
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our documentary depicts the contrasts of everyday life and how people cope with them to run first week starts may second spot g.w. . among the more. subtle. play. play. this is the news live from berlin a divisive and uncertain general election in spain many voters still undecided even as they go to the polls no party is expected to win a majority and the all right look says that if you enter parliament for the first
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time in decades. also coming up a community in mourning one person is dead or injured after a gunman opens fire on a passover service at a u.s. synagogue the country's jewish worshipers targeted for the second time in just six months. and that thailand's toxic hate special reports on some of the world's worst air pollution has left locals and gasping for breath. i'm called aspen welcome to the program polls have opened across spain in what is said to be the country's most divisive general election in decades the party of the socialist prime minister pedro sanchez is expected to get the most votes but delightfully not garner enough support to form a government election is marked by the rise of the far right movement of barks it
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opposes multiculturalism and has threatened to end its self rule for regions like catalonia. lisa lewis joins us now from madrid were voting is starting to take place now lisa this is a snap election the third election in spain in four years what's at stake. well there is a lot a saying here when you look back the snap election was called a few months ago after the socialist government couldn't get its budget through parliament this comes after three years of spain without a stable government and when you look at the latest polls from this monday they are actually showing that none of the two sides the left or the right will be able to get an outright majority says it is watching this very closely indeed. now just like in many european countries spain is seeing a resurgence of the far right what issues are driving that bear in spain well
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the one main issue that has been driving the rise of the far right is catalonia and the. attempt to declare independence they actually declared it of the year and a half ago and the far right vox party has been criticizing the socialist government on a pretty centrist has been in place since last summer to be supported to be cooperating with the catalan sat protests and then they were riding that wave of outrage of spanish nationalism is going back to the roots and critics have been criticizing the socialists and anything anybody who is not who doesn't agree that spain should be a united country and these messages are appealing to many voters and also to the young i've been talking to one of them a twenty year old law student who lives in madrid let's listen to what he had to say. i like how they defend and our civil liberties and they want to cut taxes are still important to the gender ideology promotion
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abortion and criminalizes about a lot of. young people are sick of our traditional politicians doing the opposite of what they promised. about this box party i mean they're kind of in the new kids on the bhangra. yeah they were founded about five years ago by former members of the people's party of the center right party they won the first few seats in parliament in andalusia analysts here in december last year and today actually there are other elections taking place in violence in eastern spain where they're also set to win seats in parliament now their supporters are saying what we really like about them is that they speak their mind you know they openly say we against abortion be against a feminist ideas against gender i.v. old ideology and we should go back to traditional values is obviously everybody's really watching how much support they're going to get because it's kind of
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difficult to predict how many people will vote for the votes party given that they haven't really creamed off a lot of votes in any earlier national elections so it's going to be a very game probably going down to the wire and it's going to be a very tense election campaign people will be watching the results all right a big day there in spain lisa louis thank you very much. now to sri lanka where one week after the easter suicide bombings new footage has emerged showing the deadly force of the blasts these images here from c.c.t.v. capturing the moment a bomb went off at the kingsbury hotel was just one of multiple sites in the capital colombo to be targeted more than two hundred fifty people died in the coordinated attacks on hotels and churches the country remains on edge today sri lankan forces have raided the headquarters of an islamist group suspected of being behind those attacks. now police are investigating a deadly shooting at
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a california synagogue that killed one person and wounded three others officials are calling the saturday attack a hate crime and or posting a link with an earlier fire at a nearby mosque mourners held a vigil for the victims at a nearby church community members from all faiths coming together to a tribute to the shooting on the last day of passover comes just months after a gunman killed eleven people at another u.s. synagogue. places of worship used to be centuries now nowhere seems sacred a gunman entered the chabad synagogue in power in california as worshippers marked the final day of passover he opened fire with a high powered rifle killing one woman and wounding three more people including the rabbi. my thing was that you she said. she. tried to. stop eating but
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if you don't have to take care. i suspect the nineteen year old gunman fled the scene by car but was stopped on a highway and arrested shortly after police say his motivation may be detailed in a lesson posted online we are collecting digital evidence and we're aware of his manifesto which we are in the process of reviewing determine its validity and authenticity. politicians were quick to call the attack the outcome of hate. at this moment it looks like a hate crime but my deepest sympathies to all of those affected. will get to the bottom of it or ensure no. this is not how away we always walk with our arms around each other and we will walk through this tragedy with our arms around each other the attack comes just six months after a white supremacist killed eleven people at a synagogue in pittsburgh. now let's get you caught up on some of the other stories
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making news around the world serious flooding is being reported in parts of mozambique three days after cycle and if it the government is urging people to seek higher ground with with hundreds of thousands of risk the floods come just six weeks after another cycle on cycling he die killed more than six hundred people in the country. rival rallies have been held in the venezuelan capital caracas supporters of president nicolas maduro announced states in the region which have recognized his rival. as interim president why don't mean while held his own rally calling for another mass demonstration on may first i hope francis has donated half a million dollars to help migrants stranded in mexico as they try to reach the u.s. border the money comes from church collections around the world the vatican says the donation was made because decreasing media coverage of the crisis had produced international aid for the migrants. in the russian city of bloody vostok
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several thousand orthodox christians have celebrated easter with a traditional religious procession priests and military service men were among those taking part easter is one of the most popular and widely celebrated holidays in russia. sudan's military rulers and the civilian coalition have agreed in principle to establish a joint transitional council but the makeup of that council is still undecided thousands of protesters calling for civilian rule are continuing their week's long demonstration there in the capital khartoum u.w. correspondent. is their hobby. i. take on it but in the streets of khartoum nothing is still working among the greatest in the capital this is rounded by translating the. speech to send her a treat on the provisional stages. blackpool frivolously songs in the city fix not
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great everywhere. stimulation across the generations is the overwhelming sound you hear of the town nevertheless people hear it's a done people insisting that fight isn't over just yet. a lot of the people's demands have not been met yet that's why we still come here i've come all the way from al good on earth and i'm going to remain here until the regime actually falls . you know everybody here is united as the people give you a sense of comfort when you sitting here there is no fear. these people will only be said despite when the regime steps down completely and powerless tended to a civilian transitional government. incredibly well organized protest we are witnessing here with clementina's doing security checks revolutionary odds being created on the streets and cleaning patrols taking care of
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the rubbish. you can tell these protestors are here to stay and make sure the revolution isn't stolen from them. well it's being called the toxic haze for weeks northern thailand has been rated one of the most polluted regions in the world the worst wildfires in years combined with traditional crop burning practices are blanketing the area in smaug he w. correspondent charlet hill traveled to chiang rai province where thousands of people have been left gasping for air and tourist numbers have plunged because of the pollution. it doesn't take long for a small blaze like this to turn into a rampant wildfire. that's something regional why pretty interim some know only too well this month in northern thailand saw some of the most devastating forest fires in years and the danger is not over yet and this is
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a new fire the trees are very dry here. massive areas of land burnt to ash and the damage doesn't and that. this is what happens when you mix forest fires with heavy pollution it's being called a toxic hate lingering smoke and not just use creating a dangerous cocktail. two weeks chiang rai as recorded some of the west air quality in the world it's in the most vulnerable the hottest. eighty five year old been let jenks from penn has lived here all his life he and his wife say the pollution has never been this bad. i couldn't see clearly it made my eyes water they were really painful i'm afraid the small could get even worse and last even longer. pollution related health problems have surged health workers say they're struggling to cope yeah. it's really bad extremely bad i
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was not prepared for this sometimes even i can't breathe well and have to get medical help no matter what we do is just not enough. emergency services blame the wildfires on an unusually dry some of. this if they hear that the fires could become the norm and authorities want to be ready. this fire team doesn't want to be caught off guard again that building dozens of dams like this one across these mountains they stopping the fires from spreading and holding water to put them out people here are now just praying for the rainy season to hit and put an end to this talk that might mean for this year at least all right to sports now and let's get you caught up on formula
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one voluntary botox will take pole position in sunday's azerbaijan grand prix after setting the fastest lap in the qualifying in the capital baku botox and mers sadie's teammate lewis hamilton will line up at the front of the grid thanks to some mishandling from their rivals the favorite to finish first in qualifying charles the cleric's hopes for pole position in the azerbaijan grand prix had a wall on saturday demonic us collision into line up ninth to start the race putting his team ferrari at a disadvantage. the mercedes drivers capitalize on the cleric's spill with baltar rebooked us flying through to clinch pole position. while reigning world champion and current leader lewis hamilton slotted in behind his teammate to finish second the mercedes team certainly had their share of luck with the cleric's accident and they took full advantage with their own performance . has been so close all weekend drive looks incredibly quick and about to do the
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exceptional job in qualifying. it's just it's is a massive massive a great result for us no good now hamilton and booked us will need to deliver another strong performance in baku on sunday to make the hard work in qualifying count. you're watching news coming up next for decades exploited both human beings and the environment but can fast fashion change its ways stay tuned for that news will be back at the top of the hour stages. shifting powers the old order is history the world is religion izing itself and the media's role to use keep the topic in focus of the global media forum twenty nine
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teams today one out of two people is online who are we following whom do we trust to beijing and shape the future at the georgia dome and global media for twenty two . on april the twenty fourth two thousand and thirteen the rana plaza complex in bangladesh collapsed crushing to death one thousand one hundred thirty five garment workers and injuring two thousand more warnings the building was unsafe were ignored there were customer orders to be made on time to satisfy our insatiable demand for fast fashion the horrific news and images shocked the world some people
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called it the clothing industry's nine eleven it exposed the dark reality of a system out of control too many collections too much consumption too much pressure from shareholders designers burning out globalised fashion has become an all too many ways unsustainable. to follow the clothes in the street is a never ending loop it's completely insane with dongles trends what's in what's out what's hot what's not none of that exists now. the only production in fashion at the moment has kept us all production. there's no cultural production anymore today the system is absurd. the fashion industry produces eighty billion garments every year making it the second largest polluter in the world second only to oil fashion has become a toxic passion that is destroying us with
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a grin on its face. we met up with progressive activists who are working to humanize fashion. some have rediscovered weaving others use three d. printers all of them call for ethical creativity and fashion that is sustainable and humane it's a do it about in different superficial fashion a smug parody of itself today another kind of fashion is possible. paris april the twenty fourth two thousand and seventeen four years to the day since the rana plaza disaster a group of fashion activists are commemorating the loss of life want to cause i'll tell you what i could do but don't worry about a check for them there's blood on the clothes we buy and wear the culprit is the fashion business their slogan is who made my clothes and they want to put
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a face to those who keepers trend. make make. i feel like shouting this is an appeal to the world. they using printed prop happenings and internet radio broadcasts of street debate to get their message across. that the rana plaza tragedy was the moment when for the first time i opened my wardrobe to see where the clothes i own had been made that logic was hit it seemed volleys next month before that the tense remain calm it's actually caught fire in bangladesh one hundred twelve women died in the flames all by jumping from windows the conditions are truly appalling no one talked about it until every thousand people died and thoughtful she mocked. the movement is now an international one called fashion revolution. fashion revolutions aim is to speak out and raise awareness we're convinced we can
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change fashions ecosystem and to do that we need a grassroots movement if it's wales all that fashion revolution is calling for transparency as with organic products the idea is to make a garment supply chain traceable they want to see the faces behind the labels via twitter brands a challenge to disclose information the group's anger and frustration are aimed primarily at the multimillion dollar retailers who invented fast fashion. especially in the uk fast fashion has brands like zorro who showed up in the ninety's with a really new business model it involved producing clothes as cheaply as possible in very poor countries in order to offer innovative collections every three weeks which made a real contribution to fashion. this need for constant novelty created a kind of addiction which is pretty harmful for the planet and for people.
