tv DW News Deutsche Welle May 23, 2019 3:30pm-3:46pm CEST
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with not doing anything like the kind of crisis. you know much like the. next destruction of. things are we have to answer to his 1st. election in 26 t w. d w news asia today right in the indian capital delhi where the reins of government will continue to remain firmly in the hands of the ranger both he and his p.j. pete the party along with its coalition partners has secured an overwhelming majority in the election results announced today plus. 5 more years of the dreams of all the government what do they hold in store for india and the wider region
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we'll look at the options. i'm british manager and welcome to news asia broadcasting from delhi it's a win and a big win at that 2nd consecutive time for not in the room or the as prime minister of india the news talk tough celebrations amongst the party faithful party flags party big smiles being the order of the day. our correspondent michelle just was at the beach of people at the headquarters in delhi where she asked party spokesperson shazia ilmi what she thought were the reasons behind the b j p's spectacular electoral performance this time around it looks like a very clear mandate almost as good a mature. because last time what is your 1st reaction i think the results are
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indeed exhilarating and they're also very humbling and they also go on to show that people of india have reposed their faith in the leadership of prime minister somewhere there is a huge connection between the masses the middle classes. in the prime minister in his leadership and also in the way of government policy has been implemented the various schemes for the poor and the beer leadership has many festive itself. through our great service so i think the people of india have gone for a decisive vote of the mandate is extremely clear and even there that has been calling of for 2 or more parties. when they only got to get over the sole purpose of defeating modi that has not really given them any dividends so there goes on to show that is a very pro active mandate it's a very positive mandate and it sir decisive man did put a decisive leadership so
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a decisive band-aid for the beach a p a 2nd time down so how did the b.g.p. do it for more on that we're joined by dr shah is a political scientist at the university of delhi but if you're going to very much for speaking to a few dozen years it's been called many things he's been called been called him or the tsunami has been even called him or the undercut in all sorts of nautical terms but how did not enter both he and his b.g.p. managed to secure this overwhelming majority this time around modi has succeeded in making this election a personality based election and he has created a you know mitt that there is no alternative to the more the opposition has no credible leader and therefore only more the is pretty to govern this country and make this country strong and protect the you know national security that's why well he has succeeded in doing that why has it been an issues based if i can pull
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a bet what have been the foundations of the generation of this myth or this is just a myth this is not the reality that's why but at the same time i put this in could not dismiss it. and listen until you break this myth and predict you know it's wrong thing and you can succeed in projecting a alternative model but i mean i don't think you would use and could. do it why is that was that that was the opposition blind to what was happening or they just don't have that leader shows the problem is on the one saying be defeated you know more listen not some kind of you know party congress party of course national party but definitely the congress has not reached you know people congress had lost the organizing soon at the local level and that's why this may be an image you may call it to be tippy the man unmatched and on the other hand there are regional parties like s.p.
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obviously our duty to could not even project you know a national party and to conduct the things the you know i mean the eyes of the people to our party and that's why i mean people i'm not talking about. you people are talking in the s.v.n. s.v.n. you'll be back in the hot nobody's talking about b.s. me and that's the people are talking are getting sex wester return parties remain ready to be ready reasonably ready to go which is to come back to the point of organization what you're basically saying you could be chippy which got an overwhelming majority the last time around despite that they continue to organize at the ground level yes and the congressman which spread really poorly last time around yes completely neglected that congress has neglected to go in a houston since long because if we had given the importance to the ordinary hughson supported by our assist on the says as you you know organize in every weather even in north south even in your northeast and that's why congress could not do you know
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match with defeat help part of the arm they use not structure these concerns losing on the ground yeah yeah i just want to speak about the impact of this op ed there's a good sense of you had an overwhelming majority as a result of this measure. from the teacher pete what does that also say about the population of this country that elected to power a government which is feast questions about development and about its claims in the economy yet it gets elected what does that say about india is india changing no the point is the development of the stories then people are you know facing lots of it not me crisis. you know what people of course education 2nd everywhere and the problem is this but the point is if you make the people who understand that this is the important thing for a country like you know ness not security. nationalism you know the idea of majority into a kind of pure nationalism which is so old we get we has succeeded in doing that
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and end up with usin parties could not content and the man who has been leading this charge has been married for more votes and he's now going to be securing a 2nd term as prime minister yes a bit more about the man who started life as a tea seller became a chief minister and then continued as prime minister. has campaign stops cold they don't come more stunning than this the himalayas and narendra modi on a pilgrimage to the secret key don hindu temple. morty worship large shiva the god of destruction. before spending hours meditating in an isolated cave a world away from the feverish rallies he started up. it's my good fortune that i get the chance to visit the land of spiritual enlightenment so often . nowhere could be farther from the chaos oh.
