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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 11, 2019 6:30pm-6:45pm CEST

6:30 pm
from. classes from. this is where. the 77. this weekend t.w. . this is. coming up in the program. no one wants northwestern india relies on that a punishing heat wave water supplies have been affected and so have businesses how much can india take clubs. to prime minister. and the reason is that he's being the prime minister he's not a destination to this. exclusive interview with the opposition leader challenging the status quo in thailand. embracing the written word in south
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korea we need the grammys teaching us it's never too late to. welcome to. it's good to have you with us now what is the hottest weather you have ever experienced how about 48 degrees celsius that is how hot at least one location in delhi was on monday and then he along with not western india is in the grip of a sweltering heat wave temperatures have all but around the mid to high forty's last week in raw just recorded 50 degrees celsius making it the hottest place in the country and the 2nd hottest place on earth but relief is forecast in the coming days in the form of 3 monsoon showers in delhi and the western state of good cheer
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up. as the sun's rays be down on delhi those that can't shelter indoors do what they can to protect themselves from the relentless assault many need to be outside to earn a living even though business is slow. just the moderator a very few customers around the place is almost empty because of the heat we sit in our vehicles doing nothing for hours if it gets too hot we go and rest under the trees then we start again around 405 pm and work until late at night. for those trading in cool refreshments sales a brisk the main challenge is keeping drinks chilled in the blazing sun. heat waves can be deadly especially for the elderly the chronically ill and young
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children. and many people experience negative health effects as their bodies struggle to cope. the temperature of the earth is rising every day. because of that we are facing many problems people get diseases heat causes things like skin rashes and other skin problems that scientists say stream weather events will increase in frequency g to global warming and india will be one of the worst sufferers human health is at risk along with our food and water supply. although temperatures across india have now started to fall after 3 weeks of all time highs the summer of 2019 is on course to be the hottest in india since records began. and it will sort of allah god is one of those struggling for here she joins me now from delhi sonia good to see you how are you all that up.
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well gratiot yesterday the moki retouched 48 degrees celsius the creating really an all time record high temperature for the capitol in june so yesterday it was really unbearable we had these hot dry winds sweeping the city they called the new so yes it was really difficult even staying outdoors for too long but i have to say you know i am somebody was a condition of the toll i can afford a condition transport so for me it's not been so bad but i think this relentless heat has been especially hard on daley's homeless and the poor and of course those people who really don't have a choice but to continue working despite the scorching temperatures you know people like construction workers street rickshaw drivers traffic police i think it's been really tough on them exactly an experiment that of the rest of india last week for a man who was killed in a fight over water how desperate are people becoming. i
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mean it's true that the scorching temperatures the sea on the heat wave that we're seeing across the country has been particularly brutal the c.e.o. and it has led to these clashes as you say you know last week the indian media reported that in the eastern state of charge 6 people were stabbed by by a man when fights broke out over filling bottles of water from from a tank we saw similar scenes in the central state of but the predation which you know record some of the record some of the highest temperatures in the country it's not unusual i have to say to see these scenes in big cities in summer but they don't necessarily just have to do with the soaring temperatures you know in cities like delhi and mumbai even bangalore you know these routine fights over water also have to do with the fact that you know there is simply a higher demand for water and some won't but that the water infrastructure in many places has simply failed to keep place based with rapid organization and you also have the you know illegal ball ways of many cases which have really decreased the level of groundwater in these areas so i think the water crunch and the fights around it don't necessarily have to do just with soaring temperatures.
