tv Arts and Culture Deutsche Welle April 30, 2019 8:45pm-9:01pm CEST
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the celebrations and events abound to commemorate the five hundredth anniversary of the death of leonardo da vinci we look into the legacy of the tuscan master. artists in poland have taken to the street and to social media to protest the decision to remove a video installation from the national museum in warsaw the video in question by a prominent artist natalia l l dates from one nine hundred seventy three and depicts a young woman eating a banana in a suggestive way well although it's been on display for many years conservative authorities have now branded it obscene sparking concerns that artistic freedom is under threat. occasionally protesting can be a tasty affair hundreds of demonstrators gathered in front of the polish national museum in warsaw to eat bananas together when you move all in the name of artistic
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freedom. we fully reject censorship in arts over the past few years our freedoms have been increasingly compromised and now it's our turn at this moment we are protesting against the removal of our freedom of speech artistic freedom. the debate centers around this installation by leading polish concept artist natalia el al in one nine hundred seventy three she photographed and filmed herself sense you were eating a banana for six years the installation has been on display at the national museum now it's been taken down that's gold many under the hash tag banana selfie exasperated poles have been posting pictures of themselves with a banana including many celebrity artists and generalists the museum's new head. appointed by the conservative peace party says the work is a potential danger to young people. this is the national museum as such it's not
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the place for gender related content to be so explicitly portrayed. the protests are having an effect even before the demo the national museum announced it would put the artwork back on display but many here a skeptical. it's likely to end up in one of the museum storerooms i have no illusions about the museum's head and his decision. and the museum says this won't be the last time it may be in the works from its exhibition. and joining me now in the studio is my colleague adrian kennedy from culture to talk about this welcome adrian tell us a bit about the artist at the center of this controversy i think quite high profile they are very high profile and. better known as natalia of course has been star of the polish scene for fifty years the world ninety two but this is a piece from the early seventy's conceived as a challenge to the conservatism of the communist regime that ruled poland at the
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time and of course of criticism of the food shortages that prevailed. so ironic that now fifty years later this and she communist workers for foul of censorship a right wing so in the conservatives are on both ends of the political spectrum what about this cause if she's a well respected video installation in question features dogs with and mosques and a woman with a whip. of course famous for the quote if you go to see a woman do not forget the whip he is the artist the female is wielding the whip half safe to. feminist also interesting that it's works by women that have been put on the ditch lists now this also isn't the first time that we've seen the arts under pressure in poland since the new government came in under the
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conservative law and justice party and twenty fifteen is it that's what opposition politicians have accused the government of a concerted campaign against this one example was that they withdrew the funding the consciousness the rift. we have through funding for the month to festival in post nine when they cure eight cities and the program was deemed too progressive actually since this government came to power a lot of artistic director directors have not had their contracts renewed their local authorities then organize competitions in order to install artists that they approve of the thing is that the right wing in poland feels that the theater is dominated by left wing forces they accuse it of insulting the nation and the church of blasphemy and they want to change that so this is the just another salvo in that culture war very interesting and will certainly have to keep an eye on that story
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more pictures of the banana eating protests or is on facebook at culture if anyone wants to have a look at kennedy thanks very much for bringing me that story thank you. well it's exciting times for classical music fans here in berlin as killer potato prepares to take over from so simon rattle as chief conductor of the city's famed berlin philharmonic now on monday to try to announce his plans for the twenty nineteen twenty twenty season which include a european tour and play some heavy emphasis on the works of beethoven for his two hundred fiftieth birthday. here's a petanque oh totally in his element demonstrating the full range of his skill. starting this summer he'll pick up the baton the berlin philharmonic the internationally renowned orchestra elected him in twenty fifteen the expectations and anticipation are high. the maestro is
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famously media shy giving very few interviews but once a year he has to subject themselves to a press conference this one is his first with the berlin philharmonic. orchestra in this orchestra has a source of energy in it that is indescribable and as a conductor i have to learn to deal with the source of energy and deal with it correctly. and reach to. the tank oh has already conducted the philharmonic a few times there are twenty seven thousand performance of tchaikovsky's pathetic was super promising great things to come. with him for what bengal how about one carlyon cardio about zero answer simon rattle are the heavyweights that shape the spark of struck. by. the orchestra sounded different under each of them and that's how it should be so i appreciate
