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tv   Reporter  Deutsche Welle  May 18, 2019 4:15pm-4:30pm CEST

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it's believed autumn and merchants brought the damascus rose to bulgaria in the 18th century from syria. but today the rose is not the only flower that thrives in the valley its fertile soil also offers ideal conditions for the cultivation of poppies and lavender. when right because the founder of our returns home from the fields she still has a little time before her children arrive from school records work as a picker is only a morning job and it never pays much. she once spent a season in germany picking strawberries. every. forward hotel to what most people go abroad to earn money in to improve their living standards. they're often disappointed as they look for job opportunities and have to adapt to a new culture a new country they're putting all that really matters is in
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a piece it's a pity that we can't find in a peace at home and have to go out into the world in search of security. in their own units must be going. the. right kind is a trained cook but can't find work in rose valley her husband occasionally earn some money as a day laborer in construction they inherited their house. raghead doesn't want to leave again her home and her family are more important to her than money she now knows. with its soft light and lush landscape rose valley is her home. capturing the essence of that home in fine fragrances is what leukemia china does for a living even as a child he had
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a very fine sense of smell today he has his own manufactory for him creating perfume is like composing music. since. a symphony consists of 7. richmond combined to produce a melody. so the same is true of perfume making. but a perfume contains 3 to 400 notes. to. it all of it's the fragrance creators job to combine all these notes. like an orchestra conductor the most of these that is it not here is the supporting actor who made it. his wife marina is always the 1st to test a new fragrance. because now you like to try our new fragrance through a new. it's
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a somewhat sweet scent. i can clearly detect the rose oil but it's more intense don't you agree. with it's a scent for party girls. but if it was a vacation fragrance. you can sense nature it smells like flowers after a rain shower. look at the nice. over all that you must be the center of roses while from bog area is much more intense than oral from china turkey or other countries. that's why it's so sought after by leading perfume mouses a small drop of rose oil and caps relates the fragrance and the more intense the fragrance the longer the central last rose or lose the very heart of a perfume that. he has developed his own line of persons fragrances designed with different types of women in mind. good to some of the brothers dread
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when i'm in a good mood and summer holidays are on the horizon. i think of exotic beaches and sensual brazilian women but if you look at the prevent they could see a good time. and. if we create a fragrance that smells like the sea with exotic fruit nuances. combined with a sweet floral scent. then the result is inevitably a summary fragrance. is. when putting together his compositions you know 1st needs to find the right bass note and he's in the perfect place to source it from his lap in cousin luck it's just a 20 minute drive to alexandra that i don't know if distillery in tortilla. but i
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was told that although. here look we can select exactly what he needs he samples the different grades of oils from different distilleries it's. good almost all of it but all that's great the only dubrovsky all the things are rows or i was components not found in other rows oils yeah but is. that all in addition to being used in fragrance rollers or all is also diluted for use in food supplements medicine. and it helps against diabetes. the beauties of the market lowers cholesterol and high blood pressure will. prevent stomach cancer the ball but it's good for the kidneys. so in a word rose or lose simply priceless that the law or old law must law where we want you leader of rose oil sells abroad for about 6000 euros.
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leukemia china doesn't have to pay that much but of course he inspects the quality of the new oil before deciding on a purchase. the better business with food. with the. fragrance creators around the world covets bulgarian rose oil. but demand always outstrip supply that drives prices up but the profits haven't trickled down to the locals the gulf between rich and poor is wide and rose valley unemployment is high there is not for the communist era when jobs were secure and many here were financially better off. the poorest of the poor are often from the roma ethnic minority. many feel marginalized their plight ignored by the government.
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there's little sense of bulgarian national pride in their community and. in early june the people of cousin luck turn out to celebrate the rose harvest. was the bulgarian president himself comes to join in the festivities. the highlight of the festival is the crowning of a local roads clear and a colorful parade through town it was. members of the roma community do not generally attend such events.
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but in toria close cultivation has succeeded in bridging the ethnic divide. even though it's our roma family who have been working on alexandre dragon of the rose fields for 15 years. almost. you know. us and his relatives are among the fastest pickers in the whole valley was for. alexander do not enough supports the evenness. whenever he has work there his 1st choice because he knows he can rely on him for. are you ever ate there was a growing. with the harvest going you know you don't know where it's going really
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well. and you my friends. the welfare of the peon from the off the roof they're working hard some of you know what it will be a good as he gave up if you have. the entire even the family is gathered here today because it's sunday for us and it's important that his children attend school during the week. and the pull of a little boy very new so miserable that if my kids have a better education then they'll have a better life and not just a military but anywhere in europe. and europe will only fare better if children have a better education that it will feel a little bit but i'm going to do a little bit of. i don't know why other roma don't want to work here or don't feel welcome here in rosebowl way. we have virtually no contact with such people i insist that our family works for a living that we don't beg and live honest lives everyone bears responsibility for
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themselves. even of feel fortunate that i'm excited that i've been off employs them all year round not just during the rose pick. season there's always work to do the jobs and financial support he provides have given the family new opportunities. but this year they too are affected by the arid season today they finish work early there simply aren't enough flowers bloom the wool could grow it's not a whole lot. of normally you could get more socks on to the scales in the same amount of time that's just the way it is this year the year old isn't great lamentable. a little bit of.
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the weather has impacted bros pickers and farmers alike this spring was cold and there's been too little sun and too much more easter during the harvest season conditions that have stunted the bushes growth. most farmers can't afford irrigation systems. almost a bit it's hard to pick roads flowers today the yield is unsatisfying that's also the case for the pharma one example is a bit like a chain. one of the but the chain has been torn apart i think you know. if the flowers are to dry their oil content is low and they don't weigh as much for a red car that means filling the same sized sack requires the same amount of work but meals less pay.
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they look much you have i can see you tell me 7 have killers ok well you hope it. gets to that. individual. the trick worked when the petals are moist from the morning dew and the sack is full it weighs between 17 and 20 kilos. when up on you see a nice device but because of the weather conditions this year it weighs 15 kilos at the most amount but is it because we have had such little rain. this season has also been more than disappointing for rose farmer be set apart love . you more than up with a little navel. where we had bad weather in early april the go move to the
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bottom of these a governor the frost froze the buds that were just developing. and you see here in the companion state of flowering they're still buds you got it they give it to the family a bit if they don't they are thin and i expect our yield to be down by 50 to 60 percent this year that will be where they're going to be the 3rd to all she said within the model that will. the so is eager to get the last sacks of the day to the distillery as quickly as possible for him every kilo of paddles counts. the money he earns is the only way to ensure his independence as a rose farmer in the years to come. meaning.
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the promise of a better future in rose valley has turned this mother and daughter into a pair of early birds live yanna and 14 year old catches from coloe fact have big plans. they purchased the fields and are cultivating their own roses he put up my it's a wonderful feeling to go to your own field and work on it. this is the 1st year where harvesting our own roses and we're extremely glad that we planted our own fields common grounds and i used to find it hard to get up early in the morning. but this year i'm really enjoying going out to my own rose field at 5 am in the severe on. her to head terrace are a half an hour's walk from their village for 2 years they nurse their young plants this year they flower for the 1st time. together with leon as mother christina
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they're bringing in their 1st harvest and their 1st earnings. you know. yesterday we picked 24 kilos but today we won't get as much it was very sunny yesterday i brought sacks with me. i think that back then i can tell that it. will get you started used to she don't got the damage. to classical acting it's. really good because he's got you mostly yana and her mother are widowed the 3 generations of women have to fend for themselves. they offer each other encourage meant especially when they face setbacks. the year we planted our seedlings i prayed they would turn out well then they
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supposed to live well and we were lucky. but they got off to a good start remember you have thought of that would you know but spring at them of age the nice thing about last year was so wet nothing but rain for 20 days so you know we lost a lot of plants so we had to replace them. god is just wise but the same isn't always true of nature was your method because of the flood risk. using. kucha has remained optimistic outside of school she likes being her own boss. as much as i picture roses for neighbors for 45 years and enjoyed it i always dreamt of having my own rose fields when we had enough money it was exactly the right moment to start growing my own roses do you need them for me this here is a dream come true you know many of the. the stand that the more much tell us
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a. little yana used to be a child care worker she received severance pay when her job was terminated she was tempted to spend the money but her daughter persuaded her to invest it in a rose field as a possible source of income. the center of roses the fresh air she was birdsong in the view of the balkan mountains in the midst of nature but you know that there you can be feeling low and sad almost but all this brightens your mood and your heart feels joy could you have a drag were pretty at that sit. play blue skies as far as the eye can see. i love being out in i. asked not to be tempted. initially the 3 women were ridiculed by many locals but this year they know they made the right decision. my spiritual manager there were no we're nowhere so
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often any of the families that you do have managed to benefit now and i'm sure my father and grandfather are protecting us from above and giving us the strength to carry on a monument which isn't one without the bridge. they said by the good news that these 2000 square meters are enough for one person but probably not more than that i'll only know for sure once my bushes are as big as the ones a neighboring field. and i'm not sure how long my mother will be able to help him given her age. of the river so i'm only counting on myself and my daughter somewhere just because i hope it will be enough to support my family the margins of my stupid it's an inch of what it is that the kitchen. and her mother can't conceal their pride when they bring their day's harvest to the
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weighing station in a condo for. them to give you. a little happier life but we're. just going to they're not discouraged that their debut yield isn't exactly abundant they didn't have high expectations they're just glad to be harvesting it all. with a little money they've made such as been able to fulfill a big wish taking dance lessons and she likes showing off what she's learned. the rules. don't have over. me taking roses i'm dancing and don't really have anything in common and you won't. know i'm nova scotia but they both give me the same. willing to do it it was just that the only way they make me feel alive that's just on the stupid good kid that with the sunni shia book.
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today pakistan scope is performing on the main square in kind of events are held here every year during the rose harvest. a stage has been set up for local ensembles to show off their talents. as group is 1st up. many people and rose valley are driven by a desire to make their dreams come true. lisa pavlov is no exception. he works hard to keep his dreams alive and has and vicious plans for the coming year he's not content just harvesting blossoms as a rose farmer should be so wants control of the entire process from cultivating the plants to oil extraction. he's leased to plot and started
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a rose nursery. before it looks a bit chaotic here but our seedlings are in these boxes and we're getting them ready for next year before she says all of the water you know since the harvest was poor this year the price of seedlings is going to go up significantly. if the of nick you get the perfect. the set isn't just investing in seedlings next year he wants to begin extracting oil in his distillation vats. that of. all. my own distillery would ensure that even in years when the rose harvest is poor that this i don't use all my investment as a rose from her old. because when the rose ilda is low the price of rose oil climbs so if i can't make profits from rose farming i can
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at least have an income from the distillation. job with the me the. these are as motivated he feels confident that he's on track to becoming independent not just financially but also from the whims of the weather. the many locals in rose valley are trying to improve their lot and some have managed with income from the rose growing industry in kind of all at the western edge of the valley many roma families no longer live in poverty. in. the. uk this is where a sense even though of and his family live. after a morning out picking roses they've returned home to their neighborhood where families own their own homes and earn
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a regular income. that was. a sense of family built the house themselves. all of the men know how to build. for generations live under one roof. everyone sits down for a snack after the morning's work in the feels. you know that's. for the even us nothing is more important than spending time together a mark of the rest of the world. over there where visitors who are we've worked hard our whole lives with. that award it's always been our goal of them to settle down to a normal family life so to your little mother to bishop. the
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even all of us are a family who have worked hard to achieve a standard of living that sets them apart from most roma in bulgaria and unlike many roma they wouldn't dream of leaving they feel at home in bulgaria truisms a holdover from a boy radical law school we're happier than those that you want it but if we don't face disrespect or repression with this now it's true there's a lack of social integration but we haven't encountered discrimination. in the family has lived here for more than 15 years. not one of them has ever left bros valley.
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the 3 new rose farmers yanacocha and christina have also spent their entire lives in the valley. every. week they go to the small russian orthodox church and to pray for their roses and for the men they have lost. our. little yana gets no state support but as a half orphan her daughter kucha is entitled to welfare payments. pooled with
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a small pension her mother christina receives they manage to make ends meet. for you all. although their 1st harvest of roses hasn't been a bumper crop 3 women are satisfied the earnings will allow them to buy a few things they wouldn't otherwise be able to afford but little more than that for the time being. pushed qatar lost her father 10 years ago he died of heart disease
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her mother can't offer her a carefree life but she's doing her best to secure cut his future. how long till school's out. that's it it's out the next week plus the following monday he put it down. once after summer vacation will attend high school in the city louisiana will be able to pay for her daughter's bus rides with the money she's made from the rose harvest and perhaps even accommodation she's hopeful that her roses and her business will continue to flourish it seems that i want above all i hope to stay healthy so i can continue looking after the rose field the richest and that are yields improve in 2 or 3 years. my father always said rose fields are a joint venture with nature you're not the one who determines its fate its nature was all good it. this year nature hasn't been kind to the roses and the
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many people whose livelihoods depend on them but in the village of tortilla they're celebrating today nonetheless. aleksandr diagonals has invited pickers bros farmers friends and acquaintances for a get together. no matter how good or bad the season has been he won't let a bad year deprive him of the chance to throw a party. to it because you. read cus that her family are among the guests. as are even off and his family. everyone is proud of the harvest of the roses and of the valley world famous for its fragrant flowers.
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in addition to being a source of income the roses are also a symbol of national identity and an integral part of traditions and culture here in the valley. which is why for alexander that i know a celebration is complete without folk music and dancers in traditional costumes. of the 3 who are for me it's important to see my people happy even after a bad harvest of the water you've got with you know what i'm here at the table we can take stock of the season together discuss where we stand and what we'd like to
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improve next year. this traditional celebration is part of our work we're celebrating the end of the rose artist. years of our. band no traditional bulgarian celebration would be complete without an appearance by the kooky these groups of dancers don intimidating masks and elaborate costumes driving away evil spirits with their loud bells and wooden sticks to invite good fortune for the gathered guests. the rose pickers and farmers hope the ritual will help improve the outlook for next year's harvest. this year was really tough for us
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rose pickers you can't help but feel dissatisfied but you also can't fire. i'll be back on the roads field next year. and bulgaria's treasured flowers will bloom next year too when it does it will again awaken new hopes and dreams among the people of the rose valley. is it tedious. a list of times.
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the most boring thing to lunch break the boring conferences held every year in london. it's anything but. it's surreal on the. 13th spot. some time in the 26th. my great granddaughter. what would the world be like in your lifetime and around half a century. your world would be a round trip to greece moment. evidently sea levels rise by at least one century. we're going to have some climate impacts we turn greater the more we see over the. it's really frightening talkshow.
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i don't are people more concerned. shorts may 31st. this is the w. news live from berlin australia's general election nears the finish line polls close in most of the country in a hotly contested but 1st exit polls put oppositional labor leader bill shorten just ahead in
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a campaign heavily influenced by climate issues also coming up. crunch time for austria's far right vice chancellor he said to meet the country's leader after allegedly being filmed offering government contracts in exchange for campaign donations. to the city. and the bundesliga title race goes down to the wire wire munich are in the driver's seat but if they lose it dortmund could snatch the title on the season's final day. welcome to the program i'm married i haven't seen the polls have closed no story is most populous states and once being seen as a landmark election the 1st exit poll shows the center left labor party led by bill shorten with a narrow lead if concerned that would mean the end of prime minister scott morrison
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is conservative government climate policy has been a major issue in the campaign labor has pledged ambition. targets for renewable energy but the liberals say that would damage australia's coal driven economy. well d w reporter jared reed has been following the australian election closely and he's here in the studio with me for more and so derek jarrett we've been hearing it is a very tight race but are we getting some indication of who's going to come out on top right so we have an exit poll from a galaxy that's putting this into less labor ahead victory for bill shorten 52248182 party preferred basis would be a 2.4 percent swing away from the government and if this is confirmed that would give. bill shorten at least. the $150.00 seats in the lower house so only a full seat majority in the house but still
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a majority of course we have to wait a bit longer to find out if he's actually might cause all of the new problems but if he's looking like center left labor on the bill shorten is a hit well we've also been hearing that this election was called the climate change election was the topic the main factor for this vote it was one of the main fact is various surveys of verses put heat number one on verges concerns and i think that's for a number of reasons australians are observing changing weather patterns around them it was the hottest year on record last year but aside from that there's a frustration among vs that governments over the last decade have tried and failed to implement lasting climate policy and this has frustrated verges climate and energy policy is contentious in australia of course is the number one number one coal exports but the government on just scott morrison the prime minister has kind
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of taken a business as usual approach wanting to meet the obligations under the paris accord . not to do much more because of the economic impacts where as live the likely incoming government has had a much more ambitious agenda on climate change but the election campaign has been fought on things like tax reform economic management who's going to best look after a strategy or as it goes into an economic slowdown often many many years of of growth what's troubling bush is true things like housing prices housing is still out of the reach of many australians and because of the slowing economy wage growth is stagnated so this is something that has been troubling people to well jared australia has seen quite a number of prime minister is come and go over the last few years of this election could deliver the 6th one in 6 years are voters frustrated about that yeah i think pretty sick of having one prime minister one day and the next day having another
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one politicians are quite bad at explaining why this keeps happening so voters don't really understand why and this is contributing to a disillusionment people feel will politicians don't have any vision all they concerned about is looking after themselves and i think is definitely factored into this election. is jared reef thank you so much for breaking it down for us. to austria now where reports say the country's leaders of us and courts has ruled out for their cooperation with vice chancellor. in the country's governing coalition the pair are meeting for crisis talks after a german media published secretly recorded video from 2017 it appears to show offering government contracts in return for campaign donations. who's also leader of the far right freedom party denies any wrongdoing. for the austrian vice chancellor these revelations come at an extremely inconvenient time the freedom
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party is in the midst of their campaign for the european elections this secretly taped footage was sent to several german media outlets only months before austria's legislative election and $27000.00 hunts casy and stuff and a fellow party member spent several hours in a house in the bees are talking to a woman posing as a russian entrepreneur she appears to be offering to buy stakes in austria as biggest tabloid and to guarantee positive reporting on the freedom party. as soon as she takes over the krona newspaper we need to be very frank we'll have to sit down together and talk openly the newspaper will have to go boom boom boom 3 or 4 people need to be pushed 3 or 4 others will have to be kicked to the curb and then we'll bring in 5 new people that will coach. the recording also contains discussion of how to disguise a donation to the party is heard offering lucrative government contracts and return
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and punishing industrialist hunts peta has a stein of the head of the stock conglomerate. if we become part of the government i promise you one thing councils diner won't get any more contracts the identity of the russian business woman is unclear but she seems to have served as a decoys stuff that has admitted the meeting took place in this discussion and relation to all topics i've always referred to the relevant legal provisions and the need to comply with the austrian legal system on saturday chancellor is a bust 10 quotes of the austrian freedom party is expected to give a statement for guarding the matter the opposition social democratic and liberal parties have already called 1st to step down. well for more we're joined now by correspondent klaus pompous in vienna who's been following the story for us so class just how serious are these allegations against
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the austrian vice chancellor. who is obvious the very serious because he suggested 2 were raped his party in circumstances ridgewood circumcised circumvent the additional system british ship prohibits must've spending 2 parties 2nd he inside it the corner the biggest newspaper in austria british headline today is who is gone is down and so he has been cheated knowingly he was suspecting something but he did believe it and it's curious that he had a 6 hour long conversation was a lady he did didn't know before and she is a company who assisted him said she believed as a rip off the party in parliament is good the loons who were through a russian speaking abbey that it crimea several times tried to translate but he didn't it very properly. all right well the country's chancellor is of us and
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chorus has called a crisis meeting has already ruled out further cooperation with. could this scandal actually tear apart the coalition government as a holy bill here in 52 minutes from now that should be to resign as party leader and as a last chance that there will be an interim government by i.a.s. but i expect there will be new elections in september of this year because john circlets has to take this chance to speed up his numbers especially one week before election for the european parliament as advised he would also lose some balls when he don't act properly now of well cross is there any information on who was actually behind this rather incriminating video. no there is no information there's a lot about speculation maybe it was divine or diaz or maybe the russians one of the party oh it was just a lot of just said maybe. the guy who had lived the social democratic party and
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election campaign 2017 he afterwards in august went to prison and israel it's not most likely that he was the one who did it but you have to remember it cost a lot of money and the sun burned as it had planned to insult the freedom party in austria all right klaus palm pres reporting from vienna many thanks indeed. now stockholm was due to attend a rally in milan today and that's where an alliance of far right parties from across europe is meeting ahead of next week's european elections they're hoping to forge a new grouping in the e.u. parliament following that vote the event in milan is being hosted by italy's deputy premier and interior minister my tail salvini who is also leader of the far right party among the most high profile speakers expected are in the pen of
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france's national rally and the leader of germany's far party my 10. well our correspondent barbara is covering that event for us and joins us now from milan so barbara this event being hosted by italy's far right deputy prime minister matteo salvini what is he hoping to achieve with today's rally. what he won south korea's isn't the lines of all the far right parties in europe because these ultimate goal is as the next step is to form a strong group of far right parties in the european parliament and the business off the majority in parliament the range of parties going from the left to sort of the normal conservative middle of the road parties the christian democrats and the old the old groupings that have so far function together and sort of push through the
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majority of european legislation so what. he wants is to blow up this coalition and sort of establish himself in league with other right wing parties as a sort of an engine there is something to that will disturb business and that would sort of be disturbing him to deter others from pushing through legislation and from. steering europe in the direction it went so far he wants to push europe to the right well barbara just how likely is it that salvini is a vision will become reality will these right wing parties become a major force in the european parliament. now after this austrian scandal we see what can happen with these parties they are not very reliable partners in several countries they are driven by scandals so but you know salvini will have to do without the boss and friend karl-heinz stuff but today and he is not going to be
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hearing on the stage here the 2 have been close for a while they have sort of talked to each other op and they have sort of demonstrated public the their friendship there were selfies with the 2 of them together and so on and so forth so they were really trying to sort of push this business of getting europe pulling europe to the right to the front and no 70 has lost one partner and we know from other right wing parties in europe that they also have like scandals in the background there are finance problems accusations against the car some of the not sunanda. party in france so his dreams might not come quite it might not come true quite as easily and as well as he hopes because these parties they have their own agendas and they sort of march according to the drums. the reporting for us from the line many thanks.
