tv Doc Film Deutsche Welle June 22, 2019 2:15pm-3:00pm CEST
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president trump has said he called offer a tally of tory airstrikes because he feared the death toll would be too high. up next did he give you documentary god the devil and rock'n'roll stay tuned for that watching good news from berlin for headlines the top of the hour don't forget you get all the latest news and information around the clock on our web site that's you know if you. have to get through the bin to sneak a break without a simple thanks again. let's move. things. in motion. some. explain to 90 lim's. the results here on d.w.t. .
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i i i i. i want night in 1955 a prophet of the modern times called elvis presley rocked the world of rock n roll to television and he converted off the generation of young people craving thrill. i'm sure that it was out of this world i had never heard anything like it's in fact no one hunt. some people said who's this guy who sings like a black man and dances like he's having sex since. there's.
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well for someone up in mccartney's words he said he's the messiah in this. blasphemy for religious fundamentalists in the southern united states there is only one messiah the heretic and his music must be condemned recent on rock n roll music in my average against it and i believe that it is a contributing factor to our juvenile delinquency up today why i believe that is because i know how it would be when you think i know what it does to. no the evil feeling that you feel when you think they were on there was a fiercely anti rock n roll movement because they were convinced it was the devil's music. there were church interventions to prevent that music from being played many concerts were banned. in nutrition. why blame rock n roll for being the devil's music.
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or is particularly bent on preserving its values and keeping within certain bounds whatever oversteps those bounds will be the devil's doing it so hard to do it. at the end of the beginning god gazed upon the earth with contentment and he called his favorite angel lucifer and showed him his completed work the home of the perfection i have created he said proudly. scanning the creation lucifer replied taking a closer look i'm afraid we'll be bored and. outraged by such disrespect god rashly cast him away challenging the angel to do better than him on the 7th day when god rested lucifer to become the devil ceased on the opportunity he made a present to humanity that god will not soon forget he said let there be rock and
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there was rock n roll. 5 with white. and blue luck and rollers. derived from the blues and the blues is the music of blacks so that in itself was bad and their logic is a naturally these white people fall threatens because their little world was disrupted is a closeness to. the blues is a profane music that developed far from the churches in the brothels where blacks would trade a chance of eternal salvation for terrestrial pleasures. from the blues rock n roll also when heritage and dark legend spread by singer robert
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johnson. he was boasting that one night he had made a pact with the devil. exchange for his soul he had supposedly received the power of putting audiences under the spell of his guitar. all that of that story of the crossroads in the devil that's when robert johnson turned from a lousy musician into a musical genius. the most famous pact with the devil is that of gutters faust you sell your soul and your life in exchange for a talent for coffee. robert johnson died from criminal poisoning in 1938 in his body was dumped in a common grave as if the devil would eventually taken revenge on. the devil is said to act not only on the musician but on music itself it has allegedly taken the
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form of a note in the musical scale the blue note a diminished 5th semitone with a suppose that homelessness. the magical stuff that seems to. it's a transition it's the no we. it's the no you just got to or you bed for a while you just pass it in a phrase it's. it's the it's the north it's the it's the girl in the very short skirt in a crowded place you see and then she's go it's a note it's supposed to induce a trance to bring you swing and joy in short all the unthinkable feelings a sort of diabolical note. and when that magical note is mixed with the red hot rhythms of rock'n'roll satanic forces grab hold of body and mind if you talk to the average up today and you ask them what it
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is about rock n roll music that they like and they all the poor thing will be ready for the. rhythm is paramount rhythm meaning that you're carried away swept off your feet but you experience the same feeling to the urge to dance to swing your hips and your legs you know what the authorities dislike and dancing is a rhythm that escapes all control a little bit like bluto it's frightening it must be the devil that makes you jiggle around like that for. the puritans it's blatant the devil is using rock music to manipulate the minds and bring about his own revolution. if you look at the etymology of the word itself rock what does it mean it means to shake to one side and in order to overpower when you lead revolutions you have to jostle people so if you want to rebel you take the opposite stance and claim your right to be different.
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it's what heavy metal rock music is best at stating that difference. dance with names such as black sabbath. or even judas priest this music invites its fans to take the road to hell. because course many rockers have played with. suppose a collusion with the devil with. the whole rockers play with the image of satan because it makes for beautiful imagery you have crosses trinkets bones you have a slightly horrific touch to it all so the devil helps to sell the devils a sales asset. in their efforts to win over followers than start one upping each other.
