tv DW News Deutsche Welle May 2, 2019 10:00am-10:31am CEST
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the affected rural areas also coming up deadly clashes in venezuela plunging that country deeper into political crisis security forces loyal to president maduro dispersing crowds with rubber bullets and tear gas that is authorization leader want why go calls for a series of strikes to oust the president. breaking into k. pop we need some of the young fans who are moving to south korea and braving rounds of notoriously competitive auditions all for a shot at star. i'm brian thomas thanks so much for joining us the destructive force of cycling is starting to be clear a week after that cycling tour through mozambique the government has. confirmed
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death toll is reached forty one that number is expected to rise many parts of mozambique are inaccessible in remote areas and small islands are still waiting for aid supplies our correspondent eighty adrian creech travelled to evo that's an island in the north of the country that was especially hard hit. we are onboard an aid flight headed towards the vacation island of now for the first time we get an aerial view of the massive destruction up till now flights have hardly been possible due to the strong rain. i've never seen anything like this there's entire villages that are completely destroyed not a single house standing and if you look at the trees most of them fell down just like toothpicks. now we're about to land on the island of e-books the first aid packages have arrived but this is by far not enough to help out the six thousand
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people living here. the island has been almost completely destroyed nearly all the houses have been torn down including that of. days she has been trying to bring order to the chaos. warming game in our beds our clothes we have lost everything we are doing our best to put things in order again at least the sun is shining at least dry the few clothes that we have managed to salvage. it has been raining nonstop for nearly the entire week since the cyclon hit shows us her house what is left of it this is where she and her children lived. at then you are glad to but they don't know when it was so incredibly strong that it ripped away nearly everything we lost everything now we don't have anything.
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i don't know if we will receive any kind of aid but nothing is left i don't have a job or field was destroyed it. i am a single mother i have to take care of my children and i have to take care of my parents my mother is sick we have to do our best to make ends meet. nearly everyone who lives here has found their way of life ripped away from them most of them are fishermen but many boats were washed away with the storm those that remained have to be repaired the mangroves were destroyed as well and the fish disappeared and have not returned since the cycle hit. the few tells on the island were also hard hit it might be a while before the tourists return. most parts of the war are completely destroyed it looks as a bulldozer drove over this little city here a lot of people have no place to stay anymore so they had to build little shacks
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like this one but many of told me they don't know how life will continue because they don't have the money to build new houses. and her children can't spend the nights in their own house anymore because the danger of it collapsing on them is too great. so they have to take their only remaining bat and all eight of them sleeping under an improvised roof their food is slowly running out they still have some fruit and vegetables but is only enough for one meal a day but she tries to stay optimistic nonetheless she wants her children to know that one way or another she will make things work. well the report put together by the w.c. e.g. and krishna joins us now from pemba that's on the mainland near. we understand some quarter of a million people have been affected by this second cycle and two months what have
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you been finding out on the ground where you are. well the situation and evil is terrible i've never seen destruction like this it looks like a movie but it is reality of course for the people living there the family you have seen they haven't eaten the whole day when i met them and they were just hoping that their relative would come by late to the day to bring them some food so that they would at least have one meal a day the food that reached there's not enough at the moment to start just tribute ing it because in the last days it's been raining strong and so helicopters and planes could not go there ok food aid is a top issue what about some of the other relief efforts that need to happen is mozambique's government on top of this well if you have a situation whereby thousands of people in a place like evil still don't receive food aid i don't think you can say the government is on top of it but the president was an evil as well yesterday he toured around through a lot of affected areas but now he has to act they can't blame it on the weather
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any more that change fortunately now there has to be a quick response but it is also clear that alone can't do that all and its own it's a relatively poor country and you saw its people back to zero they have to start from zero so that means they need a lot of support not only from their government but also from abroad ok there are fears out there at this hour about more rains and possible flood waters are on the way what are you hearing about that what are people saying are they worried about more rains coming to where they are. sure that's definitely been the major concern after the site and it's been raining for days nonstop but yesterday the forecast predicted heavy rains it did not rain at all today also heavy rains predicted but you can see it behind me it is not raining again so this is very good news people are very happy about it and that they are they are hoping that it will remain like this so a place like them back can be the beautiful. nation that has been before that people are coming back life will get back to normal but. it's also too early to say
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that there's no need for warnings anymore the four process still not looking very good so people are still afraid that something else could happen adrian thanks so much for dropping in for this uplink this morning and for your report as well adrian priest for us there near the boat who's on the right now thanks very much on the mainland. well staying in africa the german chancellor all americans on the second day of a three day tour of west africa she's due to visit german troops in mali and will then travel on to new yesterday she promised millions of euros in german aid to help fight terrorism and support economic development. mali chad and mauritania are all in the saw hell region and churches and christian schools there are increasingly being targeted by radical islamists. or weak security in the region is also hurting local economies here's what the chancellor had to say about why that makes international aid so very important. when people hear this feeling
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is the. key to the very difficult security situation around fifteen percent of budget spending is on security because this figure is increasing spending has to be cut back elsewhere that's why it's important for the international community to stand ready to assist said that development can continue with the streets and provide street amidst the think you'll call for a new. israel is marking its annual holocaust remembrance day with twenty four hours of ceremonies commemorating the millions of jews who died in nazi concentration camps. was a two minute siren sounded at ten am local time people across the nation pausing to honor the victims the day is one of the most solemn in the national calendar with morial events taking place across israel television and radio programs focusing exclusively.
