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tv   Global 3000  Deutsche Welle  July 8, 2019 1:30pm-2:01pm CEST

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tough luck. for all parties to flash i phone calls the. top this is where some welcome to the 77 percent. this weekend p.w. . i. welcome to global 3009 fiz all about buying things because we're told that boosts the economy and not just in industrial countries in the middle classes of emerging economies are also the constant target of seductive advertising campaigns this too much of everything including information. but how do we deal with it.
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and what it means with all the stuff we no longer want most countries have a trash problem only a few really recycle. rubbish piled high in the streets of beirut after lebanon's not just waste dump closed in 2015 it was already groaning under 15000000 tons of excess trash sounds unst took to the streets to protest against the situation has anything changed since then. the beaches in the lebanese capital beirut could be beautiful. but the reality is they're often half buried under garbage. so these young people are getting ready to transform their local beach they're taking part in a campaign called run unclean it's the brainchild of ed h.r. and his n.g.o.s live love beirut the group spends part of the time jogging and the
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rest picking up litter the events store up to 200 people. many young people in particular are fed up of waiting for the lebanese government to take the initiative. this is part of the outcome of the crisis that we had a few years ago we see that people are more and more concerned where is all the problems facing the environment in lebanon and we are very happy to see that all the people young people families use are all coming all together in order to remove all the trash. much of the rubbish that the group picks up was not dropped on the beach but washed up by the sea that's because beirut's 2 largest garbage dumps are located right next to the water the team spirit is evident as young people from beirut and christian communities come together in a rare joint project there's a lot of. lebanon so we could do anything just so we can. help
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the local authorities are absent when it comes to waste management and i think we should put it on record that while we were running to clean this part of the beach the coast we saw the mayor walking in the opposite direction and we asked him to come help and lead by example and he said he was too busy. 3 years ago local residents forced the closure of what was then the main local dump garbage was left to mount up in the streets of beirut as garbage collection services were simply suspended now. heads up the nature conservation center at the american university of beirut she says the government let the crisis happen despite repeated warnings it will happen again because we don't seen from the government any plan to implement a sound waste management solution so it will happen and some cities but in some
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other cities where positive change has been already implementing it will not happen . these days garbage collection is once again working normally in beirut but the trash is simply taken to a new jump sometimes it goes to an incinerator but that pollutes the air recycling containers like these are not yet widespread these ones were provided by sea out of the shockers company he says since the garbage crisis more people are keen to see recycling introduced. people have really embraced and they're asking us for more and more locations but the problem really however is that sometimes people leave their bags outside the bins they don't put in if you keep bags out other people would bring in sort the garbage bags they replace it leave those bags and then sort of a degenerate into a mini landfill. in addition to the recycling waste his company also solves through
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20 tons of household garbage each day he's employed $23.00 syrian refugees to do the work giving them proper contracts and the local minimum wage equivalent to some $500.00 u.s. dollars a month the company collects metal textiles paper and huge amounts of plastic c.r.p. shaka open the facility in the middle of the garbage crisis taking out a loan of more than $700000.00 u.s. dollars. the garbage processed here gets 100 percent recycled organic waste which makes up. high percentage of garbage unleaded on this turned into compost. the problem was before the crisis is that all this worries would go to a landfill and when the crisis happened this was the instigation to build a facility like this one where you have sorting and composting and where nothing goes to the end for in order to intimidate. but that's not all on the roof of this
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refugee center in beirut he's putting some of the recycled waste to good use cod chuck his company makes what he calls eco boards out of plastic waste they used to create raised beds the vertical gardening the beds of filled with compost generated from the organic waste. the rooftop offers over 100 square meters of space on which to grow vegetables there are $3000.00 plants here in all. a group of women at the refugee home have set up a catering service using the vegetables it's their own company. i'm working yeah i'm back here and. i have been. outside my home have. good bread and income. for my my family.
