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tv   Doc Film  Deutsche Welle  June 2, 2019 5:15pm-6:00pm CEST

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heavily by those on the left of the s.p.d. will her policy now be forced to change course dramatically well already the plan at least after the federal elections in 2017 the plan was to change the course of the s.p.d. and move themselves away from the center ground of course as my just reflected on there about macro pulling america is basically what she has done for a long time now in these coalitions with the social democrats and the social democrats have suffered because merkel for so long and her conservatives drew on a lot of the social democrats main policies and managed to reshape them for themselves and they were often seen then as a success for the conservatives and with merkel at the helm of the government of course it was hats off to merkel but often they were originally s.p.d. . bills and proposals that were going through knuckle has been really strongly in favor of holding on to this coalition why is she clean on to something that clearly
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is just not working anymore because as we mentioned before if you look at the at the opinion polls right now it just simply isn't viable at least from their conservative point of view and from the social democrats point of view as well to go into fresh elections they've both been terribly in recent elections both in state elections here in germany even going back to the 2017 federal elections and most recently in those elections just a week ago both of them so if it huge losses and as my mentioned as well the party that seems to be profiting from this the green is the green party the some polls this week putting them at the top of the opinion polls here in germany and so it is really a lot of soul searching to do both in the conservatives and in the social democrats both parties i think it's fair to say to say remain very divided right now you mentioned there about the more left wing of the social democrats hoping to change the direction of the of the party. and there very much keen to do that they had of
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course warned the leading members of the social democrats not to go into another grand coalition wave merkel's conservatives and the certainly they may well be a sense of regret that's already lingering over that decision but of course we'll just have to see how that develops now and if they espied is really going to have to decide not only what kind of party it wants to be as a whole and which voters it wants to appeal to but also what kind of party is it going to be in this coalition and is there really enough room for them to maneuver right now and redefine themselves and that's really a question that the s.p. day has been struggling with since it decided to climb a back in to this coalition with. conservatives existential questions facing the s.p.d. that kate brady thanks so much for your analysis. now there's been a huge wave of reaction on social media to novices announcement of her resignation
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from germany's political leaders fellow social democrats and minister of state for europe michelle of what has tweeted dia and it is shameful how you are treated some of the s.p.d. should be a say shame to themselves you tried your best to heal pos wounds thank you and i respect your decision while christian linna who's head of germany's business friendly free democrats also said how was treated should make everyone in politics and the media reflect her resignation is no answer to the problems of the s.p.d. but only brings us an unstable government and then is referring back to the government current government governing grand coalition between the c.d.u. and the s.p.d. we're going to have to leave it there and we will be back with you soon thanks so much for watching. if you happen to be watching this online i should tell you but you're not only the viewer you're also being watched. whenever we're
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online information brokers collect our data and use it to assemble user profiles that can on them a lot of money online tracking i want topics today on ships. it seems everybody's favorite buzzword these days is privacy even giants like google microsoft and facebook companies that basically invented gathering user data say they now also want to protect it i can't remember the last tech conference that didn't mention privacy seriously if i had gotten a euro for each time privacy was set at these events i could retire privacy as a human right. we strongly believe that privacy and security are for everyone not just
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a few so that's why i believe that the future is private big promises but just how credible are these statements considering that business models are built around earning money with user data i know that we don't exactly have the strongest reputation on privacy right now to put it like he is right you know. any credence i still ahead of other companies data protection promises wasn't raised by reason privacy scandals so how does tracking work and world role do cookies play. whenever you visit a new website it's highly likely you'll be asked to accept cookies cookies or small text files that are placed on the user's device they contain information such as the user name entered for the language a website was accessed in. it's important to distinguish between 1st party cookies and 3rd party cookies.
