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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 10, 2019 6:00pm-6:31pm CEST

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oh. this is didn't really use line from berlin guilty of murder and sentenced to life in prison a german court delivers its verdict on a 22 year old iraqi man whose asylum request was rejected judges convicted him of killing a 14 year old girl in a case that has fueled a national debate about migration and violent crime also coming out on the american scene shaking in public for the 3rd time within a month fueling concerns over the german chancellor's health and journalists and editors meet for
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a global conference on media freedom square in mexico where reporters risk their very lives reporting on drug lords and human traffickers plus algae growth accelerates in the world's oceans will find out why a look at some of the areas most affected. the herat thank you so much for your company everyone a court in germany has sentenced a failed asylum seeker from iraq to life in prison for the rape and murder of a 14 year old girl while the case prompted a public outcry because the suspect should have been deported after his asylum application was rejected but instead he was allowed to stay in germany and kill the girl last year. life imprisonment for 22 year old ali best shot that's the toughest sentence allowed under german law the judge said he had shown neither compassion no
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remorse for the son his mother this made it even harder i live right on the one hand i'm grateful for the verdict he can't do anything to any girl or anyone else anymore but on the other hand it still doesn't bring my daughter back. in may last year but child rape and murder sana 2 weeks passed before any trace of her body was found acting on a tip from another migrant who had been living with bashara police discovered susannah's corpse next to a railway track in a hole covered with dirt and branches the rejected asylum seeker and his family fled to northern iraq but he was arrested that and handed over to german authorities he confessed to killing susanna but denied raping her. son his father said he was shocked by a bush asked unrepentant misfortune to stick remarks as well others at the trial.
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this is. the perpetrator showed no remorse empathy or understanding that he could have done something wrong couldn't this was really a crime. and as the presiding judge also put it as if the perpetrator tried to blame others implying the girl was promiscuous and her death was her own fault and that he is not guilty at all. the more to improve to go. far right wing groups have seized on the case saying it shows the government's migration policy has had disastrous consequences he's had denied by shots request for asylum and he was supposed to have been deported long ago the extent of his crimes means he's unlikely to qualify for early release. faces another trial on charges of raping an 11. year old girl. right here with me in the serious political correspondence simon young you've been there following this story very closely for us simon the court
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handed down a life sentence is that the maximum punishment under german law yes and what life usually means in germany is 15 years and then. the prisoner can be released but if the court decides that the crime is especially serious then they can prevent that release of the 50 years and that is what has happened in this case so this man won't be released for quite a long time one of the prosecutors today said he doesn't expect it to be for at least 22 years and in fact this man is also facing trial for another crime against a minor and if that sentence were also pause then there could be a total he could spend at least 30 years in jail so a very long sentence the longest in fact prison sentence possible really germany
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all right now this killing of course has sparked really a nationwide debate and fury as well because she his asylum application failed but somehow he wasn't deported or something went wrong in that process has there been any political fallout since this case well indeed since this case and there have been others but the government has been reviewing those procedures and in trying to ensure that people who all. he you know his his silent process has been rejected that they can be deported effectively but there are problems about sending people back to countries where there are still security problems ironically of course this man when he was accused of this crime his 1st action was to flee to his country's so. that rather undermined his asylum application i should say of course as was said in the report there the far right have seized on base case and
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others like it to play up people's fears about the effects the negative effects of mass migration into germany the government says you know this is an absolutely tiny minority of people committing these kind of crimes and in fact when we look at the whole crime statistics for germany we see that they've been continued to fall even during the influx of migrants into germany but of course a case like this will always grab headlines that's very shocking indeed while i have you here with me i want to get your take on another story that we're tracking for you because there are now new fears here again regarding german chancellor angela merkel we seen shaking in public for the 3rd time within a month this has sparked renewed concerns about her health and this latest incident occurred today she stood with finland's visiting prime minister watching military honors to mark his arrival.
