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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 17, 2019 10:00pm-10:31pm CEST

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small klinsmann to be changing the people making it possible to go to africa. fantastic right trying that as they set out to save the environment. and learn from one another. and work together for a better future. next d.w. . some time in the 26 to you my great granddaughter who people are.
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but with the world be like in your lifetime and around half a century. mum when i was born there were 3000000000 people you will share the planet with 9000000000. your world moves around 2 degrees warmer. inevitably sea levels rise by at least one metre century. we're going to have some climate impacts we'll turn greater the misnomer to plate. that's really frightening quatro have to have the luck. why aren't people more concerned. 1st.
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for. a while comes to eco africa your environmental magazine show today we have a lot on how to protect our make the most of the resources that we have you'd be surprised my name is eco and i'm joined by my colleague n.t. hi i'm now it's coming to you from lagos nigeria and we'll be looking for more green ideas this week so let's have a look at what we've prepared for you in this edition of eco africa. we will be hunting down the sick with climate business and maybe see you have done as well even in dry soil. and what should gonna do with you waste from your gravel
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100 you know ground has come up with an eco friendly idea. we start the show with africa's highest mountain range there are glaciers on the slopes of the runs over the mountains in uganda but global warming is threatening the future of the unesco world heritage site now and the district of course says it wants to do something about it by shifting to 100 percent renewable energy our reporter visited the region to find out more about the ambitious plans. so there are some really does not have any electric might be just a passing lamp and a science to see in the long dark nights. of the family's income. a village in southwest uganda. the main source of income is farming. but
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of when i need paraffin i send the child to get it's we buy some every day because it's hard to get money in the so i buy just a little when it's gone the next day i buy some warming up. the family spends around a 1000 ugandan shillings around $25.00 u.s. cents a day for a small amount of pathing also called kerosene. what isn't considered districts but has homes in the only 700000 people. today sunday and many are making their way to church this cable is part of the national electric grid but he says just 20 percent of the population got recovery and as mayor of a minister policy of a sissy he wants white scale change including getting rid of the paraffin lamps which are known as a bill to congo produces. carbon monoxide so we would want one
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treated needed good says the biggest couple using the music gets russell carbon emissions in this. coming and going ose everyone in the minister patted saint and everyone knows him he wants to win them over to his big idea by 2021 small of consists of is supplied by renewable energy. his motivation lies in the snow capped when story mountains which are often shrouded in fog. and well paul pushed him to bring 100 percent over and i do because i wanted to save the glass. we called by no means will undermine your words with the people of the small and if you look at the trend at reaching this nor is it a critic's disappearing it's a very under the conditions of told us it will disappear by 2030 so to save it and therefore the civil war and then when we decided to go under question
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and unmovable. the one sorry mountains provide the very basis of life water to make sure the water does not try up the mayor has come up with this plan to the vet the entire district office e.c. to renewable energy including schools and hospitals the main source will be solar power. joseph that's where is a consistent district natural resource officer he's keen to see the project go ahead one. kid went to places that are never going to be able to sell 9.5 metric ton of carbon emission. and therefore this means that if you spread it across the 52 weeks into the to the population that has adopted the use of solar we're able to save about 5000000 metric tons of carbon emissions to do that most of the way to destress is still a long way from 100 percent renewable energy. then it's 2 thirds of the people of
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assisi still rely on paraffin lamps. a few left behind and i also want a solar panel but i don't have the money. low interest loans or aid programs could help but they're also short supply here we'll see close this and vicious projects of still very big. 10 to the 200 the 100 percent by 10 to 20 but. out of the implementation periods of and we hope for that. by the 20 foot we shall reach 100 percent. as even. alice fills a lamp with paraffin. perhaps soon the family will also have a solar powered lamp. in the night.
