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tv   Business  Deutsche Welle  July 10, 2019 10:30am-10:46am CEST

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he took part in the greatest adventure in history. a legend born simply a human being. was new armstrong starts july 20th on t.w. . greece's new finance minister stands defiant against the e.u. . says he'll push ahead with tax cuts creditors insist the incoming government must stick to keep budget targets. the top finds a way around its. factory farming made in germany. and as china threatens to raise retaliate of song u.s. soybeans brazilian farmers up to the plate. let's do business
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1st italy now greece is on a collision course with the european union over its budget you'll be sworn in government in athens says it will stick to its campaign promise of tax relief but that could mean breaking the draconian budget conditions imposed as part of the country's rescue program. it's a comeback 1st center right new democracy. it's election promises got the party the votes it needed the new cabinet says it's ready to get to work. we will go ahead with relieving the tax burden on households and businesses we will promote production productivity competitiveness quality out up to billet he added outward looking approach of our economy. the new government says it wants growth and it needs investors to help with that that's why it's planning to
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reduce taxes for businesses and ordinary people but while its plan may have found success in greece the new administration in athens still needs to convince brussels the greek government has to maintain a low budget deficit to hold up its end of the bailout exit agreement with the u. if lower taxes reduce government revenue athens could see its deathbird rise and that's something brussels doesn't want. economists betting on fish that joins us now and does greece now have the leeway to spend a little to spend more to gain less from texas yes i think they do they have. a more solid economy now than they had 4 years ago unemployment is coming down slowly which means expenditures for social transfers are decreasing so there is more leeway now and i can imagine that decreasing texas in the middle bit could actually help the upswing of the greek economy to gain traction to to salt in to
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become more solid so just for background the steady program was a success i'm not sure the austerity program itself was a success but because in the beginning it has been overdone definitely there has been too much pressure on greece greek policy makers to reduce to reduce expenditures to cetera but this has been understood i would say as of 20122000. 13 and then the pressure has been decreased and by now we see the positive outcome of also the as 13 measures and the threat for the structural changes to the greek economy so i would say yes so you say the government could reduce taxes financial markets like what they say in the in the prospect of the prospect of a new government with the maid index in athens shooting up by 40 percent since the beginning of the year but it has full and slightly the prospects of this route with brussels so what does that tell us well there is
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a certain fear that the greek government falls back into old habits and to have its before the crisis which were correct to rise by. corruption and difficult expenditure programs etc i'm not so sure this is actually a big risk but apparently this is what markets perceive as a possible as a possibility and he you doesn't just have greece on his hands italy as well to rouse both over budgets i would say it's a bit unfair to liken greece with it to lead to like in the current economic the current political situation in greece with the political situation in italy because the political situation in greece is correct raised by a conservative agenda but it's in a way a relational agenda economic policy agenda and the tell you the gender is completely different it's unrealistic and it's irrational i would say they have they have offered they have promised tax reliefs which are massive and completely and fundable by the government so this situation in italy is completely different
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from the current and the new situation in greece really briefly just yes or no do you reckon then that italy could leave the e.u. and greece as it is that this would i would say this is more like you know but it's both very unlikely and then there's nothing very much for coming in thank you. well qatar has had a couple of years now to come up with creative ways of getting around an embargo by its neighbors as they it's always been reliant on imports but its diplomatic isolation has forced it to become more self-sufficient with some help from europe and china. factory farming made in qatar the widest who are is proudly present his poultry empire the process from ed to package chicken takes just 30 days. 1.2000000 birds are packed in here in clinically clean rooms cool to 28 degrees celsius using technology from germany
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and italy not much is left to chance here. the former bookseller now makes 100000000 euros in sales but he's setting his sights higher still. on the most of them are we want to be playing i to i would to develop nations. you've seen the modern technology we use here with you and it will help us to ultimately catch up with the others. and there's a spirit of optimism and cutter. another did a cut on the capital doha 2 years after the start of the air land and sea blockade the embargo was imposed by qatar is neighbors saudi arabia the united arab emirates behind and egypt they accused the gas rich emirate of supporting terrorism but the move was also seen as an attempt to force a competitor to its knees the qatari emir called for self-sufficiency ramped up
