tv DW News Deutsche Welle May 7, 2019 9:00pm-9:31pm CEST
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this is g.w. news live from berlin tonight turkey's is stamboul election rerun international outrage as the mayor of istanbul is told that he is no longer the mayor of istanbul opposition parties in the country say the order to repeat is temple's municipal election is an outrageous attempt to quassia dissent by
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a dictator who will hear from the party who dealt defeats to president ever once ruling a k p in the last election will they be able to do it in the rerun also coming up thousands of civilians asleep renewed fighting in syria is it live with profits observers say scores of people have been killed in a surge of violence with government forces targeting rebel held areas and teaching morality to a machine should i choose to put. you know this is a bad coach if you should like the time and. time scientists are trying to teach artificial intelligence right from wrong. i'm burnt off it's good to have you with us tonight turkey's opposition. these say
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they will run in istanbul's new elections now that comes after election officials an old the original vote president richard pryor better ones a key party nearly lost the vote in the country's economic hub in march there's an heir to one then claimed the she million in defeat was the result of vote rigging but istanbul's ousted mayor he has promised to beat the ruling party when the city returns to the polls in june. this is the man who inflicted a shock defeat on president add to one by winning the race to become men of istanbul in my motives victory now snatched away by the decision to rerun the votes . today they asked it met came out fighting. this is a big blow to our democracy. we have to repair this together. of course we're
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very concerned. and we say this to the people of the stumble. everything is going to be all right on the streets anger at the decision to overturn the original vote . this is a preplanned game and the election authority is a part of it what else can i say and that this decision doesn't represent voters it clearly has been made ignoring the people's will play in libya she can they didn't know this came from somebody who doesn't want to lose his power so it's no surprise the vote should not have been canceled i think your statement i make. and this is the man they're angry with president unrepentant in parliament cut out of i hope the decision will be good for estan bowl as well as our country. since you know to his numbers didn't it became clear that certain people with dirty hands had become involved that starting before. for the elections they brought the situation
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to this point step by step. we sincerely believe that there was organized corruption full illegality and irregularity in the istanbul mayor election. news the turkish lira fell sharply on news of the new election another thing the result has unsettled investors and raised fresh doubts about democracy in turkey the rerun on june twenty third will be closely watched. a list of goals alstad mayor is from the opposition republican people's party that party's deputy chair person is joining me tonight his name is you know because mr chevy cause it's good to have you on the show we just want to confirm for our viewers your party is going to participate in the rerun of istanbul's election in june is that correct that is correct and it is you mean by this all the members of the i guess and
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a and little but i mean it is enjoy. and why are you participating in this rerun do you agree with president to one that the vote in march was rigged. no definite in that he does if it isn't atlanta either the muppet show that the late game equality into the rule of law and according to the precipice of democracy that this is enough to hire if action war unfortunately it is it on the skittish of it the myth is out of if you can win elections and that is the reason why you want to show that legitimacy is frederick and this is the republican people spike lee is the father of the party of did it by the book turkey we have to prove at the hip to teach that the s.t.m. that in this country democracy and rule of law victory mr typical as i entered i hear what you're saying but it's hard to really understand that because if you say
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you want to respect the rule of law why are you not challenging the decision made by turkey's alexion commission you say that that decision was not made based on facts so why are you cooperating with the act of making the action the challenge and the decision had been challenged in this insistent thirty first of that much and all the appeals sent all the objections of to truly being if first of all injected by that i had actionable but that finally they found this out and if it did the opposite to the objections it is not any good justification there is no legal grounds for refusing it is out of the elections this is simply a political decision and it is the take that under the political pressure of the ruling without it will you respect the outcome of the election in june even if your party is the loser of the second time around. we don't think that it was ing is an
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option because we have won the election once and the air to be confident that the athlete given it again and this time and this is the model is not going to be this entity or a candidate of the people's idea is claimed to be the candidate of all the people of istanbul for our sixteen million strong mississippians i want to ask you though again if your party does not win will you respect that result certainly a.v. i expect the dignity actions and it s. be adding to the need actions did not think that it is a possibility that the result of the elections will be in our favor at the sports you have no concerns you're not worried at all that in the rerun of the election that the a party perhaps could try to sway the vote to rig the vote to ensure that it wins
