tv DW News Deutsche Welle July 9, 2019 8:00am-8:30am CEST
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children go to school to. promises made by world leaders to change his situation and. unlikely to be. welcome to the program. oh god leader kerry lamb has announced that a highly controversial bill that would have allowed extraditions to the chinese mainland is dead the probation chief executive described the governments of work on the bill is a total failure but she stopped short of saying she would give in to protesters demands and withdraw the proposal hundreds of thousands of people have protested against the law in the territory over the past months here is the hong kong chief
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executive now 1st of all the cause of all these. grievances and confrontations is an exercise to amend the future to 4 friends ordinance. i have almost immediately put a stop to so the amendment exercise but there are still lingering doubts about the government's sincerity or whether it's whether the government will restart the process in the legislative council so i reiterate here there is no such plan the bill is stet. straight to the territory that where we join d.w. correspondent materials of boating are welcome to us does this announcement mean the bill is now off the table for good. well that's the strange thing she has now said it is that she was going from she will rediscuss it to she will let it die out to it is that it's
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a procedural thing bill is on the table in the legislature and if it is not if the 2nd reading does not take place within a certain amount of time then the bill will die out this is exactly the status that we had before except for now she has made it a little bit clearer such that she does not intend to bring it back to to to schedule a 2nd reading but she did not withdraw it formally which will is what the protesters have demanded so technically it's still on the table in her words it's not so we are in somehow in the same situation just but with a little bit of another q regarding her intentions so why not say i am withdrawing it what is stopping her. that's a very good question and we are looking for an answer it could possibly be beijing
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that that would see this as giving in to protesters demand as losing face as weakening the party's position maybe with consequences in the mainland but from an outsider's perspective it all does not make sense if the bill is that she could withdraw if she has not withdrawn it it's unintelligible to me why this play around words there must be something behind some procedures in the backrooms that prevent her from just scrapping it altogether and getting this as you said grievance off the table right clearly bases not as a fish. to satisfy the protesters that talking about setting up more demonstrations. yes we are all expecting more demonstrations we would have expected them anyway but this clumsy communications fuel of course protesters anger so i think this will be
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a long summer but he is pulling in hong kong thank you. let's take a look at some of the other stories making news around the world north korea has been marking the 25th anniversary of the death of the state's found came bill so the 3 minute silent tribute according to state media led the country from its founding it done 948 through the 195050 3 korean war until his death in 1994. was on yemen has seen more than 460000 suspected cholera cases this year that's a sharp increase only 380004 the whole of 28 a united nations says there have been more than $700.00 cholera deaths since january dramatically higher than the same period last year. pope francis is how the mass in which he prayed for migrants describing them as people rather than just a social issue he welcomed migrants with to the special ceremony as an peter's
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basilica at the vatican the pope has made migration one of the central issues of his papacy. meanwhile 44 migrants have been picked up in the mediterranean by german rescue ship alan kurdi its 2nd rescue operation in 2 days the charity sea which operates the vessel says it has been working with multi to get the migrants to show after they 1st rescue they were denied entry to the italian port of lampedusa which has become the new front line in europe struggle to deal with the migrant crisis the doubly reporter is safe as being to learn producer to meet some of the. people who have made the dangerous journey from africa to europe and the island's residents. lampedusa island of recreation island of breath which. is the closest european shores of the coast of libya lampedusa takes in several 100 asylum seekers in an average month those who survived the
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treacherous journey across the mediterranean. nosie claims as many lives as this. helps coordinate rescue missions for the german n.g.o.s sea watch he was on my produce when the italian government attempted to block their ship from bringing 53 rescued migrants ashore. sea watch was kept and all of our kids and the italian coast guard and forced her way into the harbor she was arrested for her act then tells me the italian government is putting human lives at risk by refusing entry to rescue ships and. what we're seeing is that they criminalization of sea rescue missions isn't stopping people from coming from libya more people are dying and the routes are becoming more dangerous as once migrants arrive on the island most are taken to this immigration center where they are registered in a 1st step toward applying for asylum after being registered the residents are free