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for us thank you very much for speaking to us about the heatwave conditions in northern india. thailand's military leader has been officially endorsed as prime minister nearly a week after being elected to the post in parliament the endorsement by the king comes after a. cross the majority mark involvement needed to secure the premiership he comfortably edged out his rival telephone drawingroom grandkid who had been put forward by the so-called democratic front an alliance of 7 parties that upon himself it is the though of the future forward body that came in 3rd in national elections held in march the vote has been criticised for being rigged in favor of the military there were allegations of manipulation of results and even that future forward m.p.'s were offered money to switch sides in favor of the military immensely popular as a leader of a future for without
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a phone present even means suspended from parliament pending of decision from the constitutional court on whether he violated election law bankole correspondents all the chelton period caught up with the billionaire politician thank you so much bill agreeing to this interview after the 24 team they were promised a democratic election what if it. definitely not i mean. let's be honest before the election nobody expected him to be totally free and totally fair but the expert to the election would be free and fair to a certain extent and then we would respect the result but this is far from it. what we have seen over the last few months is this. the people who was controlling the power right now. have no intention at all to let go off this power
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no intention at all despite the public opinion despite the anger of the people to stand to us how much voice do you think m.p.'s. yourself in your party and also critics this government will have over the coming years under the governments i believe. they cannot receive due change forever i mean who would walk on the street and you would be hearing people. opposition against the government and the angle of the people 10 jubal is real. so i believe bristol re showed off because of democracy is inevitable it's not the creation of eve but the question of where. do you see yourself as the man who can achieve that do you still have prime ministerial
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ambitions i don't want to be if you will want to you don't spend more time with my family i want to go back to my normal life says nobody leading the charge nobody leading this project the project to restore democracy back in discovery i have to do it myself right now. but my ambition to be the prime minister's today stu soli and the reason is. is being a prime minister destination. change your facing a lot of legal challenges which you say are largely politically motivated you believe so do you worry given the fact that some of those challenges see you banned from politics or even facing jail. do you worry that you all days in politics might be a bit. there is there is a possibility that my days in political be done but there's
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a possibility that about. you could do or do stand if you were afraid you do we need for us do we believe at this point of his story. of pushing the boundaries pushing where the limit of possibilities is so i believe that it is a power to be made of ideas and domination of ideas that comes. the legal trade the trade bruising legal charges the trade off while ends against some of the leaders of the party these things are real. we aren't afraid. and submissive at this point in time. did a look at us wanted a bill conducting that interview by a dog heading to south korea americas which is one of the world's most technologically advanced countries but that's a very recent development many of the older generation missed out on the
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opportunities that young south koreans have today is especially in education that has left many elders unable to read or write but some are now proving it's never too late to learn. from senior citizens to senior students this group of south korean grannies are hard at work putting pen to paper as a writing class and soon the library. until now their own alphabet was a total enigma to them but they're slowly discovering how to crack the code. i am so happy the best thing is that i've had my dream to learn korean come true. you might think it's too late but start learning your confidence will grow the world to a local not to you so i encourage you to start learning to. a 2017 study showed that almost 7 in 10 south koreans over a c.
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are unable to read and write and women are particularly affected by illiteracy prevented from going to school as young girls because of poverty and patriarchal latitudes. my grandmother used to say a woman with knowledge always ends up prepared years. decades later they're able to reject the social conventions of the past and enjoy the education they were once denied. it could said that there's been so much effort to read and write to larry in the korean letters i felt sorry for them but i was also impressed by them it was beautiful to watch them larry. one could look at the lot of the earth that i live. and some have even become published authors contributing to a collection of stories and growing up in the turbulent 20th century. that's a fan of the show to check out the other stories on the double dot com poll of pleasure if you're on facebook and try to believe it all with more pictures of him
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doesn't credible heatwaves it's your next time about. where i come from we have to fight for a free press i was born and raised in a military dictatorship and just want to be shadow and a few newspapers when official information as a journalist i have worked on the streets of many characters and they have all those are always the same 14 the social inequality a lack of the freedom of the press. coverage who can afford to stay silent when it
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comes to the fans the humans and see the microphones who have decided to put their trust in us. my name is jenny harrison i work. the german growth engine stops to spot a new study by uighurs found the germany's top companies are lagging behind their competitors in asia and the u.s. in terms of growth and profit and the gap is huge we get some analysis from our correspondents here and in asia. also coming up the bricks in a poker lips gamers can now get a taste of what post-breakfast britain mike to be like the latest offering from french game of a cat would be soft is to say in
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a dystopian london after the country has cut ties with you. and scientists around the world are working on developing our chief fishel needs now tokyo presents the 1st in the lab grown straight. back up to do business asia want to get jones in berlin got to have you with us and we're starting with some shocking news for europe's powerhouse germany my to be growth engine of the european union but it is most important or its most important business a lagging far behind international growth rankings and uni released study by a service young concluded that the revenues of germany's top companies only increased by 1.2 percent on average while their counterparts in the.


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