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on november the twelfth two thousand and four for the first time ever the god of karl lagerfeld created an affordable collection for h. and m. . friends it crowns of bargain hunters clean down to swedish clothing giant stores in just twenty minutes with a rarity enhanced through communication these mass locks design a collaboration so become a hysteria inducing huli ritual. we were perhaps the first industry to come up with the concept of planned obsolescence we claim increasingly sooner that the clothes the products we've created on no longer fit for purpose and shouldn't be worn. away. contraceptive image the fast fashion giants talk about virtuous circles and launch
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recycling initiatives but they continue to overproduce clothes at lower and lower cost. their last week in paris i saw a poster for a little bikini top that cost four euros ninety five cents and i felt sick to my stomach but. it was a very complicated bikini top as well with a small very well stitched triangle. when you look at the photo you know there is usually a two year. worth of thread. of material plus shipping marketing costs and so on. this thing should have costs i reckon at least fifteen. it's cheaper than a sandwich. it's intolerable because it's teaching people that it has no value.
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every season ater court publishes her trend predictions she's regarded as an all for a t. even when she challenges the convictions of the somewhat closed world of fashion she is currently dean of hybrid studies at parsons new york for more than thirty years her trend books have been the bible of fashion editors and brands alike. this color that will be the season's favorite. one year after the run of class of building collapse she published plenty fashion an upbeat damning manifesto addressing the fashion system's fate but. i couldn't carry on pretending that everything was fine when i felt very strongly that it wasn't that it wasn't fun. because i love fashion and i really enjoyed all the years i spent working in the system. and i'm not a negative or an activist that isn't my thing. court has no illusions she can see
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fashion becoming greedy and for a young designers are trying to become hyperactive divas essential crafts and skills are disappearing and that is our for profit has seen designers deprived of their creativity she believes that instead of reflecting the spirit of the age fashion has itself become outdated just that i would change everything in fashion it's sad and at the same time very exciting as it auntie fashion has become fashionable it's become a movement more. anti fashion it's a term used with increasing frequency it's now even a movement the anti fashion project which holds its general assembly in must say world capital of this radical call for change. we believed we would have taken a degree of infiniteness by consuming and reinventing people and not believe has been shattered. they did that. for three days thinkers and fan fashion
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activists joined forces with emerging brands outraged designers students and dad is to give fashion a make over. we decided to reinvent sneakers to create a pair that respected people as well as the environment and that vision was born. founded in two thousand and four vision was one of the first brands to combine cool with ecological awareness. of vision loss of p. is to firstly deconstruct the entire production chain that improve each stage it's a mix of fair trade organic awareness and social inclusion. by wild rubber in the amazon rain forest we buy our organic cotton directly we know all the producers . and it's a totally transparent approach as for marketing we don't shine the spotlight on a top model or athlete but rather on the way in which our sneakers are made.
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with an annual turnover of over eight million euros has shown that a moral conscience and huge profits can go hand in hand responsible fashion however represents only around five percent of global sales fast fashions frantic and environmentally toxic canada has become the norm plus it upsets creative rhythms. working to such tight time scales obviously has an impact on design us. sometimes they'll food products in stores inspired by their own creations before they've even supplied their own clients. that this evidently impacts on the creative process too there's also a need to be increasingly present and to crank out new collections faster and faster than in the late one nine hundred ninety s. with globalization and the advent of fast fashion the world of kids you underwent major changes independent fashion houses were bought up by multinationals and
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fashion became the biggest money spinners of these luxury empires which opening new stores all over the world in two thousand and seventeen the global luxury goods sank to reach sales of over a quarter of a trillion euros with a pressure of stock prices monitored in real time by shareholders of fashion business changed the race was on to continually develop new product innovations and produce them in greater numbers became impossible for designers to keep up the murderous pace. three of them can't come up with sixteen collections a year while maintaining a consistent brand image the designer is in the public eye so they're kind of brand ambassador but someone who used to working in a studio making clothes cannot comprehend that they suddenly have to give instructions were mentally and that the nature of their work has changed with our. design is today aren't really designers or clothes make them managers and that can be really traumatic. among designers this new pace has been
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a factor in burnout and worse in twenty eleven john galliano's anti semitic outburst seems like career suicide the designer was exhausted and strung out on drugs dior fired him. not long before that the suicide of alexander mcqueen at the height of his fame rocked the fashion world in two thousand and fifteen raf simmons and albury albinos walked out of the your and long form in the space of ten years the figure of the worn out designer has been. the cliche of a creatively sterile system. looking at the fashion world over the last thirty years in the late eighty's and the ninety s. you had the big names. helmut lang. who proved that clothes were no longer just clothes that they could be part of the history of design the history of art that's when clothes started addressing societal issues. and the questions of gender japanese minimalism which reflected
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a crisis a country in transformation. the prophet to futurism faction became a very active and very aware member of society. there and people realized all of a sudden we were facing a new age the temporality of fashion a system that totally distorted the intentions. globalized the fashion image has cannibalized new media blogs and social networks the brands all post frantically on instagram v.o.i.p. fashion shows are a thing of the past collections are revealed in real time meanwhile internet users create their own clothes shows one connection follows the next in a never ending hypnotic but shallow stream with instagram the outsiders preferred medium can deliver an alternative message. for how do you go about creating desire for a garment what you call the fact is if you don't desire
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a garment you don't buy it because you thought you want to buy it when you've seen it looking good somewhere. and then you wonder looking good where. girls don't actually buy fashion magazines anymore they check out instagram . instagram is the virtual showroom of some years the ideal a designer and anti fashion activist spotted by sharda cast about jack she goes to places fashion ignores and wants to tackle the to booze of her time. and in bringing my designs here makes them come alive fashion magazine photos don't always do it for me i have a problem with studio shoots i like life having people in the background people watching even something going wrong nothing is planned. here. simmias the idea is perhaps the quintessential digital native.
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that's great just her hands she is part of a generation who are done with the immediate allure of capitalism and who are instead searching for meaning. they say that what i've come here with a transparent head scarf to take away its dark religious aspect the fact it frightens people and so on to show that it's basically just an item of clothing one that i've turned into a fashion accessory. it isn't religious clothing at all even if there is a nod to that i repurposed clothes but with a touch of humor it would be awful if you could have fun with fashion. unable to finance the manufacture of her connection samir has created a multi-platform visual environment creations become collages that find a place in art galleries where she sells them. she questions the notion of boundaries as seen and heard in this political video featuring
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a dress inspired by the plight of migrants. who could be. called a. well you know this dress represents a country that doesn't exist it's actually a standard bearer and it standard is the word migrant i use a lot of collage to present my work and i put it on an olympic podium in the winner's position. competing outside the market so mia has her own each she encourages us to think about the unresolvable problems of our times for her fashion reflects a stance. avoid the verge of a fashion elevate every day staples and even embrace ugliness this is the philosophy of vet mom the latest cool fashion sensation it's an international collective of young designers founded by damn knockabout sylia
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a former student of mine. the great pioneer of deconstructed clothing. with man's first noteworthy show was an anti fashion shot in the arm held in the basement of a hardcore gay club over excited fashion editors discovered second hand clothes with couture edge no professional models just ordinary people generic cards a cool or even ice cold demonstration of the art of repurchasing. they offered clothes symbolizing life styles in their hands and hoodies and the like became icons they really changed the proportions and the assemblage of components their very raw very interesting styling was understood the world over. to more concrete a long war. for info on a resell for once he was a brand that took the history of close seriously and said ok if this is the age of
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clothing we're going to go all the way and show that they're just clothes not fashion. only deeply. after just three seasons fred moore had already become a fan favorite among pop stars and other celebrities most of their items sold down before they hit the shelves. the fashion to extremes with its version of the t. shirt worn by d.h.l. couriers. it's something that fashion has always done it's the poor pressed style it's the borrowing of work symbols clothes and uniforms it's been done before with the sale of jersey the boiler suits overalls is a kind of tape over her fashion. and you surely must do sean did it the whole movement did exactly the same thing i think this contact between the two there's the work and at the same time contemporary art they're very aware of what
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they're doing. and bothers me more is that millions of people are willing to fork out loot to look like a delivery guy thought poor soul realized they were an original d.h.l. t. shirt costs less than ten dollars with a designer price tag version is the most unexpected fashion hit of recent years and it has in turn itself been copied. by. three four hundred dollars for a share this is the. kind of ridiculous it feels like they're almost messing with the fashion industry by doing that it's controversial so i. try and is not so much a designer as a fashion geek on a whim he created vetter mean a label parodying vet and it all started when he saw a better oversized black parker sam out in new york on day one.