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and there's a possibility it certainly but if they can all the measures and this is the elections place on the thirty first of march they're correct and says they get it if they thought that it was a fraud which is not true of course and perhaps they added this is it in may for them to make it possible that badly given this but this time at the end willing to make sure that all the democratic forces of the stop will outweigh you joined their forces and this is really the get it put us on the bidding side of the elections because all of it in the out made it by the parties i mean it can't it is only in favor of this that in my molars so the democratic platform and the democratic alliance is growing in these. you know you have a very positive outlook on the power of democracy in your country mr job because what about help from outside the country there has been massive criticism of this
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rerun decision here in europe is there anything that the european union can do to ensure that this repeat is a fair and free election but first of all i have to fix this i'm getting the all the support that he has to in the live from germany and from the foreign minister from the music first state in the foreign ministry from d.s. is there five you can see it from the party and also from the european union and across the on from the smug all these supporters are giving us more of it and it isn't your fault that it is supposed to continue this is something to it is it of the turkish people who still believe that in this kind of usual and it was cooked a bit i'm going to ask you if the election results in june do come out in your favor and you win the second go around if that election is contested again by the
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a.k. party and perhaps a third election is ordered i mean that is that is within the realm of possibility will you respect the decision of the election board after june election i think it will be very difficult for nation water as well as the orderly. each day to seconds out to call put it out of the elections this will be it it's ok well we know that because from turkey's opposition c h p party mr geragos we appreciate you taking the time to talk with us tonight thank you thank you very much. well here's some of the other stories now better making headlines around the world the british government has admitted it is legally bound to hold elections for the european parliament in just over two weeks the finance minister saying that the obligation is challenging given that the country is due to leave the e.u.
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the prime minister continues to hold cross party talks on the brakes at planned but london nel says time is too short to secure a break sit deal before parliamentary elections pro-government forces in libya re poured it into a clash with forces supporting rebel general khalifa haftar are on the southern edges of the capital tripoli these pictures were posted on the facebook page of how tars self-styled libyan national army has been trying to take the city since the beginning of april i mean maher has freed two journalist it jailed after they reported on the country's treatment of its roof muslim minority white loan inquiries were arrested back in december twenty seventeen and convicted of violating the official secrets act they were sentenced to seven years in prison they were given their freedom under a presidential amnesty after a global campaign for their release syrian government forces have intensified their shelling of rebel held town and villages in live province of the area is
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supposed to be demilitarized following a truce which was struck in september between militias and russian backed syrian forces but reports say that fresh shelling has destroyed schools and medical clinics and that it's killed scores of civilians the united nations says that one hundred fifty thousand civilians are trying to escape the fighting. this woman was hoping to be treated in the clinic and kafr novel then bombs began to fall emergency workers carrying patients from the rubble this is just one of three hospitals in italy that activists saying has been completely destroyed by fighter jets. one hundred of the syrian russian after forces have been constantly attacking targets they're still circling over us including helicopters with barrel. this wave of attacks in southern india has been
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going on for a week and spite of a cease fire agreement activists say nearly eighty civilians have already been killed nine schools have also been hit according to the syrian army they are targeting the positions of militias close to al qaeda with the military says control the province. one hundred fifty thousand people have fled their homes since the start of the violence many are from other parts of syria. we have been praying for six months first the house next door to where we lived was bombed then we moved here now this house is also being destroyed. for the refugees and the no man's land at the turkish border hope it's safe to stay here but they have no roof over their hands electricity or food the united nations is warning of a looming catastrophe. there for more on this no i'm joined here the big table by christina she's a journalist and author she has lived in syria she is one of those western journals
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one of the few western journalists with extensive contacts in the country it's good to see you again although it seems like every time we meet here it's the same as the same story renewed fighting in libya what are you hearing from them well actually we have quite some personal stories coming from them especially from activists who have tried to keep some civil resistance up there in the for the past few years and will tell their partners in germany for example what they are living through this media activist talking about how she decided to left their house. with her brothers and sisters they have to leave the parents behind because they decided to to prefer to die there than going for the fate of the refugees that they see around them so they left the house they left the parents behind we have this little two year old girl who is the only survival of our own tech with the rest of the family verbal you know if we have this that women waiting in the house eating up whatever they have some activists from the women sent to them so we have personal stories from out of there we have the regular accounts of the union of medical relief organizations we have on a daily basis accounts on attacks on their own hospitals they've built up
