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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 5, 2019 7:02am-7:15am CEST

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there's news africa coming up in the next 15 minutes so the military council says all form an interim government to conduct general elections within 9 months but with all agreements cancelled would quit as leaders what shall the government be speaking to a political analyst. also coming up a drag we take a look at. infineon and there on stage persona african queen a towering figure in south africa's eligibility july community. your welcome to the program we start off in sudan where opposition leaders have rejected plans by the country's military rulers to hold elections within 9 months that a clear ration of freedom and change forces alliance says it will keep up the campaign
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of civil disobedience to try to force the transitional military council from power but us leaders suspended dealings with the army after yesterday's violence because of a sit in outside the military headquarters in hock to doctors and named to the opposition c n least 35 people were killed in monday's crackdown. the army says that that's where the result of a botched attempts to clear the street and has promised an investigation so the un's military leader apologized but said all agreements with the opposition went off accusing them of trying to sideline the armed forces. the military council has decided the following. to cancel what has been agreed and negotiations with a declaration of freedom and change forces. me to call general elections within a period of less than 9 months with regional and international up. as you know this
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year my home to form a transitional government to ensure the following setting accountability and removing all officials of the former regime who are involved in corruption cases. and stop bitching long term and comprehensive peace in various areas of conflict allowing peace to take hold in the return of refugees to their homes. or on the military's announcement of elections has been met with deep skepticism by protesters in hock to they reject the military's involvement in the poll accusing the army of season control of the democratic process for the. whole this speech will drag the country down the opposition will not accept it and people in general are behind the declaration of freedom and change for sense regardless of their political affiliation the government should abide by the people's will and the people support what the opposition alliance is calling for. one of the higher your must this idea that it is a great tragedy that instead of celebrating each we are burying our marches there
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are people lying on beds at the hospital and that you know what is a life full we want to know and i didn't hear that in the end she wants to know for some knowledge i'm joined now in the studio by and from the german institute for international security thanks for being here and i see you again the last we spoke about that similar situation isn't it now i miss that if i have that yesterday on the eve of a major religious holiday i guess the question i want to find out is that the generals in control of their own forces yes i think they are and i think specifically the general who's commanding there are safe the record support forces those who committed most of the atrocities yesterday he did command them to do that so he is in control and he wanted this to happen now. that is interesting isn't it because you would assume that the way the surgeon was going for an international committee was you know supporting whatever was going on and then this what's the
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strategy there good question i think the general the vice president of the trend of the military council transitional military council he announced on friday that he will not do with the with the protesters any more he considers them disruptive elements and that he feels like those negotiating on the civilian side one to construct a government that he is not happy with so he already announced that he will need to move against that that's the strategy what's the strategy beyond that i don't know he might just feel that it's enough to be in power and he might not think that he needs the international community so clearly he was stressed in the truth there which is exactly what you were told where that's a day to what and well i think he wants he wants to be in power. to what end i think he also wants to push the t.m.c. to for him to basically be in the lead. you know the army person he
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either reacts against him then we have a serious issue for 2 security forces against each other. the president follows him and then basically it's the military against the civilians so who who really is in control of the streets in hock to. well i think as of yesterday it's it's the those that we know it's gender age it's those that we know as the militias who were so far basically directly linked to bashir. who was in control of the streets until yesterday was definitely the civilian protesters and as you said it was always as it was a very peaceful protest for the last 66 months well talk about the protesters back on the streets so what does this say what would you make of those whether back on the streets of course they want the transfer the transition not to be ending they want their revolution they want this to continue they want to have
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a civilian that government they want to change the system they want more than just bashir out and the system remaining as it is so that's why they're back on the street can they remain the power can they remain the power they held for the last couple of months i think that's the question we will have to see and this is basically what they tried to break yesterday exactly by then dialogue as has been broken now between the protesters and the traditional council over the console what does this mean what's the way forward now because it seems like a very strong stumbling block isn't it yes i think for the transitional military council in means they are leading the transition on their own without the civilians and they announced that they want to have elections in 7 months so it's fronting as if they are producing some democratic end and for the civilians it means like they don't have trust in those who are leading the transitional transitional military council what it could mean is either they find
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a way to replace those who are in control in the t.m.c. right now with you know people from the army who are trusted to continue the debate or basically it's going to be bashir 2.0 minus bashir a final question before you go to the african union the e.u. and the un have all condemned the killings the happened last monday. how much support did he have from the international community the protesters that the protesters definitely i think from from the african union that support is cleared and it was quite clear you know a day after the protest i mean after she was ousted came out with a strong statement the question is more how much support do those in the t.m.c. feel that they have from others such as egypt and some of the gulf states and you know is there communication possible between those on that side and let's say they you and maybe the west on the other side well thanks very much and it's very tough
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on the germans it's huge for international security affairs and spare time thank you very much thank you. now many african countries have some of the most prohibitive laws against. people in the world seems sex relationships are often considered taboo and the crime across most of the continent but in south africa mean gate is legal and the country has to stand out to create a scene or d.d. infineon a stage struck persona with the african queen decades ago and is now a larger than life sort of beauty in cape town's fashion art and gay community. oh d.d. is getting ready for a show he's gay and also happens to be one of cape town's most famous drag performers using his on stage drag persona the african queen he hopes to inspire others to be creative and free being in track is a liberating situation as well as it is it's provocative as well as subversive so.
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you live on the edge of how to put it of creativity of danger. of to be really but it is not easy although homosexuality is legal in south africa the african continent has some of the most prohibitive laws in the world against it same sex relationships are considered taboo and in some parts punishable by death or imprisonment as the son of a priest and coming from the cosa ethnic group o.d.d. is no stranger to conservative views people don't know how to refer to a drag queen. queen here and she's like dude i'm wearing freaking heels i'm tut i've liked i've singed my waist but so much makeup obviously what is looking at you is chic and so diva the african queen perseverance has paid off she was
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given a warm welcome but every cent queer event in kylie shot one of south africa's biggest townships where such a big celebration of sexual identity was previously unheard of. here. tell her feeling you know it gives me hope when it comes time to time that we have. as transfer says janet not but. it gives me hope that people may start looking at is different for me it's really exciting to oh you don't have the light out you know that that can happen and you think it is that if it's. there it's really it's very. i think we get a new o.d.d. says he pays little attention to any odd looks he gets while in drag and although performing in high heels is tiring he's happy to call the show a success he feels confident that people's feelings are changing. and that's the beautiful thing about the evening was that it was organized by black l.g.b.
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she african woman and it was a successful event people attended and. it was success and you know actually part of that is really. it feels it feels great to be part of that to be part of something where people are showing initiative and courage to actually claim the space in society. and that's all we have time for d.w. news africa you can catch all our stories on our website and facebook page. before we go millions of muslims adolphe it's the holiday to celebrate the end of ramadan normally it's a time for celebration but this year in sudan it's a day of sadness after the vet's office at least 35 democrats the protesters the military wanted the 1st of all to begin on wednesday not to stage a leading opposition spokesman to accuse the army of trying to keep people off the
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streets after the massacre some people have the 5 that we view now with these images from khartoum where priya become an equal ethical act by for now. the. the. i. don't want the. oh. oh oh ah but i do know i have. nothing better to. live. by.
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