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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  May 23, 2019 12:00pm-12:31pm CEST

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made for martin's. the but. this is the dog news coming to you live from berlin oh to open elections to the european parliament that includes the u.k. a country that had planned to leave the european union by now populist looks set to make big games as the situation for britain's beleaguered prime minister gets even worse also coming up interim prime minister narendra modi's hindu nationalist p.g.p. declares victory in the country's elections the 1st results show the body is headed for a majority in parliament what philip means for the country going forward. classes
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jimmy celebrates the 70th anniversary of the constitution d.w. profiles to orderly citizens relying on it every day to day one week before what is rocky coast exercising his constitutional right to freedom of speech has never. had an of a warm welcome to you i'm on the. boards of opened across a very divided united kingdom in a vote that more than half the country never even wanted european parliamentary licht elections kicked off and with the country engulfed in even more political turmoil over bragg said the british prime minister terrorism is fighting for her job with even some of our own cabinet ministers devoting over her latest brags of withdrawal plan last night a key pro briggs of minister under lead some resigned over the revised deal saying
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it's didn't deliver it drags it but britain's leader is standing fall and rejecting calls to stand down. now let's head straight to london to hear from this big loss bigotries a me is still refusing to budge as the country votes in the european election where conservative party's projected to get a meager 7 percent what does this mean for her future. her future looks very very bleak for now it looks like she's almost bunkered into downing street maybe push the furniture against the door from the inside we know that many have also had to go many cabinet colleagues and it seems like more a matter of days than a matter of week when she's going on at least announcing her departure and of cause a moment when really important elections are taking place in the u.k. european elections this is not a good look for the conservative party who are set out to take
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a big hit the both the big parties aside out a bit take a big hit in these european elections and they could if the exit timetable hadn't worked to plan the country would not have even been in the e.u. by now given that how much interest is there in this european election. well this will be interesting to see it could go either way it could be that people are just coming in droves and just expressing their opinion it is really all about gregg's it or that they say well they i'm just too frustrated too to just come we've talked to. people here in this polling station where we are in central london and they've said that for now it's more like a trickle soon not really huge mind of people storming the polling station to tell the put it to what they think one party that's really all pretty sure it's going to benefit from all this deadlock that we've seen over briggs it here in the u.k.
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is niger for raj it's new parties called the brakes of party it's pretty much one man band and niger for all it's from a seeing the people that actually everything is much easier than the politicians in westminster make out who can make of the minds the conditions that they want to leave and he is saying well let's just leave and to deal with the european union it's not very important and his message is resonating with many voters i've been to some of his rallies and see what the mood is like there. piece that wherever niger for raj goes he's welcome type stuff here and way of for example his message recently has betrayed the country he's unconditionally accepted all of brussels demands during the war on the coast laden's referendum bird i don't know. do you. it's a document drafted by the 1st year of the year. without
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a deal about no looking over his shoulder the rough suggest britain doesn't need to deal with brussels the main thing is to leave the queue he doesn't mention that would probably cost jobs right. there i'm afraid that there is no chance of bricks being delivered with our current 2 party system and our current government will have to fight for it again but i believe we can do so i think the budget referendum actually wrote about the sort of the genie coming out of the bottle it's not going back. in the city of peterborough over a 1000 people come to check out the new party many of them used to vote for the conservatives the carbon going to china or lawyers you see venus and i are nothing but crooks so far as are concerned it treasonable people people are very angry and feel very hurt and upset that their vote is being ignored and democracy is being trampled all over the content is that the party claims to have gained more than 100000 new members in just a few weeks. actually made it
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a page in over half of the wall of change u.k. can only dream of such numbers right chad johnson is in the spotlight and bar in southwest england a political newcomer who has one main goal we have to stop or for take this country with all the lack of values and all the lies that. campaigning represents he says it's a one man show it's a vehicle to get him into downing street he's taken the got the country up the garden path and over the cliff the new remain party change u.k. has a clear enemy niger ferocious bragg's a party but the n.t. brags that vote is splintered and that might be one reason why the pro europeans have not been able to tread nearly the same crowds as a breadth of party already seen by. 4 rows of chairs are enough to accommodate a crowd many of those who have come are disappointed by the establishment parties.