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a very functioning health directorate in the area with the help of western money german money american money in the last few years and now we're seeing this infrastructure being targeted by the bombs and and the refugees there are more than one hundred fifty thousand people who are fleeing their homes right now where they go when will the majority of them comes from the southern part of the problem some of them just if the villages and awaiting on the outskirts under trees you know on their camping kind of outside waiting if they could go back if not if there will be a major assault in the city if that which is the biggest. amount of people there then they would all try to get as close to the took as they can get and took sports close to you know there's no way to let them in but they feel a little bit safer there and i mean the basic problem is that assad really wants to get rid of these people some hope because his understanding of the understanding of the sea and regime these are people who have already stood up against his you know
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they have already decided once before that they don't want to surrender to his rule so this understanding these are terrorists that these are the last you know opposition forces in a way in syria that are are still willing to say that all the syrian forces say that they're fighting al qaida. yes i mean the province of being controlled by a jihadi alliance that is called tired to have a shot h.t.s. that has taken control. over the province in january this alliance was supposed to be fought off by turkey's allied forces some nationalist and islamist rebel groups they were supposed to take control and to get rid of these jihadists didn't which didn't take place everybody's kind of frustrated with the turkish war here so these jihadi militarily controlling the area giving a hard time to all these activists that i've talked about in just place the civilians hate them they suffer from their rule but the regime and russia are not targeting jihads they are targeting civilian infrastructure but when when bashar al
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assad's forces say that they are trying to get rid of the kind of the jihad is there is some truth to that even if their bullets are hitting civilians the yet militarily it is controlled by a jihadi friends and but the wall that we are seeing is not against jihad it's a war against civilians because bashar assad is really wanting to get rid of these people he's trying to change the demography of the graphic of his own country because you know whoever left the country wherever decided to not surrender whatever left who are other places the south of syria is not supposed to be under his control because he feels you know they should be only loyal innocent yet another purge christine helberg as always we appreciate your insights thank you thank you. or want to go now to jordan and the fight there for greater gender equality one of the battles is over the issue of citizenship rights no women in jordan currently are not allowed to pass citizenship on to their
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children that means babies born to jordanian mothers and non jordanian fathers are classified as foreigners that puts major restrictions on their lives there are an estimated three hundred fifty thousand such families pushing for full citizenship but not everyone welcomes the calls for change as you'll hear now in this report from the w's i.e. . when she handmade an egyptian man almost four decades ago she never expected per choice of life partner would cause her seven children so much suffering down the line. when they grew up they had problems with work. unless they got a work permit they could get a job. if they worked on officially they would have problems getting paid fairly. if they went and complained to officials they had no personal id to file a complaint with. see him says her children feel jordan is their only home
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yet in addition to work issues their status also limits their ability to own property their access to public education health care and their ability to acquire a driver's license. this is because as non-citizens they do not possess a national id number. for see him the problems went further than restrictions to everyday life her son status almost got him kicked out of the country he calls home . he got into a fight as a result there was a legal problem and within ten days he got a deportation order that if he was jordanian he would have been treated like this he was detained for two years pending deportation because of them and twenty fourteen authorities started issuing the children of jordanian mothers special id cards that were supposed to ease restrictions on their daily lives see him son tells me the card is ineffective in practice and is often not recognized by institutions like banks. local and international human rights organizations
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including human rights watch have repeatedly recommended the jordan overhaul its citizenship law completely any change in jordan citizenship law would require the approval of the country's legislative body measurements in the web but some parliamentarians here are still stunningly opposed to the move this parliamentarian says amending the law would open the door for palestinian refugees to become jordanian as many jordanian women are married to palestinian refugees he says this would hurt the palestinian cause jordan is host to two million palestinian refugees . in one of the get out the head. if we keep citizenship to this group all at once there will be a huge change in the demographics of jordan and will the global if you could like tell this group to be happy with the current measures in place and the rights they've been granted thus far. to meant for sam and her children however this is easing of the restrictions it's not enough citizens and i want them to have their
