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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 3, 2019 4:00pm-4:30pm CEST

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this news coming to you live from berlin u.s. president donald trump begins a state visit to america's killed european allies. president trump is welcomed by britain's queen elizabeth at buckingham palace but not everyone in the u.k. is happy about the visit we find of why it's dividing the country. also coming up more than a dozen people are dead in sudan after the military breaks out of protesters camp
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in the capital kabul germany's among the countries condemning the use of live ammunition against the demonstrators. and his uncle a matter of government on the verge of collapse in politics just promising to uncertainty after the shock resignation of not as the leader of a social democrat coalition partner as. kind of a woman. britain has ruled out the red carpet for u.s. president donald trump at the start of his 1st state visit he and 1st lady milan here trump arrived by helicopter at buckingham palace where they will vote by queen elizabeth for lunch even before he set foot in the u.k. trump was stirring up controversy by indorsing divisive convert
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a contra conservative politician boris johnson as the next prime minister he also said the u.k. should be much tougher with the european union during breaks that negotiations. ponce is in front of buckingham palace and joins us now from there charlotte president trump is getting a royal treat with the queen slower about what's been happening at buckingham palace and what's planned for later on. today it's really all about pomp and ceremony here for donald trump during his 1st state visit to the u.k. so he was already greeted by prince charles had lunch with the queen they looked at a royal collector and now just a few minutes ago he left to westminster abbey where he will lay down rest at the tomb of be unknown soldier he will then move on to an afternoon tea with prince charles the 2 don't see eye to eye on the issue of climate change so it promises to
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be an interesting op to noon t.v. and then this is followed by the highlight today for donald trump at the state dinner where american and british famous citizens will attend tonight one of the highlights and trump obviously hoping there for glamorous images put training his state visits to the u.k. this is the agenda for today tomorrow then pomp and ceremony we'll move on to the nitty gritty of politics and talks will be held between donald trump and the outgoing prime minister here in the u.k. to rescind may so we will hear more about the politics and the relationships between the u.s. and the u.k. tomorrow should despite all this pomp and pageantry which donald trump seems to be enjoying very much he's also going to be met with quite a number of protests isn't. we are expecting massive protests in london tonight actually in front of buckingham palace protesters have already
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pledged to disrupt this stage of the state banquet and then tomorrow we are expecting protesters to rally around downing street and all over central london indeed to protest donald trump's visit to the u.k. and it's not only the public the protesters that are concerned with his visit it's also politicians from the labor party the opposition labor party have come out against this visit publicly for example jeremy corbin the leader of the opposition party boycotting that state dinner tonight and others saying that donald trump is a threat to the world order and the red carpet shouldn't be rolled out for him at the u.k. at the moment the congress and in the u.k. to time of political turmoil of a brain surgeon is because he's already and his views on this subject said going to . it's very controversial indeed of course supporters of donald trump here in the u.k.
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say think that if you should say whatever he wants to that he can meddle with domestic politics and many others that would think that should not be the case donald trump having all kinds of opinions on domestic politics in the u.k. saying and the u.k. should have been much tough in those negation negotiations with the european union that they should just leave without a deal in october when if the european union doesn't come around the u.k. should have sued the european union was also insulting london's mayor before even the arriving and setting foot on u.k. soil so trumpets throwing a whole kinds of political hand grenades really there out there before you even arrived to so this is a very controversial visit. standing in front of buckingham palace in london thank you very much. as to be heard from charlotte many protests and antics on demonstrations expected to take place in london and across
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the u.k. during the u.s. president's 3 day visit on the n f of joins me now and he's been tracking the activities off of these protests on social media welcome i'm ian i think a lot about the scale of these protests that we can expect in the next 3 days well the trunk the protests against trump are kicking off today a buckingham palace organized by a group called together against trump the protests called spoiled trump's banquet because it's going to banquet there later now we can show you the web site here of the organization together against trump they are pinpointing all the locations around the country where these protests are going to happen so. it's quite a few actually there are also offering bus shuttles between the protests very highly organized. and they have organized protests into blocks one of them abortion rights women's bloc for example another one is climate bloc those are just a couple of the issues that have brought protesters out today but the u.k. there's just a general sense of opposition to trump's kind of very brusque leadership style if
