tv DW News Deutsche Welle May 1, 2019 8:00am-8:31am CEST
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but the needs of their employer. the worker produces grains for the mills of another the worker is trapped in a vicious circle. his labor directly increases the wealth of the capitalists which only serves to intensify his own exploitation. society as a whole as more and more splitting up into two great hostile camps into two great classes directly facing each other. you. could. tell marx if you know marx is amazingly relevant we've never had so many people in poverty or at risk of poverty so many homeless and refugees and extreme wealth is exploding through an explosion if you like that since it is working class includes white collar workers and salaried employees for knowing. when jobs are at risk mark
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says ideas often come into play for example when alstom with his took up the fight against the plans of parent company general electric to slash jobs the friends coming this party suppose at their fight. for example to use i'm here to assure you of the full and complete support of the communist party. i just said it in joint union meeting that we calculated how much the shareholders will gain from the merger this is ok are you that's why your fight is a just one more support here and in the entire country it'll do we'll continue forward together and continue to do so so let's see. let's see she. i believe the demonstration we witnessed here with some employees is very typical of capitalism today it's a globalized capitalism which pits the workers of different countries or different
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locations against one another it turns workers into the playthings of globalization so that they serve the interests of increasingly powerful groups this is a symbolic struggle to take a strong stand against capitalism the proletariat today must be much more united at the international level what we're seeing now is that the ecological crisis and the massive social and ethical issues the world is facing today are bringing us to rethink our society as a whole. that's the genius of marx he understood that the contradictions within the system would become so extreme that we would eventually be forced to explore ways to overcome them toddy. the french communist party was very strong after the second world war because it had played an important role in the fight against fascism in europe in the one nine
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hundred thirty s. . many important social and economic advances are communist in origin especially social security which was introduced by a communist minister in one thousand nine hundred five. i believe that euro communism was a key moment during the one nine hundred seventy s. euro communism came into being when the european communist parties understood that the soviet system was collapsing. euro communism in western europe emerged under the shadows of the cold war the new reborn socialist model was to cast off the shackles of soviet doctrine and up ten democratic legitimacy. this idea found enthusiastic supporters in many countries especially italy and france. but even as communist parties in western europe increasingly distanced themselves from the soviet union communist east germany became ever more vocally supportive of moscow. in communist east
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germany the party to an authoritarian methods to enforce its interpretation of the marxist legacy in which the freedom of dissent had no place. even the renaming of can not says karl marx shot on may tenth one thousand nine hundred eighty three was an important acknowledgement of the revolutionary tradition in the city and the contribution made by its working class to our workers and present state. people professor love care bill has already created many statues of the greatest sons of our people time and again he has sought to fulfill lennon's legacy to immortalize the creator of revolutionary. a ministerial by drawing upon the art of monumental propaganda station you need to be because while working on his designs carol read the works of marx he seeks to express the content of revolutionary marxist thought individual for this was the irrepressible power of the passion of
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the nature of the revolutionary and the scientist that's what is essential for this . that's karl marx memorial designed by professor levy a few minutes parable will bear witness to the shared struggle of the working class and labors of the german democratic republic and the soviet union even in the form commodes bipeds who was. going to the institution to be to motionless applause of two hundred fifty thousand residents and guests comrade every hanukah said the day will come when all peoples will of cast off the shackles of exploitation you know they will build a monument to the man who found the key to human liberation captured under the motto workers of the world unite karl marx.
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there. i heard about him in history classes and he wrote about socialism but i don't know why chemists was renamed stott he wasn't a bad or evil man you know i saw him do them. as i said i don't quite know what he did something to do with communism going to schools how hard. it has and he says i personally agree with him that company should belong not only to the bosses it's of the workers as well. although much of states. actually quantify marks on his germany marks his writings were readily available of course in the series with the blue covers i got them from my eighteenth birthday but if like me you interpret it marks in such a way that you then. criticised ruling ideology or the ruling political system things could get a bit difficult for you really help marks i'm defunct so i started reading marx when i was eighteen i encountered him through my study of him and classical
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philosophy my interest in marx was an extension of that in a way to marx is also an inheritor of the classical german philosophical tradition marx. for those of. as a stinker zero i believe marx very aptly predicted this concentration of capital we see today. the fact that capitalism is not simply a market economy but also contains a trend toward consolidation the formation of ever larger corporations he understood that this would ultimately destroy productivity that's exactly what we're seeing today in so many areas four or five large companies dominate the market divided up to suit their own interests and then they're no longer as innovation oriented as our current economic system likes to believe. in eighteen forty five prussia demanded that france extradite call monks.
