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tv   Doc Film  Deutsche Welle  June 9, 2019 9:15pm-10:01pm CEST

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yes at the top of the hour on the cuff links for me and everybody here in the newsroom daintily for a lamb thanks for joining. us 1st day at school. or 1st coming listen. doris grand moment arrives. join your regular jane on her journey back to freedom. in our interactive documentary. generating returns home on t w dot com
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a tank. this is my great grandfather. and this is my grandmother with her child my father. and this is me. this is your great grandmother. and these boys are your great uncle simon and your grandfather. and here is your grandfather with his grandma. and. right now the idea of being a grandfather couldn't be further from benches mind. and of course there are many
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guarantees in life. but when it comes to you. that's an uncertainty that we choose to ignore. choose to believe that after us there will be others. and so i hope is that as the years and we grow old. for us there will be down. there will also be long. and sometime in the 2016. my great granddaughter will be called. i think of you often and the changes to come. i know i couldn't have changed what happened in my past. but i only wish i knew how to help you and your life.
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and by the time you are 5 i will be a $101.00. so even though i know it's very unlikely we will ever meet. i still like to live in the hope that we could. you are my future. and i am your boss. and you are with me as i look for a nonce. difference i make for you. our journey together continues with something that i see every day. and that reminds me
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of you on the challenges ahead. it's the stuff that is such a central and mostly invisible part of our lives. that we all know a top coal mine in siberia just one of the many places the produces the fossil fuels that connects me and every other person on this plant together. and. play. play. play.
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play play. play play. play. play yeah we're still serious sorry. he has to bring it up with her we have school to tell her because we know you're discouraged. high school isn't it's a. double school. hockey. player. was and you more than a cub such as this your. upset. if. only you would wish now when in. school good.
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news and the. some of europe's cars are comported for christmas or will. play a torch for us to use this and in other words oxygen. inside which as you would. use at this time it is or that's. a good example is a poor who cannot. see to use the will. progress legal so that's. one day when you are a few years older than the. you will fold in law and some. of this i am absolutely certain 2. i'm sure it will be magical wherever it happens.
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like you in the poem but the bottom of the disused cold war. i really wanted to but actually got. nothing and. i thought people i do too but officials. know that. if they don't start. making it if they get it and it cuts the definition oh no i think i'm just sitting there knew some of them in the september. the done but the best thing all you couldn't do both full of it and still we could win the league signs in. 3 new cars to start
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those in the midst of the. goes it looks we do. it up when you don't open wide been the most i don't know as i'm stunned i would get it on and it was not good to do you did so good just when i wanted to tell me wasn't that of what's going to stop said to me. for. this looming it would you know there were tours in the city put starlit in the state the most gorgeous morgans aren't visible and you tell me please. visit the world and it will determine what is the entry for. this just in the mood to show that was was along with this is crystal clear. it's a. new
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post of tuck. the gamut of so. there's a gamut of so what i did i was the boss through it's thought i was a c.m. but it was time for. body. processes and resume like most here. he said just foster a discussion. so which of it is she chip which you got. as opposed to get it she said one who. never. every day in this region 9000 train cars on loaded with coal and transported to cities in russia germany and china. the same coal provides the heat and the electricity from my own systems and
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. there's still enough coal here to last another 100 years. well into your lifetime. extra. to last for it's. says they were there. the wrong torrens. the next person i want you to meet is someone i admire very much he's one of the world's most respected climate scientists in 1908 brought the real dangers of
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climate change to the world's attention. how do you think your grandchildren or all their grandchildren will see you. well they might think gee what took you so august started. but i think in my case i'm you know i work in sarge now that at least they know that in the latter part of my life i was really trying so i don't think they will blame me personally i'm not worried about that i think the people who should be worried about that are the people who didn't i the reality of climate change even though the science has become clear.
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what you can expect in the middle of the century in the 2nd half century the pan you know in we still hayao. alternatives is still the paleness on what happens especially in the next decade. in some sense we've passed already some of the tipping point is we're going to have some climate impacts which are greater than what we see already. there's the potential that thanks could really go downhill that the costs of climate change will become so large that the economies will really go backward or will if not collapse at least become much less well to do.
