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tv   Doc Film  Deutsche Welle  June 23, 2019 10:30pm-11:00pm CEST

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for students school in the. first clinton was. gore's grand moment arrived join direct attack on her journey to. you know we're going to return to toronto and the running time returns home. bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics have become a serious problem. in germany alone $35000.00 people are infected with these bacteria every year we're going to turn to it's a difficult situation and it's getting worse. in the u.s. scientists are looking for solutions by studying medicinal plants used for centuries by indigenous people so. it's especially important to find new ways to
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treat infectious diseases today. in the caucasus republic of georgia doctors are treating some of these infections without antibiotics. or do a fair appeal in germany didn't work yourself you. experts say that resistance to antibiotics represents a major threat to public health around the world. treatment programs in georgia have given some patients new hope they can harden a from maria traveled more than 3000 kilometers from their home in eastern germany to the georgian capital tbilisi. called will be resolved.
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i was desperate to find a solution. i mean i heard about these alternative therapy programs and eastern europe and georgia it's true that all story good ones well you know all. the hard is being treated at the alien office therapy center. he and his wife are accompanied by an interpreter. after eckart had heart surgery the surgical scars became infected with bacteria the infection spread to the membrane that surrounds the sternum or breastbone. he had numerous surgeries an antibiotic treatments to try to correct the problem but nothing worked. for. older child and the therapy in germany didn't work and that's i tried everything. during my last hospital stay in germany i came to the conclusion that the usual therapy surgery and i had no effect at all those limits of the infections always
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came back quickly as they give us. the so 2 stone to go before a. new rule that one doctor actually recommended removing the entire sternum was also the owner or i didn't like that idea at all so i started looking for alternatives. and i decided that this program in georgia might work and get all the room furnished with. cards and his medical records to the clinic in tbilisi the medical staff then told him that they could treat the infection with a process called phage therapy. and this involves the use of bacteria phages which are viruses that infect the bacteria and kill it. dr cook up is preparing the 1st dose of phages. this sort of. it is not approved in
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western europe mr hope you are here what i'm going to tell us. and here at the beginning we use a very general type of faith and it. is it then we take a sample from the affected area and analyze it to see whether we need a more specialized type of phage that is a little bit itself then we can create those in our laboratory. sides talk if i get . dr pou it's a now injects the pages into the area around the sternum. phages are viruses that break into a bacterial cell and start reproducing this kills the cell then if age looks around for more bacteria to infect once all the bacteria in the problem area are destroyed the phages die. phages are also injected into the 2 surgical scars in echo heart's chest. this clinic is home to the world's largest phage bank.
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in western germany is home to another couple who know firsthand about the problems of bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics similar i had foot surgery and the area around the incisions later became infected doctors to do nothing to treat the problem and eventually had to amputate her left leg below the knee. on the affection just wouldn't go away the doctors kept treating it with antibiotics but it didn't help i was running a fever the whole time and i finally asked them to remove the leg and. gets me on
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a flight for almost 2 years she had extreme pain in her leg and out of the hospital that i watched her go through. and then finally realize that petition was the only option left lets the. top thought. that was 8 years ago. and in. germany today alternative therapy for treating bacterial infections is still not allowed. sibylla says this situation makes no sense at all. it's that need. it would be great if we had access to alternative treatment programs. and have our 6 are used way too often in just about every operation that's a huge problem isn't liza won't name. some bacteria have developed the mechanisms that protect them against the effects of antibiotics so the drugs kill only one resistant bacteria. and these super bacteria pose
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a serious threat to public health not least because they multiply quickly. sibylla is all too familiar with this situation but she's grateful that she was able to recover successfully from her surgery and to get on with her life her pride is still intact and to stay physically fit she exercises a lot. that mean i don't want to walk with a limb thought it would make me feel like i'm handicapped and this is according to . but now she's dealing with a new medical problem she's been diagnosed with aust you arthritis in her right leg . sibylla who's 61 years old was deeply concerned about having another operation. from the avalon for i've been putting it off for years but now that's no longer possible oh getting in the uni well and i'm really worried because of what happened
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the last time i had surgery. she delayed the operation because she was concerned about bacterial infection. bacteria phages research is becoming more common in germany. sewage. wittman plans provide scientists with the rich resource of phages and resistant bacteria they contest. dr christina woodard a microbiologist works at the lightness institute in the city of branch by. warner says that this treated sewage may help them to understand better how features work. is open but having only done for bacteria phages is viruses that can destroy specific pathogens. jamelia there are a lot of different kinds of bacteria in this. and the bacteria phages are among the
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world's most common organisms on hog hogs and while it's leaving them off. roaders current research is based on that of her colleagues in georgia she's trying to find 3 specific phages that could be used together to treat a dangerous kind of lung infection. the w.h.o. has a dignified 12 families of antibiotic resistant bacteria that pose a serious threat to human health. 3 are especially dangerous dr rohde has found features that could control these bacteria. that's one of our i mean the great thing about bacteria phages is that we know that they're effective based on the research of our colleagues in eastern europe. and we're always finding new faces and then the. e.u. requires that phages be subjected to various testing procedures just like new