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to leave. at the church in the center of town i meet mahmoud. it early there is. a free and leave it and so there these. leave you do so i left leave you. as i'm leaving the church square a man begins shouting. i've known are sure enough that if it wasn't for the migrants the media wouldn't come to lampedusa. no one cares about us lampedusa. but there are as many opinions in this small island town as there are people. and events of waste we feel sorry for these poor people who are arriving some of them are women some children these people face terrible things in order to get here and they're not doing it for pleasure. produces mayor tells me he welcomes those rescued at sea boy. boucle because couple we are an island of fishermen i
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think we'll look at the good in my father was a fisherman i am a fisherman. but if and when a fisherman rescues a person at sea we apply. not the french not the german or anyone else's lol. they scoff and chase a pig. they don't have to be dying so you don't have to document them you just save them and this is a bit incoherent tackles on saturday evening another standoff begins a rescue boat defies the government's order to stay away it enters the port carrying 41 migrants the vessel is called alex operated by italian angio meditate and. there is commotion at the dock where locals have gathered to watch the town and that's an argument that it was if you want them here take them home with you someone shouts oh oh
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a representative from italy's right wing leg of party is here too she wants to send a message to the new arrivals as well as the boat's crew to suck up and get out again i'm here because we have to fight against those who traffic human beings these people are not save us they're people who traffic human beings so the boat is taken into police custody on the other side of the bay. the exhausted passengers wait another 7 hours before they are let off the boat. a different message awaits them as they enter town. to a tiny island in the middle of the mediterranean sea lampedusa is at the front lines of a struggle over who is allowed into europe and who is not while many on this island see the rescue missions off the coast of libya as a straightforward issue of saving human lives others see it as a political act and indeed it is political as italy's right wing government slides its cage shut an international network of rescuers is trying to keep those gates
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from closing for good. as the mayor of lampedusa told me immigration to this island is nothing new. believes the current standoff can only be resolved by european civilization. let's get more on this from day doubly political correspondent thomas spyro welcome thomas why has your of find it so hard to find a solution to this problem and to get member countries to stick to it this is essentially such a controversial and difficult topic that most european countries have preferred in one way or another failed to carry out national policies and set of european ones you can see that obviously in italy in the case of damp it was that we've been discussing you can also see it here in germany where their government step by step probably not very loudly has been changing its migration policies to what some people describe as a more restrictive migration policy in essence if you asked british ones here in
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germany most would say are they still want a common european solution to the migration prizes but from a realistic point of view many argue that that is still very difficult indeed. more in just a moment 1st let's take a look at the latest a german idea to deal with the situation. in the dose of oil. states that want to take in migrants like germany and others should form a coalition to quickly accommodate them but at the same time we need to contrast like it's really all motor to provide a safe harbor in half and. thomas spyro a coalition of some rather than all european states is that likely to fly. well it is more likely to fly than a common european solution where they all take part because as i said this has become a sort of national versus european proposal and what. german politicians have been proposing not only the one we just heard there but others as well is trying to have
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a sort of flexible coalition a way countries with similar views get together to deal with some of the most pressing issues whether it is rescuing migrants see or trying to relocate some of the migrants that arrive to europe we also saw it a few days ago with some countries expressing that they were willing to accept some of the migrants that had arrived at lampedusa so you see that that is probably the way forward that they will not be able to find a common european solution that's a realistic vision from some people here so they're trying to move from that to a rather flexible ad hoc coalition that deals with some of the specific cases one at a time and how much truth do you think that is the statement we heard from the leg politician helping migrants notes to get killed while trying to cross the mediterranean actually encourages people smugglers that by the way feel is not only a view that we saw there it's also a view shared by politicians in other european countries here in germany for
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example it's a view shared by the alternative for germany the party described as far right they also believe that the way forward is not by allowing these ships to arrive in lampedusa but rather closing the borders so in a way that again expresses just how difficult and how different views there are when it comes to these issues other european politicians here and in government for example believe that the way forward is this flexible coalition but that again clashes with very different views from other part of the political spectrum thomas aspirant thank you. now it's been 4 years since the united nations adopted its sustainable development goals meant to improve the lives of billions of people by 2030 but a 3rd of the way towards the deadline a review has found that the world is likely to fail to meet its commitments for education and of a sustainable development goals all children should be in school by 2030 but at
