tv Doc Film Deutsche Welle May 16, 2019 11:15am-12:01pm CEST
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back at the top of the hour with amrita i'm brian thomas from the entire news team actually being with us. shifting powers the old order is history the world is reorganizing itself and the media's role is keep the topic in focus the global media forum 29 teams today one out of 2 people is online who are we following them to we trust to beijing and shape the future at the touch of a global media for 29 she. says
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. 1981 this was the 1st time i visited and believe me i was attacked by 36 well it's also america i was 21. and this was my time to be the hero i loved to read about the euro and. i was driven to the emotions and unusual in the drive and romanticizing about that. and one day a man in the markets of the past does it all day on chart that amazon so do other back because the 4 of us believe civilization and penetrate the real. uncharted
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amazon. of course is no map of the region and we're trying to come our way and follow reversed and what initially was supposed to take 10 days takes a few weeks the rainy season which in retrospect was the worst in plenty in. 2 weeks later after the floods i just was completely exhausted and i couldn't walk anymore because my feet would love to carry me because they were just wrong there was no skin just flesh exposed and thus the weeks alone i felt the lure of this. my rescue was a miracle were kevin was his commitment to arrange
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a search party was the villagers phone far down the river they came into the boat to help fico negotiate the challenges of the river now we're talking 120 miles of river into uncharted. but unbelievable coincidence as they start to turn the boat into place where i collapsed the night before they found me. but i was feeling when i. got the i got the. i have also i don't pick them up i don't think was awful and i'm getting. my life were spared and saved but my story and connection to this part of the world just began into.
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i wrote a book about my experience and the book was translated to many languages and backpackers from all over the world started visiting that believe you know amazon. quite small you know if there's a lot to look at us i. always think of the whole gentex think oh yeah. what do i know they were they would also say to you. that they were look at you know they just look is the biggest thing that makes all these really come to south america
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to the jungles because it's crazy everybody wants to experience that life of the jungle and the. sea and eat and smell and maybe have a little touch like in the book. of you so sullivan to regularly. over me how totally the product of what a liberal but obviously like you had to take a look at you even have a daughter going where your signal. was all i wrote back and they're probably more holding us to go you want to hear what it was made all the way go see it but. then i think that's a loving that you want me to. i think. it's very different here at the book and maybe it's because you're
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other visitors that the entire village you know becoming a jungle. part of its growth is based on the book and the story and it's an industry on the song and dugout canoes go every day of the week to be very every guy knows the story and usually every guy makes himself part of the story saying that they were there themself and they saved me and then belushi and exaggerating and you know like in a very saucy american way enjoying the art of storytelling. we departure about 30 ok in $32.00 not a pop takes 3 hours to get to them at the national park everything ok that's language being our campsite transportation guy. everything. you get it a guy that carry all your baggage it's not the same. so it's hard to get on the
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beaten track pretty much at the state yeah i think. you can if you want to and get a time but it's also easy to stand the gringo parachute if you can enjoy it and make sure that using fun also. still. when i feel the way the going got trailer i think dusty unpaved road crisscrossing the entire planet with many details on the way but most of the same characters. it's the blue highway of the global village in some ways it's the word parallel to the one in which people who need to get something done moving and it's a way for people who want to get lost and who don't necessarily want to get anywhere but to all the joy it's the journey and not the destination.
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backpacker travel is predicated on the idea that you're doing something different than the mainstream tourist but a lot of their patterns are similar to what the mainstream tourists are doing. and would be snarky about that is just how people end up you know people end up seeking out certain manifestations of home and in luxury hotel it's going to be a nice shrimp pasta dinner on backpacker trails going to banana pancakes. so. there is always the same some wanting to keep certain things secret and private and for me and my friends and in some how there is then other side of me that says well i'm relieved the place is so great i should probably include it in the book but i know what i did going to change the moment i put it in the guide book it's going to change i mean it's going to get overrun it's a huge responsibility especially in places like bolivia where tourism can really make you know or break it in some ways i feel that even more.
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we want to be inside the bus now by bob different biggest names. in mombasa snake different. oh shine a light. i want to go. all i want though when i'm gone myself a little the hope of meeting. you for the little girl i think i will. look out for our in the same way a poor kid goes into the mill brigade which of but so on oh i'm sure of that line
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you have to let me tell you that there's a very good research life at the. moment however that. even if your. life was. going to get. the best with you like that especially. when we do want to thank you you know just to let you know i'm going to thank you for my thoughts that you couldn't i tell you. the things you need tell you oh thank you joyce you were glued to your the regulation very cold in this room. to look. at. the well. obviously and then to tell your kid all.