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let's turn now to some of the other stories making headlines around the world brags of talks between the government and the opposition labor party have collapsed talks had been underway for 6 weeks in an effort to break a deadlock on britain's departure from the european union the prime minister to resign may have blamed labor for the failure to find a common position. us president donald trump has announced an end to steel and aluminum tariffs on canada and mexico trump imposed the tariffs 25 percent on steel and 10 percent on aluminum last year citing national security but members of congress signaled the tariffs were stalling their approval of a new trade deal with both nations. lawmakers in the u.s. state of missouri have passed new legislation banning abortions after the 8th week of pregnancy the only exception is in the event of
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a medical emergency pro-choice activists march through the state capitol building in protest at the bill. you're up to date now on t w news will be back again at the top of the hour in the meantime don't forget you can always get the latest news and information on our website just go to d.w. dot com american evan statement from me and the entire team here in berlin thanks for watching.
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action packed march for. anything is possible as long as our coffee and his friends control our. refugee camp. his life story may have grown to. 27 years ago but there's no holding back his dreams. thank you for what. starts me 27. on this edition of world stories. aid for the children of c.b.s. . the ghosts of lake victoria. we start out in sudan
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since the end of the all 3 terran regime of omar al bashir the military and opposition have been trying to form a new government 60 people lost their lives in the putsch what remains of their families and their grief sheriff food fights back tears when she cooks white beans with rice that was her son patrick his favorite dish. abacha died in clashes sudan's uprising sheriff misses him terribly. i would just say i'm up. i can't take this i can only prepare it for others. it's really hard for me. all i can say is make god be with us. this is their last family photo together babbitt who was sheriff is only son his sister is a still in shock as well as his father who works as a legal advisor in saudi arabia every day shower for spends
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hours gazing at the photograph. so you go work for them but i miss him so much his jokes the way he looked after his sisters my whole life revolved around him and from one moment to the next everything changed he's gone i never got the good the bad i got the what i deserve. this video shows how doctors and bad because friends tried to save his life. in fact he was a doctor himself treating wounded demonstrators in the beurre quarter of khartoum. abacha had left the clinic asking security forces to clear the way to let injured people through. eyewitnesses say that's when he was shot in the back i mean attempts to keep him alive failed he died of his injuries a short time later. this is the daughter back because
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room his mother hasn't entered since his son's death marches on hammer how young they even had i was nothing will change until the guilty are held accountable we have to see this through for everyone who's lost a loved one well not those in power and must be brought to justice as yadin did then you'll enter his room yes then i'll go in was sheriff or joins the other demonstrators to shout shame on you in their demand for justice. was. as a show of support for because family. a coffee tea artist has sprayed a photo of him on the wall outside his house. our next story takes us to romania where nearly a 3rd of the population lives in poverty roma families are among the worst affected jenny russia is trying to help improve the lot of roma children in c.b.d.
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. cosman wants to get in here into this new house which looks so nice and clean because till now he and his 5 siblings have been living here in an old hot made from wooden sticks and clay this is one of the many roma settlements in romania always on the outside of the villages it's a small miracle that houses are being built here at all i'm going to cut them out i tried with the bank but they didn't give me a loan. my salary is too small. i had no chance to do anything to that have any possibility that. instead the money for the building materials comes from jenny in fashion the founder of a dremel aids project out how. she has been helping these roma communities around seaview for more than 10 years about one in 3
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rumanians lives in poverty and the robot are the poorest of all. almost almost it you have to be able to dream a bit but leave room for small miracles because that's how it all happened i didn't want to accept things as they were here. at the minute outfit. older men have to help with the building work because jenny believes in learning to help yourself. and i just thought you will get there the money comes from private donors in germany the european union also spends a lot of money in romania 10000000000 euros every year jenny had spectra seaview she's not too keen on the e.u. funds the battle with local authorities spending them their corruption and lack of cooperation is too difficult let's adamant about my belief of this nation maybe they should think about sending people from brussels to those countries to see
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who's responsible for inspecting projects and finding out where all the money goes . almost got schools that's overall jenny things romania has profited immensely from being a member of the e.u. the infrastructure in the cities is much improved europe has also helped building schools and paying teachers but in roma settlements only one child in 5 is actually going to school more than anything else education is the key to a better future for the roma communities in romania. right wing populist in germany keep looking for ways to mitigate the crimes of the nazis leading members of the f.d.a. are trying again can they revise the currently accepted approach to remember lives . not far from berlin sachsenhausen concentration camp was one of many sites where
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people were brutally annihilated on a huge scale german world war 2. school groups come here from across europe to learn about nazi atrocities. this is short this is really depressing. and makes me feel very sad little as it's a horrible feeling to be here. until now there has been a consensus in german politics to ensure that the crimes of the nazi era not forgotten especially among younger generations. but the far right a.f.d. reject this they claim nazi history takes up too much school time and say the culture of remembrance is bad for germany. the effect ladies and gentlemen is quite clear young people are systematically brought up to feel guilt and shame about being german and they learn to associate germany with evil is this to us it's you know these sentiments are not just expressed in parliament 3 debates the director of the sachsenhausen memorial says sites like this are directly targeted by the far
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right. there was a group here that was either in the f.t. or aligned with it but we don't know if they were party members who were denying nazi crimes at that investigation by the public prosecutor's office is continuing but these people even deny the existence of the gas chambers. provocations like these are only part of the a if these tactics for example in a state of bottom the party has tried to reduce public funding for memorials there is no majority support for such measures but some fear that public opinion may change. if he says germany's nazi past should be seen in a wider context. we also want to focus on the positive aspects of german history because we think every nation needs positive points to identify with
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its feelings. but. stressing the favorable aspects of german history is pulling the wool over people's eyes and i think it's wrong and downright dangerous we have done important work over decades taking a critical look at our own history. our political conflicts that could affect the future of germany's public memorials. a loss journey goes to uganda tonight in the lake victoria about $250.00 fishermen and 10 times as many snakes they shouldn't be disturbed why emanuel knows that very well. victoria. home to over 150000 which give the island a particular sound. down below them on the ground a much quieter beasts. over 1000 cobras from the island in
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a unique example of core existence with man. but. do not be chinese snakes these are spirits of the island attached to our culture. over 100 fishermen live on the island. and the man will cut is the most experienced . he has lived here for more than 35 years as. an old man of the sea he has retired from commercial fishing. to 97 year old is the custodian of long held customs which for beat killing the snakes. because reza believed to be the spirits of a south korean island. never seen a cobra attack anyone except once when he was attacked himself. go lower. i must have angered the snake when i carried it out of the
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house so that i could sleep but it crawled back in but picked it up again and threw it out and then went to bed early i will notice donna surely it crawled back in. this time and it turned its head in bit me for. the snake shouldn't be harassed even if it means sharing a bed with some of. you. for that reason this makes most freely in and out of the wood you now since. i have lived here all of this. in the name of the island spirits. its traditions are rather strict no one cuts down a tree for any reason. buds to shouldn't be killed and their eggs must not be eaten. but the custom of the prohibits women on the island
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is the one that is toughest for the fishermen. so i don't see no point i would be good to finish our work and go home and see your family every day you know how your child spent the night to know what they need and unfortunately it's not possible here one of the fitzroy. can tally has to leave the island at least once every 2 weeks to see his family. at this landing site cord. entirely also so the scotch. when the fishermen meet in talent here many wants to go to the island with him but he sees that only a limited number and there are more tired and. i don't want. things that a large population would straighten the islands reese biodiversity. he suffered a couple of painful picks from the grave it goes. a few druther sit here with a mole bides and this makes the humans.
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is it needless monotonous. a waste of time. the most boring thing is to lunch break the boring conference is held every year in london. it's anything but dull. to many it's just surreal i mean. you're right. next to. joyce. a journey through tom. from germany's provisional capital in bonn to its current capital in berlin. today i want to invite you to join me on a tour of 70 years of history together while the cover one of the raf have to do
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with the country's constitution and will reveal that the place was an location that tell the story of post-war germany. since 60 minutes on. needs to know a sex phone operator who works her masters thesis on the potato rhetoric to me it is. not a turn on well it's more ridiculous for america to. list management training.
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what you have for animals can do is even worse is one of the oldest and most allegheny breeds in europe even killings have written on that. kind out in a minute which spanish cities celebrates these amazing animals every year and with that a very warm welcome to new edition of europe and cheer us to the other stories we have lined up for you today. to go in based designers create art objects and pieces of furniture is one and. the asparagus season delight squirmy here google chairman. for centuries the south and spanish city of harris has celebrated an annual it crests tria festival for its residents the ferry had they come by the most important event opened here the allegheny spanish horses which take parts of their
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pride and joy. the horses and their riders probably stride across the festival grounds as the crowd looks on in admiration. of the ferry as they come io if it is in southern spain is a joyous colorful celebration. everyone has done their best clothes to celebrate the famous spanish horses that originated here. i mean i know my nose means everything to me he's not a whole life. but it's part of our heritage part and i might. for example you can enter 3 of bulls with the help of these horses we need them for our back and we have fun with them moose is my friend not that old fellow that. i get.
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at the festivities the women's attire is a real eye catcher. yeah. this is actually pickle dress. that includes a flower in our head and large earrings. this is a vantage dress 40 years old. in order to dance the city yana you need a lot of frills. what began as a live stock market in 1284 has now become a public festival with a question of ends and horse shows. feel even more in his breed horses and his vice president of the under lucy and equestrian association.
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young people of completely identify with. even by. back in medieval times it is used to breed excellent horses. eve but it could be outed by that originated here and that brought forth from many other european breeds i mean even if that's not a well known fact anymore. i'm talking about the cost to z. and horse the end alysia house the spanish horse live coverage on the. monks spread the 1st car through jand horses 500 years ago in this monastery in your head yes. they were used for field work but were also written by royalty preserving their genes as intrusted to the world's largest stud farm for this breed it was at a lack of 200. 6 year old time so is one of the most promising stallions. and i understand that you have very versatile but you could compete in
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any type of discipline which henry is unusually even tempered and his build is well balanced. lot of money not a lot of money for a must but the most important thing is his noblesse little is a horse that will always give you his all and then a little book at all must still give. a weekly show at the farm demonstrates just how elegant these horses really are as if they were dancing . and speaking of dancing at the festival and has city young and flamenco play an important role. and long after the horses have retired to their stables their fans continue celebrating deep into the night. everyone has
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their own preferences when it comes to furnishing their homes their designs by the . level one plus 11 are something for those who like outstanding creations often the designs don't even show exactly what they are well this is obviously a chair but if there is special what the judges at this year's jim design award liked it a lot and gave it no less than 2 prices. this is a work of art piece of furniture. the designs by labelled one plus 11. buyers decide how they'll be used as a desk perhaps. a bar or just an eye catching accessory. studied medicine before becoming a designer. from bindon design we
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combine design and art in a single object. i was and i thought i see our objects as artworks even though we always ensure they remain functional thus you can actually use them and when not. ballots and architect of him john off both come from russia they founded their bell in studio 2 years ago. the duo developed their ideas by experimenting with line shapes and cubes. often they're inspired by artists as was the case with soul winner of a german design award. so although it is an artist who greatly influenced conceptual art week went. his idea was to play around with models with cubes. which is what we
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also tried to do with saul wolfert. play walk along with models when creating their designs having a tangible 3 d. object in front of them helps them discover both possibilities and problems. but one day when this is a model is help us see how we can attach features to a piece of furniture. for example what's important here what's the radius what about the corners and angles you can usually see that better with a model. craftspeople make the furniture. carpenters asho petkoff can spend a month or more on a piece. but before hand they figure out how the design can be implemented. is it of it's quite narrowed 400 by one me to 15. the i am thin
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and how digital joints and processes the surfaces to which things must be worked on 1st and which ones after it's very complex complex. the name one class 11 refers to their concept one stands for the prototype while 11 refers to the series 11 limited edition pieces. in brussels now where $92.00 exhibitors from 15 countries present their works at the collectible fair for contemporary design one plus 11 from berlin is among them. i would really like that work because there are typically a diverge of art and design and when you look at the work you see it's functional but it's not your classic functional so it's quite interesting to see that they're playful and they're in between those 2 worlds. and craft limited editions don't come cheap their pieces cost between 720000 euros there is
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treats you know no super fruit in french very straight i like to speak to me if you are one of us and i have a sculpture of 4 but it's quite sure. the 2 designers have lots more ideas for new pieces their past creations will receive winning for german design awards in 29000 alone. we're proud and motivated to keep on shilling our designs are wowing people with our works to. design art here the boundaries are blurred but that's what makes one class eleven's creations so fascinating. staying on the subject of design but let's switch to a completely different genre gastronomy when it comes to talk class restaurants
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everything is perfect lee coordinated the furnishing the crockery to decorate of elements even the restrooms but what about the waiters now. it's answering to restaurants and the parents agency has even specialized in it you could say a catwalk for the kitchen. designers for the german fashion label target who will hold love bold colors models on their spring pressure portray runway or bright pink and yellow dresses so it's no wonder that the labels creations for the 2 star restaurant temptress and munich turned out to be quite the i catch up. last year the fashion designers created uniforms for the entire kitchen and waiting staff. rimando out here early on in ladies' lunch we host a ladies' lunch that each year and at one point we got this idea to make the
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uniforms which were still all from the eighty's more modern. we had so much fun if you ask them often we had discovered a curtain in the ladies' powder room that had this print from the seventy's seventy's print and we used it as a stylistic element that even the men's uniforms it was a big hit. as it does commerce is a good on all design of fashion for restaurant staff the concept is booming in london the no uniform label specialized in fashion for the catering professional they created 78 different looks for london's luxury rosewood hotel morton to some from denmark and lititz academy or from italy also create designs for the working environment they used to be design is what isabel marvel and alexander mcqueen in 2013 they founded their own label in paris called old up so we felt that we didn't really belong to the fashion industry because you wanted to approach.
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making clothes in a less consumeristic way and that's something that lasts longer. compared to. fast fashion. each style needs to suit the restaurant the looks are inspired by the architecture and design of each individual location. like here for the way. it says in cooks of a gourmet japanese restaurant in paris the designers match their garments to the interior decoration and worked closely with the owner and cook out so she tanaka is connery concept couldn't do with just any old apron. gentile restaurant has like a great kind of home. and he wanted something in connection in connection to that and we we found this poem tone of graceful 2 elements of great playing together to create this kind of like call of blood that i do see kind of look into the treasury
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i'm very pleased with the results the outfits are unique and they're comfortable that's important because the waiters have to wear them all day long as it was of course she. fashion design for restaurant employees isn't just about aesthetics it's also about functionality. in the beginning we would be having like washing machines washing fabric in different fact different kind of ingredients or we would like sawyer and one coffee and one and try to see how could we make like something that was released in resilient sometimes the designers times can only be recognized at 2nd glance when you know the specific cuts the details and that certain something. we wanted to have something instead that. it's. because these apron is actually addressed and it can
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be it can be even used without pence and they need because it really serves the purpose of like as a dress the 2 older designers have created fashion for restaurants around the world italian star cook simoni tonto wanted a casual touch. the sunders hotel in copenhagen preferred sleek elegance. and we say we studio. some kitchen in dublin has a clear and. it's a nice compliment when the fashion appeals not only to the staff wearing it but also to the customers sometimes we've had japanese tourists who come to paris to eat who. see the brand because somewhere and calls us and ask if they can pass by just buying 2 items or something like this attention to detail is what makes couture so special and manufacturers like older now extending that same loving attention to the styles uniforms. and now it's flying
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for something to eat white asparagus germans will love it there is a true hype surrounding green asparagus is much more a common coast it's grown in many countries why disparages is only available here in germany from a pro to the end of june and then fans like me will have to wait 9 months until i was beck so maybe one of the reasons why asparagus or white gold as it sometimes referred to is so special for many people in the asparagus you germans eat on average around 1.5 kilograms of it but it doesn't keep very well so it tastes best if it comes right from the far. there's a fine on us to harvesting the delicate spears of white inspire against the full kind of asparagus field stretched his here in billets southwest of britain. the
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yard of sammy's the speratus farm is a popular destination for daytrippers in spring they come here to buy their beloved asparagus just after it's been harvested. and especially when things turn green and the 1st tulips bloom it's asparagus time driving around here you see the fields and think soon they'll be asparagus. even the word asparagus is mouthwatering. say it's a delicacy it's typical for germany i know that it was very happy to be here to eat joy the asparagus. in their. kitchen is our european champions of growing asparagus and they leave this when it comes to eating it too on average every german consumes $1.00 kilos of the vegetable per season. within. 60 days of west germany asperity also created an asparagus miracle. production and consumption of the head is better than ever that's why for me asparagus is
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a cultural asset it's not simply a trend that people are eating asparagus eating it since the middle ages in the gardens of monasteries and at royal courts. of. directors has been grown in the region around playlets is 86110 percent is green asparagus which grows above ground and 90 percent is white asparagus which grows underground if exposed to sunlight it will produce chlorophyll and turn green that hit its voice and perfectly straight. would be slightly bent but we select sandy surfaces you can see that this is pure sound and in the sand the asparagus can grow up straight because it encounters no. resistance the nucleus cawdor. ground warms up well and that gives the asparagus a to make aroma. christus spohn all his and i think god is a lot more bring the knife down to the bottom of the spear cut it out also it's
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easy to harvest if the head is already packing out of the ground special for oil protects it from the night at the farm asparagus is served with schnitzel. as if they are all in the classical style with both the titles and hollandaise sauce. michelle came for tens finally peeled asparagus into cuisine and the head chef from balance to style restaurant to see it mixes asparagus with groceries and . you can feel him fall on taking asparagus father and i want to take asparagus and create an entire dish around it the side dishes garnish and saucers mustn't overpower the asparagus it should rule the plate is that. his favorite way to prepare asparagus is to saute. if you boils it then with a pinch of salt and brown sugar lemon slices and the base of butter and for a short a time as possible. some of the dishes served at 1st combine weiss and green asparagus
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like this asparagus salad. can advise you i find white asparagus very elegant with a slightly bitter not the green is more brutish stronger the older. but the days when everyone can afford why disparities could be numbered. for wages account for over 50 percent of our costs if they increase disproportionately asparagus could once again be a food for the elites as in the 17th and 18th centuries. more. rich investments but 11 calories and with a taste all of. why susteren this is still to. women's favorite spring vegetables. and for all your foodies there you will find more european specialties on our you
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tube channel take a look and now very boring events in london where people talk about comp we are a levant and trivial topics in fact the talks boring they even sense of people to sleep just imagine listening to lectures about the smell of laundry all labels on cardboard boxes doesn't sound very exciting does it although it's organize a james ward keeps warning people that the conference is indeed very boring tickets to the events like hotcakes i'll report to adrian kennedy went along to find out more. life in the fast lane through much excitement i need to come down. what's this london's most boring event could be the answer. conway hole is a famous home of radical free thinkers in the heart of blue mystery the boring
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conference is taking place here for the 9th time. founded james ward is master of ceremonies and a veritable titan of tedium. and my name is james ward and i need a founder of the pouring conference a one day celebration of the mundane people would marry the o.p.'s and the overlooked the theme is boring but the content should be focused incorporate for example right sure weili is fascinated by the greenwich time signal. mike bates has a passion for postcards of nearby battersea park. joyce smith explains how she started collecting books certificates.
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the conference is sold out so who are these people and why are they wasting their weekend here. what's the big attraction here. being bored of listening to people talking about things that they care way way to the play about a minute i enjoy science i enjoy competing and things like that trivial monday my straight the most boring thing is the lunch break that's quite which is you thankfully over james to cherington likes to walk in straight lines for his film underfoot he paused once a minute to take a 5 2nd shot off the ground. things are beginning to take. lizzie austin's paper on the smell of laundry is accompanied by a video of a washing machine cycle.
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and live and dump a bit of audience participation holmes how intense is it does it remind you james wood has generously allowed me to take to the stage my sofa to bestow or ring price . to achieve a prize for the most boring. the poor in conference. goes to joyce smith. pioneering work phone book certificates taking part in the boring conference had only given joyce more self-confidence. and made me feel like it was. not mine was in a way to be a life kind of thing. oh my collections and interests and hobbies of the people shadi i was to write for them and times. at the end of the day i gather the lot of fun facts kind of person that made the launch books music for
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a. g. thing i could be boring i think given enough practice because you could get by you a boring person can they is it really boring. it's cool. science leave the boring conference is. but i have vowed never to willfully overlook the very obvious and the monday again. and you can find out lots more about your macs on our website so go to our home page or our facebook page if you go online you can also find all the details of how to enter our latest. exciting you're
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a mad girl that's all we have time for today but you will be back next week same time same place so from here in the land thanks for watching. and back from now. on.