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first party cookies are placed by the website being visited they can only be read by that domains owners and can help provide a good user experience. 3rd party cookies on the other hand do not come from the site being decided they come from 3rd parties which interact in a global industry as this web page shows these data collectors are often linked to advertisements for social media buttons and can track a user over multiple websites. and they can harvest much more data than most users are aware of. it will be limiting online track and cookies a move it presents as a noble deeds to protect users privacy. the changes will concern chrome browser over 60 percent of us use other browsers like firefox or safari added automatic
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anti tracking features long ago so it looks like google is finally catching up. google announced its chrome update will allow users to block and delete 3rd party cookies visiting a website usually creates a number of 3rd party cookies running in the background many of which track users over different web pages. one challenge the browser update will have to solve is how to not delete cookies that are helpful for the user. cookies via cookies tell the other side something about me. now that might be useful if i'm shopping online for example because it lets a website recall which items i've already placed in my shopping cart the invite uncork addict. as a user and i'm like i want that remember that i don't whether i'd want a 3rd party is advertisers or trackers to know about it is an entirely separate questions on that as the guys might agree with the website provider knowing something which i wouldn't want to 3rd party to know. to do that and beaten the
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straightest. googly wants to tackle the problem and allow users to distinguish and choose but also wants to make it easier to see who 3rd party cookies are from. chrome has also taken on so called fingerprinting a method for creating a unique fingerprint of your computer instead of cookies fingerprinting reliance on metal data such as time zones screen resolution or plugins it's almost impossible for users to notice not to mention stop how well comes privacy settings will work well to a large extent depends on how user friendly they are. is already offered several different privacy settings but none of them have been easy to find nor have they contained restrictions for 3rd party cookies. so particle. people actively search for those settings but a us dollar car they leave everything in their default fortune maybe to their
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disadvantage. and best be best if these things were set more strictly by default in the state the. experience with previous updates has shown that when users have to actively seek out and choose their settings if you will go those extra steps. to truly protect user privacy it needs to be guaranteed by the default setting i myself often don't have time to switch my settings when i visit a new of apps and unfortunately that seems to be the case for most users now i know the internet has big brother capabilities if some guy with a camera following me around all day i would never stand for it but when ever i check my emails in the morning of visit event page or look at what's happening on facebook or instagram 103rd party truckers are following my every move this is the unpleasant truth behind tracker. cookies can be made visible with specialized software for example with firefox is free plug in might be small
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triangles represent cookies the circles are web pages. it's look at all this 217 trackers on 12 site trick. that's nearly 20 trackers each fast massive. will be shut off and look at what's interesting is that they're all linked to spawn and when and for. these masses of data that increase with every click are of particular interest to the advertising industry advertisers make their money with personalized data and individually tailored commercials targeted ads based on a detailed analysis of user data make 90 percent of google's revenue and 95 percent of facebook's. the thing that i think people miss about this is that the more data is available the more i can persuade you the way i want you to be persuaded. what
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do users get from it mostly free access to an app not a good deal 2. in 2019 the big data and business analytics industry expected to have a turnaround of nearly 190000000000. dollars the market is enormous tech giants like google and amazon get big slices of. but sold to less known kompany these are the data brokers. trading data is a lucrative market so-called data brokers gather personal data and enrich it with further information before trading huge databases video he cut works for privacy international which is trying to make the data broker network more transparent. the reason most of us don't know data brokers is because we're not their customers with their product. data brokers gather data from numerous sources from public
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records at registration offices or sweepstakes or customer loyalty cards add to that the data on web surfing behavior provided by trackers or online profiles this tells them a user's name their address their chops but it also reveals what they like for instance what kind of music a person enjoys which series they watch and who they're friends with. axiom is one of the largest data brokers it compiles up to $10000.00 characteristics and attributes for a single profile. these individualized profiles can help banks landlords or insurance companies determine how likely it is a customer will pay meanwhile the ad industry makes use of the profiles to micro target their hands. the basic rule is the more specific and current data is the more valuable and expensive it becomes and corporations are particularly interested
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in new chapters in our lives weddings pregnancies severe illness anything that changes our lives significantly also changes or consuming behavior and that's what companies want to know. and they to a broken nose if i'm single or married healthy or sick rich or poor they know what i do when i'm alone and when i'm with others. i'm assigned up to 10000 corrector estates in my profile and i know nothing about them i can't even verify if the accurate still i get categorized according to my profile and is used to make decisions about me like whether i should get a specific car insurance or a bank loan and you advances in privacy software are meant to protect users from excessive data tracking at least in europe everything is supposed to be completely transparent by law tech giants really changing their ways for it it has his doubts
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. that making great strides for years in the press they say they spearheaded privacy and data protection but that's why other large corporations in california are following suit. but it remains to be seen if that's all just a marketing ploy or if it will result in serious efforts in. personalized advertising relies on tracking tools like cookies the advertisers generate large revenues with targeted ads and the biggest player in the market is google. but some critics fear that blocking chrome cookies could harm smaller competitors and websites trying to market themselves. then google stopping 3rd parties so advertisers from learning more about its users its may not be in the company's interest but what i'm more concerned about our users interests and if users are being shielded from 3rd parties more parties that they aren't aware of
