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tv   In Good Shape  Deutsche Welle  May 31, 2019 2:30pm-3:01pm CEST

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but that one little bit to give them i had serious problems on a personal level and i was unable to live there but once i'm going to. want to know their story in full leverage verified and reliable information for margaret's. welcome to in good shape coming up this week pancreatitis and inflammation that can quickly turn life threatening. the power of sport why exercise keeps you young. and aroma therapy tapping into healing processes with sense. hello welcome to in good shape today from the german red cross clinics in berlin with that. smell
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so good smells can really make you happy and they can even make you healthy this is what scientists have figured out. one sense can help you relax improve your mood or have a stimulating effect and they might be able to do much much more. in its whole clinic in northern germany aroma therapy is even used in the intensive care unit and to be a bomb implies natural sense like lavender are injured and cedar the results she achieves are significant. because it's an identity issue here in the clinic we use essential oils in pass in hot compresses or rubs what i am doing smelling salts when patients feel nauseous have a headache or just feel poorly coached now. it's. under way of vomit has
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set up a scent diffuser in the waiting room. she says it makes patients and staff feel better. you know or use essential oils like cedar orange to take away patients fear but also to lift the mood among staff and it's been really successful we've had very positive experiences. but sense might be able to achieve much more according to the center researcher hans hot he made a groundbreaking discovery. we were the 1st to show that the olfactory receptors found in the nose are also located throughout the body in every organ in lung tissue in the digestive tract and in the skin of. the how different types of cells react to different scents thought i'm all for example the scent of time appears to stimulate the bowels which has many family receptors and sandal or the scent of
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sandal wood seems to induce wound healing by accelerating the division of skin cells. when the researchers examined cancer cells looking for olfactory receptor they made another exciting discovery cancer cells have up to $10000.00 times more scent receptor than healthy cells. some even stopped growing when they were exposed to certain sense now the researchers want to find out which particular tumors react to which particular substances. we're looking at lung cancer cancer colon melanoma breast cancer. we found specific all factory receptors in large numbers and we're trying to activate them. does this go with us was it maybe in 10 years time it could hopefully provide us with the opportunity to influence to mcgrath via these new receptors on oughtn't to motor. but
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there's still a long way to go and just sniffing particular sense won't cure cancer. as up with regard to this is not about smelling if you want to use these substances as part of a cancer treatment you'd have to transport the sent via medication or injections directly to the cancerous tissue in order to reach the necessary concentration secrets that you want to. but to enjoy the simple pleasures of aroma therapy at home just add a few drops of our enjoy lore common lavender oil to milk salt or sugar and put them in your bath water. then. inhale deeply and letters sent to which were. overall the therapy against cancer that sounds novel but perhaps there is a chance that we can treat cancer we cannot treat otherwise like for instance pancreatic cancer patrick swayze and steve jobs celebrity victims of pain trade
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a cancer how to treat this tumor and how the chances of survival are this is what i'm going to talk about with dr and bring us down. the pan cross a small organ that can often cost great problems. it lies right here between your liver n.t.l. spleen your pancreatic gland usually you don't feel it that it becomes diseased it might be life threatening. a long lost cause a maria segal and her husband feel as if they've got their lives back for almost 6 months things were turned upside down after who was a maria developed life threatening complications as
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a result of cool stones. she suddenly experienced of ear pain collapsed and lost consciousness she had to be helicoptered to hospital. and alter a sound revealed that she was suffering from an acute inflammation of the pancreas the likely cause a trap gallstone. the gallstone is trapped and ends up in the area around the opening of the intestine. we can see that here in the image. stone travels through the bile duct up to where it opens into the do odd number but then gets lodged there of the opening of the pancreatic duct is located in the same area so then that duct which releases pancreatic juice to a digestion when it's unable to drain that causes pressure to build up in the
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pancreas that activates the digestive enzymes in the pancreas and it begins to digest itself. was in maria was immediately given medication and then the goldstone was removed by keyhole surgery the doctors hoped that would be enough for her pancreatitis inflammation of the pancreas to disappear. pancreatitis is usually relatively miles and can be treated with fasting rest and an infusion coupled with an appropriate pain therapy. demise of most cases run their course within $7.00 to $10.00 days. ready but that didn't happen with was a. she suffered organ failure and only survived because she was swiftly resuscitated. pancreatitis and its acute form means that various organs can no longer adequately fulfil their function of course that
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leads to circulatory failure mung failure and also kidney failure as was the case with miss seeker. her condition remain critical for weeks on end she and her husband began to fear the worst. ultimately her doctors decided to open her abdominal cavity to remove dying or inflamed tissue it was a risky operation with an uncertain outcome. was a marine was lucky the operation was successful and after all the pain and setbacks her condition stabilised. now one year on she's back on her feet again her gold ladder has been removed to prevent the pancreatitis recurring. and she feels almost as fit as she did before her severe illness.
