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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 7, 2019 8:30pm-8:45pm CEST

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he takes it personally when with a little bit wonderful people and stories that make the game so special. for all true fans oh my. god more than football longline. this is the news africa coming up in the next 15 minutes his father was granted our lives by a group in the central african republic not out of a drugs to get me to stop haunts him daily 7 field peace agreements. reconstitution view will return peace to the country also on the show. what do women footballers across africa wants equal pay and as much attention as men's football as nigeria cameroon and south africa get ready to represent the continent in a woman's world cup and the put the challenges behind them on excel in the
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competition. and you michael jr is my name welcome to the program the central african republic has seen more than its fair share of peace deals none of which have actually brought peace to the fox a country of this yeah he's put pen to paper yet again legend peace now the president has started consultations about to be conservation begins with one boy who doesn't yet know what that means because all he can remember is the violence. heavy can't sleep at night his mother also say says son his night man is only doing the drawing can have have a stop seeing the peaches that haunted. me to get to sleep i have. draw every time
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to get the images out of my head. and here's just 12 years old his drawings are always the same pickup trucks with machine guns mounted on the back a body in a river a house on fire with his dad inside. what made me draw this picture that my father and i were going to move by a district. and then he was burnt at home by the silica. and when i fled i saw a body in the water. a mainly muslim group which is one of countless militias warlords and rebels in ca in february the warring sides signed a peace deal the 8th that was killed in 2013. now the country's president has launched a public consultation aimed at establishing a truth justice reparation and reconciliation commission. it seemed essential to me to make sure the government give popular legitimacy to this
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transitional justice system that's to be put in place. by consulting central africans across the republic so they can express their expectations and wishes clearly. the chief of the un stabilisation force minister called for measures to protect the victims of violence and ensure their voices are heard. we will all need to remain vigilant in the fight against impunity to give full effect to the rights of victims the truth justice and reparation. trauma and his drawings are unlikely to make it into the consultations but the government's hope is that a future commission can play a role in bringing some peace to ca our. joining me now is hans device central africa senior analyst at international crisis group as the marie many thanks for
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your time now 1st of all tell us how critical is the situation in central african republic. this is usually probably easier quite ball politically on the security police because he calls the country which is going to have elections in 2020 are many people don't know how. it's going to be critical because one of the key question he's always concha going to find money all the elections in the country which is. so the 1st $300.00 security point is that some of. us you know me you know 202019 and so on that i'm still seem to be here is. the question nice what how is the argument going to be implemented
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concretely what progress have been made so far are we. going to have ahead i mean it's interesting you mention this i mean you talking about these questions because it's questions that are difficult to and psyche any and now we saw in the report the president has just launched a public consultations to establish a commission a commission has been talked about sunscreens of 15 is this the one that's going to be set up to help deal with issues. it is a lot of the provisional. agreement disgusting because who signed in. in favor of that issue a lot on them it should not be on the table one got the groups and different leaders of congress hot to be prosecuted for the crime so. to show have to leave cycle in fact not fans of trying is that much more a kind of institution our response we have to have dogs. all human we have the
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most on topic i know dorothy is indeed prosecuted as groups you could be quite bad up to see some of those leaders actually having a point date. on most of the fighters we need to correct it even jolly you need to special it makes brigades ok finally before you go lilith out of time what is the biggest threat to the peace agreement quickly please. do not get twisted beside who many eighty's there really is the dishonesty of doing. if you do the only lightly bad group indeed. and hand over or that we want every. need for got back to the ship countries of the region perhaps a karate chop given the fact that even if some of the article pretend like to design because you believe by you we want a true child and a boy does the child i'm so not up to now we do see
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a significant and important men of child politically in the. way of. ok a lot has to be sorted hands to matter you can get senior analysts but international crisis group thank you very much thank you. this is a falcons of nigeria hop in africa woman cup of nations champions 9 times yet they often have to beg to get paid bonuses so talk of equal pay for women suck up play as is a distance dream for them is a women's world cup in powers it sounds for the super falcons to gain the much needed support they crave. the super falcons have undeniably been the definition of super on the pitch in africa 9 times it up but also at 9 times they are. up so good basic. simple fact has been the best you know freak out books on the field. been the one that has
