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tv   Eco Africa  Deutsche Welle  May 15, 2019 2:30pm-3:00pm CEST

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and you have some climate impacts we turn greater than the snow. it's really frightening what. i have. why aren't people more concerned. through 1st. hello everyone and welcome to the latest edition of eco africa. in lagos nigeria and i am very happy to welcome you today we have lots of new environmental topics and ideas from europe and africa but i'm not alone with me is my charming colleague
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in south africa hello there hey auntie it's great to be here again my name is ecology of you and i'm so glad you tuned in for the show today we'll be taking you on a trip all over our beautiful continent as we shed some light on the environmental threats we face here. who travel to zambia how we will see how a youth reporter heats up climate action. in cameroon we need people switching from firewood to bio gas to meet their energy needs. and we had to go now to meet cocoa farmers struggling to boost big yields against the odds. while the culprits behind camera change come predominantly from countries around to europe the us and asia africans are taking the brunt of this impact many are already affected by rising temperatures and irregular rainfall it 21 year old reporter in zambia is using a radio broadcast to inspire her peers to action wash sharing
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a knowledge about deforestation pollution and other environmental challenges in the country she believes africans need to wake up and adopt before it's too late oh. yes. i chuckle markets in lusaka trees that once protected the zambian savanna assumed here and who can feel climate trying to have beaches feeley reports how filling these trees has an impact on daily life in communities in lusaka meaning with martians in the market a young radio reporter is looking for allies in white into climate change. our ways. either one of you here to look for problems but rather look for solutions together we don't come here to look at what negative things people are doing but rather to help as come up with solutions that are going to help us you know are a collective collective so those are the things that we actually do and this is why
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we always have to come here to collect stories that are inspiring and what it. she really has her own show at a lusaka community radio station in an hour long broadcast each month she talks about environmental issues in lusaka and what to zambians can do a bounce them to my. good to tell you. the right thing. today she's talking about have visit to the shuttle market later she really needs says about her childhood telling how her neighbors would fight over water before the well ran dry due to persistent droughts. 3 believes that many zambians are already affected by the climate change but that most are not aware of it. and. so every person needs to have
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adequate information and that is what my patron is about in all the radio shows that actually gets to do it's about creating or giving out information that is powerful information that is actually able to stimulate every person's mindset and say look i have been affected by the situation by climate change and i think it's high time we get to do something about it that's my position. climate change is deeply and just although african countries account for a tiny fraction of greenhouse gases emitted into the atmosphere droughts floods and rising temperatures heat the continent with full force but theory is convinced that zambia and i'm not. mr and can meet again to the effects. that stats we educating people. most of the vendors and the whole market have never even heard of climate change for many theories show is an eye opener helping
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them to understand the changing with the patterns they have witnessed. during the 201526 steensland experience erratic water supply due to to lead to or no rainfall and also of that was caused because many people where there is a cutting down the chute and this is what we are actually going to get to see more if no action is actually implemented by we the people. feel really wants to inspire the people at the markets to fink about ecological tentative such as chattel made from banana peels all maize commitment shows how young people across the globe are becoming increasingly aware that climate change may compromise their future and that action must begin now. let's hope they continue to get the support they need to further develop their project in an environmentally friendly and sustainable way you said it is easy spreading ideas about how best to tackle environmental issues
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isn't always easy although here we have an example of some people who got it waste management is a serious problem around the world but we are about to see that there chew through cooperation which is key to tackling the issue a movement that started in 2008 in estonia has caught on around the world thanks to the positive power of social media. pressure trash pressure as the class to class to class to class care class to our way that clean up not planet. the let's do it movement brings together people from around the world to clean up their countries on so-called clean up day. this civic led mass movement began in a stone year in 2008 when 50000 people gathered to collect waste across the country . in just 5 hours they picked up $10000.00 tons of illegal trash.
