tv Conflict Zone Deutsche Welle May 30, 2019 2:30pm-3:01pm CEST
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for minds to know that 77 percent. are younger than 60 ah. that's me and me and you. and you know what it's time all voices part. of the 77 percent to talk about the issue. this is where you can see. the 77 percent this weekend on d w. 5 years ago there was no far right to talk extreme right populist not. earthquake they expected politics is full of mistakes voters in the european parliament elections have shaken out the continent's politics turning away from the major power blocs that have dominated brussels in recent years and boosting the smaller groupings the greens the liberals and the far right my guest this week here
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in stockholm is good to term anything anna-maria carets a built in saps until recently under the banner of the european peoples party what did she and the party do wrong. annamaria carets a build welcome to conflict zone thank you tim apparently european voters weren't so keen on the status quo in the war do you accept a share of the blame for that for the 1st voter participation has been very very high historically 51 percent more or less in medium in and out of europe but they don't like the status quo became out to say that but this is your general crossing legitimacy to european institutions shows that people start to understand how relevant to european union is and that it really affects their daily life and they
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future their one market ability they want more transparency i think they will ask much more participation for whoever is going to run europe in the future and so my damn way of spinning it isn't there but the fact is that the party you sat with the european people's party is still there yes well it's held there yes it's growing the way you're europeans who say we don't want the status quo the status quo just doesn't work extreme right populist did not have. the earthquake they expected to have been actually have an earthquake of scandals and the liberal liberal conservative forces are stronger than previously the greens advantaged the socialist collapsed dick stream left lost almost 50 seats fine as though there was no far right at all was there so you hold the door open for them during the last 5 years i think this is not the time for blame game me this is the time to sign for the truth isn't it time to look at what happened the achievements of the last 5
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years i think if you go one of the now they want to have politicians that take responsibility build a stable majority to run europe in a way that it responds to day problems or connects with them and gives answer to security. migration but also free trade economy jobs and they don't want to be left behind the un says that the last 5 years didn't you because the story of the last 5 years for the has been one of missed warnings hasn't had warnings about growing inequality warnings about climate change fears about identity and culture these kinds of things which will probably address in the last 5 years hence the door was left open for the far right which didn't really exist 5 years ago where the far right in europe have has unfortunately all a success that is extremes aulus existed there because there are martians so exotic and you know it's a nominal it wasn't winning elections 5 years ago was it well we have been in and
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australia the extreme right party has collapsed left the government and they lose very strong moment in swaying they lost import together lost in denmark they lost their one very strong in italy and you have a strong point there and belgian italians feel left behind generally in migration and he has been stirring emotions and fears like that's what populist do but not getting any answer. but there were so many huddling under solution include with all migration for instance and 2016 the head of the refugee center warned of an elephant in the room he said but no one was prepared to acknowledge it was the fact that the great fear among europeans was the fear of islam and that he claimed created a vacuum which the parties hurried to fill and filled with a certain amount of success to them without giving any answer because they are putting people against people they are scaring people with propaganda against islam
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against muslims even against other europeans but so far they have not given any solution on migration their reality is and that was a law has the we have to because the problems have been changed we are not responsible for the war in syria or iraq or what happens in part of the demographic boom in africa poverty under development when there are 68000000 more or less people on the move now in the world you cannot blame all of the european union for the events of the whole point of the european union was to find common solutions to common problem we did that you didn't do and you know that you don't you know block that tim they are bones. the extreme right politic politicians who went close to power over a sitting governments are the one who are blocking the entire as island package and migration package that the european parliament majority has voted including the
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reform of the dublin regulation i was there for 10 years to do it ourselves by politicians like or by who say not only we don't like it we don't even want to negotiate it going against the whole way european politics is that so nationalist populist are already so we says why do what you have here you do it. the problem. you yes 1st the turkey the council to see you as well 1st of 1st a turkey and then the libya. and that and well either of those 2 warrior league laureus lee did that we did we need to work with our external partners of course also so it's ok in libya where there can be incarcerated for years now and i don't i don't want our beaten up that's not what i said sexually abuse that's ok that's not what i said i was using i work with external plant we have to work with exxon partners of where this is these are clearly the wrong ones that we are worth millions the wrong part of the floor we are working to stop the lies libya