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the. subject. keep learning marched reality wait a 2nd. we want the whole picture perfect so sort of make ideas of shifting lives.
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from admitting to reality to cryptocurrency to your topics for live in an ever changing digital world let's talk a bit to devise a short. shift. journeys through tom. from germany's provisional capital in bonn to its current capital in berlin. today i want to like you to join me on a tour of 70 years of history together while discover what is your craft have to do with the country's constitution and we'll revisit the place and then locations that tell the story of post-war germany. and 30 minutes on d w. happening. really coming. to a link to from africa and the world. your links to exceptional
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stories and discussions can you unload some students do such a clean clothes remini from for an exam in the coming years of museums and i would say debit cards much traffic come join us on facebook d w africa. europe a big idea. what's become of it and what will it look like tomorrow. dublin who gets ready for an in-depth look at the european elections in ghosts to questions that her 100 european voters hopes for the new parliament what challenges lie ahead. for a while too long the positions and the people in power have come their way with not doing anything to fight the climate crisis played. the european election affect the rest of. next for destruction.
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to the north koreans are we have to go to the sixty's 1st. d.w.i. or is it all that. much money 26 w. . this is d.w. news live from berlin australia's general election it reaches the finish line polls close across the country in a hotly contested vote the 1st exit polls put opposition labor leader bill shorten just ahead in
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a campaign heavily influenced by climate issues. also coming up. it's crunch time for all story is the far right vice chancellor his he's been meeting the country's leader after allegedly being filmed offering government contracts in exchange for campaign donations. thanks for joining us i'm mary and i haven't seen the polls have closed across australia and once being seen as a landmark election the 1st exit poll shows the center left labor party led by bill shorten with a narrow lead you down if it's confirmed that would mean the end of prime minister scott morrison is conservative government climate policy has been a major issue in the campaign labor has pledged ambitious targets for renewal energy. but the liberals say that would damage australia's coal driven economy.
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well the reporter jared reed has been following the australian election very closely and he's here in the studio with me for more so jared we just mentioned that the 1st exit polls have been released a what are they telling us because of the exit polls pointing to a labor victory but the vote counting is way seeing show that it's going to be much much closer then the senior. the opposition has told us in the last few minutes that they wore read the figures that way seeing you know it's not altogether sure whether labor could form a majority government on these on these figures off the roll well you know whether we're talking about a minority government here this is something we have to have to wait and see. the real numbers from the vote counting and not really reflecting what the what the exit polls are showing that he's going to be very very tired all right so still too
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close to call now jared this election has been called the climate change election was the issue really a central factor in the vote yes it was a number of surveys show. ranked at number one on their least of concerns because a stray is kind of the coal face of climate change if i can you know pardon the pun you know they've been. severe heat waves across the country last year was the hottest year on record the floods and fires and drought and australia seeing the us there are also concerns about the lack of climate policy lost in climate policy over the last 10 years is. the incumbent government sort of taken a business as usual approach to climate change where is the labor party have being quite ambitious they've used that time in opposition to to be. forward a much more ambitious climate policy but i guess the election was forced on issues
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like climate change but also other issues too like tax reform and who's going to be the best economic manager of the country because the strive year is sort of the economy is slowing down what's also on the minds of voters is things like housing prices which you know housing is still out of the reach of many people and also wages diagnosing so people you know really thinking about the hip pocket now jared australia has seen quite a number of prime ministers and i think this election could deliver this 6 prime minister in as many years just quickly are voters fed oh yes they are fed up they're i guess they're sick of political infighting in camber resulting in a prime minister one day and someone else the next and this dissatisfaction is certainly being reflected in this election. is jared reed many thanks indeed. well let's turn now to some of the other stories making headlines around the world
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breaks the talks between the u.k. government and the opposition labor party have collapsed talks had been underway for 6 weeks in an effort to break a deadlock on britain's departure from the european union prime minister theresa may blamed labor for the failure to find a common position. us president donald trump has announced an and to steel and aluminum tariffs on canada and mexico trump impose the terrorists 25 percent on steel and 10 percent on aluminum last year citing national security but members of congress signaled the tariffs were stalling their approval of a new trade deal with both nations. lawmakers in the us state of missouri have passed new legislation banning abortions after the 8th week of pregnancy the only exception is in the event of a medical emergency pro-choice activists marched through the state capitol building
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in protest of the bill. to austria now where reports say the country's leader is a bust and courts has ruled out further cooperation with vice chancellor heinz close down stock in the country's governing coalition the pair have been meeting for crisis talks after german media published a secretly recorded video from 2017 it appears to show off offering government contracts in return for campaign donations. who's also a leader of the far right freedom party denies any wrongdoing while the austrian vice chancellor the revelations are devastating for his freedom policy they are disastrous not least because your opinion that looming secretly taped foods which was sent to spiegel magazine and it's hard to use paper experts believe it to be real. only months before austria lections 2017 percent stuck on a fellow party member spent several hours in the house and pizza talking to
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a woman posing as a russian and to pronounce she appears to be offering to buy stakes and or just because tabloids and to guarantee positive reporting on the freedom party. as soon as she takes over the krona newspaper we need to be very frank we'll have to sit down together and talk openly the newspaper will have to go boom boom boom 3 or 4 people need to be pushed 3 or 4 others will have to be kicked to the curb and then will bring in 5 new people that will coach. thought this was. the recording also contains discussions on how to disguise of the nation to the party stuff and start offering lucrative government contracts in return and punishing industrious one spit on the head of the can go on merit. if we become part of the government i promise you one thing housing is china won't get any more contracts the identity of the russian businesswoman is unclear but she
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seems to have served as a decoy. at mit's to requesting the meeting in this discussion in relation to all topics i have always referred to the relevant legal provisions and the need to comply with the austrian legal system the scandal has shaken our political system to its core chancellor bus and courts has now ruled out continuing his work with the vice chancellor. well for more on this story i'm joined now by klaus pumpers in vienna now klaus austria's chancellor is a bouncer and courts called a crisis meeting as we mentioned and he's now ruled out any further cooperation with heinz because sense talk now could this scandal actually tear apart austria's coalition government. most already to tell you that there are already in a few minutes since the stench of a real announced his resignation from the post of the last translator as well as the party leader shot and 3 rate also for the resignation of the decline of the
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party in parliament so you are doing those who got this video we just saw so are the read and liberal party has to reestablish it leading in parliament as about less for the whole county and nobody knows where this sort of b.s. is successful starting well what options does the freedom party event have in the wake of the scandal we trust it or leave it tests showed up since it will have been a long run when we see the results of european elections one beat from now. probably those people who already now are not very much debated to go to vote for the freedom liberal party which is a right the power of the in austria story they stay away from the ballots so the results will be minus 20 percent to be combat is applause we have a team because this video appeared and then i would assume we will have new
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elections in austria in september and in sens this will be the test for the freedom or a party as if they can sustain this crisis which is a very existential crisis because it's not only this video but on the events we have seen as the last 2 years and freedom or a party was popping up with coalition and every 2nd be garside recreates all summer events are disgraceful as the conservative party. well as you point out this scandal is extremely damaging for the freedom party both in australia and as you suggest it will have an impact on european elections now we know it's not been confirmed who this woman in the video was or who was behind it but is there any sort of didn't talk about who may have been behind such an elaborate scheme to entrap the freedom party. when you look at the radio and you remember this is video was made was about 7 cameras outside and inside it's a really and it beats it and we have to see run about $80000.00 euro it cost it to
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do this so somebody has invested a lot of money to destroy the river party in austria obviously there's a lot of gossip there lot of speculation from one side and the other of cause for example the freedom democratic party remembers. mr superstar and who was an advisor for on the tools of social democratic party in 2017 elections who didn't sound is bracing and bad campaigning against freedom party as well as the conservatives but he was in prison in august 27 t. maybe he has done maybe as not he don't know exactly there's a lot of gossip but nevertheless walked out and said in this video is so devastating for the party so a lot of people will have doubts how can we trust same anyway it's close progress
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reporting from vienna many thanks. you know we're going to welsh taco was forced to pull out of a rally in milan today that's where an alliance of far right parties from across europe is meeting ahead of next week's european elections they're hoping to forge a new grouping of the e.u. parliament following that vote the event in milan is being hosted by italy's deputy premier and interior minister matteo salvini who is also leader of the far right elite party among the most high profile speakers expected are being the pen of france's national rally and the leader of germany's far right party 10. well our correspondent barbara is covering that event for us and joins us now from milan so barbara this event being hosted by italy's far right deputy prime minister much salvini what is he hoping to achieve with today's rally.
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what he won south korea's isn't it lines of all the far right parties in europe because he is ultimate goal is that as the next step is to form a strong group of far right parties in the european parliament and europe the business off the majority in parliament the range of parties going from the left to sort of the normal conservative middle of the road parties the christian democrats and the old the old groupings that have so far function together and sort of push through the majority of european legislation so what. anyone says to blow up this coalition and sort of establish himself in league with other right wing parties as a sort of an engine there is something to that will disturb business and that would sort of be disturbing him to deter those from pushing through legislation and
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from steering europe in the direction when so far he wants to push europe to the right well barbara just how likely is it that salvini as a vision will become reality will these right wing parties become a major force in the european parliament. now after this austrian scandal we see what can happen is these parties are not very reliable partners in several countries driven by scandals so bunchy your salvini will have to do without the boss and friend karl-heinz stuff but today and he is not going to be hearing on the stage here the 2 have been close for a while they have sort of talked to each other up and they have sort of demonstrated public the their friendship there were selfies with the 2 of them together and so on and so forth so they were really trying to sort of push this business of getting europe pulling europe to the right to the front and no 70 has
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lost one partner and we know from other right wing parties in europe that they also have like scandals in the background there are finance problems accusations against the car some of the not sunanda pens party in france so his dreams might not come quite it might not come true quite as easily and as well as he hopes because these parties they have their own agendas and they sort of march according to their own drums. the reporting for us from milan many thanks. and you're up to date now on. thanks for watching. we're not here to judge but to eliminate prejudices. we're not here to change your opinion but to open some space for different points of view we're not
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here to speak on behalf of anybody but to let everybody speak for themselves. not here to give the right answers but to ask the right questions. we're not here to indoctrinate but to listen. plus 90 connect to an unbiased agenda subscribe now on you tube. fake news construction rest foster fear and manipulate while it's in the world's largest democratic election in india it played a huge part how can fake news spread so easily who creates it and how can we stop it that's our topic today.
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with 900000000 voters india is the world's largest democracy and the run up to the 29000 election fake news about sitting prime minister narendra modi and his b j p party flooded social media like. unesco declares narendra modi to be the best prime minister in the world the picture is real the headline is pure fiction these stars support the b j p really it turns out the writings on the. scarves was photo shopped for this crowd of mostly supporters it looks vast but it was just a photo montage the problem isn't just in india social media is full of fake news and the worst part is this is where uses get most of the information. some $300000000.00 indians use facebook more people than any other country shop owner
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ram shankar arrives for example spends about 2 hours each day on social media reading up on news and this year's election. when i watch news i obviously consider it to be true news is so popular in india how can i consider it false. the problem is that many people believe what they see on social media that makes online rumors and this information so effective in india lots of fake news tends to get shared through whatsapp and who would distrust their friends right now facebook which bought the messaging service in 2014 has begun to tackle the issue by limiting the number of people users can forward content to only time will tell if this will help rid was out of fake news experts i'm convinced from now this information just keeps spreading but why do some people create fake news in the 1st
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place. social media is popular with anybody eager to spread their worldview. and fake news tends to get created and shared to sway political opinion or to sow discord. anyone who only gets their news from alternative media outlets and on social media risks falling for dissin from asia and getting trapped in a filter bubble much of this content is simply false and designed to get people worked up. mention of through that switch off switch to hunt. fake news can be chain letter to users because their data is tracked and analyzed on social media. i'm going. to find a facebook page like if you don't like my page i can now look at your profile and see what topics you talk about in your sentiments about the stuff and how positive or negatively you talk about those things so now i can advertise to using your
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specific keywords that you use with the same sentiments that you use i'm using your data to persuade you the way i want you to be persuaded. and users can monetize fake news to the more attention and clicks it garners the more advertising revenue a user can make. fake news can generate immense advertising revenues in fact many people in the north macedonian town of dallas got rich producing fake news in the 2016 u.s. presidential race. france has shocked the world endorses donald trump for president clinton e-mails linked to political paedophile sex ring. fake news stories like these were produced by a group of students from north macedonia during the u.s. presidential race and 2016 they were based in the city of venice which underwent major deindustrialization after the disintegration of yugoslavia many factories shut down and unemployment was high so creating fake news presented
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a great opportunity. to make some fast cash how step one create a website and a facebook profile with a catchy name start posting plagiarized or made up new stories with sensational headlines step 2 create by fake facebook accounts and use them to share links to dubious fake news content this led unsuspecting social media users to the macedonian fake news sites as more and more users visited the sides google increased its advertising which in turn meant the students earned more ads revenue . the fake news gold rush was kicked off by businessmen. he gives online marketing courses and says he accidentally helped donald trump win the u.s. presidential election. purely motivated by money. political news generated.
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more and more political news. at 1.140 fake news websites were registered some were so good at spreading fake news they were making several 1000 euros a day huge earnings in a country where the average income is just 360 euros a month. frenzy continues. facebook. taking down another one appears somewhere else most of us would probably say we're not that easy to trick. something online because it's funny because it confirms our beliefs without carefully checking the facts 1st. today the sheer amount of content on social media is simply too much for most people to process. the
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ordinary person and by that i mean pretty much everyone including myself as a media professor is overwhelmed by the quantity of online content. we are unable to johnson the quality and accuracy of all this content. we're basically drowning in information. informants who want to. manipulators capitalize on this information overload they deliberately disseminate controversial content on social media making it look like people are sharing it. and then it's our social creatures. if we feel there's a majority opinion on an issue we tend to side with it. the problem with digital platforms is that they're full of people and opinion. and we're unable to tell if they're genuine or just thoughts churning out $28.00 versions of the same opinion.
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social bots are computer programs designed to post vast amounts of content on many different platforms they can create fake trends and make certain stories look more relevant than they really are. artificial intelligence is making fake news even harder to spot it can manipulate video material in such a way that makes it nearly impossible for users to tell what's real and was not present trump was a total and complete of cause obama never really said that the video was produced by american filmmaker jordan peele interest to highlight the dangers of so-called deep faith in video today anyone can access the software needed to make one's algorithms keep getting smarter they can already transfer one person's expressions to a different person's face in real time just imagine you could easily put together
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a video with donald trump all blood in your putin to clear world war 3 and digital technology to fake someone's voice is advancing to all this makes fake footage a real threat. for a long time to human voices with the greatest challenge. because every voice is incredibly complex and unique they're almost impossible to fake. but in recent years enormous progress has been made on the combination of video footage and manipulated voices poses a huge threat. so what can we do to spot fakes luckily there are all kinds of tools and size available today that can help like truly dog media. a verification co-develop. jointly verify the authenticity of online content and many others are working on similar
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tools as well. germany's institute for secure information technology is developing software to spot fake news by analyzing text it's been fed hundreds of fake stories to learn how to spot words and phrases that often turn up in bogus articles. lab testing showed the software to be 97 percent accurate and identifying fake news. as to poverty migrants climbed into an apartment and raped. the author used the emotionally charged word grandmother instead of pension and mentioned poverty migrants. this is typical for negative fake news stories that computers can learn to spot. the german research center for artificial intelligence or d.f.
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k.-i is working on a news verifier software professor and his team want to use algorithms to help detect fake news by identifying the kinds of images used. the idea behind the software is to check whether the images used are authentic to verify if they really depict what they claim to show and if they've been used in the correct context we check if the text accompanying the image actually fits the picture. the software for instance quickly detected that this picture of a brutal police crackdown 1st appeared online in 2011 it was a regionally taken during egypt's tahrir square protests the software also flags when images are shared online again at a later time in 2013 for example a twitter user from venezuela. the image and falsely claimed it depicted protests in his home country this is it the picture was removed from its original context the purpose of this was to generate the impression of
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a reality that never existed to steal. the researchers want to build a software that everyone can use to check the authenticity of an image with just a single click. must work still lies ahead however as the software is still in its early stages even so all of us can do our part to uncover fake news 1st by checking how reliable sources it could be a bought 2nd he was search engines to check if other trustworthy media outlets are also reporting certain stories and finally use google's reverse image search while software like to an eye to verify the authenticity of pictures. what about you have you come across fake news let us know on facebook to w dot com or you want to well we've got even more tips for you on how to spot this information.
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journey through tom. from germany's provisional capital in bonn to its current capital in burnley. today i want to invite you to join me on a tour of 70 years of history together while discover what a joke ralph has to deal with the country's constitution and will revisit the playfield on location that tell the story of post-war germany. next on d w. birth. home to millions of species
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a home worth saving. on those are big changes and most start with small steps global ideas tell stories of creative people and innovative projects around the world like to use that protect the climate boost green energy solutions and reforestation. they create interactive content teaching the next generation about environmental protection and more determined to build something here for the next generation of global ideas the multimedia environment series on d. w. .
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this square and this building have witnessed history. the grand gilded flight of stairs has led major statesman and to bomb city hall and wipe on well for 40 years it was the capital of the german federal republic this edition of check in is a journey through time in 2019 the german federal republic celebrates its 70th anniversary it all started here and bonn when the german constitution was passed in may 949. today i want to invite you to join me on a tour of 70 years of history from germany's provisional capital bonn all the way to the current capital berlin together we'll discover what a giraffe has to do with the country's constitution or basic law as it's known here and we'll revisit the places and locations that tell the story of post-war germany . we take you to bombs museum of
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german history. we catch an open air film and berlin government quarter. and we share of viewer video sent in from the hague the seat of the dutch government. to get things off i'm taking a walk down bond's path of democracy along the route you'll come across the alex and the colonel. was heavily involved in world war 2 so there weren't enough venues in the city for officials to meet when it big. in the new capital the parliamentary council got together in this natural history museum to draft a basic law for post-war germany now the country's constitution. is like that. this is where all the important people gather dressed in dark clothes it was all
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very grand and formal. the base of an orchestra performed that was the day i know i was asked to create a government and draw up the basic law. but it was already a museum back then and was. yes it was this is always been a museum and there voice been lots of stuffed animals standing around they all had to be removed for the ceremony back then the problem was that one animal couldn't be removed the big. so the taxidermists didn't do a great job. contained. and they were worried that if they moved it might fall apart. there are wonderful old photos of all the people sitting here all very serious and ceremonial with a giraffe appearing over their shoulders.
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so what exactly was the basic law and be able to hear and beyond a clear and interim capital of the federal republic of germany you'll find out in an overview of the 1st decades after the war displayed and bonds house of history. it was helmut kohl's idea to create this museum of modern german history which opened in 1900. it's going to take submission is entitled our history germany since $945.00. with the approval of the basic law constitution the federal republic of. west germany was established in 1949. months here. we're looking back on 70 years of german history and here we see kind of had no assigning the basic law. when the loss of germany was still in
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ruins but i know i wanted to emphasize the importance of this historic moment. so he used the very grand gilded silverware from cologne town hall in office that. the establishment of west and east germany in 1949 sealed the division of the country. became the provisional capital of west germany and the seat of its parliament. its fast freely elected members sat on these chairs. and you all know this tells us something about the 1st west german parliament. we got some of the original seats and created this display also the podium and lectern from which are no and others address the assembly element. we have some speeches about nuclear weapons
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which was a major issue back then and. i look at some and also lighthearted and even gravity ones which show how parliamentarians sometimes let rip. important moments from east german history are also on display such as the uprising of $953.00 and the building of the bell and wall. in the west soaring prosperity went along with burgeoning protest movements and alternative lifestyles. the v.w. camper van came to be an icon of the hippie era. as. it stood for change individual is a. with society one's parents and grandparents. and for the search for peace and freedom by. the fall of the berlin wall and german reunification are key moments in postwar germany history.
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but as time passes the permanent exhibition has to be updated. he says objects here this object tells a number of stories. it started out as a fishing boat then it was used by refugees trying to reach europe is then and it was salvaged during a rescue mission in the mediterranean near multan it's been on zone here since we reworked the exhibition last year we wanted to devote a section to the theme of migration and integration of an entire. house because she had a museum and it is a great place to learn about germany past and present. another stop along the path of democracy is below how much mids besides berlin is bellevue
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palace it's the 2nd official residence of the german president. so is there a way to know if the president is home today always the flag like buckingham palace . of the month yes exactly you can see the flagpole up there. soon as the president comes through the gates they raise the flag. and just as he leaves again they lower it all but the fall of the guy that looks a bit like the white house you know it's sometimes called the white house on the rhine. or in fact there are lots of villas along the red. and this one was built in the mid 19th century during the romantic period with. the romantics were very keen on the wrong one to show the goals of all of this beautiful.
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time for our e-mail this week it was the minute by your apartment door and take those on a tour of the hague a dutch t.v. that may not be as well known as the capital amsterdam but nonetheless there's a great political relevance because of the seat of the dutch government.
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one person you won't be able to miss on the path of democracy is this man right here conrad adenauer one of the fathers of the basic law and the federal republic's 1st chancellor. this past a work of sculpture of a battlefront pilgrim display some of adenauer was biggest influence in life.