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if somebody heads a sheep on stage the next bond must be had to ship as you always have to go one step further in a way and yes i think it's a marketing strategy to start to get. to the bottom of course outlandish staging is key to the visual style that goes with this type of music. and that's what attracts young people i think. as i said hard metal and even rock music more generally have to piss off goody goody people a little there must be some semblance of provocation. but traditionalist christians refuse to believe that the devil is nothing but a puppet used to frighten self-righteous believers convinced that satan is the real puppet master of rock n roll crusading to protect the young from its evil doings to swallow look bad to mankind you need to feel homesick also who knew some for medical job then. only if you want to do most of the month so in short i'm eating
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junk yes you have it for. you. also they need. to be normal. in 999 some see their beliefs reflected in news stories and accuse marilyn manson of being an influence on the 2 perpetrators of the cause. unbind high school massacre. but they needed some sort of scapegoat because it was something that was so shocking to america and the rest of the world at the time and they needed an explanation of why and i seem like an easy person to blame for not in maryland manson never called for murder otherwise his songs would have been suppressed by the law and censored and banned beyond that there's what people want to retain from the lyrics people appropriate lyrics and use them any way they want
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. i'm not sure there are many people today who care for the messages and words conveyed by certain artists which may or may not be provoking actually because primarily you listen to that music or its energy. momentarily that music unable to let go. well. fundamentalist staunchly believe the opposite they are convinced that there are hidden satanic messages in the songs that you can hear them if you play the record backwards it's called back masking father by champions these views. are all. you got to do when they say there's been back mask and what they say is those lyrics that you listen to are so beautiful once you play them backwards you realize that their oats the devil. led zeppelin's stairway to heaven would conceal
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praises to satan. i don't think that led zeppelin wrote stairway to heaven. that they wrote those words that would sound like need. that look good if they played the other way it would produce extremely sophisticated pieces poems almost as beautiful as keats or shelley it seems absurd but that's the other. via. the beatles are suspected of doing that too in their song revolution 9 father makes his point. i don't want to be. number number number. in reverse speech you're supposed to hear turn me on dead man.
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when i think. you can. literally scrutinizing the words listening to the music it's endless so if you want to prove which has been done by the way that the bible is a book entirely written by the devil you can. see that's how it is people can say anything they want and they manage to do it do you. believe desperation conservatives appeal to public authority. we are asking the recording industry to voluntarily parents who are concerned by placing a warning label on music products inappropriate for younger children due to explicit sexual or violent lyrics few notable if it till finally christians organize themselves enough to start putting stickers on albums to warn parents that there might be words in the songs of those albums that might induce deviant behavior in their children you know the. rock lyrics have turned from i can't get no satisfaction to i'm going to force you gunpoint to eat me alive. they convinced
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the authorities to stamp the covers of albums deemed dangerous with a parental advisory explicit content labeled heavy metal albums are 1st in line. so in fact it only keeps away people who are already opposed to that trend rather on the other side from buying these records. so when you're a rocker and by definition you're for shaking the established order and system seeing that stick. they're actually means by me i mean listen 260 or 70 so it's a double edged sword it's just good publicity that you make for these albums over. however there is a musical genre for which the satanic background is more than provocation and becomes an agenda black metal.
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black white or black metal is a subgroup of heavy metal it was formed in the 1980 s. and became popular in the ninety's mostly because of the norwegian scene and criminal acts that made them famous such as the burning of churches and murders. also for acts strongly popularized black metal this black metal and c.s. stuff book was the ultimate significant call it at the national mall scum dollar. in fact some members of that norwegian scene gathered in a sectarian anti christian group called the black metal inner circle. in the early 1990 s. they ransacked and burned down around 50 churches. like your you have it exists true that there were acts that followed up on the very satanist spirit of their music to me that's what gave a sort of mythic touch to that norwegian scene which on top of that came from
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a rather pagan background so all the ingredients were there to make that music a truly evil experience. most of these extremists were arrested and in 1906 the inner circle was dissolved. only once all calmed down and now you see a black metal scene for their norwegian swedish or whatever as there is black metal made all over the world now you see something much more controlled more organized. which funny looks like many other music styles everywhere. you're not into acting out anymore. and satanist provocation is not truly threatens with what religion should fear most is how rock'n'roll tends to challenge its authority and its place in society.