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i want to follow you don't look at the name of the kid while i looked in the model for him which will enable until some time when my lot. more choice. they killed that a little but again one more going to saw. what happened saw a nice bit all of them or yeah i you must. but all of us. so morris implemented. then don't do it that the make up on the left wing of the liver but it gets worse and which of course on the low i. see no pattern in. it really boils down to educating all travelers whether that traveler is a wealthy individual on a luxury trip or whether they're just setting out for the 1st time as a college student with a backpack on remembering that proverbial cliche we are guests in another culture.
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decor ready tons partly to send a kid. was going to take up book and was it is just horrific you see. just a. temper as i read my youth did to myself super radio monocle says i'm mostly a more honest guy having the runs. there on the road that was be markedly no one with that is there. yet humor like you know it's hilarious when x.i.v. now you know i started to think to come a summer program out of seattle to kids about $730.00 eastern. 6 where the yardstick for said thing that if you don't tease i will get you just
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a comment that is in the final interest you did receive even with the infamous you missed the story i.e. the one that in the stomach on the liver this is i don't think you know that there was going. the scent and with. that we're going to get a local a go go and see if the. why. well let's look ok there's only the love that was more to learn of him to haul than just mustn't do there are you have there's a god up there just for the head i'm so b. in the end of the continuum you know. this is the length of those $1000000.00 if any i'm quoting commute the least that's
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quite a mean book almost. i can see though now that can't you know use have to pick out when it gets half it knows how to have people say knows this yet but alas even it had a way yes kick out are you can all it would be nice how on one hand if it ain't there when up or where the pork without it he cannot have been up at all that it was he that exist in us making any woman to new music i mean that's where that would happen also if you see him taken aback just think on the soonest problem with the end. times this is arsenic a motorist by say his kid and i yell as follows waiters pretty funny. follow him i see our country have a way you can sense your 1st one as much as any malice and come yells a compliment i was there your seats and i got on the ballot for sensible manner that obvious is how you. yes. it is you stand and that was one man is. 10000 is 2nd best and it's one that's on the young man of 50 i'm not have anonymous
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from seeking on him i mean t.v. and. you have to get a new cycle mr simple phone call which according to your mother that is close to the mean obviously mostly interested but i kid you are so that assumes a quote seems to be to the q. . that is. why don't you tell us of the others but i do not see too much a cause of any i wasn't suited to these people i mean because. what are the limits of acceptable change yes there is an economic opportunity here
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ringback planet in such a way that the beauty of this area the environment is a destroyed that there is an economic benefit that comes in but not at the cost of destroying culture or the land around this particular area. what is our environmental footprint what is our impact on the very cultures that we're visiting the very things that really were selling at the end of the day tourism is about selling nature and cultural heritage. i just want to get away from it all and i was hoping to find some place unspoiled.
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i had heard about this island called chris mooney in southern thailand which is island in the middle of nowhere this is back in 1979. and i got on the boat and as close movie came into view and we pulled up to the dock and there was a backpacker's on the boat mind you not that many probably felt 12 or 15 people but on the dock there were about 6 tie guys there come stay at my bungalow come stay at you know my place and needed this restaurant i'll take you to a good place to stay and i was so disappointed i was like no you know i don't i don't want this anymore so i went to the captain of the boat and i said we're do you go next. and he nodded his head like that and i looked up and i saw this island on the horizon and i said what's that he said co-pay again and i said i want to go to co-parent again and he said to me no no no no no tourist co-pay and again
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nothing for you but you don't understand i said to him i want nothing i'm looking for nothing and all the backpackers got off we sailed over to cope and then i got off the boat put on my backpack and i started walking. and i walked by thai fishermen and some small thai huts there were a couple of young girls and they looked up and they screamed when they saw me and they ran and i just kept walking and i musta walked i don't know for 5 or 6 hours until right around sunset i got to this point and it was the most spectacular beach that i had ever seen i mean like just dramatically beautiful and i was stunned. and there was a thai fisherman sitting on this beach and he was cleaning the barnacles off of his little dug out. and suddenly he looked up and he looked at me and he looked really startled and he said in this perfect time warp 1960 singlish
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woo man like where did you come from dude. his name was some boom and some boom and his wife chong had worked for the u.s. military during the vietnam war so they hadn't spoken english since then and they had 2 little children who lived on this incredible beach this incredible beach called hot ridge and they opened their doors and i stayed with them for a month and it was paradise. not only was i mean only traveling there but no travelers were going there period they weren't there yet. there had been a german couple who i had met in northern thailand months before and we talked about randy throwing in kosovo. and i told them about this. this incredible beach you know unspoiled and nobody knew about and that you know i would take them
