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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 3, 2019 8:30pm-8:46pm CEST

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play much of it in the 2nd place the link to news from africa the world or links to exceptional stories and discussions the following is a visit our website dedicated comes to come join us on facebook at g.w. for. playing. there's news africa coming up in the next 15 minutes or so the protesters are under attack the army has fired on the outside the military headquarters in and the death toll is rising by the demonstrators are defiance and say they'll keep up the fight for the country's transitional to civilian rule. after the dispersal of the city we went back to the streets and squares and thank god with the help of the youth we closed the street and we will close everything again god willing. and
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a project that's trying to raise funds to support the young woman who want to join the cycling world ghana's 1st professional female cyclist i set up the repairs shop where they can get the wheels on track. i am michael jr welcome to the program it's great to have you with us after months of restraint this is a nice army has held back against protesters outside the military headquarters in security forces stormed the come on monday morning in the west violence to hit the country since the overthrow of longtime president omar al bashir in april. a. long feared violent escalation has ingolf cartoon. police and army chased demonstrators through the streets. gunfire and explosions
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have shocked their protests breaking out the peaceful city. but even as they flee the bullets the protesters mock the army and repeat their demands for change. freedom peace and justice civilian rule this month chant these protesters. and circled by the troops plead with them. to hold their fire. peacefully peacefully they shouted. but since the early morning sudan's capital has been anything but peaceful. protest leaders have stopped cooperation with the transitional military council calling the crackdown a bloody massacre and said i cannot even evacuate the bodies are they said they are calling them martyrs. hundreds of the injured are being treated in cartoons row care hospital the sudan doctors committee says the death toll is difficult to count
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and can only rise but the army is meeting determined organize resistance the opposition have thrown up their own roadblocks in response stringing stones and burning tires across the city. after the dispersal of the city and we went back to the streets and squares and thank god with the help of the youth we closed the street and we will close everything again god willing. to day of violence by the army may have broken up the protests to sit in that it seems to have simply dispersed the resistance throughout khartoum. joining me now is michael egan i just returned from sudan she reported from the country doing the peaceful citizens and is in close contact with activists wanted to bring this situation thank you very much for your time now for a long time this situation was fairly calm until this sudden escalation what are
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your sources telling you so they're telling me that this morning at about 5 am today monday some forces which appear to be rapid support forces stormed the city in and started violently dispersing the protesters there my source on the ground was one of one of hundreds gathered around the main clinic at the sit in in the heart of hearts he said that they had to run away as fast as they could because 1st they started with tear gas and then. started with live ammunition and now he and this group is. now hiding in one of the main hospitals in the surrounding area of this event as you said there have been weeks of relative calm i wouldn't say complete calm because there have been other more sporadic attempts to disperse the sit in and attack the barricades that surround the sit in area none have been as violent as what we've seen today which was a full scale attempt to completely disperse the city and so i guess the question is why now when you were there the military seemed you know quite taller and taller and so for the protests this is why i talk now i mean the military has said
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a lot of things in public but then what happened on the ground seems to contradict that agreement and there are number of reasons for this there's there's there are some there's some speculation that the military council is actually not acting in complete unison because you have the head of the military transitional council braun and the deputy. have that he who is the head of the route that support forces and the rapid support forces according to eyewitnesses on the ground are the forces that are involved in attacking protesters at the city this is what i would consider saying just a little bit of by going to the route that support forces this is the paramilitary group that operates under the sudanese military times but also sometimes is subject to the authority of the national security authority they have some of their roots go back to the judge and we've militia which have been which are accused of committing atrocities in in darfur the genocide in darfur which is responsible for the death of hundreds and hundreds of thousands and there is an opinion out there