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medicines. in the past hurts therapy office some marvelous opportunities but we need clinical studies to prove that it's safe and effective fix it hasn't worked for the. good it is working with dr holger to see or from the front or for institute to produce features that can be officially classified as medicines. on the. obviously there's no it's one sided just fog and that's and this meets our goal is to demonstrate the pages should be considered sexy or you might want to take the procedures developed by our colleagues in georgia and develop features that can be officially approved as medicinal products here in europe and you know what are the problems it's about making the study put us out we should extend us at this project 10 years ago and worked harder to develop phage therapy because so many patients need it right now in the pipes and involved in. the 1st german phage
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drug is now being tested at the sherry to hospital in berlin. deep in the swamps of the southeastern u.s. state of georgia if no botanist cassandra quit even her research team are also looking for alternatives to antibiotics. all right we're going to look for that cheesy alba which i believe is over in this area here they have the big black fruits on them in the bean family this is used as a treatment for wounds and and kind of cuts they would dig up their roots and make it a caution to rinse infected wounds so this one is of interest for us to collect so we're in the shovels when we 1st doubters the whole work up. the researchers wear leggings to protect against poisonous snakes. because sandra
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is lower right leg was amputated when she was a child then she developed an infection caused by antibiotic resistant bacteria that prompted her interest in this kind of research. you know she's studying indigenous people's use of medicinal plants to fight bacterial infections. we should be able to try this in a couple of days or dryers. get ready for the lab. it's especially important to find new ways to treat infectious diseases today because we're facing a big crisis in medicine and that's the rise of you know by the resistance and i think that plants may be able to share some of the answers. the researchers have been working for 4 hours in hot weather and now it's time to wrap up for the day. the plant samples will be identified and catalogued. sundra is doing all she can to prevent the spread of bad about it resistant
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bacteria for example she's found a way to fight bacteria that are often found in body in the berries of the brazilian preparatory. each plant tissue that this leaf actually contains hundreds if not thousands of unique molecules the fruits might have different chemicals plants make these compounds for their own defense. the big challenge now is figuring out which compounds are responsible for activity are they safe to use and can they be developed into the next generation of the right back to drugs. the plant samples are crushed and dried and then sent to a laboratory. no cassandra starts looking for the active elements that will contribute to her research. what we're trying to do with these kind of therapy is to avoid direct killing of the microbes instead we're
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disabling their ability to create toxins and other factors that destroy human tissues by doing that it essentially weakens the microbes to the point where our own immune system can wipe them out the goal here is not to eradicate all microbes in or on the body we need a lot of our microbes. it's a lot of hard. but the researchers believe the effort is worth it. meanwhile eko heart eisler has been at the clinic in tbilisi for 2 weeks in germany he had faced the prospect of surgeons removing his breastbone because of injection problems. now he's undergoing phage treatments 5 times a week. the material is injected into the affected area and is also administered to the 2 surgical scars that have not yet healed. and how
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does it look dr drew into. the upper one is closed. the lower one is still open but the discharge of fluid has decreased significantly . for i used to feel a certain amount of tightness in my chest just right around the sternum. but it's gone down this post and it's with. no patient from the netherlands is also being treated here natasha hartmann suffered from a viral infection that turned even minor bruises into serious wounds and a virus has spread throughout her body the clinic staff developed a batch of phages specifically designed to fight the infection. should be no costs less a settlement lost some of the doctor told me that if i was lucky i might have 10
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years to live if not i must have just one year. back in holland they treated me with several kinds of antibiotics of a 14 years but it didn't help so i decided to come to this clinic. the treatment seemed to be working and i hope that the wounds will heal by making progress i don't want to have to worry about dying i just want to get on with my life i saw on those last minute to see how it's going to finish if i leave. the patients pay for the therapy treatment plus the cost of travel and accommodations out of their own pocket the therapy alone cost $3900.00 euros. these people have one thing in common and infection treatments in their home countries didn't work. the therapies working right absolutely. it got hard also takes regular doses of fake is in liquid form
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this distributes them throughout the bloodstream. the money will bleed if you take a serious look at the problem of and i bow to resistance and it's clear that they have to try some new treatment methods because models. as far. as what that means fade just like the ones they use here they're just so the victims of. bacteria that can resist and about x. are spreading rapidly they've become a serious problem in hospitals. dr martin did some raw test to deal with the situation every day in his work at for lynn's charity hospital the bacteria can get into the respiratory tract of patients through medical equipment like ventilators.
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which is a sin becomes nothing for we have a real problem with multi resistant bacteria panic it's affecting our ability to treat some patients and we've even started using older supplies around to biotics and. we didn't do that for years because these medicines could cause serious side effects. at the same time a lot of the new drugs don't combat bacteria effectively so that's why we're looking into alternative therapy strategies and that is the sense of comfort. that in that you just i think. the european medicines agency estimates that multi resistant bacteria kill 25000 people in europe every year this issue ation represents a serious challenge for health care providers that's been ordered for i know who in fleet go off and on and we'll be seeing higher medical costs more patients in the health care systems and a big increase in treatment programs in the states and i can't say at this point how long i'll be able to keep this problem under control. but i think that over the
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medium term perhaps in just a few years we'll have to deal with even more pathogens that we simply won't be able to treat. dr vincent wright and his team are conducting preliminary laboratory evaluations of faith based medicines developed by the likeness institute. the medicines are being tested on human lung tissue. it's all the bacteria phages are being used in some creep in programs in europe that start off looks like you've seen a number of case studies that indicated there are effective. are to the best of my knowledge there have been no definitive tests on possible side effects of this to use these medicines are to receive official approval for use with patients so we'll have to evaluate all the possible risks. to you once saw.