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and whose methods they don't know if that protection is more important than the upsets it could cause in the advertising industry. even to. whether or not google and other tech giants really do care about privacy even if only to protect their business the initiative has certainly benefited the user. that's. welcome back to d w news and we are going to get straight back to our top story the leader of germany social democrats is stepping down after just 14 months in the job and they are not as says she also plans to give up her seat in the german parliament now her announcement comes as her posse is agonizing over its future following a double election defeat and august was under pressure after german voters handed
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the social democrats their worst ever results in last month's european elections the s.p.d. also lost a regional election in the state of believe and for the 1st time in over 70 years. now we're expecting a statement from the german chancellor angela merkel in just a few minutes and we'll be bringing that live to you but for more analysis on this story i'm joined in the studio now by data political correspondent kate brady now kate merkel is about to speak i think we're going to be able to see you now but you ok. now merkel is about to speak what can we expect from her today i think if the comments that we've already heard from the conservative party data and click. anything to go by it's going to be another call for all muckle for this grand coalition that's overstating what the coalition here between the social democrats and the conservatives is known as here in germany to see whether that can
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really continue and she's no doubt going to be calling for that to continue we've also has from the various leading members of the german conservatives saying that germany needs a stable stable government a stable coalition and so obviously at the moment that's not what we're getting either from the social democrats who have been somewhat of a personal crisis but also the conservatives have their own problems too but i think it's very likely that we'll see michael coming out in just a short while now calling for this coalition to continue and keep this government stable you mentioned on it like the head of the c.d.c. who was speaking earlier and i believe we can have a listen to what she was saying a little earlier today. gentleman hi i'd like to extend one welcome to all of you i have come to speak about the resignation of.
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the party leader of the social democrats. and formed me this morning about her plan to resign as social democrat party leader and parliamentary group leader. i have a great deal of respect for the decision she has made i would like to express my gratitude. for our good cooperation so 5 always experienced during the coalition negotiations and as party leader of the social democrats as a person with a strong character and an honest and reliable partner. for hours working on the assumption that the social democrats will quickly make a person that will relate decisions and ensure that the grand coalition remains. capable of acting for the c.d.u. it remains clear that this is not a time for party tactics we remain committed to the grand coalition with good
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policy we aim to serve our country if you do you will contribute to the reliability and capacity of germany to act the grand coalition for us is not a means in itself the coalition agreement forms the basis for setting the political course of germany and representing german and trusts in europe and in the world as you do you will continue to contribution to working towards a strong functioning government in germany thank you. that was a statement from. the head of the c.d.u. speaking just a little earlier she was talking about the s.p.d. as an honest and a reliable partner did she did say that they the c.d.u. is hoping for a false decisions now without unduly anomalous who might take on this job of head of the s.p.d. a long term it really seems quite unclear at the moment it depends too on what
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direction the s.p.d. wants to take itself and whether it's really going to finally fulfill its pledge to revitalize the party and redefine its profile and decide what kind of social democratic party it is in 2019 but in the meantime there have been a couple of names thrown around for interim. people to take over those positions on an interim basis one is rolf inish who is currently a vice parliamentary group leader 200 and he seems most likely to take over that position and as party leader of the social democrats a mother dre and she's currently the state crimea of the southwestern german state of rhode island pull out tonight her name has been thrown around quite a lot today in german media when it comes to the position as party leader of the social democrats but of course a long term we have to get back to this point within the social democrats that they are very much still a divided party right now you have for example kevin tonight he's
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a name you might remember back from the from the last time social democrats found itself in somewhat of a personality crisis after the 2017 german elections he's the leader of the of the social democrats youth wing and has been very vocal in his wish to move the s.p.d. to the left of the of the of germany's political spectrum and that's a call that's being echoed as well repeated by other members of the social democrats as well and then on the other hand you have characters like scholtz who is currently the job. he's a vice chancellor a social democrat he's very keen to stay in this in this governing coalition with merkel while the other side of the spectrum in selling to the social democrats a keen to leave this grand coalition once and for all and give the social democrats the room to redefine its profile and they see the best way forward is to leave this coalition and sit in the opposition so that it can redefine exactly what it stands
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for of course a lot of this sounds familiar conversations we've had before and that's because they are this is the exact same debate that the s.p.d. was stuck in back after the 2017 general election martin schulze form a speedy party leader who led the social democrats into the election and turned out with dismal results for the social democrats he said after that election that he would not lead to the social democrats into another grand coalition with merkel's government that seen among a lot of social democrats and people outside of the party as well as one of the the biggest problems that has faced the social unrest to interrupt you because angela merkel the german chancellor has started speaking now we're going across life. i would judge him across me but i also look at these social democratic party of germany i would like to express the respect that i feel for the decision that under
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their knowledge has made i've worked together with her for many years as a minister for labor and social affairs and also was the party leader of parliamentary group leader and we had a good basis for trust she was absolutely reliable and kept all of our agreements she is a social democrat through and through you can really say that most passionately so but she's also a really decent person and of course i respect the decisions that the social democratic party will now have to take in terms of a successor for underwear not less but despite all of that i would like to speak on behalf of the government and say that we will continue with the work of governing this country with all of the efforts that we can and with a great awareness of the responsibility that we bear because the issues that we need to tackle are on the table both in germany. and in europe.