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you want to call it that so what are we expecting to see in these protests because you see it's not just london but it's across the country well for one thing the baby trump is going to make a comeback i thought it really are these 20 foot blimp that caught headlines when trump visited the u.k. last year that's going to come back maybe even bigger actually they started a crowdfunding website to raise funds for it several 1000 pounds tens of thousands of pounds rather than all the leftover money is going to go to charity after that. yeah but organizers wanted to bring it back because it was such a quote unquote hit last time. we can also see photos of the blimp now this is from last year and as i said they're building a new one that's supposed to be even bigger so lowbrow humor but i don't think trump is over that this is. also another campaign that we found from a group that is called led by donkeys and they like to project things on the walls
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here you can see a soundbite from. boris johnson who trump supported and they tweeted this group tweeted the real donald trump you just endorsed your brags that buddy boris johnson but he said some very nasty things about you and he doesn't want you to know so you projected his words on to big ben for all of london to see so really protests around the u.k. trying to make a trump feel unwelcome is possible unwelcome on an uncomfortable to be creative and innovative means what trump himself though he's already made on twitter before he came to the u.k. well that's true trump is quite often on twitter and there was already a spat between him and london mayor. it started with an op ed that said he conroe for the observer on saturday he actually compared some of the things that trump has said to 20th century fascism so very harsh words for trump study con is one of many people in london who want to make him feel unwelcome when he comes he said that it
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was. yeah he said that it was wrong to welcome trump to london and trump responded to that saying study kahn who by all accounts has done a terrible job as mayor of london has been foolishly nasty to the visiting president of the united states by far the most important ally of the united kingdom he is a stone cold loser who should focus on crime in london not on me so there's those are the harsh words that a lot of londoners take objection to of course the far right in london might support from but generally it is the sense that he's not a welcome guest right they got if i got to a language on both sides have to say i mean as if from a social media disc a visit to have you here. turned into savannah at least 13 people are reported dead after the army used violence to disperse a sit in in the capital khartoum thousands have been camped out for weeks to try and put pressure on the genders to hand of a pilot to a civilian transitional government in april the military overthrew president a lot of bashir after mass protests against his 30 year rule and.
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don't fear violent escalation doesn't go for the car too. police and army chased demonstrators through the streets. gunfire and explosions have shocked at their protests breaking up the peaceful city. but even as they flee the bullets the protesters mock the army and repeat their demands for change. freedom peace and justice civilian rule this month chant these protesters. are those and circled by the troops plead with the military to hold their fire. peacefully peacefully they shout. but since the early morning sudan's capital has been anything but peaceful. protest leaders have stopped cooperation with the
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transitional military council calling the crackdown a bloody massacre and said they cannot even evacuate the bodies of they said they are calling them martyrs. hundreds of the injured are being treated in cartoons row care hospital the sudan doctors committee says the death toll is difficult to count and can only rise but the army is meeting determined organize resistance the opposition and thrown up their own roadblocks in response stringing stones and burning tires across the city. but after the dispersal of the sit in we went back to the streets and squares and thank god with the help of the youth we closed the street and we will close everything again god willing. a day of violence by the army may have broken up the protests to sit in but it seems to have simply dispersed the resistance throughout khartoum. for the very latest on sudan i'm joined by military and what they got from the international
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crisis group in nairobi welcome to you know what your assessment of the situation in sudan is the military's action a serious escalation. i think this is a very significant escalation fortunately has been coming for a couple of weeks what we see is that the situation in sudan was not at all resolved by the fall of omar al bashir what happened was that to get rid of the regime was replaced but the region remains firmly in place and employed unity and remained very unwilling to use to the demands of the protesters and that allowed this experience to the control of the government this is a very grievous coalition it calls for suit intervention but unfortunately we don't really see things improving and there was a military council transitional milot military council which was set up which was negotiating with the leaders of the protesters but those negotiations have failed
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to make any progress how do you see the way forward is some sort of mediation to what perhaps by reached the palace. i think the perception among this of the. demonstrators has been that the military essentially has been playing for time they've been dragging out the talks they've been very and yielding one of the key issues particularly the composition of the transitional council that is supposed to take and certainly this is an occasion where you need to luxury look at those issues such as the african union the united nations and other partners such as the european union that influence to be in it specially to lean on the military leaders who seeming claimed essentially to lead the country down on the part of the contrary but we should marry a government such as the one that you have now in cairo this is the african union