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some of it's very difficult to see the chancellor trembling that way this is the 3rd incident within a month yeah it is it is worrying i think and you know people will last questions about this the 1st time was just 3 weeks ago also when the ukrainian new ukrainian president zelinsky was in berlin it was a very hot day and after that merkel said that she had just been a bit dehydration she needed some water and after that she felt fine but it happened again a week or so later indoors it wasn't particularly hot and so people ask questions there and it hasn't been that hot today in berlin so you know there are people have called in on my own this and people are beginning perhaps to wonder whether it could affect. work in any way. when asked about it she seemed to shrug it off and nothing to see here what exactly did she say yes she says that she has been dealing
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with a problem and she's making progress but it wasn't entirely clear what she meant by that but i suppose she's busy having medical treatment she thinks it's a contained problem she said that it would disappear as quickly as it cane and she also says she feels fine she feels 100 percent confident that she's able to do her job as chancellor there's nothing to worry about and you know you know everything is fine basically but that remains to be seen whether people will really accept that what exactly i mean this is the 3rd travelling spell in a very short time span. i'm wondering what will her explanation quiet some of the concerns that are growing out yet will people in germany are respectful they don't including the media by the way that are demanding more information that they want to see the medical records as you might imagine happening in some other countries
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they tend to think is a personal health problem and she should be left to deal with it but obviously each time this these incidents occur and the chance that hasn't suggested that they won't happen again you know there will be questions are asked and there will be concerns we know this is angela merkel's last term in office but there has been a lot of question from a political perspective about whether she'll make it to the end of that that time and now perhaps from a medical point of view as well when does her term and in a couple of years 2 years time 3 years time some young thank you greatly appreciate it. for now and tell you about some of the other stories making news around the world. britain's ambassador to the united states sir kim jarrett has resigned days after the leak of confidential memos in which she described president donald trump's administration as inept as ignition comes after the president him back describing serkin as a pompous for and british prime minister theresa may as foolish when she backed her
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diplomats. the united states wants to build a military alliance to save the gart the strategic waters off iran and yemen while the us is idioms to guarantee navigation in the strait of hormuz and bevin them and both the crucial trade routes this comes amid an escalation of tensions between washington and tehran. the american rapper nicki menasha has canceled a concert in saudi arabia saying she was acting in solidarity with women's rights and gay rights in the kingdom when i was she was supposed to headline the jet out world music festival next week but backed out after i spread criticism over the kingdom's human rights record. you're watching news still to come this see we get idyllic caribbean beaches affecting not just swimmers but also google wildlife why is it happening i'll try to find out. but
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1st the global conference for media freedom has kicked off in london as part of an international campaign to highlight the importance of a free press reporters without borders has described last year as the deadliest on record for journalists with almost $99.00 killed while among the most dangerous countries are afghanistan where 15 reporters were killed just doing their jobs last year 11 were killed in syria mexico is the deadliest place to be a journalist outside a conflict zone 10 reporters lost their lives there last year and d.-w. news has met with a journalist in mexico who risks her life every time she goes to work. let's. do a scene apart i got a call a desperate voicing we found bodies again the reporter knows the woman who called her she belongs to a group of mothers looking for their missing children now it's become a search for bodies. records life that we will see
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as nothing on them or hello when one was a leo's with the searches of. this they were told that there might be secret mass graves here they have discovered one little case we are these women's loved ones have disappeared here but we can see the bones are wessels playmobil said about was most likely all the money doctors you know pattern has been reporting on the searching mothers for years and the vast majority of cases it turns out that their children were abducted and killed by the sinhala while drug cartel. by covering the story puts herself in jeopardy she regularly receives death threats. a few years ago the threats almost became reality. was kidnapped. almost like life was in danger i knew they'd either kill me or let me go but i had
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already seen our faces. let's get back there so i was sure they would kill me about that when they get this yeah one of them said it was time hasn't made this just year. old so maybe i won't either one asked me if i had a last wish. they would be more than. god bless you. for joining the care and turning my daughters into orphans was there in the gussie's of this there in the us i had let god like your path and may you be well get they will mean i mean i go i asked him for a boy. the words moved the kidnappers to let her go. c.s.s. and i mean once you're on the cartels list they can kill you at any time with or without a bodyguard. just a few days later a colleague of hers was kidnapped she knew him and had researched the drug scene with him as well 2 weeks later his body was found in black plastic bags.