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and if i think about the situation in the world as a whole as well and we will continue to work together in the spirit thank you very much. all right now again with a very brief statement from the german chancellor angela merkel speaking after the resignation of the social democrats the head of the social democrats and then alice your reactions to merkel very brief statement well nothing we didn't really expect to there of course i am saying that she is cain as a leader of this current government to push forward so that germany can continue to work and that the government has a responsibility and this is something that we've heard from many of her colleagues today calling on. the social democrats and the conservatives to continue to provide germany and obviously as well as the rest of europe as well with a with a stable german government but. what merkel would like to wish and
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say is could at least be very different from how things could pan out in coming weeks this isn't the 1st hurdle that this coalition has faced it's being under scrutiny since the day it was formed back in the early $28.00 teen and certainly always seems to be at least a problem around the corner all right kate brady thanks so much we're actually going to cross now to the chief political editor. who i believe is joining us from the c.d.u. headquarters they were macheda any surprises for you in medical statement there. absolutely not in fact she took the least out of the 3 speakers who were already heard from the party leader successors party. and the parliamentary party leader here that the c.d.u. the conservatives intend to stay and stick with this so-called grand coalition with
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the social democrats and it pretty much is a message towards the social democrats to get their act together to provide for a stable government and that america was the shortest and the most speaker of the more basically just reminding all sides that there is a great responsibility that there are great challenges ahead particularly looking towards the e.u. europe the e.u. of course trying to find its own future so to say government so that's the message and quite clearly what we're not going to see is the collapse of the so-called grand coalition this evening but what we are seeing is leaders worried all around including the chance that this could be the road towards exactly that that the social democrats don't really find a way out of their own divide and crisis in might actually as one senior member of the conservatives told me commit suicide out of fear of death. so what we're
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talking about here is obviously a situation where the social democrats but that of course affects the grand coalition and that affects german politics in total so would we would you say here that this has shaken up the political establishment or is it more of just a tremor that they will get through. well we're used to a lot i mean it took such a long time to actually have a government last summer we were stuck with an internal conservative crisis we've seen several standoffs also with the social democrats and their problem really is that their successes in this government coalition doesn't seem to be paying in once it gets to go into the ballot box and we saw that most recently in the european elections at the same time that the overall trend of those big 10 parties losing of course the conservatives did you angle americans party also lost several percentage points in those past elections that were clearly within the transition of a political landscape here but the social democrats themselves face an existential
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crisis and there they are literally torn between saying we just you know leave this government is basically killing us it is reducing us. to stick it out particularly beyond those crucial elections in the eastern states where both parties are expected to suffer dearly once again within some states the far right if the being the strongest party and then really look take a hard look at the governing coalition which is due to really assess its working relationship anyway there is a built in provision in this coalition agreement to assess whether they can actually continue on the very basis that they started out on we expect that within the autumn so my expectation would be the social democrats are very busy with themselves potentially see more infighting but that this might kind of limp on through the summer because it simply wouldn't make sense for the social democrats to have this coalition collapse now and then face yet another defeat that
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everybody's expecting in the east but that's what's logical we've seen this is democrats be logical in the past as well could this lead to a snap election being called. absolutely i mean as soon as the social democrats decide they're leaving this coalitions this coalition that would most likely to fresh elections here and me and the only ones looking at the latest polls who are really to gain in that other green party would they've been the big winners of this european election the social democrats would face a severe risk of going beyond 20 percentage points and the conserve just don't expect to be making any gains at the ballot box either so really there is no real interest if you look at the short term but the argument of course of the left wing of the social democrats is we need to really have it's reestablish our own profile we've been in government with the conservatives too long we've been