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present rates of progress or 14 percent will still not be an education by then a literacy all young people should be able to read and write by 2030 but it's fair that 20 percent will still be illiterate projections or worse for low income countries like pakistan it's expected that a quarter of the country's children won't complete their secondary education by the 2030 deadline a day w. has been to visit a school that to see what is being done to get kids into school and to keep them there. are enough to clock in the morning and muhammad should be getting ready for school but their 12 year old stop growing a few years ago in order to work and support his family. a lot although i come here early in the morning and stay till late which is very tiring when i get home i have a bath and go to the mosque. we don't have money which is why i can no longer study
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. subjects situation is the norm for millions of children across pakistan a new report from unesco estimates some $5.00 men are out of school at the primary level and glows news of the most going to even posing unmarried as children and afterwards of going to school pakistan's then been doing education crisis is mainly down to decades of under-investment and mismanagement of the entire system and fear than politicians do finally improve things is so low that many people are taking matters into their own hands. this school was established by volunteers in karachi offering feel lessons to the nearby fishing community that classes offer and escape groups you post and hope for a better future. yet. you will have to open the school as there are no functioning
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government ones in the area. many of our children are getting into trouble especially with drugs. but we try to get support from the government and press them to help us but heard nothing back this is why we sit is help ourselves. for the both of us we play games and really enjoy ourselves they teach as well so we like coming here. i want to study to become a pilot when i grow up. they teach us in english and urging i want to learn here and then become a teacher myself prime minister in non-con has vowed to prioritise and invest in education but the government continues to spend less than is recommended by international standards education should be the proud to welcome it so even if they have that is what i post. is. where we fear is when we are implementing it if.
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things are moving in the same direction i don't think so we'll be able to achieve this darn good within 202030 or we won't be able to achieve. so did we would love to become up a list man but the only real who he and millions like him have is if pakistan not only c.v.s. clearly forms of education system but also lives families like started out of poverty to send their children to school the government have it's worked out according to the latest u.n. forecast one in 4 children will not complete their education by going to. one of the organizations that had a hand in setting the sustainable development goals is the u.n. development program its administrator is former new zealand prime minister helen clark and she joins us from the hague welcome to day w getting children into school
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and raising an educated workforce seems like an ambition that everyone can get behind so what's going wrong what's going wrong is under investment in education the donor community has stagnated board it is investing in poor countries for education over the last 9 years or so and as a maid at that we're about $39000000000.00 short on what would need to be spent to really reach those those goals the truth is if we carry on as we are complacency we're walking towards an enormous failure on the goal by 2030 such wake up time otherwise for 2030 we will still be seeing something close to a quarter of a 1000000000 children adolescents and youth out of school so presumably the donor countries are not the countries who would directly benefit from these donations that the donor countries. aren't going to see any direct benefit themselves. well i think they do see darrent than for they actually because countries where people
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are educated or able to participate in society in the economy with a can contribute to a peaceful society that not the countries that are going to be having the spillover problems which have obviously impacted germany and europe so much in recent times so i think it is an investment in our common human security to invest in education and support the poorest countries to get every child in school if we look at the sustainable development goals as a whole then education has an impact on so many of them if you can educate people you have a chance of lifting far more out of poverty of stopping the early marriage which is of course keeping girls of school in pakistan and other countries so this research that in this case put out for the global education monitoring report and on the chair the advisory put now and also the institute of statistics is very important because it says we're way off track but if we did these things we could be on track
