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tv   Eco India  Deutsche Welle  May 20, 2019 4:02am-4:31am CEST

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how welcome to. a sustainability magazine that trains the spotlight on solutions that could change our planet for the better for our children and our children's children to be we look at how recycling we can make a real difference from not only off future but even to our present i'm. coming to you from mumbai in india. over the next 30 minutes how an organization is empowering garbage collectors to make art from we just. how a private organization is working with the local government in bangalore to recycle the city's wrist and how a shopping mall in sweden only sells recycled clothes and accessories. but 1st
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let's look at how recycling is giving hope to the garbage collectors who live alongside the gaza border landfill in the city of delhi for years they've made a living collecting scrap plastic containers glass bottles basically whatever cells they have exposed to toxic substances and their living conditions are undoubtedly among the worst in the world one local organization is helping them rethink how they look at some of the sweetest. has lived her whole life next to new delhi's biggest and oldest garbage dump it is spread out across. sometimes the rains sometimes storms at times security guards cheered us out.
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trying garbage the 1st several problems leaving their dead people dead babies sometimes the garbage trucks stopped coming because they went to bed on time everything was left dumped in the area that used as our league round. making. some on p.b.s. part of a community of $400.00 families in east delhi is god. many of whom sift through the mountain of garbage hoping to find something of value to set such as had. loads and even gold and silver most often it is just lost to call gloss. the city's largest flower market just happens to be on the other side of someone's home at the end of each day the market remains flooded with heaps of unsold flowers especially because there are no cold storage facilities. 5 years ago
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a blonde was hatched to alleviate both of these race related problems. in the london foundation and engineer working in the area brought the community's women together for an alternative livelihood project. the good man green produce a company it was born to make gift boxes calendars diaries and photo frames with recycled paper decorated with breast flowers and leaves. out of the 400 families it was a challenge to the good race because 2 common people want their new custom to sitting on one place for a very long time to have the discipline and that artistic sense to be able to understand what they were doing so initially there were 34 or 5 people who came and picked up so by the end of 2013 we had about 40 people
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who work and at some level of expertise. it was a significant step forward for the community has been who had been conditioned to resigned to their fate of being life long race because. rise and go then there's a very i mean 1st the women kept saying this work is beyond us it is beyond us so my focus then changed humanity and so it was now about instilling confidence in these women's line linking. although the mindset began to change little by little and other problems look. the waste because used to make about 500 rupees a day or 7 years now they made far less as they were paper item creating 50 rupees for a calendar the greeting card for them. in the good months
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there were a lot of traction a lot of mornings when the women would then come somewhere when there were no orders for us then we were not able to pay the women and that's the time was the 1st challenge and the fear is that when we were not able to be in the women they obviously had to feed themselves so they dropped out so they went back and when speaking. so then we had 2 teams then time was. given the receiver fixed wage of up to $5000.00 rupees a month and even have bank comes earlier on 100 all in the community all times to private funds and money from the nylander foundation. the center also runs a school for their children and provides childcare facilities so that their mothers don't have to what do you while they work notify them that you will have started realizing the benefits of children state when my daughter was really young i used to bring had to take it that's how i was able to book but otherwise it would have
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been very difficult to walk me. but dry because social change takes time so i must neighbor our jewelry b.b. still works at the landfill for her it's more profitable. but how much good work i'm going to get was have. what someone does is clean hygenic work and that's what i don't have thinking waste is dirty but waste speaking earns me in more money than what i'm finding work would. want people. we have 3 children with aging parents. there are expenses. and. it is not easy to convince. to work for the green project. fairly new families yaadein me on the go along and their families used to know
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david let them come here today except for those with babies almost everyone here spends the day at the stalls whenever they are put up and start out and they know. their work has changed their lives for the better the foundation is working hard to convince no women to take part in the project its goal is to open even more centers like this in other parts of delhi and across india. if not recycle want to magically disappear it's a serious problem affecting every corner of our planet today have you ever wondered how exactly garbage decomposes and how much time each item plastic glass takes to fully disintegrate this experience will help question. 1900 there were only 220000000 people living in areas worldwide and they produced