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brought glory to the concrete as a team as a nation. the way to shoot the sometimes. off just since the last women's world cup they've been forced to hit the streets in protest of the falcons carrying placards begging to be paid marching to the presidential phila and national assembly this issue was partially result but there's still a ways to go. we need a lot of motivation a lot of support and that's a long more outcome you know him you know may cost more that yes this people are really there to support us the current cup holders the u.s. women's team have taken the issue of inequality to court alleging gender discrimination the big salary and nearly every other aspect of their working conditions nigeria is going to lead this discussion yeah there will be us crying
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that they want the same thing equal know that we are not seen this equal or what this you bring it up lead to well sponsors like adidas have gotten behind the women in the u.s. support for the falcons has been scarce some have blamed lesbianism so what what the vice president of the nigerian national football federation association said was that you know sponsorship wasn't wasn't forthcoming because he thought that. was a plane to. lesbians in both i'm not i really love thinking so i think it's something that everybody have to some people because what you got 2nd file not so much of this love weather man or woman it's no there's been a bit more love in terms of preparation for the super falcons ahead of this world cup but we need to do much more i think is going to change
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a lot of things in the enough. because. what men didn't do we men have done it and it's going to open a lot of ways and is going to give people. well . you know we we had the want. for them winning tends to speed up change hopefully success at the world cup can do that for the nigerian super falcons. would be chris herren saying from the sports desk many thanks for your time chris now you went on this report. being treated this way when they brought the most glory to the country i mean 9 time african champions right you know that's 3 times as many is their male counterparts have won you know i spent a few days in nigeria pamela i day was one of the voices in the report we just saw according to her you know women in nigeria are basically at the bottom of the
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social ladder you know they're struggling in economic you know whether whether it's social political a number of different ways you know and in terms of how much they've won it is a bit of a shock but they've had the protests we saw the one you know shots of the protests they actually had to go to the villa that was resolved but you know just to clarify they were owed $20000.00 over that apiece and their coaches have been paid in certain issues the nigerian football federation has to release the funds in their hit or miss in this area you know they got one hole then another hole is created so to speak so they're just playing catch up in a lot of senses but they've caught up a little bit ok now we always seem to be talking about these challenges what's the way to address a yeah i really think it's getting the message out there you know it really did pay off they actually what you saw was the 10th day of a protest in the report they were locked in their hotel you know for 9 days refusing to train refusing to do to be active you know this does help you know sometimes you don't see the united states you know what they did they took the the
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issue to court that does help corporations have stepped up their game a little bit you know feed has doubled the money you know for all of the teams participating the winner gets 4000000 you know these little things do help. moved the issue along you know but you know we have a ways to go to level the playing field in this area definitely seems like a talk about we'll talk about the world cup not nigeria kameron south africa big right by representing team africa really what are the absences you don't know what is giving them great odds right now that's a take 500 to one odds which means you know 20 gets you 10000 just to put in perspective you know in the 3 african teams you know as you mentioned earlier super pac as they've been in every you know world cup they have it succeeded very well in the competition in this century 9099 was their best cameroon they research group stage in 2015 south africa is their debut they're happy to be there you know they haven't won it all that leading up to this tournament so i think i geria as the
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best chance of really you know making an impact this world cup and for a while thanks very much chris will be betting maybe you will be talking about tibet thoughts and all of that but very much for the time about so we have time for and you know you news africa don't forget to visit our web site on face to face for more stories and for a time and have a great weekend. can the volume. and in the end this i mean you know what a lot of the year and more we will send you that. are you familiar with this. new smugglers with violence and. what's your story. ready ready of numbers and women especially in victims of violence. take part and send us your
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story we are trying always to understand this new culture. still you are not in a turn off and yet you want to become sitting. in for migrants. platform for reliable information. and welcome to the world of some culture coming up on the show today. d.w. presenter meghan levy will be here to tell us about her calling me journey through typepad. i'm celebrating european wedding tradition this time on the tiny island of sicily. now d.w. has a new multimedia series called tasty taipei which has just started on the euro max
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you tube channel and on social media presenter meghan li went to taiwan a mess out with chinese editor. who took on a colony journey from street food markets to high class restaurants meghan will join me in a minute but 1st let's have a taste of featuring stinky and spicy tofu. i'm travelled extensively through europe africa and of course the united states but i've never been to taiwan and that you're the type is a foodie paradise in super excited to get a taste of the.


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