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66 john lennon declared christianity will it will shrink and that we're more popular than jesus now. which immediately replied to the voice of minister allan montgomery. i think. the basis of statistics and. his statement is true no one is more popular than. john lennon said we're more popular than christ it meant transco to concert halls rather than to church or to sunday mass. such a definition is it means that with young people there was more excitement to john
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lennon's music than to go to mass to listen to words that were 2000 years old he's not saying that it's a good thing it's just a statement of fact and something stuck. in the end it wasn't rock music because that loss of interest in religion that's just how i was it was a sort of evolution of society. in order to avenge that blasphemy some christians from the bible belt in the us rekindled the anti rock music. and when fundamentalists are angry there are calls to burn the heretic so reluctant to teenagers would throw away their treasured beatles possessions was the ku klux klan with bonfires of books and records this one was of longview texas they seized the opportunity to show their christian feel. it was a huge wave of protest radio stations would no longer air the albums off of the
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records were burnt to the k.k.k. was involved in that scheme they said we have to fight these people typical of the religious bigotry in american society where if you had believers the heat was on the beatles were statements used. to be did. you have said. yes i did as well as helping i couldn't believe that they let me hear my record company insisted john lennon apologize which he actually did and then things fell back into place but still he was forced to apologize i'm. not i'm not and it went great. i. think. i'll just spend one in. the thread caused by this controversy is one of the reasons the beatles stopped giving concerts. if john lennon had not intended to offend the clergy in 1970 ian anderson of jethro tull openly criticize
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the church in his song my god on the aqua lung album. i suppose i was probably more inspired by the rich tapestry of catholicism with lots of you know ground. aspects of. what to me are close to idolatry really because it's going a little over the. according to ian anderson the church makes use of a sham god in the artwork inside the album he even stages himself as a desecrate or. i always felt that it wasn't necessary to go into into a church or any place of worship in order to experience spirituality and i feel
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more or less the same today i think you can find that spiritual connection and you know you might find it in a sort of you might find it in a. funny then there's sex i mean who knows there's a boundless possibilities for connecting with the world of spirituality in the broad sense. i'm not anti religion but i criticise as of continued to criticize not the church so much as some of the people whose. degree of power and control that they have within. the hierarchy of the clergy isn't always to my liking but yes the church like any any body any edifice of our society should be open to criticism.
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rock'n'roll clearly rolls much more against the religious dogmas imposed by the various churches than against religion itself or spirituality spirituality is always unique by nature and universal unique. in. its own such a spiritual quest that the beatles traveled to india aiming to revitalize their souls surrounding themselves with gurus and beating in the purifying ganges river. at the same time in california the same quest inspires the hippie counter-culture together young people are looking for another model of society built on values of sharing of peace and love. let's. all this reflects an urge for change and at the same time a call to spirituality that has been coming to. this new gospel spreads like
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wildfire through the music and the concerts which draw even larger crowds of followers. the etymology of religion comes from the latin really jazz which means to bring together in this case bring people together you had some point religion no longer brings people together but puts a lead in lid on their existence whereas rock music does bring them together just and that is it becomes a new religion people go to concerts together live together have fun together come together venum sosa news also. in those years. used to commune by taking l.s.d. the chemical way for that gave psychedelic overtones to the music.
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to get any sort of psychedelic movement appears 1st of all because some writers get interested in l.s.d. and remember l.s.d. was a legal drug back then it wasn't pretty but it. anything. you can continue in the 96465 timothy leary began to write about his experiences with l.s.d. and musicians read his books and started thinking hey let's try smellers t 2 and they got i because l.s.d. makes you feel like you're flying it makes you see colors and lights. because the drugs work as a modifier of perspective so when they smoke joints when they drop acid they see the world differently they sense that there are many possible variations of this world.
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easy to say they try to explore it's what the doors did try and look what's behind the door break on through to the other side. that exploration goes so far that some rockers are convinced that l.s.d. and their music elevate the song. from under so you can definitely say that because to me music comes from the soul and speaks to the so in short music which comes from someone's inner soul was also fun the souls of other people of the audience. just this public i'm stephanie music and to the music has always been the vehicle used in all religions. there is not one religion where music is not used. precisely to touch souls and to sing together with others who had to be in communion with others the.
