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tv   Eco India  Deutsche Welle  June 5, 2019 12:30pm-1:01pm CEST

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just people live why do they keep such a low profile we have a snoop around to catch a glimpse. of the top of the world the disk of the super vetch starts to test the double. hello welcome to eco india this week we train the spotlight on change make us who are fighting the good fight by working on solutions to mitigate the huge impact human activity has had a on some of our own who coming to you from mumbai in india over the next 30 minutes alamuddin conservationist is creating responsible travel experiences in the buddhist top of our german company wants to revolutionize the world standing in the
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street and how the indonesian capital of jakarta can be seen from sinking. but 1st to a story of surrender pretty morning conservationist food your mistress started working with dolphins by chance she learned your whole book that not only are dolphins intelligent but they're also highly emotional beings when she saw tourists and local water operators how the dolphins and disturb the habitat she knew she had to do something significant to ascribe to them the value they visit. india beach battery dies off as the perfect escape to either tourists seeking adventures on the open sea all year round and over the years the region special men have become more and more indulgent of tourists. they've become the main source of
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income for most families in this region like some need more g.'s i'm not by name of the other traditional fisherman of green used to go to catch fish some years back tours would come up and say could you take us to the dolphins we used to take them in charge of anywhere from $100.00 to 2000 rupees but we had no clue what a dolphin was used to think it's just another fish. in 2016 more. drought a conservationist working to protect dolphins in the seas of north go up one of the big. things we need to remember as humans and i think this is the underlying principle of my work is that we don't have a natural domination over everything around us everything deserves a life of dignity and compassion and has its own reason for being on the planet and it doesn't have to justify its existence to us and unfortunately people expect
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everything to be justified in relation to that morning everyone welcome to our ocean biodiversity experience mitra started down our consciousness especially to tackle that mindset and create responsible travel experiences to make boat owners like more avera of the environmental damage they could cause if they do i just have 4 things i'd like to say when we see the dolphin put off your engine stay paddle to the animal if we have to move don't cut this part of travel around it can we do these 4 things on the trip and said ok should be a problem you just tell me when you want me to do it i'll do it. with a few boat operators like morgan the fault it was in time to help tourists understand the concept of compassionate dolphin sporting mitra's travel experience or to this includes a detailed presentation about 3 kinds of dolphins found in go us borders how they
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live how they communicate with each other. the money deborah conscious earns is used to pay the boat operators and guides who are partnered with them and invested in educational programs the organization is hoping to expand and so do more to help the impressive indian ocean humbugged dolphins and other species whose numbers are declining due to the loss decoration and pollution of their habitat. to raise awareness of the problem. to a sandbank after their boat right to collect garbage and clean it up for the dolphins and also for the birds that use it as a nesting site. and i must every single guest who has come with me whether domestic or international has so wholeheartedly and with joy participated in the clean up i have had little kids as young as 5 years old having competitions who can pick up more trash and really
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feeling proud and kids who have gone back and their parents have texted me and said michael is no longer asking for the straw my kid is no longer asking for small plastic dinky toys which can be recycled my kid has said they don't want to do high speed water sports because it's going to disturb all things and thoughtless. 2500 rupees that's about 32 euros but i don't make transcript to the dog good because compared to the prices before she came into the picture. but with more and more willing to risk she's a barrier in marine ecosystem conservation at the same time she's creating a sustainable livelihood for the region's fisherman turn to this boat operators following the decline in the marine fishing industry here. now the oceans cover 71 percent of the earth's surface and the who for such
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a diversity. flora and fauna but human activity has caused great harm to that what are some of these threats and what can we do before it's truly it this explained will help answer that question. the world's oceans are home to an estimated 700-0021 1000000 species. but they face an uncertain future some marine species declined by an alarming 49 percent between 1970 and 2012 the habitats in which they thrive are all dying a slow death. what are the big threats to the existence of marine life today one major challenges plastic pollution over 5 trillion pieces of plastic have been dumped in the oceans when they decompose into smaller bits marine creatures mistake them for food. and oil still like deepwater horizon has probably harmed or killed
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approximately 82000 birds more than 6000 sea turtles and up 225009 100 marine mammals. overfishing is also contributing to extinction unsustainable fishing practices like drift netting and longline trolling lead to increased by catch causing a needless loss of species. but those threats are just the tip of the iceberg climate change is causing higher water temperatures resulting in acidic sea and the bleaching of coral reefs which are home to 25 percent of all marine species . almost half of the great barrier reef the world's largest coral reef system has been bleached to death since 2016. only 7.59 percent of our oceans are under protection that un has made it an aim to expand that to at
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least 10 percent by 2020. the model of lead the industry has a huge impact on the local and bob its present it pollutes the water with one new mental quantities of the industrial base that is produced and the people who work there are exposed to most of toxic chemicals for prolonged periods the next story conviction lies is exactly how big this problem is. there's no escaping the stench that hangs over this village poor in india fresh animal hides are preserved the traditional way with lots of chemicals the town has then scraped off what's left of the muscle fat and half. then comes the actual tanning substances like slaked linemen salt turn the animal skin into finished blood within a few hours chromium is the most commonly used chemical. it's dangerous work some of the substances can cause blindness if they come into