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meanwhile eddie batar from the beach cleanup campaign is pursuing new solutions for beirut's waste disposal a mobile phone up allows residents to have paper and plastic waste collected from their homes his drivers deposit the waste in the carriage ready for a partner company to collect and recycle it. i think they're now getting between 60 and 100 orders a day. if that doesn't get out we will relieve the room to grow and people want more of those services because it's hard. in just 6 months 15000 people have downloaded up and 5000 households using his service regularly. saval clothes also find their way into the trash most within a year many of them unworn every 2nd the equivalent of
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a truckload of textiles arrives or to trash or is burnt making $500000000000.00 u.s. dollars worth of wasted goods a year. the clothing industry is also environmentally damaging every year over half a 1000000 tons of textile microfiber end up in the oceans the equivalent of $50000000000.00 plastic bottles. greenpeace says that between 200-2014 worldwide clothing production doubled it's now around 100000000000 items a new clothes. thing each year in germany consumers buy an average of 60 such items annually and wear them just office long as they did 15 years ago and. spend time on from the german clothing foundation is a patient man and he doesn't mind his job unpacking boxes of discarded clothing and blankets in the city of homs that but over the past 5 years he's noticed
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a change people now throw in all kinds of items that simply don't belong here. and a construction site warning them. closing banks are increasingly being used as garbage containers perhaps a case of people not only having too many clothes but too much of everything so how is this happening. the cotton fields have traditionally been a key factor in the production and pricing of quality clothing global cotton production is on the rise climbing 14 percent last year alone nevertheless the proportion of textiles containing cotton has dropped that's because of the growing over production of clothing and other textiles worldwide. cotton is gradually being displaced by synthetic fibers with the chemical industry eager to expand its share of the supply chain as
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a quick glance around shopping zones in germany confirms synthetic clothing is all the rage in addition to the low prices that can cater to different requirements being comfortable jura ball and breathable and umbrella organization for clothing collectors in germany is alarmed by the trend toward more and cheaper textiles i've . every year in germany 1000000 tons of textiles off thrown away that's the equivalent of a queue of trucks covering 1000 kilometers. it's unrealistic to expect all that material to be used for people. need you know we calculate that less than 10 percent is actually given to local charitable initiatives. as for the other 90 percent that's passed on to sorting companies which later sell it on the world market the priceless companies pay has fallen in recent years to $300.00 euros per tonne 5 years ago they were paying 400 per tonne back then the
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surplus of used clothes was not as excessive and the quality was better to. those highs to untie the proportion of poor quality textiles those which are no longer wearable is rising and the problem especially with these low quality items is that they're often only partially recyclable if it's whole. if you believe the advertisers people who want to look good don a new outfit every day for troops in many western countries are bursting at the seams because clothes are cheat or rather in the market speak good value for money and compliant customers duly take the bait. the profits of prime mark h. and m. and other global retail chains are rising sharply as are their share prices and customers are wearing clothes for ever shorter periods of time it's a classic consumerist cycle. spend steinman from the german clothing
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foundation has reached the next collection point this makes the one with the building site beacon look pretty orderly. so what's his impression of this container. not so nice. there was i guess we were throwaway society sadly that out of all. it was the 5th something smells a bit rancid here. and. what does he mean by rancid i think it's things like someone's throwing away their rubbish in here. what was his most extreme experience so far. as the rotting food with maggots i've seen it all. but poor hygiene is not the only problem facing the close collecting organisations. the materials have become noticeably
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thinner. parcel donations help to compensate for the declining quality. people who send donations by post to the german clothing foundation tend to wash the garments before hand they seem to give more consideration to those in need. nonetheless it's becoming increasingly expensive to ensure the requisite quality when it comes to the bales of compressed clothes that eventually go for sale on the world market. remember we've got something we have to sort through a huge amount just to get to the 4 or 5 percent of good quality items. around 80 percent we can only sell to industry for uses filler material and use the income to finance relief aid projects that we are because they feel it's here. but it's a system under threat african markets which for decades have provided new homes to german cast offs are becoming more selective. uganda for example
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is making efforts to boost its own small scale textile industry. that's one reason why the economic area the east african community wants to halt imports of secondhand clothes starting next year it's a move that many say is long overdue but not everyone's applauding after all many consumers in countries like uganda do benefit from access to used european clothes . next on 2nd hand for flu matter a lot of people secondhand is the best option for getting quality clothes. secondhand autumn's are often cheap and good plus that trading them can also provide people with an income all. through flow mention back in germany the flood of discarded clothes is not set to stop anytime soon so german clothing recycler so axis working with. many major high street retailers now take back used clothing
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this means the stores can claim their businesses are more sustainable and in the best case scenario companies like renu sell in sweden recycle the clothes and turn them into a form of synthetic cotton. and the consumers they get vouchers in return for their old clothes to put towards more new purchases from their favorite stores. information that something people complained about there in a song back then of course only scholars had access to all the knowledge compiled in manuscripts and books. now thanks to the internet a flood of digitized information has become part of daily life. whether they're students tradespeople children or researches more than half of people worldwide the internet.
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400 hours of youtube video material are uploaded every minute. 103000000 spam emails landed our mailboxes every day. $500000000.00 tweets are posted to twitter per day. that's $6000.00 tweets per 2nd. it's more than any one person could process in a lifetime a constant bombardment of stories images and marketing can overwhelm us leading to information overload. but what accounts for this clocked. with new information being produced at such a rapid rate everyone feels pressured to produce new content just to keep up. newspapers update their online sites throughout the day. and audiences to have gone global. anyone can make a video and upload it and the number of news and media portals continues to rise.
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too much information too many choices many people respond in one of 2 ways. we can become overstimulated. addicted to the constant flow of information and new input. our stress levels rise and we worry we might overlook something interesting or important. others go none of this interest in the information and succumb to the colorful flow of images. stress when we're stressed we become forgetful then lose focus busy where i find worrying is the polarizing effect where we see everything as black and white were quicker to perceive a situation is threatened when we are overwhelmed we're more likely to go on the attack. psychiatrist because it's a conduct research at the center for internet and mental health at the shotty university hospital in berlin. when people have
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a need for information but this glut the way the media is always blaring the alarm makes us afraid even of the real world we live in a virtual reality we might be walking through a safe city but the constant flood of scary headlines makes us afraid. we're pummeled with opinions claims and counterclaims it can become difficult to distinguish between real news and fake. and there's little to help make sense of the chaos. search engines don't necessarily give us the best results but the results promoted by paid advertisers. it's a big problem when the internet is entirely controlled by money that has to stop as a society we need to step in both politically and as individuals. the internet affects our brain maybe even rewiring some studies have shown that constant multitasking and. devices overtaxes our prefrontal cortex.