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son uses sions are convinced that their music has the holy power to reconnect with god. this is why the grateful dead felt they were sent on a mission to meet a spiritual revolution and why jimi hendrix would refer to his art as electric church music. and so all of the churches are bypassed intermediaries are no longer needed singing is enough at one point to put us in direct contact with the divine with directive all to make a decision. on top of supplanting religion rock music also dares to canonize its own saints. to themselves all of it is if you had a limb cut off it is if you find yourself. at a loss and it stays that way even 40 years later you still feel like you've lost
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a part of yourself also the owner well. the to do one question. of. a man on the very day of presley's death colonel parker who was his manager said that elvis was dead but business went on so the torch had to keep burning the flag that you were there to indulge his passion for elvis. founded a fan club which now has thousands of members. in the very quickly people asked us for much more so we started to run events we invited elvis's former musicians over we made trips to the us it was grace. the celebrity. the climax of that journey is to go to graceland the king's mansion to pay your respects. but after graceland is a part of elvis see you've got the music and know but they want to feel closer to
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him. up at the same time there is the dream taking the trip it's a whole deal yet to just see could be my sarah these commemorations fans walking their candlelight perceptions and so on. whenever anniversaries market decade they bring in tens of thousands of people you. see people from all over the world organized tours to graceland and elvis pilgrimages. because that's what they are pilgrimages in one company. well there is nothing about you don't have a moment when the person suddenly i mean it's not a sect even if it's powerful. it's not a sect at all he says. i
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think it's a fantastic. analysis that elvis was. he was a god to. many sociologist said that the birth of the present that religion came with elvis is death and it's a little similar to christianity because the christianity was born for centuries after the death of jesus from the time when it was taken up by people and they started working on a memory issue with a remembrance that maybe selective memory that may be partial it's the same with elvis presley can this question. the worshipping or fags has the power to create gods but under its trappings of a new fangled religion rock'n'roll remains haunted by its demons. and some musicians are still afraid of triggering god's wrath. scoured
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pastor wild used to say i can resist everything except temptation and rockers don't resist temptation so the best way for them to save themselves from an untimely death is sometimes go back into the fold go back to the faith go back to god for some of their might be their sole chance of survival. c at the top of his career in 1957 little richard the brazen creator of the very sexual tutti frutti song has a mystical vision on a flight to australia. angels and a ball of fire hovering around the airplane he believes it's a divine apparition promising him to the flames of hell right then he gives up rock n roll and joins a school of preaching and jethro. as always jewels always precious belongings into the river a gesture worthy of old popular imagery and then he turns to religion and puts an
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end to his musical career them. bam. some of the many rockers return to religion because those are the values they were raised with so they remain ingrained in their psyches whether they like it or not vests off. other rockers have followed on the path taken by little richard. it's the case of alice cooper of dave mustaine leader of megadeth band of new comic brian the iron maiden drummer in europe as well some rock n roll and black sheep are also walking back to the flock of christ. was a record 5. years old you should be able to school get to. be about 7 you want to be would also be able to do we did you know. if you're up. next i used to be nice because you became measured as. best you could prove that you needed it people.
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in his youth he had 5 that followed another path a convert to punk and drugs he was known as. a singer in the rock band sound wishing that rowdy band led by force one had as a whole was a major player of the french alternative rock scene in the 1980 s. and ninety's with it but when you hear of a lego samba share was a godsend i could make a living with music travel abroad where i might never of love trance it was a beautiful experience when expelled in 1902 they bring out an iconic classic album entitled to our common lie to the noisy nun which was not to everyone's taste i mean you would have been as you were they wouldn't let us play because they thought it was too provocative but we played anyway. though there were places where we were on wanted or in any case unwelcome. during the rocky years experiences the tragic death of his loved one his lost
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drowning his sorrow and eventually finds comfort not in music but where he least expects it in a prayer book. to talk to dinner with a bit. made our. shock magazine that wanted me to do songs i took in the past when i didn't just sit back and. watch as many faces looking for a few beers refer you to them for. this encounter with christ saved him from despair. if you can for me jesus happened very naturally there's no strategy underneath it's as simple as when i'm talking to you but when you say i love you to someone you love it's exactly the same. thing that nobody. after that a tiffany he turned away from rock music to follow jesus and assist his fellow man . if some
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apostles of rock music go back to god it's above all to escape the curse ever since robert johnson's infamous fasti unpacked the rockers soul belongs to the devil legend has it that satan coming to claim his due cause the death of many musicians including jimi hendrix jim morrison brian jones janis joplin and more recently amy winehouse all of them like robert johnson dead at $27.00 which gave rise to the club $27.00 legend we put. all the so-called cursed poets or cursed musicians you may really put them on the same level. do not. jimi hendrix or janis joplin or amy winehouse. there are people capable of bringing so much beauty but their daily lives are so turbulent they have addictions it's design. aster after disaster so long as it takes you always a lot is a. little hawk at the last ice rock n roll tends to gradually wring these musicians