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seen making compromises for too long and they see this is the only way out so they're pretty far apart in what the way out of the existential crisis of the social democrats is the overarching question of course being is this simply the the collapse of a party from a big tent party to a nice party that will take place either way we simply do not know and that's why these coming days and weeks will be key for the social democrats to try and get some stability within their own party again let alone provide stability for the continuation of the grand coalition government here and all right chief political editor michela krisna from the city headquarters thanks so much for your analysis. and we will be hearing from our correspondent who's standing outside the s.p.d. headquarters in a little while but 1st we're going to take a look at some of the other stories making news around the world today germany's
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greens have overtaken chancellor angela merkel's conservatives for the 1st time to become the most popular toss in a new poll shows that over a quarter of those polled said they would back the policy in the election and that puts them at a head of medicals bill. you know several people have been injured in venice off a large cruise ship rammed into the tourist river boat the accident took place on a busy canal in the center of the city that has been a long running debate over whether to allow cruise ships into venice is iconic but increasingly overcrowded waterways. usa which area of state michael says washington is willing to talk to iran with no preconditions speaking in switzerland he said the u.s. would still aim to rein in what he called iran's malign activity. and china has issued arrest 8 men concerning the 989 chenin square crackdown on
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student protesters in beijing defense minister away from hay defended the military's action in which hundreds or possibly thousands were killed the 30th anniversary of the massacre is being commemorated around the world you know. now liverpool's champions league win in madrid plenty of fans had made the pilgrimage to watch it but for the thousands left back at home there was a street party to savor after the club clinched it 6 european cup. it might be nearly 1500 kilometers from madrid but there was a spanish flavor to the celebrations in liverpool i thank. you are you ok these were the thousands without the time or the means to join the exodus to iberia but this 6th champions league victory still tasted sweet when savored from england's north west especially after last year's better defeat in the
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fight you know. cos it might get so nice to also talk or write the mistakes for real the way i foresee yes this last year was right shocking he said cut out the roys something that. but success hasn't left them satisfied no they're hungry for a prize the saluted them for years oh kitty he's always see us a very good day idea is totally psychotic or to go. after the jump easy is easy to talk about he said so you can't really say that stuff. those that are too tired and emotional will be around on sunday to see what is a familiar sight in these parts their heroes perched on an open top bus displaying europe's biggest price. i am. talk about a big match i'm joined in the studio by g.d.p. sports reporter mark corrigan mark you can live
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a full coach lost his previous 2 european finals he must be over the moon is a happy man as you can imagine yeah it lost as you mentioned the last 2 european finals and he also lost his last 6 consecutive finals in all competitions so he was delighted let's hear what he had to say i don't want to explain why we wanted to only want to enjoy that we wanted and all the rest is not important it's for all the people around the world in the stadium with. knowledge celebrating like crazy and. to morrow liverpool. have a sensational night. so happy man but how significant is this when picked up is the crucial victory for a club i would say it's a breakthrough victory even it's strange that a man has been labeled a loser that has won 2 been does league titles with bruce under german cup but people with this with these last 6 finals they lost people were starting to wonder
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if he was buckling under pressure. and those victories with dortmund are so long ago no that people were starting to mutter has he got what it takes at the top is completely shattered all those all the talk. and yet time for him pop props and to build a legacy he's a champions league winner he's in the pantheon no liverpool alongside joe fagan bob paisley rafa benitez as a manager this won the european cup what you want to do now is kick on from the and try and win the premier league the elusive title that liverpool haven't won since 1990 if he does that will be a mortal now with. a c. or. how hard was this the top unfound to take there's a real solid one a real so in for tottenham i think liverpool kind of expect to be relatively regularly in champions league finals one of 6 times. the 1st then they were ever in the champions league final a lot of fans will think maybe it's the last game as well and this seems like a once in a lifetime opportunity almost for them. having to squeak through against i.x.