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on for a look at some of the other stories new around the world this hour in authorities are evacuating some eight hundred thousand people as a major storm approaches the country's east coast cyclon funny is packed in trench rains and winds of up are up to two hundred kilometers per hour or it's expected to make landfall near the seaside resort of poori on friday. u.s. attorney general william barr has canceled plans to testify for a second time before a house committee on robert moses rush rush will report or objected to the intention to have lawyers question him you know democrats who control the house of representatives are demanding their release a copy of the full report which investigated president from stars to russia for surprise. the scandal plagued former korean airline executive heather cho has again faced court she became notorious after ordering a plane to return to its gate because she felt she was not being served an in-flight snack with enough to quarrel now she's facing accusations he she
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illegally employed filipino nannies by disguising them as airline trainees. it's to venezuela now where opposition leader won has called for a series of strikes to oust president nicolas maduro power clashes yesterday caracas between white oh supporters and the military left one woman dead and dozens of people injured why don't has been trying to persuade the military to change its allegiances but president maduro says white house efforts at a coup have failed. a violent stole made in caracas on one side opposition protesters on the other the national god still loves the low to nicholas madrone and his revolution the injured he carried away and then this violent guy in the cab the mouse begins all over again. i want to be here fighting for my country it's better than staying at home in front of the computer. the
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opposition called this it decisive die for venezuela but then said that often since antigovernment under arrest began in january. when one is still far from the presidential palace so from the streets he urged supporters to keep up the pressure. with what we have sector funds has not. been in vain they thought all the protests with the over the yesterday they were wrong let's keep protesting until we have freed than a sale of god. but despite months of pressure nicolas maduro can still support his two pro-government militias crowded in along side in a style just for the light chavez at a mayday rally. the other venezuela seemingly as defiant as ever. this is a show of strength against us imperialism and its aggressive plenty's. message
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now that only he can defend the country against washington in the venezuelan lated nice he's going anyway. to yesterday's coup to skirmish that played out yesterday was personally directed from the white house by john bolton. a day after venezuela looks further into chaos it appears that not the government nor opposition is any closer to victory instead the country's vicious town might is producing yet more suffering and yet more victims. let's get more on this now with as a key help us to lead a political scientist at berlin's alice allman university an expert on but us well thanks for coming in this morning and a guy who's calling for more strikes until madore is forced out will the public back him on this. i really doubt that because the recent why his attempt failed yesterday was basically because he did not receive the popular support of
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he was expecting so his strategy is to keep things up to keep escalating bad so far it has not worked so i doubt that it's going to work now ok so you don't think this approach by gordo is going to be successful but what about the dura oh you know how has he been able to keep the military on side a large portion of the public considering the shortages of food medicine and outflow of refugees out of the country and the mounting domestic political pressure in the economy has basically collapsed over the last years however my are still holds the support of. kind of big part of the even as for lump of elation specially among poor people because they still remember the good years of the president chavez when the economy grew when the inequality and poverty decrease the government also these three views
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social assistance which is very important especially among among poor people to make ends meet and the knitters supports him because of different reasons one of them is that they play a very important role in the us government and they have a lot of privileges that they do not want to lose how long a count on the positive sentiments left over from the chavez regime how long can that last that's a very good question but. it's what he can answer that it has worked so far but naturally his support is decreasing or has decreased over the years and next to that i think that the opposition with this strategy of escalating and trying to throw him out by allegedly this is not working so we have both. very polarized radicalise sites year playing a part and none of them is really getting to control they can't really but mother
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russian power shows so far that goes another strategy of go i dozed to break off a key element of the military leadership he hasn't been successful so far could he be successful in this area. i cannot foresee the future but so far that strategy has not worked even though yesterday's. something around one hundred military men participated but so for the higher officials just a few of them half. have left the government most of them still remained there what about the impact of the involvement of other countries especially from from russia the united states how is that likely to affect the situation is it is very important both countries are interested in venezuela because of the obvious fact that been israel has some of the largest oil reserves in the world and next to that the country that the big power that is pushing things for here which is the u.s. has many interests there one on one of the reasons why the u.s.
