tv The Day Deutsche Welle May 1, 2019 12:02am-12:31am CEST
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officials say dozens have been injured in the clashes between demonstrators and government security forces the protesters were answering why this call to take to the streets to alst president maduro whited says that he's secured the backing of military leaders but madeira has failed to stop what he is calling a coup saying he has the complete loyalty of his military commanders. well in an exclusive interview with d.w. asked him how he justified his call earlier today for an uprising against the government of and it's a way. it's clear that they are the ones who if you snipped government powers they have carried on a continuous coup since two thousand and eighteen they have disregarded the rule of law and they have discarded the constitution they failed to hold free and fair elections and they seized power today the armed forces have taken an important step by siding with the people our process and we've always said this is peaceful
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a nonviolent and we are not going to change that the ones who have caused violence through the armed paramilitary forces take hold collectives not the regime and we'll maintain a nonviolent stance as demonstrated by the venezuelan people when they took to the streets to protest. and for more now i'm joined on the line by our correspondent oscar's linker he is in the minutes where the capital caracas good evening to you. i want to ask you about something that we heard from an analyst earlier this evening that in venezuela when there are events like this when we're talking about a possible toppling of the government military coup that these things happen very quickly and that possibly this week we could be talking about a transition in government or not how do you see it from where you will. well we haven't seen an uprising or a toppling of the government sort of speech since the fifty's so it's really hard to say how quickly or slow the toppling of
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a government can occur if it's probable the government these actions however might have been quickly. reprise are uprising in the past against incremental government and that we have evidence. of paydays and a few years ago tried we have another military general that captain that tried to topple the government up you a few months ago and just a few weeks ago we had another uprising that was the military supported one way to go but this is very different now because it civilly and that are protesting and they are joined by military and this is a first and these twenty years of revolution that we've seen the opposition has never been joined by the military until now. we saw earlier today
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a military leader with one glider that's the first time we've seen that that speaks to the fact that perhaps the military is defecting to the side of the opposition do we know tonight how much support within the military why the hands. it's very hard to say it's very difficult to predict they're not a lot of information coming out of the military as you would expect because there is a lot of pressure from the government against the military we've seen in these uprisings in the past that the military that have been detained have suffered incredibly torture their families have have also been persecuted by the go. after they've been detained there is a lot of fear within the military to announce or to come out in support of one way though that that time is shortening now with. these events of today
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but yeah we have seen military time military commanders supporting one way though and there is an obvious break in command when we see that they have freed. one of the most prominent political prisoners in venezuela and that is very significant in today's movement and then there's also been a report on the deuce evening that lopez and his family have sold refuge in the residence of the chile's ambassador in venezuela what more do you know about this. well there is a lot of accounting to why aleppo's over. to an embassy right now from reporters think that he is there to ask for me to step down to negotiate with them as they were reaching for his. resignation of the president however that those are accounts that neither the embassy to
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a member of he or the foreign minister of china have confirmed they informed that no border lopez and his family are there and to gas. the referential. mission cheating venezuela there was also a report does evening that the u.s. envoys of its whaler mr abrams has said that three top image or rogue government officials have been in negotiations with the opposition for restoring order and call him to the country does that speak for or against. one why those efforts. well i think. everything that. leads up to the fracture. other government speaks for one body though and his because that is his goal. in achieving
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a transitional government here in venezuela is to endure circumcision that he called it mother little us government and so any negotiation that could topple the government would speak in favor but the negotiation to something that apron pants and have announced that there is a tart to compare and obviously the people that he said were in negotiation with. one way or with the u.s. are not going to say that immediately because they what they've said in recent hours is that they are still supporting the corner of my little and they're going with them till the end ok for spawn and later with the latest from ben it's where the from the capital caracas tonight oscar thank you well it has been around one