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i'm here in the german red cross clinics in berlin west end in the department for gastroenterology and meeting dr and the storm he's head of the department of gastroenterology and she you know everything about the pancreas thanks for having me today so how dangerous is pain critize figured out is can be very dangerous you know behind every most cases it's not serious but how about 10 to 15 percent you know if it develop necrosis and abscess us which might lead in 0.5 to one percent of the deaths of a patient unfortunately to understand all the dangers about pancreatitis what does the pancreas actually do it's a very important organ some. hidden you know up domon the front part of the pancreas is producing end science which we need just off the back part is producing insulin which we need to digest and reduce or sugar levels so one of the main
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causes for peter otitis the main course are guided stones which occluding the common build duct which is connected to the pancreas duct so whenever the stones we try to get them out we have. instruments to go in the coming back and pull the stones out of in the small of the ball to release the patient from historians on the other hand side if it's a chronic alcoholism related pancreatitis destructive cult sophistications the duct is a crude it buys inflammation so we go in and have a little stance here as you can see in august which are opening. to allow the fluid to come out so it's very very painful so it's pain the leading symptom indeed pain is the reason my patients come to the emergency or are calling the ambulance it's very very severe pain in the dome and you know in some patients think it's in your cognitive fog however we can distinguish between the heart in the pen koreas
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and can lead to a patient with the right treatment and how do you treat it. in most cases we cannot stop the out to digestion of the pancreas there's no medication for that unfortunately so we give the patients nothing postes we arrest the pancreas we give them a lot of fluid and pain medication and usually after $5.00 to $7.00 days to pain chris inflammation results however on the other side you know if digestion is very severe the whole organ starts to digest themself and they close as an abscess as a consequence then we are going through the stomach was our endoscopes and removing gets the abscess in the coals this to release inflammation out of the up the woman . ziskin be dangerous what happens when the tides get stronger this is a problem because of patients are complaining of a constant pain this pain can be very very severe and the life quality of those
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patients is low on the other hand side the ability of a patient to digest food is decreased because the organ is not working well enough so the patient is losing weight as shooter amount of stool and chronic abdominal pain go in the back as this is a critical sign for chronic bankroll titus and it is a danger for getting cancer pinker and predicates and of course if you are bothering and or gone always constantly you know cells can change which can lead to a cancer so the fears are very low it's a 5 to 10 percent however you need regular cat scans an m.r.i. to be sure that the chronic pain critize it is as not let to cross cancer people are terribly scared about patriot of cancer because often it means death but right now and there are a lot of treatments which can prove life. masi had terrible pains in his back he went to the doctor several times to find out why and get the problem
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treated. just on for that 1st no one thought that my back pain could have anything to do with inner organs or arms of the. doctors at the local hospital thought the problem was the spine time passed and still nobody guessed that the cause might be print cancer. it was only one spot back when for a 2nd opinion to the university hospital in heidelberg that a correct diagnosis was made. a c.t. scan revealed a chimera in his pancreas. the pancreas is a glandular organ located deep in the up dominant cavity behind the liver. and stomach it's well hidden achievement that can easily remain undetected the most common kind of pancreatic cancer is aggressive growth and spreads quickly. once the cima graze beyond the bounds of the organ it can no longer be completely removed
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surgically. guns can they told me straight out. they said without treatment you can expect to live another 3 to 6 months by the 6th of their lives it's. a frightening diagnosis but recent advances have significantly improved treatment options for pancreatic cancer a new cocktail of 3 agents have made chemotherapy more effective. now shrinks the tumor in 50 to 60 percent of our patients already does it inactive so that we can then operate. as it turned out that had already metastasized there was another chuma in his never. so he was 1st prescribed chemotherapy. at. the chemo it was effective. before long the doctors felt confident about an operation after the surgery he was