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is so bored and why those so much the shift in its foreign policy towards latin america in the context of the trade war with china the u.s. since drum came to power has hardened its political line towards venezuela the u.s. does not want any. opposition or real a position within the american continent continence this is one of the reasons why trump is recordings why though so much the other things have to do with the internal political situation off of trump one of them is that he's been accused of collaborating with russia so in the light of this like you say sions in two thousand and six sixteen i'm sorry it is very good for him to show that he's come from thing with russia and he's used in russia. as he's using dennis well as somehow a proxy war to come from with russia putting he's using this politically as well because it paid off for him to come from with a us so we have a lot of interests there playing a part as a thank you very much for
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a common story. this is news live from berlin still to come on the show they're moving to south korea to learn a new language and a range of dance moves we meet the young k. pop fans giving it all up for a shot at star. but first italy's populist government has opened its new minimum income welfare program fulfilling a campaign promise to try to reduce poverty. the new system for the poorest households provides more money than current unemployment benefits but critics say italy can hardly afford it the country's debt load is the second highest in europe after greece. rafaela ferraro got the good news a couple of days ago their application for a basic income has been approved she's just one of some seven hundred thousand to tally and citizens who will soon receive the new social benefit for years rafael has been getting by doing odd jobs she's a single mom with
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a seventeen year old daughter. now fed up and that my hope is that from now on we went be limited to just buying what's on sale that we might sometimes be able to buy something better. to me rafaela finds out how much she will receive in the coming days the highest possible amount is seven hundred eighty euros but few will receive that much it depends on the recipient's income and their assets rafaela receives three hundred euros a month in child support from the father of a daughter so she's hoping for about four to five hundred euros even before it begins the program has been heavily criticized by many in the e.u. italy currently has record levels of debt and many experts believe the country can't afford a program like this with a price tag of about six billion euros but the criticism isn't deterring luigi demaio his five star movement wants to get the program up and running before european elections. it was one of their election promises very important ambition
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of this government specially for the five star which has come under increasing pressure in recent months. italian authorities have been busy with applications for weeks a lot to do with the payments will be strictly monitored money won't go directly into bank accounts rather on to special credit cards it's strictly forbidden for example to buy lottery tickets buy items online and book airline flights but experts doubt if the system will have the effect on the country's economy that the government promises. the basic income is rich state investment policies that were implemented by many european countries up until well into the one nine hundred seventy s. and then bit by bit disappeared. rafaela ferraro says she will vote for the five star movement next time she goes to the polls she's grateful for the money but she would rather have a job. where some sports now and in football barcelona be liverpool three nil the
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first leg of their champions league tie. opening the scoring twenty six minute little massey's scoring the second fifteen minutes from time struck again just seven minutes later the second leg will be taking place in liverpool next tuesday to decide who will face either. the file. with me now in the studio ed mccambridge is ever welcome ed from the sports desk you know when we look at leo messi last night those two goals he was certainly the standout was well he's actually annoying. being that good at your job those are his eleven and twelve goals of this champions league campaign in just nine appearances which would be remarkable figures for anybody other than leo messi he makes he makes remarkable on remarked the way he does this all the time his first was a relatively simple top and he just reacted quicker than anybody else to double boston on his lead in the second half and then he scored so free kick you'd be proud to score a computer game it was what over thirty yards out and made it impossible for the
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goalkeeper to say that absolutely fantastic strike and it must be frustrating for liverpool because they kept him relatively subdued for the most part but i mean there's no stopping him and he found a way to get a couple of goals and now boston have a huge advantage in the second that yeah going into that you know we talked yesterday about the game did we somehow underestimate barcelona do we over estimate your complaint in liverpool i mean you called to what you were for or you were pretty close i say i'm feeling a little bit smug because amid all the talk of how fantastic clubs liverpool team is and what motivates me is i did think that barcelona which would win simply because they have the best players now little pool will be kicking themselves up to decide because they actually enjoyed more position they had more shots they had more passes which is no easy feat when you play the way it's possible but they said you had few geniuses on the pitch when it came down to and what these big games are so often decided by who just has the magical moments and when you have leo messi around and if those he was the one with magical moments last night but it's not