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stanley is constantly aware of the danger she faces every day. her sister loud and daughter are always worried about her mental isn't. me. i'm sad because i know that something happened to her that are. you know it because i know that she's not safe when she's working. still seems both a very proud. yes but she's always given 100 percent and 100 percent extra. all right and we can take you now to london to edison lanza he is a special repertory for freedom of expression for the entire american commission on human rights and he joins us from the global conference on media freedom in mind
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and a certain think you so much for coming on the show and that we just aired a report i don't know if you had the opportunity to listen in that show just how bad the state of press freedom is in mexico and it's a similar situation in some of the countries in the region why do you think that the situation is worsening for journalists. thank you for the form but you buy me or in fact mexico he says of the morris because one of the bones because marcus is in there in their midst for their ongoing violence again john this is the biggest problem for for this country on the impunity of the more than. a passing day in the past 10 years we can seize on the underline that the government needs to give some stapes. kind of this to you know to protect journalists and to to fight against the unity and you got to fight the cases but we cover all show programs seen in different
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counties really the situation but israel. us. related with the decision and. you know i mean if they out of 3 some governments and we have other kind of restitution like a. media. journalist that to. me in venezuela and. for doing journalists. the foreign press in many cases you know exposure for the country. i'm not sure you know the the pressure of the private media in those in those countries and in general we have a negative against the joint recently against the the media in many
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many many countries in the region all showing us but you know previously you know a lot of but it's really i mean not a country and this environment exists very very. for the press right it's very detrimental in some cases as well now your hope home country incidentally if you're a great has the best press freedom rating in south america what is your grade doing different and what can the region in the world learn from your great. or years i think the do go to war you another cons just like your story chile also argentina. now while the war is doing some steps well in the in the in the in the core of the way the core a direction no one of their did you know their demands you know challengers in the region is due to change there for a war the story got a legal framework that i stick for you on a special one where why you for example you know him only 5 you can even now row
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again against the brace like the formation decide to another figures. prove some reforms internal shock sex information on. 2020 countries now have access of information in defining democracy in latin america. i know you know are very quickly response for these axes when. there is attack because of the difference it's under attack know. this their main their main their main and you know broder. who in other countries making. your great leading by example edison lands a special rapporteur for freedom of expression sir thank you for joining us from london. a chinese anti corruption activist who campaigned for officials to disclose their wealth is reported to have been arrested and charged with promoting terrorism about sean's arrest last week in beijing came as china climbs down on
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communist party critics what prompted his arrest is unclear it's unusual for chinese human rights activists to be accused of terrorism mr sang's wife says she fears it means her husband will receive a heavy presence sentence. and with more on the story his debut correspondence marty has been are in beijing. done by a tongue as that this isn't who has previously focused on the visual corruption he's part of a movement of citizens that sprang up in the beginning of this decade who are mainly focusing on governance issues and human rights issues he has disappeared in 2014 and was sentenced to 2 years in jail that time after being released he refused to shut up he's been detained again just prior to the 30 years anniversary of the chinaman crackdown that was earlier this year in june and has disappeared since then he's been charged with propagating extremism and terrorism that's
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a very severe challenge and one that has rarely been used on dissidents before he might face many years in jail and this charge indicates also that we may be seeing another cv a crackdown on dissidents here in china. spending a reporting there from beijing china next step scientists are sounding the alarm about the growth of intercontinental algae in the world's oceans a huge mass has just been located off the coast of south america sometimes it's toxic and kills wildlife i dolphins and turtles seaweed is another form of algae and it's starting to take a toll on the tourism industry. the caribbean and the gulf of mexico are tourism magnets boasting some sandy beaches and crystal clear water but this picture is being disrupted by an unwelcome visitor like here at a beach in tulu mexico which now looks like this sargasso muta come
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a brown algae which spreads rapidly is upsetting the sensitive ecosystem the seaweed can reach a length of up to 16 meters growing up to 10 centimeters a day and it does more than upset the local tourism industry according to a recent university of south florida study algae growth has reached an intercontinental level since 2011 the sprawling plant has spread to more and more parts of the atlantic ocean last year a 20000000 ton carpet of alkies stretched all the way from africa to central america but what has caused this explosive spread. one aspect is the rising temperatures of the oceans are so global warming supports the growth of the 2nd aspect is an abundance of nutrients. can double their mass within 11 days and if they have access to enough nutrients up due to the deforestation of the amazon jungle huge amounts of nutrient rich soil washed away into the oceans.