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no matter how badly we mess up this planet it's still worth saving what's left and most of it is still laughing so of course there is every. every reason to try to stay positive and try to get some action that will work in the right sounds but it had better be soon. or. young people will bear the consequences. his soul the ocean i think that's definitely the biggest part of being marshallese and biggest part of being an islander is just that ocean presence. and it's just you know even just driving to work it's just ocean on either side of all the time.
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the endangered is very very dangerous yeah. yeah we you know a lot of marshallese frist do you have a lot of respect for the ocean because you know i can take lives away any moment. i didn't want to follow the news anymore on climate because i was just so disheartening all of the news. it would barely mention us if it did mention us and then when did mention us it was comparing us to like so atlanta is or it's not like what should we do to help them it's all about well this is going to happen and you know poor marshallese people. also when i look at my daughter you know she's just a baby when i wanted to tell her give up you know you don't want to yell at a baby and to or like carry your baby and tell her that everything's going to
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nothing's going to work out you want to comfort her you want to make them feel better and you want to believe that things will get better. thank. the. i. a small part of the changes you will see are already the. simple toss. in the marshall islands and also here in california where 5 schools by the us tried to in the state's history blankets the landscape and smart. we are on our way to a climate summit in new york. where world leaders will make the decisions that
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shape your future. it's. just. that i. still see you all doing the work. but i hope that you remember as you go across the country that there's a 150 of you and there's 160000000 people all around the world who think like we do and part of the bigger. i know that we're calling this the climate change we should also call it the oil industry's worst nightmare. i see on the our thanks of. big bank. when i think about my great grandchildren in the future looking back at me. i don't
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think they'll respect me if i just say to politicians you should do something i feel that that i should do something. you know yeah well one of the problems is a lot of people are now beginning to not because they're afraid they're going to get blamed by their. children or grandchildren because they love their children and grandchildren and they want them to health the kind of world that we helped and so they want to do something and unfortunate. lee what they usually do is the sidewalk i'll do the sayings that i think needs to happen well that's all well and good except how do you get the other 7000000000 people to do it do you think i can be an example for the other so well. it's like you say you say ok i'm right i'm going to use my car anymore i'm where i use a bicycle while k.
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that that reduces your carbon footprint and if you get a 1000000 here frames to do that under 10000000 or even a 1000000000. the biggest one of the effects would be to reduce the price of fossil fuels and somebody else will burn them. unless you make the price of fossil fuels higher somebody is going to burn them you can look at this situation if everybody in europe the united states decides all this is wrong i'm going to stop driving my vehicle since that's going to change things in china. you may hope that you're going to convert everybody and some country to do what's right and then try to use that for moral suasion in other countries well you're not going to do it fast enough to salsa climate problem.
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it's been 37 years and i still have the same recurring dream it's about my dad you know great great grandfather in my tree my dad comes back he isn't dead he's just been away in my dream i'm overcome with happiness and relief it never happened he never died. and then the next moment i am furious with him. how could you have abandoned us. how could you do it where have you been. and in all the trains i have ever had he has never said
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a word and although i love to see him in my dreams. most hurt. it's a reminder that he really is somewhere far beyond my reach. but there are strings that can be lost forever. that once they happen. you can never get them back. let's go a little bit to the dark part. going to fear. yeah. how do you deal with it how do i deal with fear.
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i think my my hope is in action i if i'm not in action with what i believe in with what i value with what i know is right. those can be those idle times are are the darkest moments for me are converging to talk about the current crisis but we know we need more immediate. option but i still feel that. that fear and that darkness. but. when i'm in action when i'm aligned with what i believe and when i'm with other people that. are willing to stand up in this critical and difficult moment together that. gives me. purpose and meaning
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and in a way that is not connect. to the outcome of what happened. was 8. i'm on the journey. i set out maybe 30 years ago 40 years ago. you know much more than 75 then i set out to really try to do something about the racial problems in america. do you
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have grandchildren call i have a grandson who's 8 years old. do you think do you think about what the world will be like for them call for their children. go your grandchild children. well i do think about it and i would imagine that it will be different in ways that are on the magazine to me i think there may be some ways that will be a match and. so i'm just very much on my mind. i sometimes i sometimes feel over a pod by the vision know for what the future will be like but i think that i think that it's a very real issue and one of the problems that if that arises we're allowing despair to really enter into your psyche is that by. the by allowing
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that you're not actually end up hurting the people who you got divorced. well. you don't feel fear i don't feel clear now that i'm not here why is that says lot of ties. here. because.