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he has created a parallel market with his whole march stroke bootleg project and maverick has his own independent and ironic fashion brand to do by prayer by his research online i looked on google to find a factory. all the designs i did in photoshop. there's a reference. marks were. turned into my own. quarter on with a huge fan base soon vetter meems knockoffs provided competition for the originals a restart this eight times and it's all about a very. tragic flaw of his version and created a bounce in the fashion press not least by early articles were about. ten surely
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getting. what's going to do. people like that make a cyclic big new york times wrote about it they reached out to that more that more and told. that they like the project they supported and they were not going to see it so i was super happy the. beatitude of democrats leaders collect. it is surprising in an industry where piracy is the arch enemy second journey to the law it raises questions about royalty information sharing open source culture and the real message here is creation that comes out of no when no longer exists everyone builds on existing codes of the genes make a name for themselves by remixing by creating a ritual track from a work that is in their own unique fashion does that too if it's. there and that's a good thing if it promotes the recycling salvaging and we purposing of existing
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pieces. it can become a positive message about current consumption so that's actually false. it is a hobby for double tran danger will be selecting and selling the best used luxury and design of clothing on the grail to platform items for fashion followers rarities that he finds online and then sounds or collect himself. thirty s. actually sold this research for five high and. shipped so. i close with five a history to this one for example. it's rare. you can't find. anywhere else in a new buy i knew. some hundreds of people have. this one are. i really have to re-use i don't feel like i need
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more new it's expensive than i need it i love to recycle. it's. the fashion. to start making clothes i think would be of. nothing which i think we would have enough. of everyone and every single animal on earth.
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the overproduction of clothes has reached staggering levels every year two and a half billion pairs of jeans are sold in the world france alone disposes of a massive seven hundred thousand tons of clothes annually only one quarter will be sorted and up cycled in centers like this one he shot a loop levene in the paris suburbs the best pieces are resolved in france others are shipped to africa while unsellable items are turned into insulation. inexhaustible source of fabric is and i use his hunting ground to this is where the hipster rag picker on earth the roll materials for her future collections.
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by thapar take because there's already more than enough material out there and it makes no sense to produce more. today i found this fabulous wool in material i'm going to make a little jacket with it. this cotton here will be perfect for swirly dress. i don't and this is my fave it's everything i love a big floral print and it used to be a curtain i'm after bold prints that tell a story and with lots of flowers that's really the d.n.a. of my collections and they're a near perfect condition to. with that finds and i nice produces two collections a year for her brand layers a cooper hardly. an ace is green approach turning old materials into desirable fashion items is a classic case of upcycling. based
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in greater london eccentric thirty something daniel horowitz is the antithesis of fast fashion he makes woven cloth and his mill is the first in the british capital but over a century. the london cloth company has revived a bygone craft in the process bringing the long forgotten machines back to life and they work wonders. with a handful of cash a collector's spirit and his d.i.y. skills harris has revived the authentic tweet that is in such big demand. this is the design for about nine hundred ten i got from a place called terrace in scotland and it came out of a basement filled with water so every single piece of this one end of it is covered
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in rust this is actually the loom i started with that we use it but we've been scarves. these sites of lindsey is a very basic you have to know about the nation they have no information in life all they want to do is weave one thing but they will weave it all day every day without . daniels mill spans several industrial revolutions is turn of the century looms sit alongside one thousand nine hundred sixty is machines it's a strangely beautiful scene. despite his mills archaic appearance daniel is a formidable soul trader with a start up mentality he puts the magic of marketing at the service of a passionate love of all frantic textiles. moving insanely repetitive it's. boring but it
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drives you. for some reason to keep doing it and doing it more and getting it better each time i can't really tell you what it is it's like an addiction. a very very cruel unforgiving addiction but what is incredibly satisfying is getting therapy that has been washed of what we call finished back delivered and you open it up and it's not sort of an attempt at doing it it's. there's no planned obsolescence or daniels male his aren't fully woven coffees durable and can be passed on for several generations just like our grandparents clothes and his approach appeals to global brands like a half long and even nike. the company gets its fair share of visitors eager to notice secrets of authentic british tweed.
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what it's very good for is educating people in the way of fabric comes from and actually how much work goes into it they would never let the seri fully understood the path. that the wall or the cotton or whatever would take in order to become the cloth then becomes your clothes. on his own modest scale house has invented a new model of a retro future of factory design a bass worker and artist he has reinvented tweed culture and restored its authenticity. i award away from the clatter of machines the work of co-operative friends of light embodies a new idea of luxury taken to the extreme ultra slow fashion with monastic patience
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by hand and in the middle of the countryside for new yorkers spin weave and so one off pieces this gets filled up late and you can start here and there and then connect us. there star creation is this reinterpretation of the chanel suit woven using ancient techniques. a lot of people refer to it s. the new quitter. i check it now but will go up because it's kind of killed off first that thirty two hundred dollars and we pay ourselves fifteen dollars an hour but so it's a very transparent process because it takes us at least the whole that sixty hours to make so. friends of lines wealthy cling on town can afford this extra bit of soul it's a new kind of luxury instead of the umpteenth she could sensory they purchased one
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off hand crafted pieces made with that most precious of commodities time. meanwhile ultra futuristic machines are a great time saver it took a three d. printer one hundred twenty hours to make this jacket. these objects are gonna the next major technical revolution is done it pegs collection assistant. a graduate of shankar a prestigious fashion school in tel aviv the young israeli designer made waves with her extraordinary graduation show. i didn't know anything about. working on this project so i started my research. so
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many amazing series there knowledge with an hour. about this technology local branch of the maker movement platform provided her with access to high tech machines enabling her to artfully meld fashion and technology they were so happy to see a. man there. take me all the information a dedicated to anything i know about three. for a first collection created entirely at home and done it perry kept the machines running night and day to print jackets dresses skirts and even shoes for groundbreaking work baffled some of her teachers but captivated people elsewhere. just two weeks over five million people viewed the video on facebook of this first and fiercely independent collection. this is
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a very tired jacket it has the word leverage to invest it into the textile and it was the first garment they ever printed in three d. so jacket has a really big plays in my heart for this triangular lot his jacket which he printed piece by piece and then assembled a leg was inspired by the composition of usually della choirs masterpiece liberty leading the people. and i felt there was work leads us is actually there for the idea of freedom that's why did d.i.y. culture becoming so big and people are actually really like to create things by themselves and they like to believe in self-reliance and they like to be part of the production of what they're having i felt like something big is happening this is starting of a new revolution. from
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has rediscovered hand craftsmanship but technology is threatening to turn couture on its head. for the last ten years dutch designer iris found help on has been stunning the fashion press her inspired foundry pushing designs are made from nearly everything back to fabric she was the first designer to use three d. printers to produce unique textures and structures with futuristic materials and today she has a show in paris. the centerpiece of her collection is reminiscent. of a cloud of suspended drops of water dumps the alchemy of light. through the structure it's actually. the light. it's
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a bit inspired by insects early morning when they're covered in the. information behind. a light can actually transform the shape of the body. explorer of the unconscious visionary and determined our is fun happened has had a mesmerizing impact the multi-disciplinary designer works with scientists architects and vantage see like new zealand can often camp with whom she created her legendary collection voltage. current. technologies have.
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statics and when you step to. as a designer you can come. to. a completely new and even the old behaviors of the gunman's. already immortal irises dresses are exhibited in museums around the world that once primitive and futuristic all her collections offer an anxious and poetic view of nature. reconnecting with nature is tech fashions new field of research the future will involve making garments with cellulosic fibers derived from resources available in abundance such as seaweed. potatoes corn and even milk. there's the promise of replacing all things synthetic with biotech which is obviously much better for the environment for people for our skin for everything. these
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alternative fibers are vital it takes eleven thousand liters of water as well as pesticides to make a single pair of cotton jeans the world's main fashion brands together use over one hundred billion liters of fresh water annually in light of this disaster for the environment there is an urgent need for action. there are already products being made with spider silk but with no spiders involved spiders are capable of producing five different sorts of threads including one that is very elastic it's a silk so strong that it can be used to make bulletproof fabrics. having created a protein that bears similarities to spider silk california start up old friend manufacturers of synthetic fiber every bit as flexible enjoyable as the original. this new nonpolluting material called the interest of british designer stella
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mccartney she teamed up with threat to produce the world's first synthetic spider silk dress a lifelong vegetarian the designer has been sending a strong message to the industry by putting her money on biomimicry with a firm belief that by emulating nature's strategies and patterns we can create an eco friendly planet. by seemingly different means and approaches slow fashion and high tech fashion share a utopia. high tech and slow craft share a vision of another world one where we pollute much less and produce locally doing away with no need for transport. so it's where we can disseminate around the world maybe just the idea or the technology or the program and i think this is where open source will play a huge role open source version. one day i was invited to an
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important event and i wanted to wear something special in you for it so look through my suitcase that i couldn't find anything to wear i was lucky to be that the college account friend said that day and i had access to three d. printers so quickly design a skirt on my computer and i loaded the file on the printers just printing the pieces overnight the next morning i just took all the for uses somebody together in my hotel room and this is actually digits current that i'm wearing right now. the teacher's lines ation of clothing advocated by done it was a hit with the ted talks community the international sounding board for god ideas encourage the young designer to go further. i wanted to try and do production with one of their idols i call it but it's on a one hundred limited edition jackets and every customer is scared to come to my
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website and customized a jacket. i mean and then integrate it with the fitting session and have it completely customized to the by the magic. tel aviv is a high tech city for the latest project done to panic joined forces with a local startup that is launched on allowing shoppers to measure their bodies and get their exact size immediately. so the only thing she has to do is to take the two close is in front of the camera with her body shape visible so it's like. turning say those. three d. printing plus made to measure means no material is wasted this represents huge potential savings for big brands who are also keen to get their hands on customer's personal data to target the more effectively. in the near future
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three d. printers will become the mainstream and replicate traditional fabrics fashion is set to witness a new industrial revolution clothing will be digital and patterns downloadable. yet. i'm still waiting for someone to upload patterns on an open source site or designers elsewhere are already doing it. and waiting for fashion to catch up so we can make our own dior skirts book like in the old days one designer patterns used to be sold to department stores and they would recreate the garments it was the ready to wear of the time we're not inventing anything new it'll just be a different way of doing things. not have. this utopia of a shift to a sharing economy are still some way off but there is constant reinvention on the fringes of the fashion world more transparent more responsible driven by
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a culture of sharing and d.i.y. boosted by the inevitable technological revolution fashion status is changing. it can finally be a common good again fashions current crisis might just lead to its liberation. it's one of the most hotly debated buildings in germany first there was the city palace then the east german palace of the republic. after german unification
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a decision was made rebuild her limbs city palace dollars a stand up project. for. thirty minutes on w. . and during the civil chain reaction of arrests. began around six hundred years ago in the renaissance the revolution in fought enable this many people became aware of their abilities and strengths in a new way there was an outpouring of self-confidence mentions it's the first. architects. are.