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monks decided to emigrate to brussels. a few months later he was joined by. the pair wanted to pave the way for a new product tarion policy and contacted him viking who had become a leading member of the new league of the just in eighteen thirty six. marx and engels had the group renamed the communist league and were commissioned to write its policy program. the communist manifesto was published in eighteen forty eight a year of republican revolts against european monarchies. the specter is haunting europe the specter of communism all the powers of the old europe have entered into a holy alliance to exercise the specter. like the ruling classes tremble at a communist revolution the proletarians have nothing to lose but their change they have a world where workers of the world unite. in
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the one nine hundred fifty nine a young charismatic revolutionary letter faction who overthrew the cuban dictatorship. fidel castro then established a socialist republic just off the shores. that bastion of capitalism the united states. less than a decade later young people in capitalist countries rose up to oppose their parents' generation fidel castro and cheikh of our became the idols of the one nine hundred sixty eight student movement. of course we invoked marksmen we told ourselves that intellectuals were merely a superstructure from which the revolution couldn't emanate it was a revolution we thought would have to emerge from the factory floor. many of us actually went to work in factories for months some for years what we learned from the workers is that they were waiting for us to be their salvation. that's when the
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theory of false consciousness became popular. the idea that the workers didn't know what they truly needed that they've been seduced by capitalism and that we had to explain to them their true needs. that's when we started to question marks. we cobble together a new idea that consciousness had an important role to play in a shaping the revolution. that was almost an marxist in a way because in classical marxism being determines consciousness and your revolution can only be achieved when the conditions of reality force you to imagine it just to be done in twenty eight. and there was something else within marx that's always bothered and repels me within the marxist edifice there is no single sentence that states simply thou shall not kill. there is no principle that would forbid you to kill and kill in large numbers in the name of revolution and believe for mention
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. what diseases this lack of ethics is of course a terrible flaw that's inherent in the entire construction over and over again it's what's caused the edifice to collapse. in my view that spring. what a giant it's huge. jim i'm often just like let's go to the other side. up there. you know. for the last.
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month yes some people prefer not to engage with and i was a mayor in the former east germany and i saw how people suffered under marxism leninism how their freedom was taken from them by the constraints that were imposed on them. that's why we have such difficulties with this ideology. let's find out if we agree that the work will be finished around christmas and in january the transport will begin in any small problems we still have all solved by then. it would be. the year that the communist manifesto was published marx was forced to flee brussels and soon ended up back in cologne. he was brought up on charges of inciting the rebellion and acquitted again he was expelled and meanwhile he had
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also lost his pression citizenship and become stateless. mox and his family went into exile in london. at the time london harbored refugees from all over the world box and his family lived in abject poverty. three of the moxa six children died from illness time and again and this came to their. with help from an inheritance the marks family could move to a middle class apartment mark steyn spent much of his time in the british museum's reading room where he worked on his most important manuscript. the first volume appeared in eight hundred sixty seven copy time capital i could. not speak centered it to his publisher with the words. i don't believe anyone has ever written so much about money who has so little of it.
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in the u.k. unfortunately we did move with marks and spencers which is a retail brand but because the culture i don't think is developed and i was much about comics as we shoot anything there's a little plaque on the house that there is here but i don't believe he wasn't british they were to receive as he might might be in germany or something better. than is clearly a very much a political philosophy that aspects of which are still subscribe to people like jim mccoll been that sort of thing of this country. clearly it's opposed to capitalism and here we are right in the center of capitalism in europe it's a real issue i think there's a lot of overseas investment chinese russian money you can drive around areas of north london and they have pretty much deserted which is a huge shame and the indigenous population has been forced to. kind of periphery of london if you want a different life unfortunately if you move out and you can get
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a better house bigger house better life maybe also london but it's going to cost you a lot of polish of commute so yeah. when i wrote my book since you boy. which is a massive warning about not to do what i did it become a banker every single email i've got many thousands of e-mails off from people from from germany young men saying i rich your book could you get me a job in a bank please they think who cares if you're cheating society if you're earning that kind of money. i don't think what happened in banking as irrational with the financial crisis those guys who invented these false products but exploded a later date they were very rational because they would get
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a bonus every year before they were found out. everyone views paul marx quite simply as a discredited ideology you know capitalism won but he still had a lot of interesting things to say about the system we currently live in the alienation it causes how it has possibly the seeds of its own destruction but one possible mistake you made thinking that just because your a member of the working class you would automatically have solidarity with everyone else and you will soon then realize that these capitalists are exploiting you and there will be a world global revolution and so forth whereas the reality is that. there are many other things that give that can defy people so grace religion you know other aspects of your football team which she teach your in your country i call you see anything that is going to replace capitalism any time soon and we're all stuck
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with it. today many native londoners canelo longer afford to live in their own city. but london is still considered one of the when is of neo liberalism and now the capital has become the symbol of the dark side of capitalism . athens after the two thousand and eight global finance crisis greece plunged into an economic depression its fate depended on the decisions of international donors since then the country has been in a permanent state of emergency capitalism brought us excellent new joys and pleasures but a great deal of pain and poverty and despondency that we have never exceed expectations the past. the global proletariat has increased it is not shrunk the problem it is for the west that the jobs the.
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