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over for for liverpool and field has been some wild fantasies in the past thousands of third's tales as well where would coming back from three nil down against barcelona rank in the path the on of liverpool's european rights we're talking about the second leg next week i think it would be a huge task so i mean whether or not it ranks alongside the famous miracle of ystem . in two thousand and five where they also came back from three no downs when that game is neither here nor there but they have a huge huge huge task if they can to make it this fall and you and i actually spoke yes the bow about the possibility of liverpool actually ending the season empty handed despite these great performances and domestically and phenomenal performances in europe as well he said there's a very good chance that he and this is with nothing and i sadly think last night's result means that they probably will end the season without any silverware it's well which is a very sad thing that would be a sad thing for your in club and for look forward to see next week at his ever thanks very much now to us becoming the dream job for many k.
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pop fans young pop star wannabes from all over asia are leaving home and moving to south korea for shock stardom they spawned a booming industry of dance schools language schools and of course tell the agency's. meets you can she's seventeen and from japan and she wants to be a k. pop star that's why she gave up her schooling back home to move to seoul where she auditioned for the a copia training school here she's taught the skill she'll need for hours every day. i'm going through stretch training and taking my skills to a higher level to reach perfection that's what it takes to meet your date be there when. you can or will have to study hard if she wants to beat the estimated one million others in south korea and beyond trying to break into k. pop among them is nineteen year old now neat sue
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a japanese students living in tokyo she may have the moves. and the voice but she'll also need to speak the language she's learning korean with a bit of inspiration from her favorite k. pop boy band b.t.s. . paid for by her mother another die hard b.t.s. fan now has taken a flight to seoul for a round of notoriously competitive or decisions. for my company or that i'm nervous to be here in south korea but i also want to enjoy my additions as much as possible if i achieve my dream of becoming a k. pop star i want my story to be able to offer the same kind of hope to others if that's in the set i think you nailed it at the office saying that if they don't. fish she follows in the footsteps of her heroes like this band black pink she'll add to what's increasingly a cultural crossover between japan and south korea the three japanese members of
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the k. pop go group twice helped make them the second biggest selling act in japan the collaboration is being driven by generation seems untroubled by the diplomatic tensions of the past stemming from japan's occupation of career in the early twentieth century. as for now neat her trip to seoul has been a successful one of the ten agencies show edition for she was accepted by five. if you're a minor now some are top stories this hour of the death toll in mozambique. has now reached forty one a week after that powerful storm hit there some parts of mozambique remain inaccessible others are still waiting for aid supplies. in various ways opposition leader one why though has called for a new series of strikes to oust president nicolas maduro from power clashes yesterday between the supporters and the military left one woman died and dozens of people interested. in our business news
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marks his hair. the five minutes to come up. her first day of school in the jungle. first clueless of the. doris crane the moment arrives. joined the ring a tank on her journey back to freedom. in our interactive documentary. tour on the way to tame returns home on t w dot com tang's. some time in the twenty sixth. my great granddaughter. what would the world be like in your lifetime and around half a century. your world would be around to degrees one of.
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inevitably sea levels rise by at least one meter in the central. we're going to have some climate impacts maternal greater democracy already. that's really frightening thought. please. why aren't people more concerned. little yellow. shorts made to first w. . plain. states only cool so despite a drop in profits for comical reports of first quarter earnings in line with expectations but says it must be realistic about the threat of u.s. tariffs on european cars. also on the show will there be a brics it all won't there and what will happen if there is we'll see how the
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