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tv   Focus on Europe  Deutsche Welle  June 13, 2019 6:30am-7:00am CEST

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history. those who know about secret things are perhaps like this the in cultural heritage carry. the mentoring. don't. forget the. hello and welcome to focus on europe i'm lara babalola nice to have you with us many countries here in europe are facing a dilemma what to do with those who left their lives here behind to become jihadists thousands of europeans joined the so-called islamic state and with the terror group all but defeated in syria many are now locked up in prisons there and
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e.u. countries like germany are reluctant to bring them home. well for the relatives of the terrorists like you're watching dear heart the agony can be overwhelming years ago his 2 sons left their home in germany to fight for i-s. since then their father has been tormented by one question why did they leave desperate for answers he went to syria hoping to bring home one of his sons after receiving a sign of life. a father looking for his children you or him gary hart is on his way from casal to syria to find his sons in 2014 they both joined the so-called islamic state terror group. his son fabienne had been an actor . minor whale used to work as a press photographer. you're him hadn't heard from either son for more than 4 years then he received a call from an unknown number
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a few weeks ago he was informed that fabienne was being detained in northern syria he was told it might be possible to meet him even speak with him but he would have to request access in person. to me and really glad that i might be able to see him after 4 and a half years there's a possibility that he might not want to talk to me that he says dad what are you doing here let me alone here in a war that's my biggest fear at the moment quote from my snow. you know he was journey through northern syria starts in rocka this was the self-proclaimed capital from which the radical islamists spread their reign of terror torture slavery and murder. they were all his sons played in all this is unclear. but you watch him is furious . some i'm angry at fabienne manuel for being here and for being responsible in
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part for the state of this place anger disappointment grief all of those feelings together. as. you walk in has leads that suggest his sons used to live near the football stadium. i'm so scared that he's there of lying somewhere beneath all that rubble trickly. not only fabiana can answer that. it's just horrible to me all of this. up to 3250 people are said to have died in the battle for rocca. the journey continues and oil fields lined the road to come usually. in between refugee camps. daughter in law zahra is supposedly being held in one of these camps she followed his 2 sons to syria now she's left
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a voice message. on us. in islam starts all the women and children are now out of the islamic state there's no one left and that's why we're in the campaign or the often not. so i doesn't know where you walk him sons are but she asks him for money to be transferred to a turkish account. she says she wants to use the money to sneak her self and other women out of the guarded camp and go into hiding. they fear legal action if they return to germany. and imagine it even when i listen to her i think she would rather stay down here i'm not convinced sarra is willing to let go of her believes. the.
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man who will is still missing fabiani is imprisoned somewhere ready. joachim gary hart wonders if your sons still hold radical beliefs. or if they've come to regret having joined the i.a.s. . and gosh i wanted to can they weren't that children in germany but the things he did down here they'll have to face the consequences for that. and if need be he'll have to face a sentence in germany. in germany your him says his sons lived a sheltered life untouched by war. now he realizes many germans would fear them as terrorists. i want to ask him how he got to this point do these things he never learned any of this in germany. says that he
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really believes that this is what a good life is about taking others as slaves torturing them and this if you really think that's ok i'd like to ask him myself even if he has committed atrocities he's still our child that's just the way it is. you are him has to wait 5 days before he can meet his son finally he gets to meet the spokesman for the kurdish authorities. their reception is friendly but their willingness to help him is limited. one reason is germany's reluctance to take back german i asked members. which. is a part of the terrorist group these terrorist killed are people they sold on the girls and women the markets the slaves our victory over the terrorists has also helped prevent terror in germany europe and the world have met this is why we are hoping for cooperation including when it comes to sentencing. the next evening your hymns request is rejected. outright i was already in bed when i heard
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a loud banging at the door to people told me that i wouldn't be allowed to see fabia. he had supposedly been a high ranking member of the i.r.s. . we fact there's nothing left for you watching to do but return home with one son missing and the other in captivity all that remains for him is uncertainty. and in germany the fear of returning militants lingers well it's estimated that to date 1000 men and women from germany have joined the so-called islamic state. to turkey now where democracy under president recha tired heir to one is increasingly under threat they due to sherry media and parliament have been weekend political opponents imprisoned and after the opposition won the mayor elections in his stronghold of istanbul heir to want fought for and was granted
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a reelection now people like sarah and as who are hoping that the rerun will bring an even bigger victory for the opposition. no matter where x. treme mamelukes campaign bus stops these days hundreds of people are already waiting eager to hear what he has to say. 6 ever since the model narrowly one istanbul's mayoral election at the end of march against the candidate of the ruling a k party everyone in turkey knows him. and the fact that he was then stripped of his mandate at the request of the a.p. only made him more prominent. rightly won this election because of. that. but they intervened and canceled the vote that was a political decision blow to the judiciary and turkey's democracy.
