tv In Good Shape Deutsche Welle June 22, 2019 9:02am-9:31am CEST
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50. welcome to in good shape with these topics yoga the ancient practice is so popular today. yoga and aging why as the phone still teaches yoga at $93.00 plus sleeping pills why did danger of addiction is so grace. found here's your host dr cotton look you taught. hello and welcome to in good shape the 21st of june is a very special day because it's ruled. the ideas behind the united nations world yoga day was to raise awareness of yoga as health benefits and get fans all over the world crossing the street. and other poses.
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the idea was proposed by indian prime minister narendra modi who himself has rolled out his yoga mosque in public. that's amazing that tell you what it's not for me because i'm the guy who works out doing sports real sports but i'm still curious let's have a look. farhad chip perry is the founder and director of the yoga and more studio in berlin he wants to help people develop more holistic lifestyles and he accompany them in that process with love consciousness and understanding that. you have beautiful you can find yourself through movement. so are you curious about yoga too.
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and i've got an idea for you. i'm giving away one. that's really tough i will never be able to do this. so how long does it take to learn this depends on how you do it i mean like you actually you can't who would like me because you are careful ok but you can look how i am doing and then you can learn. to find your own way find your own post. so says so this is what yoga is about i mean if it was some sports i go and get a trainer and learn the right move men tend to bend my body and so on so that this is not right because you look at the doing it and like to do with me and they have nothing to do with you. in this is so fascinating about if it's about me and about
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me. ok and i mean as a for his temperament as a doctor i was reading a lot about you over and about the effect it has on our body like the effect on muscle loss strengthen our bones our joints and our cardiovascular system even on our immune system so let's 1st take a look at some facts of your. yoga mats or rolled out all over the world these days outdoors in studios in groups or people on their own from the downward facing dog to head stance. whatever pose you choose the main thing is the connection between mind and body. you know best i think again and yoga has ancient roots in india it's one of the old philosophical systems although not the kind where you just sit around thinking.
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it's a path it's traditionally meant to lead you to the truth i think. yoga was 1st developed in india over 2000 years ago deposes called us and are intended to make meditation easier. to focus on breathing serves to unify mind and body and help you find inner peace. yoga is not a sport even if it sometimes looks impressively acrobatic the focus on the body helps relieve stress whether you're suspended midair on your knees or sitting in a lotus position a crucial. element is concentrating on your breathing. in yoga the point is never about reaching some extreme goal. it's about perceiving limits and getting in tune with yourself one combining movement with your breathing and listening to your body in every position asking yourself was that ok for me i
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think these are the elements that are typical of all forms of yoga. for people stressed out by their everyday lives yoga brings calm where there is tension. that's why orthopedists and i are vader dr head to a gupta uses yoga as a therapy in her practice. study show that yoga has healing powers. following a comprehensive examination it's time to hit the mush. the exercises help patients recover their inner balance and can relieve pain in the process. and yes it is up yoga therapy has several aims to get in tune with yourself restore your body stability and get your muscles working again. for that we can use the asana as the physical exercises as well as the brazing therapy we improve the muscle function and ultimately counter
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the pain process is. so yoga does the mind body good and can serve as an effective complementary practice to physiotherapy. even so your therapy has an effect while you're doing the exercises but we carry yoga with us all day long it's been proven to make people calmer and more relaxed. and enhanced is our quality of life and it's not just about one symptom that's good in yoga it's always about the entire person and their life. did little wonder then that yoga has become. so popular especially given its many different forms including easy exercises for beginners. ok let's let's do it it's do some yoga so let's practice yeah right so what you do all that would be a 3 day trip. power in your right leg to look your knee lift your left leg.
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up your like right. in your heel in the middle. of your hips. chest up sole of the left and on up your chest. and now relax. and breathing look at your belly and your face smile. actually it feels a bit unstable more unstable then you look to me ok and but but what's breathing so important i mean it's it would be easier for me to just hold my breath and removing the living right reeling and trained everything. and direct sation is also important in your. total exhale relax. and the next in here is much more. lifting your turf.