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he was beginning to. starts here beneath his right ear with cologne cathedral because i know was mayor of cologne until 953. when the nazis came to power he not only had to resign he also faced persecution and. that's what the balland habits represent a period of persecution. you wouldn't lower down. the rhine river. valley go behind it some hills. they stand for this didn't begin to be turmoil but are now it was very much a rhinelander. it's really important especially nowadays with all the talk about europe is the with the woman on its back those she's hard to see her
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arms and head are hanging down that's. ok you have a bit of it hard to recognize today yes that is that's you wrote her on the back of the book as in greek mythology. you know was an early champion of a united europe. along with the french presidential to go. they were both rather old and had both been through 2 world wars. by. the by that's why when they came to the conclusion that they would only be peace when different communities got to know each other and neighbors became friends. i'm now going to catch a train to berlin because after reunification parliament and government return to
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the old capital. i make my way to berlin and you guys get to check in with our globe try to stay payment he was in iceland where he was at at the capital reykjavik and then took a low chair outside this lady to see the geysers and the golden falls. stock brings up a deal and part of recovery is to get her some money for all the structures in the capital city and the best place to see the city from above district about. 74.5 meters it's the country's tallest church and it's named after the icelandic totem clergyman hughley mood peterson all of the passion that was.
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my next stop is to have a bridge every where traditional fishing industry meets modern developments to the company's restaurants and bars of architecture like the top of building right behind me. papa is a conference center and a consequence for the iceland symphony orchestra. the building features a distinctive colored glass facade inspired by the landscape of iceland. straight out of the real. center. but not an. easy. but you know one reykjavik is the political arena which is located just 40 minutes out of the city a good time to visit the section at night because it's very relaxing and not just many people you know in the last of the blue lagoon geothermal spa is one of the
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most visited attractions in iceland. i think. the warm water is rich in minerals like silicon sulphur and painting in the blue lagoon is reputed to even help some people suffering from skin diseases. if. i'm fairly stout adding to the concept it's a popular tourist route covering about 300 kilometers of leaping from break you break into the soften up lands and back and the 1st step is to guys. get. the most impressive form you can tell but if you work with shorts water into the air every 6 minutes or so everyone there is waiting for its last. leg. lift my.
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reading of this valley goes up there are springs near the river way and jumping. after a 3 kilometer hike up the valley you get to a hawk river in which you can bet if. i got it i think. from berlin's main station it's only a stone's throw to the government quarter. right after crossing the river surely you'll pass by the chancellor.
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and the right stock. and since we're commemorating the 70th anniversary of the republic and you can be certain there's a reason for my visit to this stretch behind the rocks talk here you'll find the 1st articles of the constitution not set in stone but in glass. article 3 has a particularly interesting history. all people are equal before the law men and women have the same rights. the male dominated parliamentary council trying to keep that out of the constitution but the 4 female members persevered and won. as you can probably tell the right the building itself is a lot older than the federal republic it was built over 130 years ago a lot has happened since then the fall of the german empire the fire republic the
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nazi dictatorship the division of germany and the 3 unification so it's $999.00 the right start building is the seat of the german parliament the bundestag and the such the political heart of the country. the reichstag is a symbol of germany's troubled and complex history it was opened in 8094 by kinds of bill home the 2nd he loves democracy and feel the power of parliament in 1900 the social democratic politician philip addressed the crowd from the balcony and declared germany a republic kaiser bill home the 2nd to get it the young democracy would be shaken by it. any political crises. in 133 hitler became chancellor an arson attack on the reichstag was a welcome opportunity for hitler to dissolve parliament and suspend the constitution 945 nazi germany was defeated that reichstag was in ruins germany
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would soon be divided and lynn as well. in 1955 what was left of it was demolished the rest of the building was restored in the 1960 s. . in october 990 half a 1000000 people gathered there to celebrate german reunification it was soon decided to move parliament from bomb to berlin. in 1905 the artists christo and sean claude wrapped the reichstag building in some very fabric . a comprehensive reconstruction then got underway to designs by the british architect norman foster who added a dome of glass. since 1909 the building has been the seat of the german parliament the bundestag. foster's design is all about transparency light and openness as befits
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a democracy the building has become one of germany's most popular tourist attractions. especially when the weather is nice and sunny days huge crowds gather in front of the right stack i'm interested to hear what other visitors think about germany's evolution throughout the past 7 decades. the ones that are years of the german hard situation and the german federal republic what comes to mind. now you fear and there's a 2nd world war on the creation of a democratic state and the democrats thought as the cloud do you think germany has changed over the past 70 years and tickets. it's it's incredible how much free it things are compared to when i was young oh. you know. women used to have to get permission to go to words. just to have active women on nowadays
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i'm 74 and i was sometimes too old to work too much. so as you know. i am rather concerned about recent developments. things that are emerging once again that i thought we had left behind us once and for. all what do you think as an outsider has changed in this time over the decades after the 2nd world war. a lot i mean just. considering that you had the berlin wall and. for 50 years basically it was an island in east germany and then you know everything unified and you know they're part of the e.u. and. you know kind of a bigger you know political entity i want to see this building because it's very great it's amazing it's. it's big it's someone goes
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it's a very beautiful and this is history or. only german it's history for old and i want to be a part of this history i want to see this. the government corridor between the right stock and the ship play has definitely become a significant and lively part of the capital there's plenty of space and lots to do . if you're like me and you can't get enough of german history check this out if you come to the government quarter and summer you're in for a treat on an open air screen only taken on a journey through time. when the sun goes down the steps of the high stuck building become cinema stalls. on.
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the big circular window in the parliamentary office building opposite the marquee elisabet ludo's house becomes a film screen a window into the past from the german empire into the weimar republic the nazi era and the post-war period. piece on. this of it located of west berlin and the allied airlift are represented on a foot bridge across the river play. it's a great institution great film that dark talks about the testimony to the freedom of all the people around the world there's a great film. this also footage of east germans risking their lives and escaping to the west. on the 9th of november 1989 the burden ball came down.
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we hear from people who were there that night. we want to finally be reunited. this is i think this is the day germany becomes one again it's an incredible feeling. to such a gripping historical footage alike showing compass is the entire facade. no with the lights in the background it was very special. but there's no it's not like there's spots on the banks of the spray and the building of the rock star gets lovely as he shows ricky well i thought it was really good really impressive and. it was amazing. and. the film about the history of
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democracy in germany is shown on some evenings in german with english subtitles the last showing is the motto business the day of jim and unity. and this is where we come full circle just a few meters down the road from the parliament you'll find a piece of bon like this standing affects people a permanent mission was the embassy of the federal republic in communist east berlin today it's a meeting point for fans of the rhineland way of life. it was founded by 2 men from bonn in 1907 and quickly became a hangout for a lens political elite. that
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was our look back at the history of the german federal republic from its birth and fall on all the way to express that home based ember a letter germany's a medical history has taught us a lot about the value and from gelati of democracy and about every citizen's duty to contribute to its upkeep care to the next 70 years and to lending more.
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above. you in the run up to the entrance. 21 this is all tourists from the biggest you appear. to the law before the
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big to elect. the demon spawn double. iraqi. desert once more it was a good guy just barely a day. but then countless tragedies on from. my uncle was a slow day everyone i know some job growth. no way for our story live there some are determined not to give up. the joys of iraq we are still. remembered baghdad in 75 d w.
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i'm not laughing at the gym well i guess sometimes i am but i stand up in that mistakes deep into the german culture of looking at the stereotypes of class that anyone thinks leave the country behind and i'm playing the piano needed to take his grandmother day out to eat cause it's cold out and nothing i might show joins me from the germans on the w. post. some time in the 26 to you my great granddaughter. what would the world deal like in your lifetime and around half a century. your world to be around 2 degrees warmer. inevitably sea levels rise by at least one meter in this century. we're going to have some climate impacts maternal greater than we see oh. that's
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really frightening more trouble. why are people more concerned. a little yellow. stars may 31st t.w. . this is d.w. news live from berlin australia's general election it reaches the finish line polls close across the country in a hotly contested vote the 1st exit polls put opposition labor leader bill shorten just ahead in
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a campaign heavily influenced by climate issues also coming up. austria's vice chancellor heinz constantia talks resigns that's after the far right leader was filmed allegedly offering government contracts in exchange for campaign donations. thanks for joining us i'm marian i haven't seen australia's landmark election is headed down to the wire with indications that both major parties will struggle to form a government the exit polls which put bill shorten and the center left labor party ahead appear to be wrong prime minister scott morrison this conservative government is performing stronger than expected climate policy has been a major issue in the campaign labor pledged ambitious targets for renewable energy but the liberals say that would damage just really is cool driven economy.
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well reporter jared reed has been following the australian elections a very closely and he's here now in the studio to talk about it so jared what is the latest that you're hearing well this was supposed to be a clear election victory for the center left labor opposition leader bill shorten but it's not looking like it's all the vote counting that's taking place but it's showing that it's going to be much closer than the exit polls have been indicating . these sources told us that they weren't this is a change a week ago they were expecting to win and now it's going to be difficult for a labor government to form a majority government if these figures continue the way that they are what we're seeing is the split in the country between more liberal states and more conservative states similar to us election result i've seen someone who could bill
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shorten end up being the hillary clinton of this election so this is kind of where whereas at the moment. this has been called the climate change election how central has this issue been in this will a lot of polls have surveyed voters and they said climate change was the number one issue. seeing the results of climate change the last year was the hottest year on record in australia saying floods and fires and drought. is a frustration in the community that successive governments have tried and failed to put in place last ing climate policy and bill shorten as the labor leader how. much more ambitious plan for for tackling climate change then scott morrison the prime minister given these figures that we're seeing looks like this hasn't really
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connected we have because bill shorten had plans to raise revenue by by putting increased taxes on hiring come in as perhaps that's made the middle class worried what else is boring. house prices which which is still high and wage wage growth which has stagnated well you know jared of course is truly has seen quite a number of prime ministers come and go over the past couple of. years are voters just fed up yes they are this is something that voters have said you know where. having one prime minister one day and then because of something political infighting in canberra which is a city far removed from the realities of most story begins suddenly the next day there's another prime minister and the politicians generally a quiet about it explaining why this keeps happening and so the voters don't understand why and the results i guess in dissatisfaction with my kids and with
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democracy in general well it remains a tight race and we'll find out perhaps in a couple of hours what the outcome is jared read many thanks. to austria now where vice chancellor and far right leader. has just announced his resignation from the country's coalition government. was forced to step down after germany's spiegel magazine and. newspaper published a secretly recorded video from 2017 it appears to show offering government contracts in return for campaign donations earlier he made this statement just. this still a lot to do and yes we still want to implement the government's program. we stand by that programme because we are responsible for austria and its people. and i cannot be the reason this does not happen. i do not want to provide the grounds for
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the destruction of this government. role was the goal of that illegal grubby smear. so it's not that sort at 11 am i met the chancellor sebastian courts there i offered him my resignation as vice chancellor of austria. and he accepted that. well joining me now in the studio is void schmidt he's an investigative journalist at the magazine dish beagle which published extracts of this covert video so mr schmidt thank you so much for joining us now we've just seen the vice chancellor of austria resign in the wake of this damaging video being published is this the outcome that your publication expected by publishing and. we didn't expect it but
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we thought it might be a possibility because the video it's really damning it's. the things he talks about the way talks about things so we didn't expect it but we thought it might be a possibility well the video seems very carefully planned and filmed in good quality and executed but we do know that nowadays there's a lot of technology that can doctor videos that can be faked are you certain that the video is authentic that we are absolutely certain the thing is we got a hold of the video and we of course knew it's. all those questions you know we thought we have to make sure that it's not a fake that it's not been doctored so we asked 2 experts with their institutes to check out if there's any. any way you can tell that it's manipulated and there's had no it's not manipulated. we asked for and sic experts to look if it's the same people if it's the place a location if it's a location we think it is and they checked and and so on and so on so we were very
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sure that it's not been manipulated and that's the real shows the real politicians but then again they didn't deny anything and so. absolutely sure that's that it's real and it's shows what they were saying there and it was well both your magazine dish people and these idiots have tied to a newspaper have been reluctant to name your source but what can you tell us about where you got your hands on this video or at least how. you obtained the video that's right we can't talk about sources we never do that and understandably. the thing the thing i can tell is that we heard about the existence of the video a while back but we actually took skill this month and we got a hold on it and their hands and then we would check that and we made sure that it's not been manipulated and. we were we thought it's in the public interest to to
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publish parts of it and because people need to see the information or the way because talks about politics and about media and so on and so on and so on the public interest to see i would say his real face so you mentioned that you've actually had this video already for about a month is that i don't know where you got it this month you received it this month ok so you've had it for a while let's say and yet the timing of its publication is also quite significant we're seeing european elections just a week from now there's this far right rally taking place today in milan was this intentional to release it now we didn't have the intention to release it just right now but we got like i said we got it this month so i don't know a couple weeks weeks ago and we just needed to take the time to really check that it's authentic that is real and it's almost 7 hours long and shot from different
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angles in different rooms. and we had to had to transcribe and translate parts of it parts of his russian so it wasn't that easy to say ok let's just publish it the next day we had to ask those experts from those institutes of hono for instance which was of involved for example and we asked them to try to look at their real thorley so that took some time and now we had to we had to publish it and you know people have asked us if we would have sat on a till after the election and why did you publish before the election so it's it's a tough call all right well if the to mention it to an investigative journalist at the magazine spiegel thank you so much for your time welcome thank you. well it was forced to pull out of a rally in milan today that i mentioned it's where an alliance of far right parties from across europe is meeting ahead of next week's european elections they're hoping to forge a new grouping in the e.u.
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parliament following that vote the event in milan is being hosted by italy's deputy premier and interior minister matteo salvini who's also a leader of the far right league party and among the most high profile speakers expected are moving the pan of france's national rally and the leader of germany's far right a deep party you're going to him. our correspondent covering that event for us and joins us now from milan so this event is of course being hosted by italy's foreign deputy prime minister matteo salvini what is he hoping to achieve today. and what she wanted to do was have a triumph here in the. in milan to because you want to show that he can after years of squabbling united all of most of the extreme right wing parties in europe and what the ultimate goal of that is is to form is
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a big and strong coalition in the european parliament in order to change e.u. politics in order to drag the problem into the rights and influence lawmaking of cory's and one particularly a more salvini is to change the rules for the euro he wants to make them much looser because he wants more money to spend more money in italy and increase the italian dad something that the northern countries germany for instance have so far always said no to so that is what he wants and of course this struck fair throws a shadow over what was supposed to be a wonderful triumphal afternoon here in milano barbara do you think it's likely that they'll somehow mention this scandal in austria at today's far right rally. we don't know yet but there have been already reactions marine le pen was asked what she said to that and 1st she said no she wouldn't comment this was austrian
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domestic politics but then she said no i mean we have to look at the timing off this publication and wasn't it suspicious that it came just a week before the european elections so of course there are conspiracy theories now beginning to emerge and salvini himself has already reacted in a sort of belleek way of painting himself as a victim. of all sorts of attacks from the outside against his lens so there are the 1st ripples appearing on the surface off the far right gathering here in italy are w.'s bob reporting for us from milan we thank you for that. now let's turn to some of the other stories making headlines around the world breaks it talks between the u.k. government and the opposition the labor party have collapsed the talks have been underway for 6 weeks in an effort to break
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a deadlock on britain's departure from the european union as the prime minister to resign may blamed labor for the failure to find a common position. us president donald trump has announced an end to steel and aluminum tariffs on canada and mexico trump impose the terrorists 25 percent on steel and 10 percent on aluminum last year citing national security but members of congress signaled the tariffs were stalling their approval of the new trade deal with both nations. lawmakers in the u.s. state of missouri have passed new legislation banning abortions after the 8th week of pregnancy the only exception is in the event of a medical emergency pro-choice activists marched through the state capitol building in protest at the bill. the bill got it was already one of the world's most expensive cars well now there's a version built of lego bricks and it's priceless after 8 months of development and
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more than 10000 hours of construction time the lego bugatti is of ready for its close up composed of more than $1000000.00 lego bricks using no glue it seats 2 passengers and boasts of top speed of just over 20 kilometers per hour but so far it's not for sale. pretty remarkable they're up to date now on this american evan staying from all of us in berlin thanks for watching. to. do it yourself. don't miss our. action packed life.
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anything is possible as long as our coffee and his friends country are. just moving to kenya the refugee camp. life story ground to. 27 years ago but there's no holding back his dreams. thank you for watching. cinema starts may 27th on. the facts. the european union will soon elect a new parliament overshadowed by concerns about growing right wing populism and fears that russia is infiltrating the very heart of european democracies. the
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finance surface right there's. story pretty good the political elements around this to create and have a major interest in destabilizing europe and i fear that they will succeed should not feel tense opponents patriot's with views close to his of course he's defending his country they're also pretty. we set out on a tour of several european cities together daughter bella and it's french partner station france $24.00 investigated russian influence on europe's far right. the russian embassy in berlin which dominated the then socialist east germany more
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than 30 years ago. and how much influence does the kremlin try to wield behind the scenes today germany's bundestag regards the right wing populist party alternative for germany the a.f.d. as especially open to russia its lead candidate for the upcoming european elections is york more to. this i would always say good neighborly relations with russia and with the united states we want to thoroughly pragmatic approach i don't represent russian interests or american interests i'm a german politician representing german interests and it's in our german and european interests to maintain good and open relations with russia and with other nations to understand. and yet one particular a.f.d. representative has been cultivating more than good relations with russia marcos phone maya. and he's been reaping scorn from other parliamentarians.
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marco's phone my eye has long presented himself as a friend of moscow whenever possible with his close confidant manuel ox and ita many photos of the 2 friends can be found on the internet. oxon vita is known as a right wing populist who aggressively seeks closer relations with moscow even more so now since the ukraine conflict he often gives interviews to russian nationalist media we need to plan for the future and i hope that we start with planning that we can leave nato in 5 to 10 years when hostilities commenced in eastern ukraine oxon vitae was seen in the company of the separatists leaning toward russian president putin he started himself an election observer posing for photos with other foreigners such as a group of french fighters. the
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conflict in ukraine caused a rift between moscow and the european union it began with russia's annexation of crimea in march 24th teen and deepened when moscow was found to be arming the separatists in eastern ukraine. this proved to be a geopolitical turning point. for the militants and because of that scene especially trained they mobilized or they made relations between the european far right and moscow more active after the start of the russian and russia was sanction and as a response to those same russia would try to interfere in the elections. even at that time putin was establishing contact with the head of italy's far right leg a north party my tail. now in a high position in the italian government. 5 years later with the european election approaching salvini is promoting closer cooperation between the right wing populist
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parties including germany's a.f.d. . and if we join salvini. and others in one big group will have the political clout that a lone warrior doesn't have to form policy of the company truck the a.f.p. decided to take a pro russian stance falling in line with all other european right wing populist they rejected western sanctions against russia over its interference in the conflict in eastern ukraine and after 5 years of building alliances with europe's right wing extremists moscow scored a victory among the key operators were various shadowy figures such as manual ox and ida in november 2014 he was photographed in eastern ukraine together with a frenchman victoria lanta an ex french soldier posing with sympathizers from france. they all share right wing views and hatred for liberal democratic values. far right organizations and passes.
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some of the few. political forces in europe that are still ready to cooperate with the kremlin the kremlin needs. lies in the west. in 2018 france's yellow vests movement took their protests to the streets in the spring the former soldier and mercenary in eastern ukraine viktor lanter turned up again he was a member of a self-appointed security team. where the marshals the prefecture asked for when it required every demonstration must have an internal security service is that when you're also a yellow vest yes of course what's your goal this time is it going well. you're going to listen as i said we're here because the prefecture call for
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a security service one that prevents any and all violence internally. we want to show the french people the prime minister and the government to divide doesn't come from us we would usually from a provocation by the police who. you are cannot a. french right wing extremist victrola into transitions from the war in eastern ukraine to the streets of paris. but in both cases as a hatchet man for putin's interests. here. publicly the russian president cultivate his relations with the heads of europe's far right groups like marine le pen of the national rally. you know so i know that you represent quite a fast growing element of european political forces. it's a very profitable contact the pen's party has taken out a total of 11000000 euros in loans from banks close to the kremlin has funding for
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recent presidential election campaigns and she maintains very high level contacts with moscow such as t.n.a. mariani explant secretary of state for transport he has switched to the national rally and supports russia's annexation of crimea. issue i've been there more than 10 times so nobody can seriously doubt that the people there would rather live under russian control. now he's running for the e.u. parliament and takes a clear stance on russia. continuing the policy of sanctions punishes europe and our own farmers as much as russia but suicide. observers say russia seeks to expand its influence in europe by supporting right wing populist leaders as well as their extremist voter base. is. the idea is to fan the flames constantly
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with gasoline and his people who already stirred up against each other well it's by remaining propaganda a propaganda aimed at fracturing our society. in france the yellow vests protests against the populists room to maneuver almost every weekend people take to the streets of france to demonstrate. a court proceeding in this southern polish city has thrown unexpected light on russia suppose it methods of peddling its influence to europe's right wing base. the defendant is michelle p a right wing radical on trial for terrorism since early 2019. he's accused. having organized an arson attack in neighboring ukraine. specifically in who's who bought western ukraine home of many ukrainian citizens from the hungary an ethnic minority on the night of february 4th 2018
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a surveillance camera recorded 2 men trying to throw molotov cocktails at a building used by hungary an association. they caused only minor damage. the defense attorney explains his client's motives. competition of the controlled operation was planned to inflame ethnic tensions in the western ukraine in province of. vehicles and you're. talking turkey it was calculated to trigger hostility between the hungary and minority on one side and the ethnic ukrainians in the other part of the region. not on the vertical and not up as a couple of partial it coincides with moscow's long cherished hope that ukraine might be further destabilized by ethnic conflict and its western tip on the border with hungary. right at the start of the trial in krakow took an interesting turn
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michel implicated a german as having incited him to perpetrate the attack. on whether he has views in common with money they've taken part in conferences together. but. it was many well. the right wing journalist who had been supporting the separatists in eastern ukraine. another right wing extremist has been called as a witness in krakow go back here he refused to give our camera team an interview. becky might have some vital information. he knows both the defendant and manual. he's known them from the start of hostilities in the ukraine when they spoke out at a conference in support of putin leaning separatists for weeks after the 1st attempted attack in old another took place at the hungary and cultural center and
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it was successful several ukrainians are accused of carrying it out but it's unclear who instigated it apparently it wasn't the same people who organized the 1st attempt. there is no one center in russia a decision about interference would would take place there are people around the kremlin x. think tanks institutions. interest groups. but want some reward from the crew from an. ember land within view of the brandenburg gate the soviet war memorial commemorates the red army troops who fell in the battles against nazi germany. in the aftermath of that war germany and europe were divided until the berlin wall came down. but the hopes for peaceful coexistence in a united europe have yet to be realized. nearly 30 years later russia
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seems bent on dividing europe again but this time with the help of right wing extremists. the edu run up to the. ox 21 this is all to some countries. just the european ideal news develops in full that was. created in the. next g.w. . as it once was it was a good guy just better. but then countless tragedies unfold.