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will be among supporters also a strap a van and her husband sowed up as long as they can remember their hometown istanbul is under the control of president adeline's party. not. the people of the idea that the a.k.p. is undefeatable a thought the same but a mama lou is crushed this idea that the moment you want to get a vote on this you could maybe kind of change everything because the ruling party is really powerful compass that you would not have made a huge impact already because of that's good i'm hopeful for my country again. lose the war in a generation because he gives us hope and is only part of us and. they live on the outskirts of istanbul rense a more affordable is an accountant and saddle works in the pharmaceuticals industry their son yeat is in middle school. turkey's ongoing currency crisis has forced the
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family to rein in spending the. amount of what we do everything is doubled or tripled in price it is better income has not increased the same rate and this is very troubling for us souder is convinced that a crummy man who as mayor would get the city's economic problems under control recently in model is hear it on television and begin to talk about how the eighty's plan leadership in istanbul has allegedly been wasting money for years to host suddenly ended the interviews. academic night your. t.v. color of the t.v. channels are not fair is it issued only now they started to give him some air time it will show such an image in the us before the election this was not the case it was for the moment that we see a more a little but they're trying to cut him off and he did it just. this encouraged as friends to volunteer as campaign as as often as they can they distribute imaam will
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fly is and explain to people why it is important to vote on june 23rd ah. let's get back to tokyo but as they often experienced how divided the city yes michael i thought i must have been up with this man claims that the man had thrown money out of the window as ross says he was not really in office yet but she doesn't get through to him going to show that it will work this out i don't want him to do that forever if i'm up and then i am some people are prejudiced they just don't want to listen maybe if they listened they would understand and they would change their minds but they're blocking other opinions live on the mural of my fellow. who has arrived at his next stop all the billboards have been a year and the former prime minister now the ruling a peace candidate for istanbul are everywhere the are no with district is in. k.p. stronghold. that in the local market people are celebrating
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a mom or. a crew from asia the vendors shout. out goodness you know. it's wrong it's not and sound are also here they want to selfie with the candidate and they are not the only ones who wasn't coming for many he is supporting mama lou they consider him sincere he's religious and conservative they say as well as modern someone who represents all of istanbul. turkey to be one because he deserved it and he'll win again but this time to tell get even more votes in fact i'm not upset that his mandate was taken away from him because he's gained much more support now of make up on the in the mold. in the end and sow that even get theirself so.