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that they might not necessarily be on the side of a peaceful transition to civilians because then that would eventually lead to a situation where they would have to be implicated for their crimes talking about transition as well saddam's supposes and then puts his group by and says it is holding all contacts on the decisions of the country's major council now is there any hope now for that peaceful transition be so dearly want i think it's early to say where the. if negotiations will continue of course today the wound is very fresh still the protesters that i've spoken to feel extremely betrayed they were sitting you know some of them sleeping this is the holy month of ramadan the hour at which they were attacked is an hour of speech rather spirituality. the sunrise hour so it's early to say but for now that's what the forces are saying that they will help negotiations i think if negotiations are hosted completely and we come at a complete stand still we would be. we would not know what the next steps would be but one would hope that somehow the parties are able to come back to the
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negotiating table just to avoid the shouting of a more blood on the streets i guess only time will tell i over him thank you very much. and today is well bicycle day so where better to talk my home country got off that's a project that's trying to raise funds to support young women who want to join a professional cycling world they're hoping they can be the game changes in growing the sports. 8 for them life is better known to kills these girls preparing for today's training session. leading the 15 year old mavis. many of the kills files aged between dane and 17 year old parts of this cycling program in ghana which recruits young girls to be trained as cyclists they get. from this to support their program
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it's an opportunity that has changed their lives. and. is. strong and. the ghost come to this repair shop to get their bicycles fixed and to learn how to repair them themselves the shop is by vita. she was got as fair as professional female cyclists she started writing in 1900 after dropping out of school now retired she wants to pass on her passion for cycling to a new generation. is already. ready
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to. bring england out of the high are. ready to do. the cycling faces many challenges in canada there are no professional competitions no funding and there is little interest in this sport among young people especially females to be writers from the professional cycling club. i need time on the road for 3 hours from the capital to come and meet group of enthusiast. they're glad it is want to help them get a head start in this false sense to get donations some of the girls are also able to go to school whilst learning how to write this is the kind of support that the program needs to really make an impact the gladiator scoop even more will gets bitten by the cycling bag.
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demystifies they hold. cycling. believe that was huge numbers from interest. in cycling the chance to meet a group of professional famous cyclists means a lot to the gills they want to learn from them and hopefully follow in their footsteps my dream of becoming a professional cyclist to take this training is over for to dean and the girls had whom they know that we've had wake in my 20 achieved yet dream of becoming a professional cyclists. now they are powerful in college full but most importantly they have amazing voices a mess memorizing choreographing yes you guessed right i'm talking about south africa's in global youth choir take a listen there's.
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one thank you i want to take a look from the humble beginnings in 2009 they've demonstrated that no matter their background people can come together to achieve success i was lucky enough to be with them this weekend other than suppressed africa press the full english but where they received an award usually presented to very famous musicians for the our lives with the after festival awards we have also been nominated for a grammy after doing a couple of sharon's sheeple. stand on the fingers crossed for them because they've just auditioned for america's got talent here they are in person music is the voice and it tells a story of where we come from and who we are it expresses maybe. about home and that's how we express is changed before because they were bad influences but because of the quiet music. i have no time to do those big things so it's just
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good may give me a sense of direction and beyond being as well is that what the music i mean able to express myself man. without fear actually and. that's where we'll leave it for now from the news africa you can catch all our stories on our website and facebook page we leave you know it's not up for grabs in. the form of the hour and dition of c africa originally by. the just and that africa festival but also next time it's 5 this. week was. for. bill this.
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was. see. things.
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through. and welcome everything is all it's everything is politics that's the name of the largest exhibition to be staged in europe of chinese artist ai weiwei will be talking about that also coming up. train you would spot just inspired by groundbreaking events 100 years ago. and you can't get green.
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today is the 30th anniversary of the crackdown in beijing one of the most prominent critics of the chinese government since that time is the chinese artist ai wei wei who's lived here in germany since 2015 he creates works on a monumental scale i'm right now a museum in staging a monumental exhibition of his works. it's the biggest retrospective of ever seen in europe the new exhibition and dusseldorf shows his most important works of recent years. clued in $60000000.00 sunflower seeds out of porcelain each one handmade an individual but they all seem to dissolve into one mass an emblem for chinese society everything is art everything is politics is an exhibition that.


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