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and the peace and security council and others need to step in tell the leaders formally that they that a military coup is not a little way to run a country but it was too politically what is needed now is everybody into calling for restraint and talk firing on the protesters so it's what do you think today and what is that is what is saying that this is a similar pattern that we saw in the so-called arab spring west some countries in some countries a military hijacked a revolution is that what we're seeing in sudan right now 6. i think what we're seeing is that quite a few members of the military are in planes all of that to go. through all of this seem to have the support not just of egypt but also of would be and believe you have to do so during via as well but in sudan and the protesters come from learn from the arab spring from the failures of some of those uprisings and they seem
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very organized they have been the youth they have broad support i mean to look at the very. easy to complete but beginning of the for just over a cheap at great cost we already see that the push to start up called for my chair is fine i don't seem p.d.f. . is so simple disobedience across the country being how groups out there are very well organized i mean to not be very easy for the military to complete their dns their only danger is that these might get was before it gets better but too clearly as we see that it limits security forces willing to fight on and protect the right this is a very volatile situation a lot of time when to go from the international crisis group thank you very much for your analysis there. would have been the opposite that some other stories making news around the world 5 people are dead in 10 founded in the afghan capital
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kabul after a bomb attached to a bus exploded the bus was carrying government employees is the latest in a wave of bombings in the afghan capital where both the taliban and so-called islamic state are active. a heatwave in northern india has triggered warnings of water shortages and heatstroke temperatures have exceeded 50 degrees celsius in some places people in the capital delhi have been advised not to go us in the hottest hours of the day and they've been several heat related deaths reported. the future of on the government is in doubt after the leader of a junior coalition partner unexpectedly resigned under nonis stepped down after a social democrat party's disastrous showing in the recent european elections meca say she pushed ahead with the coalition the social democrats for their part are not trying to find a new leader or set of leaders. andrea nonis has left but not without saying
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goodbye heart shaped michiru i've just said goodbye to the s.p.d. party executive committee. organ i have resigned. and i also wanted to personally thank you for years of good teamwork. you've spent many many hours here in the valley beyond house thank you for that take cap. and his resignation as party leader and parliamentary party leader is the main focus of german news media as is the question how will the grand coalition of the s.p.d. and merkel c.d.u. continue. to go 5 it'll be the end of the grand coalition if it continues this way or they'll change something and then we'll see what the new plan is and then maybe. it's the end of the grand coalition it's going to be the s.p.d. the f.t.p.
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and the greens now the s.p.d. has put on the brakes stop have a rethink and turn around as a temporary solution a trio of leaders will take charge of the s.p.d. . it's not just a question of which heads will lead but instead of what is new after all we've switched people a lot already and the question is what does the s.p.d. stand for the s.p.d. earthquake as rattling the entire german government. social democrats have presented their plan on how they'll proceed after the resignation of their leader under analysis a political correspondent hunch dunn is at the s.p.d. headquarters there seems to have been a press conference right now there was how's the s.p. dealing with the situation. well as you've just said there's a trio of senior leaders that are taking over the interim leadership of the party all 3 of those people were presented to the press and now they are all deputy chairpersons of the party and what they're basically doing is trying to regroup and
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basically playing for time what they have been saying is that they will only make decisions on how the successor to under an hours or group of successor is to be chosen and what the process will be to make that choice in 3 weeks time so in 3 weeks time they will get together again after consultations within the new within the party and presumably also within the government and then they will decide how this process is going to go forward we have to say that even after that there's probably a period of a couple of months at least until before the social democrats can set up a special party congress to choose a new leader if they don't decide for instance to have the leader chosen by the rank and file which would be a new procedure for them so they're leaving very much i up and very much up in the air very much in the open open and basically that gives anglo american a little bit a little bit more time so did feel all 3 intelligent interim leaders of the s.p.d. address journalists today. yes they did address journalists but they were not
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really prepared to say anything particularly specific there is no question no indication of who the new leader mind be there is in fact no indication of how this new leader might be chosen there might possibly be even 2 leaders that would be chosen that would be appointed but leaving all that open they're basically playing for time and they're trying to see that possibly within the next couple of weeks and months they can sort of regroup group of party and maybe re strengthen the party i think in the end that is a vain hope but i think that's the hope between this maneuvering at the moment and why do you find for time of homs was anything specific said about the future of the grand coalition is this new leadership going to remain is in favor of staying in coalition which also only americans conservatives. what they have been trying to emphasize is that the party is not paralyzed and that the government is not