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i think with patience and steve terminations. and people like it criminals fight for istanbul's mayorship. now game of thrones may be over but those still hungry for a seafaring way of life must look no further than the hills of sell your norway it's home to a popular viking school where people can immerse themselves in the norse culture for people like anders crawler it's a chance to escape the modern world for the simpler times of their ancestors and for him the fantasy is unlimited as part of his everyday life. today's lesson is how to pitch a tent the way they did a 1000 years ago of course. they be on has made it to the viking school senior year the poem is a from a hardware store but the tent is fashioned after what archaeologists have learned
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about the viking age this is quite different from the history they'd be on learned at school. here at school you don't learn anything about the vikings daily lives that's what's so incredibly fascinating the respect. no one item do you want to write you know a few of these vikings were really pretty brutal. and would want to have been messed with them meant a lot but most of the vikings never travelled by state to look after the house. of a person. interested perspective vikings can apply to this beautiful community college and sell your art in 7 norway it's even office room and board on the market it's not hard to spot from which students are taking the viking class. the teachers have no problems with using modern tools for training supervising explains it's more about exploring the viking way of life and the precise reenactment of the poem
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i always think about what materials people had available to them back then. and then we use that and built something with the techniques current ahead of time we go from 0. to being the popular series vikings focuses more on techniques for a minute during and pillaging the fighting's the baby on his temperament find the commercial image of the northmen problematic so. the more people hear that i'm interested in viking things they like approaching about its most basic they know a lot of a vikings from what they've seen on t.v. . so i always have to explain what's accurate about that and what's not. but they smile king has no objections to television's depiction of bloodthirsty swashbuckler as i'm just who belongs to the lovers men a group of hobby vikings dedicated to keeping norway's mediæval legacy
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a knife in their free time he climbs out of his car ready in full battle gear. for left men have faithfully reconstructed a viking longship they even forge their weapons and themselves they also practice this sort of play skills. you're not allowed to strike the head or neck the legs or hands. you only score points or if your sword touches your opponent's body. wooden planks instead of sleek fine but last leather shoes instead of sneakers is no women on deck noways modern day vikings bring the past back to life. today we live in a highly intellectual culture if someone's good at school get ahead and earn money . but. whoever was stronger they could lift the heavy stone was valued higher. virtues are much
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closer to human nature. students of the viking school who learned that life back then wasn't necessarily all that primitive even if they have to make fire using flint. it's certainly a change from computer games and you tube. fabian has learned a lot at this college but he's worried that the viking trend could be misused by political extremists. you know sister or racists or neo nazis misuse vikings on the ruins claiming they are racially pure germanic people to the. major checked out system be taken but just running around in these clothes i might be mistaken for someone who believes ideals like that's your so-called airbus it also ma'am you know them all the viking school once there is to open possibilities for a simpler more authentic lifestyle and that's what more and more young people are looking for not only in
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a way. whether they offer support bend the rules or tell exciting stories about days gone by grandparents can forge unique relationships with their grandchildren and this bond can extend well beyond the family tree in the small town of sterile in russia a special home is bringing together strangers young and old in need of care it's a special project that has changed the lives of its residents and given them the families so longed for in the know. when you're making pancakes every step needs to be timed just right. that's what deana could you have of learned from her boarding home grandmother spent long a gram of the pair found each other 12 years ago when they started living together in a unique russian residential home. my this is my family and sometimes they get pretty cheeky. it's
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a special home they share a yana and her surrogate grandma live together with 30 other children and over $100.00 pensioners. they're all in one big housing complex where they spend their lives together. most pensioners live here because their relatives no longer want to care for them and most young people are here because their parents are no longer allowed to care for them many were alcoholics who lost custody. as a result many of their children were born with disabilities. with no other family to rely on young and old alike would be lonely if it weren't for this haven. for you to hear or read to you. you know for my entire family died in 1903 in
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a car crash it was horrible. i almost lost my mind. back then i didn't want to live anymore. i would have preferred to die with my family. this unique home where young and old lived side by side was founded 12 years ago. it's an start of a shove in russia's brush court is done with public bicycle and it's one of a kind in the entire country. that. actually does establish i children are happy that they have loving care taken and live in a loving environment the kids don't need to feel ashamed if their disability they can get through life with their heads held up high yes i've seen it it's news just like other children without disabilities get the glow will use the because that's it because it's about. these residents are lucky. their home is widely acclaimed. thanks to funding by the state donors and volunteers the facilities are in create
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condition. new other russians with disabilities or special needs are as fortunate human rights activists have repeatedly reported cases of abusive caretakers corrupt directors insufficient fire safety measures and a lack of funding in other homes. but often the public is unaware of this grim reality as most homes are isolated from the outside world. yes the director says this is long overdue to change. i did to save us i feel remains a huge barrier between people with and without disabilities in our society bringing my parents from the soviet generation to not want their children socializing with kids that have special needs and i shoot for that but this home away young says and pensioners live side by side still shows that it is possible not store they prefer
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the same air walk under the same sun and to ordinary people when you've got less of the health of them. though of course with people of all ages residing here it's not always smooth sailing. living together and caring for each other can be challenging. still everyone here is very close they are eager to share their lives rather than just co-exist. if you will when i see children i forget all my problems to be a plug they just vanish so you fear and all i see are the good things from other well what to do with. the day of the special residential home winds down with a small dance performance. life is good because here russia's most vulnerable are not left to fend for themselves.