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the darkest to. this week t w. leg. length. this is the w. news a live in a divisive and general election in spain many of those in the still undecided even as they go to the polls no posse is expected to win a majority and the far right looks set to enter parliament for the first time in
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decades also coming up a community in mourning one person is dead and three injured after a gunman opens fire on a possible service at a u.s. synagogue the country's jewish worship was targeted for the second time in just six months. and i mean you can thank so much for joining us. very saying is underway across spain in what is the country's most divisive general election in decades the posse of socialist prime minister pedro sanchez is expected to get the most votes but it may not gonna enough support to form a government the election is marked by the rise of the far right blocs posse that
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opposes multiculturalism and has threatened to end self rule for regions like catalonia. lisa lewis joins us now from lisa you've been talking to voters today tell us what are you hearing from them. well the voters i talked to from all sides of the political spectrum one lady you voted for we need us for them was the far left party saying you know it was really important for me to turn out to vote today to block the rise of the far right then a gentleman he said he had voted for see that and i was basically saying the right is the only you are the only ones i trust to run this country in an effective way what they seem to be grieving on is that this has been a very divisive very very tense election campaign indeed and that these elections are really important for the future of this country now as in many countries and
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many european countries spain is seeing a resurgence of the far right what is driving that. well the main issue that has helped the far right votes party rise in the polls is these two of catalonia an independence they have been critical in criticizing the socialist government under pedro sunshines that was in place since last summer for actually being supported by a catalan independence in the party and then they were used. being that wave of nationalist fervor really to push for other values very conservative values there against abortion there kens what they call the so-called gender ideology anything that would give women for the rights now you have to remember that these people used to be members of the people's party the conservative party and they used to be kept in check by the conservative party he was adamant that people
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shouldn't be saying these things out loud even if they were thinking them the supporters of the votes party have someone supporters his especially has been telling me what he really liked about it was was that they were speaking their mind . is there any chance that these elections could finally bring some political stability to spain. while they stood a chance yes of course when you look at the latest polls from monday they say that it's none of the two blocs neither the right nor the left would win an outright majority now one factor could tip that balance that is if many people turned out to vote we have received first figures of voters participation from the two pm this afternoon they really high that forty one percent that's more than four points of both what happened what was the figure in two thousand and sixteen and in some regions in spain it looks like it's even a record of participation in history in spanish history now that only shows to what
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extent spaniards understand how important these elections are rightly filling in reporting from madrid thank you very much. to sri lanka now one week after the east to suicide bombings new footage showing the deadly force of the blasts these images from security cameras captured the moment a bomb went off at the kingsbury hotel it was just one of the multiple sites in the capital colombo to be targeted more than two hundred fifty people died in the coordinated attacks on hotels and churches the country remains on edge today sure lankan forces have raided the headquarters of an islamist group suspected of being behind the attacks. police are investigating a deadly shooting at a california synagogue that killed one person and wounded three others officials a calling the saturday attack a hate crime and of programming proving
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a link with an early a fire at a nearby mosque mourners held a vigil for the victims as a nearby church community members from all faiths coming together to pay tribute to the shooting on the last day of passover comes just a few months after a gunman killed eleven people as another u.s. in a go. places of worship used to be centuries now nowhere seems very gruesome a gunman entered the chabad synagogue in power in california as worshippers marked the final day of passover he opened fire with a high powered rifle killing one woman and wounding three more people including the rabbi. my thing was that you she said my husband she's down. to try to. stop meeting but. i had to take her to hospital. i suspect a nineteen year old gunman fled the scene by car but was stopped on a highway and arrested shortly after police say his motivation may be detailed in
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a letter posted online we are collecting digital evidence and we're aware of his manifesto which we are in the process of reviewing determine its validity and authenticity. politicians were quick to call the attack the outcome of hate. at this moment as looks like a hate crime but my deepest sympathies to all of those affected. will get to the bottom of it or ensure no. this is not how away we always walk with our arms around each other and we will walk through this tragedy with our arms around each other the attack comes just six months after a white supremacist killed eleven people at a synagogue in pittsburgh. now to some of the other stories making news around the world serious flooding is being reported in parts of mozambique three days off the cyclon kenneth hit the government is urging people to seek higher ground with
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hundreds of thousands at risk the floods come just six weeks off to another site i killed more than six hundred people in the country. rival rallies have been held in the venezuelan capital caracas supporters of president nicolas maduro denounced states in the region which recognize his rival. as interim president who i don't mean while held his own rally calling for another mass demonstration on the first of may. francis has donated hauffe a million dollars to help migrant stranded in mexico as they try to reach the u.s. border the money comes from church collections around the world the vatican says the donation was made because decreasing media coverage of the crisis has reduced international aid for the migrants. in the russian city of lot of stock several thousand orthodox christians have celebrated easter with a traditional religious procession priests and military service men were among
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those taking part is one of the most popular and widely celebrated holidays in russia. south korea has marked one year since a peace summit between president and north korea's kim jong il and the two leaders met in the demilitarized zone dividing the peninsula on saturday south korea launched a new footpath near the border zone called the pathway to peace it was introduced after the north refused to implement an agreed plan to provide tourists with greater access. to two ago and promises the group that today will be a special. she's right the hikers will soon head to the most heavily guarded border in the world complete with no man's land watch tones and the de marco. line. i hope that the two koreas will soon be reunited. then i can travel to the north by
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foot bike or even by plane. this is of korean government has opened footpaths near the border to the public until recently the area was the preserve of soldiers some twenty civilians chosen by lottery out the first to explore the newly launched trial near the de-militarized zone. at a nearby viewing platform visitors taking photos can just make out the lucky hike is on the peace trail. but it's a real shame that we can cross over into north korea we'll be there in ten minutes from here. but it's good to leave it isn't. the eight to kill me to hike once through forests and scales hills to permit of view of the korean divide across the border in the congo national park the diamond mountains are still out of reach for south korean hawk is. a day earlier
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a prominent guest visited the area despite the rain south korean president in took a stroll on the peace trail highlighting the political significance of the project . after two and a half hours of walking the group returns to the bus. before they drop off the hike is reflect on the experience. of. people you know how is it meant that i was a little scared as we walked along the fence i didn't feel safe. i hope that the border and the barbed wire will disappear just like the berlin wall. the hikers have been reminded of korea's natural beauty as well as the scar that runs through it. it's been called the toxic hay is for weeks now northern thailand has been rated one of the most polluted regions in the world the worst wild in years combined with traditional crop burning practices of blanketing
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the area and small correspondent charlotte chazan pill travels to trying ripe problems where thousands of people have been left off and tourist numbers have plunged because of the pollution. it doesn't take long for a small blaze like this to turn into rampant wild. that's something regional why she's pretty trim some know only too well this month jan right in northern thailand saw some of the most devastating forest fires in years and the danger is not over yet and this is a new fire the trees are very dry here. massive areas of land burnt to ash and the damage doesn't and that. this is what happens when you mix forest fires with heavy pollution it's being called a toxic hate lingering smoke and noxious fumes creating
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a dangerous cocktail. two weeks chiang rai has recorded some of the west air quality in the world it's in the most vulnerable the hottest. eighty five year old but let's jensen pen has lived here all his life he and his wife say the pollution has never been this bad. i couldn't see clearly it made my eyes water they were really painful i'm afraid the small could get even worse and last even longer. pollution related health problems have surged health workers say they're struggling to cope yeah. it's really bad extremely bad i was not prepared for this but me sometimes even i can't breathe well and have to get medical help no matter what we do it's just not enough. emergency services blame the wildfires on other unusually dry some of.
