tv DW News Deutsche Welle May 27, 2019 12:00pm-12:31pm CEST
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thank you the again we are going to brussels to repair the e.u. to reduce the e.u. to a school. that is why we have been elected and that is what we are going to do in brussels . these may have been european elections but the results may well she cut domestic politics. and we're joined in the studio by all of the political scientists with rasmussen global here in berlin thanks for being here so centrist parties losing across europe political establishment looks like it's not very solid ground mirrored very much by the results that we see here in berlin. why is this happening i think it's that we see this trend for years now and specially if you look at the s.p.d. you can see how dramatic it actually is going on so yesterday's on the race to the bottom which now turned really into excessive dental crisis if you are so 20 years
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ago they had 40 percent now they're down to 15. comparison to the last 10 years so they're really it's there's just one direction and the sea views in the same boat as we've seen now it was interesting the green party especially leading in this age groups of very young people 1st time voters in the age of 2018 to 24 so they're leading by far with 33 percent while the established parties actually always you don't resonate with young voters any longer it's on the one hand because the climate change issue is such a huge of the fright is the future and other movements of became on top of this but yoko also could see that yeah the old party sexually doand can deliver a very simple answer so what do i get a vote for you old guys and it's an issue of leadership it's an issue all of that structural changes within society are happening and the parties have their
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challenges these days to find the right answers because they also lost a lot to the camp of the nonvoters and speaking of the greens they are surgeons now this is a big night for them what are they going to do with this newfound power that they have yeah that's a good question sir they definitely will not be an easy target for for the code and city you. to maybe switch with the s b d and jumping into the into the bed with the with the cd us to turn a new government. they ended up with 8 percent of the last. elections now that enfolds up to 20 sold they will increase the pressure definitely on the topics like climate change. but also other issues and they will prepare for the next national elections they might come sooner than later all right all of bone couple it all scientist with resumes the global in berlin thanks for joining us. you're
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watching g.w. news a special election coverage of the european parliament elections results are shaping up after unprecedented high voter turnout of 51 percent populist parties have done well with clear victories in france poland and italy and in the u.k. where the braggs it party is projected to win more than 30 percent but concerns about climate change are also too stupid the pro greens parties across the block. they're watching u.w. news up next is world stories to round up some of the most interesting stories beyond the headlines this week i'm irish waiter in berlin stay tuned and thanks so much for watching.
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where i come from we have to fight for a free press and was born and raised in a military dictatorship with just one t.v. shadow and a few newspapers with official information as a journalist i have worked with all of the strengths of many cantrips and they have problems are almost the same core to the social inequality a lack of the freedom of the press. corruption weak on the floor to stay silent when it comes to the fans of the humans and see the why through fools who can't decide to put their trust in us. my name is johnny carson and we're a d. .
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promise edition of the lead story. refugees in jordan. banned apps to prevent sexual violence in india but we begin in germany where article one of germany's basic law states that human dignity is inviolable dominic blow believes a life lead in dignity means being able to wash even if your own lips also. go into the toilet taking a shower there normal things for everyone but how can you do this when you're homeless it's not so simple. dominic clone lived on the streets for 10 years always on the move looking for something to eat somewhere to sleep he says it was a life without dignity.