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so you think what you do i think in there i do that. i think x.l. i do it. and then i feel so is it about getting more stable like training twisting into the stable position you know of course i mean if i. concentrate. to stand on one leg of course i would train my brain and body and breezing to different kinds of yoga but what kind of yogurt is says i was practicing as a classical how to heal the sun to small so we work with a different part of the bring it to some more exercises because i already have the 3 what is going to be a balanced poster so lucky left leg which you left and. right this to right leg take 2 fingers grip your big toe. relax your mind start
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breathing keep your left leg out are you kidding me eric as good as you can that's all i think you do less than me. think you do less than me yeah that's a big mistake why because you're carson. i don't know if you do the best you can and it's perfect ok so i don't have to compare myself with you but you'll miss not just about the postures not just about the breathing and they relax asian it's about nutrition too yes so what kind of nutrition is that if i would like to become a yogi there of nothing like a conference from thing we're just connected to the for who you are how was your body made and then we can work for the food or what is good for you. so of course the would be food which was biological logical clean were too good to
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digest for your thumb and mostly also connected to your daily life so you're working with your body or mentally so we can deal with food a lot of mentally it's very loving myself running for just can do what i'd like to do and if and i think if i would put all of this together it's clear that you are makes you happy person perhaps and a healthier person and you can even live longer so let's take a look at a yoga teacher called hands a fork and she's more than 90 years old and she still teaching. is probably the oldest yoga instructor in germany she's 93 but for her that's no reason to stop stretching and bending. d'ivoire to show how this you all are the true beauty of yoga and lies in its infinite possibilities which offer something to everyone re cardless of age. also doesn't need props like singing bowls and
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incense. she simply leads the way into the asana. students become aware of their physical limits when they encounter their own inflexibility. is a little for straightening. out more than anything else they moloch tells of strength and condition. she explains and shows us the assonance for an hour and a half she's amazing is the. bones of the new she wanted to be a yoga teacher when she was in her teens she trying to be an instructor long before the yoga hype got underway in the west. even now she starts every day with half an hour of yoga in bed then a spoonful of some flour oil before leaving to give classes. elves are certain that it's her positive attitude to life that keeps
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a fit she doesn't understand all the attention she gets but she's happy that somebody people enjoy her courses. long as long as i'm in good shape i'll keep at it they all want me to come and i hope nothing gets in the way. while practicing yoga ninety's i hope i will be able to do this well we'll see. yoga was invented by man but here in the western world it's more seen like to be a stretching program for women but this opinion is changing. is said to strengthen your body and your mind the traditional indian practice is popular among women in the west but many men still wouldn't be caught dead on a yoga mat but there are exceptions of fiber which took up yoga 3 and a half years ago and is convinced of its benefits. for them.
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above all yoga is a good counterbalance to the demands of my work and private life but it's also really good in terms of agility. it almost matches insurance sports so much. so i was told. 20 percent of the people at this yoga festival and got a men which is a fair amount these days in centuries past the gender bias was very different women were banned from doing yoga it was a male preserve. the k.s.i. yang get changed all that probably the most famous yoga teacher in the world he popularized yoga in the western world in the 20th century. nowadays yoga instructors are instagram stands people like dylan werner he's dynamic an acrobatic version of the practice is now catching on among men in the u.s. one of the best known yogis in germany is former soccer player team or his up on
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the x. goalkeeper aims to spread the word about the benefits of yoga and that's why he decided to launch the stuttgart yoga festival. the idea was to bring together various yoga studios in stuttgart the response has been great big hole was full from the onset we're going to have 2 lovely days and it's. 600 yoga enthusiasts have come to the festival to practice yoga together and while men are still very much in the minority here i clearly really getting into it trying out various poses and easing down the road in a piece. i'm very relaxed i would like to do some yoga ok ok so the through in the quarter ok you're right me locked the left well you of thinking of together. a group
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ok smile in your face don't forget and then grab a flick. close up. smile brazing if you're comfortable marry the girl of the deeper with a grip and sigh and if you feel your standing leg shaking don't go for that and take a deep breath such a stomach can relax your face and smile also in the valley extend breezing and slowly come back to tell you what. in real life on the run m. and a like a performance of america and to make to get fatter every week so and here i'm really disappointed that i'm only able to grab my leg here to wrap it there like you did suck so what about this competition of the western world kind of thing like a few of mine structure we get so what you think you get
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a few gravity of what you had or you why because i'm like you and you can't be like me ok i can't be like you're so there's nothing like. competition no just with the competition with myself you're on talk it's the monkey mind was telling you you need more to do then you get more mostly not like this ok so if i like to start with you. how should i start. a single it depends on what you would like to take out if you are interested and i would give you an overview about our classes and. depending to the time and what you were able to bring into the process i would. recommend some classes for all 12 weeks to get the 1st impression and then of course that needs to be done regularly nobody can say how often is good for you but you can ask teacher you can
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ask yourself how do i feel. i'm happy or not i think i should do more try it and wait what you feel a lot of younger spinoffs like beer your god or even newt your girth so what you think of this i would say i would like to drink a beer i go to a bar you know and if i like to be nude i go to the beach. i prefer live fully dressed to yoga dress. you know because. everything what is outside normally is not of the way we look to to what's inside and to you have to feel what to do but yoga self and but definitely this is not the core concept of yoga if i drink beer by doing so if i'm not living in berlin and i want to find a good great yoga teacher what i have to look for our pay attention if you go to