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the bay the fires could become the norm and authorities want to be ready this fire team doesn't want to be caught off guard again that building dozens of dams like this one across these mountains they stopping the fires from spreading and holding water to put them out people here and now just praying for the rainy season to hit and put an end to this toxic might manage but this year at least. reminder of the top story we're following for you today very thing is underway across spain for the country's general election and for years it's very much it's being described as the most divisive in decades no policy is expected to win the majority of the far right looks set to make a resurgence. at the gate you can always get the news on the go just download our app from google play or still access to all the latest news from around the world
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as well as push notifications for any breaking news you can also use the data to send us your photos and your videos. you're watching a nice i'll be back with more news at the top of the al the state choose because we'll have the best of the action from saturday's put into three games in just a moment including a game between bitter rivals on the local pride was at stake for both teams and don't need a way to keep that title challenge going to stay tuned for that and thanks for watching state of the union. i'm not nothing out of the well because sometimes i am but nice and loving with the . deep into german culture. we get from this grandmother
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you know it's all about who they know i'm rachel join me the music from the gulf coast. drought climate change becomes. much more you could write a program of peace not if you want them to come to. the club. on to w. . there were six games on saturday but only one really mattered on match day thirty one of them right here behind me a match considered the mother of all this thing is obvious dortmund against alka
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and it's always about more than just points. as you can see there is just so much at stake and yes it's a fight for bragging rights but for dortmund this is a pieces of doggy discussion about the title race shelter meanwhile could use a hand in the battle against relegation. match day thirty one features the key players in the race for the european places frank lot of sick and better all in with a shout it's tight it's tense and it's coming down to the wire. welcome to the bundestag here on d.w.i. mechanic line now it doesn't matter where double is out there are the table the road dobby is always the biggest game on the calendar but this season there's a little extra spice shaka have in the second worst campaign in the club's history and are dangerously close to relegation dortmund on the other hand are in the final round of a heavyweight fight for the title the last time goldman did the double against shaka they won the league in twenty twelve that's
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a pretty good omen and as another another win against south that will put marcos aside and pope ization to win the championship. a few games in football evoke such passion is too shall care of both teams plenty at stake in this one albeit its opposite ends of the table shall cut down on their luck and true to form the title contender struck first i very sick getting his head on the end of jade and sam shows dinkins the bolts sanchez who has more assists than anyone this season but watch closely the englishman struck by lights are thrown by shout to fans don't mislead lasted just four minutes this controversially a judge to be handful daniel caligiuri leveling from the parents the sport eighteen minutes gone more shouted joy followed caligiuri scorn amazed by salish sammy he somehow managed to beat poor jordan defenders to the pool despite dominating possession to him and went in at half time frustrated by shouting and those
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frustrations soon boiled over. mark or roy sharing a straight red for this foul on stewart said and i would go on to captain disappearing down the tunnel with him perhaps he sighed streams of the title. caligiuri crashed in the resulting free kick billy relishes these gains this was his third goal in his last four darby matches he's also got three assists in that time and if this was bad for dortmund because why. yes another reckless challenge. another red card five minutes after the last marius both the man dismissed starts in a carbon copy of his captain the nine men refused to give in x. over it so let the far post prove one that. but darby today belongs to shout by putting the gloss on the victory i saw two with four minutes to go
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i can tell from question with enough i was not to have a desire always a different game to a normal bundesliga game it's like a cup match there's only a winner and a loser and it doesn't matter where you are in the table. if someone of unity if we don't win our game says it's impossible to catch up with. an answer. before they shall because last when enjoyment was in two thousand and twelve the coach that say this man who stevens five years before that shall who were beaten by two men to end their title hopes history has a funny habit of coming back to home she i. was what a win there for shall almost say from the drop but they need a little help from club why well it's glad when their match against it got it opens a nine point cushion between shocker and their relegation rivals and with just
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street games left of the season and nine points up for grabs it's looking pretty good so did the foals dish out a big big favor. an ecovillage took charge of his first game it struck his job is simple make sure the team doesn't suffer at all so much that relegation they started the game on the back foot got that had a glorious chance to take the lead in the fifth minute was but allison player was thwarted by ron roberts and this to go up i believe had made. five changes from the side that humiliated itself in a six nil defeat to outwork and there was clearly more fights in this team and i expect and borne a series of both picked up yellow cards. gradually the hosts started to create chances to although gonzalo castro's attempted finish left a lot to be desired. but almost punished them but you're not failed to break the deadlock from another one on one situation frustration for coach d.
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to hacking up after half time stuttgart grew in confidence and a start just don't miss went agonizingly close up done as persevered and in the fifty six minutes his hard work paid off. by the strike against it got a lead the fitting their passionate display against a lot thought side it was a crisp finish to beat young zama ingo. they defended that slim lead with their lives for the rest of the game helped by a lack of imagination from cutbacks attack. and it was enough to give them a hard earned one nil win interim coach village has clearly struck the right tone their reward is a crucial victory in the battle to stay in the top division. and now it's time to have a look at the matches that could change the landscape of the chase for europe let's start with frank they're having a great run there the last german team still involved in european competition they
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were set to qualify for the champ is the next season but it was a failed to win their last two games and now they face their bogey team has a berlin and they turn things around. are frankfurt running out of gas their rapid improvement in the last few years highlighted by this season's europa league run is taking its toll there talk it's been less clinical in recent weeks matches until you're a bitch in the thirty second minute. berlin win listen their previous six minutes to push frankfurt on the up. there and this well. look us countries any first minute red card put an unexpected away when further out of hair to grasp. that one man up banker keeper kevin chap is kept busy securing the shout out for his side and stoppage time. this president is resident personally i'd be really disappointed if we lost everything we've worked for in the last few weeks because we deserve our place in the standards and says for the in that system we wished in. this frankfurt
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fumbled leipsic prepared to pounce they've been on top form and kept it up against tribe or team avengers fifteenth of the season put them ahead was. but freiburg have a slide doc you can take a mean free kick i mentioned so crito opportunistically levelled things in the sixty seventh minute shooting before the keeper was ready. eleven minutes later and kevin started back but the ball with his arm penalty substitute i'm a first pick stepped up and slotted it home forsberg still delivered the win and more importantly champions league qualification it's a sensational day that would lock down the champions league spot for match days from season's end third place safe and that were also in the cup final is simply fantastic i feel it as it is and for. their cup loss to byron made the match in dusseldorf decisive for braman and coach lauren cole felt for
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a european place but benito diamond made it clear it wouldn't be decided in brain and savoring the first minute i and shortly after k'naan caught him on waltz through the entire brain and have. their ears cut hangover it was readily apparent and their defender. to know i max truces goal from the spot wasn't enough to turn things around for bremen i they were back asleep early in the second half dusseldorf against a little resistance as they played through brains defends bhuvan henning's made it three one in the fifty six minute i mark a suitor added insult to injury for their day finishing up the scoring at four while b. . out of a deep relegation trouble and they need surprise surprise points it's a combine to confirm their been listening to survival last weekend and there was only one goal in this one and it was just it was absolute bedlam in the boxes so
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might says keeper try to avoid a corner but essentially sets up the hosts when a look at that the goalkeeper going out and then hendrick vedanta spring he can barely believe what has happened three vital points in the fight for survival in hannover the fight for survival is definitely on. of the big hand let's get a roundup of all the results so far from matched a thirty one quite a surprise there is shaka they beat dortmund and over end their title hopes got based on front foot drop points against berlin leipzig qualify for the champions league with a win in freiburg just off in fleet brit inflict third defeat in a week and ever get their first win since matched a twenty one on friday for took the lead in the match as they have a coups in but the biggest is ben took control with kevin following getting the equaliser three more after the break. with the pick of the bunch with this
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absolutely fabulous shot. in the end who has made it look easy as the match finished one. on sunday vote. in hoffenheim. will be taking on number in the variable dogg. let's look at the table with two games left to go and surprise surprise by an hour at the top with a game in hand that could read four points come sunday with goldman's title hopes well and truly dashed and expect more movement with hoffenheim and boast but clashing on sunday there is no positional changes in the bottom half of the table but this is where the action is from freiburg and they could save themselves next week shall can stick got they have to wait it out while they're back in hannover they are as good as gone. now it's been as the guest play of the day is votes by you our view follows on twitter you know when it was seventy one percent of the
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vote. show he assisted from a quarter he stole from the spot but this is what he did to get your votes a crisp free kick into the top corner makes him a shock of hero and has made a. play. that's all from us here on the wednesday we'll be back on sunday with the best action from the games and i'm nuremburg and will also be discussing the top talking points from one intriguing the fallout from the book is full of honesty to defend michelle until then we leave you with some of the best moments from the weekend for me and the rest of the team here thank you and.
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it's one of the most hotly debated buildings in germany first there was the city palace and then the east german palace of the republic. after the german unification the decision was made rebuild berlin city palace drowse a standout project. for. next to. a ghost town like no other. thirty years after the nuclear disaster usually deserted but not always.
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sure it's sometimes business looking for that ultimate. adventure come what may. be good to just such a special interest in shifts holiday in chernobyl sixty minutes on d w. i i. am not proud of them they will not succeed in dividing us about not succeeding taking the people off the streets because we're tired of just dictatorship. taking the stand global news that matters d. w. made for mines. hello and welcome tots twenty one. that has a new landmark humbled forum is set to open in late summer in a replica oppression palace and it's long been one of germany's most hotly debated
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and bishop's cultural projects and. that's what a place that will welcome the world for customs on it. in terms of investigation into the provenance of the artifacts the humbled form has lost ten years of funny people time and my question is where. to hold what for a while sleuth justice. in the fist of. the genesis of the humbled forum and the challenge is our focus this week on twenty one but let's go back to the beginning. on september seventh one thousand nine hundred fifty the government of the german democratic republic blew up the berlin city palace. it didn't fit with the ideology of the new socialist state. dominating the district of berlin mitta it had been the residence of prussian kings in the german kaiser for over two centuries now it was history.
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the palast de republic was built in its place the seat of the east german parliament the folks comma and a venue for key events. german reunification heralded the end of the people's palace in one nine hundred ninety the building was closed due to as best us. the discussion regarding the new image of berlin matter had begun. fans of the building fought to keep the palace to republic others advocated for the reconstruction of the passion palace even erecting a huge mark beside in the summer of one nine hundred ninety three. a third option a modern new building seemed to have no chance. on july fourth two thousand and two the german bundestag voted with a clear majority to reconstruct the old historic city palace.
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down to the tiniest detail a computer simulation was created. a lot of work. but nothing compared to the reality of executing the project. the president of the public can to be demolished then international architects were invited to tender their ideas italian architect franco stowe won the tender his design is based on the baroque original just the eastern for side is modern. but what are the new palace be used for that's an issue that sparked a lot of debate the idea that one in the end is to create a forum for world cultures housing berlin's extensive non european collections in tandem with the european art on the neighboring museum island. the humboldt forum is named after the famous researcher and universal scholar at xander from home bought.