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dominic was 16 when his mother threw him out the streets of st paoli became his home in the red light district of hamburg. when we beat each other up for a sleeping bag it's a fight for survival and then there's a sadistic violence and contempt where people come in they don't treat you with dignity but like dirt. they pee on your sleeping bag or batter us something there might not be a tomorrow maybe someone will set me on fire beat me to death you end up living just for the here and now and trying to stay alive. yet dominic's got his high school diploma and volunteered in a clothing to pay for refugees people even worse off than him he sees this kind of thing all the time police wake up a sleeping homeless man and tell him to move on. this is also a question of dignity cool among us who sits down somewhere at lunch time. to be
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approached by 3 police officers and you see how they put on gloves because they're disgusted that's no way for people to treat each other. dominick is working to offer homeless people some dignity he's collecting donations to pay for a shower bath a bathroom on wheels with a dressing room full of clean clothes he learned what hygiene can means were person when he was living on the streets. body and soul go hand in hand at some point if you're physically dirty you turn inwards and feel in the end that you yourself are dirt has a lot to do with dignity and feelings of self-worth these are things that are lost on the streets i hope this bus can help taking showers to people who need them. dominic got his life in order he's 30 now and for the 1st time his existence is
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fairly secure he has work he has goals. and he has friends most importantly he says it's up in the fall and although i have an apartment and i appreciate what that means for me it's a luxury to be able to sleep in my boxer shorts or to wash myself whenever i feel like you know i need a shower but it's not. that many people have dignity and that's inviolable and that should apply to everyone washing is a large part of that. next we're going to jordan where over 2000000 palestinians live in refugee camps their situation is worse and considerably since the u.s. stopped all its funding to the united nations palestinian refugee agency. 27 year old i innocently runs the refugee camp or he was born and raised it was
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once his job to clean the streets here but now the garbage is left uncollected she was one of around 40 senate asian laborers employed by the united nations relief and works agency for palestine refugees were for short to keep the girish camp in jordan clean in 2018 the trump administration announced it would seize all funding to the agency so it has had to let employees go including sanitation laborers like ali. the u.n. agency was able to raise new funds. from some 40 other countries but still needed to reduce its hold budget by $92000000.00 u.s. dollars last year. heidi has asked us not to reveal his identity his refugee status doesn't allow him to work outside the camp this job was his only source of income to support his family of 6. there are now only 10 workers left to clean a camp with a population of $30000.00 as
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a result of the camp is experiencing a garbage crisis. and then claim the camp is lacking in everything the senators situations very bad shit every day i have to clean the streets myself. we knew of to a different camp because it is the largest refugee camp for palestinians in jordan with a population of over 100000 many families have been in the camp for generations here sanitation is not the only problem residents of houses with makeshift roofs like this one are especially vulnerable in the winter months. mohammed a father of 2 says he hoped under a law would help with building expenses but they always cited a lack of funding he was forced to go into debt to pay for this metal cover. about how i'm a grown up but i can handle this but i was worried for my children all night about carry them from one room to the other so that the rain would not fall on their
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heads i had to put buckets all over the house i had no other solution to. get the solution he found is by no means sustainable water still gets through the house poses many health hazards and the children are at risk of electrocution from uncovered wires. says that when the summer months hit the roof will make temperatures inside the house unbearable he says he feels abandoned with no other option but to hope for a better future. india is considered the most dangerous country in the world for women over 100 rapes are reported here every day you want to bring new orders from delhi have now developed an app to help protect women from sexual harassment and violence. figures of harassment on the faces who come forward with their stories over 4000 instances detailing sexual
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harassment of women have been shared on an online platform called safe since. these experiences are marked on i'm up in this case in the heart of india's capital delhi it did happen to me. but to the north did not meet victor it never could. and you still i will always be. safe says he's founder else a marine to silva hopes the platform will help educate women about their rights having a platform where you can anonymously share your story can be liberating also when you read another woman's story there's solidarity and there's resonance because you suddenly realize you are not alone in your experience but she wants more by highlighting how dangerous public spaces are for women the hope is that authorities will make cities safer studies say delhi is one of the most dangerous cities in the world for women by evening the streets are almost exclusively
