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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 26, 2019 8:00pm-8:15pm CEST

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this is the don't lead is live from berlin the price of the search for a life these for the favorite stories of a toddler who drowned her father as they tried to cross into the united states the u.s. house of representatives hopes a new emergency funding package to help migrants file suit become also on the program the killing that shocked german politicians assassinated outside his own home now a suspected right wing extremist is reported to have confessed to last month's shooting. but did he act alone. and paris bans the most polluting
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vehicles from its streets as you'll see the record breaking heat wave written by winds from the south. i'm phil gale welcome to the program democrats in the u.s. house of representatives have approved a multi-billion dollar emergency funding package for humanitarian aid for migrants on the border with mexico it's unclear whether the bill will pass the republican controlled senate and president trump has threatened to veto it now this comes as reports emerge of children being detained in squalid conditions in u.s. border patrol stations and another tragic incident has focused the country's attention on this issue of images of a dead toddler and her father a flashed around the world you may find parts of this report. it has
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come to this a father with his tiny toddler tucked inside a shark drowned in search of a better life according to reports oscar alberto martinez ramirez decided to swim across the rio grande day with his wife and child in a bid to seek asylum in the u.s. . his wife tanya watched as her loved ones succumb to the currents seen here in the red she is led away but after. shows that these people tried to cross the river to the united states a girl jumped in the water on the draw and when he tried to rescue her. from the. back in their native el salvador their deaths have started anger and much anguish as their family mourns. all of. this is her favorite doll this one she had it every time her mother got her ready. this. is the
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man that. a family with their lives ahead of them. was not yet 2 years old and the good moments last message my son sent me was on saturday he said mama i love you mama they are moment he said take care of yourselves because we're fine here when i read that message it made me want to cry because i saw it as a source of goodbye. in. the tragedy a marriage to democrats in washington passed a bill calling for extra cash to address the conditions in migrant detention centers recognized for one minute thank you madam speaker this issue ation is child abuse is not tri-city that violates every value we have not only as americans but as moral beings donald trump says he will veto it but deaths like oscar and valerie
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is on america's borders may make such a hard line stance difficult to hold. this drowning underlines the perils facing many migrants as they try to get into the united states jonathan crane has been following the story and let's start with the photo which of course has generated quite a response yes understandably a lot of anger. circulating on social media a person reminder if we needed it the levels that people are prepared to go to to secure a better life for themselves because often these personal stories do get lost in the numbers game the debates about immigration what appears to have happened in the case of family is that they were in mexico for 2 months trying to request asylum to the united states that currently migrants trying to seek asylum have to wait in mexico before the u.s. courts process requests and the u.s. administration has really slowed down this process meaning migrants having to wait
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months or even years for appointments and that's leading to a lot of frustration which is why the. they don't try to cross the rio grande river critics are saying it's this process the slowing down of the process that is forcing migrants to take these risks despite the dangers that they face of course a part of the troubled ministration which is drawing a lot of criticism for this base hardline immigration policy is especially these migration detention centers yes that's right because even if the ram or family had managed to make it across the border there's a risk that they could have gone to jail that's because last year as part of trump's 0 tolerance policy the us started prosecuting adult migrants for illegally entering the united states and taking away their children now the separations have officially stopped hundreds of children to remain in the detention centers we haven't really too much about the conditions inside the detention centers until now a group of lawyers actually went into one in texas and reported some horrific
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things one of them said the children had no soap or toothpaste they were having to sleep on the floor and she'd never seen such inhumane conditions when children. and i try to sit near them because we're talking about such. and sensitive topics it's a way. i try to. but it was difficult to say some of the children because the stench was so awful. yes it's very shocking. comments by a justice department lawyer she tried arguing a court hearing that children didn't need or toothpaste to be safe and sanitary that's what's required by u.s. law now that also provoked a very strong reaction that's really we've got one tweet to show you here that did go viral michael scott moore he was kidnapped by somali pirates he said they gave me to space and so the implication of course being that the u.s.