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no such studies have been done in georgia but doctors there used phages to treat patients anyway the e.u. however requires extensive tests. as a matter of minutes it's a race against time but we definitely need more evidence before we can put these medicines on the market off them so that's a full to suffer i suppose. well bio feature technology is still being tested in germany it's actually being used in poland here at the hirschfeld institute in price watch. they are turmel excited force there and her husband come run live in vienna they are to suffers from a chronic bladder infection caused by multi resistant germs only one at a verdict has proven effective in treating the problem. isn't
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a fact it's had he done it he says and he have no idea how long that medicine will continue to work. the bacteria could develop the resistance against it. fadden company but fates therapy can be used again and again until the bacteria are destroyed. i believe that this therapy will help me to live longer. and then the funding that i. still fade therapy is not widely available in poland. it can only be used if recommended by a doctor and only after standard therapy options have failed as in the autist case . the. doctor. your surgeon is in charge of for treatment programs. is using phages developed specifically for this patient. he's been working with fay
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just for 13 years and says the therapy requires some patients. but affect everyone differently. but in general we see the 1st improvements after 2 to 3 weeks of treatment. the full program usually lasts $4.00 to $6.00 weeks but of course every patient's immune system is different and so are the bacteria that we're dealing with. to look at folks. at this point dr treats only patients for whom all other kinds of treatment have failed in poland pages can be used as experimental therapy. it says that phage therapy has saved the lives of several patients. so. we can successfully treat 40 to 60 percent of patients who suffer from infections
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caused by resistant bacteria and cannot be effectively treated with antibiotics. just will be administered to the patient splatter for 3 days in a row. the therapy program cost $650.00 euros. this is the artist 3rd round of treatment after the 1st session she was free of symptoms for 14 weeks. hope the mom still hoping for a full recovery came. garden eva maria eisler have now returned home to germany after 4 weeks at the clinic in georgia. if a maria administers the phage treatments and she sees some progress. i.
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wouldn't miss the bus and was closed and it looks like the top one is tuesday now as that would be great it wasn't quite closed yesterday can you put a bit more on it. both wounds on eco hard chest are now closed for the 1st time in months it looks like the phages have managed to destroy the bacteria. found done. it to hard says his doctor has been following his progress closely. for that's why i went to see here 2 weeks ago and she was quite pleased with the results of the phage therapy golden gun says it swiftly so she says it was a good idea for us to sign up for that program go as a dozen scoot for us with us enough time. echo hardy who is now 73 years old still takes a dose of phages in liquid form 3 times a day. she's
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a missile good god they don't cause as much trouble as an iyonix to. those drugs can destroy good bacteria in the intestines but these have few. side effects of the call i have no problems with us their appeal at all good you don't know me. that card will have some tests soon to see whether the inflammation in the sternum has also cleared up but right now he feels great. my limbs from. i'm definitely enjoying life again this up because the therapy is working. but as i started noticing positive changes even while i was still at the clinic in georgia fest even during the 1st week of treatment the tivo and the good relief don't be so yes i'm enjoying life the no 2 lives photo stored with clothes on and. it does seem possible to treat bacterial infections by using bio phages or
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medicinal plants instead of out of iyonix they could provide a viable alternative as the threat of multi resistant bacteria continues to grow.
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welcome to the future her looking for texas. one time makes earthbound traffic jams a thing of the past. sounds like science fiction but it's not the 1st electric air taxis already up and running and sometime soon they'll be flying autonomous me. to watch it through the news.
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and. you know this 05 minute or minute. noise as an hour and a community combined. we haven't all. the fits in the pantheon of the great tenors certainly he's one for the ages. the book. is called tender for the ages starts july 10th on g.w. . i'm not laughing at the gym because sometimes i am but i stand up in the winter that the german thinks deep into the
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german culture of looking at stereotypes the question to me is think the future of the country that i know a long time. yet needed to be fixed in this drama there. it's all about ok. goodbye my job join me to meet the jetman sunday w. post. burglar global tourist guide flamini is booming capital i love berlin the pseudo multicultural metropolis you know were during my experience if it . seemed like. i love me even was sure it was a swiss in the guts where it's like me inside says the 15 nations 50 story. and 53 personal tips on berlin some very best photos from. greenwood kong t.w. .
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place. to place . this is news live from berlin a victory for turkey's opposition and a big blow for president there was. large crowds in this them bowl celebrate after opposition candidate x. from him although when was the controversial rewrite of the city's mayoral election he calles the outcome as a vote.


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