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hundred days since opposition leader won why to declare himself in its oil as acting president the u.s. and several other countries are backing his leadership but the actual president nicolas maduro he says he continues to enjoy the support of the military in much of that it's with us bureaucracy so what exactly has why do accomplished in the last three months who know. i'll meet them in a pub and i swear to formally assume. the national executive powers as acting president. was with those words one by doeth trust himself into the center of venice where those political spotlight pressuring much of the international community to pick sides. armando the thirty five year old leader of the country's national assembly claimed monday rose election in twenty eighteen was illegitimate and called for a fresh vote it was
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a demand ignored despite pressure from the e.u. the united states and some south american countries who recognized why does authority less than a month after why those announcement the u.s. and its allies sought to send aid into the country tempted to secure free passage for the trucks as the u.s. to stay out of venezuelan affairs several aid trucks were burned during the ensuing clashes though who exactly started the fire is still debated. why don't gain supporters inside venezuela by promising to leave his country out of the grips of hyperinflation but he still relied on support from the u.s. and from venice with his neighbors he briefly traveled to several of them on a diplomatic tour raising concerns that he could be arrested upon his return to caracas but he was able to really enter the country as a free man thanks in part to foreign diplomats who met him at the airport. despite his diplomatic push he's failed to gain the support of the constituent assembly a branch of the legislature controlled by maduro socialist party. they recently
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voted to strip of parliamentary immunity which could pave the way for his arrest. has long called on the military to turn against mando and support his cause now the question is how many of them are ready to heed his call. what is happening in. latin america at the free university here in berlin it's going to have. on the show i want to ask you about this report this to just come across the u.s. secretary of state might compare saying that nicolas maduro was prepared this morning to leave the country an airplane was waiting for him to take him to cuba and he was going to do that until russia convinced him to stay. well i think this this relates to bolton so the commissions that he was in touch with you know
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another defense minister and also michael moore and all of the chief of the. triple know of justice and also the chief officer of in military intelligence so this person is apparently we're discussing with bolt on this alternative them a little should leave however. there's there's one thing that the u.s. has imposed personal sanctions to a group of people of the top rank officials but not a very small group actually is about one hundred fifty officials so there are there is this theory about what is the sense of having a personal sanctions the idea is that you normally should impose sanctions to a selected group of top rack officials so you can break the clique surrounding the government right so if you but the thing is in that's what they approached for instance that you're opinion has followed that there mt of people that have have been sanctioned it's not more than thirty but in the case of the us is almost one hundred fifty so it is almost the entire clique that surrounds motherhood and so
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they tend to form a group mentality they are sober haps i think that there has been there is some room to think that bold front and compare has have been played by these three top officers ok what was russia able to say or offer to madeira the to convince them to stay in the country well the thing with russia is stats russia is the main weapon supplier for for venezuela so in a case where there's a new government led by white will. most probably the u.s. will could have easier access to russian technology weapons technology which would not be very like in moscow but this is i mean if this is true then what you're saying is venezuela is truly a country a prop. see the proxy war but he to certainly a front seat theater between the u.s. and russia tonight i mean this is the this is the evidence of it of course and it
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has been repeatedly said in the u.n. security council meetings that both by russia and china they say that they do not accept that initially we'll be treated like the backyard of the u.s. so this is this is the rhetorical of the cold war that's happening now a days what do you think is going to happen then i mean nightfall has come. and we know that there's a power shortage in the country this is a completely different calculus now compared to what it was twelve hours you know what he's going to happen with the opposition moving into the night and into more morning well from the reports i have heard we have not only to pull up us which is who is in the union embassy we have also the twenty five soldiers that were to gather with way though this morning they're asking for asylum and the brazilian consulate consulate so they're trying to get out of the country well you know what we have in the nasrallah and the chilean embassy there to top opposition figures that have been living there for the last two years you know perhaps this minute
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these soldiers will be leaving. leaving in this and buses for for quite a time the thing is that tomorrow we have weighed all and had both convene major demonstrations for the international workers they so let's see how did this unfold this story is still just beginning and we think of those demonstrations are going to take place well there's a high risk of them not taking place because as i told you before in previous experiences with the with the coup de tires or toppling of power the government has suspended the freedom of demonstrations on this might take happen tomorrow or people might be scared but is that really sure right now what will happen to the point you make about these these military officials seeking asylum. with chile that speaks to the fact that they do not feel. but their personal safety can be guaranteed if they stay if the status quo is maintained i mean if they stay on