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from their stony uncovered autolog has been part of the core team from the outset. i'm really happy that through this movement we have given people back the understanding that they have power to change things it doesn't have to be organizing a worldwide cleanup or a country like cleanup it can just be the power of making a little bit different decisions every day because your friends will know it differ from a little know it it's the most important change you can inflict on the world changing yourself. since then the donations funded movement are spread around the world. the global network has engaged a total of more than 35000000 volunteers since its launch in around 160 countries problem easy thing to manage. mostly when the clean ups are organized you need
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a lot of people working together they are very very often spread all around the country but they need to work together in in a very synchronized way so we must. use their knowledge sheet to to assess the problem to plan the action and to communicate with each other it's crucial otherwise you couldn't done it you couldn't do it in such a large scale. the launch of the waste mopping up mark tomorrow stone in the projects progress that allows volunteers to locate trash are pictures another data about the type or size of the waste that makes coordinating volunteers an easier task. the team has also developed the world waste platform which her. it's an overview of the way situation of the whole planet a global market for a global movement. it's always kind of highlights when you see people working in very critical situations there were people conducting cleanups in warsaw and in
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conflict zones there were people conducting cleanups in 2018 during hurricanes and cyclons if you see this kind of humor and bravery and will to make it happen despite of the circumstances that's really humbling and inspiring. for the let's do it movement cleaning up is just the 1st step on a long road keeping the goal clean is the next part of the journey we call it keep it clean plan which is set of activities or steps we can take in in different sectors in each country so figuring out together with all those people involved through the movement through the work enough day how we can inflect changes in our police service how we can educate ourselves our kids grown ups how to make better choices every day. on her fellow activists know that small
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steps can lead to big change. now small steps can indeed lead to big changes one thing that really needs to change is the destruction caused by drilling and digging into the ground with fossil fuels and the cutting down of forest in order to generate energy if only we could find a way to turn all that garbage into energy right well as many of you who are sick of us know many people already doing just that here's an example in caramel. every item has to be modified by hand it is a lot of work. almost comic establish the nonprofit on 2 fives. you need to come a long way 3 years ago. i teach workshop in the capital the i'll be there modifying a portable gas to instead of a gas bottle it should run on bio gas some families in the countryside are already
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using the system you are doing if you see most from littering use firewood to get into your house if you go by the your gas system or your overage in the house anything that can get out of the police i didn't just come up with a good result and how the cooking gas you have the he said he said i'll come for it and then you are organic manual and this is a bio gas digester woman hammad and his team i visited a village north of here wanting to show farmers how to build and operate a bio gas system went to production to decompose john to place the gulf now rice and be at it all they have schooled about 300 people over the past few months demand for their devices and training is rising still it is sometimes hard to convince people of the advantages of this new technology we need that space where it can be practiced shown to people because people want to see who would want to listen and listen a lot and nothing has been happening so they want to see so on many mass
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practitioners is to carry out a lot of experiments that the short of the people that this thing works. is installing its biggest facility to date and a small town outside reality with a large septic tank for the recycling of organic waste. it was commissioned by a catholic seminary there at a cost of about $2.00 and a half 1000 euro's. human kitchen and garden ways to be fed into the tank the resulting bio gas will be used in the seminary kitchen which feeds the $200.00 students. well of it as how the seminary with the project as a consultant should be looking for the whites technology for a long time. isn't a problem on theme among while they even sent me to china to see if i could source the equipment there to produce bio gas. that we discovered that there was already
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an enterprise in cameroon itself that makes what we need. so we ordered it through cam that will come on. record was already installed a number of bio gas systems both portable and fixed but not many people or institutions and come along our way of bio gas as an eco friendly energy source we intend to promote this thing the world but you know we're no finals no more to no they need you know support it's very very difficult to create our interest the government development plan cameroon vision 2035 games to promote to china to religious but so far the bible gods plays a tiny role in the energy mix. food security continues to be of serious concern in much of the world and especially here in africa where around