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a male domain the roads are often dimly lit and there's little police presence of tauruses have commissioned the safety pin startup to list danger zones in the city employees evaluate hundreds of thousands of photos the platform is also used in hanoi whereas aims to make metro stations safer safety pin has developed 3 alps there's also my safety pin where users can race has safe they feel in a certain place. the areas are scored and they bring newcomers to a city to determine which streets to avoid the company has also made an opp which allows users to have themselves tracked by g.p.s. . we are very clear that only a woman kid asked someone to track so nobody can take a decision to track someone very careful that we don't want to become
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a stalking. the apps are there on the technology behind them keeps improving but the real test boils down to how women feel walking india's streets. thank. tender last stop lose money. if you've got a locked door broken phone just take it to the cell phone market in the center of the capital bamako where an expert will fix it for you the markets creating jobs in the crisis ridden country. anyone looking to buy a cellphone in mali's capital bamako will likely head straight to the mob she had to telephone. no one knows exactly how many dealers and workshops there are here but it's somewhere around 2000 crowded together along the road. mamadou camera sells new smartphones at his stall he says the place isn't just full as it used to be the mobile. crisis in the country is making our business worse people have less
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money and if they do have money they buy other things not phones but that wouldn't it be. well for don't. molly is one of the poorest countries in the world but mobile network coverage reaches almost 100 percent of the population anyone who can afford one has a cell phone. opposite mama to use there's a stand for 2nd term phones business is better there. has already checked out a few dealers but hasn't found the right one yes. woman. i'm looking for a 2nd time phone for us i don't have much money and sex in this street is the best place to get 2nd time he falls for what. he brought him haidara no relation has a small range of things but mainly used i phones they're more expensive but they look impressive and they're a lot cheaper than the new ones across the way. for the i phones come from the us
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or france people often trade their old ones in so i buy them after they've been repaired. the repairs are done in one of the yards along the road it's where art a messy to bed has his workshop cracked screens and broken circuit boards even the most hopeless cases are brought back to life here i repair cost the equivalent of a she sends to $20.00 euro's depending on the job. towards the sun so my repair all brands samsung i phone android but it's only possible if i can get the replacement parts here in mali from oprah's school for 2. locked phones are also taken care of in the repair shops suliman see debate has. grams that can guess any phone up and running again. the mouse age a telephone provides thousands of jobs and bamako and despite the country's crisis
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with him had a big gun goes up because we're lions if i had known that the boat would be that small i never would have gone on a trip to cuba i would not have put myself and my parents are dangerous but it's a theme that they're going to give us leave with. my one son to put that on the global and give them i had serious problems on a personal level and i was unable to live their lives i'm going to. want to know their story for migrants terrified and for libel information for margaret's. well coming to you tomorrow today the science program on g.w.
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coming up. you probably know pinocchio the public with the knows that grows longer when he lives we'll look at the science of deception. lies more convincingly men or women and who does it most often while the study came up trumps. and female male differences are the subject of this stop this research she heads germany's 1st institute for gender but said. a familiar scenario yesterday there was disagreement in the office today you greet your colleagues with a smile over your feeling far from friendly dissimulation yes but it's good for social harmony say research has other kinds of lines do the opposite though like when someone spreads false information in the base known for they are at fake news maybe u.s. president trump according to the washington post he has made over 10000 false or
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misleading statements since taking office. donald trump frequently complains long and loud about faith. and yet what you want us president himself is a master when it comes to spreading fake news. his preferred platform is twitter and fake news is part of his communication strategy he fires out tweets fast and furious but many have little or no basis in reality like the tweets from the summer of 2018 in which he accused google of being biased against him. for years according to trump when obama was president google had promoted the state of the union address but he said the tech giant stopped doing so once he moved into the white house. claim was false. but how will this fake news spread via social media and how does it gain influence how does it bypass
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conventional media channels and cross national borders and how can fake news be corrected. unicef a company based in cologne specializes in media analysis. here they traced help donald trump's google tweet spread. head of research voice leto who is fascinated by the subject because never before has there been a president who deploys false or misleading claims in such a targeted manner how successful is donald trump and why does he do it is because he doesn't care whether the lies exposed the main thing is that his own political camp his own supporters believe what he says that his chief goals to further mobilize voters who are well disposed towards him anyway and to create an alternative public sphere to be established media systems would meet interesting.