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then it's for the territory they've they fear for their safety of course and does not speak for one quite a moving forward doesn't know it doesn't speak but we still there are no reports of one vital being captured so if he remains free and he is able to come in come in people tomorrow for demonstrations then we will have to wait and see what happens if he remains free that is also something that remains a variable could change tomorrow we'll have to see what happens a one hundred mark as for this goes from the for university here in berlin thanks very much we appreciate your insights thanks the earlier today white house national security advisor john bolton urged mature as aides to abandon him also and also made it clear that the u.s. is prepared to intervene with force to support why do if it feels the need. let me say two things to be very clear number one we want as our principal objective the peaceful transfer of power but i will say again as the president has said from the outset and that nicolas maduro and those supporting him particularly those who are
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not venezuelan should know is all options are on the table all that is right at the beginning three months ago we said that would be a big mistake for me doro and those supporting him to use force against innocent civilians we feel very strongly about it we felt that way then we feel that way now you know that was john bolton there speaking earlier about the situation in venezuela that even as well the government does not have diplomatic relations with washington but one quite oh does have an image in washington i'm joined now from the u.s. capitol by francisco marquez he is the head of the political section for one why those diplomatic mission to washington d.c. it's good to have you on the program we just heard from the u.s. national security advisor john bolton there saying that it's important that we see aides to leave defect how important is u.s. support tonight for one. well what we seeing
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today is a legitimate president of the us while asking security forces to restore constitutional order to restore the constitution of one thousand nine hundred nine saw you support is very important but also we've seen the support and the recognition of more than fifty countries of the interim presidency and by the way most of latin america so today the security forces responded but also millions of us well as have a spot on the street it's important to note that there's a huge blackouts twitter is down social media is down the regime has made it very difficult for renaissance to communicate but that doesn't mean that there's a lot of movement on the ground most from security forces perspective and also for events for millions of us ones we're getting constant feedback on the ground of what's occurring so that's incredibly important and we have to understand this is not something the regime sometimes tries to paint this like this is the us versus the regime but what's going on really here this is the venice film people and the
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democratic forces and the democratic community of the world against a small ruling class that is supported by by drug trafficking and oil revenue and a little activity so that's very important to what's going on in venice well and the transition is a process it's a process that are occurring right at this moment and we have to be very careful of the type of information that is transmitted in venezuela this is a process and it's ongoing right now it's a very fluid situation it is a fluid situation that's why when we hear things such as the national security advisor. the military intervention. you know is on the table to me that's a serious threat does that help or hurt one calls at the moment. well what we saw today was the venice farmland movement that's what we've seen from the get go that's what we saw generally twenty third when the national assembly designated interim president i know and today we saw this illions and the military
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your correspondent something said something very interesting and it's true what we saw today is i'm president you can't call this a coup d'etat because this is a civilian leading the charge to restore constitutional order and so when we say also all options are on the table is because we need to understand that all sorts of pressures very important to reach the conclusion of what we want is what divides us well if you want it's a peaceful transition of power and that's what we're looking for right now and that's what's meant to be today none of the violent clashes or courage from our side but mr work is you have to admit though when you say that you're asking the military to restore constitutional order in the country you're asking the military you're asking the soldiers the generals to turn against nicolas maduro that in itself is going to be a source of friction it could be a source of a violence i mean you have to admit that one in trying to restore constitutional order is to admit that the path to get there could be a violent war. that's precisely what we're trying to avoid look at what happened
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this morning our message was for regime forces to stand down avoid bloodshed that really the key to peace is images hands if he goes it is clear is that we have had peaceful demonstrators and even today i'll give you an example don't take my word for it we saw security forces that used to be loyal to the regime clash with militia groups that have been armed by the regime protecting on armed civilians so that's what's going on in venezuela we're proposing peace and we're asking to go to go for other to go and avoid bloodshed because unfortunately we've been pushed against the wall. as causing massive human rights for the vessel people massive suffering so really it's model that is causing war like consequences for venezuela and it's a vital who's trying to achieve one thing and one thing only free and fair elections let's not forget that that's true this is true there's a bill you could point me before we run out of time as we approach the evening. if