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there but asked what ever you do don't tell people about this place because it will have the news back part or end up going. at least a backpacker i didn't have very much money and i was looking for some adventure and i was looking for something. i met a young man who was like like to spend 3 months and i dreamt and there's these
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amazing people there this little community it was a travel agency. that's where the backpackers were i got a bungalow at bobo's bungalows it was about 15 baht about $0.50 and very quickly realized there was this little community of a couple 100 people with no locks of doors on the bungalows and living very simply and very cheaply here with 10150 people from all around the world you name it can't speak the same language and yet we all knew each other when we were one and while you know i was in paradise and i knew it i knew we all knew it. you know that's all tourists are coming myself buying trucks from bali and selling dresses and cherry wrap what you know maybe 8. make up and they are in there for a long pal in the mall here. our. thanks to god who can drink beer and watch
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a boring new. best buddies was on the baby and it was just i remember the 60 people just really amazing enjoying it it don't seem to summarize how much time the turn started to emerge like if you are so soon india are gone and. all the full moon no moon caught the moment about ever face to a star gets 3 or 4 a month. for fire on the beach and have everybody i doubt it and have seen the look with. mr cowan on it too and was very co-operative in the beginning because they were glad we were there nobody else wanted to be there and they were making money.
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in the early 1990 s. i opened a magazine and the back page was this photograph of hybrid beach the beach that i had been with balances and thousands of people. just like unbelievable it was staggering i think i. owe. my. millennium. i think that was the biggest kick off of all i mean the price was absolutely brand packed the most the things you know times are people there that might. play. it more from the roots of the background. and i didn't save most from back breaking the bank but. i mean it has.
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last words length is if i get the sheeple here will come to foggy funny movie body and experience a culture. and i'll buy you have all the buckets and that's the only thing the bucket culture i think $34.00 maybe 2 or 3 boats on the side so at the one those are ridicule and be helpful for me to get the and many strong. wind.
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in the case of hot rain you know there was no development plan tourism should have never been allowed to take place the way it did it was anarchy it was a free for all there was nothing to guide it who was asking important questions like what were some of the plastic going to go where's the waste going to go where were people going to go to the bathroom it's all just going to end up on the beach it's all going to end up on the water 30 years ago people were asking these questions. but we didn't have the facilities. it's just i have to tighten noses it's not enough i would put it half towards the top as not knowing. what was going
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to happen and half of it the foreigners who do come and. i say listen those are lessons but i think it's very hard to like anything in a well to look ahead and say what you could say is a change it's easy to say often it's so hard to say for them not make them again maybe at the 5th one on call from donna in high dean cannot. is today today. the $1986.00 equivalent of coping on exist somewhere in the philippines or indication right now and the scene transforms and burns itself out here and comes back up in another place.
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time is trying to you know slowly you know slowly slowly try to you know you know. is not ready very fast and just everything so that's why it will be careful with all culture or unique so what it will we have is a unique to us and to everybody if we piss up a culture that says we can share with the rest of the world this way if we keep really high and low in fact. we looked at models around the world and also we looked at next on the ball and thailand you know those most tourism we said no we don't want that. what's going to happen there's going to be the development of bars clubs prostitution centers massage parlors and everything is going to be good to its tourism where people are going to lose their identity their culture. people that have been backpackers in the past when they were. $25.00 below 25 years of age now they've made sure they've evolved and they've been there done that seen the
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world and they're looking for a different experience so they choose to come to the town. we don't really know. just because it's coming independent to this or that we could only multi 1000000 or higher to professor. and those of really interested who can afford. it doesn't matter several times. on this admit that you cannot and will you continue to do that and they will not allow you to cut the force. in the mid seventy's when king was coronated as the youngest head of state. people said how should you do it how can he increased your g.d.p. and he was a visionary he said no i want to increase my people's g.h. and people say what is genius but gross national happiness in terms of striking a balance between the much you'll the emotional and spiritual wellbeing of its
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people so we follow the g.t. tree which is a middle path and it's based on 4 main pillars one is sustainable development the 2nd point is a position and proportion of the environment. point is a preservation of your culture without your culture you do see identity and last but not least is the establishment a good government. decease the 2nd 3 months soon don't you jar a few feet into form was measured data. was being used by rupert the symbolic to subdue the spirit. i. was the 1st subject to different incomes we didn't have to depend on. so this way we can preserve the cultural lists and truths.