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several luxury resorts spend hundreds of thousands of euros each year cleaning their beaches once the algae reaches land it decomposes creating a pungent odor. and used even in a time every year it's different but there seems to be more as the years go by when a little cleaning it puts a huge strain on local authorities in a. manner that is to be honest this stuff affects all activity on the beach you're expecting to find a clean sandy beach strike but instead find it covered in elderly. what's worse is the effect on marine life the sea turtles for example cannot make it to the beach through the thick i'll be meaning they can no longer lay their eggs they're a serious threat to an already endangered species. all right let's talk now to make where you're walking in florida is a professor for oceanography at the university of south florida and one of the
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authors of the latest reports on the algae amat in the atlantic ocean professor wang thank you so much for coming on we greatly appreciate it and do we know exactly why there is more and more algae and seaweed. thanks for the bad tension so we have found some early preliminary study and wait on those linkage between their race and nutrients apply into the ocean to the resin sarcasm blooms from the neck could be a. factor it's really don't those rooms so what should be done concretely about it is there anything that can be done about it. actually we have found that new because of the increase in deforestation of activities and also the throttle as a consumption in the amazon basin and the new trade supply can be increased due to this process and if we can do something this that would definitely help. how
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many different types of dangerous algae are there out there because when i think of algae i don't think danger i think healthy. actually i want to make one count clarification so this kind of algae is not for you to a lot of marine life actually you know pull water them is a good thing to a lot of marrying spanish in crops turn those and burners they use this is that as you haven't had the refugees so it's actually with a lot of ecological value this when you say no over water so it only becomes up welcome when too much of the sag asked them study to appeal in that on the coast on a beach so then it will be home for the coastal ecosystem and also bought by the tourism for obvious wheat reasons yes so now if this proliferation continues with these harmful algae or at least they you know where they are currently what would happen. so i think the
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impacts will be huge to the coast so it cosa and also for the for the human house because some people have breaking problems because of this when when he case of cats and primarily they now ply the smell like rotten next so that's that's not good and local tourism fishery and so that's the coastal part when he's in the open ocean and we see a lot of them and that means a lot of biomass and also the huge impact to the entire marine ecosystem we need to further investigate what that would mean you realize there's so much of them out there. professor wang thank you so much for sharing your expertise with us thank you. i think you bring us ation. new york city is in full party boat as the u.s. national soccer team returns home with the greatest trophy in the game the world cup well the team made its way through the and in like streets of lower manhattan
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for a national district where the green and the good have been celebrated and tickertape parades for more than a century while the u.s. team beat the netherlands in the world cup final on sunday and have been heralded as game changers for the way they push themselves and the equal pay issue and this . is a reminder now of the top stories that we're tracking for you this hour and a rocky asylum seeker has been sentenced to life in prison for the rape and murder of a 14 year old girl in germany and the case has fueled a huge a public debate about migration and violent crime. you're watching the news coming up next smog chokes that occurred a skyline the new normal in the indonesian capital and activists are suing the government. and we take you to the front line of the daily battle between
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humans and monkeys in india's capital. those stories and a whole lot more coming up with the rash banner g after a very short break you're watching the w. news on leyla herat gobby back at the top of the hour.
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the for. the for. the something nice for him by asking him to jurors or dealing with anything i did i killed many civilians i mean i should come including my father while sometimes i was a student because i wanted to build a life for myself like these totally
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a sudden my life became elish kind of soft. providing insights global news that matters d. w. made for mines. the quiet melody rizzo's michael light of the mood. and it's. resonate within its soul. ready the mind and the music. ain't open 1st 12019 from september 6th to september 29th. a forest area equivalent to 30 soccer pitch is cleared every. hour consumerism is causing a radical depletion of forests. for 25 years
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congress has encouraged. or has it. forests and money. tragic reality behind the exploitation starts july 24th g.w. . this is deducted news asia coming up on the program taking the fight over a small group to court fed up with a dog sick actual king their city activists in jakarta are suing the government when its force i'll talk to used to act also coming up. imraan khan promised a new pakistan when he took over as prime minister last up but recent attacks on press freedom after prompted rights groups to warn of picked a tone of tendencies in the country how did it get to this plus.


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