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tv   Business  Deutsche Welle  June 13, 2019 10:30am-10:46am CEST

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ah. rock and religion a clash that brings many parallels to meet. one of the 2 really superior reconcilable come. up in the. june 17th w. 6.6000000000 for a ticket to the internet to fame germany's 5 g. network frequencies go on the street telecoms giants. get a chance to lead germany into the 21st century why has it taken up sleeping economy so long. when trash becomes a valuable resource why turkey has to import plastic waste to keep its plastic industry going. also on the show turning it into a money maker his t.v.
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series to no bill is going to restore the site. to the site of history's biggest no clear acts of. business and business is welcome 5 g. the new network standard for mobile communication is 100 times faster than previous networks the foundation for the so-called internet of things and a big money spinner for the german government no wonder the big telecom companies are fighting for access to the frequencies germany is lagging behind but now berlin has options off the frequencies for its 5 g. network and some profit. launched 13 weeks ago the clock was stopped on wednesday the auction for 5 g. frequencies is over the corporations do it a telecom telefonica vodafone and nets a subsidiary of 1900 internet to paid a total of 6600000000 euros for him easier to steal fuel i'm very pleased that the
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4 companies that have acquired the frequencies and now able to quickly drive the 5 g. network expansion competition kernan the new mobile radio standard 5 g. will be able to transmit data around a 100 times faster than its predecessor 40 and it'll do it almost instantaneously decisive for example for autonomous driving or industry digitalisation large corporations like b a s f even want to set up their own networks using 5 independent of the made on network operators for example trucks would use 5 g. to drive autonomous lee with the billions from the auction the german state wants to expand high speed internet into rural areas and promote the digitalisation of schools for private use in germany 5 g. will probably be available in 2021 at the earliest and when the nationwide until some time after that. oil prices surged on thursday after 2 all centers in the gulf
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of oman were portly attack near the iranian coast friends crude is up 2.9 percent this morning a $1.74 with a tanker on fire follow the earlier attacks on vessels near the for gyro emirates one of the world's largest bond hops for oil which is located just outside the nearby strait of hormuz a torpedo is suspected to have it at least one of the us. the world's largest sovereign wealth fund norway's state investment fund is divesting from fossil fuels and moving towards green energy always parliament passed legislation. wednesday forcing the fund to fold it. 11000000000 euros out of over 100 companies specialized in all the polls but it's not just about protecting the environment by shifting the funds to companies capitalizing on renewable energy sources is hoping to make the state trust less vulnerable to prize fluctuations.
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turkey is a big importer of plastic waste. the raw materials to make new plastic crude oil is too expensive turkey doesn't collect its own plastic for recycling so tons of waste imported from other countries to be reused. the province of a few on the western edge of central anatolia. and a deliberate landscape marred by wild garbage dumps because there's no effective sanitation a few 100 meters away is what some call europe's largest plastic waste recycling plant it processes $10000.00 tons of plastic waste a month half of it comes from abroad mostly from germany the demand for plastic in turkey is great but not enough domestic plastic waste is being recycled. if we want to prevent imports we would have to separate our waste properly here in turkey the ministry in charge is currently working on that but in order to get
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enough garbage we need to import it. it would actually really be worthwhile collecting plastic in turkey a study by the environmental protection organization w w f states that most plastic waste in the mediterranean comes from turkey waste separation here doesn't take place in households but on the streets everywhere in the country there are a plastic or paper waste collectors like serdar he spends about 12 hours a day in his rounds and earns up to $300.00 euros a month. janish showing you didn't we collect pet bottles sheet metal cardboard and nylon for recycling everything people using every day life. said our benefits from his compatriots lack of environmental awareness only an estimated 40 to 50 percent of turkish garbage is separated the rest ends up in huge
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landfills near istanbul but with the piles of plastic waste continuing to grow the government is trying to get a grip on it since the beginning of the year consumers have to pay for plastic bags and supermarkets environmentalists complain that that's not enough. it's not just about recycling plastic it's about limiting the production of plastic products. restricting plastic production politicians around the world have been talking about it for years meanwhile the plant in the turkish province of afghan is running at full speed 7 days a week 24 hours a day. and was there on the subject of plastic it's becoming an ever more pressing global environmental problem and reasonable restrictions on plastic production remain elusive still every year more than 400000000 tons of the stuff of produced
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worldwide more than a 3rd of that is single use plastics shopping bags water bottles plastic food containers thrown away after one use and only a small amount is getting recycled most disposable plastics are actually produced and asia especially in china but north america middle east and europe are also a major producers of disposable plastics africa only accounts for one percent the proportion of plastic ways that is recycled to make new plastic is very small germany for example produces $5200000.00 tons of plastic per year and only around 15 percent of it gets recycled but governments around the world are slowly waking up to the problem the u.s. and canada for example have banned micro plastic these little beads in cosmetic products for example and many countries in africa asia and europe have also banned or at least regulated plastic bags to talk about the growing problem that is