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we use pakistan as an example in reporter pakistan a country that's just been approved for a $6000000000.00 i.m.f. loan so the country is having economic problems donor countries are having an economic problems so where is the big sell how do you convince the donor countries and indeed the recipient countries that this is to their benefit there is something in this for you. well firstly no country ever developed without very very significant investment in the education of its people it's absolutely fundamental and now that we're living in the world of the knowledge society where we have to adapt to new knowledge new technologies all the time the countries that can't equip the children with that knowledge and those skills to acquire knowledge are just going to get further and further behind now one of the core principles of the sustainable development agenda which every country signed up to was leave no one behind but on these trends we're going to be living close to a quarter of
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a 1000000000 children behind that's not a recipe for a peaceful world let's was a it's in our common human security to be addressing these issues i'm sorry if i sound like i'm laboring the point but i wondering how you how you make about sell directly to communities we saw a poor fishing community there in the film it's no point talking to vent about taking part in the knowledge economy when they can't put food on the table and they can barely find for some a sisterhood to actually put a school together. that's right but it occasionally is one of those investments which can break through that cycle of poverty a child of the education has got more skills is able to be more entrepreneurial is able to go to higher levels of education can send money back home into the village whether it's from remittances or from a job in the city or from a vibrant found that sexy able to be more productive so education is the key to getting people out of poverty people will study stuck in poverty if they can't rise
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out of illiteracy in a numeracy good talking to we wish you well thank you for joining us helen clark from the u.n. development program. now to an author doc's pop star taking africa by storm 10 year old a pastor or any of the entertainer is a nigerian performer and songwriter who's becoming one of africa's biggest artists now the 36 year old has ambitions to conquer the international scene. meats turning out a lot of pasta and one of the biggest names in nigeria's booming music industry 26 year old has never been scared to stand out she says confidence and believing in what she does is key to her success. if you don't have the mentality. of. success. i don't know.
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but i want to be like. its star authenticity along with her striking stage presence that's making her out of found safe rooms and music festivals like any fest a major event on the lagos cultural calendar to be a model state is right about excitement about music being here all along new york the radio is just as good if not better. that. success in the music industry has also turned her into somewhat of a feminist icon with her uncompromising tomboy style she's hoping to pave the way for other female artists however they want to express themselves. i see a lot of little signs who are just not these. he. says was possible to take in the coming week date.
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with more than a 1000000 followers on instagram and her you tube videos racking up tens of millions of views tenney the entertainer has truly asserted her presence on the african music scene and that still the international market and she's got her sights set on one day filling london's wembley stadium. united states women's national football team has arrived at the world cup trophy. the champions were welcomed by cheering fans in new york the u.s. beat the netherlands 2 nil in the final team. the team. was happy to pose with their prize and. the champions. of the financial district of new york on wednesday. just remind you of our top
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stories at this hour probation chief executive says a controversial bill extraditions to the chinese mainland is dead but stopped short of saying she would give in to the protesters demands and formally withdraw the proposal. the un says the world danger of failing to deliver on its sustainable development goals for education leaders promised major progress by 2030 but it looks like those goals will not be met. up next here on the business news without. taking a beating. the european court of justice there's a case under way today that could see some changes as far as the privacy goes for consumers so that's a big one for consumers and companies alike. the economy minister here in germany
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is also on a trade and take a visit to the u.s. has been very critical of google in the way it does business offering its services to mining will be interesting and mr trump is also holding a social media summit this week a big take is not. for the money. just to say i'll be back but some of the other good.
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at me. with. 60 minutes. with him how to be done because somebody has won the highest i know if i had known that the boat would be found small i never would have gone on the trip but i feel i would not support myself and my parents so much attention a lot of 16 of the but i need a sleep away. uncle because the bombing. able to give them i have serious problems on a personal level and i was unable to live there much i'm going to. want to know their story in full migrants for a fight and reliable information for margaret's. logo to the girl max new to china. good line of story.
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