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some 2 percent of inhabitants experts say still rely on the line for their livelihoods especially as temperatures rise and the weather becomes increasingly extreme it is basically impossible to predict the outcome of seasonal harvest on the fields that seem to be a real need for additional alternative ways to produce food so the show supplies when traditional crops fail are doing your bit from nigeria maybe a glimpse of what the future holds. population already numbers more than 190000000. but the country doesn't have enough land to grow food for the rising population. and due to climate change floods have become more frequent and for thailand has become even scarcer. samson a bully has found an eco friendly solution to the problem. on his farm in
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ogun state he grows yams tomatoes and other vegetables using a method called aero panics. instead of using soil a nutrient packed mist is sprayed on to the plants roots. this method allows plants to grow faster producing higher yields compared to conventional farming. due to the controlled climate in the greenhouse crops are independent of seasonal changes and no pesticides have to be added to the system. there is a must as are those of people from villages to the open center so we need to be able to also ensure the food for those come in for burn center. so far 40 farmers work in his greenhouse some sanogo hopes to convince more to help feed africa's most populous country. and how about you. know if you are also doing your bit tell us about it. visit our website or send us
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a tweet hash tag doing your bit. we share your stories. now let's head to uganda i make victoria in the eastern part of the country there i've been lately some problems made by me it's. sad to say those crocodiles attacks came from over exploitation of the lake near agree indeed n.t. it's a corker does don't get enough fish they behave aggressively towards humans villages started to kill the crocodiles but pizza who wants to save the reptiles by relocated them more than $400.00 kilometers up the country they experience crocodile catcher has captured more than $100.00 now crocodiles impressive and it's going to. feel some sight of a nile crocodiles the largest a species of d.n.a.
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in africa while tourists cruise the nile hoping to see the imposing reptiles from the safety of a board along the shores of lake victoria the 4 rushes predictors pause a deadly threat to people living in the area dwindling fish stocks and shrinking crocodile habitants have led to a worrisome rise in attacks in recent times in the village crocodiles have reportedly killed 7 people over the last 3 years a shia muslim lost her 7 year old granddaughter just a few months ago. i received a phone call and i was told that people were frightened back home a crocodile had grabbed my granddaughter and disappeared with her villagers tried to save her that monday but it was too late. many victims are children who go down to the lake to play or fetch water fishermen
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are also a target peter is a crocodile expert with the uganda what they feel free to he and his team have come in response to reports of a sighting they ask the villages for further details before setting off to search for the animals when we receive information with quickly leave us to deceive to form we do assessment and we do the capture of the. locals the lead the team to the areas favored by the large reptiles. they are trapped made from a piece of meat attached to wire on that floor though. so that when a girl that i love comes the grabs the debate. and then they wire will die i didn't know what your order by your when it is right. there wired by
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james but in this instance the crocodile squad needs to adjust the trap the predator smells a rat and escapes. because of too many cases we cannot win mike so we may reach when he doesn't read it in something or did 2 or 3 days we are supposed to explain in that area will not be successful. we may fail to capture because the crocodile is not active actively hunting. in one village the crocodile hunters have more luck fisherman have captured a crocodile themselves or gongs team is here to take it away safely safe not just for the people but the crocodile too. after a 7 hour drive the team arrives at the crocodile farm on the outskirts of kampala and the animal is released the facility was set up by the uganda wildlife or 3 team
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partnership with the private investor. this one has reportedly killed 7 people they predict are permanently lives in captivity now since it's judged too dangerous for the wild. visitors pay to see the creatures which helps finance the farm that ensures aggressive crocodiles a safe haven some of their offspring will be returned to nature but the program was set up for several reasons $1.00 to breed them we want them to live. and then we live in a cooperative the eggs and. we will get the young ones which will go for what isn't popular for educational purposes and for that the uganda where level 3 t. puts the country's crocodile population at about 1200 crocodile expert peter all