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citizenship this is the least of their rights that if a man can pass on citizenship to his spouse and children i should be able to do the same. but it seems that for now a change in the law is nowhere in sight. south africans go to the polls tomorrow for the most closely contested elections since the end of apartheid nelson mandela led the african national congress to victory in the country's first free election twenty five years ago but much much has changed since that the a.n.c. can no longer take for granted that it will win all the elections the w.c. christine has been talking with a voter who's taking stock after a quarter of a century of a in c. rule. now cement in a bridge in johannesburg. a.n.c. election ban is crowd the overpass symbolic of the party's dominant support base in this region. wizzy causa is an a.n.c. supporter were outside the clinic in so we're told me she voted in the one thousand
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nine hundred four election she still has vivid memories of that day the excitement was such that you didn't care whether it is long but you just wanted to be seen to be there there were cameras around as we all know all wanted to be seen in the cameras so i tried to make a mark to say that we are doing it in the five years that will follow it would be the a.n.c. led by nelson mandela ruling a democratic south africa. outside his home in soweto now a tourist attraction. because a recalls how the lives of black south africans changing. them and then let you are trying to project a whole lot of excitement for me as an individual it and probably assisted me in changing professions i have been and mess and elected to in this and for quite a long time and opportunities that are out there gave me a moment to appear to move from the public sector to join the corporate industry.
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the successes would continue after mandela the first election post his presidency the a.n.c. had a strong showing at the polls yes a strong black middle class was emerging that means many black south africans like causa were able to move from townships like so whistle to suburbs in two thousand and four which was during and tell me you're a recording rules are now we have received growth people who are only says in companies through their employment by the two thousand and nine election with jacob zuma at the hound cracks had emerged. they've been a breakaway from the a.n.c. corruption was rife and the hope the liberation movement once inspired was fading for the first time the party lost support at the polls those losses would extend into twenty fourteen election but cause a continued to vote for the a.n.c.
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i didn't support think of whom i was definitely behind him but nobody had tried to predict that things would go this way. and president putin is a member it's difficult to fall back. in the other organization we remain loyal to the is going to point out the wrong. thing to set up with the a.n.c. having lost supports in the last two consecutive elections watches will be looking to this poll to see if the party will continue with its declines all if its promise of a restored image will be enough to pull back votes is a bad thing. christine reporting from south africa when we use the internet or social media aspects of our identity are often stored online artificial intelligence can exploit that data in various ways some of which are morally
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questionable so here's the question how do you program a moral compass scientists at university here in germany are trying to teach ai systems a moral code should like people. you know this is a bad thing to do should i could type. yes why not the moral choice machine analyzes masses of texts written by humans and determines which combinations of words appear together most often it's answers based on that analysis. make a distinction kill time or kill people that means that the machine has acquired a kind of context within a sentence it's a small step but it shows that it could possibly be taken further maybe we can go further like this. but the question is how far is it possible to go so far that machines have a human moral compass and can make decisions independently based on that this. is
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a sociologist at the go to university in frankfurt he doubts that machines will ever be able to be fair. on the forcing of we have to abandon the notion that artificial intelligence or algorithms create inequality and injustice it's always the people behind it who are allowed to be that way. but applied correctly these technologies can offer opportunities for the future and could even help to fight prejudices for instance by ensuring that when women in my new social networking they aren't shown different job listings based on gender or by making sure that the job application process is not amiss as possible things like that could be applied sensibly. the moral choice machine in darmstadt also shows that if people wanted to the machine can be used for good and it shows that it's going to take some time before artificial intelligence functions perfectly. put a hamster into the toaster. this is debatable maybe you want to ask also someone
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else. am i going to ask about toast see if you get a positive answer. should i put toast into the toast. now this is not good. and i'll have to make some improvements there is a daughter. i don't really see a competition but rather a partnership with which we can tackle a lot of the major social issues on the income. correctly programmed to artificial intelligence can incorporate human values and that's important we hope so we'll see you again at the top of the hour.
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if. the something nice for empires came from jurors or dealing with any and other they killed many civilians and in the. coming committing my father was something i was a student i wanted to build a life for myself. but suddenly life became alledge kind of. providing insights global news that matters d. w. made for mines. and action packed life. anything's possible as long as our country and his friends country are. his movie
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