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also given a blast of radiation directed at the tissue surrounding the area where the cima had grown. patient open abdomen is positioned under this device the advantage is that there's nothing in the way the radiation targets that human bad without damaging delicate structures along the way and we can deliver a high dose. chemotherapy plus surgery plus radiation currently mean 2 more years of life on average 20 percent of patients survive 5 years. to cancer often comes back in the same spot or in the liver or para to me i'm. a lot of research is being conducted into the disease one approach to improving survival rates or even curing it involves taking cheema tissue jaring surgery and growing a cell culture. chuma cells differ from patient to patient and the lab different drugs can be tried out on the samples to see which of the most effective for
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a particular chuma. descendants who can supply the torpedo boat we see the future of therapy for pancreatic cancer and customization that means optimizing it for each individual patients and tumor finding the most effective treatment option when i was 2 there should suffer a relapse that kind of customization might improve his chances of survival but today at least things are looking good for him. you know it's been 2 years now and today's c.t. scan was clear there's no indication the tumor has come back just so so we can all be very pleased with this and will continue to monitor your condition nor can the oil. from longest and let's hope that we've beaten the cancer. the months of chemo were tough but now feels good again. he's back at work full time and he says cancer has changed the way he thinks about life. and
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money guns under the plea for 8 months i have a very different perspective in next that's him yawn and stead of thinking about what i might do in 10 years time i now say no i'm not waiting i'm going to do right now. the priority is to live life in the present and talk to live. how often does this cancer occur in germany about 20000 patients a new diagnosis and cancer female a little bit more than male and the diagnosis of pancreatic cancer causes a lot of fear wife's. cancer is very dangerous unfortunately is detected very late in most cases the paper. cannot be operated anymore with us tazes in the liver and the lymph nodes preventing a complete resection of the pain cross cancer which is necessary to heal the
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patient and what makes this cancer so aggressive 1st of all the cells are dressing very early as a spreading and they're costing middle stages as i mentioned on the other hand side symptoms such as weight loss or john dies very late in the disease course and when this of course the cancer is often so far advanced that it cannot be resected anymore so early detection would be great but actually there are no methods for that so why yes. of course if you would perform a cat scan you would see the cancer but the reason for performing one are clearly could some tips was naaman i trust sound the pancreas is not very well seen air is preventing a very good observation of this organ so even if there is a bit of cancer it is usually not seen by your treating physician and how there any early signs that the patient could suspect that there is pancreatic cancer whenever
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this weight loss or change of the color of the stool it's going to be more light or you change the color of the urine it's getting dark or if your skin is itching or if you see a little bit yellow in your eyes it's time to go to see a doctor or to the emergency care and check for your pancreas and what is the optimal therapy after the therapy is a complete resection the surgeons are taking the cancer out and hopefully every cell after the complete resection we are performing chemotherapy to destroy all the remaining cells which are circulating in the body but this aggressive surgery is often the possible surgeons can take the whole gland out why. and it's area where as a pancreas a lot of restaurants are on the one hand side this in liver they're huge. and there's also the small bowel so if you want to take the complete pancreas cancer out very often you have to take so many other organs out this is not compatible
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with your life can do the void it can be prevented we know that soon smoking and our constant consume our triggering information off the pain cross in needing then in some cases to pain cross cancer however there is not a very good way to avoid it other than a normal and good healthy lifestyle and this is good for everyone so if we 2 would meet in say 10 years time we'll have a little chit chat could you say something more positive about pay grade of cancer in the hope i hope you have better method through detect the pancreas cancer earlier we also hope that chemotherapy in your body therapy is improving so the idea to destroy or to kill all circulating pancreas cancer will hopefully improve the life expectancy of our patients thanks so much for this talk and if you've got any questions you like me to ask the experts be sure to write me an email. on an
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upcoming show you will be looking at how. everyone wants to be happy but how can we make it happen is there happiness formula sending your questions to you in good shape at d w dot com don't forget to write happiness in the subject line. we look forward to hearing from you. now let's turn our attention from the brain to the body doctors have long known that exercise is a key to good health and evidence of its importance just keeps piling up. exercise can be fun but just how healthy is it if you're not in such good shape. much to find out experts at the german sport university in cologne are training these test subjects and monitoring their responses. for decades sports medicine specialist here have been monitoring the effect exercise has on the body.