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my uncle was a slope that everyone in this job no way for us to live there such a german. jews or iraqis want us to. remember down in 45 minutes on. what secrets lie behind these me. find out in an immersive experience and exploring. fascinating world cultural heritage sites. d w world heritage for 60 get. that we need a political and devalues place in europe. in our hearts and minds we all share a longing for europe. you
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really emerged from the idea that there should never be another major war and that we should see ourselves as one i think that is a very very lovely idea and one that makes sense. with the european parliamentary elections around the corner we wanted to know what are the main concerns of people here at the moment. what if it is and what are they hopes. us $21.00 travels across the continent meeting a range of creative people. tell me station in rome the focus is where programmers and tourists arrive to
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discover the eternal city 3000 years of european history all concentrated in a very small space buildings that date back to the roman empire the vatican and other architectural masterpieces. the frome is also a place where refugees and other migrants have gathered hoping for a better life and you're a man. though they're not always welcomed by the local population. and italy's interior minister has even threatened punitive measures for organizations that rescued refugees from the mediterranean and bring them to italy with initial. it's clever propaganda such bills are against the law and the constitution so it's legally impossible even if he says it's possible that in their law a.j. and i must add that if we take it out once again he's managed to ensure the topic
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hits the headlines 530 feet up about equipped with a member up agin this is a strategy to occupy all the space in the media. maniac eagle and we caught up with of one of the country's cognitive space even more by is a writer francesca melandri has no problem expressing uncomfortable truths her novel sunway to stow or writes blood looks at the causes of racism it links today's refugee crisis to the darkest chapters of italian history this journey into the italian soul also tackles european illusions. no now we have all been missed so for a long time i didn't realize how much italy's president or much more europe's present is intertwined with the colonial past possible money on and on i will make up the top. of all that there in could he meant that up with the day i didn't understand how incredibly direct the links are between what we are experiencing
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here in europe now and i say that very consciously on colonialism. the writer spent 10 years researching her novel she is featured in a documentary that accompanied her to it the opiah where she explored italy's colonial history in what was then known as a city or fascist dictator benito mussolini invaded of a city a in 1935 and incorporated it into his new. roman empire hundreds of thousands of lives were lost as a result of italian imperialism. band fascist italy developed its own racial theories but after the 2nd world war these and the atrocities committed in the colonies were passed. not a fact because this failure to face the past meant that this racism which is part of italy's history sank like
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a subterranean river among few myself that about. it though began to guard and since democracy's antibodies are no longer effective and what was once impossible to say is now i no longer a political to boot it's suddenly acceptable to say terrible things in public i mean that so racism has returned in this dominating public discourse and it is. the legacy of the toxic policies of colonialism remains in her novel francesco melandri indicts italy's africa policies of the past 85 years and those who are gaining political capital from the migrant crisis. between even those out of metal men to be. used as a scapegoat to avoid talking about the real social problems in italy alley the lesser shit that is so not needed in that flick the massive economic crisis the
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high unemployment and the terrible prospects for young people when it didn't meet. the european economic community was created in rome in 1957 this was the 1st step towards the european union a founding member italy is now europe's problems child with the populist parties in power campaigning against the e.u. with somewhere not a more this government has really poisoned the discourse around the social interaction butt. italy also has strong antibodies and italia the battle isn't over yet. no one can predict the outcome in court so it's not political if you're.
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in budapest reminders of the glory days of the austro hungary an empire about remnants of the communist era have largely been swept aside and those in power would prefer to forget 2004 as well that's the year hungary joined the european union. for viktor orban and his governing party fidesz the e.u. is the enemy on election posters that declared war on the block and its immigration policy is it's no coincidence there is no e.u. fact flying at the hungary and parliament often a source of controversy m.p.'s from far right party jobbik even threw one out the window. into the e.u. flag also plays a role in this new film a pro european activist tries to hang one up this scene was inspired by an event in real life. is there.
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in hunter's film the protagonist is suddenly confronted by the police. are. missed. then why did was they didn't shoot this scene in hungary and naturally we changed the characters yet. in reality a man perform this action fear if you do in the film a woman does a. shooting this scene in hungary it would have been impossible feel awkward but it was. we do have been denied permission right from the start for that there were. several trying to skirt around this problem by shooting his new film in romania using drama students and film students his low budget production is aimed at the international market. we do is no stranger to this scene he took part in the berlin international film festival back in 2010 with this ought film with an unusual aesthetic
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a woman fights for her daughter while revealing her past. why do doesn't want to be reliant on either government approval or funding he makes his films independently as a good reason for that in 2014 while attending the toronto international film festival he gave an interview that criticized the regime in hungary after that he received no more funding for his films he came to realize excepting money from the state cost you your independence. everything is cleansed. now there's hardly any area which you could say is truly independent. certainly not in the artistic sector anymore. in 2013 the national theatres openly gay artistic director or bad ferdi was sacked
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the government wanted hungary's cultural institutions to strengthen a national identity or merely entertain the media has also become increasingly. new one sided and those in the independent art scene find it hard to secure rehearsal or performance spaces. is currently writing a new play which will be performed in this apartment. and as a gallery and cultural forum. a place for artists to exchange ideas and for counter culture just fine back in communist times. showing good meat yet. it is with me here we perform our place in just a few square metres of space. sure. the audience sits around us is usually around 40 people mag normally the host of the salon provides some snacks and drinks after
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the performance. and discussions with the audience provide a real sense of community. because the. sample choice do has found his niche yet more and more hungry and see no future for themselves and the country half a 1000000 have left during all bands time in office. he will shouldn't view europe as the messiah who will save them there's also civil resistance and it's these initiatives that those in power fear most. the young momentum party wants an open democratic hungry that will work with the e.u. and it's gaining momentum by the day. clearly and germany germany is a founding member of the european union it's the member state with the largest population more than 80000000 people it's that's also the biggest net contributor to the use budget. and that's how shit is a photographer
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a chronicler of our time. she came to then says she is just before the wall came down to a city that reflect. german history like no other such as the ferry through the german capital along a bus route that shows how very this city is. imo this route crosses the whole of berlin going from a poor multicultural and trendy district to the kuta which everyone knows and on to the corner vault with its villas. capped and i have a feeling many people want to talk get things off their chest and someone with a camera can provide a good mirror come out of and that's what i speak. and they say how shields photos are timeless classic. they portray an affluent society whose affluence is not shared by all. the photographer takes
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a time before pressing the shutter she speaks to people listens to them and i have a beer. or 2 sisters after a bruising night it's 1030 at the water holes are regulars feel at home in this traditional pub hard to months coming years until the. tales of woe and hope. our shields pictures also reflect the political in the person. 10 years ago she made portraits of an aspiring generation . in europe at a time when more and more countries were joining the european union. hoping for a better future for a share of its promising potential. also of course there was a real spirit of european optimism there was very little criticism back then for
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the young lot of aat all of a sudden young people had a chance to move anywhere to train anywhere basically in the us been to gain. but this spirit of optimism has just. period the photographer's most recent work focuses on the edges of europe on the refugee situation in the mediterranean. so they are. trying not to focus so much on the refugees so much as on the helpers the organizations which in my opinion stand for these european values. those who have said we're needed now and we see ourselves as europeans with humanitarian aspirations as people. and to mention she thinks that europe should not only offer promise but also bear responsibility as should germany after all the country is stable has a strong economy and an intact democracy. from the visiting for one thing i think we should lead the way higher near us than we also because i think that's how we're
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seen from the outside america seems to have an incredible appeal this isn't the case in germany but it still is in europe us. 4 years ago chairman chancellor angela merkel decided to go it alone she opened the borders to over a 1000000 refugees without e.u. support. and she called for optimism we've done so much we'll do it but many in germany disagreed they fear that germany would be overrun but it would not be able to manage far right movements on the rise here as elsewhere too and polarizing society and too many hasn't completely recovered from the 40 years it was divided after the wall that the wall fell 30 years ago the scars of far from healed. appear to be valid beginning to understand for the 1st time what a long reach history really has how it shapes us and how little things have actually changed in the short time since 1909. things have changed outwardly but
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it's still clear that there were 2 very different systems i'd say that divided germany still very much lives on. is germany fragile after all. can it be a pioneering force in carrying everyone with that well keeping in the mind trained on its past. the heart of europe beats 400 kilometers east of paris in strasbourg on the border between france and germany. it's the heart of the old continent.
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and of the new one it's the official seat of the european parliament. but there are also other venues in the city that are talking politics. marco. don't learn. new e.q. . good. protests against the president's reforms have been raging on the streets of france's big cities for months now. the neglected province against the rich capital. the underprivileged against the elites. stanislaus not day an actor and the director of straw sports and national theatre decided to explore the social tensions on stage. of course. in france there are no children of factory workers or of agricultural workers among
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the elite there's a kind of sticking together and i think there's a form of blindness it's also indicative of a more general problem in our western democracies. in all of society really represented by elites. this is the rehearsal for the edouard louis play who killed my father the writer adapted his book of the same name especially it's a polemical work against francis social policies to say. big clue if you want you'll talk with your mom the. leaders in the dock workers as characters on stage. installed in the story about her father is about exactly those people who don't come to our fantasy telling their stories is a 1st step.
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the theatre wants to give all sectors of society of voice and a stage and this approach is also that of the theatres drama school all full scale use of. france is very much behind the theatre scene is desperately want this does not render society. so if it is. not de is working to change the ensemble so that it reflects french society better with all its ethnic groups and all its social differences if positive discrimination is needed to recruit young people from less educated families so be it he thinks that otherwise everything will stay the same. straw sports national theatre is the only one to enjoy special national theatre status outside of paris many small cities don't have any theatres at all centralisation is one of france's major problems and there was a huge gap between the center and the periphery but. also there are many regions in
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france which happy limited access to the internet and to a culture which you could say the same thing there's a lack of common sense a lack of good will. at the moment as a control to see because so much money has been to rebuild not. only there are magnificent monuments all over france which are crumbling and nobody cares so yes there is something in france which is very damaged. this imbalance is also reflected within europe itself. this is the subject of fall creates this play i am europe which studies last nor did a staged at the beginning of the year. and . let me tell you that. we are. so not only france is in crisis what is no day's vision of europe.
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it's a place where people come together because they have something to say to each other not just because they want to trade things cannot make arguments are not enough it's not enough to say that france alone wouldn't be able to negotiate free trade agreements that's a bad argument i think people need to have something to dream about. dublin is building the future on the banks of the river liffey. for many years the docklands area was poor now it's a lively business hub where many i.t. giants have their european headquarters multinationals were drawn by low corporate tax rates and flexible labor laws now they declare their worldwide revenues here
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and save billions but they've also brought money to the country and jobs as a result however housing and general living costs have exploded. members of the folk band to line come a very unhappy about the general economic situation but they scrape by somehow the group are hearses in a ratty pizza kitchen in a working class district of the city this is where they wrote most of their songs. c maybe artists musicians codes for an
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so much easier way of making a living book for us now the way most people i think that i know who are like living as artists or musicians they're just living on the dole basically also to go boy to dollars like the artists wage. they're going to scraping by and entered our day jobs yeah a lot of artists the musicians or whatever would have a page and then trying to work. whatever. the government has tended to take the attitude that market forces will self regulate but in dublin the results are clear there is the economic miracle on the one hand and grinding poverty on the other friends in dublin have risen by almost 70 percent since 2012 there are more and more homeless people. some 20000 people are waiting for social housing and well qualified young people are leaving ireland because they can't afford the rents.
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that. is the. fashion here. emigration has been a major problem for the island for well over a century and a half now in the 18th forties a 1000000 people died in the great famine and up to 2000000 people emigrated mass migration continued in the 20th century the country which was under british rule for centuries remained. after island joined the european union in the early 1970 s. the situation began to improve by the mid 1990 s. the country had earned the nickname of celtic tiger the victors write history the saying goes but in ireland they say it's the losers who sing their songs. so there's always being the kind of aspect to folk music where some corner of like
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rebellion the author of the area of nature i suppose that would be an element that we're picking up on over. the financial crisis of 2008 island very hard causing the property market to collapse and plunging the country into recession many banks and financial institutions faced bankruptcy so ireland received a bailout from the eurozone now its economy is on the rise again. thanks to questionable tax incentives. it has reopened old when a lot of things are in the open at the moment. one of them is like the rest of europe really gets to see the kind of like that we've had to deal with for the last a 100 years but the hands of the british mean i think if we were and if we didn't have looked at backing of the big e.u. states at the moment we'd be you know we would be just totally destroyed. you know we do steam rolled over by the british want one of the don't think we would.
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recover chance very sad and mentions skeptical about the idea of europe becoming more centralized body hopes that the members of the european union will continue to stick together just like he and the other band members are doing and drag his kitchen. data in. the back. which way for europe as the continent goes to the ballot box we took the pulse from italy to i live.
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in iraq. as are nuns once it was a good guy and just barely a day. but then. countless tragedies on full. time
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was a slogan everyone knows don't let go of the way for us or live there sergeant turn to give up. the joys of iraq with us to. remember baghdad 15 minutes on t.w. . closely. listen carefully. to suit the needs to do a good. match. discover the world.
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subscribe to the documentary on you tube. plus 90 the news channel for an independent view on current affairs in turkey. the latest developments accurate analysis. reports with comprehensive background next week for the summit and political and social topics considered from different perspectives. we cover the issues that move turkey on a unique platform for information. plus 90 connects to an unbiased agenda subscribe now on you tube. some say that you need to. listen. we came into this world were in it together. each of us can leave
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a mark. there we can make a real difference at why you are a solid. nabs why we vote. this is d.w. news live from berlin early results for most really is election pointed to a shock when the vote counting underway projections show the opposition labor party failing to capitalize and only in opinion polls instead the country's ruling
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conservative coalition looks set to hold on to power also coming up. with austrians vice chancellor heinz close attention resigns that's after the far right leader was filmed allegedly offering government contracts in exchange for campaign donations. i marion i haven't seen it's good to have you with us a shock outcome and an australian election that polarized voters scott morrison is conservative coalition appears to be headed for re-election morrison one power less than a year ago becoming the 3rd conservative prime minister since 2013 he ran a campaign centered on his personality and on the risks posed to the middle class by the opposition labor party's tax policies. it's still unclear if morrison is
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going to win that majority government or have to rely on the support of conservative independents. well following the australian election is the reporter jared regency in the studio with me so jared what is the latest you can tell us this really was supposed to be the on lose of bill election for bill shorten the leader of the left opposition labor party but now it's looking like it's turning into a nightmare for him the a.b.c. which is the strategy is national public broadcasting is predicting that the center right government will win the federal election but they cannot say whether it will have a majority or minority government this is a massive upset for weeks now polls have been predicting that the labor party would be able to form a majority government indeed the exit polls today showed that and this is a completely different result was everyone had been expecting of course the
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question now is can we trust opinion polls i've seen people like the result bill shorten being hillary clinton of all of this election he kind of always being unpopular but these people had expected he said he would be able to form a government so an unexpected result of the final result of course will not be known at least for another several hours jared this was called the climate change election was this the central issue on voters' minds it certainly was one of the central issues repeated. voters put climate change up the top of their concerns they seeing the effects of climate change around them you know astray you had its hottest year on record last year various weather patterns that are unusual there was. a desire in the community for a real climate policy which other governments have failed to do the labor party put
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forward a very ambitious goals to you to address climate change and climate policy but it appears. they really failed to connect with voters on these in comparison and the government has done very little to address climate change they're still very big backers of traditional energy sources like coal and liquefied natural gas it looks like this is what the voices have chosen well maybe it's safe to say that there's been quite a bit of drama in australian politics we've seen quite a number of prime ministers come and go are voters fed up though with all this yes they are in this survey showed that they were having a prime minister one day and another prime minister the next because there have been something like 7 in 12 years now although scott morrison who is the incumbent prime minister he's been in the job 9 months it's looking like a you will not be getting a new prime minister that they'll be keeping the one they do have perhaps certainly
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in the top job. some stability i guess all right jared reed monitoring the results of this trail as election thank you so much well to austria now where vice chancellor and far right leader hines. has just announced his resignation from the country's coalition government was forced to step down after germany's spiegel magazine and newspaper published a secretly recorded video from 2017 well the video appears to sow offering government contracts in return for campaign donations earlier he made this statement just keep. this still a look to do and yes we still want to implement the government's program. we stand by that programme because we are responsible for australia and its people. and i cannot be the reason this does not happen. i do not want to provide the grounds for
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the destruction of this government which option roll was the goal of that illegal grubby smear. yourself people. at 11 am i met the chancellor sebastian courts then i offered him my resignation as vice chancellor of austria. and he accepted that. well news of the existence of that video broke on friday after it was sent to those german media outlets and its contents could not have been more devastating for austria's far right figurehead. it was a revelation that would cost the austrian vice chancellor his job and it seemed time to hurt his freedom party as a campaign for the european parliament experts say the secretly taped footage is authentic it shows. a fellow party members spending several hours in
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a house on the spanish island of it be months before austria's 2017 election they're talking to a woman purported to be a russian millionaire who appears to be offering to buy austria's biggest newspaper and to guarantee positive coverage of their party. as soon as she takes over the krona newspaper we need to be very frank we'll have to sit down together and talk openly the newspaper will have to go boom boom boom or 3 or 4 people need to be pushed 3 or 4 others will have to be kicked to the curb and then will bring in 5 new people that will coach. the recording also contains discussions of how to conceal the donation to the party she has heard offering lucrative government contracts in return as well as punishing industrialist hands peta has. the head of the stop by a conglomerate. if we become part of the government i promise you one thing china won't get any more contracts the identity of the woman posing as the russian is
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unclear admits to requesting the meeting in this discussion in relation to all topics i have always referred to the relevant legal provisions and the need to comply with the austrian legal system. and with straka now resigning his post this scandal has shaken austria's political system to its core. well joining me now in the studio is void of vitamin schmidt he's an investigative journalist at the magazine dish which published extracts of this covert video some mr smith thank you so much for joining us now we've just seen the vice chancellor of austria resign in the wake of this damaging video being published is this the outcome that your publication expected by publishing it. didn't expect it but we thought it might be a possibility because the video it's really damning it's. the things he talks about the way talks about things so we didn't expect it but we thought it might be
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a possibility well the video seems very carefully planned and filmed in good quality and executed but we do know that nowadays there's a lot of technology that can doctor videos that can be faked are you certain that the video is authentic that we are absolutely certain the thing is we got ahold of the video and we of course knew it's. all those questions you know we thought we have to make sure that it's not a fake that it's not been doctored so we asked 2 experts with their institutes to check out if there's any. way you can tell that it's been manipulated and there's had no it's not manipulated. and we asked for an sec experts to look if it's the same people if it's the place a location if it's a location we think it is and they checked and and so on and so on so we were. sure that it's not been manipulated and that's the real shows a real real politicians but then again they didn't deny anything in so. perhaps
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solution or that's that it's real and it's shows what they were saying there and it was well both your magazine dish people and those you don't ship tied to a newspaper have been reluctant to name your source but what can you tell us about where you got your hands on this video or at least how you obtained the video that's right we can't talk about sources we never do that and understandably. the thing the thing i can tell is that we heard about the existence of the video a while back but we actually took this month and we got a hold on it and the hands and then we would check that and we'll make sure that it's not been manipulated and. we were. we thought it's in the public interest to to publish parts of it and because people need to see the information or the way because that's a talks about politics and about media and so on and so on and so in the public
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interest to see i would say his real face so you mentioned that you've actually had this video already for about a month is that going on we got it this month you received it this month ok so you've had it for a while let's say and yet the timing of its publication is also quite significant we're seeing european elections just a week from now there's this far right rally taking place today in milan was this intentional to release it now we didn't have the intention to release it just right now but we got like i said we got it this month so that was i don't know a couple weeks weeks ago and we just needed to take the time to really check that it's time to get israel and it's almost 7 hours long and shot from different angles in different rooms. and we had to have to transcribe and translate parts of it parts of his russian so it wasn't that easy to say ok let's just publish it the
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next day we had to ask those experts from those institutes of hono for instance which was of involved for example and we asked them to to to to look at their real thorley so that took some time and now we have to we have to publish it and you know people have asked us if we would have sat on it till after the election and why didn't you publish before the election so it's it's a tough call all right boy if the to mention it to an investigative journalist at the magazine spiegel thank you so much for your time welcome thank you. well the austrian vice chancellor was forced to pull out of a rally in milan today that's where an alliance of far right parties from across europe is meeting ahead of next week's european elections they're hoping to forge a new grouping in the e.u. parliament following that vote the event in milan is being hosted by italy's deputy premier and interior minister matteo salvini who is also a leader of the far right elite party among the most high profile speakers expected
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are moving in the pan of france's national rally and the leader of germany's far right a deep party your miten. our correspondent covering that event for us and joins us now from milan so this event is of course being hosted by italy's foreign deputy prime minister matteo salvini what is he hoping to achieve today. and what she wanted to do was have a triumph here in the piazza. in milan to because he wanted to show that he can after years of squabbling unite all of the extreme right wing parties in europe and what the ultimate goal of that is is to form a big and strong coalition in the european parliament in order to change e.u. politics in order to drag the problem into the rights and influence lawmaking of cory's and one particularly
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a more salvini is to change the rules for the euro he wants to make them much looser because he wants more money to spend more money in italy and increase the italian dad something that the northern countries germany for instance have so far always said no to so that is what he wants and of course the fair throws a shadow over what was supposed to be a wonderful triumphal afternoon here in milano barbara do you think it's likely that they'll somehow mention this scandal in austria at today's far right rally. we don't know yet but there have been already reactions marine le pen was asked what she said to it and 1st she said no she wouldn't comment this was austrian domestic politics but then she said no i mean we have to look at the timing off this publication and wasn't it suspicious that it came just a week before the european elections so of course there are quite
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a spear received theories now beginning to emerge and so obviously himself has already reacted in a sort of a billycock way of painting himself as a victim. of all sorts of attacks from the outside against his plans so there are the 1st ripples appearing on the surface off this far right to gathering here in italy our idea w.'s reporting for us from milan we thank you for that. here watching to tell you news up next a look back at baghdad's once thriving jewish community in america evanston from all of us in berlin thanks for watching. shifting powers the old order is history the world is religion izing itself and the media's role is keep the topic in focus of the global media forum 29 change today
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one out of 2 people is online who are we following do we trust to beijing and shape the future at the touch of a live global media for 20000000 changed. its tune in the morning and when she is getting ready to go to iraq. he's a jewish north london with a point to prove. who is going to even believe that there were jews in iraq. i can no longer carry on living as if nothing else happened my son that he was born in finchley and this was where his ancestry started.