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dry it's very demanding very exhausting. finally it killed many of its practitioners at an early age i guess. but even if rock'n'roll took the lives of its missionaries it succeeded in winning a mass following in order to recover its ascendancy the church has tried to capture the power of its longtime rival and harness it to disseminate god's word thus christian rock was before. the government comes economic law to entertain making music to entertain people i
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think we know how to do that but over time we realize that music is also made to carry messages to carry spirituality and it's also possible music is not just a string of notes but also has something deeper some musicians may not be aware of that somehow but we are. still the church so to sell to the devil's music. discovered as music i think that god has created music in order to be honored he's created everything that's what i believe he's created this earth all the planets and he is the one who was created music come off. the. set seriously there are people who listen to that. well i guess there are. yes the muscle of rockers the sex drugs and rock'n'roll but for others the motto of
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our music is love love love is love love love love love love it's only natural because christian rock appeared in the 19 $160.00 s. played on the guitars and hippie musicians who believe they recognize the words in their acid trips and flower power. elite take their cues appropriate or jesus is a rock star because in the end he's almost a naked character issue no one has got long hair and the common representation he's on armed poses roman rule he challenges the authorities he's alone his unique and he's got the rather cool beatnik side to him jesus is a rather trendy guy. see i. christian rockers deny the belief that rock'n'roll is the devil's music and launched the jesus movement. in the end the most beautiful words in the world christ's words are love one another it boils down to that fundamental sentence and we have
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to get back to that message. like elvis is rock christian rock also moves into more extreme genres such as christian metal. it's now the turn of rock'n'roll to be desecrated by religion which starts using the glue the magic of heavy metal in spite of its rehabilitation of an old demonic chord from the middle ages the try to. get it done was to try to own is a musical interval spanning 3 whole tones. which in classical music was the symbol of the devil in the class action was like that some boldest when it sounded to me it meant that the demon was coming for instance on stage. and heavy metal like that
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sound for the same reasons it's good now as to the can. in the middle ages playing that organ had church with condemned to the fires of hell. because it falls to. this very melancholy form of harmony frighten people but music itself is never diabolic. convinced that metal rock has nothing demonic ministers somewhere who as chosen to make it illiterate to call music he founded the metal church which mixes mass and concert metal church this is metal church is an attempt to form a church for lovers of metal and hard rock. before the concert we do a service because we need it. but if you simply don't the americas it's very important for the people who come here to create that connection between christian
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faith and the metal culture the metal called to. all the slow. fades. sounds. good. to me he's from a metal music is the music of my heart and i think that jesus christ keeps my heart ticking he says can also be back so i do everything i can to make that to work in harmony. i go to a traditional church and i attend mass but here it's more open here you. you can follow your faith and your style as you are in church there is prejudice against metal heads you're not really accepted but here it's different you can be who you are and i can share my music tastes with other people but i also know you are just
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like. i do a lot of hard rock like satanist black metal is to me like one counter culture attracting another better number of artists should be fed up with religion bashing and decide to promote it is in my eyes as worthy as those who like to challenge it and find there are many things that may look a little out of phase with their image but at the end of the day these extreme styles of music are just one big melting pot of cultures. he is converting to rock'n'roll as well. 2014 pope francis invited patti smith to sing at the vatican for the nativities concert the singer who claimed in her youth that her only religion was rock n roll very willingly agreed to honor the invitation like here like her. friends to. go.
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but with conferences gracing the cover of rolling stone magazine 1 may wonder if rock n roll has some good songs to guide. the whole community spikes in the rock music will disappear because it's played its role its historic role its revolution happened it can't repeat itself 10 times that's why all those revivals are lousy events i hate them you hope with rock n roll is now accepted by everyone along with other other consensual types of music so today's rock music is bourgeois because everybody likes rock music to move. the devil's music played in the vatican it's hard to say who finally won the duel between them for the last. 60 years. maybe some rock music has lost its demonic nature but it has also allowed society as a whole to change and to keep the baby the enemies of the principle that
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rock'n'roll has always fought for freedom a man. lack. the fashion of the future as an identity. desirable as a bunny is cosmopolitan yet connected to a. closer homelands in the heart. where's it's honestly. label combines kashmir from ungoliant with design from the lives. you're rollbacks 30 minute double.
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it's been 15 years since the move. she was the 1st man to walk on the moon. as a small boy she dreamed of the stars. as a mindless consume anything no matter how to. church or go to the poll. master arm to be took part in the group. he stood control in history. armstrong was his destiny starts july 28th on t.w.
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. own. business t w news live from berlin u.s. officials say they were just minutes away from bombing iran before military strikes were called off president dollar trump says he canceled the planned assault because 150 people could have been killed the attack would have been in retaliation for terror on shooting down an unmanned american spy drone also coming up.
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