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and the color of india's 6 week voting marathon that some already crossed the length and breadth of the country addressing more than $140.00 rallies taking his pitch of hardline hindu nationalism to an increasingly divided country. was the model. in the name of humanitarianism social justice and secularism. the opposition to a covered in corruption and dentistry politics. our body bought a car. with $900000000.00 votes at stake and thousands of parties it is the largest election on ass but it came to be seen as a referendum on india's populist prime minister a choice he relished his image defaming a new era of india's polarizing politics. of polarizing politics so
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we india face 5 more years of all right polarizing politics and more importantly what does this mean for south asia and the wider region dr such as is still with us dr shika what is the direct impact on india's foreign policy because of the pakistan as a result of 5 more years of many of them or this government being at the mall muscular didn't foresee even begin that would be to meet muscular means for the pakistan of course the i mean will be projected as the enemy of india and definitely with pakistan you're also going to be you know is sort related you know minority or something which may be a incited to the security of india in that sense that is swapped out it is a model something supported and is sponsored by the pakistan but the question we. hope part of the question of pakistan and a muslim kind of an important policy of india is concerned definitely if we i mean
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look like look like but it's not we the reality again you can't we are me because if you look at 5 years of not in the more the it was never the case that every 41. there was no such case that india has india has some whole project itself as a very powerful country against pakistan and pakistan 2nd no no well that's the question what does this mean as you're putting off a resurgent india and a strong india for the other countries. no see unless you make. the country i stronger from that will be. unless you are big the people of the country with you how can you make the nice and strong only look the problem is not enough to make the country a strong country you know so in daegu you know. double street where there is so much diversity and you have to take people in conference and to make it you know stronger india by taking people in you know in one sense that you may call it
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nissen hold on something other why you the people are you know excluded how can you make the nissen stronger so what i am suggesting is only inclusive india is stronger nonsense and could be a euro possible precedent to pakistan do you therefore think that the strongman you make there in the motif projects is ultimately going to harm india's internal growth of course of course of course. so the stress on the economy would not be there no doubt about that with. that is all he has what he has not talked about development he has not talked about you know the kind of slogan that was given that achieved in language. have you ever heard that he was talking about in any of the election that. because he could not bring that to change then he failed in doing that and so he had predicted something which is
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a myth and finally he succeeded in doing that of course better than you mean the good days that you. and when he's not talking about his not talking about you you are saying that it's been sort of good days it's going to be bad that. final from you if you will but if you want to have a projection of what india is going to be experiencing in the next 5 years what do you think it is is it more organizers who are our economy and just a strong man a rich what is a good looking at what i guess someone will be with it would be a strong religion. based on some kind of for no cost kind of thing i put it straight off the people so definitely at this point you know. which will harm the country. thanks for that. from the university a very well there you have it a 2nd time for another 2nd consecutive. with an already been majority potentially
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lots of introspection from the opposition parties an interesting 5 years coming up and of course you'll be able to find all the bits on the right on the. for today thanks very much. to the. there's no. manager today. at the banks. and so watch the language of the bank. speaking the truth global news that matters g.w. made for mines earth home to millions of species
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a home worth saving. google ideas tell stories of creative people and innovative projects around the world by deals that protect the climate boost green energy solutions and reforestation. using interactive content to inspire people to take action google audience the environment series of global 3000 on t.w. and online. global aviation regulators meet in the u.s. to discuss returning boeing 737 max 8 to the am and why america regulators for the last to ground the james. bunch of banks ford faces off with its bases its share price it's an all time low over the legal and corporate wars and as well as around
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the world talk about how to unclog out congested cities and where the china's new silk road will help or have. paid facilities it's their business u.s. officials are still waiting to see boeing's fix for the automated systems blamed in the max a crash is the aviation administration says it'll take as long as it takes to get it right international regulators a meeting of the united states american carriers loek ready to get the jack jet back in the skies changeling flights for august. the boeing 737 max will remain on the tarmac until the regulator is convinced the aircraft is safe. the 737 max was grounded following the ethiopian airlines crash in march just months after a similar liner disaster in indonesia in all 346 people were killed. the f.a.a. is meeting over 30 international air regulators including china the e.u. brazil and canada to discuss a software fix
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