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another seti has shown that the area of the brain responsible for thumb movement is larger in people who use a smartphone. so we can't just say the internet is dumbing us down. let's mention when humans began using their opposable thumbs and using tools it changed their brain structure we began walking more upright so that we could better use our hands our brain always has to adapt to new conditions it would be terrible if it couldn't. so how do we adapt to this new reality. radically limit their exposure others try to approach the information in healthier ways but there's no getting around it nowadays everyone needs media literacy. more than 821000000 people on our planet suffer from starvation one in 9 of us
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doesn't have enough to eat and yet a 3rd of food worldwide is wasted north america australia and new zealand tops the list of food waste is in 2nd place europe. meanwhile in sub-saharan africa generally very little food is wasted but south africa is a clear exception. tachyon a front man pays regular visits to the garbage dumps around cape town. she studied the ways to a lifestyle of many south africans and says changes urgently needed. every year the landfill alone receives thousands of tons of food waste it comes from restaurants factories and local farms. we estimate that a 3rd of food is dumped in. south africa every year this has significant ecological
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impacts because all that food has compounded water and energy and from a climate change perspective in the landfill it emits harmful greenhouse gases both me saying and carbon dioxide in south africa up to 12000000 people don't know where their next meal is coming from and yet we're wasting 10000000 tonnes of food every year. russia has spent years looking at ways of reducing food waste here in the western cape he works for the regional department of agriculture from bollman has come to visit one of his projects which he believes could provide a model for the rest of the country. has managed to persuade farmers to donate their food surplus instead of plowing it back into the ground lizette clappers farm is the collection point. 7 local farmers bring their excess produce here.
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you should see the quality it is not thrown away food it is export quality that they just deliver. these seeing me anything even if this it at the mall on the spot do something though that's not good enough they want to deliver the beast so yes they want to give sometimes several tons of food arrive here in a single day government sponsored vehicles then transported to soup kitchens in nearby townships like a.v.m. park which is home to $20000.00 people poverty is rife here as are gang violence and drug crime and it's often the children who suffer most. of the courses today we're cooking a dish with pumpkin potatoes carrots and other vegetables then we'll serve it with rice that's what we're giving the children today. by the time the soup kitchen
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opens crowds of children are already waiting it feeds $150.00 of them a day serving nearly $3000.00 meals a month if it weren't for the soup kitchen those children would go hungry. to have the center only caters for children many of whom are undernourished. most people in the township live from state benefits the soup kitchens may be a lifesaver for some but they're still not the ideal solution long term. handouts are not going to put us on a sustainable trajectory we need to look at the whole system and we need to look at that leave us for change to tip the system into a positive state to be a for looking at the issue of farming both on a commercial level how bit of farming practices can be. implemented but also for smallholder farmers so that they are both environmentally and economically
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sustainable. another example an avian park shows just what small farming can do a few years ago some of the residents teamed up with the department of agriculture to begin growing their own food the township now has 45 food gardens where members plant fresh vegetables for the local community those in need can come and collect for free the garden project has been running since 2015 instead of getting paid the members get a share of the harvest. to start a. culture to create food gardens in community with the purpose to the community to food produce to the bulls but we soon realized that it will not be enough to address the food security problem. and therefore we supplement that the food with donations that they get from the food surplus project that they're doing with the commercial for. major food retailers are now joining
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the initiative to instead of disposing of food that is past its sell by date the retail chain woolworths donates it to charitable organizations that work with the poor. the food is still within the use by date and to ensure it remains refrigerated at all times woolworths issues it directly from the shop's cold storage room. and it has given me great hope for the future that we will no longer have the absurd situation of wasting a 3rd of all the environmental and time it impacts that go along with that and actually work to get that through the value chain to ensure that all edible food is an idea the reaches those who need it the most. today the unsold food is going to a homeless shelter. in cape town it's a practice that could work for the whole of south africa in
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a country where 12000000 people regularly go hungry at least a part of the surplus food could be put to good use. that's all from global 3000 this week as you know we love hearing from you so drop us a line to global 3000 the d.w. dot com wolf is it us on facebook. society by phone now.
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claim. playing. visiting dublin years live from but grace's new center right prime ministers sworn into office can cost him it's a tough case when sunday's election on a promise of lower taxes and more jobs but can he really bring his country back so that he's also on the program. he ordered the right for the murder of civilians and forced child soldiers to kill the international criminal court in the hague fines for the call gillies warlord posco to guilty of crimes against humanity.


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