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if you know that the heart of london is home to one of the longest archaeological sites in the world in the river thames artifacts lay buried under centuries of silt for historians and collectors it's a chance to really explore this it is past a famous londoner once said the ten's is liquid history and when the tide is low the mudlarks come to the river banks to unearth its treasures. besides an impressive panorama something else could be found on the banks of the thames. being a part subject to time the river also has a beach that appears at regular intervals when it does it's a perfect place for a strong. these 3 ladies are in pursuit of their favorite pastime. the what the english called mudlarks the concept dates back to the 19th century when poor street
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boys would comb the mud in search of something they could sell but nicklen and florence do it as a hobby. i can see a bit of stone. was a little bit quite. as well they would have rested it on the table. will say they really are like cigarette butts people this is to throw them away smoke that's right from about 1580 when it's a backhoe was introduced to the u.k. . but not just anyone can dig around in the thames muddy banks they need a license from the port authority. and any find that looks palatable must be presented to the museum of london for evaluation and registration. and a keeps arroyo for pins once used to hold close together they can date back to the roman era she's already turned up some 8000 of them and then suddenly they all get this brilliant surprise you might find i find like
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a little seal that someone used to stamp a letter 400 years ago and you think. you can go home and research it and it's very very very addictive. from sinatra's story and sticks to light footwear. take a different more technological approach. not only are the mudlarks looking for relaxation and historically interesting objects. we're also searching for unique materials for their artwork. in our studio nicholas burns old glass shards into colorful fish. there's a practical use for a place of honor for everything. pieces of roman plates victorian doll science and this fine collection of old pipes. after all like to show off the treasures. but
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your ever good song another reason to take a trip to london thanks so much for watching and do get in touch with me on twitter about this week's topic.
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an operation under general anaesthetic something goes wrong the patient wakes up feeling everything but come tell the doctor that's a tough call like bathtub happens in the brain during as these are still poorly understood. the beam of the men just research on the mystery of the anesthesia. just makes coffee w. . earth. home to millions of species
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a home worth saving. and those are big changes and most start with small steps global warming tears tell stories of creative people and to innovative projects around the world like to use the term climate boost to green energy solutions and reforestation. they cram into interactive content teaching the next generation about environmental protection and were determined to build something here for the next generation the one to use the multimedia environment series on g.w. . you know that 77 percent. are younger than 6. that's me and meet. him to know what time of voices i was on the 77 percent talk about the issues.
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from politics to flash from the good times this is where. welcome to the 77 percent. this weekend g.w. . inside. leg climate change is affecting us old. flame rising sea levels and. the emotional streets. change balance. through entire communities. in. the for the
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good news is our own choices in energy conservation. recycling. transport. the line find out what you can do today i've read all the lines out all . hong kong authorities have shut the government offices for the rest of the week that's up to demonstrators clashed with police during another day of protest against a proposed law to allow extradition to china police fired rubber bullets and used to tear gas against protesters. l g b t.


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