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paralyzed in other words that the government can continue its operations but they have not said anything about the future of the grand coalition that will depend i think in the end on the rank and file of the social democrats it was i'm sure our knowledge is who pushed her party into this grand coalition and now that she is gone and there's a good chance that those forces within the party that oppose that grand coalition good could gain the upper hand and if that is the case at a special party congress which is still to be set if that is the case then the coalition government will be finished and then we might well have. then we might well have general elections in germany before the end of the year writes a bit of a few of the situations to let the s.p.d. headquarters hans drawn to debbie's political correspondent thank you very much for being us up to date from the. boeing has admitted that 40 parts may have been stored on some of its 737 airliners the company's been under intense pressure since 2737 max planes crashed within months of each other killing
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a total of 346 people the model has been branded worldwide since march boeing's admission has forced the azerbaijan airline to into canceling an order for 10 of the jets citing safety concerns. from cash cow to a $1000000000.00 liability boeing 737 models are back in the headlines and once again it's for the wrong reasons after the grounding of the marx's comes the news that that current model could have to fecht of parts boeing says up to $148.00 parts could be faulty including wing components which enable pilots to reduce speed . to federal aviation administration has given the company 10 days to replace suspicious parts while boeing says the risk of a cross hasn't risen the latest revelation has dealt a further blow to its reputation. with an increasing number of customers losing
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confidence in the boeing brand the aviation giant is likely to face more turbulent times. a debate is raging in venice where the big ships would be a lot so close to the city's fragile canals and it comes after a cruise liner lost control and crashed into a pier and a tourist boat at the weekend injuring several feet to. the huge cruise ship home but it was too late for the much smaller tourist vessel to get out of the way the 13 deck opera with some 2 and a half 1000 passengers on board hit the river countess. and then pushed past it crashing into the dock. i heard this deafening noise coming closer it was the sound of the horn we were
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lucky because it could have been much worse i thought the ship would reach my house . the less it was a everybody carried out that the ambulance got here after $25.00 or 30 minutes but didn't do anything they stopped to watch for chris happening a bit like everyone else did. medical authorities say 4 people were injured. soon after the collision protesters gathered to renew their call to ban large cruise ships from the port of venice the safety of big ships in the busy waters of european cities has become an urgent issue after last week's danube river accident when a collision between a cruise liner and a tourist boat left 7 people dead and 21 missing. now you might think of it is an olympics for breakdancing could give the paris games a more contemporary feel in 2024 is one of 4 new sports being suggested for inclusion now olympics chief thomas bach is
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a fan of the street discipline the dizzying choreography but others aren't quite so convinced that bricked on singalongs to the olympics we headed to the french capital to find a. breakdown special is raging at this recreation center near paris. it's one of around $1500.00 such competitions held throughout france each year. there are top rocks footwork power moves you have to be fast. to break also france is one of the leading countries worldwide for breakdowns we do a lot of things differently here our style is very technical very musical and we try out a lot of new things. cool. there are several sounds and breakdown says in france some even make a living from it. and it could even feature as a discipline at the paris 2024 olympics.
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also the olympics would bring us more recognition. they would make it better known across the world. beyond just the break dance community. but it's not everyone likes the idea breakdown started as a sup. in 1970 s. new york. and many here in the east and paris suburbs associate the lympics with big business doping and corruption no place for them it's in a different sphere it's all about governments it's a giant machine it's too highbrow for us so in the past some people but it's not ok for breakdowns to bow to the olympics criteria that are too narrow would destroy the dance culture for the job is going up there really needs something like the olympic games for fulfillment i don't think so in both but. they say no saturates but then moves would be
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a real draw at the olympics. you're watching the w.'s coming up next on the w.'s is. or is from memory 30 years after the tenements for massacre a drawing percentage of china's population doesn't know anything about it. that's coming up and news asia stay with us.
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out of the house into the workplace. chaos but job a tape earns her own money. in a rule in india women the works are still the exception. coming but this is beginning to change as more and more women hotels. leave the 3060 minutes to talk d.w. . what secrets lie behind these most.
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