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trumps many twitter followers guarantee him a large audience his attack on google was seen 4500000 times it was shared 40000 times and liked 108000 times. there was just as. dissemination of a tweet you can see that there was a range of reactions re tweets and online articles about donald trump's tweet fake news spreads very quickly it's frequently picked up and shared most rapidly by his supporters. get tired of it the 1st media correction usually appears quite quickly but in this case it took an hour and a half until the 1st journalist it was someone at buzz feed exposed that as a lie. in 2017 donald trump didn't hold a state of the union address as is normally the case for
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a newly inaugurated president trump's 1st state of the union address took place in 2018 and google did link to that on its home page but the rebuttal only got $3003.00 tweets that's 12 times fewer than the read tweets of trump's original. vats the general pattern fake news always spreads more than the rebuttals partly because it always has a head start. in the mean time traditional media started to pick up the issue with all its claims and counterclaims 1st in the united states and then worldwide trump achieved the maximum amount of attention with a minimum of effort. to do so. because of his huge twitter presence the media can't ignore him he manages to set the media agenda via his twitter feed spirit. trump kills 2 birds with one stone on the one hand he can get his supporters on side on certain topics at the same time he
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forces the media to report on those topics and if the reporting is negative well he just brands that. fake news. by the way our brains can grow accustomed to lying at 1st we have a bad conscience there's a strong reaction. but scientists have found that the more often we lie the smaller the reaction. telling tales is nothing new as history shows. having fun by playing tricks on people ringback is a pastime probably as old as humanity. when people rarely invest as much time and effort in a practical joke as was the case here. in october 869 workers
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digging a well on a farm in new york state came across the fossilized corpse of a 3 metre tall giant a scientific bombshell proof that the earth was once populated by giants just as the bible says. it's only took a few weeks for scientists to expose the giant as a forgery. a chicago artist had sculpted it out of a block of gypsum for new york tobacconist george how. very did just some statue in 868 a year before its discovery. paul wanted to spare no effort to get one over on his parish priest who took the bible all too literally it. was. to give it its stony fossilised look he even pierced hundreds of thousands of tiny holes into the gypsum.
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but unfortunately not all pranks are as harmless as that quite often someone is trying to enrich themselves with their antics. one especially audacious fraud was perpetrated by bohemian con man victor last week in 1025 he sold the eiffel tower to a scrap merchant ok the tower wasn't very popular among parisians to begin with and since its construction for the world exhibition in 889 it had become a little shabby. posing as vice director of the postal ministry responsible for the building. last week invited 6 wealthy scrap dealers for a few beers precisely because they were suspicious last week also asked for a bribe in the form of a commission on top of the purchase price. that's exactly what convinced dealer on tape quest song that he was genuine he forked out a small fortune for the demolition rights so what happened well the eiffel tower is
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still standing. another method fraudsters used to earn their daily crust is forging expensive items in particular are 2 words. one definitely very talented member of this illustrious circle was conrad kuya in the 1970 s. he produced and sold paintings he claimed were done by adults hitler. but he only became widely known and notorious 10 years later after fabricating the so-called hitler diaries his 15 minutes of infamy. the irony is that coolio became so popular that other painters set about forging his forgeries.
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common are the elite among the fraudsters and jokesters like wilhelm forked who dressed up as oppression captain to rob the town treasury of company. frank w. abigail was also a master of his trade even before he was 21 he'd already posed as a pilot a lawyer and a doctor in an accident and emergency unit along the way he managed to hustle some 2 and a half $1000000.00 on the side before he was finally caught. steven spielberg film his biography in 2002 but that too was a bit of a calm the real adult male isn't a patch on leonardo dicaprio. and you we asked on facebook when did you last line and why. similar arias said he liked to avoid having to attend
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a social event. some of us did it to avoid hurting someone's feelings. mistral i wrote that she lies to herself when she does something foolish and tries to justify her behavior. and then asks nice to keep from being blamed for things thanks for those honest comments. how often people really lie on a daily basis is hard to prove but it seems we get better at it with age. the. researchers did an experiment exploiting kids love of stuffed animals a child sits in a room and a stuffed animal is placed where can't be seen. a child is told not to know.
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when the reset. leaves the room the child peek in 90 percent of the cases. when asked whether they'd followed instructions of the 3 year olds told the truth. but nearly old the 12 year olds. many adults are expert at lying with years of practice under their belt. it is sometimes said that little white lies are most common among couples. we wanted to test that hypothesis. oh. how many lies have you told today i mean none so i started as soon as i caught up. by one maybe ok. so what to their respective partners say to that and who tells more films. we.
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