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i have to say that the more deeply we explore the subjects the more fascinating at becomes practically every system in the body is positively influenced by sports and physical activity organs influence one another when muscles begin to work harder they start burning more oxygen to replace it the cardiovascular system pumps more blood through the body keeping arterial walls elastic and strengthening the heart. it prevents premature heart attacks and also benefits the brain the risk of strokes can be hugely reduced through regular exercise. the doctors can measure how movement influences metabolism as a whole as muscles grow stronger the cells that make them up produce more and more mitochondria these organelles other cells powerhouses when cells burn sugars and fatty acids more effectively it helps prevent metabolic disorders like diabetes and
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exercise improve stamina as well after just a few weeks these beginners don't get breathless nearly as quickly their bodies have got better at absorbing and utilizing the oxygen supply by their lungs. oxygen absorption rises accordingly. studies show that beginners can improve their general physical performance with regular bouts of exercise. improvements of up to 40 percent are not uncommon even after just a few weeks of regular training. in durance training on the cross trainer is particularly beneficial regular exercise also has long term effect on the body. the body's framework the skeleton profits from movement the right kinds of targeted activity strengthen bones making the tissue. compact and dense that in turn can help prevent osteoporosis a particular problem among elderly women. so the entire
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body benefits from sport a particular role is played by the $400.00 plus signal chemicals that it releases in the muscles that are transported through the bloodstream to every corner of the body including the brain. the specialists suspect that these compounds also positively influence your cognitive ability to form they cause new brain cells to grow and enable existing ones to connect more effectively and make fresh connections this is probably due to the production of proteins that stimulate growth in the brain. more and more doctors are now aware of the positive affects of physical activity sports medicine specialist habit logan actually prescribes exercise my not insured so is the i believe that physical activity is the most effective means to prevent various illnesses sure if it's certainly more effective
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than most of the medicines that are at times prescribed for prophylactic reasons mended the mind of much perfectly. scientific studies analyzed by the magic show that exercise reduces the risk of getting many illnesses and it can help prolong your life to. redeem a bit of ice you to forgive someone who's 30 or 40 exercises regularly in the years and decades to come it can extend their lifespan for 3 or 4 years or even longer. for. the studies also tell you how much you have to do to want a half hours of exercise a week are enough to produce a measurable benefit so with exercise more likely to reach a ripe old age more healthfully and happily. that's it for today syria next week and until then let's all try to stay. in good shape and i go for right now.
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is the news live from berlin president trump's top diplomat is in the german capital for talks on tough issues secretary of state mike pompei oh and chance for all a mac. all stressing they have the same values but agree a little beyond that from china to ukraine and trade the 2 have a tough time finding common ground we'll get the latest. and hungary's prime minister promises a thorough probe of the fatal boat closures on the danube with 7 confirmed dead and $21.00.


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