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classic pollution joining the story of our times and walker from the w.'s environment this times in. looking at germany german retailer aldi which is also present around the globe they have just announced it in germany wants to charge one euro cents for plastic bags of food vegetables and for example what will that make a difference i don't think so i think at best that's balik. although i'm not entirely sure what is symbolic of because i think if they were genuinely keen to make a statement they'd be looking to slash plastics right across that that chain of products and that doesn't seem to what's happening the german government as i understand is actually in the go stations with supermarkets not only is generally in germany and they are talking about the trying to supermarkets to phase out or completely stop offering customers these lightweight plastic bags or for the
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holidays that to be acceptable consumers i don't think is all that likely to be except maybe something's a thrust upon us and we go along with it but i think the thing is that in actual fact germany is not proposing outright ban just as it hasn't done with plastic carrier bags i mean a lot of countries around the world have actually as you said they've regulated they've imposed bans jimmy hasn't done that it's there is a fee to pay for them now but still a lot of people use them and there's no sign of a band on the horizon we've all heard of and seen the pictures of this gigantic plastic garbage patch in the us this is a pacific ocean. and according to recent study 90 percent of all the plastic of all plastic in the oceans comes from 10 rivers 8 of which are in asia 2 in africa so can we reach europeans and americans don't we just blame asia and africa and lean back and realize it's there that would be nice right but no i mean that's a study that has been it's been quoted a lot personally i don't think that it gives a complete picture of course
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a complicated it's a lot more complicated i mean plastic pollution is a global problem and it needs to be tackled at so many different angles asia and africa they have their part to play in that without a doubt but i'm with you take african example that's a continent where countries have been taking decisive action there's been a lot of bands introduced that rwanda was one of the 1st that was over a decade ago and more than 20 other countries have come up behind since then and they followed suit asia there are some bands there to. by taking different action in asia i mean china which for decades took plastic from the western world to recycle and said no thanks we don't want that anymore malaysia was one of the countries that stepped in fill the gap but it also now has said nope we are now thinking about sending certain shipments back to their countries of origin some rethinking going on there cross the times and work of environment s. thank you very much for joining me thank you. noble and ukraine is the site
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of the world's worst nuclear accident and it has drawn many tourists since it opens to the public in 2011 but now it's t.v. series for mixing the disaster has raised it even more interest in the size. age geos hit show sure noble only had 5 episodes but it's already drawing crowds of extra tourists to a largely abandoned part of the ukrainian countryside one tour guide says that even before the show officially permeate his company we're seeing an increase in to our bookings i would expect that 800-002-1100 extension 00 people this year without taking into account the interest in the mini series chin up on h.b.o. we were now guessing we'll have 150000 or 200000 tourists visiting scientists say the area is still not safe to live in but visitors keep on coming well you know the radiation is always in the back of your head but the to see it is all so badly that it was a risk with really take the rise in tourism has sparked a backlash tourists and instagram influencers are now posting what some are calling
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insensitive photos one h.b.o. producer is appealing to visitors to show more respect for the tragedy that occurred on the site. some tours at chernobyl are now based on events and scenes in the h.b.o. series so the challenge is striking the right balance between history and entertainment . and that's it from me in the business to. business news i'm back on stories go to do the. best and i'll stay tuned. because that is next right after this.
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what secrets lie behind these money. find out 1st of experience and explore across an aging cultural heritage sites. w. world heritage 360. 6. senses. recognize. and
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experience inexpressible. the cultural magazine. arts 20. w. . will be investigating the new phenomenon of instagram poets in just a minute also coming up. video. flips the script and questions mainstream narratives in her native pakistan she'll be joining me here in the studio. the germans it's all about liquid but this country.
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but we begin with the rise of the instagram poets wait a minute instagram is a platform for photos yes true but if you take a photo of your poem and put it on instagram well there you have it now a number of bodies. found fame this way including arch hades who writes rather old fashioned rhyming verse which didn't appeal to the publishers at 1st but it certainly struck a chord with the public. which is a poet for the 21st century. london posts a verse have gained 280000 instagram follow is proof that the insta generation is interested in just flashy photos and that poetry is alive and kicking. ideas poetry career started with a failed marriage she painted into poetry publishing an e-book titled high tide poetry and.


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