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construction began in june two thousand and twelve the government is providing five hundred ninety million euros funding an extra one hundred million euros have been collected in donations to reconstruct the baroque for side. aside from the building itself the current focus is on the objects displayed inside restitution of colonial era artifacts is a matter of heated debate and one the new mega museum conseco. a gruesome murder carved in stone and discovered by chance in guatemala in the nineteenth century. incredible boat from oceania fit for the high seas but without a single nail. and a cave from china where buddhist monks prayed over one hundred thousand years ago.
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treasures from berlin's enormous collections. prussian rulers started these collections over two hundred years ago today they belong to the prussian cultural heritage foundation the key player in the new book for. around five hundred thousand exhibits will be on display from all continents mostly acquired in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. known busta here to debate the provenance of the history of the exhibits their biographies how they were made what their original function was how they were acquired and how they made their way into various german collections that's a part of the research on these objects which has become a key focus in recent years. and it's the most accurate in focus could. return. times when cultural artifacts could simply be put on display in european museums are over. the flagship project at their home board forum is raising
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questions about the provenance and history of objects shedding light on german colonialism a chapter of german history which was long suppressed in the public consciousness. were these items stolen looted. or acquired by illegal means. the humble farm has announced that it will housed twenty thousand exhibits from berlin's ethnological collection over one thousand of them are from africa. from the late nineteenth century until one nine hundred eighteen the german head for african colonies the native population was not only exploited brutally enslaved robbed and killed. during this period the german kaiser received a valuable gift the lavish throne of the king of bomb in northwestern cameroon at
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the time a german colony. what is the significance of such a gift when it is not among equals the sculptures and basques where they purchased or are they the spoils of war. and oftentimes i think we have to deal with this issue openly and transparently and face up to our promises to vote for them it's a unique opportunity for the humble foreign we can only find a new way into the future by working together jointly with the countries and peoples of origin and by reappraising our past together would be. depression cultural heritage foundation has been carrying out provenance research for over ten years but recently it's been more intensive and rigorous no doubt as a reaction to the public debate and protests from organizations representing the victims. the restitution of certain objects that were proven to have been acquired by illegal means has taken place in the glare of the media hears hammer on parting
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afraid that his cultural collections good slowly diminish. his answer is diplomatic. there is no museum director in the world who can singlehandedly decide which objects should be rested to take from their museum it's a decision of the state boards and organizations have to make these decisions and so i think it's important to create a national or as i prefer to say a european international consensus on how the restitution should take place to have some kind of ground rules on how to proceed. this could take a while in the meantime exhibits have been on the move to the old forum at full speed the estelle logical museum in berlin datum where the collection was housed up to now has been closed for some time the last visitors came here in january twenty seventh team since then things have been fact. restored.
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and dusted off. the famous south seas both said to be put in a disinfestation covered to prevent any harmful insects from moving with them. transporting larger objects is a challenge and dollar a wall was broken through and a gap was left in the facade of the on board farm which was closed up after the exhibits were put in and. none of these objects can be moved again easily they'll soon have pride of place in this exciting contemporary exhibition. was in the museums are no longer temples of contemplation they're more like social libertarius that's why it's so fascinating to work in that the humble foreign will be an extremely attractive place to visit. within the next five years france plans to set the framework for returning cultural artifacts taken
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from the african countries of origin. two of the experts advising president emanuel my friend on the issue you took time out to talk to us twenty one. very sour forty six years old is an economist from senegal. he did serve henri also forty six is a professor for art history in berlin and paris both are advisors to french president manuel my car. in a speech in burkina faso in november twenty seventh teen mark on our knowledge that france would be rested today looted art and artifacts from its former colonies so for i'm sorry britain a feasibility study on this issue with some politically explosive content. and if you do level there are around ninety thousand objects in the french national museums and we were able to prove that two thirds of them entered the collections during the colonial era either spoils of war or through scientific expeditions
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purchased as gifts or bequests. if appropriation of the property occurred against the will of the people we researched whether there are restitution claims in the countries of its origin in this particular case it is a strategy to begin the fund always does that in most cases there was no permission to take the objects of plenty of reports confirm this also whether with scientific expeditions and feel of your vessel we recommend that if there is a restitution claim the objects should be returned without any great difficulty. as a comedian in the media we read about a fear that museum showcases will be empty in five years. is that realistic the us and us list of movies that i really thought that no it's not the objects came into the collections over a century. through those years and they won't all be returned within five years. and soon then he has to consider mount
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a few key pieces which have very important for the history or identity of the country of origin we're talking about a few hundred at most you know tens of thousands of objects. in thousand and five or how with the reactions to president microns idea for us to choosing artifacts or looted art so what us to have had to him via the reactions we heard were fareed we travelled through fool african francophone countries to talk to our colleagues. in the republic of beneath the memory of the destruction of their kingdom by the french the memory of french colonial history is still very strong for. everybody remembers that there was a king there he was sent into exile and that the palace was burned down. perhaps not everyone knows that two thousand objects then found their way to paris but once you know that the objects came to paris as a result of this blunder well even
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a school child can put two and two together who can't take notes. and along with that african curators have thought about how to fill the empty spaces left in european museums after the restitution for me this means important consideration of the relationship the exchange between africa and europe we have a book off in your book every which has now been published in german you describe how africa is always described from outside as a continent in decline dying and riddled with catastrophes. what does the current debate about restitution say about the way europe perceives africa today of africa isn't that interesting lee we are now hearing arguments which reveal a deep seated cum dissension towards africa suppose that there are no museums there or that africans are in. capable of taking care of their own works of art or cultural heritage not everyone is saying it out loud but many people are convinced
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that the objects would be much safer in europe and it would even be for the good of africa if they were kept in europe. it means we have a lot of work ahead to decolonized the european perception of africa. the. provenance research is only really just got going yet the humble foreign min balin is about to open in twenty nineteen how can that work and us giving them as what this thing was in my recommendation would be that the museums publish their inventor a nice. this would basically mean that we see museums in the same way as libraries a library without a catalogue is just a pile of books of the law and a museum without an inventor e which is available to the public is simply a pile of objects that no one really knows what to do with my advice on fun come will get this what does this debate mean to you personally part of the sort of. the mean it's important to show the dark side of museums that normally only show us their best science as const behind the transparency of the provenance of the
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stories of where the objects actually come from is that it's very important to me it's vision now we have this debate and everyone knows that the background of these collections is a difficult one. for me that's a big step and. border by me thanks for talking to us and. them multi-disciplinary humboldt lab tanzania project explores questions of cultural heritage with reference to the tanzanian on ceefax appropriated during the years of german colonial rule. a plate with mysterious new scription brought to berlin in eighteen ninety six as a cheap wardrobe. for years it was mistaken for a gong. after one hundred twenty years it's true purpose has finally come to light . for dos and we showed pictures of it to scribes near the city of kill work you
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still want to wear this object had originally been expert created and they were able to decipher the writing and so fart around. the turned out to be a story from the qur'an. which clearly showed that this object was a protective talisman. protection perhaps in the battle against german colonial rule. for three years the home both kinds and examined objects that had found their way to the ethnological collections as war trophies and spoils objects that the german occupiers in east africa had often taken with brute force. and it was that by the comments like that in a way you could say it was a sort of collective morning with these colleagues it brought up so many emotions. about seven thousand kilometers further south in dar es salaam tanzania as
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government sits. tucked away between modern skyscrapers or witnesses to the country's colonial past the germans created these botanical gardens nearby the national museum partner of the home both times and. there are over ten thousand artifacts from former germany east africa still stored in berlin alone it was a shock knowing that they have a lot of court actions that belong to the. german queen on your question but. these conditions were not on display there we have laws in this storage so you know i knew where that the company i knew or the german knew. the university of dar es salaam also help to determine the origins and meanings of what was found a difficult process. this and that's most of these objects
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quite difficult and then. mean that that is a very of it will inform their ship about the biography. oh. it's. an hour and a half north of darkness alone it was the capital of former german east africa between eighteen eighty five one thousand nine hundred eighteen the dream of the german empire of being a colonial power finally came true. for tanzania it was a nightmare. this is where they hang those who dared to rebel against forced labor inflated taxes corporal punishment between one thousand no five in one thousand nine hundred seven some three hundred thousand tons of new young people died in what became known as the rebellion a scorched earth policy. today the buildings are rented by the invaders are crumbly
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germany is willing to support restorations but there is no talk of restitute their massive theft of cultural assets. back at the museum in dar es salaam the historical section hardly shows any african exhibits of german colonial rule an empty space that could be filled with plates like this inscribed with us from the qur'an. if they were. in scripture and we. inspired the five at the end of the day they would have made you the. money. so that's. important because if we had. you know. against that with. what would returning these objects mean for historians and
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museums. i think it through. academia and its fights because now they will have all of the. hairy. things to look on and to reflect on into the research on and again this is the time for africa that's right in their own history. the first small step has been made. the findings and interpretations made by the african partners of that. will be incorporated into the tanzania collection. for. my. is. going to. would have been just. for in the history. and for there would be present and that's it would be extremely distraught when all that is nothing about it but you have
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a sentry interpretation. does the humbled foreignness completion curage is a thinking about how to best showcase the many exhibits we met direct our hearts for a tour of what's still very much a work in progress. germany's most prominent construction site is approaching the finish line for six and a half years workers have been busy here day and night one hundred thousand square meters and six hundred million euros of pure construction costs all according to plan they say. it's still hard to believe that by the end of twenty nineteen berlin will finally be rid of the scaffolding. the burrow for side is almost completely reconstructed just like the modern east wing. the famous shoot the whole of courtyard is still surrounded by scaffolding and it looks like a building site on the inside to. here in the main entrance hall. plans to
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receive the first guests to the forum later this year. southward in yes and built as a border suggested start with a symbolic just. maybe a private tour they could share salt and bread the tradition in many cultures that comes is all they could blow out alexander from home boats birthday candles two hundred fifty of those isn't about fun out of the stuck. under fun homework the impressive scholar and explorer predicted human induced climate change back in one thousand nine hundred known centuries later experts from all fields will come together here under his name to discuss further challenges of our age globalization colonialism digitalisation. this is even though it's not just a museum an exhibition space it's also a conference center and event location with a theater and dancing and food you can go up to the roof or a view of berlin scene it's got a lot to offer that's why they call it
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a forum it's got a permanent program and a changing program. and fix and program. a program that will fill these grandiose rumors the building has been a challenge for construction workers and exhibition organizers a line. at first all that will open is a berlin show to see world cultures the audience will have to wait until twenty twenty and still are to imagine our masks flint axes and bronze plates well look you're put on bald forum they're optimistic that if the eyes of the architecture helps the interior it won't just be plain identical exhibition halls the rooms differ greatly and that opens up all sorts of possibilities of how to set the scene for each exhibition and with each new temporary exhibition we'll see a different signature design of. in one showroom a wooden wall this is where several of the controversial bed mean bronzes are to be
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displayed that were stolen from africa one hundred twenty years ago france will return the ones it took but berlin has yet to make up its mind so for now the. busts day. but they'll be moved to the home board foreman displayed with video recordings that will include critical voices from their place of origin today's nigeria. and one can see as the key principle is to offer a space for other voices it isn't only the curators who tell us about their view of things but we are asked other researches and people from the societies of our region what it means to them today. we also ask critics of the exhibitions of at the not tickle museums this will give our form many different voices was refused to make the top. dog at all promises that not only should the story of the original significance of an object be told in the home board forum but also the story of its
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acquisition but also goes where on jets from former german colonies yet the current discussion regarding african cultural heritage is causing tension dealing with the responsibly remains a challenge yes country it's important to me that we don't lead this discussion the europeans shouldn't decide on restitution alone it should be a joint decision with the countries of origin with the humble forum should be a place where this discussion can take place and where we present something that tells a story. like these objects from tanzania. a special exhibition will focus on the joint german african provenance research. and of honesty all still don't use the exhibition on tanzania is a result of this research it will later moved to dar es salaam the prussian cultural heritage foundation who wants some of these exhibits which was suppose of war to stay in tanzania and. it turns
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a new york submission will be shown in the home board form in the second out of twenty twenty after the opening phase which will last for a whole year alexander for almost two hundred fiftieth. earth day will be celebrated on september fourteenth you know an almost empty building. the humbled forum construction site will be around for some time a work in progress. from ops twenty one today by a re. and feeders in. robotics
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. keep learning. wait a second we want the whole picture perfect so sort of make ideas shift deliver us.