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mr if he is arrested this evening by the authorities of nicolas maduro do you have the confidence that the united states will then use military force to free one going to i have the confidence that the coalition of the venice film people latin american countries europe and the us will achieve restoring democracy but i saw no matter what happens understand this is the fight of our lives that's what you see in venice while we are fighting for our lives and that's why my daughter has to go all right friends its friends mark is joining us tonight from washington mr orcutt we appreciate you taking the time to talk with a thank you very much. well here's some of the other stories now that are making headlines around the world japan's emperor akihito has formally stepped down from the throne in a ceremony and so he has imperial palace he's the first japanese emperor to abdicate in more than two hundred years his eldest son number hito will now assume
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the throne the emperor holds no political power but is reviere and as a symbol of the country's tradition in history israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu has been sworn into the country's parliament will now try to form a government governing coalition after his likud party and its right wing allies won a slim majority in the elections earlier this month if netanyahu succeeds to get his fourth consecutive term as prime minister french authorities have announced tight security measures ahead of planned may day protests in paris they're worried over a thousand radical activist could join anti government yellow vest protesters the police are trying to avoid a repeat of last year's violence we know for a thousand rioters made the winds to businesses they clashed with police. as president has lifted a nationwide social media ban imposed after those easter sunday suicide bombings which killed more than two hundred fifty people popular sites such as facebook
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whatsapp you tube were all blocked the government said the restrictions were necessary to curb the spread of misinformation. sports now in the champions league semifinals underdogs have pulled off another shock beating tottenham away in the first leg the only goal of the game came from midfielder danny fund in the first half must now defend their slim lead in the second leg in amsterdam next week. on wednesday liverpool coach you're going to club takes his team to mighty barcelona club is still waiting for his first champions league title after losing in the final with dortmund and liverpool in the past but in an exclusive interview with g w news clubs proved to be as relaxed as unflappable as ever barcelona b. war. liverpool coach your gun club is on the cusp of possibly the most important
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few weeks of his career plus a loner awaits in the champions league semifinals and a premier league title is on the line but the german still has time to fool around showing d.w. his normal worn mogue a reference to former rival jos a marine you know once labeling himself the special one book club is special his team are enjoying a dream season and now look holmes with favorites barcelona something new for the fifty one year old i saw so many games from out of teams ago puzzling because i never played them in a competitive game and so many times i was a failing by doing it that's how it is because they're just so good and i always thought it would be interesting to try it yourself once liverpool overcame porto in the champions league quarter finals and are looking to reach a third european final in four years on the club they lost the previous two but he would still be proud of the feat. impressive.
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i don't know we will see it's a pretty good team to face so it's possible and. that's a really good for both teams but i don't see how it is in sports so if you're in the dems you should try to win and of course that's what we will do and we are not a dream draw i would say it's not that you think yes since we were poor little messi and his barcelona team mates including clubs fellow german mark andre tesh dagon are not the only ones occupying the former dalton boss at present manchester city top the premier league by a point from liverpool and the priority for fans is clear. on wednesday which i was seeing then on sunday said that they would hear from a leak down the tubes that he would be just as league and then said of the off that or sunday i think we have probably so. because i make that decision we have to play our best with bunny but if you are so people that's. very. so from the people who
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would be winning the league little of not won the english title seems nine hundred ninety. the glory days back there's nothing noble about. that's very true you can read more of the in-depth interview with liverpool coach on our website www dot com slash sports or you can catch the extended interview on you tube channel or here's a reminder of the top stories that we are following for you this hour in venezuela government armored vehicles have plowed into a crowd of demonstrators as the struggle for power intensifies the. self declared leader wondered why there's call to take to the streets against president nicolas maduro for these insist that they are defeating an attempted coup by the opposition you're watching more news at the top of the.
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