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we could be trapped there for all to be tough we have to also respect our educators to pull the trigger we don't follow you if i know you won't be welcome you won't be any more welcome. today's travelers are just physical you know well the great ability of an intense never before so that the map of the planet that looks like a jackson pollock canvas had previously looked like a great open space and i think more and more travel is not a the realizing that the 1st question they have to offer thought this would be
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people want us to visit their. you're. young and. young and. if you know it is the most wonderful chain on the game. for a lot 40 goals in the producers more to be able to govern of than the one at that are you going up almost 40 other girls are going to be the key i guess would be the last similar. thing a.
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week signal for those that are how most can move yes cool porked although it's. not only the most opposed to the other guy not of who will get us in this what videos on there let me tell you in a bundle no luck. it's the look at almost composure from need just like my only other concern of my oldest . most qualified located in a bundle not of luck. also to me almost cus it all worry i. won't lose more money how the port of call noddy has it all called obviously dick luckily up will be a controlled model. we didn't know this place was here i make it was it can. be just about international and i know you found it and then really that it's been written about in the
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shooting a graphic is a very sort of bad thing but it got to you know the stuff was really amazing yeah you just credible you walking along when. you know you're a sort of you have been seeing that it's really scary from there that we saw some of howler monkeys today there how we saw them. 7 or 8 of them literally green tower in the shooting. point releasing your little green beret. as one of them per year. the mom also commune so in america 2. there were no they must be mad. embrace us commentary us via. but also you. must be fit in. i want to.
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focus even if you've got but i'm not hopeless and was. really into. it but i'm not a hunter but i'll sing if you can walk your book is one of the only thing. and this forest there are many things every day you can find different things you can still walk the same trial but. you can't find it so you. could for example in 2004 was find it and you would take monkeys and this forest finnemore noise difficulty and with the source you feel in the. mask this. last. much as a basis to commune the all ness all of us feel free it took.
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me what i look. like once it was still it was that mean. that was. i had no clue about the color je or eco tourism or biodiversity or sustainable development i didn't know anything about anything i felt i'm there to say thank you thank them for saving my life. but i learned to educated myself on all these issues i went to washington d.c. raised a 1000000 and a half dollars brought it back to the region and i wasn't an ngo i was just representing the people and i got the money so it was the bank. interim eric and development bank financing a village in the middle of the amazon this was unprecedented. for seeming woman to
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. get in a still not fully into a just for me feel just the a long face you know. scott muscle the financial means having the only tribe choosing ecology choosing sustainable development because that was the lure of the longer than the lure of the oil exploration and the gold exploration. but when they went resort. they want a call logical sustainable development entire area to be a national park that might be the national park. if we do small with a full novel if. he's willing to move when. yes
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i live in control and they will know me as more and i will i think going to be financed one full of bin if you want to make a mint and a nice you know the gun laws then and then i'm going to need a policeman who is in my unit for support of the new guy will my you're going to move from us into not up but from. the stories that i bring back now are less about trying to show i've been to places that haven't changed it's actually coming back with stories about what those places are today in all of their manifestations. it's over 30 years since i was at coping again and there are coping and dance and hot ribbons all over the world that have suffered the same plight. but you know what it's not too late maybe for some places it is but it's not too late for other places.
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i was once in the in the room. was my girlfriend. at the time. and though a bunch of travelers and they start the telling the story about your sig and the bergen the survival stories about the us against. you story was you know like much bigger and i thought i was with my fingernails and we're just sitting in them and listening and listening and listening and finally when they finished i just pulled out my passport and i gave the main story teller i gave him my passport the open my passport they looked at it then he raised his eyes with total all asked me out did
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you get that. entered the conflict zone confronting the powerful. trial of cattle separatist leaders over their failed independence field has laid some stuff divisions in spanish society my guest this week here in madrid is sprains foreign minister use it around how does he ons of a charge that the trials are fundamentally unfair. conflicts of.
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standing up to or been. a small town mayor of hungary. these for a progressive society. welcoming minorities and fighting corruption. a man who's proud to call himself a european. 90 minutes w. he needs a sex phone operator to work her masters thesis on the potato. not to turn on well it gets more ridiculous from their. list.
12:00 pm
and. this is huge obvious coming to you live from but i'm in the us president declares a national emergency over foreign threats to president thompson's an executive order which bans business with foreign telecoms believed to pose a national security directive does not mean any company is believed to be targeting the chinese to china while waiting till the program. war is don't place for any child to get to one of 5 live inconstancy areas that's the.
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