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from a measured reality to cryptocurrency to your top picks for live in an ever changing digital world let's talk digitalisation fair share. to. a ghost town like no other noble thirty years after the nuclear disaster usually deserted but not always. sure it's sometimes business looking for that ultimate check adventure come what may. be a good job there's such a special interest in ship. holiday in chernobyl in thirty minutes on d w. what's the connection between bread flour and the european union he knows gilberto
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wu correspondent at the baker can stretch this line with the rules set by the. team. cuts me no. smoking recipes for success the strategies that make a difference. baking bread on d.w. . some time in the twenty six to you my great granddaughter of people. what would the world be like in your lifetime in around half a century. your world would be around two degrees warmer. inevitably sea levels rise by at least one meter in the century. we're going to have some climate impacts return greater than what we see already.
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it's really frightening oh. good. good. why aren't people more concerned. little. the first. leg. length. leg. leg. length. this is c w news a lot i have a problem but later divisive i'm done sus and general election in spain many voters
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are still undecided even as they go to the polls no party is expected to win a majority and the far right looks set to enter parliament for the first time in decades also coming up the deadly force of the sri lanka instead bombings that hedge emerges showing the moment one of the last hit the country remains on edge one week on hearing more attacks. and community in mourning one person is dead and three injured after a gunman opens fire on a possible service as the u.s. synagogue the country's jewish worship has targeted for the second time in just six months. time and you can thank so much for joining us. voting is underway across spain in
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what is the country's most divisive general election in decades the party of socialist prime minister petra sanchez is expected to get the most votes but may not garner enough support to form a government the election is marked by the rise of the far right vox party it opposes multiculturalism and has threatened to end self for all regions like catalonia. lisa lewis joins us now from lisa you've been talking to voters today tell us what are you hearing from them. well the voters are talked to from all sides of the political spectrum one lady you waiting had voted for we need us for them was the far left party saying you know it was really important for me to turn out to vote today to block the rise of the far right and a gentleman he said he had voted for see that and i was basically saying the right is the only you are the only ones i trust to run this country in an effective way
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what they seem to be grieving on is that this has been very device is very very tense election campaign indeed and that these elections are really important for the future of this country now as in many countries and many european countries spain is seeing a resurgence of the far right what is driving that. well the main issue that has helped the far right vox party a rise in the polls is the issue of catalonian independence they have been critical in criticizing the socialist government under pedro sunshines that was in place since last summer for actually being supported by a catalan independence in the separatist party and then they were using that wave of nationalist fervor really to push for other values very conservative value. is there against abortion there against what they call the so called gender ideology
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anything that would give women for the rights now you have to remember that these people used to be members of the people's party the conservative party and they used to be kept in check by the conservative party he was adamant that people shouldn't be saying these things out loud even if they were thinking them the supporters of the votes party have someone supporters especially has been telling me what you really liked about books was that they were speaking their mind. is there any chance that these elections could finally bring some political stability to spain well they stood a chance yes of course when you look at the latest polls though from monday they showed that non of the two blocs neither the right nor the left would win an outright majority now one factor could tip that balance that is if many people turned out to vote we have received first figures of voters participation from the
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two pm this afternoon they really high that forty one percent that's more than four points above what happened what was the figure in two thousand and sixteen and in some regions in spain it looks like it's even a record of participation in history in spanish history now that only shows to what extent spaniards understand how important these elections are that with lisa lui speaking to us from madrid now sri lankan forces have raided the headquarters of an islamist group suspected of being behind the east a suicide bombings more than two hundred fifty people died in the attacks on multiple hotels and churches and the country remains on edge now new footage has emerged that reveals the deadly force of the blasts this is the moment the bomb went off it's chilling footage of one of the explosions that took place on easter sunday at the king's town sri lanka's capital colombo. the video also shows
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one suspected bomber checking into the hotel a day before the attacks in response to those attacks police stormed his jihadist hideout near the eastern town of color on friday the father and two brothers of the suspected mastermind behind the easter bombings i said to be among the fifteen people killed in the shootout. after the mixtape claimed responsibility for the bombings police and troops stepped up searches more than ten thousand soldiers have been deployed across the island to hunt down people suspected of having links to islamist militants and that security fears churches across the island had to stay closed instead a private memorial service by the archbishop of colombo was broadcast life on t.v. . contradiction. here is someone in the name of god god
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who is the all merciful guard who is the all love god who has created my brother and my issues. at the jail was also held outside sindh antony's shrine in colombo at eight forty five am the time at which the bomber struck the church one week ago . we thought this one because. the people. confident and make sure that everybody is still not emotions are not. for scores of people the need to come together was larger than the fear of another attack. police are investigating a deadly shooting at a california synagogue that killed one person and wounded three others officials are calling the saturday attack a hate crime and of probing a link with an early
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a fire at a mosque mourners held a vigil for the victims at a nearby church community members from all faiths coming together to pay tribute to the shooting on the last day of passover comes just a few months after a gunman killed eleven people at another u.s. synagogue. places of worship used to be centuries now nowhere seems sacred a gunman entered the chabad synagogue in power in california as worshippers marked the final day of passover he opened fire with a high powered rifle killing one woman and wounding three more people including the rabbi. my thing was that you she said to my husband she's got. to try to. stop the bleeding but you don't have to take her to hospital us but i thought i suspected nineteen year old gunman fled the scene by car but was stopped on a highway and arrested shortly after police say his motivation may be detailed in
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a letter posted online we are collecting digital evidence and we're aware of his manifesto which we are in the process of reviewing determine its validity and authenticity. politicians were quick to call the attack the outcome of hate. at this moment it looks like a hate crime but my deepest sympathies to all of those affected. will get to the bottom of it or ensure no. this is not how away we always walk with our arms around each other and we will walk through this tragedy with our arms around each other the attack comes just six months after a white supremacist killed eleven people at a synagogue in pittsburgh. ok let's take a look at some of the other stories making news around the world today serious flooding is being reported in parts of mozambique three days after cycling kenneth that the government is urging people to seek higher ground with hundreds of
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thousands at risk the floods come just six weeks after another site claimed he'd killed more than six hundred people in the country. francis has donated half a million dollars to help my current stranded in mexico as they try to reach the u.s. border the money comes from church collections from around the world the vatican says the donation was made because decreasing media coverage of the crisis had reduced international aid for the migrants. tens of thousands of hong kong residents have marched against a proposed law that would allow people to be extradited to china to face trial activists say the law will further erode rights and liberties in the autonomous region the protests comes days after the arrest of several pro-democracy activists . saddam's military ruler rulers and a civilian coalition have agreed in principle to establish a joint transitional council but the makeup of the council is still undecided
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thousands of protesters calling for civilian rule of continuing their weeks long demonstration in the capital khartoum. encourage a ball is there. they couldn't say didn't but in the streets of doing nothing is still working among the greatest in the capital yesterday around it by transferring the. three to seven point three m. provisional stages the actual upgrading the streets and in the end sudanese makes not free everywhere. to relations across the generations is the overwhelming sound you hear all over town nevertheless people in sudan keep on insisting that fight is a. over just yet melissa feel a lot of the people's demands have not been met yet that's why we still come here i've come all the way from al good on earth and i'm going to remain here until the
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regime actually falls then let's go alone and everybody here is united as the people give you a sense of comfort when you sitting here that there is no fear. these people will only be satisfied when the regime steps down completely and power is handed to the civilian transitional government. is incredibly well organized and cheerful protest we are witnessing here but one and he is doing security checks revolutionary are being created on the streets and cleaning patrols taking care of the rubbish. you can tell these protesters are here to stay in mexico the caribbean nation isn't stolen from them the. sports news now in saturday's bundesliga action included one of the biggest games of the faith and as dortmund hosted better rival cheika adult men battling with by and for the title and shall cannot yet say from relegation they were ratifications for both sides and the result shook
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abundantly. few games in football evoke such passion is dortmund and shocker for both teams princie at stake in this one will be at its offices ends of the table shanker down on their luck and true to form the title contender struck first. very circuits in his head on the end of jayden sanchez didn't come from the box sam cheryl has more serious than anyone this season but watch closely the englishman struck by a lighter thrown by shout a family. jones lead lasted just four minutes this controversially are judged to be handful daniel caligiuri leveling from the parents the sport eighteen minutes gone more shocker joy followed caligiuri scoring a match by sally sammy and somehow managed to be sure to open defenders to the pool . despite dominating possession dormant when seen at half time frustrated by shocker and those frustrations soon boiled over. marco roy's shown