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each one of them but i want to create my own sound my own philharmonic world and long in mind that i do in the morning. originally from scrushy was hired by the mining in theatre in one thousand nine hundred nine becoming germany's youngest artistic director of an orchestra he worked for berlin's como starting in two thousand and two and in twenty thirteen became artistic director of the munich state opera. his new position at the berlin philharmonic will kick off with a performance of beethoven's ninth symphony on august twenty third they'll perform it again the next day at the brandenburg gate for free and outdoors. things for me the ninth symphony contains everything that distinguishes us as humans in both a positive and negative sense in that he says he shares the expectations placed on him to launch a new illustrious era in the history of the philharmonic. before you. head of
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every concert i have the desire to somehow float on clouds with the orchestra. of the void can simply. but that's enough talking for the maestro he prefers to let the music speak for itself. well his revered as a universal genius and best known for his paintings most notably the mona lisa but italian master leonardo da vinci was a true polymath with interest income for the encompassing architecture mathematics engineering several branches of the natural sciences and even music on may second marks the five hundredth anniversary of his death and competition is rife between the places that can lay claim to him among them his birthplace near vinci in tuscany. and the french town of on what was in the water valley where he died
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in fifteen nineteen and so while they all try to outdo one another we took a look into the legacy left by this exceptional mind. leonardo da vinci was not just an artist an architect but also a philosopher and engineer he's credited with some eighty inventions including submarines some fine machines but according to german author mathias echoed he didn't really invent them all. hot mic. it's widely asserted that leon out of really did build a flying machine himself and that as a last will and employee of his tried out this flying machine and that layer nardo recorded the flight in his codex. xylem cooled x. therefore when i've read the codex and there's nothing in it about the flight. stuff one percent of. the florence workshop of the mideast she's court painter became leonardo's master school he achieved mastery of perspective better than
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anyone else and he sketched everything he saw on whether in books or in his surroundings in the pages of his notebooks unable to make a living as a freelance artist at the age of twenty five he applied to work as a specialist for military equipment at the milan court of ludovick us forces. on hot the equipment he promised was either unfeasible totally impractical more simply didn't work so much written for instance if you look at the tank he proposed it's constructed to be driven by a hand crank and hunt. and that hand crank is attached to a kind of gear a cage geared so that the front wheel goes backwards and the rear wheel goes forwards with him. but he has a takes a skeptical view of the da vinci cult basing his research in the artist's own notebooks. it wasn't until the twentieth century that the image of layer in
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art of the inventor which he himself never claimed to be first emerged driven by benito mussolini to support his fascist ideology the dictator recast eventually as a universal genius and a leading figure of italian creative strength was done and a very miscellany initiated an exhibition not just initiated he ordered it and it was done and for. that exhibition models were created from davinci sketches for the first time. models that simply ignored the errors in the original sketches the exhibition travels from milan to the us and then to japan where it was destroyed in an air raid or stone to televise it amazingly lost the exhibition is gone miscellany is gone fascism is gone but the layer not a cult not of the cult of léonard of the inventor has remained. leonardo
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was a visionary but he wasn't a jack of all trades book doesn't question the boldness of divin she's ideas but rather it worshipful view that distorts what he really was a person endlessly driven by curiosity. and an inspiration to many who came after him well that brings us to the end of the show so until we meet again from all of us here in berlin all the best and i.
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pick up. the bad they got red cards and conceded for. the master shot. their shot. because i am unique stuff. magic magic only managed to get to leaving the business the title race why don't. you go. through the. do you know that seventy seven percent. are younger than sixty five. guts me and me and you. and you know what it's time all voices. on the seventy seven percent to talk about the issues. this is where you cut.
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the seventy seven percent this weekend on d w. people here love life they love their country but not the current conditions to run a journey through a land full of contradictions joy and sadness confidence and doubt. our documentary depicts the contrasts of everyday life and help people cope with that theory their sweet starts may second on changeable.
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this is g.w. news wide. tonight violence in venezuela who controls the military who controls the country in a new exclusive self declared president one tells us that the army and the people support his embattled president nicolas maduro national guard defectors are joining the protesters and the united states says it backs this up. and with that political lines are being drawn russia and china say they back president maduro insisting tonight.
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