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domestic food production so that alternative supply routes and would foreign investment now the stock market has recovered exports are up the economy is growing . but it wasn't easy for everyone with the blockade recycling company elite lost its markets overnight cutter's biggest paper recycling business was close to ruin. and its owner eco entrepreneur abdulla us who id face the end of a dream. the 24 year old restructured the company and cut costs. he. collected waste paper from schools and ministries and recycled it using chinese machines and cheap electricity. now his paper products sell in oman bangladesh and china 4 times as much as before the embargo. it's a wake up call and it's time to tell everyone that you need to depend on yourself
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and do something for your country and don't. wait for someone else to do something for you. a wider worries poultry farm is running like clockwork every day 25000 chickens are slaughtered packaged and sold compared to 5000 before the blockade and the business is set to expand in the near future. its owner acknowledges that he has benefited from the blockade as has the tiny emirate as a whole for alcoa ari at least there's no turning back now. as the world's top 2 were colonies resumed trade talks this week the united states expects china to stop buying more american agricultural products again any purchases would be piecemeal and no timelines been set plus a new supplier has stepped in to fill the void created by the tariff dispute brazil a setback for us follows but
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a boon for the brazilians who've also found friends in europe. this is the economic heart of brazil serato is a huge tropical savanna that has become a center of soybean production the protein rich beem has made fabricio rosso a rich man he says soit is a blessing for brazil. if one 3rd of our exports is saw a. that shows that saw it has a very positive socio economic impact. even feeding entire populations on other continents. now that the e.u. and macro sort of finalized a trade deal the european continent is a prime market the farming entrepreneur wants to ramp up production. here in brazil we have another 50000000 hectares of land where we want to cultivate soy and other plants we could double our soybean crop from 120000000 tonnes today to
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240000000. but that will happen at the expense of the environment deforestation in brazil is already on the rise especially because so much pasture land is needed for brazil's biggest exports cheap beef sugar and genetically modified soil which is in great demand as animal fodder in europe the idea of the e.u. agreeing to a free trade zone with brazil's extreme right wing presidential year both scenario has angered environmentalists of the finance and i think this is a really miserable deal because in these negotiations the european union has turned a blind eye to the fact that the brazilian government completely ignores environmental and human rights in cern's a few empty phrases at the beginning of the treaty are not going to change that.
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the e.u. use existing free trade agreements show that violations of environmental regulations . rarely punished another problem is that americans are countries use far more pesticides including some that are banned in europe german manufacturers will be able to export them tariff free to soybean producers like fabricio rosa we use a lot more pesticides than the europeans because we live in a tropical climate and that requires stronger pesticides so. that's true if farmers want to mass cultivate cheap product without regard for the environment the e.u. may have opened the floodgates for that brazil's agribusiness is celebrating the trade deal but for environmental and try make protection it could prove a massive setback. and his crazy story for you hear it every year but the prices just keep going up and up and it's another record price paid this year would you pay $10000.00 euros for a bunch of grapes in or of
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a hotel in japan has done just that he put in the winning bid at the country's 1st great auction this year each but met strict criteria for size and sugar content in oh this is the grapes will land on his guests plates but i bet they won't come to. life in business with you.
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my. everyone who loves books has to go insane. the literature list the good german must cremate. the body. the soul go to the girl next new to challenge.
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the final story. with exclusive access to a must see concerning parts culture curious about the. curious mind to do it yourself networkers to a 6 subscriber and don't miss some odd. to me. the folks. hello and welcome to arts and culture one of the world's great paintings the night watch by rembrandt is undergoing serious restoration we'll have moral maps also coming up i'll be talking to my colleague aging kennedy about the great german writer to head off on time considered by some the 1st venice novelist. and the swiss writer lukas baer force is just one germany's top literary prize.
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the night watch by rembrandt is right now being restored under the watchful eye of well anyone who wishes to see the painstaking restoration process the painting is a 400 years old and it was lost restored after a knife attack on it in 1975 that restoration has started to discolor a bit and the rice museum in amsterdam has decided it is such an important painting that the public should be allowed to see it as its current renovation proceeds. operation night watch cutting qurna is allowed to get right up close to the rembrandt painting the chemist is in charge of a team of 20 researchers restoring the night watch is the chance of a lifetime. who is afraid of many other one was kind of pigments did he use 400 years ago we saw and how has the condition changed i'm certain that will gain a lot of in.


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