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this is an opportunity to see what remain party a new voice a fresh voice has to say to me and i was very impressed actually the passion with which they spoke on the passion your opinion and i believe changing from hey i want to be parties to really really support the people why i'm to support them and the big parties are being punished in the e.u. elections and it looks like the populous will be the biggest with this. so yes it looks like niger for all ages easy message is really resonating with voters he makes it easy to live to leave the european union whereas labor and the conservative the traditional bigger parties recognize they how how difficult the actual process is and the m.p.'s in parliament are really reluctant to leave without a deal like niger for raj suggests so they get a big so much for the populace expected but what rule of british politicians like
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to play in the next parliament. well they have to assume that they are going to stay that we are facing deadlock at the moment so in paul amend we don't have a clear majority for any course of breaks it we know that we set the u.k. is set to leave the european union at the end of october so if they don't find a solution then the u.k. with it would leave without any deal but the other way out would be to revoke article 50 so that is something that lawmakers could contemplate and in that instance. i mean any piece that i elected now would have to stay in for a long time so they would have to be prepared to stay for a long time at least they get mass in london thank you very much. that we now bring you up to date but some of the stories making news around the bod u.s. president donald trump has walked out of
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a meeting with democrats refusing to work with them under said drop or and vest a geisha is into him but senior democrats say that sounds walcott was a pretty meditated stunt an increasing number of opposition lawmakers want impeachment proceedings against donald trump. tom his return to the indonesian capital jakarta after a deadly clashes between police and supporters of the defeated presidential candidate. the former general called on his supporters to go home he also told them he would launch a legal challenge against president. reelection. in room a man has made a dramatic escape from a file by climbing out of a window and clinging on for dear life he was forced to touch next to the flames engulfing his building that's before firefighters rescued him and he walked away without any injuries. in did try listening to more the
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has declared victory in the country's election vote counting is still not over but a 1st tally shows the hindu nationalist be j.p. with a decisive lead over its narrowest drivers congress the poll was widely viewed as a referendum on these leadership. finally the counting is underway at centers like this across the country hundreds of millions of votes are being tallied each one bringing indians closer to finding out who will lead them through the next 5 years it's the culmination of the largest ballot the world has ever seen. central to the process the electronic voting machines some $2300000.00 were in action across the country they have sped up the counting immensely meaning results emerge within hours but opposition parties so they also pose a risk after reports of some tampering they protested to the electoral commission
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demanding verification with paper voting records. either here or the election commission. that. unpredictable. that. international observers say the election has been largely free and fair and the ruling party says the opposition claims a just a distraction they have already sensed it that this 200-1000 looks a by election is not going in their favor however much they denied it. once and dissidents to prime minister modi the b j p c's only one possible winner in this election incumbent prime minister narendra modi his coalition met on tuesday to discuss its agenda for a 2nd term. modi campaigned hard to keep the commanding majority he won and 2014
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he's promised better incomes for farmers and more infrastructure spending but the opposition has highlighted slowing economic growth and increasing religious divisions modi's main rival is congress party leader gandhi he wasn't expected to stage a major upset if neither of the main parties claims an outright majority smaller regional groupings could prove kingmaker tipping the balance of power in parliament . is at the beach of the headquarters in delhi and she sent us this report. i'm at the headquarters of the ruling party or john party very willing be chippy and celebrations have already broken out their crack going on drum roll it up people done things fall to earth going on it's still early but i
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did cite that victory for noreen the more the seems to be in the offing a 2nd term for the prime minister is what the country seems to be saying now of course in the last couple of days the opposition coalition the opposition parties 22 parties came together to challenge the current cooling process they have said that there may have been dampening off the lectern according machine as they appealed to the election commission but the election commission which is the body that monitors this entire process has actually said that this is the basis that there's no reason for these allegations and that that there would be in the counting will go through as planned now in the evening there will be some some benefit cation of the voting process but otherwise so far it largely looks like everything is going ask plan for the election commission was a recounting and everything is going as planned as one of the be zippy goes because clearly a few mandate coming through the beach if we actually the coalition that is headed