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treats migrants less humanely than pirates do that captivates this is. a hot issue not just in the united states but around the world and in the u.s. that democrats and republicans have been arguing about this for years is this picture likely to prompt a compromise but as we've seen there has been a lot of outrage on social media from u.s. journalists and u.s. activists democratic presidential contender. i have also been chimey and come on a harris said it was quote a stain on our moral conscience as you say it's a very divisive issue of the democratic bill we had about and the piece is very likely to be voted down by the republican controlled senate and of course donald trump made cracking down on illegal immigration one of his key campaign promises for 2016 it's likely they'll do the same again when he stands for reelection in the u.s. but a lot of pressure on mexico to stop the flow of migrants coming up through the south of the country a lot of them coming from other central american countries the hard line republicans will say this country's responsibilities to sort out the problem at
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their ends. and you know if you some of the other stories making news around the world the migrant rescue ships see watches or voices despite an order from rome to stay away. the bill to italian authorities to allow them to disembark after 2 weeks of certainly. it's this government says the ship should travel to germany all the netherlands. pro-democracy activists in hong kong have delivered a petition to the u.s. consulate and european union offices asking them to put pressure on the chinese leadership at this week's g. 20 summit campaigners are opposed to a plan by beijing to change hong kong's extradition laws this follows weeks of protests and clashes with police. here in germany all sorts you say suspected right wing extremist has confessed to the recent killing of the politician. he was shot in the western city of castle earlier this month is to look at was
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a senior regional politician and a member of chancellor party the cd. the 45 year old suspect identified in germany only as stephanie has been detained behind these walls for the last 10 days on tuesday he confessed to shooting votto luka saying he acted alone but germany's federal prosecutor doubts that's what you thought i would thought. despite the suspects claim that he acted alone. our investigations will focus on the possibility that there were supporters accessories helpers or other perpetrators and we will determine whether this crime was the work of a terrorist organization. or if the suspect is a member of all right wing terrorist group. stephanie has a criminal record that includes hate crimes but he wasn't on authorities radar it's
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not clear to what extent he had maintained contact with right wing extremist groups so i. say it again the investigation of this political killing is not concluded with the suspects confession. the motive for the shooting death of this politician could date back to 2015 when large groups of refugees were arriving in germany during a local event to discuss a planned refugee shelter luka who backed chancellor merkel's refugee policy had said germans who don't value coexistence could leave the country if they wished stephanie claims it was this statement that spurred him to kill vow to. get more on this from the constantine kula is a member of the german parliament for the free democrats and speaks for the interior policy welcome to you how big is germany's right wing extremist problem. well let's not forget that between 2002007 there was the so-called national
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socialist underground a right wing group that killed 10 people in germany. with extremist intentions the surviving part of this trio was just convicted as a murder in germany and so let's not forget that the killing of $500.00 is not the 1st right wing is not the 1st far right crime committed in germany there is a scene supporting them and now is the duty of the authorities to find out what networks and what groups were behind this killing so how big is this you know why does it seem to be flourishing here in germany well obviously in the last years the security authorities in germany have been focusing themselves on islamic terrorism on islamic extremism and that was the right thing to do but we should not forget that there are other forms of extremism as well there is
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a huge group of right wing extremism in germany just in other countries that we have to be in mind that some of them are so dangerous that they have to be under surveillance and obviously this has not been the case in the current state in the current case and why is it flourishing here in germany well i think. there has always been a right wing scene. in germany we should not forget that germany has historically a responsibility when it comes to fighting a right wing extremism that notwithstanding this history of germany it should always be the responsibility and the duty of authorities to fight right wing extremism and i would have wished that the federal minister of the interior would find words to describe also political leadership and political responsibility in doing so words and what actions. what should he do it was before it needs to be investigated whether there was
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a network behind the suspect the suspect claims to have acted alone but this shouldn't be believed without further investigation so 1st of all we need to investigate whether there is a network behind him 2nd we have to work on the digital competencies and the digital understanding of our security or thora t's they don't have in mind and they don't what's going on in the internet when it comes to hate speech when it comes to threatening politicians when it comes to people fretting people that are engaged in the civil society and we have to discuss about federalism as well in germany we have the numerous different agencies in charge of security we have to discuss whether the distribution of power is in the security federalism is still the right thing to do ok so lots for the government to think about for now though i'm cynical that we thank you for joining us. free democrats interior is going to thank my pleasure no record breaking heat wave is making life miserable for tens of millions
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of people across europe or in france are taking drastic action with power is breaking in near record heat officials are 60 percent of cars from the city to mitigate the buildup of dangerous levels of smog and ozone extreme temperatures are also forecast for space where record highs were expected in the country's northeast and in the capital madrid. so how are people here in germany coping d.w. reporter got a cattle slept on the factor 50 and took to the streets of the capital to take the temperature. i have found a place in berlin that has definitely topped the heat record this get back in there was it gets it was standing it actually feels more like 50 degrees. do you actually know how hot it is at the moment inside that they get out secure 6070 degrees but when it's as hot as it is today do people really come and buy kebabs yes many people bike have apps have apps make things better i don't know how he
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does it just thinking about eating a kebab makes me sweat and no wonder really considering this has been the hard to stay off the yen but i learned so far. to the nice kebabs make everything better this is d.w. news that business updates of ribands is over and just the. stories that people go for information might be. the means they want to express. w. on facebook and twitter are up to date in touch follow us.


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