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in the city and the story there is another little girl and you should meet her this is the philippines. her mom is kathy from the marshall islands. the smiling i do 500 applicants from all over the world kathy was chosen to speak at the opening of the climate summit in 2 days' time she will step in front of the leaders of the world to represent the voice of ordinary people. it's so weird my uncle dwight went in for the united nations and he was the 1st draftsman he was one
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to use a 1st marshallese to speak out against nuclear testing and that was in 1964 i think . and i was thinking about him when i was flying up here i was thinking like what is what was he thinking was he scared you know was did he feel prepared gaps really terrified of teaching about us you know and i wonder if there's going to be someone down the line who's going to look back at me like that. i'd like to see hope that they see us fighting you know that we're trying to do everything we can to meet these you know how to make these changes happen. i might even be given you know you
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know no one from the marshall islands how much time when i'm not in 50 and we're only 2 meters up on the mountain i'm going to be one of those i'm going to be here when the water. beneath you think i'm making. let's let's talk about kathy ok let's take a look at the whole house i love kathy i do what i think we all do here. how was she chosen to speak at the opening of the u.n. climate summit well. the big answers to that question is through openness. so i'm proud to say that the un opened and allowed me to run a process that invited nominations from anyone anywhere. and
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further supported that open misfired providing translations of my invitation. for nominations in all the un languages. and then i got a call from susan and she was like you're the one who's chosen you're the one who's going to do that open in front of all these heads of state you know your last about to change ashes was like. ok you can have it's just i was totally shocked and i was super excited and. and then reality set in thank you so much for being here. i think for you i think the. strength she told me later that her partner said to her whenever she was struggling with this how she could carry this how she carried this moment and be the representative of global civil society as one young woman from the marshall islands she said that her partner told her that this is bigger than you now you know. and that was how she registered what she had to
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step up to do. stuff like this is my biggest love for. a lot of fun with a little bit of. there is a saying that people died twice. once when they physically die and once when nobody recognizes them in a photograph. but that's not true. for
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the 12 years that i knew my father was a loving caring parent. something that he had not experienced himself something better that he wanted to give his own children. what we do can live much longer than us for both good and bad. most people in the world. would say the same they want to leave the world having made a difference and to very few of those people or is it given the gift of actually achieving that watch even a fraction of because i think it's probably only a fraction of what one hopes to that one does succeed in doing but that fraction is worth it.
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i think if you bring up a child. and as you brought yours up your children i think you've done it for them . it's the foundation you give people that's the most that's the greatest they apparently have. i was.
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climate change as such a fine english of our age leaders of the world i pretend for a living but you do not. the people made their voices heard on sunday around the world and the moment will not so i was just scared i was terrified basically i was just. practicing at
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a wall and baby was crying she was screaming in the back to which didn't know i was getting stressed out because i was like oh my gosh of the baby but i have to perform and so i was terrified from the marshall islands please welcome can be. my family and i have traveled a long way to be here today all the way from the marshall islands usually when i perform it's pretty cool because the worst kind of take over for me and i just lose myself in the words and it happened i would now like to share with you a poem that i have written for my daughter of filipino. dear ma to philip being. you are
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a 7 month old son rise of gummy smile you are bald as an egg and bald as the buddha you are thighs that are thunder streets that are lightning so excited for bananas hugs and our morning walks along the. dear much of filipino i want to tell you about the lagoon. the lazy lounging lagoon lounging against the sunrise men say that one day that the goon will devour you they say it will not at the shoreline chew at the roots of your bread fruit trees gulp down rows of sea walls and crunch through your island shattered bones they say you your daughter and your granddaughter too will wander rootless with only a passport to call home. dear much offended if a no don't cry mommy promise you no one will come and devour you know greedy wail of a company sharking through political seas no backwater bullying of businesses with