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according to united nations plan to have a stable government there be able to have elections the situation now is of civil war and look at what's happening to the people in those camps as you work to stabilize the situation could take years to stabilize the city may i have been one of those announcing more than others to schumer right situation in libya as unacceptable i went to i got there i went to niger i have been a month one and my political group promoting a marshall plan for africa to make sure that we really solve the problems that we invest there and we make sure the people can go take their aids could the problem is now look at the deal with turkey which is whole spin off effect since in greece as he says is to write rhetoric dire are no quick fix. tim and the idea here are you ross's though here rock around the wrong way to fleece or its long term problems then and a stronger sure night at an open europe not a divided and destroyed and broken europe its problems there are over borders and
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it common solutions and the populace are doing exactly the opposite anna-maria corrado leader save orderly migration i pointed out one main regime was great the deals with the wrong people the wrong deals with the wrong people you take the deal to return to regular my migrant the one with turkey for instance now it's apparently come out that it has led to knock on dismal policies and practices in greece that are said by n.g.o.s to be short sighted in defective and dangerous you've got as many as 20000 people who've been left stranded in these camps these so-called i visited centers i see terrible conditions they said are due to the european policy of trapping asylum seekers in e.u. hotspots it's down to the you wrongly you know this is all the wrong people did you visit to see it i need to yes i saw the reports well i visited them i saw you can i
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think to be proud of my visit i only asked him cannot science or because he gave me a chance to answer. i visited lesbos and the camps both in the islands and the reception centers and the situation greece is bad it is due to the fact that a communist government in greece could not put up the institutions that are necessary since we don't have a for the ration europe to work with european institutions which are strong which give enormous support to greece which are really doing a lot in greece from europol to the fundamental rights agency to from tax to office greece has a lot at the refugee fund greece has a lot of help from the european union but it takes 2 to tango and it's not easy i have been the one denouncing the situation of a company in miners there there is not sufficient capacity in greece for that and there are not enough which one i know is the ones which was named they are aren't enough member states in the european union who are willing to do relocation which
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means to live up with they agreement to relocate from both italy in greece so there's a lack of solidarity among member states don't blame it on brussels it's with turkey it's impossible to deal with. the solution for migration and asylum without working with turkey like you i don't you know like they are in turkey what you can blame them on you for is that it has moved to the right itself as in the trying to beat the populace at their own game as an e.u. summit in 2018 the leaders called for so-called regional disembarkation platforms basically a place where migrants who got fished out of the mediterranean could be parked while someone tried to work out what to do with them and the e.u. muncher became if we don't get tough others will get tougher you remember scuse me donald tusk of the summit some may think i'm too tough in my proposals on migration
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but trust me if we don't agree on them then you will see some really tough proposals from some really tough guys so you shifted for the right the view shifted on here talking to me like i'm the spokesperson of the european union i'm not i'm not talking to you and i'm not what you are part of the european yes party yes when the along with these things we stand up for fundamental rights for human rights we want to share main rule based common european asylum and migration policy some member states don't want it and european union is done about coalitions and compromise your people started does the party did not have much our 80 during last month that. and we don't have a for the ration the member states can block can hinder cannot implement and legislations that i really important for europe are blocked at the moment in the council and if you accept that the council moved to the right in that the airlines
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beat the populace of the zone go a long way from all the last deployment really see the outer limits ala ludlum israel started in that of course. politics is full of mistakes but we have been trying with a very strong value based compasses to bring forward the reform agenda based on the rule of law and rule of law is the strength of the european union and populists want to close borders or raise wars we want to manage migration legal orderly safe we want to control and manage the border not to close the border combating trafficking smugglers illegality stop belies africa that's not easy to solve libya we need unity between france italy and other member states member states have to work together talk about we have going to have the u.n. we're you know i'm saying in the future we need to strengthen our common and security foreign policy and speak in one voice as long as member states are not
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united europe would be weaker people are losing faith believe here's the paradox isn't that pious level of support for membership since 1983 but more than half the people of europe think he is likely to collapse within a generation all the while for the 1st breakfast and also the legacies that are so itself the chaos and implosion that are for chile we have seen in the u.k. has been a vaccination rather than infection for the rest of europe we have seen so you should be stronger so as a result of that we have seen if i can finish my sentence to euro baron it took country after country your planning and popularity has increased even him hungary with a few exception the czech republic and we have seen one after the extreme right. at political parties dropping the agenda of leaving the european union and leaving the euro so why do citizens have all these day why liberals and greens have gone forward and your actions they want a stronger europe they don't want to weaken euro why all the doubts about whether