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i'm sure you've heard about the share barter in africa it's often used for cooking i mean europe for cosmetics for the want of a share not trees also high energy fuel material that's randall king of prostitutes frequently made into charcoal resulting in deforestation now one organization wants to come but the problem what are they doing. the group is training women to make it stop quality shared bazza and battling to get shared back to recognized as an organic product it's a live tree is worth more than a dead one then days hope that the felling will stop. deforestation is a huge problem in the fast so over $100000.00 hectares of forest are lost each year much of the wood is used to produce charcoal for cooking. we've adopted various measures to try to reverse this trend but it's true that illegal logging is still taking place in our forests. conservatives. are working together with the state to
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finally put a stop to this phenomenon in burkina faso. before or knew were good enough. but trees produce more than just wood these women are collecting the fruits of the shade tree ready to turn it into shape a project used in many cosmetics and creams comment is to be rechecks the quality of the fruit he works for a local ngo called c e 8 s it's training the women to produce more and better quality. allow them to increase their income making their families less likely to cut down the shade trees illegally the ngo has told the women to process the fruit as quickly as possible before it can be attacked by insects or the kernels begin to germinate. gather the fruit into a heap and leave it until we were ready now we boil it up as soon as we've collected it and then put it out to dry in the sun the butter we get now is much better. this store in the capital walk into sells all kinds of goods made from shea
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butter ranging from baby care products to vaseline and. shea butter is an important export product the shop owner is already feeling the impact of the illegal say tree felling. because i think that the production output has gone down compared to 10 years ago and that's reflected in the price we used to pay 302400 francs for one kilo now we pay double the price because the product has become more rare. and that's because there are. fewer trees and. see a lot of protecting the trees is the name of c.e.'s here in the southwest of the country the n.g.o.s recently installed a modern shea butter production unit here 200 used to be very has been training some of the women from the local village of super going to. crush english say colonels provides the rule material for the better. the work is physically much
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easier and the women are able to produce more better the quality is also in print so they've seen their income go up significantly. while we're looking at the future of our children school fees and health care for kids. the ngo hopes that by improving the winnings financial situation this will in turn help to protect shady trees. it is in part the families of these women who are chopping down the trees so if we can convince them of the importance of protecting the trees they can in turn help to persuade others and when they see they can earn more from the butter they'll be more motivated to protect that source of income and . the projects in picking the 1st so count on the women and their families realizing that it's in their own best interest to keep the shade
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trees a life. let's head to germany now this spring has also seen a fart so that's a rain in large parts of the country farmers already warning that the harvest could be severely affected the german startup seat forward is responding to this challenge it is searching for ways to make climate resistant seed in a natural and environmentally sound manner now it really looks as if the stock's up has come up with some solutions. this looks like an ordinary field but what's growing here is something of a sensation the founders of the startup seed forward have come to see how things are progressing before planting the seeds used here were treated with a special environmentally friendly coating which is currently being tested by an independent authority so far everything's going to plan. as you can see when i pull up a clump more soil sticks to the roots and they're hard to separate. and
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if you look more closely there are lots of fine roots holding the soil together and connecting the plants. and also big strong roots also snow considering it's this early in the season that's very exciting. the success in the field is the result of lengthy laboratory experiments for a few years now biologists alcohol as a has been working with seed forward to develop natural nutrients and soil bacteria known as biologicals these help the plants to grow better without using chemical substances the scientists have worked with all kinds of seeds ranging from the my like bush to the potato plant. this is one of them and they're very difficult. you can never predict how much active ingredient is contained in a particular substrate do you have all the plants or microorganisms that you're using so it's a bit like natural medicine just made a comment. it may be easier to treat seats with chemicals but the biological method
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produces better results. plants are green are more stable and have stronger roots. so happy and i didn't expect the differences to be so. i thought that inequalities might improve and later the growth rate i expected more of a general tendency and you could get some things that had spectacular results that i never expected. the formula for the seed dressing was developed by young that are not even his business partner yacob postman knows the exact recipe on the basis of their experiments in the laboratory in the greenhouse they launched their 1st product a blue coating that contains organic substances which stimulate the corn to grow better in dry climates. the company has found farmers to plant the new corn seeds. is one of them this year his soil is once again much to dry he's hoping the new blue corn will cope well with the arid conditions it needs less water than
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conventional corn seed and requires no special treatment. the blue protective covering biodegrades after 6 to 8 weeks by that time it has already served its purpose. i don't go to the fruit of having a good feeling about it is already worth a lot. and in the end it should produce a greater yield so the investment in the spring will pay off in the fall. both young return and yes of course one have spent a lot of time in africa it's where they 1st met increasing crop yields under difficult climatic conditions is of great interest to them at the moment their products are best suited to conditions in europe but blue seeds are being tested in malawi by an aid organization if all goes well forward will begin developing seeds tailored specifically to conditions in regions of africa you could minimal and possibly contain adapted for local conditions so that it could be stored longer and
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have more water retention capacity that would involve putting more. of the substance of the seeds that's the only thing we change when we produce it locally and not exported from exporting. the 2 entrepreneurs say corn is just the beginning they've now set their sights on a number of other crops and they also want to start using biologicals to treat various vegetable seeds their fully organic methods are not only good for the soil the scientists believe they could also help improve food security in extremely dry regions. if you're one of our regular viewers i suspect what you might be thinking about i makes a video oh now lots what's a high sense again but i can assure you that they're really a major concern right behind most cato's they block up waterways a soft tissue of oxygen and an ideal habitat for the snails that carry the parasite that causes the disease bilharzia people in the west african country have been in
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so doing this carved into a valuable resource as you'll see in this week's doing your bit. water hyacinths pose a huge problem for fishing communities in africa the aquatic plant can carpet lakes so densely that boats can barely glide across the surface. the international conservation organization rare wants to see the weeds turned into a useful resource farmers in africa can learn how when seminars like this one in burnie. have to be collected the plants are left to dry in the sun. then they're mixed with carol joan and water. 2 months later the water hyacinths have become compost. the resulting organic fertiliser doesn't just help to increase crop yields. well.


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