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broken morals no blindfolded caracas is going to push this mother ocean over the edge no one's drowning baby no one's moving no one's losing their homeland no one's becoming a climate change refugee. or should i say no one else to the carteret islanders of coppell in new guinea and to the taro islanders of fusion i take this moment to apologize to you we are drawing the line here because we baby are going to fight your mommy daddy who would you my your country and your president too we will all fights and even though there are those hidden behind platinum titles who like to pretend that we don't exist who like to pretend that the marshall islands to by luchino by small these type one ion in the philippines floods of algeria colombia pakistan and all the hurricanes earthquakes 2 in tidal
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waves didn't they. still there are those who ceo's cans reaching out this raising up banners unfurling megaphones booming and we are a new is blocking coal ships we are the radiance of solar villages we are the fresh clean soil of the farmer's past we are teenagers blooming petitions we are family biking cycling be using engineers building dreaming designing artists painting dancing writing and we are spreading the word and there are thousands out on the streets marching hand in hand chancing for chain. now and they're marching for you baby. they're marching for us because we deserve to do more than just
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survive we deserve to die. do you much offended being know you are eyes heavy with jobs you wait so just close those eyes and sleep in peace because you won't let you down you'll see. thank . you no kept the house and been able to quite take in how rare a standing ovation is in the un general assembly calling been trying to explain to her that there's hardly ever happens. in this kind of
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a meeting where you have a summit and has of state and their delegations these people have a lot of armor the fact that she got those people with all that armor on to stand up and feel. you know i think that's a miracle. if worse if we're very very close to achieving an ambitious legal agreement. but there's just a few people that haven't shifted yet and they are just people and she contributed changing just one of those minds because of her performance i mean it's possible and even if it's just one person that's a huge victory. so i'm really grateful to her for bringing a miracle and i got so i got to live it and i got to live in a really close way and that's amazing and i'll have that for the rest of my life as
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a memory i mean i start crying now because. you know if i'm here for 30 or 40 more years. no matter how hard it gets i'll always have this memory. so you got me again. now it was really really something. wow that was a lot. yeah it's hard it's hard to do that. when you think of your accomplishment. and cathy's accomplishment. what does it make you think about the power of what one person can do. well i you know my favorite quote is by margaret mead never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed individuals can change the world indeed it's the only thing that ever has. this story
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started from los. but there are some things that you can't change. but i no longer believe them. what can one person do a i mean what difference. what difference can one person make different or what would live anywhere you can do there's so much look at all these these people who've stood up you know marginal to king jr. finding they did so much anyone can do a why it doesn't have to be on a global scale you know it can be a lot for just your community or your family if you mean everything to somebody and that's doing a lot right there. yeah i don't know why people don't think they can make changes happen or that they can't do anything i don't. i don't believe that is it
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because they think that they have to be a gun. or a market max or martin luther king jr you know they feel they feel i'm i'm just me are i'm just now just regular guy yeah i'm pretty sure they're regular people i mean when i met al gore i was like regular dude pretty ordinary and he know it you think they're like this guy like they're untouchable like you know you they're there it's al gore and then you meet him and ordinary do you know everybody is just ordinary i don't know i just don't. i was seen. as a point basically for somebody. as we come to the end of the story. i'm hopeful for you and your future.
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we can each of us pick up the torch. we can make a difference. we need to extend the love we have for our children and grandchildren a generation further. to the children we will never meet. to the world we will not see. and to the things we will not benefit from. it is perfectly possible. and when you look back at us and our generation. i hope it will be with a sense of amazement and pride. that when you turn the last page in europe. we. you will have been able to write the perfect ending to any good story. just when you thought also lost and hopeless. in the end. it wasn't.
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it was love at 1st sight. gabriel from india and maria from germany want to get married but. gabriel's mother to be different to those of the nuclear that is my only son and i me find the money for mr arranged marriages are an indian tradition
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a love match is not going to. be 30 minutes doubling. their oil. rock n roll. my. my my. sinful rhythms come down to by the church. i know that evil feeling that you feel you want to thank. your past so it's. hard to stop and no one is more popular than jesus was lord. rock and religion clash that brings many polls too late. for the
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2 really soon to reconcile the boston devil leandra. storage june 17th g w. place . blame . and the day that we can use life from very lame protests and hong kong hundreds of thousands of people filled the streets to demand the repeal of a law that could see people extradited to mainland china to face charges also coming.


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