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by the p.d.p. seem to have gotten more feet so i mean just as many see if that's the prediction decide when you see for the back in 2014 for the country has rejected the opposition feeling that this government is divisive the bizarre moment may not have done enough and the country seem to have said that they want prime synonym to movie to leave the country for another 5 years they could do a 10 year term and continue the work that to be defeat has done so far today is that the end of the sides. that was just 14 from the beach if he had gotten that is from nissen that in the. dead ok let's get some business useful and germany's biggest lender joint bank is facing off with increasingly angry shareholders today at its annual general meeting the bank has been mired in various legal and corporate issues for years with little progress supervisory board and then. a promise shareholders that. restructure more quickly and more radically after
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recovering. dividends the board is under pressure to answer questions of management huge fines from regulators and downgrades. to the u.s. competitors and this week's door to shares slipped to a record low. business correspondent is at the shareholders meeting in frankfurt and joins me from there now what can you tell us about the mood. well i'm retired as you correctly said the shareholders here in frankfurt they are frustrated they are angry we've spoke to a couple of them and what we heard was just really they're venting all their anger is mostly directed at the chair of the supervisory committee that you just mentioned under his reign in the last 7 years shares have been down over 70 percent and as a matter of fact just now during the last hour when paul spoke the shares dropped
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another 2 percent to a new all time low and as one shareholder in the meeting just pointed out shares of thoughts of bank right now are actually worth less than a pack of cigarettes and unfortunately that is true so that is of course a very good reason for people to be angry and to demand change so last given all of that how do you read deutsche is chances of dragging it says out of this mess at various levels. well it is difficult everybody knows that and shareholders of growing from more and more frustrated because all the promises that management made to drag the bank get the bank out of this they have been made before some people just told me we have literally heard the same speeches and the same promises for the last couple of years and this is why i can stand saving the relatively new c.e.o. is also under attack here right now he just gave a speech and then some shareholders spoke out against him and i want to quote one
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person he said he quoted actually kristen saving to war last year when he became c.e.o. he said after all these years of scandals for dorchin bunk he wants to promise shareholders that times are going to get a lot more boring so everybody was actually looking forward to that but then the shareholders said what happened the bank failed another stress test the 3rd one in the united states there was a major raid on top of banks offices connected to money laundering in the russian laundromat there was also all these stories about financial ties to a president trump in the u.s. that are currently not playing out that well for torch a bank that's childer and there are a lot of applause that if these are boring times that i don't want to be around when times get interesting. hunted these financial correspondent thank you very much for that update from frankfurt. in berlin celebrations of kicked off to mark the 70th anniversary of germany's postwar constitution known as the basic
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law the constitution came into effect on this day in may at night in $49.00 after being drawn up under the supervision of the victorious allies now it's being celebrated as the foundation of german democracy once a revised organization even served a cake in its own up on us in front of the brandenburg gate. and more events including a celebration with the german president are planned throughout the day all this week we've been looking at how the constitution is translated into reality everyday life by ordinary people today we focus on article 5 which guarantees freedom of expression we let an activist shared by originally from iraq to find out how he uses some troops for vocative his right to say what he wants in public. i left my country because of freedom of expression so it was always and still is
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very important to me to be able to express my opinion. ahmed had to flee his home in iraq because he wouldn't shut up in germany is protected by the constitution. the arabic word teacher is careful infidel the 20 year old is an atheist and he talks openly about his opinions on faith and other matters. sometimes he wants to provoke here at a palestinian march in germany he's carrying a poster of 2 kissing men. if there's pushing and shoving the police officer steps in to prevent violence i mean i know. he's not welcome. there. are many muslims it's
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a to boot and sometimes you have to be provocative when crossing boundaries in order to change something in society and. from all of this and i'm from a religious family there were certain rules about what i could and couldn't do it was somehow clear to everyone that you couldn't be different. and you couldn't think differently when the. one point i thought it had to be possible to say that you were no longer a believer without being punished. and then i decided to do it for myself. so talking not my fault it was 5 days after my 15th birthday when my father suddenly went to the police so he came back with 3 police officers they beat me in front of my parents' home and. then they looked me in a room for i was so modest they tortured me with cables and electric shocks and