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we have gotten possible off iraq and i would not let go. edwin wants to buy a house north of baghdad it's so that he can say the iraqi jews still have a stake in their homeland because no as a movie like this is being taken as long as our house is revolt the jews of iraq. we are still there. and that gives me the sense of belonging. for decades baghdad has meant violence. and the last place most people would want
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to call home especially the jews. but it wasn't always soon. no diamond got no further still i think i am a lucky god of the sun and the molding up of all of mine. i 1st came across the jews of baghdad when i was asked to catalog an archive. it belonged to the family of david dunn goal. when david's father was born there were 140000 jews in baghdad. they made up nearly half the city. few people in baghdad now remember them. through their houses and old synagogues are everywhere.
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edwin has arrived in baghdad looking for his roots. i feel. i was finished with this place. i always and it was great. because when i go people. on the road. crazy. i feel. bad for. edwin was he just being flowery. iraqi jews are the ones unsung. the ones who were captured and taken slaves. the ones who sang by the waters of babylon there we sat down and wept when we remembered zion. they stayed and
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wrote the great book of jewish law the babylonian talmud. they were below the muslims in society but they ran their own a says as babylon became mesopotamia and as mesopotamia became iraq. back in london i went to meet david goes on this. they were born on the banks of the tigris when iraq was ruled by the british. now a lean and doreen live in flats one above the other if this is my father the chief of iraq. it was hanging in the. back that to show the life was good. in the. face. his speech was that. we don't have religion it's we are all iraqis jews and christians were all
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iraqis it was a good time it was very it will spend a day. this paradise was created by the british who took but 1970. this little boy being pulled along into a british time is it means constant david kalash. on his father's farm near the town of pop and. i want to end it with the world. by a father and stick relation with their. i mean diverted you. to believe . they were like a brother but i say like a brother like a brother i mean they are they come to our whole we who are to their whole we were just like part of one house and my father. can speak
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english they were the rule of. if you are in line with the british neither of you can be that the no 2 will iraqi jews were in line with the british i met salim fatah in israel and i many others like me the people close so the british. robey our responses. our are you and do you or you are trying to tell us what to do we don't want any foreigners here we want to own ourselves by ourselves grow up and for free you have nothing to go to go. but when british rule ended in 1902 the oilman didn't go home. the m m i did king of this little known country meet with directors of the have to credit him company by sheer
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magic's give the authentic that have touch. not attempt to have any other kind of i like it was independence. on terms i were to say. their reality lost. while the government. the british. but the british were not the only ones after iraqi oil. as disaffection with the british who the germans promoted hitler as a liberator. and in 1983 my camp was translated into arabic. i met sure the national who was a child in basra. there was a famous say. but in the sky it clover on the ground. here whether i missed
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a lovely summer or feel of the vehicle over. it sounds that football game. the nazis key arab supporter the grand mufti of jerusalem came to baghdad in 1039. the jews did not understand what happened in iraq. with the mufti and with the influence of the nicest during the thirty's they are in danger to his heart and then just. moved in moved into this house on the banks of the tigris in baghdad next door to david's family the dangour was. in early 1941 the movie was to hit. your excellences great
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fear of. the palestinian problem has united all the arab states and the mutual hatred of the english and the jews. that ups are willing to shed their blood in the holy war and the oil flow for england. great futa my wishes for a long life and chinese victory. the public mood in iraq turned against the monarchy and in much $941.00 the region fled with the boy king leaving iraq to the fascists and its oil to the germans. once again the british invaded. the field out there for the 1st came over a little bit of an awful. lot of it on. every other but if it had all the rebels all of a load of. the nationalist or defeated completely by the end of may. the
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half escalations who is the object that can be a victim for this is frustration the truce. i met just bare on spend machine television. she was living in the suburbs and her family didn't realize anything was wrong my grandfather went chopping he was beaten very badly they called him you know our jewish you know our english and he was beaten and he was bleeding all over. that night a riot started. in jerusalem i found a man who was in the center of baghdad the muslims evaded the jewish quarter we knew of the day out this way or the other bill will kill jews.
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all night we were up there on the roof. frightened to death waiting for something bad to happen they were banging on doors and breaking people shouting crying. we heard the crowd coming on the stairs my father note to the neighbors he said please give us every few words. with a bird called his god and they started to cross us to the other side. my uncle. who was a slaughter. is part of the business both of them they live together that die together. share the class where they stopped the process and took which was outside
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and they killed. our neighbors were muslims. and to my mother. and hardly ever they were very good friend. she approached me. and god bless her calea as they came to our house to a stronger and big one interest of their. own cheap look stick to the us for 3 days. she saved our life. after 941 with the money to keep back in place iraq was a piece of the rest of the war. the most he fled and went to. the dang the house where he lived and the kids got to play in the most he's got.
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the warhawk he's touched them there were parties every night the community was living in a bubble. they were not touched by the holocaust and they were living as if there was no war and nothing has happened much. so busy my father was very happy to to to stay all in baghdad. david chmagh she's davydenko as neighbor in london as he was in baghdad when they were children. there's always hope that a bad episode was a one off and it won't repeat itself. with a certain amount of wishful thinking but. the truth in it. but the less well off jews were wary. they saw the right during the war as
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a warning. suited her belly joined a secret cell chi cheryl followed. there's ours who are we continue. to hone call you didn't begin the shares do but no more lawyer. last sort of call the house all the iraq. said. today he teaches kids at the babylonian museum mentality. and he's bringing his replica guns to tell them about how scientists working for the creation of israel came to train them in fact that why don't you tell a little more shoe industry can use. a given course if you. are thomas kushal how to. cook pasta can cook.
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you should rush how much of. the kenyan pact i design ists were essential to the jewish leader david and korean . he was building his new country and he wanted a 1000000 immigrants to people it and to defend it. at the time thought. out it would bring bring the jews here. because we don't want to happen. today i know you can bring them so it's bring the jews. around spend most shame decided to learn hebrew the choice 9 which is the new state i don't know of all the people that came to study with me. we went far far away in the desert somewhere near or. near the river or somewhere very
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far nobody lives there not a soul of the. first lady of the world that busy. we had pickled eggs. they were talking about this or it was like the end like either but all the movie that so everybody was interested though. in may 948 palestine was partitioned to make way for the new jewish homeland israel . the dream came true that the zionists. and a nightmare began for the jews still living in the arab world. from egypt from france jordan and from the north with support of other arab states palestine is invaded as the united nations looked for ways to stop the war.
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raging erupted out of palestine and ignited in the streets of iraq. the fierce the tough and when israel won the war the iraqi government of the time mostly only against the jews over they were a very difficult situation the 1950. jews were fired from government jobs and the people who today shops. jews closed their businesses they do not bear to go through the streets. they hang. jewish people for the zionism and their land over to foregone the music. so everyone and the story that there was
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no way for us to leave their. money open the door was. a deal funded by american scientists with sweetness for the prime in a. his family allowed for the choose to renounce their iraqi citizenship and leave . at 1st the take up was slow. some people didn't want to go they had their jobs and their money and their houses . my parents were not violent they were jews. they have all the whatever it do you used to do in holy days and all and in the synagogue there was not really a sign. but then a series of bombs went off in jewish districts of baghdad although the government
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accused and then hind to zionists for doing it in order to drive in the creation. no one believed them now they were afraid or they are throwing bombs in the synagogue so we have to move so they went to register all of the 700000 when the register in the synagogue so we were about 220000. the minute they close the list of all those wanted to go jerusalem they confiscated all the money in the banks or what you had you can't sell i'm moving you can sell your house you can sell not even a friend. that's on and we left iraq with them pounds. throughout the summer of 1951 planes flew continuously from baghdad to television. until
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120000 iraqi jews were carried away. but the welcome wasn't what they were expecting. looking like creatures from the arabian. it's a colorful sight but scarcely a pretty one. a sort of weird costume ball on poles in front of you music bizarre but. it's what. they can see there that people have no cause to be god does not exist the our language is the language of the enemy and they'd be fine. black people. were the start of these people may have been well to do or even wealthy but you me until now for they are all penniless.
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basically the message just came back guys don't rush for god's sake we rush to this place and we sitting in tents with a russian. in 1951 life for edmonds family under the monarchy was comfortable. to leave. along with 7000 when. they stayed on. and when has left the safety of the hotel to look for his childhood home now sandwiched between the notoriously violent such a city and the river. the area is controlled by a shia militia. the taxi driver is nervous and of course for the more she. can possibly lost so much. the love of. a father
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was shot early on with an upbeat. otic africa's going to the police. but cut them cut them cut them up we have got. them adoption of the b. of. the g. the b. of you know how that doesn't require. a lot of bit other bit you know the. it well go for the ball go. oh my god. oh my god. the solution. to the floyd way way way way. that there should be no paul they got it how do you how difficult we know but sure but how do you think i would be out of by sheer number of. why do you think you always have a noble mark on the book. well i would. like to.
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when i saw the house in perth. that you have to leave your old home. like a criminal. case difficult to put myself into the cauldron of boiling motions. on bijou who always lived here. as a kind of a feeling of belonging. just out of the mob of others that i'm going to buy but can i didn't jewish. how'd of could be a goof what i left out of on the other shot of him and him should be you know most of it without without any of the heart at all of will of about that guy but the courage to do we reduce human who has not edwin is still in his old neighborhood trying to find his family's synagogue it's called me
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a twig. and it's now the only maintained synagogue in iraq used. that it took it up at the. may 28th is still standing. when saddam hussein needed to please the americans hearing street to be preserved. but it's too dangerous for jews to actually worship. baghdad was the center of the jewish world for over 1500 years. they were at the color mode babilonia called mord. why isis is put so much into iraq. i can't leave. with
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a fact that my grandfather is very dear. and that we've abandoned him and we just say goodbye but. could play minutes with a. good boy everything. we don't know gave in the back. while it was egyptian president it makes a public appearance following caesar of this is. seen by the 1st when soon with took place my father could see that it was a momentous thing happening in the middle east. it was the 1st time that nationalism assisted itself i remember he used to listen to
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news day and my. he couldn't get away from it one minute the women i mean probably david douglas mother said to my mother who are not happy. you could feel a kind of anxiety behind the sort of facade of easygoing life. our house was on the riverfront and the royal palace was on the other side we work up to the sound of gunfire. started must have been. sort of 1st light. the radio came on announcing the army had taken over. 2 years after series in 1958 the monarchy in iraq was overthrown in
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a leftwing military coup. it had lasted 37 years. between premier and reassign just opposed his plan to end the republican rebels have offered $10000.00 pounds of his rent. insisting that the new one thing is a victim and is doable. this is i do karim qassam he was the leader of the revolt the idea that the king should be replaced by a republic was something strange to us and quite bewildering in some ways even though we knew very little about politics we knew something cataclysmic was happening. i was 3 years old when the coup happened everybody rushed to the balcony to watch. the prime minister for russia in the
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early site they tied his body to a car and just the usual. style of revenge would pull his body through the streets on. baghdad i remember my mother my grandmother screaming as the as the body was passed through all of the other and me squeezing between them to see what was the commotion. king faisal the 2nd in the royal family were gunned down. and the crown prince's mutilated body was displayed on the walls of the ministry of defense. in 1959 david parents finally made the decision to leave iraq we came to england when we had finally got our entry permit. my father had hoped to make his life in the land his forefathers it was set. i never went back. after the
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revolution we had to bring it down we didn't want anybody to come and see we have the king and on the war. down when we're at it. and put it away in is still rule. 2000 jews stayed after the revolution. the 1st 6 months we thought we are going to be calm when east. now even want to learn about communism with us we're out of stuff we are going to be home with. the david calash had a dealership selling fancy american cars we have what about 70 or 80 dogs. when the revolution came in we thought no boy you were day or 2 right there because our you want to go in this war or otherwise there would kill you. you corrode we're
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leaving in 6 months the government they open the embassies of the east russia embassy care because of iraq. china and these people they are starving for american cars. was going in the room with every car the streets of. the short of revolution. in 1063 with the tacit support of the cia kasem was killed in another coup by the baath party who included some old wartime fascists and a young officer saddam hussein. israel was back as an issue. and within weeks jewish passports were taken away.
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i was lucky i was really lucky. i live. in march to have a mosque 96 he said. everything changed in 67 when the 6 day war started. to clear remember coming home from school my mother picked us up. i think in our face. the traffic was stopped by police. called boy with lots of soldiers holding their guns. iran was one of 5 states fighting his trail in the 6 day war in june 1967. i remember my brother think they say you know this is very bad for us if israelis win then they're going to come back and take their revenge on us and israelis know
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as well we're all going to us anyway. he israelis one. and the consequence is wearing the jet for the 2000 jews still living in baghdad. people from the post office docked on the door opened the door myself of the house where the the colorful and so on and i just took them they pulled the cords from the wall and took all the instruments and they said i'm sorry but rules are rules jews are not allowed anymore the use of the telephone. my mother was placed immediately on the house to house arrest luckily she knew with the chief inspector of police back that he protected her. there was a lot of help from our muslim friends. in early 1969 the bath leadership laid on an event in response to the 6 day war and
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its aftermath. saddam hussein now deputy leader who's given the job of turning it into a national festival they rounded out a number of people mostly jews and they accuse them of being spies for israel and for the west when they said spy there remember my dad's complection he. was suddenly said. that doesn't sound good he knew that there probably meant the jews. show trial of the suspects was mounted in january. on the day of the trial i remember busy we were petrified all of us. suddenly we see them on television the doorbell rings and when the doorbell rings in the middle of the night even of a no for b. for everybody look at the evening and for everybody the door the there is no reason
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for their doorbell to ring alerts it's trouble sure enough it was saying help they've taken either well could. they have come to ask you to check. no matter what we tried what how we tried we could not find out where he was. for me it was like almost the end of the world. a future time or in small groups another 90 jewish men from their families. then came music danny's uncle. it was a notice like one of those adverts you sell an apartment on the 5th page in a side call of. his partner were found guilty yesterday of a spy and they will be. tomorrow morning. that was
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my turning point i guess. it was only one thought which is the same thing that everybody had just 1000 left let's get out jews were not allowed to have possible so they could leave the country. so there was no other option just. 77 to one that your school was the year you're going to school every morning you count and you look around who is left in your classroom. my mother we had an idea that she was planning to run away. but not at all of the ventures for some. very secure she tried to keep myself occupied. she was making
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a few walkie men and women in customs. plans were to go on holiday such to northern iraq as beautiful is lovely. once we were in the air is pretty much safe because they didn't have any in a must to do was us. we knew that this was a proper way to escape. ringback over $71.00 my father brought the family together and told us that. in 2 hours we depart the house wherever. we had to go through checkpoints tried to be cool. pretending to your
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holiday be jolly when you're looking at around that your sisters or younger grandmother busy was praying about lee. is it possible this soldier i would suspect here's a family that looked like you know jewish they look frightened. so when we crossed the border between arab iraq and kurdish era and the guy turned around and said you're ok. you've made it. and it was just was amazing we knew that we we were free we were just ecstatic. did you see him. unity was now down to a few 100 to. the back but his attention drifted elsewhere. 11 years after aliens passport had been taken away 6 her application for
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a new one suddenly went through. its work clothes into. we had less suitcases with us where went to a friend's house and the next morning we'll length of the f. lots and lots. in arrived in london on the 18th of december 974 leaving 280 jews in baghdad. once you leave the country and don't return waited 3 months and all your property is confiscated. and you lose your less ladies your nationality and also consider the author of the law.
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in 2003 iraq was once again invaded. an anglo-american alliance wanted to be rid of saddam and say. i'm going to be to edwin in northern iraq he's buying his house and have built the capital of the kurdish area. he wanted to join the last 5 to still living in baghdad but it's too dangerous that. which is not to say apple is safe islamic states frontline is just a short drive from a pale city center. half. right now but it's. probably a little bit off for them. i bought this house in a step in my dream. you
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know what maybe just maybe in 30405060 years time jews would reconnect with their both place. you could die with me. but if i don't see my dream in my lifetime i can least i know i set it in motion. of course i know i'm going for a bit for the behavior there i longed for but it does my body that. i knew all morning for that it was so much room. but you don't go in there.
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i don't want to go back. there's a lot of people who left baghdad in the good times so they have a nice nostalgic memory of it. i know that my memory is just marred by loss of my uncle. good rock still in awe blood. it's like a distant battle ringing in the back of a heads always reminding us where we came from. i still miss but. i wouldn't let the going out because it's all in the really.
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the places i know. i'm not the same. it's that to remember. everything as it. grows as well as the. 3 missions. move. move move. move move move move move move. move move move move move. you know. is it tedious monotonous. a waste of time.