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contact with the eyes. of those can cause rushes asthma even cancer. that's a big problem because the lever industry is a significant part of the indian economy there are about 2000 tonne a reason the country employing more than 2500000 people that makes india one of the most important letter producers in the world. the environmental impact is a magnets to process a 1000 kilograms of raw heights 500 kilograms of chemicals and into it and up to 50 cubic metres of points for to accumulate if that gets into the groundwater untreated it can contaminate drinking water toxins can also spread to farmers feel it's. the indian government has recognised the problem and has taken initial steps to improve the situation in recent years it's forced some of the most polluting tanneries to close. lot general is one of the hotspots of the indian leather
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a strict regulations fatalities are high but not all the requirements of all this made a german company has come up with an eco friendly solution and they're convinced that big businesses like carmaker b.m.w. would design a leave of hugo boss will help because. in the olive groves of the mediterranean a quiet industrial revolution is underway more than $3000000.00 tons of olives are harvested here every year and what's left is an enormous quantity of leaves. rather than being burned some of these leaves are now being sold to a german company that cleans shreds and boils them down with water to create a viscous syrup and olive based tanning agent for leather it is even edible. perfume all of lanes are in such plentiful supply we could currently use them in 40 percent of global leather production smaller than 700000000 square meters that
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would be 100 percent of automobile leather 100 percent of upholstered furniture and 100 percent of clothing we could switch over completely to all of tanning and even if there weren't enough leaves we could always use the olive promise or the black water like the waste water from all of the oil mills didn't start to cry for. olive leather as it's known where green is produced just like traditional level. using what's known as a plug in system every tanner in the world could switch over to all of tanning immediately. it would spell the end of toxic by products like contaminated leather shavings. very we can manufacture any type of leather and terms of the raw materials we have everything sheep goat cow or kangaroo anything we can also tan. for it's really pretty awful.
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chennai on the western coast of india is one of the country's tannery hotspots the leather industry is believed to be contaminating the groundwater recently the government imposed stricter regulations on the sector the company gemini has gone further. it's adopted the german olive based tanning agent and now only produces all of leather. more and more fashion labels demand products that contain known chemical residues. have defeated all immersed in a lot of research and development in sheared off. they won by about customer and also by ourself for making fast trainable the other product as you need your technology requires a lot of investment and cost out but it certainly does because we are by our own 10 to 30 percent but we have belief there degree benefit does in the long run. in india gemini is
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a pioneer in this field producing leather clothing for big brands like hugo boss the plant based tanning agent is not only environmentally friendly it also doesn't harm the workers. well that's. been working here for 15 years things have changed considerably since the tannery went green the safety the environmental impact and the working conditions have changed a lot. today india is one of the biggest textile manufacturers in the world and there's still enormous potential for growth measures to improve environmental impact an occupational safety a slowly coming to force. eco friendly leather turning could be a huge leap forward for the industry. in germany more and more customers are choosing environmentally friendly products olive tanned leather is available in all conceivable colors but it is
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a little more expensive went green is confident that enough people are prepared to pay that price and that the clothing industry will respond it was initially and i want the leather industry to be more open especially the fashion labels and to not just talk about sustainability or just put solar panels on their roofs they need to actively take steps toward sustainable level because it will help everyone you know well as i use. more and more tanneries in mexico brazil and india and now switching to all of leather. now few of us feel that climate change is speaking it's. on our planet and in the not too distant future 9 major cities could be underwater mumbai bangkok legals manila shanghai london houston and the one sinking the fastest. parts of the indonesian capital have already dropped for the reason of rising sea levels for one but that's not the only culprit local
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residents are steadily depleting the ground water supply that basically creates and pocket into which the author above it 6 of them still go till this has proven difficult because almost half of this rely on water so they'd be to be. it's been a while since anyone prayed in this mosque in north dakota the sea has long since claimed to it. it makes gun sat every time he sees the building. thinking of this increasing. last few years and it bugs me a lot because you can. say their prayers before they cannot with. anymore. the indonesian capital of jakarta it's home to
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over 30000000 people it's one of the most densely populated cities in the world and test a problem. the strength isn't obvious here in the heart of the city but it's severe . is sinking. they'll go on what is being. very much and we lost our. sufferance and the soil it's become thinking we have what act and then come along in this. climate. doubling. of the c.p. because it's already below what are. rising sea levels and sinking soil the city needs more long term solutions. put on gun use to be
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environmental activists to come pain for the rights of fisherman now or d.c. advises the governor of jakarta interest part of a team working to stop the city from disappearing into the ground he's well aware that any scene he plans would have an impact on fishing. there are some 22000 fisherman in jakarta. these people harvest green mussels from the bait a local speciality they're cooked right on the beach. 4 years ago the city or sorry to use began building a chain of artificial islands off the north and coast to slow down lin subsequence . they've learned to live with regular flooding but the new coastal wall would mean
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the end of their livelihoods. they want to know whether the coastal wall will disturb our access to the sea i say that even if it has benefits for the community the development plan has to be discussed with the affected community. put on gun once the fishermen to be part of the decision making. the covered market where they sell their catch is nearby. here too it's impossible to overlook the city's plight the market was only built 5 years ago but huge cracks are already showing. you the buildings in some parts of jakarta are sinking into the ground at the rate of up to