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one has captured and relocated over 120 of the wild creatures so far most of them are now living freely in national parks in uganda. who of you ought that doesn't love chocolate did you know that coke originated in central america over 5000 years ago while in the meantime it has become a highly sought after global commodity and it may or may not surprise you to hear that today the top 2 cocoa producing countries are in africa that's good for trade but a life on the farm is not always so sweet. with a heavy heart or lungs it was money that setting out to work. he has to cut down trees in one part of his plantation. and while there are parts that never right been properly because of the virus. will
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not been easy this is no good for harvesting we can't process it it spoils our swollen shoot virus is the name of the disease that's affecting his trees but it's not his only problem so with all this is part of my farm i planted cocoa planting and other crops here just like elsewhere on the farm but the timber contractors have cleared everything and they didn't even compensate me and so i'm white many timber companies and gone are involved in illegal deforestation. charles pref in e-mail from the n.g.o.s and he is working with the farmers to at least ensure they don't further exacerbate the problem. we have to live farmers through. to be a farm doing things for instance the flight about sort of become really benefit from be our own small talk and not to move into the robot of the us but of that is what we have seen about big timber companies with some trying to degrade the forest
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and i mean it's cutting the rocks redoubt really replacing the history and you know has rented farmland on the edge of the forest for the past 2 years they've run a tree nursery had. orlando's money it was among those who were given seedlings from the nursery. left by sure the ngo has given him tips on how to piece the growth of his trees down sections of phenomena trunks for example can help to strengthen the roots he's also learned how to treat the stumps of the disease trees that he's chopped down. i used herbicide to kill off the stump so that it can't regenerate otherwise it can infect the new trees that i've planted you have to use herbicide to kill the entire system i didn't realise that before i say. but it's not been easy for the n.g.i. at fast many farmers were skeptical about the ex-pats from the city but that
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changed as the ngo won some powerful allies. as a respected and successful cocoa farmer a few years ago he gave his plantation i have a whole chopping down the older trees and planting new ones. in fact so west in guyana and orlando was money. fortunately the government didn't reduce the produce a coke a price this year. so he'll and the equivalent of one year a $31.00 kilo of beans if the quality is good. however in orlando was money's been ledge there's bad news the engineers project which has helped the farmers so much is due to end. the farmers have come together for a meeting at the local church where come to community they all want the project to continue. and come with me think i take your concerns very seriously i understand
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that you want the project to be extended for one or 2 years i will forward this information to our donors i hope that something can be done but unfortunately i can't promise you anything right now. even if the funding dries up the n.g.i. has promised to continue advising the farmers thing. it's good to be reminded of all the hard work that goes into making those sweet treats i'm afraid that's all we have time for today thanks for joining us us so long for me zeke and bye bye and still next time see you then see bye for now and z. was a pleasure co-hosting the show with you and to you our viewers out there remember you can find out more about environmental protection and sustainability on asocial media platforms but for now i'm now outside with signing up from lagos nigeria so you again next hour.
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good. good. good good. good. good.
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good. good. good good. her 1st day of school in the jungle. first clooney was. then doris crane the moment arrives to. join the ranks turning on her journey back to freedom. in our interactive documentary. bringing tame
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returns home on d w dot com from ring of tanks. an action packed life for. me because anything's possible as long as our coffee and his friends can treat. these movies you can turn us dob refugee camp. his life story may have ground to a halt. 27 years ago but there's no holding back his dreams for the book. because. thank you for watching the 1st cinema stars may 27th on t.w. for. the release. of the shoes this respect. it soon
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get close above. the flood meet the surface. of. the flood the beach shuffle spaceplane. to some shall come. oh mummy mummy. mummy mummy love love. love and respect.
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the boy. the boy. the boy. the boy. this is g.w. news live from berlin the u.s. pulls the embassy staff out of iraq amid tensions was neighboring iran that's despite reassurances from secretary of state michael peo he says the u.s. is not ready for war with iran. also coming up the u.s. state of alabama bans abortion in almost all circumstances including in case.


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