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the most boring thing is to lunch break the boring conference is held every year in london. it's anything but. to many it sucks some of. your romance and 30 minutes to dump trucks. some time in the 26 to you my great granddaughter. what would the world be like in your lifetime and around half a century. your world would be around 2 degrees warmer. inevitably sea levels rise by at least one meeting in the central. we're going to have some climate impacts we turn greater the more we see off me. it's
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really frightening hawtrey will have to come up. why aren't people more concerned. little yellow. shorts may 31st on t.w. . this is news a live from berlin a corruption scandal brings down one of europe's high flying populous austria's vice chancellor heinz christians truck is forced to resign after the far right leader was filmed allegedly offering government contracts in exchange for campaign
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donations also coming up. early results from australia's election point to a shop winner and back to the country's ruling conservatives it looks set to retain power despite trailing in the polls. i'm michael okwu thanks for joining us austria's coalition government is at risk of collapsing after the country's vice chancellor and far right leader hines christian straka was forced to resign struck a step down after germany's spiegel magazine and newspaper published a secretly recorded video of him from 2017 he appears to show struck up offering government contracts in return for campaign donations. he was one of the biggest names in austrian politics. 2 years ago he did something that had long been
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unimaginable he brought his far right freedom party into government and the party now had high hopes for the european elections. but then this video experts say the hidden camera recording is authentic recorded before the election that brought him to power it purports to show and a fellow party member on the spanish island of it before talking to a woman posing as a russian millionaire she appears to be offering to buy stakes in austria's biggest newspaper and to guarantee positive reporting on the freedom party. as soon as she takes over the krona newspaper we need to be very frank we'll have to sit down together and talk openly the newspaper will have to go boom boom boom 3 or 4 people need to be pushed 3 or 4 others will have to be kicked to the curb and then will bring in 5 new people that will coach. the recording also contains
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discussions of how to disguise a donation to the party. is heard offering lucrative government contracts in return while aiming to punish his arch enemy construction magnate hans peta has. if we become part of the government i promise you one thing i know will get any more contracts the identity of the woman in the video is unclear. to requesting the meeting but denies wrongdoing. 7 hours it was an evening meal that went on until midnight and over the course of this conversation we insisted on full compliance with all requirements of the little made this very clear several times and i did nothing illegal. with tatas resignation the scandal has shaken austria's political system to its core. earlier we spoke to wolf in schmidt from dish beagle one of the outlets which broke this story
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we asked him whether his magazine had been expecting straka to resign. possible cause some of the things we talked about are really wary. well for viewers obviously they were really damning and he almost showed his real face and it was a different face they knew. from from the campaigns so we thought it might be possible but we didn't expect that what more can you tell us and i realize you might be hampered to some extent but what more can you tell us about the source of the video. we can't talk about the source of the video we don't comment on that because we have to protect our sources but the thing i can tell you is that we heard of the existence of this video. while back but it took till till this month that we've finally got our hands on the video and. possibility to check it to look at it it's almost 67 hours long so it took them some time to authority
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check it and make sure that it's not faked well you bring up the fact that it's not that it did it's not fake how can you be certain about its authenticity exactly. we you know it's a lot of material and we by looking at it we were pretty sure that it's almost impossible to fake all of this but of course we wanted to make sure that nobody the . temper of the the audio of the video so we asked espec sports from from institutes in germany forensic experts to take a look at it to make sure that the video and the audio hasn't been manipulated. for one thing and also it shows the real the people we while it shows those 2 positions and also it's located at the place we thought it supposed to be located because we knew the place where they supposedly met and all of that checked out and there was
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no no. well no hints or no. know what the pollution that was that could be seen so what you mention the fact that you received the video this month and some people might question you know on the eve of the european elections the timing why specifically now. well the thing is we couldn't publish right away of course because we have to check it and make sure it's not a minute for lent and so and we did that and we were sure it's authentic and we probably would have been criticized if we would have sat on it for another couple of weeks till after the election as well so the way it was a tough call but we thought we could couldn't sit on it and a lot of the full with there should be go thanks much for joining us thank you very much. struck i was also forced to pull out of a rally in milan today that's where an alliance of far right parties from across
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europe is meeting ahead of next week's european elections they're hoping to forge a new grouping in the e.u. parliament following that vote the event in the lawn is being hosted by italy's deputy premier and interior minister a tail salvini who is also the leader of the far right likud party among the most high profile speakers expected marine le pen france's national rally and the leader of germany's far right in the f.t. party morton. said. let's turn now to rebecca reuters who is richard's i'm sorry who's covering the story for us rebecca as we just mentioned the event is being hosted by deputy prime minister bhutto salvini what she coping to achieve at this rally. michael is hoping to drum up support for his newly formed europe nations and people posse they nations in freedom i'm sorry he's obviously trying to get votes ahead of next
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week's election the far right parties is 12 representing here today from the coalition that he's formed and they're all trying to drum up support both. across europe and in their domestic homes but he's also they're also trying to show united front they're hoping also to have those 2 other major parties that they'd really like to get on board that's poland's peace party and hungry days party neither of which said that they would sign up particularly poland's poncy victor opens a few days showing some interest but they're already trying to show united front here today to show that they're a party an alliance with joining i understand that some of the speakers in attendance have already given their statements what's come out of it so far. that's right my old marine le pen france is the front leader has said that
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she she hasn't taken at this rally no one has yet the event hasn't actually started but earlier she spoke from milan she said that it's looking that that this alliance could fall and could see a historic this could be a historic moment for them at the elections that they could to see go from 8th place to sick a 3rd or even 2nd which is quite a big jump forward they are looking to gain a lot more votes next week and as she said. that this could be a historic event she will she wants she's calling them a super union and she was really speaking before this event. talked earlier about changing europe with a pen european movement of all the far right political parties what exactly did he mean by that it how likely is that to happen. well that's exactly what he's trying to achieve with this alliance michael and what he hopes is is to shake up europe from within i mean earlier previously he was very speaking very anti europe very
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and he still speaking at europe but rather than breaking away from europe he wants to change europe from within he wants to get in they want to change financial regulatory policies they want to have a say on migration and how that is going to happen in europe so they really hope that they can make a difference within say to gain more support for their policies and perhaps pulling other alliances further to the right rebecca rivers joining us from along thank you rebecca. let's turn now to some of the other stories making headlines around the world thousands are marching in warsaw to celebrate poland's membership of the european union ahead of key european parliament elections next week european council president donald to ask is among those taking part opposition leaders hope to get out the pro-u. e.q. vote poland's conservative government is highly critical of the e.u.
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and its institutions. the german parliament has voted to condemn the international boycott divestment sanctions movement against israel as anti-semitic lawmaker said its tactics were reminiscent of the nazis campaign against jews the b.d.'s game prominence in the run up to tonight's eurovision song contest final being held this year in televisions. to australia now where early results in the country's election are pointing to a shock result scott more since conservative coalition appears to be headed for reelection despite having trailed in the polls morse and won power less than a year ago becoming the 3rd conservative prime minister since 2013 he ran a campaign centered on his personality and on the risks posed to the middle class by the opposition labor party's tax policy it's still unclear if more soon will win majority government or have to rely on support of conservative independents.
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d.w. reporter jerry greed has been following the australian election closely and joins me now in the studio for more. this is clearly a huge upset certainly looks like one this was meant to be an lose a bull election for bill shorten but it's really turned into a nightmare for him and the center left. for weeks now polls had been predicting that he would be able to form a new government and indeed the exit polls today after the election had been predicting this as well but it does come out the complete reverse as you say it's predicted now that the coalition government the incumbent government will win the federal election whether or not they can form a majority remains to be seen some of the interesting things we're seeing a split between the conservative and more liberal states people a likening miss to an american election result and also the comparisons being made
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to the upset when donald trump in 2016 people are asking is is bill clinton is bill shorten i should say the new hillary clinton but yeah this is a pretty sweet victory for prime minister what exactly went wrong for the labor party this is something that i guess they'll be pouring over in the next days and weeks but i think it comes down to policy they presented a very ambitious climate action and tax policy and in comparison the government didn't present that much in the way of policy and perhaps for the labor party it was too much to. overwhelm devotion is consistently ranked climate change as the number one issue concerning them and when you put them side by side it was the labor party who had a more ambitious way of tackling that box it seems like they couldn't really
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connect. with the i think personality as you mentioned played a pot to bill shorten was involved in the downfall of prime minister and i think there was a suspicion in the community about where is scott morrison probably they found more watchable. well no one in the public at least very few people were expecting this outcome what does this actually mean now for the voters i think it really we have to see how how the cards fall in the palm and if scott morrison is able to form a majority then then it's a him but if he caught then he'll have to rely on the support of conservative leaning independents and that will affect his policy agenda. a succession of prime ministers something like 7 in the last 12 years. be a new one today it doesn't look like that will be the case looks like some more continuity in the prime minister's office thanks so much for that update.
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the very ron was already one of the world's most expensive cars now there's a version built of lego bricks and it's priceless after 8 months of development and more than 10000 hours of construction time. is ready composed of more than $1000000.00 lego bricks to passengers and top speed just over 20 kilometers per hour so for it's not for sale. you're watching the news up next behind the week's biggest headlines in world stories that's after a short break on michael o'connor stated.
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an action packed life. anything's possible as long as our coffee and his friends can drink. this movie theater in kenya as dot dot refugee camp. his life story many of ground to a halt. 27 years ago but there's no holding back his dreams. thank you for watching. cinema starts may 27th on a w. on this edition of world stories. 8 for the children of c.b.s. . the ghost of lake the toy. we start out in sudan since
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the end of the all 3 terran regime of all model but sheer the military and opposition have been trying to form a new government 60 people lost their lives in the putsch what remains of their families and their grief sheriff fights back tears when she cooks white beans with rice that was his son patrick his favorite dish. died in clashes during saddam's uprising. sheriff misses him terribly. i just have to say i'm up. i can't eat this i can only prepare it for others but it's really hard for me. all i can say is make god be with us. this is their last family photo together babbitt who was sheriff is only son his sisters are still in shock as well as his father who works as a legal advisor in saudi arabia every day shower for spends
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hours gazing at the photograph. so you go work for them but i miss him so much his jokes the way he looked after his sisters my whole life revolved around him and from one moment to the next everything changed he's gone i never got the good the bad i got the but i deserve that. this video shows how doctors and because friends tried to save his life. in fact he was a doctor himself treating wounded demonstrators in the beurre quarter of khartoum. abacha had left the clinic asking security forces to clear the way to let injured people through. eyewitnesses say that's when he was shot in the back while attempts to keep him alive failed he died of his injuries a short time later. this is the daughter back because
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room his mother hasn't entered since his son's death marches on hammer high yet the government hasn't even had i will have nothing will change until the guilty are held accountable we have to see this through for everyone who's lost a loved one well nothing those in power and must be brought to justice and yadin then daniel into his room yes dental go in by sheriff adjoins the other demonstrators to shout shame on you in their demand for justice. was. as a show of support for because family as a coffee tea artist has sprayed a photo of him on the wall outside his house. our next story takes us to romania where nearly a 3rd of the population lives in poverty roma families are among the worst affected jenny russia is trying to help improve the lot of roma children in c.b.d.
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. cosman wants to get in here into this new house which looks so nice and clean because till now he and his 5 siblings have been living here in an old hot made from wooden sticks and clay this is one of the many roma settlements in romania always on the outside of the villages it's a small miracle that houses are being built here at all and which have had their hold i tried with the bank but they didn't give me a loan. my salary is too small. i had no chance to do anything to that end possibility. instead the money for the building materials comes from jenny in fashion the founder of a german aid project now. she has been helping these roma communities around seaview for more than 10 years about one in 3
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rumanians lives in poverty and the robot are the poorest of all. almost almost and you have to be able to dream of it but leave room for small miracles because that's how it all happened i didn't want to accept things as they were here. i mean it's up to. all the men have to help with the building work because jenny believes in learning to help yourself. because i don't like to look at. the money comes from private donors in germany the european union also spends a lot of money in romania 10000000000 euros every year jenny had spectra seaview she's not too keen on the e.u. funds the battle with local authorities spending them their corruption and lack of cooperation is too difficult. let me have my billing of this nation maybe they should think about sending people from brussels to those countries to see who is
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responsible for inspecting projects and finding out where all the money goes. out god's will is that overall journey things romania has profited immensely from being a member of the e.u. the infrastructure in the cities is much improved europe has also helped building schools and paying teachers but in roma settlements only one child in 5 is actually going to school more than anything else education is the key to a better future for the roma communities in romania. right wing populist in germany keep looking for ways to mitigate the crimes of the nazis leading members of the f.d.a. are trying again can they revise the currently accepted approach to remember this is. not far from berlin sachsenhausen concentration camp was one of many sites where
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people were brutally annihilated on a huge scale german world war 2. school groups come here from across europe to learn about nazi atrocities. this is sort of this is really depressing. and makes me feel very sad little as it's a horrible feeling to be here. until now there has been a consensus in german politics to ensure that the crimes of the nazi era are not forgotten especially among younger generations but the far right a.f.d. reject this they claim nazi history takes up too much school time and say the culture of remembrance is bad for germany. the effect ladies and gentlemen is quite clear young people are systematically brought up to feel guilt and shame about being german and they learn to associate germany with evil as is the us it's you know these sentiments are not just expressed in parliament 3 debates the director of the sachsenhausen memorial says sites like this are directly targeted by the far
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right. there was a group here that was either in the f.t. or aligned with it but we don't know if they were party members who were denying nazi crimes. by the public prosecutor's office is continuing but these people even deny the existence of the gas chambers. provocations like these are only part of the a if these tactics for example in the state of bottom. the party has tried to reduce public funding for memorials there is no majority support for such measures but some fear that public opinion may change. the f.t. says germany's nazi past should be seen in a wider context. we also want to focus on the positive aspects of german history because we think every nation needs positive points to identify with
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its. stressing the favorable aspects of german history is pulling the wool over people's eyes but i think it's wrong and downright dangerous we have done important work over decades taking a critical look at our own history. of political conflicts that could affect the future of germany's public memorials. a last journey goes to you tonight in the lake victoria about 250 fishermen and 10 times as many snakes they shouldn't be disturbed why emanuel knows that very well. victoria. over 150000 bugs which give a particular sound. down below them on the ground are much quieter beasts. over 1000 island in the. unique
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example of coexistence with man. but. do not be chinese snakes these are spirits of the island attached to a culture. over 100 fishermen live on the island. and the man will cut on glee is the most experienced. he has lived here for more than 35 years. an old man of the sea he has retired from commercial fishing. in one to 7 year old is the custodian of long held customs which for big killing the snakes the cobra is a believed to be the spirits of a south korean island. yes never seen a cobra attack anyone except once when he was attacked himself. or lower. you. must have angered the snake when i carried it out of the
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house so that i could sleep but it crawled back in but picked it up again and threw it out and then went to bed early i won't notice donna surely it crawled back in. but this time i picked it up and it turned its head and bit me. the snake shouldn't be harassed even if it means sharing a bed with some of. you. for that reason the snakes move freely in and out of the now since. i have lived the old you know this. is the name of the island. its traditions are rather strict no one cuts down a tree for any reason. buds to shouldn't be killed and their eggs must not be eaten. but the custom of the prohibits women on the island
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is the one that is toughest for the fishermen. say during your quote i will be good to finish your work and go home and see your family every day you know how your child spent the night to know what they read and unfortunately it's not possible here for one of the fitzroy. so can tell he has to leave the island at least once every 2 weeks to see his family. at this landing site. and tell you also so the scotch. when the fishermen meet and tell here many wants to go to the island with him but he sees that only a limited number and there are more tired and. i don't want to think that a large population would threaten the island's rich biodiversity. he suffered a couple of painful picks from the grey headed gulls. but you'd rather see seal with a mole bides and this makes the few months. is
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it tedious monotonous. a waste of time. most boring thing face to lunch break the boring conference is held every year in london. it's anything but dull. to many it sucks. your room next to. joyce. to know that 77 percent of africa are younger than thank you spy. and you know what's on the subject the 7 percent. shoes that matter to you. in
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this edition to move in uganda the country is well known for its generous refugee policies. and the 77 percent in 60 minutes. sex make. raring to me. if there is any erotic benefits remember you have to find it between the wives. the literature 100 german must reads. yeah but.
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what you have for animals kept the museum worse is one of the oldest and most allegheny breeds in europe even killings have written on that. kind out in a minute which spanish cities celebrates these amazing animals every year and with that a very warm welcome to new edition of europe and cheer us to the other stories we have lined up for you today. to go len based designers create art objects and pieces of furniture is one and. the asparagus season delight squirmy here. first center is the south and spanish city of harris has celebrated an annual festival for its residents the ferry had they come by who is the most important events here the allegheny standish horace's which take part of their pride and joy
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. the horses and their riders proudly stride across the festival grounds as the crowd looks on in admiration. of the fairy had to come by in the field as in southern spain is a joyous colorful celebration. everyone has done their best clothes to celebrate the famous spanish courses that originated here. i mean i know my nose means everything to me he's my whole life. i suppose about heritage but i'm not happy for example and you can enter 3 a bulls with the help of these horses we need them for our back and we have fun with them moose is my friend not that old fellow that. i get.
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at the festivities the women's attire is a real eye catcher. that it could be found that. this is out to pickle dress and. that was that it includes a flower in our head and launch earrings and. this is advantage stress 40 years old that in order to dance to save a yana you need a lot of frills. what began as a live stock market in 1284 has now become a public trust of all with the quest rain events and horse shows. phillipa more rain is breeds horses and is vice president of the under lucien a question association.
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issue not all rough young people look at it as completely identify with serious or even by. back in medieval times it is used to breed excellent horses. eve but it could be outed by that originated here and that brought forth from many other european breeds i mean even if that's not a well known fact anymore. i'm talking about the cost foozie and horse the end of the sea and house the spanish horse about you on the road the other. monk spread the 1st cartouche and horses 500 years ago in this monastery in your hands. they were used for field work but were also written by royalty preserving their genes as entrusted to the world's largest stud farm for this breed it was electric to her. 6 year old does so is one of the most promising stallions. in my under-study very versatile you could compete in
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any type of discipline which family is unusually even tempered and his build is well balanced. money. but the most important thing is his noblesse think that all they feel is a horse that will always give you his all and then a little more focused on must still get. a weekly show at the farm demonstrates just how elegant these horses really are as if they were dancing . and speaking of dancing at the festival and has city young and flamenco play an important role. and long after the horses have retired to their stables their fans continue celebrating deep into the night. everyone has
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their own preferences when it comes to furnishing their homes their designs either . level one plus 11 are something for those who like outstanding creations often the designs don't even show exactly what they are well this is obviously a chair but if there is special what the judges at this year's gym design award liked it a lot and gave it no less than 2 prices. this is a work of art piece of furniture. the designs by labelled one plus 11. buyers decide how they'll be used as a desk perhaps. a bar or just an eye catching accessory. studied medicine before becoming a designer. from bindon design we
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combine design and art in a single object. i was and i thought i see our objects as artworks even though we always ensure they remain functional thus you can actually use them and when not. bennett and architect of him john off both come from russia they founded their burning studio 2 years ago. the duo develop their ideas by experimenting with line shapes and cubes. often they're inspired by artists as was the case with saul winner of a german design a want. to beat us just. solo it is an artist who greatly influenced conceptual art break went. his idea was to play around with models with cubes. which is what we also tried to do with
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saul will fritz who should. play walk along with models when creating their designs having a tangible 3 d. object in front of them helps them discover both possibilities and problems. models helpless see how we can attach feats to a piece of furniture. for example what's important here what's the radius what about the corners and angles you can usually see that better with a model. people make the furniture. carpenters asho petkoff can spend a month or more on a piece. but before hand they figure out how the design can be implemented. is it a little it's quite narrow 400 by one meter 15. the i'anson only have
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digital joints and process says the surfaces to which things must be worked on 1st and which ones after it's very complex are complex. and the name one class 11 refers to their concept one stands for the prototype while 11 refers to the series 11 limited edition pieces. in brussels now when 92 exhibitors from 15 countries present their works at the collectible fair for contemporary design one class 11 from berlin is among them. i would really like their work because they're typically a diverge of art and design and when you look at the work you see it's functional but it's not your classic functional so it's quite interesting to see that that they're playful and they're in between those 2 worlds. and craft limited editions don't come cheap their pieces cost between 720000 euros there is
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treats you know no super fruit in french they're very strict i like to speak to me if you're honest and i buy a. culture of for this price or. the 2 designers have lots more ideas for new pieces their past creations will glow received winning for german design awards in 29000 alone. we're proud and motivated to keep on shelling our designs the wowing people with our works to. design all art here the boundaries are blurred but that's what makes one class eleven's creations so fascinating. staying on the subject of design but let's switch to accompli different genre
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gastronomy when it comes to top class restaurants everything is perfect lee coordinated the furnishing the crockery to decorate of elements even the restrooms but what about the waiters now. during the restaurants and the paris agency has even specialized in it you could say a catwalk for the kitchen. designers for the german fashion label target who holds love bold colors models on their spring printer ports a runway or bright pink and yellow dress is so it's no wonder that the labels creations for the 2 star restaurant temptress and munich turned out to be quite the i catch up. last year the fashion designers created uniforms for the entire kitchen and waiting staff. here and in ladies' lunch we host a ladies' lunch that each year and at one point we got this idea to make the
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uniforms which were still all from the eighty's more modern more we had so much fun . we had discovered a curtain on the ladies' powder room that had this print from the seventy's seventy's print and we used it as a stylistic elements that even the men's uniforms meant it was a big hit. many. designer fashion for restaurant staff the concept is booming in london the no uniform label has specialized in fashion for the catering profession they created 78 different looks for london's luxury rosewood hotel morton to some from denmark and lititz academy a from italy also create designs for the working environment they used to be designers or is a better model and alexander mcqueen in 2013 they founded their own label in paris called olga we felt that we didn't really belong to the fashion industry because you wanted to approach. making clothes in
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a less consumeristic way something that lasts longer. compared to. fast fashion. each style needs to suit the restaurant the looks are inspired by the architecture and design of each individual location. like here for the. it says and cooks about golem a japanese restaurant in paris the designers match their garments to the interior decoration and worked closely with the owner and cook out so she turned a card is color a concept couldn't do with just any old day but. the entire restaurant has like a great kind of home. and he wanted something in connection in connection to that and we we found his pen tone of grace are 2 elements of great playing together to create this kind of like call of blog that i do see kind of look to this
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a bit i'm very pleased with the results they are if it's a unique and they're comfortable that's important because the waiters have to wear them all day long as it was of course she. fashion design for restaurant employees isn't just about aesthetics it's also about functionality. in the beginning we would be having like washing machines washing fabric in the reflected from the kind of ingredients or we would like soy and one coffee and one and so to see how could we make like something that was really strange resilient sometimes the designers touch can only be recognized at 2nd glance when you know the specific cuts the details and that certain something. we wanted to have something instead that. i. need to because these apron is actually at the s. and it can be it can be even used without pants and they need because it really
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serves the purpose up like as a dress the 2 older designers have created fashion for restaurants around the world italian star cooksey monet toronto wanted a casual touch. sunders hotel in copenhagen preferred sleek elegance. and he said we studio. some kitchen in thailand has a clear i'm told. it's a nice compliment when the fashion appeals not only to the staff wearing it but also to the customers sometimes we've had japanese tourists who come to paris to eat who. see the brand somewhere and calls us and ask if they can pass by just buying 2 items or something like this attention to detail is what makes couture so special and manufacturers like old are now extending that same loving attention to the stasi uniforms. and now it's flame for
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something to eat white asparagus germans love it there is a true hype surrounding it green asparagus is much more a common coast it's grown in many countries why despair is only available here in germany from a pro to the end of june and then fans like me will have to wait 9 months until was beck so me one of the reasons why asparagus or white gold as it sometimes referred to is so special for many people in the asparagus you germans eat on average around 1.5 kilograms of it but it doesn't keep very well so it tastes best if it comes right from the far. there's a fine honest to harvesting the delicate spears of weiss aspirant as. one kind of asparagus field strength is here in billets southwest of. the yard of stanley's
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asparagus farm is a popular destination for daytrippers in spring they come here to buy their beloved asparagus just after it's been harvested. and the fish of when things turn green and the 1st 2 lips bloom it's asparagus time driving around here you see the fields and think soon they'll be asparagus. even the word asparagus is mouthwatering. say it's a delicacy it's typical for germany. very happy to be here to eat joy the asparagus . are european champions of growing asparagus and their leaders when it comes to eating it too on average every german consumes one can 5 kilos of the vegetable per season. sixty's of west germany. also created an asparagus miracle. production and consumption where it is better than ever for reasons that's why for me
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asparagus is a cultural asset it's not simply a trend that people are eating asparagus been eating it since the middle ages in the gardens of monasteries and at royal court on. charges has been grown in the region around bale it says 86110 percent is green asparagus which grows above ground 90 percent is white asparagus which grows underground if exposed to sunlight it will produce chlorophyll and turn green but here it's price and perfectly straight it. would be slightly but we select sandy surfaces and you can see that this is pure sound and then this asparagus can grow up straight because it encounters no. resistance the excess power the nucleus kauto. ground warms up well and that gives the asparagus its unique aroma. because despite all his and i think god is a lot more bring the knife down to the bottom of the spear cut it to call it out.