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$25.00 centimeters a year. this major fountain in the heart of jakarta belies the fact that clean water isn't desperately short supply half the capital's population draws its water from illegal wells and vast amounts of groundwater are used by the new high rises springing up across town that needs more regulation says put on gun. what. this city is searching for ways to conserve the precious resource. preventing groundwater levels from further declining is essential otherwise jakarta will sink even faster and flooding will pose an even bigger threat. waste as another problem
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in the monsoon season especially trash clocks and canals so waterways can't drain into the sea. these days an army of about 12000 trash collectors work around the clock betting the garbage emergency. a number of components or settlements have already been evacuated and torn down in the name or flood protection. the company of tom cole was slated for demolition in 2015 the hearts were directly on the river and the inhabitants were supposed to be evicted and then they took matters into their own hands they've torn down parts of their homes themselves removing sections on the water satch the result is a striving peaceful community and to residents who take pride in keeping the neighborhood trash rich. and there's now a riverside walkway that's
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a comfortable distance from the water. the community also has the support of a team of architects who developed a sustainable model home for. it's made of stone and ward rather than plastic and sheet metal 7 families live here this is war house like the generals among them are going more have met his wife and their 2 children. i've been before and i have window this is important well no because in the past i don't have. social responsibility sustainable water management the people often call have shown what's possible the community has become a model of clean and green living now the neighborhood enjoys state support. even put on gun hopes the or sora to use are starting to understand that when it comes to ensuring the city's survival the urban poor in north and jakarta are part of the
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solution not the problem. looking at sustainable city planning is more important than ever the swedish capital stockholm is feeling the we made this into the outlet to the cities investing 2000000000 to build a green this week the generated more energy than water consumed by the year 2030 a much needed more for the entire world the district will have house of the me and been cleared 35000 jobs. this city district is getting ready for the future the royal seaport in the swedish capital stockholm it's due to provide 12000 apartments and 35000 office work spaces sweden's most visited construction site is a showcase for how sustainable building planning can work. for the climate friendly in a different way so you can look at the end deficiency for example they are i mean they
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consume 40 percent less than other buildings in sweden in general they have a good the insulation we always use 3 layers in the windows you can also see the signs of the buildings with the balconies kind of running around the whole the whole been like this to try to say. every well save energy in every way. the new district in the former industrial port area is expected to be completed by 2030. the concepts being tried out here in stockholm could then be used to get other towns fit for the future and to help sweden meet its climate target of 0 net greenhouse gas emissions by 2045. stockholm or a seaport serves as a testing ground for how stuck all have their regulations on nuclear power
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in the lower we set targets for developers saying that you shouldn't use more energy than this in your houses you should use this tool in order to create more biodiversity. many details here indicate that this is an ecologically aware area. solar panels on the rooftops enable the houses to produce more energy than they use the cars parked on the streets are mainly electric residents are not provided with parking spaces in front of their homes and garbage collection is done entirely without vehicles. so in the area we have them system to collect that waste a part of factious it can open the system like this. and just put the waist down and close the lid and when it's full. it indicates to the system that ok we have to have to meet now and this is plastic and then we start up the system and we emptied
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the plastic in that's in the whole block in the same time to save energy of course the underground system of vacuum pipes transports the presorted garbage to the local waste treatment facility. paper and packaging is recycled food waste is converted to bio gas to fuel the public bus and. many of the concepts you use here in sweden could function in other countries as well some kind of live in sun. rents in the new just rich are not cheap but residents may save in the long run on utility costs the developers say planning is key to making the sustainable urban project in stockholm both ecologically and economically friendly and. i hope you had many think obvious from today is sure to help you make an informed choice but
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a sustainable future we'll be back next week with many more thoughts stories until then good bye. coming.
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up. in the thick of it agriculture is in crisis. climate change land speculation and harmful pesticides are threatening the livelihoods of countless farmers more genetic engineering more organic farming or even. what's the future of agriculture made in germany and 30 minutes on t.w. . eco africa. looks at it eco friendly mobility
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in a special edition from boston all the fares so what can we do to make getting yourself from a sabine more environmentally friendly. we look at the mobility of the future in africa lucia. 90 minutes on a double. barrel or. rocking a. mob. i am up to the sinful school contempt by the church. i know that evil
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feeling that you feel when you fight. your past. to stop old no one is more popular than jesus come up with what religious morality preachers subversive. battle which sounds more potential by placing a warning label on music products. and religious clash that brings many blows to light. really so irreconcilable good luck on. rock n roll storage june 70 w. the be. above.
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the be . this news coming from london and the world remembers the historic d.-day landings that led to the end of the 2nd was. britain's queen elizabeth is joined by was leaders after the close look at naval base in southern england to mark the 75th anniversary of the biggest invasion of its kind in military history also coming up stream economy as george pell begins an appeal against his conviction for child sexual abuse the format of contrition.


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