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a straight red for this foul on stewart said and i would go on to captain disappearing down the tunnel with him perhaps the side streams of the title. carriage eery crashed in the resulting free kick clearly relishes these gains this was his third goal in his last four darby matches he's also got three assists in that time and if this was bad for dortmund because worse another reckless challenge . another red card five minutes after the last marius both the man dismissed starts up in a carbon copy of his captain the nine men refused to give in x. over it so that the far post pulled one pack. but darby de belongs to shelter. bolo putting the gloss on the victory for two with four minutes to go. and get some cash and with roush. in formula one must say it is continues to
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dominate the season this time at the azerbaijan grand prix and back well terry bought us successfully defended pole position to take the checkered flag with teammate lewis hamilton finishing in second and sebastian fettle of ferrari in third i was that when boss ass also takes over the lead from hamilton in the overall standings and the pair also set a record for team members finishing in the top two positions the. people here love life. they love their country but not the current conditions. to run a journey through and full of contradictions. joy and sadness. confidence and doubt. our documentary depicts the contrasts of everyday life. and help people cope with. iran
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bittersweet. starts may second g.w. . have you streamed a video today i suddenly have and that's not good for the environment but i saw a lot of data in the cloud instead of printing it out so that should reduce my environmental footprint or does it just how green is our digital lifestyle today on ship. did you know that every google search consumes electricity zero point three watt hours to be precise that's what a sixty watt lightbulb consumes in eighteen seconds it may not sound like much but when you consider that google process is three point five billion search requests every day it adds up so should be do without google i can't imagine it to be honest
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even though it would save energy the internet is too much a part of my life offline alternatives do exist of course like going to an actual store instead of ordering online or using a good old fashioned maps instead of a sat nav. can we make the digital revolution more sustainable we spoke with environmental economist stephan longo in his book smart green world he tries to answer the question so what really is better for the environment. renting a d.v.d. or streaming a movie generally speaking watching a d.v.d. consumes less electricity because transmitting data from the cloud uses lots of energy but if you drive to the video store that increases the environmental burden . of them one can make you drive more than twenty kilometers streaming is better to less than that a d.v.d. is better if you walk to pick it up a d.v.d. is always a better file cabinet for the clowns. the rule of thumb here is that it's best to
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print last unsafe paper. before only talking about files and documents the cloud is green or a paperless office is the way to go. free markets will. purchasing things if you market is more environmentally friendly online shopping consumes electricity and then there's transportation packaging to both of which result in significant c o two emissions. of all the things you can do online is sensible since it's a secondhand online market. better than buying a new one amazon it's a cult paper book or even retail here it depends on your own habit the more books you read on the reader instead of in a printed version the greater the environmental benefits. the tipping point comes between thirty and fifty books that's when a new reader becomes greener than paper. shopping mall or online shopping the
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brick and mortar store is still more environmentally friendly delivering individual purchases to your doorstep isn't energy efficient. if it were working at full capacity online shopping could be more environmentally friendly ironically though when you shop online you're. raj with advertising which makes you consume even more . she's very easy to do streaming storing files in a shopping online it will take just a few clicks but the fact is even an energy efficient process if you repeat it often enough ends up being precinct energy consumption so if you still isn't automatically green. digitalisation isn't going to increase the strain ability automatically. we need to transform society and the economy to make it sustainable and then see what positive role digitalisation can play in that. digitalization doesn't always make things more environmentally friendly so it's worth thinking
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about which solutions are more beneficial take sharing that form for example the sharing economy is booming nowadays we can share cars bicycle apartments in name it and that called all of your for instance lets you share food that would otherwise be thrown away anyone can use it private individuals supermarkets and restaurants it's a clever use of mobile technology what are your thoughts on this stephanie. sharing economy is a great idea. digitalisation has been good for some things food sharing sort of thing. but it's important to realize that there are also some negative examples. so . there have been several studies on car sharing and they've concluded that people tend to use car sharing instead of walking for taking the subway. so in reality it's like a substitute for buying a car out of the cult so car sharing may actually put more cars on the street and
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it doesn't seem to affect the number of new cars purchased and what about our buying habits when it comes to smartphones i'm already on my tenth which does make me feel a little ashamed. and i'm just one of many people who always want the latest and best in the seven billion smartphones were manufactured between two thousand and seven and two thousand and seventeen at a high cost for the environment first the other raw materials smartphones use rare earth and precious metals from cobalt and the battery to india and the touchscreen they have to be mined and chemically processed all of which is environmentally damaging. companies invest heavily in advertising to get us to buy the latest devices as a result many smart phones are replaced even though they still work that's also true for computers t.v.'s kitchen appliances that can hardly be considered green. energy consumption the more complex the device the more energy goes into making it
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and even surfing uses much more energy than you might think. that the factories of the digital. data center vast amounts of data so that users can access it whenever they want with an extreme in a film using a search engine. transfer. amounts of energy. if the internet were a country it would be the world's fifth or sixth biggest energy consumer. cryptocurrency mining is especially energy intensive minus one when bitcoins to make their computing power to keep the network operating running that helps to complicate complex mathematical equations to verify financial transactions. being billed to mind it's estimated that each transaction consumes as much energy as a refrigerator freezer uses in an entire. video streaming is also an energy hog if
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you're ready accounts for sixty percent of data traffic and energy consumption that . in germany. are currently increasing their power consumption by six percent a year for worldwide that figure is ten percent unless we generate this energy from renewable resources for all contributing to climate change. around the world to the number of internet users continues to increase last year it rose by nine percent. what can i do to save energy the internet all things all i would see for short could help the i.o.c. is a system that network smart devices washing machine say well then only run when it gets enough power from your rooftop solar installation will be io t. help or hurt the environment let's take a look. heating and cooling a building takes a lot of energy do not. it's estimated the ton of that
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energy is wasted and intelligent i.o.t. systems measure energy use with smart senses and send the data to the cloud. derrick's analyzed to see how energy might be saved. that is the internet of things continues to grow it will transmit ever more data and that to consumers energy not all of this data delusion is useful to the cloud or data center intelligent gateways can help edit that data flow to pass on only what's relevant which helps save energy. these smart windows generate electricity built in so sounds transform light into power which you can even use to charge your smartphone. and smart sensors in the windows respond to environmental influences in order to help keep indoor temperatures pleasant while saving energy. so not even experts assured whether the internet of things will be an environmental
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boon it will depend on two things how much energy the devices consume and how much data they transmit another new technology that could benefit the environment as artificial intelligence could i help save endangered species and maybe help save our forests at the earth live forum hosted by microsoft berlin some ai expos and viral mental pioneers whether it can boost sustainability and arrived at some fascinating results. ai can process huge amounts of data in a short time that allows us to tackle projects that would otherwise be impossible. ai self cannot save our planet however i can tell you that without ai will not get there we cannot manage what we don't measure so we need to start by measuring earth resources so that we can little by little improve how we monitor model and ultimately manage earth resources for example while the project identifies and
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tracks wildlife populations photographs of animals are uploaded onto an open source platform for researchers and private citizens an ai system identifies each animal by its markings and other features and records of the location and times the image was captured that allows scientists to monitor migration patterns for example. and lets users trace the movements of an animal they photographed on their last holiday. the sylvia terrorist startup wants to use it to improve forest management in the united states the software assesses forests using satellite imagery recording species of the trees their height and the density of the forest this information allows for more efficient forest management biodiversity and helps ensure the water supply. right now but scientists that are focused on conservation and are spending thousands of hours just sit through images
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by using artificial intelligence you save the time why did used to take one hundred days you can take only a couple of hours and that time is now spent back in research instead of sifting through images. most ai systems that seek to protect the environment are still in development. how effective will be remains to be seen. processing all that data takes a lot of energy. for a project to be worthwhile it will have to be effective enough to offset that energy consumption. has one thing you can do use a search engine that pounds trees in directly of course it calls the s.s. they invest eighty percent of their ad revenue and reforestation and conservation project for every forty five searches a tree is planted it calls it is a search engine mask and the results are powered by big how about you could you
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imagine only going online when you really need to watching a film on d.v.d. rather than streaming it and using your smartphone until it actually gives up the ghost changing our digital lifestyle help save the planet changes like this just a drop in the bucket compared to what's truly needed tell us what you think on facebook or on d w dot com goodbye and see a. ghost town like no other. thirty years after the nuclear disaster usually deserted but not always. jurist sometimes he's looking for that ultimate.
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adventure come what may. be good to see such a special distinction. holiday in chernobyl next d.w. . every possible chain reaction of growth. around six hundred years ago. in the premise. sauce. architects scientists and artists. darkest middle ages each one. in forty five minutes d w. what secrets why behind the smallest. find out in an immersive experience and explore fascinating world cultural heritage sites that. d w world
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heritage trail sixty getting. contaminated banned and apocalyptic the chernobyl exclusion zone three decades after the nuclear disaster one man wants to revive the region. my main job is a create. helping to develop a principle a new phenomenon zillion.


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