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that. and i think. this is. a loss and that was the day i left iraq because we took this picture at night with a photographer with it. at 1st i didn't want to tell my story in germany. to avoid more conflicts and so on. but at the same time i knew that if you express your opinion in europe the states will protect you. ahmed said muslims in germany abuse and threaten him when he openly express his opinions but here unlike in iraq he's protected by the police. by sucker for just a lot to be here and i won't let anyone here tell me how to live and what i'm
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allowed to do. especially what i'm allowed to say. i am free. and. joining me now is leadership but if he's a professor of constitutional law welcome to you professor now we saw in our report that the basic law and article 5 works for chevron he is protected by authorities and has freedom of expression but does the basic law also protect people who abuse the strike to freedom of expression by making a decision a dick and racist comments yes. in general yes but when the people are fighting against the. constitution and against the constitution all the then they can be forbidden by. constitutional court but this only happened for. parties
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political parties and some unions but not for individuals. ok on the busy signal was created in a very specific historical context that germany should have solid democratic foundations after years of not seizure but what are you after 70 years later what feels the most important element of the basic law or the german constitution was. the beginning of the opening of the constitution with the guarantee of the human. divine and this made a career in the whole world for example article one of the constitution of the european union as a same sentence and then the binding of all powers legislative and
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executive and restriction to the basic law and opening just from the beginning the opening to the u.p.a. integration this was the only. text in this time who. in the who declared to. we. open our constitution for the european. integration that only started at the start a given set on the sim did any of us see of the basic kill we must also recognize that you have a far right party which is in the german parliament is actually the opposition leader in the german. what are your thoughts on that in relation to the basic know well we had another. radical right party the n.p.t. this party has been should be forbidden by the constitution constitutional court
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but the consumer of called declared the n.p.t. is unconstitutional but they are not a danger for the public all there but they should not give have any money. some weeks ago the federal office for the protection of the constitution started a proceeding and declared that part of these every day of the party is an. observation and this. couldn't can be must start can be the 1st step to be forbidden by the consent different court and they are very afraid of this right but is a professor of constitutional thank you very much for your thoughts. now this misfortune plans to expand the next world cup to $48.00 teams have been abandoned
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by fee for the tournament in qatar will instead go ahead with $32.00 teams as previously planned now the upheaval would have required couple to share a hosting duties in 2022 with other countries in the region despite an economic blockade of qatar by its neighbors while football's governing body said off to quote a thorough and comprehensive consultation process the change would not be made the following tournament in the u.s. canada and mexico in 2026 will be the 1st with 48 teams. you're watching the news here's a recap of the top stories that they're following for you those of open to the elections to the european parliament that includes the u.k. on to it missed its original deadline to leave the european union the election day has been overshadowed by a growing chorus for prime minister to resign me to decide. up
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next tim sebastian grills veneers that no i'm on envoy for venezuelan offices beautiful one by the way that's on conflict zone coming up shortly on d w so do stay with us if you can i'm sure that you might see of the top of the hour.
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center of the conflict zone. clause known as venezuela's office issued a sentence the phone just news yet the size of get the military to come over to this site my guess is this news here in london is the most annoying most representative to the venezuelan a position leader only so stick that president is qualified oh what happens next
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the conflict sophia stops on details of the for. their piece of video and its consequences. political bombshell in vienna. austria as government is in chaos. look at just a quick question what role if any took an intelligence services play in this scandal. and how close are the right wing populist to russia if. you have 60 minutes on d w. o. h i mean these. are. constitution 17.
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doesn't all foreign chief of germany. on c.b.s. 6 times. this is. the point is the people want change why goal is and they don't change their they don't necessarily want you. they took you for food food and water i don't know if they should cost for fools last month venezuela's opposition attempted that whole just move yet to try to get the military's have come over to their side and unseat the government but the effort failed my guest this week here in london is vanesa newman representative to the venezuelan opposition leader and self declared president juan what happens next.


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