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and not just to sit through an away goals maybe like their name was on the trophy so it's a real bitter disappointment the team didn't really torn up the carried injuries and they didn't play well and there's also a question mark now over the manager might suppose it's you know sports really were a byword for incompetence when he took over he's turned around but there's a question mark over whether he's going to stay he hasn't confirmed one way or the other so that could be a high price to pay for spurs but liverpool fans will care about $1.00 joke all right a huge lie on both sides and huge emotions as well not current thanks so much thank you. canadian media reporting that a probe into the disappearances of indigenous girls and women has found the face saying quote a canadian genocide the 3 year inquiry is about to release its findings for many indigenous families it's been a long and painful wait. it's been more than a decade since an indigenous canadian teenager went missing here in portage prairie
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in the province of manitoba she is one of thousands of missing 1st nations people. wilfried catch away is loading up his pickup truck to go until it fails daughter's body. the river you know what he has a steel cooled with hooks. very very very well for the story she's an overview of. the work force or could be a lot of work for. his daughter jennifer has been missing since 2008. her mother burn east shows us a video of her daughter a happy young woman just short if 18th birthday not long afterward she went to a party and didn't come back her parents called the police but nothing happened. and i wanted to file a missing person report and that's the that's what i got the response i got.
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she was on a drunk. driver a week can a week that's response i got. the oath or if he's never mind to just search jennifer is one of more than 4001st nations girls and women who have disappeared in the last 30 years the murder rate for these women is 4 times higher than that of white women and staircases almost never solved people here feel but the authorities just look the other way. today we reach benes and wilfried find a video chat that's still looking for their daughter on their own they say it would be different if she had not been indigenous. my daughter went missing didn't kick are serious and. this white girl goes missing the same town same people all the wrong here and they're all sudden there's like 200 people like why
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is this research still exists today it's in our community center our very next door neighbor possibly the 1st nations voted overwhelmingly for justin trudeau liberals in the most recent election he promised an inquiry and established a commission which is due to give its report on monday the niece and wilfried were contacted by this commission but say they don't expect anything positive to come out of it disguise for him sounds. not pretty indigenous people we can tell you because some things need to change. meanwhile families are still looking for their daughters and female relatives all over canada. it's june which is a time when many l g b t communities around the globe hold pride events to call attention to the challenges they face for older people aging can pose difficult issues and manila's golden days are
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a group of gay men and drag queens in their sixty's and beyond rejected by why does society limited to low paid jobs many face homeless homelessness and poverty in old age is an assumption as has this report. there are days when the dazzling beauty queen glittery make up sparkling jewellery and sequinned gallants days when relives out her inner diva as beyond say. ray is a member of the golden gate a group of jolly flamboyant gay senior citizens who call themselves grandmas they perform as drag queens to make ends meet. grandmas are amazing we can sashay down a ramp in 6 inch heels at 92 years old but because we need help and some are for real they just become strong when there are parties we needed an
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organization where sponsors who want to help the senior citizens can donate to our group and. the golden gays are looking for a home you my lord we can all get together so in a gun up. in the. bottom of some current all this difficult for senior citizens in the philippines the usual social safety nets like pensions and health care are often limited in scope and the problem is worse for aging l g b t's who do not have children to look after them or may have been abandoned by families the golden gate is regularly hold pageants to supplement their income private and corporate donors sponsor these pageants by providing lunch and a few days' worth of groceries for contestants many of the golden gates take on. our jobs ray works as i'm a soused makeup artist and cleaner she also takes care of some of the older grandmas. i sometimes wonder to teach me the way i've looked after us.
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for the golden gates all this made a bit easier because they have each other. reminder of the top stories that we are following for you today the head of germany social democrats on their knowledge has announced that she is stepping down after just 14 months on the job a party has had his start close in european elections and at home not as was the 1st woman to lead the party in its more than 115 year history. 11 full of one the champions league in an all english final glad to know victory in madrid against tottenham hotspur was the team sic in europe's top clubs too and it also gave kevin coach a victory in a european final after 6 to think that's. you're watching. live from l.a. and don't forget you can get all the latest news and information around the clock on our website that's dot com of the now thanks so much for watching telly.
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eco africa. looks at the eco friendly mobility in a special edition from barnard i'm going to be heard so what can we do to make getting yourself from a to b. more environmentally friendly. we look at the mobility of the future in africa. in. 30 minutes on w. .
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what secrets why behind these memos. find out immersive experience and explore a fascinating cultural heritage science. w. world heritage 360 the kids here. not all think out of the jam. just sometimes out but most often when we think of them think stephen for german culture of looking at the stereotype classics it is think is most of the country but i don't. mean to seem to think it is drama they are new it's cold out there are new i might show join me to meet the german sunday w. . post. this
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in detail the news last night from. insists government will press on the german chancellor said she's not planning any changes to the country's governing coalition this comes up time to be analysis surprise resignation as head of the social democrats coalition into crisis.


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