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fewer than 300000 tons of garbage a day in just one century and populations have exploded and the amount of waste has increased tenfold. so how long does it take for your trash to actually decompose. first let's look at what we're collectively putting in our global garbage can. food and green waste is the largest category making up 44 percent of global waste. it's followed by paper and glass and plastics. plastic items undoubtedly the environments worst enemy take a long time to decompose in some. case is a very long time the world's consumption of plastic is increasing and just one of the consequences is the great pacific garbage patch. and even products that you might think would decompose easily in a landfill may actually take up to a month a cigarette but to make take 10 years to degrade. by some estimates it may take
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a 1000000 years for a single glass bottle to fully decompose in 2016 the world generated 2000000000 tons of household and commercial solid waste that comes to nearly 740 grams of waste per person per day. this poses a serious threat to our foreigner as well many creatures carcasses have been found with tons of plastic debra inside and on land it can alter the food habits of birds and wild animals. so is there something we can do to break this cycle. reduce the amount of single use items reuse what you already have so with results in less trash create a compost pit for your kitchen waste. the time it takes for our trash to decompose poses a very concrete threat to our future. it isn't surprising that army has
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to go house to house pick up the weeds on a daily basis in many parts of the world this. often in the bag a bangle based social enterprise is trying to organize the city's vs collectors and bring them into the form of solid based management. it's early morning in bangalore in southern india it's the start of a new worker who runs a recycling company together with his staff he collects paper plastic and metal waste from domestic households and hotels. when residents hear his personal. they know that it's time to bring their waste to the streets the company collects up to 2 tons of recyclable materials a day krishna grew up in poverty his parents scraped together a living grinding bones from an abbot to make bone meal to settle krishna still remembers the stomach churning smell of the only other kind of work open to him was
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we school lection he dropped out of school to help support the family. very well. i begin by talking as of east because once a child when i turned 20 i joined. the likelihood of east beakers and locating for their rights and social security by continuing informal sector based work into the formal solid waste management system used to go . for training the. hospital dollar means green force the organization was set up in 2012 and represents some $7500.00 ways connect as giving them a collective voice for the 1st time. it seems to help protect the environment and to improve working conditions in the sector. but. when we started our work in bangalore risk because we're not recognised they were not there
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given that due respect for the work that they do so we actually organize them in the city and the people who are working in driveways calyx and centers i have been given an opportunity to become entrepreneurs off their own been able to give jobs that another 10 or 20 people more depending on how much of it comes. to a dollar perswaded the city authorities to build a waste collection center. here the waste because consult the trash and send it on to recycling farms they've recently started collecting leaves. and other organic waste which is composted at the recycling sites. paper and other materials are also bundled and then weighed. people didn't take it all used to come in one then they would throw out on the.
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side but now we have formed something called back the method of segregation that was also again. an individual citizen but the proof of concept was done by the law and everybody has to say and i would say about 50 to 60 per cent of the city is getting it which is a big thing. the waste collectors have an app that tells them who is sorting their waste properly and who isn't well sorted reste makes their job a lot easier. this move the details of the people who are separating the amused and those who are not doing so . much to create the whole according to segregation but.
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business is booming for the waste collectors since joining forces their earnings have increased threefold but krishna has bigger plans he wants to buy machinery and expand his operation he hopes to create around $50.00 to $60.00 jobs with favor jews health insurance and pension rights he also wants to build a school for his employees children to give them a better start in life. from bangalore let's move all the way up north. in sweden the city has a mall dedicated to 2nd hand made clothes gadgets of furniture and the streets are loving it. just last year the mall made $1100000.00 in sales. welcome to the world's most sustainable shopping mall ready only items here 2nd time and that means that also more affordable for new ones. customers at the recycling mall have to enjoy rummaging for
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a while for something that catches their eye almost everything here is one of a kind. o. thumb moves for the summer i love that. this is a record player a book about whiskey and you can find things that honest not that not everybody has something special something unique recycling like recycling you don't want to buy new new things. i mean i'm just runs the electronic shop like everything that has computers televisions and my friends at our nation's. 3 to now shopping mall in the swedish town of a school to you know is located next to a recycling center. people bring unwanted items of all kinds anything that can be used overhead goes to the mall. everyone who comes here they have an
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object if they come here to serve environment and help others to make some money like the rich want to hear through the retail it won't work with all this would all be understanding or like responsibility. every day brings and you find. this is something like. in the workshop the team brings defective electronics like this television back to life. for the syrian born shop manager his work is about more than just owning money. we have a responsibility toward this environment so if. if you're poor so it's not good for my kids my grandsons and in the future. to reach you know a shopping mall has 14 shops each one specializes in different kinds of 2nd time goods like fun books.