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a place what people ask you are you healthy what you want to do and get your trust your 1st impression of. more think the right one and then of course you need to practice to get your own experience. and you will find the right place and the right teacher but i think many of our viewers right now would like to start the practice of yoga. because i don't have the right equipment but we can help you win it all. we've got a great mass an affluent feet tower. a yoga belt and a cd of yoga music from all around the world as well as the back to put it all in just write to us don't forget the key word gap that deadline is july 11th. yoga helps you to achieve here in the balance and by that
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a good night's sleep. but one the less many people are taking sleeping pills this is quite dangerous. night time a nightmare for an elizabeth she couldn't relax she kept waking up and barely slept at all it all began 12 years ago when she retired. i would toss and turn i couldn't turn off my thoughts and then i couldn't sleep at all. i'm elizabeth and sought help from her doctor he prescribed a sleeping pill zolpidem from then on she took half a pill every evening as many do. and. millions of people around the world regularly take sleeping pills but it explains specialists who do your hotspur warns that you can become addicted to them after only a short period of use. sleeping pills and
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tranquilizers mainly contain benzodiazepines or related drugs such as that substances and these are medications that can lead to dependency within a few weeks. and. took sleeping pills for years night after night but she had doubts she spoke to her doctor about it but he played down the matter. then i went to a different doctor and he said that at my age i could still keep taking them it was no big deal. which. the retiree remain skeptical she was afraid of becoming drug dependent but she did not want to do without the pills completely which is why she reduced the dose by half with serious results. with time my insomnia got us i could not offer 2 hours but then i became restless again and then often maybe 2 or 3 hours on fall asleep again. i'm
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elizabeth's sleep patterns were completely disturbed. to be able to get to sleep our body needs to be told to start winding down. usually it's the neurotransmitter gamma amino beauty erik acid or gaba for short that conducts the relevant signals from one nerve ending to another to the so-called gabaa receptor. they send the message on word through the nervous system telling the body to throttle back the more neurotransmitter that arrives at the gabba receptors the stronger of the sleep signal transmitted throughout the body sleeping medications like benzo days of pins also work by a gap or receptor. they strengthen the effect of the brain's own neurotransmitter to make you fall asleep more quickly but they do come with side affects.
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there are fewer deep sleep phases they're the ones which rest the body and there are fewer dreaming phases when we inscribe what we have experienced during the day into our long term memory or even. anyone who takes sleeping pills over a long period and then suddenly starts taking fewer of them or stops them altogether ends up with the problem of a different kind your body gets accustomed to receiving stronger sleep signals without them it's harder to drop off. i'm elizabeth started to realize that she needed to come off sleeping meds all together she read about who had bigger hot spots detox pilot project in the newspaper. he drew up a program for her which involves switching to medication in the form of drops. the idea was to reduce their number gradually to allow the body to adapt. in the pilot study this method works for 50 percent of patients it took under
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a month to wean an elisa bottle off the drugs. too i was pretty exhausted and anxious i just couldn't get to sleep anymore and then suddenly i was able to sleep again it was a relief. to despite i'm greedy. people with a bigger dependency problem may require a spell in hospital to detox but not many people are prepared to take that step and that can have serious consequences as a recent british study has shown the health of 35000 adults who were prescribed sleeping meds for the 1st time was monitored for 7 years and compared to people who didn't take them. the findings showed that pill users mortality rates were double those of non pill takers. statistics show that sleeping pill prescriptions have dropped in recent years but the risk of dependency is still often underestimated.
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anneliese advise is off her meds completely now she uses a new method to drop off involving relaxing music and a regular bedtime routine things are getting easier and she's thrown away the leftover tablets to stay on the safe side. if. we asked you to send in your questions about sleep remedies and hear us on libya wants to know what do you think about this new poll mon military. melatonin is asleep reproduce ourselves and you can buy it in the form of pills and capsules there are no studies that show that it works as a sleeping pill it helps your body to synchronize with daytime and nighttime
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but don't take it without seeing a doctor 1st. and jacob wants to know that's alcohol help that's a nightcap ok alcohol can see down in makes you sleepy but it confuses our natural sleep phases sleep under the influence of alcohol it's not restful alcohol also disturbs her kidney function so you wake up early and have to go to the bathroom. so my advice when it comes to sleeping problems don't mess around with medication ask your doctor especially your family doctor that's it for today see you next week and until then let's all try to stay relaxed and good shape .
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fest in vaughan. czerny along chalets longest road. look at the glaciers in the south. and the salmon farms in the north and follow chile's main artery through the country's wonders and 50 lines. and meet the people who call it home and then come on low seventy's into the heart of patagonia. in 45. minutes time to take months to. face. time here on just such steel. and find. to try. to overcome drives and conjecture. it's time for.
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coming up ahead. i am puzzled yourself it's not easy to go to another country you know nothing about why i don't do this because we can't stay on venezuela like. that. closely global news that matters d.w. made for mines. it's. safe. for me it's like yeah it's such a big thing music and with great resistance from. experience is amusing. to. see.
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