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the e.u. can actually stay together i mean spain's foreign minister years of was asked the interview if it was so fragile europe was so fragile it could break up his comment was honestly yes honestly yes yes so europe has always been growing start out of big crisis we were born out of the ashes of world war 2. and there we are it is that is one of the best places in the world to live we never had it so good in europe we had 2000 euro you say about dozen years on or 3003 our 10 cent conflict and some 17 is a possibility it is now if the nationalist restaurant continues to put people against people like sullivan has been doing attacking the people of sweden yes that's a risk if you have a weakening of european institutions together with that higher rising rhetoric which is not only to migrants and to muslims but also on to other europeans we know
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when you put nations against nations in europe what happens and what about its alliance with hungary i was the friend the ones over no issues i was a force some to denounce it i have been taking big fights within my political group i wrote an article in political a year and a half ago i haven't you did me i mean i was saying that it stepped up to the elements i did not call for the party to be or bounce party i has failed to do i have done it time after time to be suspended to be expelled i took all the battles and i think that may be too little too late but i do admire some of the leaders after european peoples party who took the courage to take that step and in the parliament we have activated the rule of law mechanism which is asking the commission and the member said to take steps towards those kountry like poland like hunger who don't live up to our common values which is article 2 i don't really know how to build your party the european party waited and waited and waited and
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didn't want to do anything about it that's true for a long time i've been i mean what do they do a slap on the wrist the wink about on the back and then they were suspended something which about himself or both heard was a good decision e.p.a. has taken a good decision he said it maintained its unity and we can continue a unified campaign that's all you did. he said everything and the contra everything because the day before he had said that he would leave the european people's party if he was suspended and then she did and so his word does not impress me give fast sort through this student to the leader of the liberal me pete group he said the party's d.p.p. did was a political trick and a stitch up that shows the e.p. people always put parliamentary numbers ahead of the collective european interest and he was right wasn't it well now i think we have to look at the future we need politicians got on so that he was right this was a stitch up this was a fudge wasn't it and well let's see what happened it was a 1000000 let's say
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a while 7 i said it was too little too late and everybody knows that i've been taking a very strong stand against him against my own lappin against boris johnson against salvini against fire edge i am not afraid to take debates with those who i think are want to adventure the future of europe and not cheer children instead of build a better future is that true that the d.p.p. and its diminished party now after the election has had way too much power for way too long it's dominated europeans to sions for the last 15 years that's got to be unhealthy for any democratic process and that is for the people of europe to say not for you to say about dominance has allowed the party to do what the financial times called pre-cooking positions on treaties bailouts and the sort of e.u. disputes that certainly stretches the concept of democracy doesn't well create is still a member after your everybody started rick would collapse branches have been a complete failure which i'm very sorry for the people of the u.k.
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and showed that stability is when you are in the family and implosion is when you want to leave the family and their reality is that people want to be more involved otherwise they wouldn't go to vote as they did you were criticised nigel ferrars for his views on the you called him the biggest liar in europe but we had sloan's he was run by a bunch of faceless be. kratz there was more than a kernel of truth in that was well he is the elite of deal eat just starvation of the establishment and but the point he has belonged to that's right it was for a long time what i have been elected twice directly by the people of sweden for 10 years i don't feel like i'm a bureaucrat and together with my 750 elected colleagues we have 50 percent of the power in europe if that's bureaucrats and the rest of the 50 percent of power is elected governments the same that sit in the capitals and then in brussels take the decisions and the european commission is an executive body is not
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a legislator and they are like the departments in any government in any member state and america has a bill walk down any street in europe and ask anyone if they've heard of joseph dole the chairman of your european peoples party who lectures national leaders some of the most powerful people in europe what they should be doing and why they should be voting how many european citizens of her even heard of this man who wields enormous filed within the you've been you haven't have that i wouldn't go with that criticism useless but i was grabbing his a french bit from his he's on the elected politician he's been the chair is a chair of a political group is not a bureaucrat of course she's a political group the european peoples party is a political family it's not a strand here and it's all really powerful figure in brussels really well here's the leader of the free against political group in the european union believe the people of europe only ever heard of but the point you're making is very important and i think it's the lesson stat i'm saying for instance here in sweden we need to