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it's easy to harvest if the head is already poking out of the ground special for oil protects it from the night at the farm asparagus is served with schnitzel in batter as if they all in the classical style with pulpit taters and hollandaise sauce. michel came for tens finally peeled asparagus into cuisine they head chef from balance to style restaurant mixes asparagus with groceries and red pepper if you couldn't follow on taking asparagus father i want to take asparagus and create an entire dish around it the side dishes garnish and saucers mustn't overpower the asparagus it should rule the plate is that. his favorite way to prepare asparagus is to saute. if you boils it then with a pinch of salt and brown sugar lemon slices and a base of butter and for a short a time as possible. some of the dishes set up for so you combine weiss and green
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asparagus like this asparagus salad. and advised to find white asparagus very elegance with a slightly bitter not the green is more brutish stronger. but the days when everyone can afford why disparate could be numbered. for wages account for over 50 percent of our costs if they increase disproportionately asparagus could once again be a food for the elites as in the 17th and 18th centuries. for the rich investments but live in calories and with a taste all the time. why susteren this is still to. i'm in spirit spring vegetables. and for all you foodies there you will find more european specialties on our you
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tube channel take a look and now for very boring events in london where people talk about comp we are a levant and trivial topics in fact the talks are boring they even sense of people to sleep just imagine listening to lectures about the smell of laundry all labels on cardboard boxes doesn't sound very exciting does it although it's organized the james ward keeps warning people that the conference is indeed very boring tickets to the events like hotcakes our report to adrian kennedy went along to find out more. life in the fast lane too much excitement i need to come down. what's this number news most boring events could be the answer. conway hole is a famous home of radical free thinkers in the heart of the mystery the boring
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conference is taking place here for the 9th time. founder james ward is master of ceremonies and a veritable titan of tedium. in my name is james ward and i need found the pouring conference a one day celebration of the mundane people marry the hope yes and the overlooked the theme is boring but the content should be focused incorporate for example write your wheeling is fascinated by the greenwich time signal. mike bates has a passion for postcards of nearby battersea park. joyce smith explains how she started collecting certificates.
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the conference is sold out so who are these people and why are they wasting their weekend here. what's the big attraction here. being bored of listening to people talking about things that they care way way to the play about a minute i enjoy science i enjoy competing and things like that trivial monday my straight the most boring thing is the lunch break that's quite which is you thankfully over james tittering likes to walk in straight lines for his film underfoot he paused once a minute to take a 5 2nd shot off the ground. things are beginning to take her child. lizzie austin's paper on the smell of laundry is accompanied by a video of a washing machine cycle.
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and live and dump as bit of audience participation holmes how intense is it does it remind you james wood has generously allowed me to take to the stage my sofa to bestow a boring price. to achieve a prize for most boring. the poor in conference. goes to joyce smith. pioneering work phone book certificates taking part in the boring conference how if you couldn't joyce more self confidence. and made me feel like it was ok not mine was in a way to be a life kind of thing. oh my connections and interests and hobbies of people shadi i was to write for them and times. at the end of the day i've gathered a lot of fun facts kind of pleasant now and made
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a lot spoken you friends. g.'s thing i could be boring i think given enough practice because you could get that for you a boring person can say is it really boring. at school. sadly the boring conference is. but i have vowed never to willfully overlook the ordinary. and the monday. and he could find out lots more about your max on our website so go to our home page or our facebook page if you go online you can also find all the details of how to enter our latest. exciting you're
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a mad girl that's all we have time for today but you will be back next week same time same place so from here in the end thanks for watching. and buy from now. on. the.
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global. audience. you know that 77 percent of africa are younger than 35. and you know what all the 77. we talk about the issues that matter to get. in this edition
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of in uganda the country is well known for its generous refugee policies. and the 77 percent and 30 minutes. coming that is tightening its grip across the globe the hunger for energy it's expected to double in the next 20 years. can we satisfy and. what technologies are available and. where we source news from. life comes. in 75 minutes on d w. like we were. now 80 percent of americans in some point in our lives will
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experience hardship listen up. that matters double. binds. every journey begins with the 1st step and every language but the 1st word look a little coaxing germany to such. a system why not come with him or her. to suffer in simple online on your mobile and for e. t w z e learning course. german made easy. frank food. international gateway to the best connection self road and rail. located in the heart of europe you are connected to the own world. experienced
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outstanding shopping and dining offers and trying our services. be allat guest at frankfurt airport city managed by for. this is d w news live from berlin a corruption scandal brings down one of europe's high flying populace austria's vice chancellor heinz christians is forced to resign that's after the far right leader was filmed allegedly offering government contracts in exchange for campaign
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donations also coming out of. australia's ruling conservative coalition scores a shock when in the country's election the opposition labor party concedes defeat on a disappointing night. a michael ok welcome to the show austria's coalition government ease at risk of collapsing after the country's vice chancellor and far right leader hines christian straka was forced to resign stepped down after germany's spiegel magazine and sued deutsche newspaper published a secretly recorded video of him from 2017 it appears to show struck offering government contracts in return for campaign donations. he was one of the biggest names in austrian politics. 2 years ago he did something that had long been
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unimaginable he brought his far right freedom party into government and the party now had high hopes for the european elections. but then this video experts say the hidden camera recording is authentic recorded before the election that brought him to power it purports to show and a fellow party member on the spanish island of it be talking to a woman posing as a russian millionaire she appears to be offering to buy stakes in austria's biggest newspaper and to guarantee positive reporting on the freedom party. as soon as she takes over the krona newspaper we need to be very frank we'll have to sit down together and talk openly the newspaper will have to go. 3 or 4 people need to be pushed 3 or 4 others will have to be kicked to the curb and then will bring in 5 new people that will coach. the recording also contains discussions of
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how to disguise a donation to the party. is heard offering lucrative government contracts in return while aiming to punish his arch enemy construction magnate hans peta has. if we become part of the government i promise you one thing i know won't get any more contracts the identity of the woman in the video is unclear. to requesting the meeting but denies wrongdoing. we were talking for most 7 hours it was an evening meal that went on until midnight and over the course of this conversation we insisted on full compliance with all requirements of the law i made this very clear several times and i did nothing illegal. with starr has resignation the scandal has shaken austria's political system to its core. earlier we spoke to evolve from dish spiegel one of the outlets which broke this
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story we asked him whether his magazine had been expecting strong to resign. it might be possible cause some of the things he talked about are really very. well for austrian viewers obviously they were really damning and he almost showed his real face and it was a different face they knew. from from the campaigns so we thought it might be possible but we didn't expect that what more can you tell us and i realize you might be hampered to some extent but what more can you tell us about the source of the video. we can't talk about the source of the video we don't comment on that because we have to protect our sources but the thing i can tell you is that we heard of the existence of this video. while back but it took till till this month that we've finally got our hands on a video and. possibility to check it to look at it it's almost 67 hours long
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so it took them some time to authority check it the make sure that it's not faked well you bring up the fact that it's not that it did it's not fake how can you be certain about its authenticity exactly. we you know it's a lot of material and we by looking at it we were pretty sure that it's almost impossible to fake all of this but of course we wanted to make sure that nobody the . temper of the the audio of the video so we asked aspects parts from from institutes in germany forensic experts to take a look at it to make sure that the video and the audio hasn't been manipulated. for one thing and also it shows the real the the people we while it shows those 2 positions and also it's located place we thought it supposed to be located because we knew the place where they supposedly met and all of that checked out and there
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was no no. well no hints or no. no the pollution that was there could be seen so well you mention the fact that you received the video this month and some people might question you know on the eve of the european elections the timing why specifically now. well the thing is we couldn't publish of course because we have to check it and make sure it's not mail related so and we did that and we were sure it's authentic and we probably would have been criticized if we would have sat on it for another couple of weeks till after the election as well so the way it was a tough call but i couldn't sit on it and i'm on full freedom and schmidt with there should be a goal thanks much for joining us thank you much. struck it was also forced to pull out of a rally in milan today that's where an alliance of far right parties from across
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europe is meeting ahead of next week's european elections they're hoping to forge a new grouping in the e.u. parliament following that vote the event in milan is being hosted by italy's deputy premier and interior minister. was also the leader of the far right lead party among the most high profile speakers expected or marine le pen of france's national rally and the leader of germany's far right the party morton. about. to australia now scott more since conservative i'm sorry we're going to go to rebecca ritter's rebecca are you with us. ok great rebecca as we just mentioned event is being hosted by italy's interior minister. why do you organize it. that's right because they're just taking to the stage as we speak michael this
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event been in the planning since sylvania announced his new alliance people nations last month also in milan. and to drum up support for a a his league apology and also the other parties that are part of the alliance in the lead up to the election next week the european election but it's also to show a united front to this this group of well posses with 12 different ideas on a lot of things. to try and show unity of the alliance before the election. so somebody essentially wants to mobilize all of the far right political parties into one sort of mass group with one singular purpose do they really have the power to do that. well it appears that they it would seem that they do already have the power the a lot * a. looks like it's set to go ahead and it has been getting support been gathering
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policies joining them whether or not 8 a will lead to a pending of the us i hope to achieve really remains to be seen marine le pen from france's. 5 national rally policy she spoke before the event she's due to speak shortly again at the event she spoke before the event and she said that they're heading towards the historic we didn't. come next week at the election and that they could be or even the 2nd biggest grouping and polling shows that that could be possible. 8 but even then they won't have a majority in the parliament a mill struggle to. * cope harness and be able to support them so whether or not they can make the changes that they whip it remains to be saying that the writers thank you so much for joining us. let's turn now to some of the other stories
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making headlines around the world thousands are marching in warsaw as it celebrates poland's membership of the european union ahead of key european parliament elections next week european council president donald to a schism mungo's taking part opposition leaders hope to get out the pro. poland's conservative government is highly critical of the e.u. and its institutions. iran's foreign minister has called for china and russia to take concrete actions to save its country's nuclear agreement visiting beijing mohammad job called on friendly countries to step up their trade with iran in the face of renewed u.s. sanctions in the country. to australia now scott more since conservative coalition has won reelection despite having trailed in the polls before the country's general election more so in originally one power less than a year ago becoming the 3rd conservative prime minister since 2013 ran
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a campaign centered on his personality and on the risks posed to the middle class by the opposition labor party's tax policy it's still unclear if morson will win middle majority government thinks it will have to rely on support of conservative independents. a short time ago morrison's challenger opposition labor leader bill shorten conceded defeat i want to say. i know that you're all hurting and i am and so. in the national interest a short while ago. scott morrison to congratulate him. reported your reader has been following the australian election very closely and joins me now in the studio for more is clearly a major upset that's right such
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a long time now it had been predicted by opinion polls in fact the exit polls today after the election that bill shorten would be the new prime minister but it just wasn't to be this is such an upset queen for the incumbent scott morrison he's really pulled he's back from the brink this was just completely unexpected and we're seeing some interesting parallels people are comparing this to the opposite of donald trump in 2016 in calling bill shorten the. election hillary clinton so this is just it's hard to overstate how much of an upset so what exactly went wrong for the labor party look they put forward a very ambitious policy agenda on climate action and increased taxes on the wealthy and comparatively the government policy agenda was was not as
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extensive as labor's and perhaps. overwhelming verges read what it was trying to achieve voters consistently put climate change as the number one issue affecting them and when you put the tea party side by side in fact labor had more to offer in that respect they were much more ambitious they wanted to get trend towards renewables and things like electric cars for example where is the the government was quite happy to just on its commitments to the paris accord but not go further than that because it was worried about the economic impacts so yeah it clearly agenda didn't connect to viruses also to i think personality played. to bill shorten is someone that. is don't necessarily like he is he was involved in the downfall of 2 prime ministers and i think people with suspicious of him and perhaps scott morrison a bit more in 10 seconds can you tell us what this means for voters it depends on
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how the qods full in the shape of the government with scott morrison can form a majority or minority government will determine how far he can push is a new agenda thanks so much for joining us. a tone of change of pace here the. was already one of the world's most expensive cars now there's a version built of lego bricks and it's priceless after 8 months of development and more than 10000 hours of construction time the legal guardian is ready composer of more than $1000000.00 lego bricks it seats 2 passengers and boasted top speed just over 20 kilometers per hour so far it's not for sale. and a reminder of the top stories we're following for you. us or as far right france vice chancellor has resigned from the country's coalition government and will step down as leader of the freedom party that's after german media published a secretly taped video allegedly showing him promising government contracts in
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exchange for campaign donations. you are watching news up next a look at allegations moscow is meddling in foreign elections that's after a short break i'm michael ok stay tuned. i'm nothing. but sometimes i am but i stand nothing with the time and i don't think deep into the german culture. you don't see who think this drama day on the east
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coast if hold out there enough time rachel to join me for me to get funky to host some say that this is. the 2nd we come into this world. together. each of us can be the model. and we can make a real difference but you have a solid. in that i leave. the european union will soon elect a new parliament overshadowed by concerns about growing right wing populism and fears that russia is infiltrating the very heart of european democracies. different
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lens structures right i just. want to destroy you pretty good all the political elements around this to create and have a major interest in destabilizing europe and i fear that they will succeed to kill you but for your team's opponents patriots with fuz close to his out of course he's defending his country then also be. we set out on a tour of several european cities together daughter bella and its french partner station france $24.00 investigated russian influence on europe's far right. the russian embassy in berlin which dominated the then socialist east germany more than 30 years ago. and how much influence does the kremlin try to wield behind the
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scenes today germany's bundestag regards the right wing populist party alternative for germany the a.f.d. as especially open to russia its lead candidate for the upcoming european elections is york more 10. we say good neighborly relations with russia and with the united states we want a thoroughly pragmatic approach i don't represent russian interests or american interests i'm a german politician representing german interests and it's in our german and european interests to maintain good and open relations with russia and with other nations to understand. and yet one particular a.f.d. representative has been cultivating more than good relations with russia marcos whole maya. and he's been reaping scorn from other parliamentarians.
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marcos phone my eye has long presented himself as a friend of moscow whenever possible with his close confidant manuel ox and vita many photos of the 2 friends can be found on the internet. oxon vita is known as a right wing populist who aggressively seeks closer relations with moscow even more so now since the ukraine conflict he often gives interviews to russian nationalist media we need to plan for the future and i hope that we start with planning that we can leave for nato in 5 to 10 years when hostilities commenced in eastern ukraine oxon vitae was seen in the company of the separatists leaning toward russian president putin he started himself an election observer posing for photos with other foreigners such as a group of french fighters. the
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conflict in ukraine caused a rift between moscow and the european union it began with russia's annexation of crimea in march 2014 and deepened when moscow was found to be arming the separatists in eastern ukraine. this proved to be a geopolitical turning point in the developments in 2014 especially trained they mobilized or they made relations between the european far right and moscow more active after the start of the russian and. russia was sanction and as a response to the same russia would try to interfere in the elections. even at that time putin was establishing contact with the head of italy's far right leg a north party my tale sound the me now in a high position in the italian government. 5 years later with the european election approaching salvini is promoting closer cooperation between the rightwing populous
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parties including germany's a.f.d. . and remember if we join salvini staff and others in one big group will have the political clout that alone warrior doesn't have to form policy the company took the f.t. decided to take a pro russian stance falling in line with all other european right wing populist they rejected western sanctions against russia over its interference in the conflict in eastern ukraine and after 5 years of building alliances with europe's right wing extremists moscow scored a victory among the key operators were various shadowy figures such as manual oxen . in november 2014 he was photographed in eastern ukraine together with a frenchman victoria lanta an expert soldier posing with sympathizers from france. they all share right wing views and hatred for liberal democratic values
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far right organizations and passes. some of the few. political forces in europe that are still ready to cooperate with the kremlin the kremlin needs. lies in the west. in 2018 france's yellow vests movement took their protests to the streets in the spring the former soldier and mercenary in eastern ukraine victoria into turned up again he was a member of a self-appointed security team. where the marshals the prefecture asked for when it required every demonstration must have an internal security service is that when you're also a yellow vest yes of course what's your goal this time is it going well. you're going to listen as i said we're here because the prefecture call for
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a security service when the prevent any and all violence internally. we want to show the french people the prime minister and the government that the violence doesn't come from us we would usually from a provocation by the police who. you are cannot of. french right wing extremist they call into transition from the war in eastern ukraine to the streets of paris. but in both cases as a hatchet man for putin's interests. here. publicly the russian president cultivate his relations with the heads of europe's far right groups like marine le pen of the national rally. you know so i know that you represent quite a fast growing element of european political forces. it's a very profitable contact the pen's party has taken out a total of 11000000 euros in loans from banks close to the kremlin as funding for
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recent presidential election campaigns and she maintains very high level contacts with moscow such as t.n.a. mariani expert secretary of state for transport he has switched to the national rally and supports russia's annexation of crimea. region i've been there more than 10 times so nobody can seriously doubt that the people there would rather live under russian control. it was now he's running for the e.u. parliament and takes a clear stance on russia. continuing the policy of sanctions punishes europe and our own farmers as much as russia but suicide. observers say russia seeks to expand its influence in europe by supporting right wing populist leaders as well as their extremist voter base. is that the state or the idea is to fan the flames constantly
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with gasoline and people who already stood up against each other well it's by remaining propaganda a propaganda aimed at fracturing our society. in france the yellow vests protests against the populists room to maneuver almost every weekend people take to the streets of france to demonstrate. a court proceeding in this southern polish city has thrown unexpected light on russia's suppose that methods of peddling its influence to europe's right wing base the defendant is michelle p. a right wing radical on trial for terrorism since early 2019. he's accused of having organized an arson attack in neighboring ukraine. specifically in western ukraine home of many ukrainian citizens from the hungary an ethnic minority
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on the night of february 4th 2018 a surveillance camera recorded 2 men trying to throw molotov cocktails at a building used by a hug area an association. they caused only minor damage. the defense attorney explains his client's motives. competition of the controlled operation was planned to inflame ethnic tensions in the western ukraine in province of. vehicles and you're. talking turkey it was calculated to trigger hostility between the hungary and minority on one side and the ethnic ukrainians in the other part of the region. pincher. and as a as a couple. it coincides with moscow's long cherished hope that ukraine might be further destabilized by ethnic conflict and its western tip on the border with hungary. right at the start the trial in krakow took an interesting turn michel
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implicated a german as having incited him to perpetrate the attack. on the world and he has views in common with manu they've taken part in conferences together. but. it was many well. the right wing journalist who had been supporting the separatists in eastern ukraine. another right wing extremist has been called as a witness in krakow are tossed back here he refused to give our camera team an interview. becky might have some vital information. he knows both the defendant and manual. he's known them from the. start of hostilities in the ukraine when they spoke out at a conference in support of putin leaning separatists for weeks after the 1st attempted attack and. another took place at the hungary and cultural center and it
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was successful several ukrainians are accused of carrying it out but it's unclear who instigated it apparently it wasn't the same people who organized the 1st attempt. there is no one in russia a decision about interference would would take place there are people around the kremlin. think institutions. interest groups that want some reward from the crew. member lim within view at the brandenburg gate the soviet war memorial commemorates the red army troops who fell in the battles against nazi germany. in the aftermath of that war germany and europe were divided until the berlin wall came down. but the hopes for peaceful coexistence in a united europe have yet to be realized. nearly 30 years later russia
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seems bent on dividing europe again but this time with the help of right wing extremists. you know that 77 percent of africa are younger. you know what the 77 percent. issue. in this edition traveled to northern uganda the country's generous refugee policies . 77 percent. of its tightening its grip across the globe. for energy it's expected to double in the next 20 years. can be satisfied. with technology more
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available. where we source these from these life. 45 minutes on the w. . take it personally you're ready with all the wonderful people to make the game some special. role. for the. long line. hello and welcome to the 77 was sent i was so full of wicca's young but jerry i am once you koala. are you under 35 years old then you are in the right to lease we focus on the
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issues that impact you coming up on today's program.


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