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sustainability is a major topic where more and more sweets want to know where and how the products they use and consume were made but most consumers have still prefer new products to used ones. one of the main focuses in trying to reduce the climate impact is to reduce the level of production. getting things to sort of be really used to like a rather than being put into a recycling process where they you also need fossil fuels to produce new things alex returning to teach is one of the many workshops organized by the more participants learn upcycling techniques and how to use various waste materials they can also learn about production conditions in other countries and how to consume more sustainably. we're definitely a part in challenging the. concept of what is. also challenging the
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concept of that even if we do our part even if we're apart in a consumer culture or. what we consume also makes a huge difference and what impact it has on the environment. and dumping a few hours later in the electronics shop the donated television is ready to go on sale. i'm just hopes that the idea behind 3 to no shopping mall will catch on everywhere because. the awareness the will you need to know about the work of everyone and as i said i hope that it will. spread all over europe the war and when that happens more and more people will start to appreciate the value in things that have been used before. now there wouldn't be that wooden furniture without copious amounts of sawdust sawdust seems like quite a wastage but in
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a story and start up to good use by trying it out as the base material for 3 d. printing instead of plastic. as stone yet has more than 2000000 hectares of forest almost half of the small baltic state is covered by trees. not surprising that many people here live from forestry. but the timber industry needs its mark and not just in this stone year worldwide sawmills produce around 200000000 tons of wood by products every year what can be done with all that sawdust. we're developing an innovative 3 d. printer that gives would waste a new value. be a stone in startup 3 q there has developed a method of creating 3 d. objects from sawdust. first the user designs the desired object using 3 d.
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modeling software in a special 3 d. printer the material is shaped and layered to create the object. the printing ink here is a combination of sawdust and a nontoxic binder. the start ups goal is to replace 50 percent of the plastics used to conventional 3 d. printing by the sawdust based material. in future this approach could be used to produce wood furniture and truly give would waste a new value. like a 4 story to be a last story to highlight that waste doesn't need to be wasted duct. recycles packaging material to reinterpret old masterpieces. into dresses and scraps of form into head scarves and sticks photos of them that seem from another century when there was plastic.
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these works from the old dutch mostest that don't watch enough to. address make from ballarat. and head covering fashion from films for. old packaging and the role materials. to create. a test. audio in the dock. the artist all kinds of stuff normally used to pack and protect items for shipping. as far as she's concerned these materials should be recycled.
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even as a child was fascinated by her mother's art books. to this day she's inspired by the flemish painting of the 15th and 16th centuries especially the portraits by her gear fun divider and yet. she doesn't just reproduce their works like fun ikes they are not trained from 1434. instead she reinterprets them with the help of polish. plastic sheeting. and make. i like the fun of like but then when you look closer. it's artwork.
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it's a little bit of this time a little bit of times. next she makes preparations for the photo shoot. up cycled into a halo. the model's jewelry also has a past life as packing peanuts. during the shoot suzanne young man trying to capture the perfect picture she takes hundreds of shots focusing on different sections and. this is why paying so to speak. so for pictures and put them together on the computer so it's it is not about. pieces off. of every frame and put them together like a. young man's words and lives with their family and down around an
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hour's drive south of amsterdam. after the photos have all been shot the most time consuming work begin. young man who spends weeks in his studio piecing together the individual images. dozens of different shots to create a single picture. not only is she able to achieve a depth that's virtually impossible to capture in ordinary photographs this gives her pictures a kind of hyper realist that. a 21st century take on a 15th century masterpiece young man's interpretation of young man like the virgin mary from the kent altarpiece. i like thrusting. go along with. it's seems just opening a box of. little things. good idea to do something.
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for us i don't know why but they're. like. photographs sound for around 5000 euro. masterpieces are proof that one woman's trash is another woman's treasure. if you don't already segregated and recycle your i hope to these episodes has given you more than one reason to start doing it and if you do your sustainability champion we'll see you next week with many more such inspiring stories until then. the.
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good shape. having children is no child's play. but one attempts to bury your own child remain unsuccessful there can be a lot of reasons why. the way
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the modern reproductive medicine can help. in good shape next d.w. . the revolutionary women of sudan their remaining against the corrupt elite and standing up for freedom democracy and women's rights act to financing on the front blood supply a cheap sofa. a break down the gender stereotypes. the brits. 60 minutes to. an action packed life for. me. anything is possible as long
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as our coffee and his friends can drink. this movie in kenya as dobbs refugee camp . his life story may have ground to a. 27 years ago but there's no holding back his dreams. thank you for watching. cinema starts may 27th on double. welcome to in good shape coming up. to exercise or not to exercise there is no question. 4th a wrecked c.-a and unhealthy fixation on healthy eating.


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