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continue to take responsibility to make the case for europe and to connect with citizens i am a grassroot politician i have been elected by preferences by the people with the support group of voluntaries i'm not the party politician so you don't have to to convince me we have are we are task and that still we are most important task ahead of us. to continue to keep the people involved and much more than we have done little during his election which could have been so much better addressed in the last year we are looking ahead on how to make sure that no one is left behind and that people really feel that they i involve that there is something for them and does europe there's a difference between some countries where the election campaign has been breasts as you are the great corey doors and she are my kountry let's diminish the powers repatriate of powers less europe or more europe or the counters like in germany
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where the debate has been our common future our europe the future germany and the future of europe go hand in hand a strong united an open europe is is the basis for a better germany we're now going to see in the wake of the european elections what one report called the longest and least transparent job selection process for those who are going to hold the top jobs of the european union well i think it's not going to be an edifying so i have it in charge of the european parliament on the on that lidge is that their knowledge is that they work on the access to public document or more transparency of the trial are so again you don't have to convince me i think people have shown into selections that they want to know what's going on and they don't want closed doors decisions so anyone who wants to represent them now i think has to deliver on this and be more open in the way we take decisions in the european union the mess one of the messes that was left behind after this last
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parliament has been money hasn't it the lots of money money lost money don't waste is the scandals i guess you're right being funded by the thing i didn't know very reform was only a means expenses for us misusing to not going of using their stuff or do european parliament for national purposes that's all the extreme right in your has been doing that started from faraj in marion le pen and now it's trash talking about. expenses and they owe us that he says of no receipts no bills nothing no accountability 40000000 euros worth of european taxpayers may well i have been voting for making this more transparent and all this office money so i have no problem with that making in the in the next monday 10 like my party will do it in the next month it but the reason why this has been done is because the people of europe want less bureaucracy if you give a want more honesty don't send that's not about honesty because we are following the rules and there was i what they are so long as you don't change the rules
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you're not it's all about the 9000000000 that we lost in 2000 actually wrote us a 17 you can lie cannot like the rules but as long as politicians follow the rules you cannot accuse them for that then you can change the rules if you're not like them and i've i'm in favor of changing the roads to court of auditor's accuse them of losing between about 9000000000 years between 20022017 with member states they said doing little to prevent or punish those identified as suspects. for the poor is a pretty poor example i think we in sweden here have for maximum accountability when it gets taxpayers' money and we are been driving very much a strong agenda to make sure that the cohesion fund the social the social development funds to regional funds the agricultural finance are used in a way that is effective go to the end users and we have been calling the commission to have more powers to do that but there is always a balancing act between not wanting more bureaucracy but want to more control more
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control of the quest more bureaucracy that's the way it is you're going to miss the european parliament your party well i wrote you from the list i love to be i love to be a member of the european parliament i'm very very grateful for the confidence i got by that from the people of this 10 years for what i could achieve today enters into force a legislation that i've been responsible for which creates the 5th freedom internal market the freedom of data that's going to being that economic you are more competitive than job brings but you complain that your party has become an all boys network you know but let's not talk about that wasn't true was let's talk about europe well the reason that i learned a few seconds we need more stronger europe stronger women in europe of course and i hope there will be a strong europe in position to lose this 5050 and that it's never that not in that sense to me it means in the sense that a strong women need to be. appreciate
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it not weekend and i didn't feel appreciated don't like your party don't stroll in sweden that's true everywhere in europe and i really have been committing myself to making sure there will be a mall women and leading positions at that end it would be more respect for women there are other forms on me to it as sexual harassment which is of course the wars that we have to continue to stand up for there are other forms of harassment against women in politics very bad business you know you're bitter about no no no no no no i look forward now i have so much to give more help than my experience my networks my knowledge my multiculturalism my being a strong european and devoted engage european can be useful in other ways i don't reoccur it's a bill thanks for being on the conference on thank you. some
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you will share the planet with 9000000000. your world would be around 2 degrees warmer. inevitably sea levels rise by at least one meter some tree. root going to help some climate impacts will turn green for the media player it's really frightening. that blood. thanks why are people more concerned. for the 1st.
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players. play. to steal the news live from our land little hope left in the hunt for survivors of the budapest boat accident and ambulance spokesperson says that the search for missing passengers could be futile after a storm sank a sightseeing boat with over 30 tourists on board police have launched a criminal investigation. also coming up
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